Life Mastery_workbook
Life Mastery_workbook
Life Mastery_workbook
\ \ \ R E V I TA L I Z E YO U R B O DY, E M P O W E R
YO U R M I N D & T R A N S F O R M YO U R S P I R I T / / /
Dear Friend,
Welcome to Life Mastery! Whether you’ve already achieved and maintained the highest levels of energy, or
you’ve hit a plateau or a valley in your personal health, you know there is always another level – an ultimate
state of energy, physical well-being, personal satisfaction, intense emotion, overwhelming joy and spiritual
fulfillment that you have yet to attain.
This program is the result of over 40 years of my own personal experience with health, combined with the
best of what is available today. Over the next few days, you will learn from world-class specialized experts,
doctors and scholars in the field of health, and have access to the most recent validated studies and research.
At the same time, the real transformation in this program will come from you.
Life Mastery is not a seminar, but an experience. It is essential that during this program you commit fully to
the process, to restore your body’s natural vitality and balance as you participate in a health retreat and detox
program designed by my top nutritionists.
To achieve the outcomes of this program, we will all live by the 3 Mandates to Lasting Health and Vitality:
The MUST this week is to break our patterns and cleanse our systems to rid ourselves of the waste and toxicity
that has built up in our bodies. We will also rid ourselves of toxic thoughts and habits and learn how to create
empowering habits that become automatic patterns for a more vital and energized life.
When you apply these daily practices, it will create lasting change in your physical health and vitality,
your emotions, your relationships, and your life. And you will recapture the energy, mental clarity and
physical vitality that you probably have not experienced in some time.
Remember: Nothing tastes as good as absolute health and energy feels! Let’s begin by making a commitment
to hold ourselves to highest standard possible and take advantage of the enormous resources available
here for us.
Congratulations on making the commitment to take action and create the extraordinary health you deserve.
As always, live strong and live with passion!
Warmest regards,
Tony Robbins
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owner of this manual.
The author(s) and the publisher(s) do not prescribe any of the materials, techniques, or concepts presented
in this manual as a form of treatment for any illness or medical condition, nor is it the intent of the author(s)
and publisher(s) to diagnose or prescribe. The intent is to offer health-related information to assist you
in working with any health specialist you may choose, now and in the future, recognizing that within the
health, medical, dietary, and exercise fields there are widely divergent viewpoints and opinions. Before
beginning any practice related to health, diet, exercise, or cleansing, it is highly recommended that you first
consult a recognized medical professional. Should you choose to make use of the information contained
herein without first consulting a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself—which is your right.
The author(s), publisher(s) and Robbins Research International, Inc. do not assume any responsibility
whatsoever under any conditions or circumstances. Neither Robbins Research International, Inc. nor any
of its officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, speakers or other vendors connected with this Life
Mastery event render medical advice, and all information provided by Robbins Research International,
Inc. related to this Life Mastery event is for educational purposes only, including, without limitation, any
information contained in this workbook. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does
it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
All RRI seminar materials are copyrighted pursuant to federal copyright law.
2. To help you understand how your body’s systems work so you can support its natural healing, cleansing,
and detoxifying activities.
3. To encourage you to set a new standard for your health by taking charge of your nutrition through the
foods you eat, the liquids you drink and the supplements you take.
4. To allow you to cleanse and rejuvenate your physical health in a safe, friendly, and ideal environment,
using the most optimal strategies available.
5. To expose you to new points of view from the world’s experts in the areas of health, emotions,
relationships, and spirituality.
6. To continue the process of conditioning your mind and emotions for optimal joy, happiness, health,
success, and fulfillment.
7. To provide you with the tools and daily practices you need to both continue these optimal levels and
continuously improve all aspects of your life as you work toward ultimate fulfillment.
1. What do you really want? What do you want to achieve, become, create,
share, give, or enjoy as a result?
2. Why is this a “must” for you? Why must you master not only your health
but your life? What will this give you? How will this make you feel?
4.What new beliefs do you need to adopt to get to where you want to go?
What are at least two new beliefs that will serve you this week?
Ultimately, the factors that influence your health and vitality most are your decisions.
Your decisions are shaped by your philosophy toward health (e.g., your organizing principles,
beliefs, rules). The challenge is that the organizing principles and beliefs that the most people
in our society hold to be true consistently produce ill health, low energy, and disease. Thus,
following these principles is a recipe for disaster.
Six of the top ten causes of disease in America today are directly related to diet.
11 21
31 41
2. Biochemical additives and/or waste and animal products—substances your body cannot use.
3. An overly acidic diet & lifestyle that allows the microorganisms (e.g., yeasts, molds, funguses)
within your bloodstream to proliferate—all of which produce their own waste (mycotoxins)—
adding to the toxicity of your system.
1 Negative thoughts, words, or deeds
Polluted environments
Acidic diets
Destructive emotions like anger lead to...
4 The waste products from
those unhealthy cells pollute the
Cells adapt to the declining pH,
environment even more and impact which creates a . . .
the quality of life for other healthy
cells leading to more . . .
3 Cells adapt to this environment:
healthy cells become unhealthy cells—
“germs”—or give birth to bacteria, yeast/fungus
& molds. These items produce their own waste
products which become . . .
In the Cycle of Imbalance, the signs of Disease (Symptoms) are reflected as:
Low Energy and Fatigue Poor Digestion Excess Weight
Unclear Thinking Aches and Pains Major Disorders
1 Break the pattern of negative
disturbing impressions—those things
that irritate and disturb cells such as acidic
diets, chemical exposure, prescription
and/or recreational drugs, negative
thoughts, words, and deeds.
3 Provide the vital materials the body 2 Eliminate acid waste through super
needs to construct new and healthy cells. hydration: green drinks and green
• Water foods. It takes four parts alkalinity to
• Oxygen/breathing neutralize one part acid.
• Vitamins & minerals
• Live alkaline foods 7-10 day cleanse
• Exercise
• Formaldehyde
• Mercury
• Lead
• Asbestos
• Hazardous/toxic air pollutants
• Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
• Pesticide chemicals, glyphosate
• Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
3. Mercury
Many people choose to eat fish because of its apparent health benefits: omega-3 fatty acids and its low
saturated fat content. However, nearly all fish and shellfish now contain some traces of mercury, which
can affect brain and nervous system development. In America, one in six children born every year have
been exposed to mercury levels so high that they are potentially at risk for learning disabilities, motor
skill impairment, and short-term memory loss.
What can you do? The EPA recommends eating no more than two meals a week that include fish and
highly recommend avoiding shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish. Many groups are urging the
government to add tuna to that list as well. Below, you’ll find a list of fish that tend to have higher levels
of mercury than others.
Avoid these high-risk fish: Marlin, orange roughy, tilefish, swordfish, shark, mackerel (Spanish, king
and gulf), tuna (big eye, Ahi, canned, yellowfin, white albacore), sea bass, bluefish, and grouper.
5. Refined Sugar
• Refined sugar comes from sugar cane or sugar beets and is then refined through a chemical
and filtration process, during which all of the natural vitamins and minerals are stripped out.
This sugar is added to food for a sweeter taste and is often disguised under multiple names
on nutrition labels, such as sucrose, glucose, and high-fructose corn syrup.
• Not only do refined sugars have no nutritional value, research shows that the overconsumption
of sugar can be linked to diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and liver disease. According
to Dean Ornish, M.D., added sugar is hidden in 74% of packaged foods.
• Naturally occurring sugars, such as those found in fruit, in limited quantities, are a part of a
healthy, balanced diet.
1. Cleanse and rebuild your liver and your colon . . . through a diet of fresh squeezed
alkalizing juices, live foods, liquid fasting when appropriate, the use of colonics, enemas,
and consistently monitoring your diet.
2. Super-hydrate . . . with four to five liters (4-1/2 quarts, 135 ounces, or 17 cups—
approximately 3 tall bottles) of alkalizing juices or structured water containing a
high content of chlorophyll. Drink half your body weight in ounces daily (i.e., if you
weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water daily).
3. Develop a healthful nutrition plan . . . built upon natural health principles, basic
food combining, and consumption of fresh, live, whole, organic foods.
4. Regularly lymphasize . . . with a light ten-minute bounce on a small trampoline
(rebounder), lymphatic massage, dry-heat sauna, or dry skin brushing.
5. Perform low-impact exercise . . . to maintain balanced and efficient bodily systems
that will aid in the flushing of toxins.
6. Build a strong immune system . . . by developing a diet that gives you the required enzymes
(live foods, fresh fruit, vegetables, and their juices). This will help to break down ingested food
appropriately for health, strength, and vitality.
7. Ensure your body has the ability to rebuild itself . . . with a natural rest cycle that allows
your elimination channels to work optimally.
How does your body respond when you put poison into your bloodstream?
What are the symptoms you experience from being poisoned?
The solution to ensure lasting vibrant health and energy is to take the time periodically to cleanse and
detoxify your body. Once you stop the poisoning, it’s not enough unless you also cleanse the poisons that
you have already ingested.
• Constipation • Headaches
• Depression • Acne
• Fatigue • Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, etc.)
• Frequent colds • Sinus congestion
• Halitosis (bad breath) • Joint stiffness/aches and pains
• Indigestion • Menstrual problems
• Obesity • Allergies
• All the ‘itises’—colitis, diverticulitis, bronchitis, pancreatitis, sinusitis, etc.
• What goes in must come out—if you eat three meals a day, you should eliminate three meals a
• Most of us have parasites in our systems. The challenge is that the most common symptom is no
symptom. The challenge with parasites is that they do additional damage by not only feeding off
your waste, but also creating their own. Doing a week-iclong cleanse will help you make huge
progress. If you still think you have a parasite challenge after your cleanse, you can then consider
doing a parasite cleanse specifically.
• Drinking plenty of water is one of the best things you can do to support your colon health.
10. When nature calls, answer. Don’t wait or put it off. Your system needs a break in
order to concentrate on extracting toxins and wastes from its cells and tissues.
Don’t wait until you are in extreme pain or suffering from rashes, sores, or internal
pain to restore the functioning ability of your liver, stomach, and colon through
cleansing and detoxification. Experience the vitality, energy, and glow of life; extend
the length of your life; keep a youthful look and slow the aging process by cleansing
your colon. Create a life of health!
Colon Health
This next section will enlighten you as to the importance of having a healthy and fully-functioning colon so you
can get the most out of the foods you eat, have more energy, and glow with health. The following material will
explain how the colon functions and reveal various practices, healthy eating habits, and therapies to help you
realize a fuller and more vitalized life.
Illustrations reprinted with permission by the author, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Escondido, CA, from his book Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management.
The process of digestion begins with the mixing of food with saliva, which A Healthy Colon
starts the breakdown and processing of nutrients in the food. When this matter
reaches the stomach, it interacts with gastric juices to create a product called
“chyme.” This material then enters the small intestine.
The wave of motion known as peristalsis moves the matter through the three
sections of the small intestine and eventually into the large intestine, also
known as the colon.
The colon secretes a mucus substance to produce lubrication for the passage of the matter, which is known
as feces. The colon is normally filled with billions of microorganisms called bacteria. The bacteria synthesize
valuable nutrients by digesting portions of the fecal matter. Through this digestion, it produces vitamins such as
K and portions of the B-complex group.
A properly functioning digestive system allows for proper distillation of all essential nutrients from the
food that has been ingested. Ideally, we should look the perfect picture of health: shiny; glowing facial
skin; white eyes around the pupils; unblemished and hydrated skin; shiny hair; pleasant breath;
pleasant body odor; no illnesses; and boundless energy.
What we have instead of the ideal picture are eating habits, behavioral patterns, and environmental
pollutants that have created the following scenario: fecal matter encrusted to the walls of the
colon which has accumulated over a lifetime and which doesn’t
allow for proper digestive functioning. The results can be: skin
blemishes, rashes, dry skin, menstrual problems, halitosis, flatulence,
headaches, depression, moodiness, constipation, sluggish elimination,
straining, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, prolapsed colon,
collapsed colon, intestinal parasites, premature aging, and colon
Basically, because the colon has been unable to do its job, toxins
(poisons) are released into the body. In turn, the body tries to
eliminate in the best way it knows how. Toxins in the blood stream
cause cell destruction; accumulation of toxins in body tissues
creates slowed reaction time and response; increasing toxicity
in the bloodstream causes a lack of oxygen to the cells, which
brings about a lack of energy; as we lack energy, the body spirals
downward, unable to eliminate the toxins effectively.
Doctors have found amazing evidence to support the importance of colon health:
• Over 180 million Americans suffer from bowel problems.
• P
rofessor Arnold Ehret stated that, “The average person carries around as much as ten pounds of
un-eliminated feces in their bowels.”
• People have been known to hold onto things they’ve eaten for over 30 years in their colon.
• Colon expert Robert Gray concludes, “Nearly every man, woman, and child living in modern society today is
constipated, even though the bowels may move regularly every day.”
• A mere change of diet or an occasional laxative will not undo decades of neglect and abuse.
• The Royal Society of Medicine reports, “It may be said that almost every chronic disease known is
directly or indirectly due to the influence of bacterial poisons absorbed from the intestine.”
• Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C., stated, “Most all health problems begin in the bowel.”
The bodily hierarchy of importance puts the liver at the top, even over the brain, for survival. Your body will
let your brain suffer oxygen deprivation before your liver.
It is estimated that the human body can function on just 20% of the total capacity of the liver. It is also
estimated that few people function on more than 35% of liver capacity, particularly after age 38, and people
with a 35% liver capacity feel, react, think, see, and perform many times better than those who have only a
20% capacity. Imagine how you would feel if your liver were to operate at 70%!
The liver is not only vulnerable to poisons introduced into the system, but it is also responsive to our emotions.
If we are in a constant state of anger or are highly stressed, our liver is producing chemicals to either support
the mood or combat it, producing an overload of chemicals that can cause adverse effects on the body, its
systems, and organs.
What are some of the possible physical outcomes of poor liver care or abuse?
What could your life be like if you don’t take care of your liver?
• Vegetables are described as “pot herbs” in that we cook them. They have low toxicity and are considered
herbs, but they are eaten more for sustenance than therapeutic use unless taken in large quantities.
• Tonic herbs are more therapeutic, as well as mild, sustaining, gentle, and toning. They can be used over
a long period of time, are not very toxic, and many are used to provide supplemental nutrients.
• Therapeutic herbs have more pronounced toxicities that can cause side effects if used in too large a dose
or over too long a period of time. They are generally used for the purpose of healing, with their primary
action being to stimulate or sedate an activity of a tissue or body system.
• Drastic herbs (poison ivy, poison hemlock, quinine, ipecac, deadly nightshade) are considered poisonous
and cause drastic side effects. They possess tremendous healing properties when largely diluted, though if
undiluted, they can cause death.
Few people are in such good health that they have normal lymphatic channels and lymphatic fluid. Every
abrasion of the skin, every abscessed tooth, every diseased tonsil, sluggish organ, and congested area means
a more or less overburdened lymphatic system.
Venous System
Reabsorbs fluid (by re-absorption) from the interstitial tissue and carries CO² and metabolic products back
to the heart for oxygenation. It also distributes hormones and various active substances within the body.
Lymphatic System
Maintains the balance (homeostasis) between the arterial in-flow (filtration) and the venous out-flow
(re-absorption) within interstitial tissue, by removing fluid and debris (i.e., dust, fats, proteins, etc.) not
reabsorbed by the venous system.
• Allergies
• Bad eating habits
• Physical, emotional, and spiritual stress
• Little or no exercise
• Shallow breathing
• Anger, loss of temper, resentment, greed, holding grudges
• Shock such as death in the family, loss of job, loss of promotion, divorce, illness, financial setbacks
• Fears, such as testing, relationships, failure, etc.
• Environmental pollution/toxicity to include inhalation of chemical particulant such as ammonia, Clorox,
bug and plant sprays, insect sprays (Nile virus mosquito), automobile or diesel exhaust, secondhand
smoke, paints, rugs, polyvinyl chloride (mobile homes), etc.
• Skin contamination due to fertilizers, work environment, plant bug sprays, particulate inhalation
of chemical vapors
Modifying your lifestyle is the key to building a strong and resistant body. Try to cut back on
acid-forming foods while incorporating more greens into your diet. Regular exercise and a
consistent practice of relaxation techniques will help deter the build up of toxins caused by
The following pages give examples and information about how to create a nutrient-rich
environment to give your body what it needs. Primarily, you must follow the principles of
living health (e.g., oxygen, high water-content food, enzyme-rich food, structural support,
empowering thoughts/mindset). This section is designed to give you additional choices to
expand your repertoire for achieving this, including:
All foods are “burned” (digested) in the body, leaving an ash as the result. This food ash can be neutral, acid, or
alkaline, depending largely on the mineral composition of the food. Acid ash (acidosis) results when there
is a depletion of the alkali reserves in your blood and tissue, which a healthy body keeps in order to meet
emergency demands if too many acid-producing foods are consumed.
In a normal, healthy diet, a ratio of four parts alkaline to one part acid is needed in order to maintain your
blood at an ideal pH of 7.365. When your diet and lifestyle maintain this kind of balance, microorganisms
such as pleomorphic virus, bacteria, yeast, and fungus will de-evolve back to their original, healthful state.
However, when your body becomes extremely acidic because alkaline reserves have been depleted (or
when your diet becomes extremely acidic), your health can be seriously compromised and cells begin to
mutate. Your body can function normally and sustain health only in the presence of adequate alkaline
reserves and the proper acid-alkaline ratio in all of the body’s tissues and blood.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ideal: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
The following are some common examples of acid- & alkali-forming foods:
Alkali-Forming—almonds, carrots, dates, avocados, lemons, limes, coconuts, celery,
cucumbers, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, green/
red/yellow peppers, onions, garlic, radishes, green leafy vegetables, wheatgrass,
cabbage, walnuts, soy beans, tofu, lima beans, spinach, turnip tops, and beet tops.
Acid-Forming—pork, veal, fish, beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, shrimp, lobster, oysters,
hot dogs, whole wheat and rye breads, refined sugar, cheese, milk, sour cream,
yogurt, butter, margarine, mushrooms, coffee, tea, wine, and beer.
Because today’s typical diet generally fails to provide sufficient amounts of nutrient intake, dietary
supplements can be a beneficial way to achieve both short and long-term health goals.
Vitamins are a group of organic compounds that are required by the human body. Ideally, these vitamins would
be available in the diet and food sources that occur naturally; however, with all of the processing and cooking
that kills our foods today, there is a scarce amount of such vitamins available to us through our diet.
Minerals are elements originating from the earth and cannot be made. Most of the minerals in our diets come
indirectly from animal sources or directly from plants. We may also get some of our minerals from the water
that we drink, but this can vary from place to place. Minerals play a number of vital roles within the human
body. Maintenance of the structural integrity of our bones and teeth, enzyme activity, and a variety of other
essential biological processes require minerals. In order to acquire the necessary levels of minerals, supple-
mentation has become necessary.
Dr. Alexis Carrel, the father of modern organ transplants, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1912 for his
research on the cultivation of living cells. Carrel’s classic experiment proved that cells in a chicken’s heart
stayed alive if the lymph was continuously renewed.
Dr. Carrel was also able to keep embryonic cells alive for over 10 years, whereas the normal life expectancy
is only 4-5 years. This was possible thanks to the lymphatic milleau which was changed every two days. In
effect, Dr. Carrel’s experiment demonstrated that changing the lymphatic milleau every two days doubled the
life of the cells!
1. Essential fatty acids are necessary for many vital functions in all cells,
tissues, and organs. They increase oxidation and metabolic rate. Energy
levels go up and create higher stamina and decreased recovery time.
2. Skin care: Besides creating smooth, velvety skin, essential fatty acids help
improve acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
3. Digestion: Essential fatty acids help remove to prevent leaky intestines that
can lead to allergies, inflammation, and autoimmune problems.
4. In the cardiovascular system, fatty acids are required to transport
cholesterol, lower triglycerides, make platelets less sticky, and lower
blood pressure.
5. Fatty acids elevate mood, lift depression, and improve our stability to deal
with stress. High stress levels promote high blood pressure, water retention,
inflammation, and blood clot formation.
6. Fatty acids stabilize the heartbeat, preventing heartbeat abnormalities
(arrhythmia) that can lead to cardiac arrest.
7. Overweight people and animals benefit from fatty acids because their
kidneys expel excess water.
8. In the immune system, essential fatty acids protect DNA from damage.
Although it is not a cure for cancer, there are benefits for people and
animals with cancer, using essential fatty acids. Call it nutritional support
for cardiovascular and immune systems.
9. Sufferers of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis report decreased
10. Essential fatty acids are involved in transporting minerals through the body.
11. The brain does not function without essential fatty acids.
12. Recent studies indicate that an unborn child draws from its mother’s
body substantial amounts of the essential fats required to build
its brain.
Oxygen is the catalyst to create ATP (adenosine triphosphate, a day in the following ratio:
the energy used by your cells). Without ATP, your body would Inhale for 1 count, hold for 4
immediately shut down. counts, exhale for 2 counts.
Green foods contain the essential ingredients needed and wheatgrass—which contains
for the creation and maintenance of healthy cells. a high amount of vitamin A, B, C,
They contain life-giving elements such as: chlorophyll, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium,
vitamins, minerals, fiber, enzymes, and phytonutrients. & magnesium.
4 Essential fats and oils build cell membranes, aid in the sunflower seeds, or another
production of hormones, raise metabolism and create high-quality Omega 3 based oil.
energy, protect the body by buffering and neutralizing
acids, and provide lubrication so the cells are free to move.
5 Fresh, alive, raw foods give more energy than they take
away and help the body maintain a slightly alkaline balance.
uncooked organic vegetables,
non-acid fruits, raw almonds, flax
seeds, sunflower seeds, lemon,
Friendly microorganisms maintain healthy flora in our more rapidly and clean out
systems. They help create an environment that inhibits the unfriendly bacteria as well as
growth of bad bacteria, thereby monitoring and controlling probiotic supplements such
the growth of potentially harmful microorganisms in your
as Lactobacillus acidophilus,
body. They can also help cancel out the effects of toxins
and environmental pollutants.
Lactobacillus bifidus,
Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
14 Light
Light stimulates hormones such as serotonin, melatonin,
and endorphins.
2 Who are you now/today? What’s changed? What’s already better, even after just one
day? What’s already expanded? How would you describe yourself today?
4 Where are you going to be at the end of this program? Who are you committed to
become in next 4 days? How will you describe yourself when these four days are over?
If you were already there now, how would you describe yourself? What is your life like
now? (If you want to extend it, describe yourself in 6 or 12 months…)
1 Digestive System
Symptoms: Consequences:
Low energy 1. Lack of enzymes to properly digest food or conflicting
Heartburn digestive juices that cause putrefaction and reduced energy.
Gas 2. Mechanical problems, such as a lack of nerve flow from the
Irritation spine & organs pushing on other organs.
Constipation 3. Cutting off circulation.
2 Colon
Symptoms: Consequences:
Protruding stomach Without proper digestive activity, food remains undigested and
Gas cannot be properly absorbed or eliminated, causing gas,
Tissues of the body become putrefaction, and toxic stress.
dry or fragile
3 Small Intestine
Symptoms: Consequences:
Gas The putrefaction further builds into the small intestine, magnifying the
Putrefaction challenges of absorption and elimination.
Symptoms: Consequences:
Infection As the colon builds up more and more toxicity, the liver and
Diabetes gallbladder receive these toxins, gases, fluids, and nitrogens from
Menstrual problems the colon. When the liver is preoccupied with excessive toxins,
High cholesterol it can’t rebuild itself or provide the proper enzymes for other
areas of the body to rebuild.
Symptoms: Consequences:
Metabolic disturbance Whatever the liver can’t handle effectively will be dumped back
Water retention into the bloodstream and sent on to the kidneys and bladder. If the
Tendency toward osteoporosis kidneys fail to do their job effectively, long-term metabolic distur-
bances can occur.
6 Lungs
Lungs: Oxygenate the blood bonding it with iron (hemoglobin),
excrete unwanted gases
Toxins the kidneys can’t handle travel through the bloodstream to
Foul breath
the alveolar sacs in the lungs.
When excessive toxins are in the blood, they can interfere
with oxygen absorption.
Symptoms: Consequences:
Congested and toxic lymph Because there is a lack of oxygen in the circulatory system, not enough
Swollen lymph nodes oxygen gets to cells to burn sugars, proteins, and fats for energy. The
lymph becomes congested with the waste materials from the cells.
Compromised immune system
A toxic lymph system places greater stress on the spleen, further compro-
Damage to the heart
mising the immune system. The heart ends up bearing the brunt of the
waste the spleen hasn’t been able to filter out. The heart, which relies on
lipids for its proper function, is exposed to toxic material picked up by the
lipids from the blood and the lymph.
10 Spine
Symptoms: Consequences:
Spinal misalignment As muscles become irritated and they are not flexible (they’re stiff); they
Spine rotations, tilts, and torques will pull on the spine.
11 Brain Nerves
Brain nerves: Conduct electrical impulses carrying sensory, motor, and other
information to and from the body
Symptoms: Consequences:
Headaches As the spine becomes dislocated, this affects the brain and nerve flow to
all of the organs in the body, including the glands.
12 Endocrine
Endocrine glands: Stimulates manufacture and secretion of
hormones in the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands
Symptoms: Consequences:
Hyperthyroid The endocrine system becomes depleted both nutritionally and energetically,
Hypothyroid which prevents the manufacturing of sufficient enzymes for digestion and
Hypoglycemia the whole toxic stress cycle starts again. In addition, with your blood sugar
Hyperglycemia decreased, you start to crave foods to bring your blood sugar up, causing
Adrenal burnout you to make food choices that will clog you up all over again.
Emotional mastery is the ability to consistently change from any undesired state to a desired state
1. The knowledge and experience of being able to change your state instantaneously from
undesired to desired (or needed).
2. The ability to consistently change your state from undesired to desired (or needed), even in a
particularly challenging context/situation.
3. The ability to create a desired state and live in it consistently across contexts/situations, whether
they are challenging or not.
What are the three decisions that your brain is constantly making?
1. What to focus on.
2. What things mean.
3. What to do.
When asked to describe what they truly want in their worlds people typically respond with a myriad of answers:
more money, better relationships, a powerful legacies. Invariably, when people stated the “what” that they
wanted, it was attached to a feeling that would accompany it: “If I made more money, I would feel like I had
more freedom, and security;” “If I were in a better relationship, I would feel more loved.” In reality, these people
were not as interested in having the money or the relationship as they were in having the feelings of power,
freedom, security, and love that accompanied them. In turn, those feelings made the people feel better about
themselves—they were looking for a change in the way they felt, the emotional content of their lives.
If you are looking for an emotional change in your life, it’s important to take a look at the emotions you are cur-
rently feeling on a consistent basis. Remember, emotions are not “done to us.” We create a triad of physiology,
language patterns and focus and beliefs that form the makeup of the emotions we feel. In order to change how
we feel in any given moment, we must break the triad of the old emotion by creating a new emotion or emo-
tional triad.
The first and most important step in taking charge of your emotions is to measure them often. The more
you measure your progress, the more accountable you are for your actions. By consistently measuring what
you are feeling, you will set new standards for yourself on a regular basis. You will also tap into the power of
choice: Consistent measurement will raise your awareness of the emotions you are indulging in and allow you
to find new and better emotional choices for your future.
Step 2: Looking at the descriptions of the different emotional states on the left side of the mood
meter (see the next page), choose the word that best describes your current state—how you
are feeling at this very moment. Ask yourself, “Where is my center of gravity right now?”
Record the date and time at the top of the page and make a mark in that box which
corresponds to how you’re feeling. If you want, you may also write a brief description
or a couple of key words that describe how you’re feeling at the bottom of the column.
Step 3: Ask yourself, “What do I need to do within myself or my environment right now in order to
feel better?” Once you change your state, make a mark in the box that corresponds to how
you’re feeling in the “after” column. Be sure to capture a brief description of what you did
to change your state.
(add positive,
subtract negative)
Study results: Six months after surgery, the patients still did not know which procedure they
had undergone (i.e., a placebo or the actual surgery); however, 100% of them reported marked
improvement in their levels of pain.
The bigger the intervention, the more expectation the patients had that the
procedures would work, and thus, the placebos were more effective.
Your menu of ways to feel good is designed to offer you a plethora of options for feeling great. Usually,
when people don’t feel well—physically or emotionally—they don’t have a laundry list of “feel good” items
from which to choose. So, once they’ve exhausted the few options they do have, they become consistently
glum. None of us desire this kind of life! We all deserve to have a magnitude of options that we can choose
from on a daily basis that make us feel good, love ourselves more, and allow us to meet all of our needs.
So how do you create this amazing menu? Read on.
1. Brainstorm a list of activities that make you feel good—activities that when you engage in them
will change your state and cause you to feel positive emotions. Also, create a menu of ways to
love yourself more.
3. Make sure that you create a variety of options that fit these different categories so that you are
able to follow through on whatever option you choose no matter where you are, what time it is,
or what else is going on in your life!
4. Try combining your menu with your mood meter! After you complete your mood meter, ask
yourself, “How do I want to feel right now?” Then, pull out your “feel good” menu, pick an
activity, engage in it wholeheartedly, and then complete your mood meter again. Were you
effective at changing your state?
These are sample lists that contain items that are interchangeable for
either list. Your list may contain items that are completely different.
I need others to participate in this activity with me I participate in this activity only once in a while
I can participate in this activity alone I participate in this activity at any time
The Quality Quantifier guides you step-by-step through a simple process to increase your desire (i.e., your drive
or urge) for an activity that supports you, or decrease your desire for an activity that does not support you. In
short, it’s an “urge-management” tool. For example, with effective employment of the QQ, in only a few seconds
you can increase your desire to exercise and decrease your desire to eat chocolate cake.
When applied properly, the QQ is a surefire strategy for getting what you really want by immediately tapping into
more of your innate abilities and resources. It’s a simple, four-step process in which you ask yourself a brief
series of questions, and it’s built upon the following understandings:
1. You must assess your current level of desire. By assigning a numeric value to your experience, you set a
benchmark for creating the experience you desire.
2. The second step of the QQ is consciously describing what feelings/sensations you want to experience
while participating in a particular activity—or to associate to a behavior you’re trying to eliminate. Decide
in advance what level of positive emotions/sensations you are committed to experiencing. Doesn’t it make
sense that when you tell your brain precisely what you want from something, you have a better chance of
coming up with a way to achieve it?
3. Decide and quantify (give a numeric rating to) the quality of experience you are now committed to
having. The quantification is on a scale from -10 to +10 (from completely and utterly repelled by this
activity to irresistibly compelled to do it now). Ask yourself, “On a scale from -10 to +10, what is the
quality of experience I am committed to having?”
4. Develop a simple plan. With one question, you can quickly develop a strategy for experiencing the level
of quality you desire. Ask yourself, “What conditions must I create within myself and/or the environment to
experience this level of quality? What could I focus on/appreciate while I am participating in this task to
bring me to the level I desire? What could I do differently to cause me to enjoy this task at least at a level +8?”
With this simple action, you will think of readily available resources that will allow you to enjoy yourself
much more. Rather than starting the activity reluctantly, expecting pain—and, of course, getting it—you
are asking questions to redirect your focus. With the addition of each of these changes in perception or
procedure, you’ll find that the quality of your experience is immediately enhanced.
Step 1: Quantify
When I think of engaging in this activity (e.g., food, meeting, conversation, task), what is the current level
of quality (feelings/sensations) I associate to it (-10 to +10)? What am I currently experiencing?
For pizza, let’s say you’re at +10—you can’t live without it, as one seminar participant couldn’t . . .
Step 2: Describe
What are the sensations/feelings I want? What do I want to experience?
What do I want to feel when I think of this task?
Our pizza-loving participant (let’s call him Zeke) had already lost 44 pounds in the last four months,
and he figured that unless he dropped his addiction to pizza, he wouldn’t be able to reach his goals.
He no longer wanted to be a slave to this food. He wanted to feel no desire; he wanted to feel
indifference, and he knew it was probably in his best interest even to feel disgust.
Step 3: Decide
What is the level of experience (quality of sensations) I’m committed to having?
Do I want to associate -10 to eating chocolate, or just -5? Do I want to associate my level of pleasure at a 7,
an 8 or a 10 for this exercise I’m about to engage in?
Zeke wanted his enthusiasm for pizza to plummet to -10.
Step 4: Strategize
What has to happen in order for me to feel that way about it? What conditions must I create inside myself
and/or the environment to experience that level of quality?
Zeke was assisted in moving down the QQ scale in small increments. First, to get from +10 down to
+5, he imagined the pizza with roaches crawling on it. Then, to get down to +2, he imagined sand
and gravel all over the pizza. Visualizing 25% of the pizza covered with blood was his strategy for
getting it down to -3. To get down to -6, he imagined the pizza covered with 2 inches of green olives
(for him this was worse than blood!). Two inches of sauerkraut would have moved it down to -8, and
a combination of roaches, olives, and sauerkraut (“The Works”) brought it all the way down to -10.
| | | | | | | | | | 0
| | | | | | | | | | |
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Covered with roaches, sauerkraut, and green olives
Roaches crawling on it
| | | | | | | | | | 0
| | | | | | | | | | |
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Aching feet, deserted section of town, nighttime
Naturally, more of us would use the QQ to increase the pleasurable sensations we link to running
rather than decrease them. But isn’t it useful to know how to move your feelings about anything in
either direction?
Quality Questions:
When you ask a new question, your brain comes up with new answers.
What would I have to believe? What’s fun about this?
What would I have to start noticing or focusing on? What am I grateful for?
How can I learn even more while enjoying the process?
Once you’ve decided on a situation or behavior you want to decrease your desire for, capture it below:
| | | | | | | | | | 0
| | | | | | | | | | |
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Step 1: Quantify
On a scale from -10 to +10, when you think about engaging in this activity (i.e., eating a specific
food, spending too much time watching TV), what is the current level of desire you associate
to it?
Step 2: Describe
What do you want to experience? What do you want to feel when you think of this?
Step 3: Decide
What’s the level of experience you’re committed to having?
Step 4: Strategize
What has to happen for you to feel this way about engaging in this activity? Capture some of
the triggers you’ll use immediately to change your level of desire for this situation, activity, or
Once you’ve decided on a situation or behavior you want to increase your desire for, capture it below:
| | | | | | | | | | 0
| | | | | | | | | | |
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Step 1: Quantify
On a scale from -10 to +10, when you think about engaging in this activity (i.e., having a
conversation, exercising), what is the current level of desire you associate to it?
Step 2: Describe
What do you want to experience? What do you want to feel when you think of this?
Step 3: Decide
What’s the level of experience you’re committed to having?
Step 4: Strategize
What has to happen for you to feel this way about engaging in this activity? Capture some of
the triggers you’ll use immediately to change your level of desire for this situation, activity, or
3. The Power of Healthy Fat & Oils 10. The Poison of Animal Flesh
4. Alkalinity
5. Aerobic Energy
6. Maximum Nourishment
The Poison of. . . Principles
1. Processed Fats
2. Animal Flesh
3. Dairy Products
4. Acid Addictions
2. A belief: More powerful than an opinion is a belief. A belief occurs when we have several references not
only from others, but from our own personal experiences. Beliefs are harder to shift than opinions because
they have a larger reference base and often we are more emotionally associated to them.
3. A conviction: A conviction is a belief system we are so certain about that it would be very difficult to
change it. Usually, convictions stem from very a strong personal reference base—we (or someone we know
intimately) has had a painful experience that caused us to form a conviction.
To take our lives to the next level, we must be willing to let go of our convictions
and to look at what truly makes the most sense to support us today.
In this section, we’ll take a look at what some of our beliefs about health have been (both empowering and
disempowering) and what they need to be now to achieve our ultimate levels of health, energy, and vitality.
What are two or three of your most empowering beliefs about health (i.e., beliefs that
have contributed positively to your current state of health, energy, or vitality)?
2 What are two or three of your most disempowering beliefs about health (i.e., what
beliefs have you used as an excuse not to change something that you need to
in this area)?
4 What beliefs do you need now to take your life to the next level?
Now that you understand where you are and where you need to be in order to have the ultimate
relationship you deserve, it’s a matter of closing that gap and turning your dreams and desires
into reality.
Closing the gap requires creating the drive necessary to break through any obstacle that
will prevent you from achieving that vision. It means being totally honest with yourself and
understanding the person you need to become to attract an ideal mate and fulfill their needs.
You’ll have to let go of the beliefs and rules that are standing in your way.
You’ll have to take risks. You’ll have to love unconditionally. You’ll have to put your fears aside.
You’ll have to break your old patterns and make way for new ones that will lead you to the joy,
lasting happiness, fulfillment, and deep love of your ultimate relationship.
Most of all, you must refuse to settle. Once you associate to that vision of your ultimate
relationship and assume your new identity, you’ll know the joy associated with it—and the pain of
where you are now. Use that pain to help you make tough decisions and to help you take action in
spite of your fear. Close that gap, step into your new identity, and your ultimate relationship.
Use the following pages to evaluate your current situation, capture where you want to be, and
develop a specific action plan to get there.
Capture your results, the emotions you want to feel, your identity, and your triad:
Capture your results, the emotions you are feeling, your identity, and your current triad:
1. Never leave the site of a goal without taking some kind of action toward its attainment.
2. Don’t let a day go by without taking action toward your goal: Even the most minute action can move you
toward where you want to be. Every skill you apply, every thought you focus on, every in-CAN-tation you
do will allow you to make progress every single day.
3. Create an environment of immersion: This action is a must if you truly want to master anything.
COMPLETE: Once your plan is in place, you are absolutely clear about the result you are committed to achieving
(your outcome), and the reasons why you must achieve it, you must take immediate action. Did you schedule to
complete the most important items in your action plan?
MEASURE: The more often you measure your progress, the more likely it is you’ll produce your desired result.
This process is the only way you’ll know how much headway you’re making. You may even want to utilize an
outside source to measure for you.
CELEBRATE: Celebrate even the smallest progress. Nurture yourself at key moments of fulfillment. Don’t wait
until you’ve lost ten pounds to reward yourself; instead, celebrate the first time you pass up a chocolate chip
cookie. When you’ve achieved your dream, you can create the ultimate celebration for yourself.
• Have a completely fulfilling and joyful relationship • Set a loving example for our children
• Make my relationship with my husband the most important • Strengthen our intimacy; make it “the two of us against the world”
thing in my life; give Ted certainty • Renew the excitement we had when we first fell in love
• Make time in my schedule on a regular basis for private • Create “magic moments” every day, in some small way, for the
time with Ted rest of our lives
• Make Ted feel special and completely nurtured by me • Solicit Ted’s input on how to improve our relationship; make him
and our relationship feel comfortable with sharing his wants, desires, and needs
• Spice up our love life; create passion; plan surprises; • Become the super-sexy, outrageous lover of Ted’s dreams
try new things
1. Pay close attention to the Life Mastery session on To find specific ways to make To make Ted my “raving fan”
relationships. Ted feel special and nurtured and be the woman of his
2. Brainstorm ideas for small daily “gifts” (e.g., love notes, etc.). and be his “ultimate mate” dreams; to constantly remind
3. Commit to cooking a special gourmet dinner once a week him of how cherished he is;
for Ted. to create certainty in his life
4. Share results of exercises from the Relationship Mastery By: 02/17 about our relationship and my
section of the Life Mastery manual; solicit Ted’s input. commitment to him
1. Brainstorm ways to “spice up” our love life. To create excitement in our
To meet the need for
2. Purchase Laura Korn’s book, 101 Ways to Surprise Your relationship by committing to
variety in our relationship; to
Lover. trying “all things new!”
maintain our incredible
passion; to surprise, delight,
and enlighten one another
By: 02/10 on a consistent basis
1. Determine and write down my roles in our relationship To create an outstanding life
(partner, soulmate, lover, best friend, etc.). To create an empowering
Triad for our relationship together; to maintain my own
2. Create outrageous pattern interrupt for stressful situations. identity and empower myself
3. Sign up for the “How to Strip for Your Lover” class to so that I can share myself
expand my physiology. more completely with Ted
4. Complete the triad example for my relationship. By: 02/7
Long walks hand-in-hand on the beach at sunset; a comforter for two in front of a fireplace on a cold winter
day; gazing into each other’s eyes underneath a star-filled sky; the warmth, excitement, and joy that comes
from truly sharing an intimate connection. Is there anyone who doesn’t want all of these things? Imagine
what your life could be like if you had that perfect person with which to share it—the man or woman of
your dreams with whom you could build a loving, lasting relationship.
Most people consider the finding and attracting of an ideal mate a fairy tale—something that just doesn’t
happen outside of the movies! But finding the ideal mate is not an impractical dream. If you follow the
steps in this section, you will find and attract your ultimate mate. The majority of the people that Tony
has coached privately and at his seminars who have found their ideal mate thought they too would never
find that special someone. They had myriad excuses—maybe some are similar to your own—I’m too old, too
fat, too shy, I have kids or I have too many other failed relationships. Whatever reason is keeping you from
finding the right match for you, this section will help flush it out...and hopefully wipe it out!
This section will get you to stop waiting for a relationship and show you how to start making it happen.
There’s just one thing you have to understand before you begin: People who are successful at anything in
life, be it business, relationships, finances, education, etc., have one common thread—they know exactly
what they want. As simplistic as this key point may sound, it is the first step in creating anything of true
value in your life. If you don’t know what you want, you may never find it. Or, sadder yet, you may already
have it and not even realize it.
So, the process on the following pages will begin with that crucial first step—finding out what you do want!
The results of this process will transform the way you think about being in a relationship and guide you
to consciously create a union that will expand your horizons, enrich your being, and inspire you to soar to
heights you never thought possible.
If you are already in a relationship that you want to make better, this process will help you discover ways
to make that happen. You and your partner will have the opportunity to rediscover each other, renew the
reverence in your relationship, and meet one another’s needs at a much deeper level.
1. Describe your Ultimate Mate. What do you really want from a loving partner?
List the ultimate, ideal qualities you want in your future partner.
I want my ultimate
mate to have these
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Physical fitness
• Innocence
• Independence
• Humor
• Intelligence
• Spontaneity
• Generosity
• Flexibility
• Financial savvy
• Affinity for
• Curiosity
• Spirituality
1. Be accessible.
2. With the help of friends, brainstorm at least 10 potential places where
you could meet your new mate (e.g., church, book or grocery stores, ski
resorts, nature hikes, business meetings or conferences, etc.).
3. Take a friend.
4. Commit to going out at least once per week with a single friend (ideally
the same sex as you) for dinner, dancing, a concert or show, etc.
5. Network.
6. Tell your friends and associates what you’re looking for in an ideal mate
and ask them to keep their eyes open. Have them set up a meeting with
someone they know.
7. Don’t turn down dates
8. Remember, first impressions can be wrong. Even if your current date
isn’t Mr. or Mrs. Right, he/she may be friends with someone who is!
9. Advertise.
10. More people than you can imagine have met their ideal mate on an
online dating site. Don’t be afraid to check one out to see who is on
11. Learn to flirt.
12. Ask friends who seem to be talented in this “fine art” to help you.
Or, look for a local or online course on the subject or read a book.
3. Now it’s your turn. Brainstorm some ideas for ways to meet your ultimate mate!
4. Now that you’ve brainstormed how and where to meet your ideal mate, compare your list
of the qualities you’re looking for in your ideal mate with your list of places to meet people in
general, and create a third list of the top 3-5 environments where you and your ideal mate
would be most likely to meet!
Your next step is to ensure that you follow through. Immediately schedule on your calendar at least two of
these top five activities! Make following through on these activities a fun, life-improving thing, not a chore.
For example, make every Friday night, “find my mate” night. Or, sign up for that photography class you’ve
been dreaming about for years; maybe there’s a reason you’ve been wanting to do it for so long!
Pull out that calendar, right now, and commit to at least two of your top five activities in writing. You’re not
merely committing to active fun, you’re making a commitment to yourself and the life you desire and deserve!
Let’s start with this exercise as a way to clarify what is already great about your current partner.
1. What’s great about your current partner? What do you truly appreciate about him/her?
What qualities does he/she possess for which you are truly grateful?
Attract ( - trakt’), vb: to pull to or draw toward draw by appeal to natural or
excited interest, emotion, or aesthetic sense.
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Ed.
2. Describe who you need to become to fulfill the needs of your current partner.
What must you be willing to do, be, create, share, and give to your partner?
1 What can I do to begin meeting the needs of my partner better and immediately?
3 What are things my partner and I can do, create, or explore together?
5 What can I do to eliminate these behaviors today and why would I want to?
Once you have defined who you need to become, write this list (and your ultimate mate list) in
your journal. Keep both lists in a place you see daily. Then, be sure to review your lists every
morning. And in the evening, before you go to bed, ask yourself, “How have I moved closer to
finding, attracting, or keeping my ideal mate today? Who am I becoming to attract or keep
this person?”
Every week, perhaps when you are doing your planning, resolve to schedule at least
one activity that will put you in the right environment to meet this person or spice up
your current relationship.
Right now, before you leave this course, commit to one action you can take
immediately to create momentum toward your goal (e.g., call a friend to schedule a
fun activity, write an ad for the personals, call a friend or an associate and ask them
who they know, order a book on-line to help you better understand the opposite sex,
Congratulations! You’ve done the work and now you’re ready for a rewarding, fun, exciting, committed
relationship that supports your growth. Think of the time you have taken completing these exercises as
an invitation that you are sending out to the universe and to the one you are destined to love. It has been
said that to love is to receive a glimpse of heaven. Keep this in mind in all of your relationships. Approach
them as your best self. Embody the qualities that will attract and keep your ideal mate and you will,
without a doubt, do just that!
The truth is that very few people will follow through on 100% of what they learn at any event, no matter how powerful.
What will determine your level of action, and therefore the impact on your quality of life are three things:
1. A compelling vision and purpose that will drive you to follow through
2. The decisions you make: What you resolve to stand for, believe, take action on
3. A scheduled plan for implementation
One of the most important ingredients of your plan is to maximize the resources available to you. To do this, there
are two key ingredients: flexibility and control. In order to achieve the maximum results in any area of your life,
these two emotional states/ways of living must be in balance. The concept was created by Ichak Adizes, Ph.D.,
author of Managing Corporate Lifecycles for use in a business context. The principle, however, applies equally
effectively to all the areas of your personal life.
So as you develop your life plan, we encourage you to do this from a place of maximization.
lf C
When we are born, we usually have maximum flexibility but almost no control. Through time, however, our flex-
ibility tends to decrease, but our level of control increases. There are two places where these two elements inter-
sect: The second time they intersect is at death (when you have no control and no flexibility). The first time they
intersect, however, is at what is called ‘prime.’ Prime is the zone (it’s not one point, but rather a region) where
you are maximizing both elements: You have enough control so that you are held to a standard and are
maximizing your progress and results. At the same time, you have enough flexibility so that you are not too
rigid—because too much rigidity is not sustainable for most people.
*Reprinted with permission of the Adizes Institute. ©Adizes Institute 2002. All rights reserved.
On the following pages is an example of the beginning of a life plan that Tony and Sage Robbins created
in the area of their health. Then, you will find some blank forms for you to create your own life plan for your
health, since this area has been such a strong focus this week. As you do this, keep yourself in check. Are
you setting a high enough standard for yourself? At the same time, are you allowing enough flexibility to
ensure that you really follow through?
As you create your Life Plan, remember everyone is different. Mastery is about taking 100% responsibility
for your health: planning ahead, preparing your own food, scheduling time for exercise and self-care, and
managing the overall business of your body.
Utilize your 7th Power: If you are in a relationship with someone who will be affected
by your life plan (i.e., a spouse who is a heavy meat-eater or who loves sweets),
be sure to include them in the process.
All supplements are high-quality products, from companies that use 3rd party testing in
the manufacturing process. (Four great companies that use 3rd party testing in the U.S.
are: Biotics Research®, Thorne®, Designs for Health®, and Tony Robbins.)
1. Bio Energy Greens® from the Tony Robbins health supplement line
2. Vital Energy® Pack from the Tony Robbins health supplement line
5. Vitamin D
1. Drink water with lemon and/or green drink upon waking
2. Wait 15-30 min, then drink celery juice
3. Cold Plunge
4. Priming
5. Egoscue menus (15–20 minutes)
6. Strength or cardio workout (6 days per week)
7. High-quality breakfast or shake
1. Drink water with lemon and/or green drink prior to lunch
2. 5 minutes of lymphasizing breaths (1–4–2 ratio)
3. Lunch: 70% high water content/live foods
4. Take supplements
5. Vegetable juice (celery juice, wheatgrass juice, etc.)
1. Drink water with lemon and/or green drink prior to dinner
2. Light meal: 70% higher water content/live foods
4. Rebounding (10 minutes) with:
• 5 minutes of incantations
• 5 minutes of lymphasizing breaths (1–4–2 ratio)
5. 5–10 minutes journal magic moments and/or meditate
6. Read for 20–30 minutes
7. 10-minute gratitude ritual
There is no question that when you resolve to attain something (whether it is something you want to
do, have, be, create, or give), there is incredible momentum and power created that moves you toward
manifesting whatever it is you want in your life. In fact, there are thousands of documented cases of
people achieving their exact goals in the exact timeline to which they commit.
Yale University took a poll of each student graduating from the Class of 1953 and asked them who
had done full goal setting (what they were going to do) and had written it down by graduation.
Only 3% of the class answered that they had done goal setting. Twenty years later, the 3% that had
written down their goals before graduating from Yale had earned 50% of the entire income of all
of the rest of the class combined.
There are no guarantees in life, yet, when the power of this process is so clearly understood, pursued, and
documented, why wouldn’t you utilize it to maximize your power? The process on the following pages is
designed to help you establish what it is you want in each main area of your life.
Once you have identified what you want, remember that one of the most powerful ways to ensure that
you achieve those goals is to keep them in front of you: Whatever you think about continuously tends to
become real. Your Reticular Activating System or RAS has four sections, two of which mediate sensations
that give pleasure and enable learning and memory. Simply put, your RAS is part of your unconscious mind
that is constantly working to pick up signals from you—what you see or focus on—in order to keep track of
your likes and dislikes. If you can incorporate your goals into your RAS through consistent focus, then your
unconscious mind will take over finding items that relate to or will help you accomplish your goals.
How can you incorporate your goals into your unconscious mind? Make them more exciting—something
you want to see in front of you every day! Once you complete the exercises on the following pages, bring
your goals to life by creating your own personal treasure map. Cut out pictures, words, and phrases that
relate to or reflect your goals and glue them on a sheet of paper. You can create a treasure map for your
entire life or a separate one for each main area of your life. Then, when you are done, you may want to
laminate your treasure map(s) so that they will be durable and able to travel with you wherever you go.
2 Now, take one of your asterisked items and write down the steps you took to turn it from a dream into
reality. You may not have achieved it consciously, but something stimulated enough of a desire for
you to reach that goal. Was there a condition in your life—poor health, job loss, etc.—that forced you
to create an outcome you had to meet? Was there a purpose or a reason that made you focus on that
goal continuously? After writing as much as you can remember, review what you’ve written to see if
you can identify the specific steps you took.
Where are Where are you Where are Where are you
you now? committed to you now? committed to
be in one year? be in one year?
What outcomes must you achieve to go What outcomes must you achieve to go
from where you are to where you want to be? from where you are to where you want to be?
Example: 1. Reduce my body fat from 25% to 15%. Example: 1. Create new incantations and do them 10 min each day.
2. Run 5 miles three times per week. 2. Attend Date with Destiny to master my emotions.
1. ____________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________
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What outcomes must you achieve to go What outcomes must you achieve to go
from where you are to where you want to be? from where you are to where you want to be?
Example: 1. Add more value to increase my income by 15%. Example: 1. Eliminate all my debt within 1 year.
2. Secure 5 new clients that bring in $50,000 each. 2. Create a plan to consistently save 10% of what I earn.
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On a scale from 1-10
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Why is this a ‘must’ for me? How will I get there? What’s
What’s my purpose? my Massive Action Plan?
Why is this a ‘must’ for me? How will I get there? What’s
What’s my purpose? my Massive Action Plan?
Why is this a ‘must’ for me? How will I get there? What’s
What’s my purpose? my Massive Action Plan?
Why is this a ‘must’ for me? How will I get there? What’s
What’s my purpose? my Massive Action Plan?
Why is this a ‘must’ for me? How will I get there? What’s
What’s my purpose? my Massive Action Plan?
Why is this a ‘must’ for me? How will I get there? What’s
What’s my purpose? my Massive Action Plan?
All of these toxins put stress on our bodies. When the body is clean and strong, it has no trouble eliminating
the waste. However, when it becomes overloaded with more toxins than it can properly eliminate, the liver will
eventually become sluggish and allow the waste to build up. In this state, one cannot properly absorb vitamins,
nutrients, and health supplements. Furthermore, the contamination and malnutrition that result make the
body more susceptible to disease. In fact, a continuous overload of toxins into the body could trigger serious
ailments, and if a system becomes so contaminated that it cannot get rid of the excess toxins, chronic illness or
even death could result.
What is a cleanse?
Cleansing is the detoxification of the digestive tract, blood, intestines, kidneys, liver, and lungs.
• You have been working very hard or have been under a lot of stress.
• You eat sugar or white flour and/or drink a lot of caffeine or alcohol.
• Your eyes are not clear and/or they are yellowish or red.
• You took a pH test and tested acidic.
• You feel a cold or flu coming on.
• You feel congested from too much food or the wrong kinds of food.
• You feel lethargic, like you need a good spring cleaning.
• You need to eliminate drug residues or normalize after an illness or a hospital stay.
• You need a jump start for a healing program.
• You need a specific detox program for a serious health problem.
• You want to streamline your body processes for more energy.
• You need to remove toxins that are causing a health problem.
• You want to prevent disease and/or rest and rejuvenate the whole body.
• You want to assist with weight loss and/or want to clear up your skin.
• You want to slow aging and improve body flexibility.
• You want to improve fertility.
• You want greater mental clarity.
• You need better quality of sleep.
• You desire freedom from negative thoughts and feelings.
• You need to improve your circulation.
When the bowel becomes toxic, it contaminates the blood, which, in turn,
spreads the toxins to the heart, lungs, brain, muscles, etc. as it is delivering
nutrients throughout the body. In the end, the liver is left to deal with the
toxic blood, and after years of relentless toxicity, it will become sluggish
until it will no longer function. At this point, the toxins will begin to collect in
other parts of the body. Disease will manifest wherever they settle. Overall,
cleansing allows you to remove accumulated mucoid plaque in order to
rebuild your bowel and your liver and protect yourself from disease.
3. Steam/infared sauna
30-40 minutes in a sauna stimulates therapeutic sweating and allows the skin to act as a third kidney.
4. Dry brushing
The lymphatic system carries nutrients to and from the cells and helps eliminate acids from the cell.
Essentially, it is a garbage dump for toxins, acids, and dead cells. Dry brushing accentuates this
process and is especially effective after a bath or sauna session. Brush your skin using small
circular strokes starting from your body at the extremities and working your way towards the heart.
You can find a dry bristle brush at any health food store.
5. Acupuncture or acupressure
This will help to relieve headaches and other discomfort that may occur while cleansing.
6. Breathe properly
Proper diaphragmic breathing will accelerate removal of your physical and emotional waste by reducing
anxiety and aiding in the removal of carbon dioxide waste from your respiratory system. Try the Wim
Hof method which involves brief periods of hyperventilation followed by brief periods of breath holding,
or breath retention. Slowly fill your lungs with air and exhale fully, making each breath deeper than the
last. Do this 30 times. Then, after the last exhale, refrain from inhaling. With this method, you might be
able to go anywhere from 1-3 minutes without feeling the need to inhale. In addition, practicing yoga is
a good way to develop good breathing habits.
7. Stretch
Spine twists stimulate and cleanse the colon, liver, gall bladder, spleen, and pancreas, and back bends
are great liver detoxifiers. Doing your Egoscue menu will support you in your cleanse.
3. Eat lightly and as always, make sure that at least 70% of your diet consists of high-water
content, live, alkalizing foods
Because the body tends to resist sudden changes, ease off the cleanse slowly with high water-
content vegetables. Ideally, eat raw foods for the same number of days on the cleanse (or 1/2 the
days on the cleanse at a minimum). Then, continue to eat a lot of vegetable soups, fresh vegetables,
salads and other alkaline foods (organic is best). This is particularly important for the first week or so.
Don’t go off and suddenly eat a big piece of meat in the first couple of days or you may put yourself
into a deep healing crisis. Also, wheatgrass juice is a great supplement to add to your daily routine.
7. Continue to take your vitamins and supplements so that you get all of the nutrients you need
The colema board is, just as it states, a board that enables you to do at-home enemas or colon hydrotherapies.
The colema board requires assembly and comes to you with the following parts: disposable rectal tubing, a
syringe, instructions, and, depending on the distributor or the model, an instructional video and comfort pad.
Some other items you’ll need to have on hand include a 5-gallon bucket, a comfort pad of your own or a lot of
towels, a lubricant, a chair to support the end of the board that is not on the toilet, a pillow on which to lay your
head, and a purified water solution.
Though you don’t have a certified colon hydrotherapist at your disposal with the colema board, you do have
the luxury of performing this function in the privacy of your own home and without making an appointment.
You will begin your session by setting up your system in your bathroom.
Step 1: Assemble your colema board and place one end on the toilet and the “head end” on your chair
Arrange your comfort pad or towels and your pillow on the colema board.
Step 2: Fill your 5-gallon bucket with purified, room temperature water. Purified water ensures that little to
no chlorine or microscopic organisms will be absorbed into the body. To your water you can add
one (and only one) of the following ingredients: coffee, lemon juice, epsom salts, garlic, or bentonite.
Each ingredient offers its own benefit from stimulating the liver (coffee) to killing unfavorable bacteria
in the colon (bentonite).
Step 3: Place an old—never to be used again—colander in the toilet. This strainer will catch the putrid fecal
matter that your colon has been offering safe harbor to all these years.
Step 4: Place the bucket of your purified water solution 2 feet above your body. Be aware that lowering or
raising the height of the bucket will determine the speed at which the water flows into your body. In
order to get suction in the plastic tubing connecting you to the bucket, you should fill the hose with
water and then let some of it out. Clamp one end of the hose to the bucket.
Step 5: Lubricate the rectal tip and insert it into your rectum. (At this point, you will, of course, be undressed!
No need to worry about coverage with this process, you’re in the privacy of your own home!)
Step 6: If after allowing the water to begin flowing, you feel “pressure,” like you might be holding too much
water, let go. The water will pour directly into the toilet. The more experienced you become with
home colonics, the better you will know how much water you can accommodate.
Step 7: Massage your colon throughout the process.
Step 8: Begin this cleansing process only if you can do it continuously over the course of a month.
Don’t start and stop, start and stop.
Step 9: Clean and sanitize all of your equipment immediately after each use!
Write down ten reasons why life will never be the same again.
Write down five magic moments you experienced while you were here.