Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Meaning of research problem, sources of research problem, criteria characteristics of a good research
problem, errors in selecting a research problem, scope and objectives of research problem. Approaches of
investigation of solutions for research problem, data collection, analysis, interpretation, Necessary
Effective literature studies approaches, analysis Plagiarism, and research ethics
Effective technical writing, how to write report, paper developing a research proposal, format of
research proposal, a presentation and assessment by a review committee
1. Stuart Melville and Wayne Goddard, “Research methodology: an introduction for science &
engineering students’”
2. Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville, “Research Methodology: An Introduction”
3. Ranjit Kumar, 2nd Edition, “Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for beginners”
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Module I:
Introduction to Data Structure Linear Data Structure: Stack, Queue, Linked List various operations and
application, Nonlinear Data Structure: Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree, B Tree, Graph, Depth First
Search, Breadth First Search.
Module II:
Introduction to Algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Design of Algorithms and complexity of Algorithms,
Asymptotic Notations, Growth of Function, Recurrences Sorting in Polynomial Time: Insertion Sort, Merge Sort
Module III:
Data structures: Priority queues, binary heaps, binomial and Fibonacci heaps, binary search trees, Cost
Design and Analysis Techniques: Divide and Conquer, merge sort, finding closest pair of points. Augmented
Data Structure: Red-Black tree, OS-Tree, Interval Tree, B-Tree, AVL tree
Module IV:
Greedy Algorithms: Coin charging, Kruskal’s, Prim and Dijkstra’s algorithm, Knapsack problem. Dynamic
Programming: Coin charging problem, matrix multiplication, longest common subsequence, Floyd and
Warshall algorithm. Application of Sorting and Searching.
Graph Algorithms: Topological sort, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, maximum-flow –Flow networks,
Ford-Fulkerson method, Maximum bipartite matching.
Module V :
Concept of different classes of problems: P, NP, NP-Complete, Easy vs. Hard, Polynomial time, non-
deterministic algorithms, reducibility.
Approximation Algorithms: Travelling salesman problem, Parallel and Distributed algorithms.
Text Books/Reference:
1. Introduction to Algorithm by Thomas Corman , CE Leiserson Roland L Rivest, C Stein
2. Fundamentals of Algorithms-Ellis Horowitz, S Salini S. Rajasekaran
3. Cormen , Leiserson , Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, Mil Press & MeGraw -Hill Books Company.
4. Rauthan & Patel, Expert Data Structures, Khanna Publication Co(Ltd ).
5. Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Pearson Education.
6. G.S.Baluja, Data Structures Through C, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 4th Edition
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
1. Nicholas H. Steneck: Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research. Office of Research Integrity. 2007:
Available at:
2. The Student's Guide to Research Ethics by Paul Oliver Open University Press, 2003
3. Responsible Conduct of Research by Adil E. Shamoo, David B. Resnik, Oxford University Press, 2003
4. Ethics in Science Education, Research and Governance Edited by Kambadur Muralidhar, Amit Ghosh, Ashok
Kumar Singhvi: Indian National Science Academy, 2019. ISBN : 978-81-939482-1-7.
5. Anderson B.H., Dursaton, and Poole M.: Thesis and assignment writing, Wiley Eastern 1997.
6. Bijorn Gustavii: How to write and illustrate scientific papers? Cambridge University Press.
7. Bordens K.S. and Abbott, B.b.: Research Design and Methods, Mc Graw Hill, 2008.
8. Graziano, A., M., and Raulin, M.,L.: Research Methods – A Process of Inquiry, Sixth Edition, Pearson, 2007.
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
A Student can opt for any two subjects from the following on recommendation of PhD guides of the scholar
/the DRC.
Graph: Incidence and degree; Handshaking Lemma; Isomorphism ; Sub graphs and Union of graphs ;
Connectedness ; Walks , Paths and Circuits ;Components and Connectedness algorithms; Shortest Path
Algorithms , Eulerian graph Fieury's algorithms and Chinese postman problem ; Hamiltonian graph -necessary
and sufficient conditions ; Travelling salesman problem ; Bipartite graph .
Tree :Properties of trees ; Pedant vertices in a tree ; Centre of a tree ; Rooted binary trees ; Spanning trees -
Spanning tree algorithms ; Fundamental circuits Spanning trees of weighted graph ; cut -sets and cut -vertices ;
Fundamental cut -sets ; Connectivity and separativity ; Connectivity , K-connectivity Planner graph :
Combinatorial and geometric duals ; Kuratowski 's graph; Detection of planarity; Thickness crossings,
properties of planarity.
Colourings :Chromatic number ; Chromatic polynomial ; The six and five colour theorems ; The four colour
problem , vertex colouring and upper bounds and its applications , structure of k-chromatic graph , critical
graphs, perfect graph, Imperfect graph , perfect graph -theorem ,Matroids, properties of matroids. Directed
graphs: Binary relations ; Directed graphs and connectedness ; Directed trees ; Aborecence ; Polish method ;
Tournaments , matching in bipartite graph Counting of labelled trees : Cayley's theorem ; Counting methods;
Polya theory
Matrix representations of graph: Incidence; matrices and their properties; Directed graphs; Binary relations;
Directed graphs and Application of graphs in computer science.
Text Books:
1.Narsing Deo: Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science, PHI(EEE)
2.Agnarsson:Graph Theory: Modeling, Applications and Algorithms, Pearson Education India
Reference Books:
1.Harry, F.: Graph Theory, Addison -Wesley Publ. Comp. 1972.
2.Douglas B. West : Graph Theory, PHI .
3.Tremley , J.P. and Manohar, R.P. : Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to computer science,
McGraw-Hill, 1975.
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Transport Layer: Process-to-Process Delivery: UDP, TCP and SCTP
Congestion Control and QoS: Data traffic, Congestion, Congestion Control, Quality of Service, Techniques to
improve QoS
Application Layer : Domain Name System, Remote Logging, FTP, SMTP
Network Security: Cryptography Principles, Symmetric-Key Cryptography, Asymmetric-Key Cryptography,
Digital Signature, Firewalls
1. Forouzan, Data communication and networking, TMGH
2. A.S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks (4th ed.), Prentice-Hall of India
1. Stalling, Data and Computer Communication, PHI (EEE)
2. Stevens, UNIX Network Programming, PHI (EEE
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Multimedia Structures : Segment Trees, K-D Trees, Point Quad Trees, MX-Quad Trees, R-Trees, TV-Trees
Problem Solving Techniques :Branch & Bound, NP hard and NP complete problems, Huffman Coding,
Activity Networks, Flow Shop Scheduling, Randomized Algorithms, Greedy algorithms, Back tracking,Dynamic
Programming, Divide and Conquer
Graph Algorithms:Graphic Representation, BFS, DFS, Topological Sort, Connected Components, Minimum
Spanning trees, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Prims Algorithm –Dijkstra’sAlgorithm –Floyd’s Algorithm, Bellman Ford
AlgorithmPattern Matching and Tries:Pattern matching algorithms-Brute force, the Boyer –Moore algorithm,
the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Standard Tries,Compressed Tries, Suffix tries
1. Data structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, S.Sahni, University Press (India) Pvt.Ltd, 2nd
edition, Universities Press Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd.
2. Data structures and Algorithms in C++, Michael T.Goodrich, R.Tamassia and Mount, Wiley student
edition, John Wiley and Sons
1. Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson Education Ltd., Second
2. Data structures and algorithms in C++, 3rd Edition, Adam Drozdek, Thomson
3. Data structures using C and C++, Langsam, Augenstein and Tanenbaum, PHI
4. Problem solving with C++, The OOP, Fourth edition,W.Savitch, Pearson Education
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Suggested Reading:
1. Data Mining – Concepts and Techniques - Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
2nd Edition, 2006.
2. Introduction to Data Mining – Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach and Vipin Kumar, Pearson education.
3. Data Warehousing in the Real World – Sam Aanhory & Dennis Murray Pearson Edn Asia.
4. Data Warehousing Fundamentals – Paulraj Ponnaiah Wiley student Edition
5 Data Mining Introductory and advanced topics –Margaret H Dunham, Pearson education
6. Data Mining Techniques – Arun K Pujari, University Press.
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Textbook/Reference Books
Textbook(s): 1 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming, and Design Raj Kamal Tata McGraw hill, 2nd
edition 2013
Reference Book(s):
1 Computer as Components, Principles of Embedded Computing System Design Marilyn Wolf Elsevier, 3rd
edition 2014
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Introduction: Cellular networks, wireless LANs, application adaptation.
Cellular Overview : Cellular concepts, location management, handoffs.
Wireless LAN overview : MAC issues, mobile IP, ad hoc networks, TCP issues. Applications overview : wireless
applications, disconnected operations, data broadcasting, mobile agents.
GSM: Air-interface, channel structure, timing, architecture.
WAP: Architecture, protocol stack, application environment.
TCP: Asymmetric links, wireless errors, handoffs; i-tcp, snoop, link rxmit, m-tcp. Ad hoc networks: MAC,
routing, transport.
Routing: Virtual backbone, Kelpi, mobile-IP.
Data broadcasting: Push-pull, consistency.
Location management: HLR-VLR, hierarchical.
Access Technologies: Blue Tooth, GPRS, IEEE 802.11, CDMA. QoS in Wireless
Text Book:
1. Mobile Communications by Jochen Schiller, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Limited
Reference Book:
1. T. S. Rappaport: Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, PHI
2. Stefano Basagni, Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano, Ivan Stojmenovic: Mobile Ad Hoc Networking: The
Cutting Edge Directions, Wiley-IEEE Press; 2 edition (March 4, 2013)
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Introduction: Digital Image representation; Fundamental steps in Image processing, Elements of digital Image
processing systems.
Image Enhancement: Enhancement by point processing, spatial filtering, Frequency domain enhancement,
Color image processing.
Image Restoration: Unconstrained and constraint restoring, inverse filtering, Wiener Filter, Geometric
Image Compression: Image Compression models, Error-free compression, Lossy compression, Image
compression standards.
Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, edge linking, Thresholding.
Representations and Descriptions: Chain codes, shape numbers, moments and Fourier and other descriptors.
Recognition & Interpretations;
Text Book:
1. R.C. Gonzalez & R./E. Woods, Digital Image Processing : Addison - Wesley Pub. comp.
1. Ralph Gonzalez, Richard Woods, Steven Eddins, Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, McGraw Hill
Education (India) Private Limited; 2 edition (8 June 2010)
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Text Books:
1. Speech and Language Processing:An introduction to Language processing, Computational
Linguistics, and Speech Recognition- D. Jurafsky & J. H. Martin(Second Edition), Prentice
2. Foundation of Statistical Natural Language Processing(Kindle edition)- Christopher D.
Manning, Hinrich Schutze, The MIT Press(1999).
3. Machine Translation-Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Chapman and Hall/CRC publication(2015).
Reference Books:
1. Natural Language Understanding(Second Edition) – James Allen, Pearson(1994).
2. Natural Language Processing:A Pananian Perspective(Eastern Economy Edition)- Bharathi,
A. Vineet Chaitanya and Rajeev Sangal Prentice Hll India.
3. Statistical Language Learning- Eugene Cherniak MIT Press
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
1. C K Toh, "Ad-hoc mobile wireless network - protocols and systems", prentice hall.
2. Siva Ram Murthy, "Ad-hoc wireless networks - architecture and protocols", Addison-Wesley.
3. Stefano Basagni, Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano, Ivan Stojmenovic , "Mobile Ad Hoc Networking", Wiley-
4. Edgar H. Callaway, "Wireless sensor networks: architecture and protocols", Auerbach publications.
5. Azzedine Boukerche, "Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Wiley.
6. Yi Pan, Yang Xiao,"Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks", Nova Science Publishers.
7. Hai Liu, Xiaowen Chu, Yiu-Wing Leung, "Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks:Architectures, Algorithms and
Protocols", Bentham Science.
8. Pedro Cuenca, Carlos Guerrero, Ramon Puigjaner, Bartomeu Serra, "Advances in AdHoc Networking",
9. Jonathan Loo, Jaime Lloret Mauri, Jesus Hamilton Ortiz, "Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Current Status and Future
Trends ", CRC Pres.
10. Aggelou, "Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Tata McGraw-Hill Education
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Introduction: Introduction to AI applications and AI techniques, Production systems, control
strategies,reasoning - forward and backward chaining. Intelligent Agents: Definitions of a rational agent, reflex,
modelbased, goal-based, and utility-based agents, the environment in which a particular agent operates.
Searching Techniques and Game Playing: Breadth first search, depth first search, iterative deepening, uniform
cost search, hill climbing, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm search, heuristic search, Best first search, A*
algorithm, AO* algorithm, Minimax and game trees, refining minimax, Alpha - Beta pruning, constraint
Knowledge Representation: First order predicate calculus, resolution, unification, natural deduction system,
refutation, logic programming, PROLOG, semantic networks, frame system, value inheritance, conceptual
dependency, Ontologies. Planning: basic representation for planning, symbolic-centralized vs.
reactivedistributed, partial order planning algorithm.
Machine learning: Introduction to different types of learning, Supervised and Unsupervised learning —
Reinforcement learning- Basics of Neural network models.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Natural Language Processing, Speech recognition, Computer
vision,Expert systems.
Suggested Reading
1. S. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd ed.), Pearson Education, 2010.
2. Elaine Rich and Kelvin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
3. Nils J Nilson, Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.,San Francisco,
California, 2000.
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Text Book:
1. Stalling W.: Data and Computer Communication, Pearson; Nineth edition (2013)
2. Behrouz A Forouzan, DeAnza CollegeFirouz Mosharraf: Computer Networks: A Top-Down Approach,
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited (11 November 2011)
1. Tanenbaum A.S., Computer Network, Pearson; Fifth edition (9 January 2010)
2. William J Beyda: Data Communications: From Basics to Broadband, Pearson Education; Fourth edition (1
January 2012)
3. Tanenbaum A.S., David J. Wetherall : Computer Network, Pearson; Pearson; 5 edition (17 January 2012)
4. Stalling W.: Data and Computer Communication, Pearson; Nineth edition (2013)
5. Peterson L L, Davie B S, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers In; 5th
Revised edition edition (20 April 2011)
6. Stevens, UNIX Network Programming, Pearson Education; 1ST edition (2003) 5. Comer D E.,
Internetworking With TCP/IP Principles, Protocols, And Architecture, PHI (2013)
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Reference Book(s):
1. Cryptography and Network Security Behrouz A Forouzan, DebdeepMukhop adhyay Mc-GrawHill,
3rd Edition 2015
2. Applied Cryptography and Network Security Damien Vergnaud and Michel Abdalla 7th
International, Conference, ACNS 2009, Paris, France, June 2-5, 2009, Proceedings 2009
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Textbook/Reference Books
1. Modern Information Retrieval, Ricardo BaezaYates, BerthierRibeiroN eto Pearson 1999
Reference Book(s):
1. Information Retrieval Algorithms and Heuristics David A. Grossman, OphirFrieder Springer, 2nd Edition 2004
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Text Books:
1. S. Haykin, “Neural Networks a comprehensive Foundation” second edition, Prentice-Hall India.
2. Laurene Fausett, “Fundamentals of Neural Networks, Architecture, Algorithms, and Applications”, Prentice
Hall, 1993.
3. Michael A Arbib, “The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks”, Second Edition, MIT Press
Reference Books:
1. Jacek M. Zurada, Introduction to artificial neural systems, Jaico Publ. House, 1994.
2. Anderson, ―An introduction to ArtiPicial Neural Networks‖, Prentice Hall
3. B. Yegnanarayana, ―ArtiPicial Neural Networks‖, PHI
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Introduction: Importance of user Interface –Characteristics of graphical and web user interfaces, importance
of good design. Benefits of good design, Principles of good Screen design.
System menus and navigation schemes, kinds of windows, device based controls, screen based controls, test
and messages.
Feedback, guidance and assistance, Internationalization and Accessibility, graphics, icons and images, colors,
layout windows and pages.
Interaction design - introduction, goals, usability. Conceptualizing interaction problem space, conceptual
models, interface metaphors, interaction paradigms, cognition, conceptual framework for cognition,
collaboration, communication, social mechanisms conceptual frame work
Affective aspects, Expressive interface, user frustration agents process of interaction design, activities,
characteristics, practical issues, life cycle models, design , prototyping and conceptual design, physical design,
evaluation, framework, testing modeling users-kinds of tests, doing user testing, experiments, predictive
Text Books:
1. The essential guide to user interface design, Wilbert O Galitz, Wiley DreamTech.Designing the user
interface. 3rd Edition Ben Sheidermann, Pearson Education Asia.
2. Preece, Rogers, Sharp, “interaction design”, John Wiley 2002
3. Human – Computer Interaction. Alan Dix, Janet Fincay, Gre Goryd, Abowd, Russell Bealg, Pearson
Reference Books:
1. Sheiderman B Desiging the user interface, “Strategies for Effective Human Computer Interaction” , 2nd ed.
Addison Wesley , 1992 Pub.
2. Sudifte AG , “Human Computer Interface Design” , 2nd ed, Macmillan ,1995
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC
Introduction, Basic Types, Basic Concepts, Representations of Fuzzy Sets, Extension Principle for Fuzzy Sets,
Types of Operations. Fuzzy Complements, Fuzzy Intersections: t- Norms. Fuzzy Unions: t-Conorms,
Combinations of Operations. Aggregation Operations. Arithmetic: Fuzzy Numbers, inguistic Variables,
Arithmetic Operations on Intervals, Arithmetic Operations on Fuzzy Numbers, Fuzzy Equations.
Crisp versus Fuzzy Relations, Projections and Cylindric Extensions, Binary Fuzzy Relations, Binary Relations on a
Single Set. Fuzzy Equivalence Relations, Fuzzy Compatibility Relations. Fuzzy Ordering Relations, Fuzzy
Morphisms, Sup-i Compositions of Fuzzy Relations, Compositions of Fuzzy Relations.
Fuzzy Measures, Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory, Classical Logic: An Overview. Multivalued Logics. Fuzzy
Propositions. Fuzzy Quantifiers. Linguistic Hedges. Inference from Conditional Fuzzy Propositions. Inference
from Conditional and Qualified Propositions. Inference from Quantified Propositions, Information and
Uncertainty, Nonspecificity of Fuzzy Sets. Fuzziness of Fuzzy Sets. Principles of Uncertainty.
Fuzzy Expert Systems: An Overview. Fuzzy Implications. Selection of Fuzzy Implications. Multiconditional
Approximate Reasoning. The Role of Fuzzy Relation Equations, Fuzzy Controllers:
Overview, Fuzzy Neural Networks. Fuzzy Automata. Fuzzy Dynamic Systems.
Fuzzy Databases. Fuzzy Information Retrieval, Individual Decision Making, Multiperson Decision Making,
Multicriteria Decision Making, Multistage Decision Making, Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms.
Text Books:
1. George J. Klir, Bo Yuan, "Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic", PHI
Reference Books:
1. Witold Pedrvcz and Femando Gomide. "An Introduction to Fuzzy Sets", PHI
Dr. Maushumi Barooah Dr. Subhrajyoti Bordoloi Dr. Jyoti Prokash Goswami Dr. Amrita Bose Paul
Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC Member,DRC