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a Eaplainmpoitanee benufu O UeTnte at Resfoa

e ocuce aUums autneKrcrei itonsin
auboshJPaal lain VWtablu2 b becade
oe U don noooal ua ly mahis qood dug
UWe do ha yetume o stnd Ou ohal hatesa

voell-dund nracu veoLy

udhs. B hiirwindouto eto
tht CupabiuLs ths Um lo many a
ystm befnq ort th iseo ibu
dmpontilA O pitdu develapuucreauP
also thni yechi heugh ohith mgnyo C cal
Qu DrCaenlud.
A BCreerH laypeu aPferance at kta
PeLoD n a Narrety a uwaus. th a
meefer Peop PI ave asatd dflLPeMwy
ops sfl makamove
mstaks .
roor dl1sTon M eyeh chae SOme pe ople
orD a datro Peu manaty, l a n a l b uad

acgaalugD usbraluo ncreased .eus

Good esn
wel-dLuq ncl e e n hav
he ber
rexbreminlal uun Or
ears OLeache, 0 . a t mtol
to pore een claty Suadabi l4 b
mabi Jing s cOUwA. i ousul:
tho madied Sveeng Conplicl
Jeuo uDYs h a n hose uwho_uEOthe
oxgnal e n .
Page No.1

AhoUhuY ulseaycher-bos upeycd hat

Budormaling hufoy sen olleoing gced
Dndplusuduréd_uhioo- matthe(ttnb
0, uultt
mth a kitd s u
Cthur ben _ao acune om qcod aluran_
Rahnqed atu tooeud he ckdae CLLLnn
tnt uduud, qipborl hCostr a
lO to cuedd. becase Lwe atCeulls au
huassatu emplotce satfacTuooi ocaenied
becauLe- aq9rtar9 vasalipo eudued
Anath bent tnctatythal n ogarfae
tulomer ben peceLe the tmproeel

SuoNnho rpEinDs dunen h
disan divelopmn poct aso has snicau
OLohom benef

b oneu any OUY deunces betuouyGUI

Webpa DDeefon

l e u handuware Nauauons Yaualuons

fmbd enoxmCus
Uce handa auu Chtaursfo e reun appeayayce

C ns apbeng
one- ued
OLS Speee

Page No.

e aal
Inslall Coaue uonal j Ai a ct
sta ue pqradtPAm YOresuad as
cosedala D U torm, lat
C d w ,Pavdia
,Phlsuanaac oonlad
uolhian apbP tavehfngs
amiliatu oio apbl oveminl btu
ot achievedi Pagoseii y
amfltuy otb many
T estabuhud

Conuollid consuanc by"i Irnitu gnbally
proaram_ un oxqantted,

e Explann delai t Charaaurietf


aphfelicaiddkual uetalioo
dnal rresentan iual aapc o t
rierlaco uwhal Peork Onth Scaen.
h obhe tfeatioo o phta Sm peumiG
okplayme uns mdudtnq drauour tcons
penmitythe 4splayn a
Nabuely charadu on oelualtna
Th maning ntoat eumenlu vsually
presentroto th ue a qsabhfcal SIm
ncluds windous ,mnusrons to upreen
obfec Th obfectuie to gulue uatly_
nnTh dCreLnth ual LUonl he
(S guastrcally meaneng alis by
Pago No.
cleauly a possble,
Paa-Cdk_nraaion ,U
dintRyapropoLed actioo Cor monly
Suied Gto as
ch A s o n l
pedom an eluonb as efU
pimami Meehaniam romng
tth meuse t
butons the tondar er
berormang these etaigniacons iTRe
etia trace Optiong
he aoLay aalttnalvek availabeo th
b hal spesentd onthe ouLn
Or ohal May be inaJ sulttevedtro Oha
psesentdU ontht asen nothinga
olhu Concest etrec he

t a coariive poeess a allows

peepltoi undandioeDtha Peut
oDecefve becauet ofthov too
Noumnous too absbiad
hi_goal riolnLcegasly touprduce
Ete gaprical maq, ol povdtu
nthal onvéy th mosoulevat
atabhreal no cendtrt C 0bfect a
bfetts au oha peopu ate On ec9LuD_
a aBgu unt
Obferli Son be 0dub obfec
hu au olfvdd hlo Smcarknau ases
a il COBeleOhich Peso
containr obfeolcto hold dho be etu
Reve Obfe upescnl hysieal ota in
9La OOnld. J
Page No.
Date L

Cbfeducn Kxat
xtwthoth COLYT
etNr objec on Obre may aeelth
anothu cbfed
appeau arbehaves
TFlk oulalenhpu cal ton2oaun,
CoroposiE CohlainsL i
HopelittesAtbuly Obelu ivopeile
a tonfogu charactiiUu an cbfet
Kepelfey hlb lodlubean obet& can
bel Changd bu iueus
Aton oplutaka aclion OD 0bfedls
Maniilal obiedkina pee wnys
ade h popoioobfect
pp NEuu DLfEa ow at Deilalo)
A be uNiapproathoku n ad
Dbeeapbroach, Fths
Ap r'A6app perid,
t Cbe 2 oY Ohun obfedl
Annbfr ofertud c a a n da
obfedl obred ú thece o

eos ihy au ayg alookinq a an_

Obfeadr 18 Gne cun dokerbes A
rds yeitcmpced conluny dittnos
(6 Ue o erition mory
Cotduousnuibitty obea ttons

mndN oblnm

Concun ren rerovmanee O Hunelto ni

oabhe msmay dotwo C movehinys
a On tim MuhYH Dogad may m
muta nLously_
Page No.

r nmuu proc ba cke Tound asl_YpreombVe

mut lakunoi

explainhConce5 o red Man pulalon or

hu ied dube i s stae
nuad or
shniouman) Hel &alldthuno fre ManipulatD
Ims Gug9Liin thal hoth paoSsé.A3) h
ollowng chata dunslfe
She NSurum spoveapdas d unStoD
SualUtoord A pun kallowed to OCk
aarm?lhenvfronmin { oYo
ouusnoy on ths data hilth
theaB tonls
R hyica Yqansaathe hich
moceftn nfas Aden em veuo
not d drtiao
Coninuous erUtty 0bfaA n
Obi au conunuoudy V2PBYRmfnds
atonso e poemed CL ao ooviou
Nelsorducisedthk torcipl ds yrual Sualy
a Supresenla &ualtythaT can be
Auons aue Lad neremrial ot bu
sesutts attond auL

mmlfady drplayd isualluonh cne

thuir nw le CauTT Gorm. AudPlon
udbada may also beprovidd,
heemunlal deluons au eaYu eveuft
ahally aztoni dcoveudobe
d u e d CanbDe easYlu_u

charadnstic o nabi Bieun

b bitna O0Tth
o l r hotweve h gme ooyland chetaeu
Page No.|

ilariu bønq, Ngánialinpn

Mpoyeens knooaloabou
Pt Stuudtue tpmdudt, aucgo
euttuwe. Co GslomexS use nin ts alburs
toho much esabõed the garix d
otin Coatte Cassabou t
tasa 8 An tntuand ec e @qaisalucn ts
aclif tiS ndudinc compu aEAdA
2uues Comm, Rhtaend matng tuedlo
hd ima Ott a apblmuntanq e ben
AupeA ermalion An a borconilain
detafue o nudd Gogan+gttioral
unauonLnct n uofl oen baladdd or_
oded. Vntearal Iusualu brese
moie stabu the cestodar or
len h eport 490 rtb
Armoun OTnoroalion upiealy, an: hbianl ftt
tuonl be muh lokair tnar adeganscal rana
sU Hhas beBneslumalie bla on nanet St
C a n be 0lot00tim ag r than i u

COrreLonding pubu l r
Hud ubauu ottwasuu Shu nuan exul in
a contucthd i thvixonmeni thi eLnds , 8Cormpulurs,
Or Slandasdusedth
COC plaom omfits minimfrad
elmtnatH; V ubaradudl tom Jo also pounii tenu

o un a 100t DOtm
tpical Vleurul aCcexs o0RE|allou the
e cneh aphcs multimdia, vetr elmnts
thd onlusrbat1 V lo yeiy aslouo doonload ths

eapphloshophy mlumenleD oD-thenlant

oCutern) 1-bde Ca appP Ldill
a t o modal similai o thal ve
eautd sth domeins n_oi Cau S
Suofngbahto movo adtion.al GUdugns.
Pago No.

cUHtog aL bubrioleuofll o9ucho

much more

Co Rkcgs h qgenuelpnplisoUID(any
enttalN pndbtsau

Aetntfcalts hasudg Compehen bilctu

CoopalFfLfti e)
re Conrtneun
Ecrency (10)kom?laudity
2 drdenuk
( Rxponsivents )Sfmbitu
Trdnpexohi agid (E"ladi-0
Aerthrfcalky Plhastnq
ollowin hue
piuenlalo o aphicedNfen tncipus
ie odLe. muonknaut Lontualtbetiino
ij u ement
CeTti avoupin
aAtan ienemuris Oup
Kofd SD upresentadN 2
tolor ahey etielu

h ntedace hould vtdellu, .

cobcebLrall tEnquisenlyauar,ndd
, Yual elu mung
9ords Text
Page No. ().

ovfde CCopallibIGy ththe olouoing _

tash job
h vodue
Adop n peped1re

SLLonrqurctic Settinog
Elbanoes a seniea contuo
encou TOLS an actie V Aouit tundirslanding

ovdt dred cocuygto Qceomplih 7ash

ae allabu altednalfves shoddbe vPu.
heetc cior onobfeets shoold be

Employomfla concetu cLteo-a
ha T.U am th elk
Ku theinuracr nalural mimic no he
ue behavtur pattuins
Ute ual uoorld ehort
Tov gwens
TdLrall ovgivd commonuraNodabt
o OCLTYNq tohinevee

houduaqahs posb ta iophic


nal dulgo uofll De baeder seerto
tyade-OS balan cinq oe n- cOucltne
Page No.

op's ueuremintsduoay abee. pYe ceunct


8 Alt eaplaio th 5 Commandmarits

deenin orpeopu
ompluty Taphfeox oebnl
uofl aludaus magn anNppbmstbat
bru PPtalsat niratid h
jollotoine AtgnCemmandnientleNeatn
ovemos 6 he ucrgnurs mnd
Gaina complutundandinq uie
h tatku
he uteauthe Cualomera. loday Deop
epeTa wel udfn Soprftfodd om ell
htrtlacs nclucduh webciu
olF d tovld 4Onqoune tto Yovolvemeni
Tovelvingh ureA diskao t h
beqnnuno provfdu, adie Condt Ho the
ancudludoL thu poce abow eh,Tack
nud Tove venn alboallo the developr
to Conon eon Spu tanceto chang.
ConbmoD- bunan tait.
Yexotm aprd t oluping taunhg1 rolyping
Tulin4h h roduclof gufai an
problums dlleuo youtodivelop p2
Hmus continualluperomd dunng all slage
edvelapmu to dntovall potuntal
outet,E6oTOuen Ltng t oerlorm
belore prodite leassth
TModity urate tht dus aSmuch as
nicesialuy, OhYu olue peLd 6ooh
sesutes a g gd pnmblu m ditelid n
n ma oé th divelepet to
ntgratth dusson_ slm Gmponents
ThV th documnlalonth huß
HanLn_ Duds au al oporlard elmints
Page No.

aarabhoal . votbeii all should be

Aescbe delailThu human 2haracnallee
nth Use Iainau Resion (An 5
késtesluon N)Mimer
enkory orag tuaAd'tu
tveal d4 plaphural on Tho9 Pocusnq
Miol lovener Coslo)

Lndvtdua i|kventu

CH th bulkr uohue ha attoatc

iproassin etotlicthcd ro Cu SenseS
aniunnsefous proee
avot dtturilwe othe Cnvtronmerd åthcle"Lo_
diu changul COnc lantly betna eplaud by
Duolugathured thul
exeyeaelimulaluo Can aliqu tho
Sensory Storac mechansm makinc us
tuK unatbls to dfthgoufsby oha f_
Reonh tace 0 thal allaspedl
elurdinlsSuve a dlulit ypos

Corpaci ty1 t h eye toSus olve ditails
Called vkuclafty. H Kh hromenon
tha 9LLultr man0bjeal beco move
dsttnet a, uoe tur Ou eysuoadlst
aordlu osun dktncinLgs as e wro Our
eyes auway
+has Shaontha Iulalive ysca acuitu
T'S approx halved a adsan ce a de m
the 2ont o Cye natton
'eye's stnftvtg nveaues o h o e
-chacuvs Closa-o he!4atèr pofnt ('o")
Page No.

and duredses orthoie a baracrs at ho

extumdedgs the r . K may be
preSimedobea sual "cbunk" aasesn
Move menl Comoll 7U
Yalfcularly mporlant duan
9HsAow (arA), TR a latey t h
T ndoacgpveaarg aok
thtaanee to dtog
E Smpymcanstha h e b a e e r the
Tagl t h t oxtht closettheTaq
tarur Suachd, Yhe
mplPekli s CYeen duranau

Tak adv. onng atton

thsidstop botoro Cosn eu
the Syen_

1heq0aoKuman pek0mane to eem

k y docopuquves tnkera p
eLupense i inloadigeqiere o acton , ie
escknce ehdtt puormaneoacionu
O móvemtni h h t orrocd ttme ecvenu_
uoYthadiguat rec to
au hiesarcti cal
nalure, anu n
base¢h'lis may be olgaudto toCYm
tneveasug om ex Ons

ndividual Rork nes

n3ualftuthehile s DOCYeotagR ULest, A
Compicatrne Ba Neouy advanloqs humah
Charadurllce T tOc all kr n lcoks,al
ohc Pdual _ enees Gmf cau don
hed1efan ms petm eal uotth_tddly
raufalon Chon' to sallsdrlordy 'Comlitty
luaanhtasl ob otue
Page No.
O ëxplaío h com mor usabítity Pobum's eb
baied Sysumis
2men sabftty
Coomor probumsn uDébbaiecl
0ksua Clutru-Acacs Onftë sae
n antngus aphfcA unntcde sar 1L Oauul1
aeeora sdto
JnOpaed nomap uadabfts
dfafofshed iyelof choisntype aa,
Colns aphic
8)lncompvehensib CompoNenl SOm deián oumons
hi purpase a a all obvfouúg kargtuag
t a l d inconasnq toilh tbe divetoper*'s_
urmrcleq benq Ued Oofthcat CueL
Annoyh dstadiobs hrm ConclaitL
3rnoto1Scrolluho marataes ortxtaj BG5kir
irka O lbepie CoTlunuatlymunnin antn
compltu wttb
itb meanngal contin ovLsesseye
atlentio dgttoya pac's uadebuiu
Coausinq TNavgatio) A b stuelune tn_
pagls to
cohfchth ue oandiys Sgu son_ loT
:oor ttie no OrqanisaPs CHDona _ a d e
to tf
( heFeferd Navgalon mu Hniever
cont opaqes d tohsR meaning kule
is tOHo ascuin ucd to po -taother.
harqe raphrC uOaLe aScnetn pac add to th
Opeuauong S|tme doing
mabything Yagt downlead lme Cor be
(EEuceafhe oeflie n Page Ocselln Konq
pag auksung sCvolinqUheequendly ttad-tothe
uuets ostna Ccntu as0uleetrd tolo, aSpitla
pOumuu nrecues asOme m chtirelis
Page No.

dkkappea oo fe uw m meoYY
onanOveuloadud eBly- OrqantzNd d lare
Cmbens tnormalunD tapuLs Onr' Mmor
Can e ovebuchIming
46 eson hconstuncy 4 s magnifed Here
urestrma t hand k
day the
dloxang d en m ech othuy

oyg at(s cudlibilitea mods
maniy asesi3, Threaa t tueuni&,
2) Stayduan u sédb emalaA aplcod
coaimnts adaseystim

b Explaio th tuchnavetorleluyominingth Use

ugufe na+suafng ndrecl rMehools.
nafrec Methodsau

A compan Supreertatuee cdenstht tueu's
goals nec to auuanuYs developeus
Tnk upretentiv e ha Coma ron h h

unvey OY veotuonail
AStur veu Quertionat adninuloud to_
Cmbu uceN inguacdiliona mal mithool
to obtadthur Duds

Sltonfe Surve Qvetuonait

A unveu vetoondig o a ompl o u s
Uune enaf the uebto btaothr nuds
Ddumen-the StcuLE bfec
09 Daurmhe wheve dil you d the eople do
COmplit he
Page No.

3o Cutu a m mutfu chofe Gpen-cndud.

o Gecp shod
ugunetno morehan 5-10 rmin

rldronic t@cur ou
sall arp ses a m0duralordkcuyd the
quremens Cnouhg Cwostcaliong

Compan supreserUaluw esoho uqulaidi tudlomes


brnaluo tolrtd bgheuthd hulhs dons

witb dau-to-dayi prrdimsK_aralysed
Foaf ulltto Bcatd
nobu ms qpertuons ugqallona Tom UseLS

ptdlto a bulltien bodo hugb emmi

Ou nalysecd
Use oip
oemeroau uaanudb_
Conveng pefeliUu -to O discusSNo uaqt,
uy guguo Cauu plarnha
Compituor naysis
Asudreno o ompolters sDdua Oeh?la
Cedto alhur das euncovesdisgn uqufemen
and diilashs
rado Shod
CuSnars a a ade shouo asue Peseitud amock-u
o piolope askud ov Commen&.
Othir Cudia Aralys
An analyris oth mdia, pn or
roadcas esetIth proces k a3bea
malleu Ince
Pago No.

SAuctune 0 m Du
onnth , T
a luáuonj
nature Mnus
(0Sngt Mu
n R smpl or Qinenets, a sihg CeLn
l o aSeuhth se's
Os oinda presen
or yece anadLoo t o b e eorred
may may e o a l i v e
A ng
uguhes,dala: tobe rured to th
bfeclto a ryalidiqcheoia Tha

data tnpu
ails. I e onui oU tun .be upreoe nted to
des oth d msiag @uguestn
yatfd data.

ACdice 2
CKoic 3 t

6 equenlia AEncar lerus.


poRsessng onlontipab
mun s c e n present d :aprese Ord
and, qinuxalty 6 r obeaie erepeto
atameiys k o r e n n g dala DV
ecuintial palb e h u s h e eveial rhorl comings.
Alone 9oduone may betomd dtoui

GY mnd spesentid
23 unu 3
unu 2
enu 4

( mutlansoue enus
halac bein peserlLd on ctale asceCnS, dall
minu OPuons aou anailaHe mattanetsle
oblems ilh asimcutanecus men CoLRthd er
Page No. G

toxq collecliors oenu atesunaliveg clttur Cdn

hulyoaur SCvolu my stl

neegcasylo eco a-echofo,
poLentnq anm dependenaos Seulatuonc hips_en
O Scoun, especially poorly dfcatd Con also he
NOuy ConstMg

Ateunál&e 1Aeurnalive 3
Chofce1 oChcre 1
oChaice a i o Chofc 2
o Choie 9Chore3
Ateunalive2Auunatuve: 4
Cheica 1: LTeChof1
Ochoce OChoTC 2
o Choice 3 othoce 3

HoudstthicalsMunus i
sALbieuaichcal ostuudine uult an e ating
eltnetnen choreCS nisa stppedihugh
e YO pioDsoi
aSubostony rom
Caticorteto Subcaigonies or ao osuons
secton So on
A hfeanchica lucureCo C onbe be
on in Yeue u dingo oYe more
branchs as One moves donamrdbreugb U.
Cormmon exambl oiesarchical desian *odau as
und n mn b a s olhtha assoccaud
d&adranlg a cuanchcol aschome thl th
dund dbranehbg cadr may bol htu
echcest othe tas
tuseoy au ol alia tbthe hiesanchcal
rhunt OY auunabl edic Ohal subopliong
asllcutar chotc th may g0 doon toong
Daths tnd nucesau gobacb uph
Suu 0Changk_ achoiea hapy euen
9tutur n o t h topruve minu

evel o


uvel 1L

ConneeUd menus QIu Uwora J nmnus al
LOnniahd 80me manner. oemen hrough
suclie múnus ho 9usbifotd-lo a
bieurchcal tus bu Peamtted betuetLO
mog all mnugt he ntwors
mnisturo may be cyclical,wtb
movemt goumitaAd t dteio beluocen
monus OraCydi calr- Olb movemero pekmitled

nontu oni dtreatioo thee ens,alio a y

conneoliv tuthextinta ohh mnu
a a u i nlkidbymutpleahs
Th bag_advanlag a acoofheatd menu Nuo
h&T A esh use ullconl) ove
th narvgalobou t dkeddanlag _

Mau 3

'Eveh apping unus

EVEn ainha
Yunus provd an oyoDesger
bech cround COnl cve h r.

b Rescbe t h Componenu tOeb Navaalion

yaluns utbPlustallon
Page No.

move beluen ehstunnalion agumunk

ncessfta kr CsuraltonoDeaaioph
h cuu tonland uwilhun,oa amuworG Qlods
Centiols nctudinqthe browron Commard buttons
Tiiolphroses wchitiDavgalion bar websdt
OCmimand batonge
bupedhvt On oeallouwed h to b.
Cuuathol usth magts as wel afiagbhe d
am hype mdLoL Oasotnd To sLat th
eveu ontat au
Allnavqalfon Contols mua
-Makt sense h-th abcence a s t tontut
Be tonluhually aNatlab
Be cbvious dettsli ve
Be Consistint appear dn e
Yogs@s aiuxualaelorducpioo40Tdustng
0 mutf pl iaqaoD p a

promand Bullons
Hdhe bolueinthe DYouOSOL
ab byndudng navgáuronal00mapthcOtlhin
th webftt

Wcbrt Navloalion Ba
Honidaobal havqauona boathe toP ecch
od atocal
Cauger Otcal htes
Plac rminoY
nes the wgale,paskuniKali
ceul Or gbothoto
6th paqt.
long pags, Pokas
rportand alot Dr locaaavaalon bu Yepealing
battom a h dge
tDavcjalion ba a men
uRunl dphraes maphicaltmages araa
Command button as
Or cOng
Shewn b-
Pago No.

Rav nl414 5 mu bogk

bebstcstaine ua 8 velgonavaipn
hl ltbalo twta local hinorc

Minor inls

Koratinqh gtobal es.athe top pag

makssenie onsConsrdrsthu lccbo o
nko tougb Va stuunhe u usklisesd cauopre
navigatLon adua toould hovewa h e Bun betu
PosAltond Cnth Surgh

Rovfds a c e uaual phraue un

apldt monuS.
Ebeddud wfthenpa urt

aphieal magu Or tonA.

may appea an
navtgaton ba
ulivahdPon s Jin a pag

Command Buuons
4may appe n an D.th sorm aa
navigaluon Bo, oT be ndi dtally locattd a
Juloca on t paqi
Pogo No.
OferCOcbsl NavgaluoD EtmunE
1 u aiL OYeueo), nctuding Micliv Qormma >
srtgap nduasi adh aCortin Oter
ckmunty atu ibstorcaltaats a9eanch, enaint


An e l ummaryho Yovid a poevicu

thi s COnlans hles major Concepr
Asru map tlubalingthu t s breoarchfcal
ueture hu" Sulatüonshis tompor
oth glohal & Local maps
n alphabeti24d Sl thd
A tublta conunu
AiloO CcesiB7 oim: any POur the wehsds

Breadcmh alL
kocata belowth nle
Abread.cnub ta1 FAabrerchical toebirle
uclure a Sevenlial xtual sln opage
anveued romthe paun paq to agee
CuTTerlyberng dsplayed.
A uall rgtlad 'o Al8 aluo a Sets
o n tha pounuth uso to90 bacl
hy 00 nthe aseauvente
Sumbol eLed a an LLOLO( , a colonS)
qreaus than asLe a gstash ) .

hlstory Air a Seaoenlad a a l

s n brpags vitd oved ope.ci fc ttrno Deq
S0sson a dY OY SOmethY mpeso

bttorytou On ovesuvieuo ma C
Q9uudune eoitb paqc) atuady siied
markLd an rdi cctean such a a pluy n
chuck muyh Ovalfefth .
Page No.
ThL mcn tuhoasey ve a oalp gutdi
LtAC p bathlDpgy auvc and/ov
sfghalihq e h i h have aluadu ben aßsn
my no longabe otrilse ()
A bodamas Stmala o a httory lir
exce thd t dstonald b the tuN G
mars locattony CONlcnong unlst.

each Ha&q
Qdeauch adty

0 Descbet undions o unus

mnu: Can be uLed
lo peoim eveua
tneltong t navigat1 o anud m Hu to xcull
an ttiond Or dplat erma
o pii dalu pauamulid

Nataatopto ti D Menu 6.

Eachuse aSelcutoD CoiES ayothr mene.10 a

breuochica m be duplotd
purpoe eoch Sela S u the
useu tOUoo d lan cbec ve goal:
SeluclioD enDYS ma adthe use douon
paths, cod ehpS arsaNakon
bit thne CLOYS ae
Lually undone

an Aclon Kpudune
6e Aiclcn sud -the
an aclon oy peo O Cepitytoimbm
apo Cidere_
clgsurq a uCopycng tut
ov Gendno
Acefdthlal setuckos messeq
ftica hene
arlions mw be evrd tiace dusy
Page No.


haus upos aelkaltod a minu ehdic

be dplay oalon
be ste akdhiq sr e c e
tormaion database or brouatneb,
tuaey's cL arily Ontho
uaon tho obdhopenclor
t h t p L s Coftt agat CaS
hOrong uvnd
thse eAOYS asu
tune peuhaps agravaluos
nondaeudve o saualy Undoabt,

Pata cr huamaur a
topul -dala
6rthu orpds Patadtir inaue

Datao1 aluesJmay be Eopaon a ing

mnu oT Spread Ove bietaNc

Afst all krds OGraphical Punus

Emplan; any On iai|.
nccal enusalJ

3 CascadungMnu (4) op-up Anus

earo Ainus o r e Minus
nu )Relaut Mana ms

Ylenu bar
rope aga
povid en accex
eauehily o
d abp_daonshatakus f a a n a wte Yaiel
kund tiotndeis
meriiba bao ehfa bs e hould ro nttate an

auoaus Tblu, unmindn he tuaceL o - A
e np Ystunce

Are QaLsuto boua thoeugb

A r e Cadu to Local tonststly On ascstCAN


tlua llu olo no Obscut ho Óorking LC

tliee lttecto ol chacutd by cotndouos aloa boxes
esyhaord Cqvaluris.,

COumo tutl o o 0
hey uquwuldékinqaway
Ormhe, maln
toorkne n touiato see
Th opons qve asnalur than etl-
bulons oloudsq lauoD m
Thairbonla rionlat u s e pr
1r aho koral;oiertatoo timel o, Chotces
tha eanb displagd

A pntnarytundoo chu: avea he
menwbases uslhavear asodatncd
put-clöcos rtniÖnlaninq a sLosl teo Choics
no alocotho uuc 0 uvo0 the
duplau f o t mnu bo
adtefma UFs ik_asodat+d udoon
nu a disabld, heD drsakla ths enu be tim.
Rlayth dsplablud ftm a sually
sunludd manne

hoics howpnboully oveuth trelous enlu
SiOO hto th dosun below -lh
Cuun t e .

Alarg ho ChocLs may n6ess tat dplay


1h uOinolouo tu u betie mnnu bou t u

Page No. (E
Dale L

hemsnu d too maataly

kind ochotyavolab h teaasoaatd u
douon. monuD.
M u . uo ducipuons wiU beth tuEoY
Pit- d uon munus assettotid thuo
tisemred Co tti oduseibe choi
ue no wodi ehorus ohenveA possbe
No phy chof tho u neve avarlabtu
t thaUse,,

aollouo andaxdpaoamOrdurinq 6ehinEs oheu
laucP2spe hoke sahixe y t b e i l
Ordir chof) uHL-safa) uoftb
s) equen dhotette
klaro qrauped tog alhuv
>Chofes ound on\ ma Vtha On nu a.

Shoald.0 be Contaniy posituoned


uohnchHsear Jocallugouped
miwal gra
Hetp uhun sholtd bd tecald
5holledbd localud
a ght d the bas

OtonS tSnalouwsni

hort horusOnu CpaeA othe
> heapatuos 3 aspaes bataeach.o he
auceedna heteus
ALave One p a betuguwOt nlahoTce
Seai margto
Page No.

Sepasiat he basr mtHI umaindiy
yen by
A dtaon backqpOvnd O
aSott L s aoe beli
Hr Componnu
uuboadequalu + mnemonYts ashoutdb
dd en tna baiC
od aueloatostoaknedouo ndoat
V Cogcads tndteators No be. holudst.

eato O ndfcaion
hayboard CLuLSoYs
Ue a Suvese Nid O tveus toor sela
tuuoto SussOndt Choi e_
Cov the ertue cheres elúdino one
btank pcuu-bekote- ate t ehoro O0rd


ntdLo of Svee LoloY o

huahlight 1the selclod, Choic .

Erclainh Componun a udrdouw wth exampu
nropoehL O ndou Va
A OrdouwuoL haye aLame
wwally Juclargalaa tn shapeto nacea þovl
alutne t boundwis
ditunguuth ro olher uwldows.
bosud nud nol be
pemed ehape oy mo
Page No.
t t Bo
.s t bot t h t p edle th d o
ectndua iehune eudh
aluo LHt Tred as Castor Ccapton
ba o UUlwasULa
LOnlaune ducttveztH& urtirothe
Puoe/cortir LONdo0.

ar eon
Ocatrd dtbe e tÖhoer t h t l t a
ro ayuundo-thibudton uued hudindouos
V-to iSeitifeve puldooD nu C d . tha
apptotht_obfed Ondo

ucrcoug ihe Batton

thle bttons au eAtedo erunupulatythe
Lttmabatton mlmic baton-Insibod
wt a sho honental ntooanol
otoo he butten iS e d t o Suduud
totndeoto i ntMuM
arm bullen- ypreally ebed uth
alavgu bon-Cnlatug a dndduoto.

seallu th Cntreásceun
OhuD thete balon au dplaygd sehe
onu a ndouo does nol por a amd
do nol dplay Ctnd buttern.
The Clee b/Non aluoays appeass as the him
balo n LaNe a Qa bodubeen an bther.5
h Minimiz buttOn aluocuS precctus told mas
to n
atore batton aluoes upaus th
Max2 button or Minime btto hon
thal md Caueed oed
Page No.

uOnas h ? Battop
he Ohal?Butto whc happe 0LSa Setoncer,
did los bous, used to Ovh
he Ohats s2
wndouos Cmdto ppdu nl xadHelpabow
N Condas uOndlouo

ued to OTgante povd acisgo
aaorys Localuc hoaitalu
the uoindouo tul beloii0K tftbas
Amna badConlauna a t opfu 1iny
theu whun6eludtd a0
pull-doon diuplaykaoha
menu benath hech
aalus Bar
tue t o t h , tue
Cor be
tocatud ath to hua be
callid a slau
thaSauen some atoms
asio,or a the oucns
B e e Bur
ohun all rrdpay oD comolbo pre LeiUd_
indouo R oduttbnal o
nd madi Nub be
Hf auotsDec
b Scollinetru dislays
ConinTs Cus d
S r o , beu Ciotha
ConsR ceryelOngldJclanqla COntounc
csun \haia i
Gdho Nator Yeshaltaa
asauos ar anch a
each ed

f Box
Awlrdow Cor be asIH ysto 0s morc Piecus
OY Panu by mapulainq a
aoye a Nial cal dodl spl) x lo tcittd
b to the
bomontetl oSeo
Pago No. 8

Qu cd to as
T h spf boX Omilms

A wlndbo cam be GHA Krtoub O or

tR a9ei a ld anes
Sepalaau teudinc auas

pOLranniy akplhytd pands CTrays dS
oolhuLL a
hofus Cmds thad d b be aieed aufd
1 u aL 9onmalm CaulltdCe o i
GToohe dortand toy poiols ack aceg
t pectc Cmds or \ plton dpecarlzed
au aSomilmes cuksuudo a outreons oolhores

ommard Areairakns
F auetalarcmd to be
aeualons, ohsu
ped to a ásaun a md a a a a n be proviad
duroud ocatiop othecmd asua f h e
bottoroT siko Oundonb

miosoH odouosspecta
hande ncludd oindoo to. pdumft
to 9usye4

COorla ea
OO othe csunhe
peor Ja skL
> I thocben asua adithe dhdouotg
bots Conlin oulevandesphual cLLLn
COmpomeiu OSueh astho mdnu 4 , as2 voll bors
O meLaqr bos
u9OY may also be uerd to a
th cen auwa.
Page No.

s biekly dbouth Hps owndews wfth

exampuy CanyoUT
1upea wndoos
barup tondoss
Secandbn tondouos.
3 Raloe Eoxuy
opeatq lhepectos
S aldtie ihdok
eopu doos1
Msdaq Bous
mary dtndow

hould uprelenl_an- hdpendtñ appl

U e t oto pesEn!Cendantly cuied hdos
Compandnu Contuos 2
A mu a ttems ha
Used- g wnNgi
lsed b most or all pimauG Or
e ondur ufndow
Contuos cued by dupendind ondou
Ue i pooierdfag okothed contieall
d ktud EM;0 datu uh
eerrovdnq coruxT Y dpendnT
uondeh be isuatrd
R o hot

d an hdupond.nt hotuoo o
more pman coindou
ro e r unveletd n dn .pmaY
Ralaq PBor
preLenhq br mescagS,
> Ue
euedur dspeccCtan sfent
e rormona CTctOnthd
| Date L
lé0 a sho meto cormpuu
se no ec ntychanqid
Command butons oncld9
ncel Othors s eedady

tlse ordplaytno aboe a

aucticulobr t u a i O cOndftuo
Cmhd button cld
Canod Help e No

.Battons to CPyd t 2acip Gaued

th husa* box tobe playd
mAd acludis :aCance ottoa
hcesiq ntytho mas ecven'er ua dostmadfve
opubdas h daut co md batton

Rier a S
Mtoot ugg ovtatngtheollouotn
musuqiresho chefeS T be mad
onu acs hcdudi an
Helh butoD
a miq Juquesh ues/o mahs
oPe ht a amd bitton r ench opt
ncuds Canal bullong Only cOhen tht
hus th
Cntinuir oppne
e Nu Nobatto ns ahenth
civu houlo Linut uet mus

he choiuA a 00 ambIqucLs Lasel th

Command burttons wlb the
tams o ecc
e Lte

tu tofadougs
Aeto bren
Restaas usadk.
Atteuntelu, dutan them as i h je
Page No.

)op- Ubwfndoos 1edi
pop-it wndous!todkplay
Adafto d n uoht.an abbrefatid orm
o h lo thmain resentlob.
Tertual nbes r qsaphrcadonludssu

eobe Orexlappha udndouos led ,tuPndoso

prmo serlaio a3u wrthexamu.D

Cvesilabbtng tondoua
Oyola he ondotos a y bo Tlaud on lob
bdabdnothtrGke p o s oniaduk
8Duallts O p e a i t
tHe chdhvon lan

thfroos SP uLuembleneq th dekLOP
tha amfeeoth
Geat ool' allouas ht e lo0rganix h
wdeoto iu her nuds
ofndows Can manta arger aipe coniiunT
O n i t r pos lon
onteswál nol apobl m
becauie uotndoos ¬on be atd on' top G
On anolhe
Page No. a
LsPecsasttocloce O¥ dutiueothdous
On Ongo peodids
tty etdhatlr u e cpoospnanc 0ase

mdnpulal ocOmput h aush,

uyau OpoLLalonatu much maeutoPA
1Ndd uuin douo olhr
OndouL Ocir he coxured aibentn
tost benrd.othe
trOndodsthemsel vas Cin. e
ondouss Epresumud n o to ectt
otndouosoUpies ert aBD SPau
alabay SuaEed bu heuse

4fud Ondouwsg
1fud ufndouwsdohdrnameo comon
tceN9ad tiu ¥Ld tordosos appbasl one
Vplane Onth Scsuun eRpand tonta l o
2 u t h e duflaysunaco as nudud
>VMlasaSms eblepoids D fdtondous,
odfutablt bothhoght wrdth

Th aslm useallun allocatuu portuon ndeus
erth ue aumenalunqti necestu to rnmah
poctionhe dectons

pondntouJe AuL aladangs rbluj etrninan

PosUü." LoR orqote
yu ndous glusaLys 2opltey A?bla
ettinereiltre Kiddi)
hu aupEtered
ovekappim ndousytossigbecause
euso mañacemien opoilalons
ac al

On ailial a dplaydnt
ukadousa opennectoLod umo ndeui
chana ahe arb aDnoyCn
As hadouo can sI-posHOpthi oemen
Can dks-concerntq
o s n o O dplayhq tondo nerea Och
ndoO Can qo eu
crtons adt b hrSIm
tenPgusuctro o aottou pfard bthe
aS g n o hutt th ulg ndi.
S aiety Managsth undos

b Eoplain Chanauriee alouch-&tvein kybord.

A stecfa)SunecL onthi aBCecn 6ent+ e to g r
Or STyl touch

r e dulationdhip bl handpofilir toeaT?in
tems dhtto lilanu peed
Movema dud hthSam plane_a
qros no addiuona dub pau
Pago Na.
Date L

advanta qes
may Carc
Kcettre ovne arlaudiqtes eyb

bfetts ghouldbe diosi Ya"

ec talóDshould
a Vnerca edbacs.nSuLPOneto oTtiveliorn
Atuditoryedot ma auo o apobratt

inslbuelusnala elbDlo beqen

Sahdaud ypeuotr uayboaud ursor
nove me h

Roei notak up addiona duk aspre
e r wealskes
-Eou phantmatedata
Theitua t t albhanuuncdalet
Kay Shorlcects- acceleoalos
luyboaua mnmonte t equvaun
Poimen0 achon w hen ts thap
Page No.

otb: - atoiCLuKS
Touch tupkt

aSto non-touch yptsCS

OSotuoa hah otht drs 2Ohung

dee ulationutYb boluu t and

tA egtunduMOYrOVOK OITY_
ored h pee dianc
tmi peel

Kgboa aicte Gadthnur

Roa audaud Accelea o>

.ator Qeloeiliono
A othuyconobnatuonJfor acluOns
thaa1edyo of or ophm£or toth
adluöns yor k combnnlori tued
LwlhodiA shitkii
Asiq C k u cCombindie
n ecuen aduins
at pri laner-seot NellOnd
thiaik asshadtotA unmod l
ov yboord Eautvalurdsi
Use std pla ov LLIvaort
ULe utie h tim du S12
s-ctur lonfct extu, tye
nokr dlthztive Cononan h9tm
ANobel inth tm dito
vd udndouohniqauoD tbrougb ue yhoon
Pogo No. (D

Explain Radfo Butonsond ATBoxes

elecion Conlrds

Kodo Bullons

2coneedaLOnulunyOh ollouong

Smalicretu lamondsoxuelengey
hofet' Sesip
Ohon a ohofa elecid
T ptoo t hahlghid
Anu ekthq chdícs N automatfcallu
lLmHighthhd dueladed

se Smal s 1 muluall
eylusroe pT C2-8)

Kepe lcagS
er get attbupopeis or Nalus
mulaally ENTlustY Choits
Ohu aduqua csuL Gpa availado.
oho use
Or COm mand
undfca the presene Or ahsen

Rye q 124 2S uil booh

hohd manngkdaly 9pctlud oehoru deipr
Cleculydutb t yalues ollects aeo
Pipla ngt ong ns
t u stoii the beulto . &tpaiati
at a l U Ohe paa
tpn a.dho s Conditoralty tunavailabll. ker
Stu dilay gd ccd o dimmed
arluda 'Non' Buquhed_
Pago No.

Kouo minimum O uO0Choice _ maximin


uOhuDthi onuo oue, a Eati r aa
thd ha beun PieAtoUmtnud bave a
Pobabiltua seld han th 6ther
dstariat iulastadleutt uela t

Contuo) ocuds ahofe ehoe

cSas Camo e datnvoiod atblau
allthe buttonyaoittoid coti ado , orh
th ndiliymunalu(6
Ohun a uittst e l e , bealuduschou
hose2 CTatisiasu
ue we
Conomor Orientallo D
e preLerniatioo
Kut-altan th batons chdru scplobN
Rer 2
P esdt c p l on assuin n i t d
sntud thi batto na horzontalty
vfdusadoualu epata bel Chofy

£ r e l u s e - t h a

batont ina bordr o vaually

SluLnabn_ t h ulahonthiphy rce

angeaselc k_ expeded Orckr or ollow
othrpitferns Sue
een LLQOx Ioposilans
P uhdir ccdoim ovdlrten a chotc
aailaba iplay ubdud r_ug btontly
than h avalako hofee
Pago No.

Rland Conttiol
Kostion hynCOstvbl nelate lo a 6ndio bktop
tmmudhalily tothu uai dth -chiu: dscr
huSaloadio bitton choiusd allo alas
tabdtcbe tor-th riuo)thálallouos -
end thu Mabe uit an auLOW(
Gbuen bocd Equval1nts elud Mitht
hdrale be inludid oy Ontkohole-

A emant4 dplyael bex-shapdCor o

contnininq atutbule
AChfamay e t t ctoriat Suprelent.at
eldons au madsb ut nealmou
topon el
Capabe-ebefnq Sucltudto veu large.i t
No ty ety dests 'h_ofth to type

Tdeplay a coluAums Conlaineng
ttually exclue osD
on-muitrealtu exeluitve OpTD

Clalu muaningfully duibethe choice
varlahu pelthahou as lly as posside,
Craahial supreucnla m claulyiupyeient
th bbT.
Pago No.

Not_aua tiroil in_cnte

hraentallayallaka alteunalvd
rore. tha n 0-paol,douOns

to aScasohrCltt

MuB be long enouch!to dKpluy 6do & Choi
uothoit BcLotun
M be tuelriouabto depliy looyeif


dratr omical manirqlal uody tö- peumit_

Cacy bxonotK
e a attadachore ndayalladi t h
CUÝre onix Oni omtRL ule

Kayéd SepacatioO
Enloe h choteas oYAUtDaUth assoltol
i c lf
koveAn blanla haudrth Yet bl th
OheradtcmpP bovd
ALaveong hlank chau poton the
onges Chotcdsc ' ft skakt borler
Caar Rablha cbec dhad ndi caien
be ncdudud y & mandee

b Explainan uoo Okubng pololps

CLued n uD,

leaaive Yopos hl algpes

Thderoce CompOnen onlbuueldd CononmAY)
tuc hndoqhe
Page No.

h COmponenu Qu mutualy marulatidtb

Avsht dyrans c slw.

loie#Tlustgualkver0 prosá dunamics tha
Sktchs T
Can be uedto dumanslaitith ntetatD
-OtuxYe qnstall-th ar sor and-onten

Cnl0nough pponmÁt
en aactatorrøha ae
mitduudalns or uLabityuthq

pqsammed acaduT

-Sxamus A rshed dfalqs Steund doY som
apecty m
Cdald b ooloupngoos
Mdfom alfty thiah- bilblupos
hoid d dtafuc stedfcatuon or'uortng
ovdatu catat

ayolfi dun too adon
May Cuiat u alu_exetat thod th
oual thng" Anllasdalth
veepente to 'drelop.
TMoYe the-conwmiha CugiI
No etertke uquemunSqalhrng
CNo Dacal o foverti aat Morethan 213
Page No.

plain SLy 1fee Vfeu obexabil co5bolu


A Sca exhbtitnq

ncudeyth ellowng
A shak or ba
A ang ainsurth apvepale labels
An Qu hfealthq Oulattve tr bot_
COra on
Th Asbad
Obtionallu a pai hationyto pcumt
batonsto cui
hexemertal movomiend the ost aun
Aa be :iplenTodvesittehlly ór honttertdllt-
o Cucttol buuhnetei moule: t
aqa istdLr_aUsOVSthe-ascel unt he
dsdNatus K acheA
a YaluE nthi asoalud t box.

id mata a setttng henA coritfiouous aualllative

odfastmr accbabl,
plabl,t suusejulto*se2
-th caren Naus tlatvetoth anq
Poscit Nalu.

rope Uleagt
-To s ar athibatu
Sor merlualuy
Ohen an obfe has a td tanga d
possibu Tun
Ohin_ th Aanqe aue coKlinvou
Whingradu attö a ladfid
LOhen he thocos Carn ne1e&p or decveaseA
omR oell-knouon, prochotabu.easily
unduitooc udo
Paga No.
Date L

Genua qufaiunhe
te o$anda rd codS uohe neveotav labu._

Capud Kabeu.
Castid n.
rovf oLanungttel, clar ConsUnT
play um uinqred Cose Clurs
Pociucp halestonto thi o t-bo
AHeunauty t may ba potlfonld ult_
fuERed above t n sttdir

mLahon dugcnvetabel To
afo UnupeT the ccts

aShOuO d : ComDaL rang cofs

too nditt1 spShgb endL h
vduaSea nlnio O marke nq, ohte

oPA consün Qevemenls

rn heCuLesto chan t h unit

Canno eheung the valuul sheaon
du do 'nodEpla strelkr am
ovA lidur battons topeumt_m
movemen b
asmalua) nnemont
e e t Cc
hange h Yalug sheun
_C_glduY_do o l dil
asA haton
Page No.1

Rondi ditintsto atus
pecto Mianeng i
Yeu nmil thi utelo hana Chu irtrn auu

Afauh popOnt a alu betn29
dipgd the d kshaki om
9f hotrontal dsrom to sufghi
lrretf cal lfdux iom tiom to: thp.
ree vfeuo
Spedoul .tsi boy (noltha aplas a
a bferly a cmntmdd linebtied on.
the bbfettoccalbicrarch cal aton chp
Indudes,optronallubutons thet epand
collapte Ottne
buttn nebed t h t ) S expands
Abutonheibieo uoiTh Collabut
Eomoit thai can ptionally be aplaypd

29 naphYes, auch a a Checls box
to llTLdlee hleuanehtcalelarttont

ur poae 4 Yppa Usae

Todtsblay a a is1 oobfecas ah hündid
ofngoAlusdeat AR teigroa Tesuanciieal
Soul onships.
Poge No.13
Exblafn n Cognitiye Oallbraqh hnk alouel
b EYalualuors tlsa iisconduchol n
Cogrtf uOalla lho ugb. irs2a

Rvtos o htera thucoT Tasle

Alloud cuarrinexalualtn.Ote agk tloco
cauly in thotniduroniooal
Sucufre aDnq taype
Kouo co
Cana be usedtot eväuat alloatato1
-Can pe pe omedby dwelopous
lore 8tulluikd han h huhfstfc evaluatton
Tedras todpoouo0
Ma mss oaislenias AnisLa

-Neededto Corcua thu alkihvouah a
AQneal dei oprop01ed Im luss gh
u l e v a kpcugldotrinidthý Poises
A de ?o ri0more coveo
sipek ctttve1r 1ashs. to bePeuenmid
Sevea Cove br nepesenfeueass OS a tange_
Tropolec askes O atilulas Con

evetorpesus mu be ascand toles g

S e e l o Decovd uuHs_oth ation
acittalo to up -thi alialop m0Ying_
Page No.

Ront g beagd dOuO Cmandinet: 8olulön

hnlsAloud valualto n
LseLS peorm pea tash ohia thiotina

s ucOndd :AnaluAd
Hos acua ipELonblive tosk l i
hovrdu nsfaris ntoh e S uaspning

adrarnlag- weytothnL od
May be in d utto

- e r elo,
devesa CO Or
upre seilalièe
laxhss ateula Coneoin-
GOo 90 minutes

Usabitltu lesT

A n t a a eválualo. undag Lal-uoTd 0Y
Loslzdled Candileng
Mlasucus Peiormane
oblems audutecd

UtLs an arlual uo01 envÝKONen
Tdines sesaOeLS_OY Qucuyind PToBkms.
Pago No.

0o elablshrnq
-2AL a T Lenduialo wit, uscntace
Emphatizos uag.
ooy ft Jer dtteting nnssGnecy

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