Ruth B. Drown - Wisdom From Atlantis [OCR]

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$6.00 Occult/Atlantis SB-098

Wisdom from Atlantis

by Ruth B. Drown

Partial Lilt of Contentl:

Divine Selfishness
The Nobility of Self Reliance
Introducing Harmony
Divine Love
Ruling Our Kingdom
Principles of Life and Living
Man's Nature is Divine
Working with the Law
Thinking True

Sun Publishing Company, P.O. Box 4383,
Albuquerque, NM. 87196

ISBN: Q-89 540-098-7

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Wisbom from �tlantis
Wi�bom from §tlanti�


Sun Publishing Company
Copyrisht, 1946

Firal Sun - Prinbng • AugUII 1981

are published by
P.O. Box 4383.
Albuquerque, N.M

Prinled in United Slates ol America

through the inspirational Pathway from

the Etheric records.

While the words are English the style

is Atlanrian and the wisdom is erernal.


Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Being! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Divine Selfishness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Service . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
The Nobility of Self Reliance . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . 25
Path of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 29
Inducing Harmony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Discrimination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Divine Love . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Ruling Our Kingdom... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Principles of Life and Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Imagination or Image Within . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Man's Nature is Divine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Working with the Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Voyager of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
The Use of Symbolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Thinking True . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
"Oh, Thou Most Holy One" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
If Ye would be as the Father, then would Ye be the
Greatest Servant. If Ye would serve the Master, then
would ye be served. For, if ye would give in Loving
service, then are ye blessed, for all that the Father
hath is thine.
For surely thou art a Child of God, keep ye ms com­
mandments, for in them would ye find His teachin�r.�.
Follow thou the teachings of thine own conscience, for
it is the God within thee.
If thou wouldst desire to stray away, thou wouldst
need come back, for once the path is found thou
canst not lose it.
Do thy work then, as thou hast never done it before,
for the Glory of God is within it. His Divine wisdom
doth shine through each and every deed. Rear in t.hy
mind the one thought, "God is All, nothing is manifest
or unmanif est that is not God. •
Do thou then work with the ever awako:>ning �on­
sciousness of all that thou doth being the work of
God and not of man, therefore it iR for God and not
for man. Thou then will help to bring out the God
not only in thy self, but in all men thou wouldst meet.
Keep ye ever mindful of thy Great Errand which
thou hast been sent here to do.
There is but "One Energy; "One Power," "One
Source." There is but "One Life."
All is life. There is nothing in the Universe that
it not life.
To him who understands it is not necessary to
To him who does not understand it is impossible
to explain.
To attain understanding, one need not struggle and
strive, but needs only to open his consciousness to the
freely flowing life energy even as the flower opens its
petals to the sun's rays, and as he begins to recognize
this energy as all life, all things,-that there is noth­
ing else but life, no matter what its form may be,­
then. and then only does he understand.
After understanding comes " Bei ng" in its fuller
manifestations. Or the neophite becomes more fully
aware of his being, until he is one with his awareness.
After he becomes "One" with hi s awareness he sees
only the "One Presence" everywhere and in all things.
First we "think."
Then we "believe."
Next we "know.·
And w hen we "know," we " are."
It must be so!

IDLE The Western world is devourmg
itself with self.shnc5s, ar.d thl' E�stern
world is abasing itself with sel!lessne�s
let us try to cout('mpl:>tc an impartial,
impersonal, perfect attitude of mind, which is not a
respecter of persons but whic!l is able to
see that the good of all depends upon the good of the
individual, that the good of the individual depends
upon the good of the all, that we cannot lift ourselves
up without lifting others, that others may not be
lifted up without lifting us.
Let us lift up--let us rally ourselves to this normal
place in eon!<Ciousness, where we sec that that expres­
sion which 10(1.8 essential in primitive consciousness,
which was an element of good, that selfishness for
conquest, that seeking for gratification for self, that
reaching forth to preserve self and one's own, was
divine, and is today a divine riqht: and that that self­
ishne.�s which is necessary for self preservation, when
united with that selflessness that gives to self not be­
fore than to another equally in need, that would give

to another not before it would give to itself if equally

in need, is the ideal balance in consciousness.

Let us mnintsln the consciousness that refuses to

be prej ud iced , that refuses to lose sight of perfect pro­
portion; let us grow away from the old teaching that
demanded humility and sacrifice from ourselves great­
er than we should ask of our neighbor, or that permit­
ted of greater sacrifice or humility on the part of a
neighbor than we would �sk of ourselves.

Let us maintain and practice that true golden rule

or behavior toward one another, which preserves In
perfect harmony universal brotherhood , unity of heart
and interest of motive, of ideals, co-operation in S)Jirit,
and in labor. Let us maintain thi s rational attitude;
let us serve others by eq uipping ot�rselvcs to serve
well-the blind no longer leading t""e blind; let us
seek for light that we may shed light afar; let us
seek for strength that we may lend strength to the
faltering: let us seek for wisdom that we may throw
lif:'ht in the dark places of the consci ou s ness of those
about us; let us see to it-by careful study of our
motives--that they are not dammed into narrow ways,
that our desire for a ttai nment is not closed in with
our.;!'lvcs, but that it may render service to others,
that our every motive is flung out upon fields con­
sciously, a precious cargo going forth to cheer, to


·serve and to bless others. See to it that life reveals a

larger aspect than ever before.
Through the teachillg of past prejudices, through
the teachillgs of past negativeness, we have found our·
BC!ves involved in race beliefs, in many thoughts that.
are not over pregnant thoughts, many thoughts,
many vibrations that are not from the voice within­
from the light that lighteth all men that come into
the world. If we do not realize that we have this
power to turn and challenge all that has been and
demand to know a reason why it should continue to
be; if we shall longer respect or obey commands, if
we will chain a habit to serve us-that of discrimi.n·
ately inquiring a reason for the need of, usefulness of,
a practice, a custom, before we will submit to it, and
if we will practice the habit of seeking to live life
daily, reasonably, purposefully, intentionally, carrying
ourselves forward in that courageous spirit of re­
sponsibility of ourselves, willing to ilear the fruits of
our frailties or ignorance, willing to aid in a manifest,
ation of the wisdom indwelling, willing to call forth
and out into expression the love mighty, the wisdom
divine, willing to aid in that which we will enjoy and
earn and bless others with the manifestation of these
attributes,-if we will resolve to live each day up to
our highest standard, using as much of our indwell­
ing potentialities, expressing as much o� our possi·


bilities as comes within our power, throughout that day

-urgent, alert, vital, aware, seeking continual ex­
pression of larger and larger volume from this bound­
less storehouse of the All Good, seeking to radiate
forth light that will encourage all, love that will com­
fort all, strength that will sustain all, wisdom that
will illumine all, living throughout the day with that
earnest desire to lift self up that we may lift all up,
to seek the relief, the comfort, the blessing of all,that
we may also partake of these blessings; knowing that
we are not viiSSals to others, nor to ourselves, but that
we are indeed a part of God-all life-all good­
that we have our mighty mission to perform aJJ.d that
we will to perform it with that perpetual steadfast­
ness and of determination, with that single
ey e lo the goal of larger expression, that we will to
stand forth living exemplars, an inspiration to others
lives, that they may find the higher road of peace.
For the consciousness that can see the sunset in the
West and can declare, "I have lived up to my stand­
ard; l have aimed perpetually and have attained well
toward the goal,"' this soul knows s�>tisfaction that
surpasses all others, this soul i.s success, is victory
in one; Lhis is the consciousness of the victor, this is
the consciousness of perfection. The soul who sets
forth upon his journey in the love of humanity, for
the love of light, for the Jove of all these potentiali-


ties of his nature within, waiting to be unfolded and

expreBBed,-the life that sets forth to make of op­
portunities the most poBBible-such a life we have
indeed need of. Such being that are within them­
selves their own reward, that are within themselves
the indwelling potentiality of joy, of satisfaction, of
fulfillment, the emblem of the harvest time,-these
souls we have need of.

Let us buckle on our armor. Let us come forth in

the mom with determination and resolution that our
life shall out picture its ideal, its conception of the
highest ideal it is capable of, manifested into fulfill­
ment and complete realization.

We emphasize again and again that it is possible for

the individual to induce whatever state of conscious­
ness he willa to induce,-let that be in the ascendency,
let that be always pointing upward, let it be conquest,
positiveness, constructiveness, creativeness, and lov­
ingness. Let our attitude of mind be continually and,
perpetually pushing upward, pressing outwru:d, spring-'
ing forward, including more and more in that inclus­
iveness that widens the orbit continually. It is possi­
ble for us to be, to induce, what we will . It is no
longer excusable for us to declare, " this is not natural
to me, this is not my disposition, and that is not
possible because of my disposition."


When the soul has learned that he can transcend

all of these prenatal conditions, all of these conditions
of environment, all of the circumstances that have,
in fact, ruled humanity in the belief of abject sub­
jection, are passing from the minds of the awakened
sclfhood of today, and we are learning that we are
only slaves to that which we are not mastera of, and
that our only reason for our subjection to limitation
of any kind is because we have not learned the mas­
tery and the consciousness of that victor who holds
dominion over his domain.
There is no field with which we need to he more
familiar than that of the soul's power to induce its
own stale of consciousness, to order its own thoughts,
to be willing to think, to dictate its activities, its
words. When the soul can understand that he stands
monarch over these subjects, these vehicles, these
instruments, these creations which he has created,
when the soul realizes that it is possible for him to
induce an attitude of mind which transcends any con·
dition that can possibly present itself for his contem·
plation, that that which will bring the death blow to
one soul lifts another soul far beyond its reach in its
consciousness, of its imperishable and eternal uplift.
ing; that one soul will cower beneath a burden while
another soul will call forth that transcending con­
sciousness that teaches it that it is eternal, that the


thing in hand, the problem, is a passing event to be

worked out soon, that from its consciousness a soul
can swing itself ahead, beyond, can stand aloof over
the conditions that subject others to fear of perishing,
that these conditions are in the passing. The soul
that fears a situation places himself subject to it. The
soul that boldly fears it not, that induces a consci­
ousness of fearlessness toward it, that declares that
he will make no place in his consciousness for this
fear, such a soul completely expels the elements that
can relate up to that condition which could produce
such fear in another.
The soul that is coming into this victorious con­
sciousness of constructive and ascendent thinking, a
soul that realizes that daily he must weed out old hab­
its and establish new and better and more construc­
tive ones, the soul that realizes that all of these im­
plements, all of these customs, all of these habits and
expressions of the vehicle of the brain, of this body
and environment, are for him to manipulate and to
draw out of them the essence of experience that ex­
pand him into a consciousness larger than he was
before,- the soul that recognizes his relationship to
them only as one who is using them but not used by
them, only as one who has an attack upon things dis­
cordant, upon dark places, and upon inharmonies that
will reform them, but who will see to it that if the


room is dark he will bring in his light, that if an

association is hateful he will bring in his love, that
if a soul is ignorant and foolish, he will baptize him
with his wisdom, and in that wisdom he will know
how to call forth the corresponding wisdom that is in
his command, he will learn to call out love where hat­
red seemed to be manifesting, he will learn how to
call forth from that being the correspondence to his
own vibrating keynote.
So if you find conditions unsatisfactory, do not
fling out your forces to contend with them, but see
lo it that back within yourself are the keynotes to
which you would have these external things tuned up,
see to it that you, within yourself, are in perfect law
and order, in perfect harmony, and love and wisdom,
see to it that your attitude of mind toward these con­
ditions is as the conqueror who knows his power­
in the conquest of that Victorious Consciousness is
t he laurel won.
It is not for us to externally combat, but it is for us
to internally harmonize and blend in perfect order
our nature d iviDe-w ith the Wfinite nat ure divine-­
which is inseparable, but which we must gain the
consciousness of, for that which is is to U8 only in the
degree that u:e become aware of it, only iJl the de­
gree that we have learned to be conscious of it. We
must be willin g to love, because we know that God is


good, that all is Gad, and all is lovable;-knowing that

wisdom slumbers within us, wisdom that can reveal
to us tbe good in everything, and that it is more of
this wisdom that we would consciously and stead­
fastly strive to unfold-to call forth into expreSsion
-to call out into larger volume and manifestation,
that it is more of these potential things which abide
in us, which we have use for, which the world bas
need of. This i3 o�:r worl<, this i'; our sacred mission
on earU1-to call out into lo.;·ger expression the in­
dwelling potentialities of the individual.
Think for a moment of the Eden on earth which
would maintain if each soul were busy with itself,­
each soul busy with its environment of highest and
noblest manifestation from within; each soul !mowing
that his duty i s with himself, to lift himself up; each
soul trusting because he knows that if other souls
are seeking to lift themselves, they can wrong no
other,-knowing that if the practice is long, is faith­
ful, that power surely will follow. Think upon this,
and see to it that your part of the work is well done,
sec to it that that which you are responsible for shall
not fail through your indolence or negligence. See to
it that you maintain an even quota of consciouneBB
that perpetually knows itself to be faithful, constant,
and loving,-think of yourself as a being too loving
and noble to stoop to less than Godly acts.

ANY A SOUL is lonely and neglected
" --·

. because he has never thought of com-

forting the lonely one, the neglected
Many a soul is in poverty, in friendlessness, in dis­
grace, in unhappiness, because he has failed in his
day of joy, of fulfillment, to think of the unhappy one,
of the lonely one who might have been blessed by his
thought, by his prayer, by his compassion.
Many souls are not blessed with joys because they
have not earned them. Others are not blessed with
joys because they misused them.
All that we obtain, all that we have is given us that
we may pass it on, multiply it many fold, radiate it
forth in its blessings to other souls.
We are not beings who are to retain, repress, with­
hold, but beings who should be as an eternal, flowing
river, that a cargo of God's sunshine and blessings
may be forever borne forth to the great sea of life
beyond us, to the souls who are in darkness, to the


souls who are drifting rudderless, to the ships that

pass in the shadows.
These blessings which we possess are but potenti­
alities, are but embryonic states of possibilities, are
but acorns that give promise of the great, broad, shad­
ing power of the oak.
If we forget and clutch to our heart our blessings,
if we hide our light beneath the bushel, surely It w ill
be unfed. Surely the ones in darkness will watch and
wait and be no more for us.
It is according to our use of our blelll!ings that our
blessings increase and renew. It is accor ding to our
use of love, to the use we make of the love that Is
�ven us, of the blessings that surround us, of the
help that is yielde d us that we are judged. And if we
do not use our powers for good, if we do not open
them wide, through a broad channel, to serve or to
unfetter. they decrease. and stagnant becomes the
water of the pool that docs not flow.
That which would refresh and quench and purify
us becomes impure, congested, clogged back by our
selfishness . our thoughtlessness, our indolence, be
whate'er the cause, if we do not see to it that that
whi<'h is ours belongs to all humanity, that that which
comforts us, comforts others, that that which
strengthens us and illumines us is for all as well as
for us. And until we have learned that if we would


know joy we must give joy, until we truly believe tha.t

it is in giving and not in receiving, that it is in serv­
ing, not in being ser:ed, we find our blessings. Until
we learn that the dignity of a servant is equal to the
dignity of a monarch, until we realize that their of­
fices are one and the same. The greatest ruler has
Pver been the greatest servant, and the greatest dig­
nity we can conceive for ourselves is that of serving.

Let us accept gratitude only for that which we de­

eerve. and call forth the love, the respect, the confi­
dence, and the trust of others by that integrity and
absolute truth of quality which is the positive and
Irresistible magnet, drawing to us the divine potenti­
R!ities of every soul that contacts a true exemplar of
this life. For if we can call forth faith, love. strength
and nobility from others by the example of our life,
by our worthiness of their faith and trust in us, we
have lifted others in sustaining ourselves. Let every­
one avoid the habit of craving praise undeserved.

Service renders you eligible to the storehouse of

God. where "all that the Father hath is thine." You
ran enter the Father's mansion only by the conscious­
ness of your services being truly well done. Service
rlcaves a mighty channel through which the ocean of
life may flow, and upon it ever is bound the cargo of
God's loving blessings.


Service is the most wonderful healer and revealer

that we know, in its practical usefulness, in its irre­
sistible force which overcomes all obstacles and ren­
ders subject to it the strength, wisdom and love of
God. For these aspects of Divine Mind are essentially
servants of God. Love serves, strength serves, wisdom
serves. Service is the acme of attaimnent for the
human soul, for the divine soul. For the child of the
Living God, who has indeed f11lfilled his duty well, is
upon the right hand of the Father, which is in heaven.
If the complaining soul who sit.� alone in his corner
bemoaning his loneliness, his state in poverty, in
friendlessness, in the deprivations of the joys which
he covets, which he sees others enjoying: if he, I say
could forget his lack in his compassion for the lack
of others, if he would turn to the hungry one and
strive to feed it with that food which it needs, be it
food or raiment or spiritual comfort, if he would busy
himself reading to the blind, encouraging the discour­
aged, carrying flowers to the maimed, if he would
turn his energy to noble, spontaneous service to one
who needs it, he would break down the walls which
shut him out from the paradise of heaven, he would
render nil the loneliness, the helplessness, the discour­
agements of his life, and in swinging himself far out
into the deep current of life, with its opportunities to
exchange blessings, he would find himself, in that


consciousness of unity and cooperation to which he

has been so long a stranger.
If the individual who feels lack most deeply and
sees no way to bring himselfthe fulfilment of his life,
if he, instead of in complaint, in the spirit of believ­
ing that the world owes him relief, comfort or service,
if he would but remember that as he gives so will he
receive: that he must make a channel before there
can be a flow through him toward the fulfillment of
his desire: that the being who seeks to serve, estab­
lishes within himself a positive and irresistible mag­
net for the service of others : that the soul who wills
to comfort makes of himself a magnet by which he
receives comfort from others: that the soul who seeks
wisdom, who seeks to know that he may lift others
up: that he who seeks to lift himself that he may lift
others, shall indeed unite with the powers of the
Infinite, which serve him on his holy course toward
fulfilment and realization.
Never permit yourself to be thwarted-ncvor be­
lieve that whC'n you come to the end of the path fitf­
filling your own, gratifying your own present desire
that it is an end. It is only a beginning of an oppor­
tunity to seek expression for another.
Perhaps you have been too long gathering to your­
�elf, or desiring to do so, until you have made a dam
instead of a channel through which might flow the
blessings that you covet.
CHRONIC disease of the race is its sub­
missive belief in the influence and
bondage of inheritance, of position and
of environment. This disease belongs
to th e past. to the unthinking, following herd or race
belief, but to the present consciously awakening mind
it should be give n its proper position or relation. Let
the being realize that neither position nor condition,
pre-natal or inherited, has the power to dictate to
him, but that they are material presentt'd for him to
reform, to remold, to utili�e. They are his stock with
which he is equipped to launch forth and manipulate
life, and to bring forth that which he wills out of
them. Let the soul understand that these factors are
priviiPges and elements in his qualifications or equip­
ment: that in his use of these qualities that have been
ns the old man of the sea upon the unthinking race
may become to him his mounting block, his stepping
stone, his flood-gate through which be may pass out


into a greater depth and toward a greater, broader

field of expression and manifestation.

Let the thought of this lesson be the Nobility of

Self-Reliance, the consciousness that, after all, all of
these situations we find ourselves in are not to be re­
signed to, but are to be made use of. We can Induce
any state of consciousness we will to. It is withi!l our
power to induce a state of consciousness which is
Master-full Causation, which is creative and construc­
tive, which will bear fruit of its kind. It is possible
for us to conceive our ideal of our disposition, our
ideal of an individual strong and powerful and vic­
torious and to hold that ideal up before us in the
positive and constructive mood, to persist toward it,
idealizing it no matter what the situations and ex­
periences around us may be, no matter how the bil­
lows may surge at the foot of this great rock, the rock
of faith in ourselves and of determination to master
and to mould our destiny. Let us have the will to in­
duce a state of consciousness that is greater than
effects, greater than appearances, greater than the
seeming obstacles which may stand forth as a blank
wall before us, yet which are so moulded and pene­
trated through by our convictions and faith that we
can do and will do this: we will discover the way, the
truth, and the light, we will arouse and call into full
expression the masterful wisdom that will discover the


way, that will win and will triumph.

"What is this before me and how shall I handle it?
How shall I transmute it into a stepping stone, a
mounting block by which I may ascend to greater
heights?" This thought should be uppermost in the
mind of the individual rather than, "What have I to
meet and what will it do to me?" It is not well to
ask of the nature of the situation so much as it ill
for us to remind ourselves of our nature toward any
and all situations. We can go forth in this state of
consciousness, meeting each situation with that joy­
ous, exhilarated consciousness of faith in our inner­
most power, faith in our love and patience, faith in
our wisdom and knowledge, faith in our strength,
faith in our Divine Nature, faith in our consciousness
that all things are possible to him who believeth, and
knowing, also, that it is possible for us to induce
whatever degree of belief we feel to be essential for
the occasion. This practice, this living life scientif­
ically, masterfully, with discrimination and. with ex­
pectant enthusiasm, yields back to the living the fruits
of its kind, which are joyous and satisfactory, which
are entirely shorn of the disappointment and incon­
veniences that come continually to the mind that
is out in the realm of effects, that is living among con­
ditions and appearances, that is mixed up with life in­
stead of standing over it, consciously realizing that


we are amid it to use it, to manipulate it, to direct it,

to follo w , to express th rough it .
It is how we live that is accompl ishing It is not

that wh ich is about us th a t is of co nseque nce If,.

howeve r, we first seek the Kingdom of Heaven all

else will be add ed unto us. The Law of Corre spo n d·
ence is, illdeed, an immutab le law. And if we will, at
the heart, at the center of Caus ation, at the seat of
induction of power, induce the quality of mind which
is creat iv e and constructive and discriminating, if we
w il l , at the ce nte r of our be illg , mailltain the poised
equilibrium of a wise one, a child of the Living God,
a c h il d who knows its lowly state of power is m ig hty,
if we maintain the privileged consciot:sness of these
qualifications which are indeed ours, we then are
c auses, we then are producing causes which, far out,
will relate up to effects, will produce effects that will
harmonize with, be at-one with, correspond to, the
qualities which we induce within.
You are taught that it is to know thyself, to be thy­
self, to rely upon th ese latent powers that are within,
waiting to be called forth into usefulness, that it Is
the conscio:Jsness of our potentialities that helps us to
move forward to the manifestation of our potentiali·
t ies . It is by re cogni zing this that we can move stead·
ily o nward, forward, and upward to the goal of ful­
filled possibilities.

HAVE heretofore referred to a ship
under way on the ocean, moving for­
ward and dragging with it its back
waters and support. If the wheel was
checked for a moment, it would nevertheless be drawn
on by the momentum of its own habits, it would be
thrown into action and motion by its own law, its own
force. But if the wheel would be reversed and turn­
ed backward, an onlooker, an observer of this strain
and the action of the ship would feel that there was
much more against forcing it backward rather than
forward: he would observe that to change the course
would be difficult, and would always call forth a
special energy. A pent up, dammed up force must be
called t o the resc u e of a being who has resolved to
change his ways, to change his mind, his habits and
actions. All of these temptations and conditions that
follow on the trail of a certain course and habit, come
on to ove rcome and crush and fo rce and urge him to
the old course. But he knows, when he stops to think


a moment, that they are short-lived. He must hold

on to his resolution. Hold fast to his ideals. Keep
his mind on the upward course. Forget the resist­
ance. He does not need to bother to resist it. He can
simply say, "I live onward and forward; this way I
have chosen, and I will."' Alld while he is saying this,
and while he is persisting in this, talking nothing
about resistance, talking nothing about the many
things that may come up to make it hard for him to
do it, just now he is doing it; he is not talking about
it, not trying to get up the courage for it, HE IS IT,
and about the time he feels that the strain is about
all he can bear he will find it has subsided. He will
find it much more profitable to live the course of his
own choice than to follow the course of least resist­
ance. It is far easier to harvest from the seeds he
has chosen to sow than to take something he thinks
he is not responsible for, does not want but will have
had forced upon him. He will find that living right
or living in the light he has, soon becomes pcrpctmtl
joy, delight, expectation, anticipation and ultimate
bliss to him. Living the life of least resistance never
gave him an hour of security or contentment.

Take right here and now the resolution toward the

higher and truer, with the mental tenacity and per­
sistence that will carry you over the first resistance.
That time over with, life brings in a new joy. At once


self-respect and self-confidence begin to increase,

hope and expectation begin to arise, mists begin to
fade before the sun of your own real self and life be­
comes a joy never known before.

Jtrt/ueitr9 1/ll,.f/lllfiJ

liE PUPIL who is studying and ex­
perimenting with life"s forces cannot
be too often reminded of his respon­
sibility in the use of this power he pos­
sesses, to induce whatever attitude of mind he chooses
to induce. He is no longer excusable (as in the past)
for finding himself in a plight of mind possessed with
fear, and doubt of sell, doubt of ability, and hopeless­
ness; for, he has learned today, that it is not neces­
sary to remain in any such mental state. That it is
his re punsib ility to re-adjust this state of mind, and
to induce in its stead, a fearless, courageous, strong,
noble masterful attitude. It is an obligation that has
not evolved dependence upon the circumstances en­
vironing the co1se or the indh·idual. It is his duty to
maintain an attitude of mind such as is worthy and
becoming a child of the living God, an heir to the
kingdom of heaven. One who realizes that within
him dwells the potentialities of wisdom and of mas­
tery, realizes it is unbecoming, indeed, to a con-

queror, a mighty monarch, to s toop to subjection, to

fears of shadows, to doubt of his potential powers;
and that it is in the degree that he recognizes his
own powers, believes in his own wisdom and strength
and love and faith, that he lifts himself upward to
that place, where, his discrimination becomes as oil
upon troubled waters, and where he has need of that
individual, personal, discriminating Will, which is as
the energy that sustains Ulld propels U1is intelligence
thru manifestation after manifestation. The fascina­
tion of living life, consciously selecting the experi­
ences to be had, selecting our attitude of mind to­
ward the experiences that befall, gives to life quite
an entirely different aspect than the existence of
subjection, obedience and re si gn ation which the race
has been taught in the past. The habits that come
from the past of resignation, acceptance, and endur­
ance of IIIlllatisfactory situations do not belong to
this race. A mighty wave of reformation is the bridge
between the experience s of the past and those of the

There is a struggle to reform, to re-adjast wi1ich,

quite naturally, is a direct dealing with
This is the main issue which we are striving to help
you to get away from. The reform of Effects is a
very excellent practice, qualified though it is, but
the dealing with Causes is the direct, the perfect


course which we strive to teach you the importance

of. He who finds in himself the necessity of meeting
the unsatisfactory harvest, (but never-the-less the
fruits of past sowing) may begin to attempt to re­
form this harvest, to appease it, to meet it in a spirit
of Effort and Wiii, to bear it courageously, to over­
come it by transmuting it into a more desirable con­
dition. This is an excellent practice. Stiii, back of
this thought and deeper than this thought, we would
like to imbed in the consciousness of every individual
that as he meets harvests he cares not to meet again
it is well for him (at each contact and observation)
to resolve for himself upon the different nature of
the harvest to follow. That the Causes he is now
going to �et in motion, be of a nature which he con­
sciously choo!les. For it is true, that the Infinite
�rin� has installed a part of its whole consciousness
in every finite bein�. Tha.t every aspect of Divine
Mind is perpetuated thru the Infinite MIND. That
�II of the Infinite Mind, wisdom, love, faith and
power are also embryonic realities in the consclous­
nPss (though slumbering) of the finite individual.
This being true, it is essential for the finite being to
remember that his resources are from the Infinite;
limitless, boundless: all that he can use, all that he
can have need of is his to draw upon. Yet they could,
for eternity, exist without use to him, if he recogni?.es


them not. As experiences you are seeing revealed in

your modern inventions an d conveniences, (that are
coming to your earth borders today ) have slumbered
in the u n iverse. Yet until one mind acknowledged,
recognized and played with an effort to utilize them,
the whole race endured without them. So, In the
power of the i ndividual , in meeting the problems of
his life. he has strug�led on. floated along, endureil,
resigned: experienced experiences; not necessarily
potential, not actually necessary, except as results of
Cause!! !let In motion. Since he did not select with dis­
�rimlnation his course. the seeds he sowed for tfiis
harvest he must reap. Sinc e he did not arou se from
within the awareness or the remembrance of his
DivinP. Nature and power, hP floateil forwaril like one
hPinleRs upon the current, arc entin�. enduring in a
most nn-godlike manner eonditions which, by on e
recognizing thought. could h<' a" if they were not.
Existing experiences w h ich iler.Piveil him into ab ie ct
obedience could be as mist befo r e the Rnn dissolved
away, if the reignin g consciousne!IR would realb:e and
assert its power. So with the circumstancf's that life
is continu ally presenting to the individual evolving
soul, this soul can stand upon his rock of eternal ages
declaring himself unto the end. He can meet with
circumstances: he can see this great current passing
at hi s feet. He can discern, he can study it, he can


manipulate it, he can direct it into eddying currents,

into cataracts. He is the manipulator of this life
which he is portioned in, whose portion is in his hand.
He can stand as the monarch above, and rule at least
ID!l relation to these conditions, and this is the mis­
�lon of the individual son! ! '!'his discriminatinct wis­
i!om (as I have said) Is as oil to the great machinery
of evolution.

We have need, much need Indeed, of the inducing

of that Will, which is the energizer, the sustaining
and compelling force that directs our discriminating
mind when it chooses a eoHT'!'P. when it i!is<'<O'ms the
best. To sustain it by WliJ and persistence on the
fulfilment, on th e result, on the h arvest thereof.
If the individual would mPdita.t!' upon his lifP'!I li�ht.
thP coni!itlons that are un-ideal and the conditions
th�t nre ideal to be attained, and th!'n, if he would

T'f'm!'mber that it lies within his power to induce as

mn!'h of Will. as much of persevernnce 11.nd nerslst­
""eC'. as much of enthusiasm thRt is irresistible, that
vitAliZNI where it touches : and if he would remember
th�t it lies within his pow er to command so great a
nood of this over-powering and lrresistibe and sweep­
in£" energy of Will, he will have be!'ome at-one with
thiR power.
A V<'ry vA.ItJRbiP <'xPrciSf' which we wish to point
out to you is that of remem bering your power to in-


duce the quality of mind, the attitude of mind, crea­

tive and constructive, to what degree your ideal of
it is. It is possible that, if you can conceive it, you
can born it into form, into manifestation. If your
wildest i magination can conceive of an ideal far be­
yond any possibility, it is evident to you, to us, that
you have within you the potentialities to relate up
to that combination which can produce the essence,
the actual snirit of the thing conceived. Remember,
too. that humanity is imbedded and entan�lcd in a
conglomerate confusion of symbols and rc>alities, of
Jetter and spirit, of cause and effect. of many com­
binatioM. which they with distorted minds freonently
ronfound. But, It is never-the-Jess nossihle for the
"�rnest, honest seeker after truth nnd li!!ht. to find
his key note within his own needs : to ask for lig-ht
upon the path : to feel his way : and with consi�tencv
(nerhaps unknown to him before) comes a g-limnse
of vision rc>vcalln� to him possibilities, possibilitiPs
which present to him a powerful ma�et. an ideal
that is unon a pedestal perhaps, yet magnetic. power­
ful and potent. powerful enough to draw it to him,
IF, with persistent Will and steadfastncs.q of purpose
he keens remembering his confession of it : remem­
bering that hc> is carrying a sacred embryonic pos­
sibility, wherewith to work, and that if HE be true
to his charge, if HE be faithful to his ideals, if HE


be faithful to his parental obligation, to this fruit

which is to ripen, he can carry to fulfilment, more
beautiful, more perfect, more exactly harmonious,
than his fir.�t conception.
So, if the individual will work more upon conceiving
and holding sacred this period of carrying to birth
the conceptions, the ideal s ; if he will permit himself
less frequently to conceive and then to abort, to con­
ceive and then to resist results; to sow and then to
hope to avoid the reaping : if he can live his life
creatively, constnJC�tively, harmoniously with these
sequences, accepted as ideals : if he will attune him­
self to the law of Evolution. to these greater har­
monics of life, which are the perfect harmonizers, re­
joice thru the season of conception, of tilling, of reap­
in�: if the soul can realize the sa�redness of the trust
that is within his h e nd�. and aoplv it in that revf'ren­
tial oractice th at helns h im to that at-onl"-ment. indl'ed.
with his Rourr.P. : if the beil"g '"'" rf'co.,i?.P. in life. the
mighty privilege, the great joy of living : HE Wfi,L
induce this attitude of mind toward life and circum­
stances. That i-� a transcending attitude that is per­
petually declaring, " Non e of these things move me:
out of all will my good come : I will be the herald of
great good. good will and peace on earth ; I am look­
ing for love, for truth, for power, for harmony ; I am
seeking after righteousness ; I know that all will be


granted if I be faithful to my trust in maintaining

the attitude of mind that is a magnet drawing har­
mony, drawing order, drawing link upon link, precept
upon precept in perfect unity, placing the mosaic In
"rd�r that the whole shnll he reveal e d unto me." This
e ttitudc, the transcending attitude of the triumphant
•:onsciousness is one which IS possible to all life in
degree wherever they find themselves upon the lad­
der. It is poBBible for them to fling themselves out
beyond, above the confusion and fears of the moment,
as we have seen great generals upon the field of
battles lift their hearts transcendently above the
havoc and din of apparent defeat and declare "It
shall not be, victory i.� right, victory i.• just, and it
must live and manifest.· This is the attitude of mind
wh i ch c a n carry the individual thru his battles of
life to harbors of pcRce. This is the attitude of mind
mnintained thnt the greatest chaos and confusion and
experiences which we need more wh en the path looks
rl�rkest : whiPh we need more when blockades and
confusion arc most apparent. It is at that time con­
se�rating faith is so essential to the finite mind who
ir. unqt�,llificd to grasp the Infinite gleam of compre­
hPnsinn nf the sit:tatio:l Therefore. consccr:1ting
trust and faith that transcends, is essential to the in­
rl ividu al , in matters of health : in matters of discord
of any kind ; in matters of any problem that can


come to the attention of him. There is this poBBi­

bility yielded to him, of lifting himself into that
transcending state of faith and exhilaration, of faith
and trust and enthusiasm which vitalizes others,
which brings into vibration all of the accompaniments
necessary to carry order into effect out of chaos. It
is possible for the Individual to Induce, to so arouse
and generate an attitude of mind that transcends
the details surrounding h i m : that lift�; himself into
that ecstasy of faith, of strength, of courage that will
sec no sha dow : that will feel no fear: that will know
no lack of love : that will stand triumphant and
victorious. now and forever. It is possible for the
individual to carry himself to this state where the
bar>ti�m of which, is to him a consciousness that
�bides wherever he wanders from the path. In times
�n�r. he will think and recall that at-one-ment with
n<'rfer.t faith, love and strength : and ouickly will he
rally back to the central place of the Most ffigh : and
nuickly w ill he find that he is able to fling open tbe
flood-gates and again bask in the potential forces of
faith, love and strength. The individual has found
the key to mastery. of triumph, when he has learned
that \\•hen discord is aggressive, when shadows op­
press and blind, that when these conditions that dis­
turb him. seem to him to be predominating, to over­
ride or disturb him : he will carry himself into the


"Secret place of the Most High" and begin with an

energy direct, to induce this over-riding attitude of
mind; this 8Uperceding and transcending attitude of
mind to which nothing can approach ; nothing can
undermine; therefore, no condition, no objective
appearance can he cowed ( because it is above it all,
because it is eternal and real ) . While these sec�in);
things are given their just proportion, and the soul
( who has clarified himself by these flights into the
Absolute) who frequently practices this, carries him·
self to such a place that at the very approach of dis­
cord he dips into harmony, at the very approach of
weakness he dips into strength and again fortifies
himself to tum back over these fields and order them
into harmony; and he finds his predominating Will.
he finds his illuminated, discriminating conscious­
ness able to stand as a monarch upon his throne and
ruling his kingdom as never before, because he has
grown equipped by practice by an alliance with the
force of his being ( wisdom, truth, love, faith and
power) .

HE major jewel in the crown of wisdom
is discrimination. All possess wisdom
to a greater or lesser degree ; all have
access to the boundless resources of
love, truth and strength. Yet it is through discrimi­
nation that we find the means to utilize constructively,
these wonderful aspects of divine mind
Who has not used his strength indiscriminately, or
truth carelessly, or love indulgently, and then, in cow­
ardice failed to use the faith he should have induced?
Who has deeply contemplated the importance of de­
,-cloping discrimination to any great degree ? Yet it
is essential that we know how to unfold, use and direct
the great possibilities---to express them symmetrically
and perfectly.
\\'e must know that the selfish, grasping individual
is many times weakened by an indiscriminate love, a
baseless faith or a wilful determination to express love
indulgently, or truth hampered by conditional use.


The being who realizes that these sacred po88e88-

ions of his nature are a charge for which he is re­
sponsible ; that he can let them slumber in his depth
for time indefinite, or call forth the love of his na­
ture to express its atonement with the creator, knows
when to open the flood gates of his strength and
sweep away all obstacles.
Such an one, through practicing discrimination,
learns when not to fail with his love ; when to serve
another with what he needs at that time in his evolu­
One who has learned the value of that jewel-diB­
crimination-has also learned the lesson of consist­
ency, learned to construct symmetrically, build on the
rock eternal.
The individual who knows how to broaden his mind
with his faith, his base with his love, his strength
with his wisdom, has learned a mighty lesson and
what he acquires dwells with his soul.
We find beings enmeshed in love which they have
not sustained with their wisdom. They misrepresent,
stoop to unprincipled acts in an attempt to shield
those they think they love. Yet this is not a whole­
some love, for love is inseparable from strength and
courage . It never stoops to subterfuge, to fear or to
pretense, or anything based upon less than the highest


The wise one knows that he canno t afford to ex­

press his nature through channels less than true, tried
a nd loving.
The one who believes that he is loving when he in­
dulges other souls in theirweakness, is unworthy and
faithless to the degree that he lacks the strength to
refuse or to act.
One who is capable of carrying to sublime heights,
a great ideal witho ut discrimination, is also capable
of des troy i ng a great deal. He can use love to shield
his unworthiness, to gratify the ignoble cravings of
�elf or another.
When love of self or of another becomes limited by
prejudice or parti ality , when it becomes less than a
principle, it is that quality, which when perverted,
tle:>troys as t m l y as it created when the attitude was
The fire which can warm the suffering one can also
bum that one. the l ight which gives sight to the
bl i nd , can also blind its seer.
The being who knows the love which never faileth,
:•. nd with discrimination constructs, inspires and ex­
horts other souls to heigh ts , stands as an example of
Set high the ideals. Live lives of service and hold
to the consciousness that the keynote of this philo­
Hophy is CAUSE. The law, immutable and absolutely


just, demands perfect causation if one would have

perfect results, perfect seeds sown to reap a perfect
I again declare it is impossible for a soul to be reap­
ing results which have not been caused, and only he
who has caused can reap.
If the energy spent in rebellion against the inevi­
table law of being were spent in the development of
discrimination and the expression of one's true nature,
if the search for wisdom, love and strength were
ardently pursued, the soul who wa.s rebellious, would
find this his hour of thanksgiving and praise.
So to him who is on the path seeking the light, seek­
ing the qualities and the expression of his divine na­
ture, 1 would say, "Abide, be patient and develop your
power of discrimination that you may see cause and
effect in their true relation." Believe, 0 Soul, that it
is true that he who has never missed an opportunity
to bless, to serve, to give, will not suffer a disappoint­
ment when his needs arise, for those who have the
privilege of serving him will give blessings and pleas­
ures joyfully, for they have been earned.
If in a time of trial you see about you those you feel
might lend aid, yet they refuse, look back in your
own heart for the cause instead of believing the fault
to be theirs. Perhaps you have not set in motion a
cause which should bring help from this hand. Per-


haps you sowed tares instead of wheat. You may

have neglected others ; and today, when you seek
favors you arc neglected. They were not caused, so
they cailllot be reaped.

A being has a small consciousness if he cannot see

that if he be lifted up he will lift others; that in serv­
ing others he serves himself, and that the joy of giv­
ing equals the joy of getting.

The law is just, consistent and no respecter ur

persons. Unfortunate is he who does not know that
life is conditioned in motion and that action is the
law of his nature--inaction death.

Every moment he is to serve or be served. No op­

portunity is to be lost or ignored. The individual who
has not discovered th at perfec t justice--the Golden
Rule ( doing unto others as he wo;.;ld be done by i -b
poor indeed, for it is the safest, sanest principle of
symmetrical growth.

One whose ongoing is impersonal, joys in the joy of

others, and serv es every needy being with that wise
discriminat ion which indulges not weakness, but in­
duces streng th , courage and self reliance. Giving
perhaps of his inspiration, which is more than mat­
eri al aid, money or bread. If alms be asked of such a
soul, he turns within and calls into activity the at­
tributes of his divine mind. Then he makes no mis-


take as to what kind of help should be given. His

life is indeed a Glory to God in the Highest.
Each soul should seek to fin d the deep joy that
comes from wise true service. One should not act be­

cause it seems inevitable, or he is too weak to resist

the demand, or is too untrue to himself to stand for
principle, but because he was created in the image of
God, hav ing the wisdom, power and love of a God, he
knows what to do. what to say. what to be to those
in need. He is all things to all men through his quick
intuition, which is the rightful inheritance of a child
of God.
'biiilfe J.tie

IVINE LOVE-Love of the Divine, or
that sacred part of man that helps to
lift him out of the mesh of life into a
rt!alization of idealism of something to
work toward, of something to fulfill-an ideal of life
that helps him to cherish all that he could hope to
maintain in the highest moments of his conscious­
ness ; that part of man that lifts him up and out of
chaos, out of discord into harmony, out of the sur­
rou nding turmoil of life into a clearer conception and
realization of being.
It is bec ause of this great Divine Love that man is
able to think of others, is able to know that there is
something greater than the mere idea of self- advance­
ment. It is because of Divine Love that humanity has
been able to progress, to go onward, forward and up­
ward ; because of Divine Love that man has not re­
mained an animal, has not remained in the lowest
degree of his mentality. Divine Love ! That Great


Something that assists him to know these other hu­

man beings that are going on with h im and work ing
toward this great goal of perfection.
To attain to this great position of at-one-ment, Di­
vine Love is one of the greatest stepping stones. It
enables us to forget the petty self, it enables us to
expand ideal ism and ideas and become tolerant and
learn all of the other attributes of Divine Mind-that
great reality which exists for all of us within our­
In explaining these various phases of Divine Mind,
we must never for a moment lose track of the fact
that each and every one of us is the center of the uni­
verse unto himself. Think of it! That does not mean
that he should seek far out from himself and work
back toward h imself, but it does mean that he is in­
deed the center and from this great center within h im­
self he works out into man ifestation to a realization
of life in its greatest fulfilment. Life e·;erl::utii·, ::; !
Life i n all i ts phases ! Life to u s i n its fullest mean­
ing now, here and now-not some day in tbe future,
not as it apparently has been in the past, but now !
Because we are capable of becoming Gods, because
potentially we are Gods within ourselves even as the
seed for the plant, because this is true, then are we
able to give forth from within us this Divine Being,
this Div ine Self, which is indeed Divine Love, and


•·orne out into manifestation that others might recog­

ni7.e and know that they too can do the same, and as
many are willing to bring forth their divine natures
into the outer manifestation, then do they recognize
that life has a greater and fuller meaning, a meaning
that lifts us out of the ordinary tunnoil, that assists
us to understand the acts of others, that assists them
to understand their wishes and needs, that we might
hrlp. that we might help them to assist themsclve"
out of this chaos and tunnoil into a position where
they can rule their lives, not with arrogance, not with
these different attributes that peopll' feel are control,
hut rule with Divine Love and Wisdom and Under­
�tnnding-all of these complete.
We have within ourselves the ability to fulfill from
our own center outward. We arc all parts of the One
Who!!-. yet individual parts. and each one must fulfill
the law unto himself. each one must recognize that
he- cannot expect to �o into gTP.ater progression in the
nath of another. he must find his own approach.
Therefore. as we look out and see life as a gTeat prism,
we know that it is necessary that we look at it from
that angle at that moment and so we learn our lesson.
Thl'n do we sec other sides of the prism as phases that
give us more understanding of life about us. God
r·nnnot man ife�t excl'pt through beings. his higher
phases. He cannot manifest unless He has that which


He must use as a channel for his own expression, and

you and I and all of those about you are phases of this
gre:tt God-head in manifestation, but it is within us,
we are the ones who must fulfill, we are the ones who
must carry out our own part of the plan. If we fail
we can recognize and know that the chain is only as
strong as its weakest link and we must not be weak,
we must bring ourselves up, we must recognize the
fact that it matters not what another does, that it can
in no way affect us only as we penn it it to do so.
We must fulfill through our own individual being.
We must see life through our own mentalities, we
must fulfill, and the plan cannot be complete until
even the least of these has been fulfilled. Therefore,
if we were to add to our fulfilment Divine Love, tha.t
love that always includes and never excludes, Divine
Love, that love that surrounds us continum:sly �nd
protects us, we can go far, we can go by leaps and
bounds if we have the courage and the strength to do
so. If we will think and look about us and know that
others have done it and if others can do it, then we
too can do so. Think of all the possibilities that we
individually possess, !mow that we are creators, that
we can do these things, that we have no need to limit
ourselves, that we have a wand within our hands that
we can pass over that which means nothing and turn
it into that which means much. We can do this ; we


have the ability. Then why do we not use it? Why

do we sit down and drift with the tide? Where is our
courage ? Where is our strength ? Are we mentally
lazy or are we willing to step forth and use all the
energy that we possess that we might bring out more
and more? As our channel opens it becomes wider
and wider and a greater flow will come forth if we
will but open the flood gates of ignorance and permit
the flow to come through.
We have for a long time caused our brains to be
obstructed. The brain is the bridge over which the
life flows into outer manifestation through us. We
should ever keep that bridge unobstructed by not hav­
ing thoughts that grow into great barriers because
we have not watched them, because we have given to
them power until they grow so large it takes much
to dislodge them.
Our lives seem to be chaotic. seem to be lacking in
system, seem to be difficult for us to control and di­
rect. Remember the sayings that we have given to
you before. Learn to direct yourselves as you would
direct a package when you express it to another.
Learn to direct yourself wh�n you express yourself
to another. And learn that through your expression,
reli'SBe and proper direction. do you fulfill the law of
life. that great immutable law of cause and effect.
It is in expression that all need to direct themselves.


Remember expression does not mean suppression, does

not mean a lack of control, does not mean an inspect­
ed thought or idea or one that has been partially
thought and suppressed because of fear lest it might
not fulfill the highest ideal, but it does mean a proper
thought before it is put into words to be expressed
properly. And each and every one of you have been
told many times that you are the master over your
own domains, you are the rulers and because of such
you should remain upon your thrones and direct life
and not permit life to direct you.

�iiii;;jjiiiJ subject of our lesson will be "Ruling
ur Kingdom." The race has been so
heedless, so thoughtless of causes here­
to-fore, and so psychologized and all­
�M�g�absorbed in effects, that it has not stop­
ped to contemplate the cause of conditions as it finds
them. The individual does not realize why he is
where he is : why affairs and effects are what they
arc around his life. He docs not take into consider­
ation that he is the cause, that he must be the cause
that i� related up to the effects that keep coming forth
for him to encounter, for him to master.
The conditions of every life are set by the register
of th e choice, and the relation of that mind to those
You will fin d some human beings going along on the
path of life and losing that which they have once had,
and at once they will say, "I am helpless; my hands
are em pty ; I must make a new beginning. Where


shall I begin ?" One disposition, one mind will say,

"I shall begin digging or gleaning or toiling with the
hands" : on the planes of physical application purely.
Another wil l say, "I will begin in the mental realm,
I will seek a position of mental character." Another
wi ll say, "I will mediate ; I will link up ; I will find a
way ; I will find relations. I aspire, and aim at some­
thing beyond my present capacity or power to use;
yet that is my aim, that my goal. I am letting ap­
pearances, seeming things, or envi ronment or circum­
�tances decide what I am to attain, but I will let my
desires and faith relate me up to it. I will let my
aspirations, my disposition, my pr('fercnce� relate me
up to their fulfilrnent, instead of lett ing ob.iective
cm'ironment and circumstances as I find them dictate
to me what my environment shall be."
We find some of these beings so highly vitalized
that they ?.'ill quickly relate up again, sometimes not
r.s high. sometimes to conditions much higher than
those which they had been related up to before and
had lost. We f i n d other bei ngs immediately when

ea ly crutches of circumstances and provision are
t�kC'n from them falling to a much lower level.
Where so me people unconsciously set in motion
causes, the results of which they must meet, others
romwiou5ly do these thing-s ; and the initial step in the
teaching of metaphysics is to bring people into the


conscious realization that It Is within their power to

relate themselves up to that which they wish to be.
You will find the nature of these beings which we
have been describing registers upon different planes.
To some it would be natural, if they were helpless, as
you would say, empty-handed, to turn to a circle of
associates, to comrades, to friends upon the higher
mental plane for advice. It would be the disposition
of others to go to their friends and ask for manual
labor, for material openings. It would be the dis­
position of others to go to God, to go to the Inspi­
rational source for their guidance, for their leading.
You will find it is within the individual, and that the
individual acts according to his evolution. Wherever
he stands on the rungs of the ladder of evolution,
wherever he finds his consciousness registering, from
that point he can leap no chasms, but from the point
where he stands he can relate himself up to tliat
which is in accordance to the thing which is related
to his state of consciousness.
The being who has evolved in consciousness and
who belongs upon either the mental, spiritual, art­
istic or intellectual plane, necessarily links up to it,
and let come what will, he will mentally hold himself
rPlated to that which he recognizes as his own. He
who has no recognition of where he is or what he is,
will take suggestions from others. He will hear one


say to him, "Go and employ yourself there ; seek em­

ployment of a lower or higher plane," and he is Jed
negatively to that point, because a stronger con­
sciousness, a more positive suggestion is made than
his own suggestion to himself. But in this Jesson
upon the rul in g of our kingdom, we emphaticalJy im­
press upon the individual the necessity of knowing
himself more than the race as individuals have at­
tempted to know themselves. We feel the great im­
portance of every being turning the eye within, look­
ing into his consciousness and saying to himself,
"What am I? Who am I? How am I expressing? What
would I be had I no friends, had I no provision, had
I no home, had I none of this which I am environed
by? What would I be. shorn of all, Rtandin.:>: apart?
Then where would I aim? What th<'n would be my
faith in myself? What then would I think I could do ?
What then would I believe myself capable of ? Where
would I tnrn ? What would I do?"
This faci ng ourselves up is most profitable. Some­
times we find our weakness and strengthen it. Some­
times we find our great strength and encou rag-e it.
gometimes we fling ourselves against effects which
are onr trials and tests, our actual measurement.
The human beings who can so train themselves to
look into and analyze carefuiiy and impartiaily their
own disposition and habits ( those attributes of their


divine nature ) to sec how many of thc,;e �tttribu lc:J

nrc cal led into activity, and are functioning, are ex­
pressing through the daily habit of faith , the daily
l i vi ng. The bei ng who knows himself can trust him­
!K'lf; but he who has never contemplated himself, in
his plane of consciousness, never rests ; he falters, he
is uncertain, he is insecure at all points ; and he feels
that insecurity.
There is nothing more strengthening than the know­
ing of one s self, even if you know your weaknesses.

know yoursclvcs-c.nd knowing your::dveo: yo�:

If you
mnst necessarily lm::�w your nature if: D i ·:inc--y o : :
must know that if you arc not expressing great
strength and great wi sdom and love, these attributes
are latent in you. If you know yourself you know
that each is to be ex presse d . You know you are
evo l ved from less to greater expression ; that you are
yet to have these attributes in manifestation which
arc not yel manifesting. And knowing yourself calls
you into at-one-m ent with that higher self;
a conscious
it relates you at once' to that impelling urge f.-u•�1
within, which moves out into ex pressi on For life is

mnditioned in motion. Nature is demanding evolution

for its expression and manifestation ; and if you heed
yourself, if you will know yourself, if you listen to
)·our inner voicl', you will find th at eternal urge out
to a greate r mastery, to greater love, wisdom and


strength, to the fulfilment of all the attributes which

belong to each and every one created in the image and
likeness of the lnfillite One. Each and every one In
recognizing, in contemplating this source of his being,
in contemplating the latent possibilities in-dwelling,
will find himself strengthened, find himself becoming
more and more qualified to hold dominion over his
kingdom. He will find himself consciously delibera­
ting, with discrimination and intelligence , selecting
for himself that which he wills to be, that which he
wills to master, that environment in which he wishes
to live ; the associates, the beingB which he wishes to
co-operate with. And with that conscious kingBhip,
with that conscious mastery over environment he
will grow to include a greater and greater kingdom,
extending his dominion broader and farther than be­
We emphasize that the words of the Great Master
who stated you were to hold dominion over all things,
"over every creeping thing, over the fowl of the air,
the fish of the sca"'--over all things you are to hold
dominion-are ultimately true. The consciousness
of manhood ( the finite in its recognition of its infinite
depths ) , the finite evolving to at-one-ment, is gaining
that dominion. Surely, certainly, he is gailling it;
and he is gaining that dominion by love-not by
slaughter, nut by force, not by coercion, but by love.


The greater is including the lesser, the positive is

rul i ng the negative. The larger consciousness pre­
vails, impels, guides and controls the lesser conscious­
As we have said before, everybody is made up of
myriads of little entities, each functioning in its oWII
way, doing its own work. You are a living, conscious
entity, holding dominion over this kingdom which you
have gathered oul of the elemcnls of the universe for
your u se. It is this instrument you are expressing
with, which you Ul!e to manifest with, and which you
have created in your image and likeness. In truth,
these expressions in all their deficiencies areemble­
matic of your Jack of expression of your possibilities.
Th ey arc manifestations of your expression in degree
as you have expressed. As you come into the greater
conscio usness of your power, you will govern every
entity, becauo;e you, the positive, have greater positive­
nco;� than the negative entities within you. As you
come into consc io usness of your power you w ill rule
Pwry ato m, you will govern every part of your en­
vironment, o f your instrument, of the temple of the
Livi ng God ; you w ill be master, you will reign su­
preme. You will in deed hold dominion ove r all thing�.
in co-operation, in tht:l a t- one- men t with God, as yol!
enme into consciousness of your divine nature, of
your supremacy ( thro11gh your at-one-ment with


God ) , of the truth of the statement that you are heirs

to the kingdom. As you come into this consciousness
you can stand forth and declare, "I am the center of
the whole universe to myself," while here by your
side another entity, conscious in its own place, posi­
tive in its own consciousness, can stand and declare,
"I am the center of the whole universe to myself."
And from this center it can radiate ; the emanations
of spiritual wisdom, of love, of strength, of power will
radiate uninterruptedly.

So in that consciousness that each individual must

from his center work out, must realize the kingdom
of heaven is within, each consciousness comes into
the realization that he is unfurling his scroll, that he is
manifesting from the depths all of these attributes
which are latent and are to be expressed. That he is
concerning h imself with himself, that he is working
from within outward and realizing that, "If I myself
be lifted up, I lift all unto me."
Think of this great truth.
If every consciousness in a gre at city would turn
its mind within, would reflect, wo uld slrivc to cxpres3
its best, its highest, its noblest, its ideal of nobility ;
if it would strive to express what it feels to be its
ideal of itself-should you need teachers, should yo,:
n eed laws, should you need these conditions which
you have of suppression, of coercion over the city ?


No ; it is not this that is the necessity of this toWII.

I t is education. It is the educating of the individual.
It is in appealing to the individual. It is not in making
him do things because you thiuk it right for him to do
them and because he thiuks it right for him to do
them, believing that he does wrong lmowingly. It is
not this, but it is the lifted-up life, it is the lifted-up
example, it is winning by this pervading, resisUess,
irresistible force of consciousness, of seeing the
absulut.t. pot!Sibilities in everyone and having faith in
tl10se possibilites. It is in seeing in every being that
he has not yet manife��ted what he is capable of, and
calling forth this manifestation by your faith in him,
by your expectation of him to express these powers,
by assisting him, by encouraging him, by manifesting
your trust in him, by leaving lo his honor, by leaving
to him the choice of acting when he is ready to act.
I declare that this educational system is the only
means by which to overcome the need of these re­
straints, these penitentiaries, these places of sup­
pression, where the astral or psychological atmos­
phere is generating and generating so strongly.
Where two or more are gathered together in His
name, the Divine Name, strength and power, there
will He be also, manifesting good; and where
numerous ones are gathered together in the thought
of inquity, in the thought of rebellion and resentment


a.t domination, can you not sec the negative side of

the great positive possibilities, through which is
generated a resisting force, damaging and disinte­
grating and destructive, of thought which becomes
perverted"? If it was up-lifted, it would evolve by love ;
if il was l ed and directe d by suggestion or by example
it would l if t them into the constructive type of mind
wh i ch would build them into the enlarged joy and love
of true individuals. And they should be led out and
led forth into the consciousneSB that virtue is its
own reward, that the path to heaven is the broad and
bounctlcss path, not the straight and narrow path.
So m any human beings have thought that the path
to h igh est realization is the path of restraint, of limi­
tation. It is not true. The p ath on which an arch­
angd ascends and l i ves is the boundless path of free­
dom that comes from following the i nspiration of his
own nature, which is Divine. And from the lowest to
th e highest, the soul that follows his inspiration in
h i s ideal of hi mself is safe. It is our wish to tempt
hum::o.n beings i n to contemplating and em ul ating their
ideal of themselves. It is not our ideal of them that
matters, but we would u rge Lhem to be their ideal of
themselves. What th ey would like you to believe they
were, what they would pretend th ey were if they could
con vi nee you, though there is ever so little manifested
yet. Even this is ev i denc e that human nature is


Divine, that the nature of every being is constructive,

is beautiful ; within it, at the drpths of the soiirce of
its being, it is creative. Even this is evidence : the
thief prefers that you believe him to be an honest man,
the falsifier prefers you to believe him an honest man;
people pretend to be something better than they are
yet able to manifest. And they are flattered and
work better when you believe them more brilliant,
more prosperous, more successful in ruling their
kingdom than they arc. They like people to believe
they are greater than they have yet manifested, be­
cause something in their very nature declares, ''That
is what I ought to be ; and I want your help, I want
your confidence and want you to believe I am, and
it helps me in striving to come up to the standard."
We can get inspiration from others. We have proved
it so many, many times in personal talks to individ­
uals. I have talked to them one year, another year,
years later, and I have seen the seeds take root. I
have said to beings, "I find it in you, I declare it to
you, and I sec your possibilities. No one else be­
l ie·•ed it,you have not thought of it yourself, but I
know you are capable of this thing, I see you love to
be this thing, and I know if you strive for it, aim at it,
keep it underlying in your consciousness as your pur­
poRe, you will attain it." And th en I have talked with
thc·m a year later and I have seen they have made


strides and attained although everybody else dis­

couraged it. They have made headway, and greater
headway was yet to be made, and mastery would be
attained upon this plane or upon this condition or that
condition. I have seen the germ, the seed planted, of
my faith in them, which bore them out, sustained
them ; was their crutch until they could stand alone,
walk alone, until they could run alone ; until they could
leave far behind them the fetters so heavy, the bur­
dens so great, mastering them. They did not ca.ll
forth their possibilities until they found someone
whose faith in their nature was stroug enough, W.!!S
more positive than theirs.
And so I say to you, when you love and when you
register-when you cultivate the habit of seeking lh.!
divine in every respect, every condition ; of believing
that every situalion is as you lind it as the re s u l t oi
causes set into motion, then you see it is as good as
can be according to the opportunity. If it knew better
it would do better. Do you think, any one of you, if
you knew the penalty was here before you for com­
mitting an ignorant act or error, do you think you
would choose that penalty for the passing gratifica­
tion the error could give you ? For it would be cured
by the consciousness that the penalty so closely
followed. But it is the blindness, it is the vagueness,
the slumbering of your consciousness that makes the


thing close to you, the objective, manifested thing,

n stronger tempter than the ideal thing that vaguely
promises beyond the thing you bavc been functioning
in, and identifying yourself with. The things about you,
t he objects of your environment, appeal to you more
1 h an the ethical suggestions, the spiritual promises, the
tdeals, the thoughts granted you by teachers. These
things are vague to you because you are not function­
ing an that plane, you are not identifying yourself
with them ; you do not live your daily life back in the
,·auses, but live down in effects. You love, measure,
and esteem but your environment.
You take two souls, such as a great financier, one
nf your typical masters of the financial world, and
t � ke one poverty stricken soul ; and when death comes,
both arc h elpless And you say of the one, "He was

n great man," and you say the other was a man of

poverty consciousness. Yet in that moment you feel

that they are equals. But are they? Has that simple
circumstance of the passing on to another plane
rhanged them at all, except that the larger range of
the consciousness of one may say, "I have mastered
many things, I will try to master this," and may lift
his consciousness in the sphere above by the thought,
"T nm mastrr; T have be<>n master and I will continue
to hr ."The other may leave his consciousness where
he left it. helpless, dependent, doubting himself, wed-


ded to circumstances, to little effects that seem to

h im so great, of carrying him from one duty to
another duty, from one scene to another scene.
I find you thus in your walk of life.
Th es e objective circumstances do not measure you
as a man. Many a soul that has striven for a hi gher
plane of manifestation is a far greater conqueror,
though perishing , than another life lived upon props
from others, obtained without effort, though one is
getting glory and recognition because the external
manifestation appears so to yon. It is because you are
living in effects : you permit yourself to live on and on
in effect.!! . when you know better. for
you are a quick­
ening race. Today yon do not believe that might is
ri gh t. above principle. TodHy the rHcf' is livin�r to a
der.ree beneath it� own beliefs. beneath its own farth.
It is suffering morr than ever before. joying more
than it ever joyed before ; it is more i ntense. The
pendulum can swing f arthe r either way than ever
before. becau se consciousness is l arge r, is more in­
clusive. it is mi ghti er than ever before.
So we emphasize . again and again. that you do reg­
ister causes and that you produce the effects that
correspond to them.

1uHt/lltntlftlll p,.;,cipleJ ��
Nutnlllf l.ife 1111t/ �� l.iiiHg
!)lr OUT at te m pt ing to discuBS the
vol ut i onary processes through which
he human Ego has p asse d in its joUI'Iley
from states of least consciousness, on up
�!�;���to the seeming miracle of self-conscious­
ness which lifts it above a nd distinguishes it from
the lower fonns of animal life, Jet us proceed to con­
'idcr man upon the plane of his present state of being,
as a sentient, self-conscious en tity oossessing latent
within him all the C'><J d-likc attributes of the All­
Good. Of a being possessing a body, mind and soul,
a perfect \'ehicle through which can and may be ex­
pressed the Divine Will. A being made in the image
and likC'neg�; of Divinity, a child of the living God, a
eente r of conscious life, of thought and of will .
Possessing all the potentialities of unfoldment of
these attributes unto the highest. A being projected
forth to express the Divine Will in its myriad fonns;


walking in the "light that lighteth every man that

cometh into the world," bringing with it the splendid
inheritance of all past experiences with the ever
present urge of unfolding consciousness welling up
from the center of being, possessing a mind out of
which procl:'eds powers of discernment, reason and
judgment. The mastery of this mighty instrument of
thought is the key to life.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"
This being true, thought measures the progress of
the Ego on its eternal journey toward Godhood.

Is it not all important that our thoughts should

ever be constructive instead of destructive, kindly in·
stead of unkindly, pure instead of impure and of love
instC'ad of hatred?

That man should understand himself and his rela·

tionship to the eternal universe that surrounds him
is the purpose of life. Life being conditioned in action
the soul presses onward and upward ever seeking at­
one-ment with the source of its being. whilst personal
mnn upon the plane of desire seeks expression upon
the material or objective plane, and mind-man, the
thinker, st'eks to apprehend, to understand, to com­
prehend the problems of life as he finds them facing
him upon every hand.
To bring into perfect accord, into perfect harmony


all of the functions of his being is the life-task of

man, the thinker.
As "eternal vigilance Is the price of liberty," so
eternal endeavor is the price of progress. As the Ego
enters the path of self-consciousness, enters the estate
of man, he begins to preceive that certain attitudes
of thought invariably produce certain results possess­
ing and reflecting all of the attributes and qualities of
the thoughts that bring them into form. The exploi­
tati on of these realms has taught man to discriminate
between the false and the true, between the har­
monious and the inharmonious, between the con­
stntctive and destructive attitude of mind and
thought. It has taught him that fear produces fear
not only in his own mind, but in the minds of others ;
that don bt incr<'ascs doubt : that fear and doubt are
negative forces that destroy peace of mind :md
paraly7.e action. He finds, upon the other hand, that
the exercise of the positive attributes of faith, hope.
love and courage, invariably dispel doubt and fear
and restore harmony and peace and point the way
to ultimate triumph toward the realization of his
Thus we find that constructive thinking is the royal
pathway leading ever onward and upward. We find
that the practise of optimism enlarges the scope of
our vision, increases the measures of our activities


and places us in harmony with all of the creaUve

forces of the universe.
Let us consider ourselves as having entered upon
an eternal journey out of the eternity of the past, we
have our faces set toward the eternity of the future,
each individual entity of us, whatever may be our
relative position upon the spiral course of evolution,
each soul is the center of the universe unto itself. Let
us consider that where we stand, others have stood,
and still others will stand. when we shall have mount­
ed higher. And as we gaze upon the heights and see
our elders far up on the ladder with faces still set
toward the eternal goal, let no thought of envy possess
us. And again, as we gaze downwa rd upon our young­
Pr b roth ers and sisters. who have not :vet reached the
sa me nm� of th e ladder u pon which we stand. let us
rxtrnrl our h an ds to them with lo vP end compassion.
to the end that as we are liftpd un. we will draw all
others unto us. Let us strivP to comnete with our­
selves. not with other personalities. not with other
individuals : to excel oth ers is not. wo rth while. does
not bring pro�ess and peace to us nor to them . but
to excel oursrlvcs brings lasting triumph and abiding
�atisf11ction . is indeed fmfl compe-tition.
As we mount the heights of accomplishment, as we
marl' and more rl'alizc the purpose of Jifl', as th e vista
of our ultimate destiny more fully dawns upon us, as


we come into conscious possesis on of the imperish­

able heritage of God's love, wisdom and power, work­
ing in and through us, to expreBS and make manifest
the Divine Will , as we draw nearer to at-one-ment
with the source of our being, as we realize upon each
successive plane of action the fruition of our ideals
and gain therefrom inspiration for ideals far beyond,
as we gather ourselves the priceless gifts of the Fa­
ther so richly bestowed, upon all those who love Him,
as we move forward in the perfect light and wisdom
of His way, our example and influence will inspire
others to follow until the whole human race will be
lifted up in its consciousness to undreamed of realms
of joy and of glory.

•ST of you mortals have been made to
eel that imagination belongs to the
ystical, or to fairy stories which have
een handed down for ages past, and to
elicve that it does not exist in any
particular phase except in the so-called "make­
believe," but I wish you to know that the faculty of
dearly imagining within is a very definite thing. It is
indeed as definite as that which we call faith, which
so many feel is also only mystical. There are those
who will say to you, "Oh, that is nothing ! It is en­
t i l·ely your imagination ! " Therefore you believe that
Lo have an imagination is to be just a little unbalanced
and not quite normal or not quite practical, and as a
thought comes into your mind that you cannot cor­
relate or place with the rest of your ideas, you im­
mediately label it imagination or make-believe, some­
t h ing that you should discard and forget.
Yet there are many individuals whose whole Jives
a re confused because they arc unable to distinguish

between imagination and the real. They do not know

whether they are living their own thoughts or whether
they are thinking the thoughts of another. There are
also individuals giving the thoughts of others out to
humanity and declaring them to be their own, and
they are unable to know the difference.
Therefore, I would try to assist you to know that
imagination is a very real thing. It is that something
that you must have within yourself if you hope to
know life. You cannot conceive within yoW' own
mind anything upon the earth plane unless you are
able to clearly visualize within the image which you
hope to form.
Many inventors have brought forth marvelous in­
ventions which each one feels he has studied out, that
he has worked from the point of zero to a point of
perfection in methods and in all phases pertaining to
that particular invention and yet none have ever
thought of methods or proof of inventons in OUT­
WARD manifestation until they perfected them by
imagining WITHIN. They conceived the idea and the
idea was brought forth and was born like a flower
grows. When the idea was given and the individual
was able to image it WITlllN then he began to cast
about for ways and means to put it into manifestation
GO he could prove it to others who would not believe
in anything they could not see or smell or taste, and


so it is that anyone who has created an idea was one

who was able to visual ize it clearly enough to bring
it through .
Now if you would create anything you must be able
to pi ct ure it within you rself. Think what it means
to draw this particular Life Force which is within
yoursel f ( which is the Real of you, your God-self, )
out into manifestation. You must first picture that
which you would have. If yo u can pi c tu re it ckarly,
you can brin g forth the picture into being.
It has been dec lared unto you again and again that
you can create for you rself if you will, and if your
desire is great enough, but remember, desire must be
the motivating power. You must first desire so
strongly that you gather all your forces together
within you r own brain cells, draw within, and in your
silence create so st rongly the idea that nothing out­
side of it can in any way distort it. Do you not notice
that the seed when placed in the gro;md almost shriv­
els to noth i ng. draws within itself after it ha3
sta1·ted to sprout a likeness of itself? Then you, too,
8hould draw within yo urself and gathe r all your
strength that you might bring it forth into being. It
is a trath that "as a man thin keth in his heart, so is
he." and his life is the outpicturing of his mental con­
ception of himself, of his abi l ity to i m a ge WITHIN
that wh ich he would have WTTHOU'l'. How could life


hope to explain all the idiosyncracies of mankind if it

were not a truth that each man is the law giver and
dispenser for himself '! He makes the law and he dis­
penses it for himself and for others as much as they
will permit. But even so, if you are capable of doillg
for another, or if you rule the life of another, even
then it is because the otlier permits it or you could
not do it. You may say "Certain individuals rule my
life.I have nothing to do about it," but I declare unto
you,Y'JU Do have all to say about it if you will utilize
your powers, if you will utilize that which belongs to
you, but so many mortals fear to do this. They do
not have the courage to stand forth and declare
mastery over their own domains and to BfLY to the
wo rld , "l will rule my own life."
If you would have perfect health, do you think that
Y'-U couhl gain it by picturing, by seei ng the lack of
health '! lf you would choose to have finances in abun­
dance do you think you can have them by contin-.�all)'
thinlling of lack ? These an not new things that I
am telling you, but I would li ke, at times, to say
them in the hope that the time will be right for you
to quickly grasp something that I have given to you
and it will come through and lind a fertile spot in
your minds and grow.
J:o'or instance, like the ovum and the life cell that
must lind its center of fertileness. There are hun-


dreds, let 119 say, of that activating part of life sent

forth into manifestation, but only one ever enters a
particular ovum at one time, jWlt one out of hundreds.
Then can you realize why I mWlt give to you over and
over again these idealll, for only one at a time actually
goes into your brain cells and finds a fertile place to
grow. But as they are given out continuously, as they
are driven against the membranes of your mind, of
your mentalities, finally the door opens and you can
reach out and see for yourself that which I am at­
tempting to give to you.
I hear some of you say, "I would like to have this
thing, or that thing but I cannot have it. You could
have it, but I cannot." There is no reaaon why one
person cannot do so if another can and that which
stops you from doing all that another does is your
own idea which walls you in. You are like the in­
dividual who goes straight toward a wall never look­
ing right nor left. You cannot climb the wall for
which you are aiming, but "If ye seek, ye shall find"
and often all you need to do is to turn right or left and
pass around the wall to see that it is a very short
span and you yourself created it with your idea that
you could not accomplish.
If each and every one of you would try for a week
to hold a silence wherein you actively create a perfect
picture of what you want and do not permit for one


moment a thought to destroy it, you would find that

picture would come forth. You would find that your
faith would be so strong that you would know it had
to be and it wou ld be.
That does not mean that today in all your great en­
thusiasm you would sit doWII and create this picture
and tomorrow you would not find time for it, and you
would say, "I will wait until tomorrow and I will do
that again . " When that tomorrow would come,
perhaps there woul d be a moment or two you would
snatch from something else and do it, and then place
it out of your mind for a day or so, and perhaps then
you would sit down and say, "I am not quite sure that
is just what I want-perhaps I want it this way."
It is very easy to see why you do not create ! You
have not time to do the vital things of life, but you
have time to do that which lasts for a moment and has
no particular place in your lives. Nevertheless, I go
back again and say, if you will and desire enough to
create it, and love it, and hold fast to it and make it
the paramount thing in your lives and all else sub­
servient to it, you may have what you will ! You do
not forget for a moment what it is th at you declare
to yourselves. "I must have this thing," and you love
it even as you would your flowers. So many of you
will go out and tend your flowers carefully and
lovingly and visualize what they will look like when


they come through because you usually have a picture

on the seed package. You never think if you plant
a pansy that an onion may come forth, but you are
continuously doing this in your Iives-p!J.nting a
seed and not holding to it. You plant other things
with it until your garden is so filled with the con­
glomeration that nothing perfect can come forth.
Your picture is not perfect.
Think of it! You can create wh&t you will -but
not in a haphazard manner. It must be a very definite
clear-cut manner and if you will have health, do you
think that you could have it by continuously declar­
ing to yourself, "I am ill , " and saying where you are ill
and how you are ill---but you never say WHY you are
ill. You will not admit to yourself the truth of why
you are ill because you do not wish to go back that
far. you would rather cast that point aside and see
the fact with your outer senses. nut I would sJgg�s�
to you that you look back within your lives and try
to find out why you are ill and if you know you are
ill because of any bondage in your lives, or any form
of inharmony such as fear or jealousy, or grief or hat­
red, or any of these attributes which are not all divine
in manifestation-if these thil•gs haYc ca•.:�<'d :,·ou tu
be in a state of dis-case. th�n is it not wise tn g" hac'<
and change that particular phase before you can ex­
pect complete health in the outer? And if you do


not see why you have created this dis-ease that seems
to have come to your body, then I say to you, go back
within your:>elf and try to see how your disposition
tallie:> with the way you think that others should be.
Do you do as you would have others do whether it be
unto you or unto another ? Do you see life D.B you
would have others see it? Have you always lived your
live:> in a manner that you could stand forth and de­
clare your:>elf free from bondage in all its phases?
For instance, let us say thi5, that the individual
who suffers from oo-called constipation ia in some
manner in bondage mentally and its picture has come
forth in this way. It is a law of life and cannot be
changed that the individual who finds himself fear­
ful will find a condition in his life that some of you
term tuberculosis, which means nothing but fear and
bondage within one's self. And turning this erosive
acid within causes that parl of the body which should
be free to contract, to draw together until life cannot
flow through properly.
And to the individual who is unkind or to the indi­
vidual who has hatred or a great selfish desire (I eay
selfish because I mean a personal one) that hu not
been fulfilled, and the reason it has not been fulfilled
is because he did not have the courage to bring it forth
himself and chose to reflect the cause upon another
-that cause brings forth the condition known a�


tumor which, in tum, easily becomes cancerous. Now

all of these terms mean nothing. They are only
labels for conditions brought about by mental dis­
ease, or lack of harmony.
If you will create harmony in your lives, you must
gain self-control and no longer permit yourselves to
create these disease conditions but bring out of your
lives a state of harmony refusing to permit yourself
to think along the old channels in which you have
thought up to the present time. This is a very de­
finite thing to think about. Turn about and make a
rhange in your lives.
You are all looking for n�ace and harmony, vitalit:v.
strength, health, and all that goes to make life worth
while to you. Then if this is true, go back within
yourselves first. There is a center of your distorted
ideas created in your ignorance. But that is why you
nrc studying, is it not ? That you might change all
these mistakes and correct the method that brought
them about ?
Oh ! If in some way I could impress upon you the
great importance of bringing yourselves to the place
where you will say, "I have an appointment with my­
�c-lf and I permit no one or no thing or no condition to
over-rule that particular time that I set aside for my
si lence for that is more important than life itself as
I am living it today. It is the very center, it is the


very heart of my existence and if I hope to go onward,

forward, and upward, I must stop here and now and
change my method of approach instead of pl aying
around with the fringes in a distorted manner. I must
go back to the center, to the heart of life which lies
within me, and control it as I would have it. I must
have time to think how I do want it and I must have
courage to face it and live it and hold it until such
time as it brings itself forth to my liking. And if
there are times that I have brought forth that which
seems to me I cannot bear to continue in I will mill
want the strength to hold to it until I can bring about
that with which I do wa nt to go hand and hand." Dy
that I mean this. In some of you who declare your­
selves free to d i rect yon r own lives-there is n timirlity,
a fear of stepping forth and doing what you will be·
cause some of your friends might ridicule you, some
of them might even go so far as to say you do not
know what you are doing and that you are casting all
life from you and are being selfi sh and thoughtless
and you do not care for others.
Then you will meet your darkest moments. Then
you will find yourself alone, and then you can ask
yourself, "Hav!' I the couragc to go on with my pictnrc
tmtil I have completed it, and show my friends that I
care as much for them as ever, that my courage takes
me forward and that I am attempting to Jive and to


be as my soul would have me be, and my selfishness

is for a moment, a divine selfishness that I might take
myself forward along my path and assist others by
having the courage to go forward?"
It takes strong people to do this, and yet there is
no one who is not strong enough to do it, there is no
one but would be benefited a hundred percent if he
would try it. You would have all you have today, and
more. You would not lose the love of your friends nor
the love that you have for your friends. You would
not lose anything because the greater always includes
the lesser. I urge you to lift yourselves for a moment
high enough to see life as it is and have the courage
to step forth-have th�> cournl!"e to dare. to do. �nd to
keep silent. Take your time of silence for your crea­
tion, but see to it that your creation is eonstn1ctive.
It is never wise to have created that which would be
destructive to another thing or person or condition
unless you know that the condition itself needs to be
changed to a constructive one.
You have no right to try to direct the life of another
in any phase or form, but you have all the right to
direct your own life. Do not direct it in a manner
that you would try to separate yourself from others.
That not only is wrong but is against the laws of life.
It cannot be done.


Keep yourself always on the right path for one rea­

son, and that reason is that it is right to do so. You
can look at both sides of any problem and make your
decision, but declare unto yourself. "I do this thing
because it is right, not because I should benefit from
it, not because others should benefit by it, but because
it falls under the law of right," and you will never
depart from it.

•D'S virtues are potential in man. All of
he attributes of Divine Mind are latent
him. These virtues which he seems to
think are evasive, difficult of cultivation
nd expression, in reality are most
natural to him.
There has been a perverted idea concerning the
course of evolution, of the attainment of the 110ul to
higher altitudes ; that there is 110me lesser force (we
call it lesser although we seem to grant it is more pow­
erful and more potent than the Divine Light) . There
has been the idea that it is a struggle, a battle against
man's nature, that it is a perpetual strife to win from
the evil one the gl ory to give it to the Almighty, the
All Wise, the All Loving, to the All Goad. This is not
The perverted course yields no satisfaction. It was
never commended by those who have traced it. The


ascending course which is the natural one for man is

onward, forward, and upward. The joys of life are all
induced through the pursuit of this upward path.
Natural man is divine man, is Godly. Happiness and
satisfaction come only by being natural, and peace
comes only through virtue. These ephemeral condi­
tions that people call happiness, gratifications that
leave only a thirst, an insatiable longing for a real,
permanent lasting quenching supply, have never given
and never can give a reward, while virtue always is
reward, and always lifts the being who expresses it to
heights of mastery, into security and position where
he can command more of it and create more satis­
faction and fulfilmePt of his Lifc'n hO!'JCS and :ksircs.
The voice within each one tells him that the only
happiness and security he can ever know, will come
through expressing his Divine Self. and expressing
thro highest he can conceive, and that no one has ever
l:nown permanent satisfaction or profit to come out of
misrepresentation, falsehood, selfishness, or breaking
the golden rule ; or living an inner life he is not willing
to exposed or interpreted by the All Seeing Eye.
No Soul enjoys life who is trying to keep himself
a secret to the livers of life.

No Soul is so blind or more ignorantly morbid than

one who thinks he can procrastinate, that he can post­
pone the day of judgment, that he can evade in some


way long enough to pay him interest on false living.

There is a standard which each and every one holds
no matter what his walk in life, and that standard
flies over him constantly, and every time he strives to
drag it beneath his feet, every time he attempts to
lower it, every time he attempts to step back and
downward, covering himself with a cloak of pretense,
he is binding himself with fetters which none but him·
self can ever break. He has to toil over the same old
course and untie every knot which he has tied. He
has to come back and face every opportunity which
he has turned away from ; not only has he to toil back
with the cross upon his shoulder, but he has to take
it and carry it forth again.
Had he but Jived out his opportunities as he came
through, had he but lived up to his standard, the draB·
tic painful experience which every soul who fails
must meet, would not be his.
There is nothing more pitiful than the life passing
over into its zenith toward the grave knowing that he
is still pretending, that he is still imitating, that he is
not himself in expression, that he is not even what he
seems, he is hiding from himself and not Jiving up to
his inner consciousness. But there is still greater
work to be done for those beings who know better and
still do not do it, who have lofty ideals and longings,
who love beauty, music, art and perfection, who are


conscious of the ideal life but would sell themselves

for the sake of a short delay-just a little longer
time--postponement of the judgment day, of the
judgment hour, heaping upon themselves this in­
terest to be paid also ; the habit of throwing dirt over
the sprouts of aspiration, of longing for genuineness,
the habit of postponing the exposure of the real self,
of the hour of fulfilment of his manhood on this plane
with the Idea that he can evade reality, that some
other time will be easier than today to bear the truth.
There is a law which provides for the state of mind
that has cloaked itself, and Is not strong enough,
courageous or daring enough to expose itself, yet who
feels the quickening from within but because of not
having lived up to its full standard it has undermined
the attribute of courage, its faith , its confidence in
itself, its estimation of the power of love, truth, and
wisdom, and its self respect. All of these attributes of
consciousness have been so undermined that they are
faint and feeble, and such an one is afraid to lose its
hold upon that which he has, though it be false. and
risk the chance, the possibility of not gaining the
newer and higher fulfilment of realization.
The old orthodoxy has not satisfied the spirit in
man, that one may say to him, "Confess your sins,
declare your intention to live." These are external
declarations. Words cost but little to many people.


Yet the consciousness knows whether that being really

wills to identify himself with his ideal and means to
be lifted to it, or whether it is an effect he is attempt­
ing to produce, a bridge he is trying to build to span
a chasm between himself and the ultimate goal or the
reward he so covets.

There is a provision which meets the requirements

of these souls that are not strong enough to stand out
in one hour and declare themselves as they will to be,
as they long to be, in contrast to what they have been
in manifestation. This provision is : that after all,
it does not matter what other people think. You are
not your brother's keeper, neither is your brother your
keeper : you have no explanation to offer, no answer
to give to another : you have but yourself to answer
to : you have but to live from your center outward :
you have to be willing to begin from within and be
true to yourself : you do not have to go out and de­
clare your sins, you do not have to go outside of
yourself and make claims of remorse and resolution
to fulfill the highest that is within you : not outside
of yourself.

All of these things may have had their place in a

day when individuality was not recognized as divine :
but today with this great philosophy of life dawning
m the consciousness of the human race, he learns that


it is not what he is in the eyes of others, but what he

is in his own eyes.
ADd there are those who begin to shrink the
moment they are asked to aim at the highest goal and
fulfilment of their possibilities, and feel they are
IJeing asked to forego the physical, the earth joys of
life, or are asked to give up earth to accept heaven.
None of the great teachers of the past taught that
man must give up earth to accept heaven : they have
all told him to accept heaven first and all else would
be granted and that he must obey the great law of
self and become a lawful being, and restrictions and
penitentiaries and official places will not be necessary
to restrain him upon earth when he becomes a self­
conscious law-abiding Soul.
There is no need of any one fearing that he must
ltlavc his religion no matter what his religion may be
if he is reverential toward his ideals and ideas and
lives his ideals out. It is the one who is attempting
to restrain consciousness from being natural and
loving who is the menace to evolving mankind.
The being who can live from his consciousness out,
no matter how low in evolution it may be, or how
small in inclusiveness it may have grown, is a safe
law unto himself. ADd we find that when one, instead
of busying himself with the living of his own life, be­
comeM busied with the manner in which another is


living, he becomes responsible for his brother; instead

of permi tting his brother to be responsible for himself
When he begins to assume others' responsibilities
with resistance, with restraint, with domination, he
begi ns to depart from his own consciousness, he begins
to leave his center where the still small voice is, and
where the illumination from on high can pierce and
guide him. He d eparts from this center when he be­
gins to project out and dictate and domineer and
order other conditions ; for after all, if he studies
himself he realizes that it is expression that he needs :
that restraint ami suppression bring him the opposite
to growth, and that his nature impels him outward
onward, and upward , and that anything that comes
over him to circumscribe, to suppress, to restrain
him, is his enemy. (The race has risen through count­
less ages with a just belief that it was surrounded by
enemies, rea l izing that everyth i ng that restricts and
rc-�trains is an enemy-the meaning of the \;·onl, in
t�uth. ) J<�verything that calls out and expresses and
l i berates and manifests him is his benefactor. He has
been his own most cn1el enemy, his own j a i l � r·, dur­
ing times past , and today he is just learning his
hu manity, a hu man e way of treating himself, just
learning that these qualities and impulses and charac­
t eristi cs arc of sl umbering beings, not yet awakened ;
that these tendencies that seem so perverted , these


lower i mpulses and passions and greeds and apparent

untruths or opposites to his true nature, are divinity;
and as he comes to understand that these things are
not to be crushed out, that all things else are not to be
denied him because the kingdom of heaven is to be
granted him ; he comes to understand that all the im­
pulses of the flesh, all of the impulses of the mind, all
of the impulses of the divine being have their place,
are stepping stones, are mounting blocks, instead of
barriers, or enemies. Instead of crushing these out or
annihilating them, the work to be done is to direct
them. He learns that these longings of the heart that
will prompt people to sell their honor to provide for
certain beauty, for certain acquired delight or satis­
faction, are not unnatural, are not strange ; they
are simply misunderstood. When these beings under­
stand their great longing for satisfaction, for beauty,
for love, for abundance of life's joys, is perfectly
divine, is perfectly good, is perfectly true ; and when
an attitude of commendation is taken toward it and
man is told to rise, to lift himself up and go forward
undismayed, told that this indeed is the glory of God
in expression, is the fulfilment of life! When he can
understand that this is true, this old resistance, this
old ignorant prejudice against sacrifice or fear of
having to give up so much to acquire this kingdom,
will have passed away.


This old psychology of belief, this false teaching of

the past, will have annulled itself when he brings on
the light of his own reason, of his own intelligence
and when he comes to understand that after all, if he
wished to have these things, or to acquire all of this
fulfilment of his ideals ; to have in his environment
beauty, in his heart love, by his side comradeship that
is congenial, in his soul true abundance ; if he desires
in his heart to have all these ideals fulfilled, and to
bring his life into one grand symphony, when he feels
this impulse and realizes this is truly God's suggestion
to him to lift up his head to see the kingdom of
heaven which is awaiting his acceptance, to see that
all these things are his, he will take the key and un­
lock the portal of his doubt, of his disbelief.
But do not misunderstand what I mean. There is
a price paid for everything, good or bad. There is an
earning before there is a share, an earning necessary
to enable one to acquire a reward. There is a law
which governs all, which is immutable, which is un­
erring ; and he must live the life of a child of God,
as a child of God, to enjoy the inheritance of God.
AB man comes into the consciousness of his Divine
nature, as he comes into at-one-ment of it through
the living of it, through the being this "I am" which
he is; these grants are made, these possessions be­
come his, the kingdom is opened to him and he is par-


taking of it ; but not until he has earned it, not until

he has e vol ve d, an d possessed it within his heart. It
i s not in the opinion of others ; not when he has been
able to m ake others THINK h e has earned it and per­
suaded them to grant it ; not that. He cBDllot deceive
God; but whC'n be knows himself ; when he himself
knows what he deserves , what be has earned; when
he h i mself can go to the fount of all and trust him­
self to select that which is due him and when he has
overcome until naught except that which is due him
tempts him, not until he would reject loans, until
he has outgrown a desi re to borrow anything, until he
stands upon hi s own feet, up to his own standard, is
he in the midst of fulfilment.
Never till souls can come to the consciousness that
they are obliged only to themselves ; that all depends
upon themselves to acquire and to attain peace, satis­
faction and fulfilment, can they obtain this reward;
and the time is coming fast forward when these
imitators and pretenders, these who have apparently
yet not really deceived others, who have been able to
m ake themselves imagine that others think of them
what they wish others to think of them; (but who
have little .:onsideration for what they think of them­
selves ) , the time is fast coming whC'n the standard of
moral ethics, of man's judgment of man, will change
inlo a different standard, a different process of judg-


ment, when man will be called forward to testify for

himself, when man will be called forward to give his
version of himself, his opinion of himself, his know­
ledge of himself ; instead of the testimony of others
against him or for him. By his works he shall be
known ; by his works he is KNOWN today ; by his
past he has a present ; by his present he has a future ;
as he sows he certainly SHALL reap, and he has
reaped according to his sowing. There is no evading ;
nod swifter and swifter comes the fulftlment of the
law to the awakened consciousness. In the old and
primitive, crude and stoic consciousness of long ago,
causes and effects were very, very far apart often­
times ; but as civilzatlon, cultivation, education and
evolution have been brought to a higher vibration,
effects are fast following upon causes ; faster than
ever before in the evolution of the human race.
And so this idea of postponement, of evading, is
also giving panic in the hearts of people who are at­
tempting to do i t ; for of old there was a time to for­
get the sowing and be surprised at the reaping when
it finally came. This time is past. Man lives vitally,
under the shadow of his causes and his effects at all
times. He cannot drink, cannot quaff the glass of
forgetfulness today as he once could, for he is alive
and knows he lives and moves and has his being when
asleep, when awake. He knows he is busy in his


sleeping hours even as he is busy in his waking hours ;

he knows that sowing and tilling and reaping arc
going on all at the same time, continually, eternally,
perpetually ; and the consciousness is wakening that
sees before, behind, above and beneath ; and as thi!;
awakening is coming, the agony of false living i9
intensified, is growing more and more keen.
There are two reasons for living the life of virtue,
of love, of truth-from cowardice :1nd from intelli­
gence. One should be prompted to live the higher,
nobler life. For if the man casts about, if he rec­
ognizes quality, the characteristics and habits of the
inmates of all the houses of misery, all the institutions
of restraint ; if he will but see, he can read as he nms,
the penalties of perverted living. If he will look, if he
will listen, if he will feel that the lives that are
successful, the lives that are satisfied, the lives that
have love in their hearts, love in their homes, success,
health and beauty, the lives that are an out-picturing
of symmetrical poise and development and growth ;
are always the lives of those who are living more
true to their nature; of those who are living out from
their center instead of adopting from foreign sources
and donning the cloaks of others and pretending. The
lives who are really ascending to the monarchy, who
arc really ascending to brood over and guide and up­
lift, to alleviate the sorrows and suffering of the


earth, arc those brave souls who are just living out
their natures.
Their love pours forth on humanity, their compas­
sion flows over, and humanity trusts it, turns to it,
because God's will is their will, and their will is at
one with their Divine Nature, because they are as­
piring to higher and nobler things. God and ali of
his angels, and all of his manifestation sustain, sup­
port, preserve, uphold, advance and aid that life that
has chosen the course of onward, upward and for­
ward evolution.
But observe the souls who are postponing their
judgment day, observe the souls that are trying to
hide under another's cloak ; who arc trying to borrow
staff after staff, those souls who are letting them·
selves grow more and more in debt, who are gather­
ing interest, compound interest more and more ( and
there is no evading, there is no avoiding, there is no
escape ) . The is·ness of the law is ! Observe these
beings ; the pitiful conditions that surround their
lives. Never secure, they are never fully satisfied,
they are never joying, they never have a moment of
unalloyed joy ; they trust not themselves, they believe
not in themselves, and they draw not the trust to
them, or the belief in them from others. They draw
not love from others. Like begets like. They do
not deserve it, they do not win it. The pity of their


declining years ! And yet, there is never a day too

late to begin. There is never a day when one cannot
begin to redeem himself. There is never a day when
an attempt at redemption does not bring a reward
Remember virtue and reward are inseparable.
The soul who begins to love his ideals, who resolves
to become true to himself and begins to live out his
nature into expression, begins to fan this glow, this
light that lightcth every man that cometh into the
world. He begins to hear the still small voice that
leads him out of the labyrinth, the maze. He begins
to feel that security of an answer from within, that
shows him the way out of all these conditions, that
brings him up to the courage of bearing his cross, to
the full desire to meet and dispatch and master con­
ditions that he may have brought around him. There
were once fetters, were once locks which he could
uot break ; now they begin to be stepping stones and
mounting block�. Now in his old weaknes3es and
failures, he begins to see the things he would not be.
He sees in them such things as these. He sees in
poverty, the ideal opposite abundance ; sees in sick­
ness anr.l helplessness the reminder that health and
power are h!s nature's to claim : sees in hunger the
reminder that rood is to be obtained; sees all of these
old conilitions and that he can make mounting blocks
on which he ascends to liberty ; not to escape, but to


master. Escape is but to delay, to heap up interest

to be paid at a later date,
There is a certain compromise for this soul that
has great desire but not yet courage to live up to his
ideals , !Uld it is this that he can begin to live from
within outward. He need not announce, "I was false
yesterday when I said this or that." He can resolve
from within, "I will speak that no more." He need
not go forth and say, '" Forgi ve me ; I did this wrong
or I did that wrong" ; but he can turn within himself
and declare, "I shall commit it no more ; I shall make
amends the first opportunity I have ; I shall speak
for truth, love, 3.Dd express the highest, instead of
what I used to express".
All the forgiveness in God's whole universe is the
self-forgiveness : i t is not somethir:g Lhat is tD b�:
given : it is for-given ; it is already given to him to be
released from his debts as fast as he pays them ; as
fast as he resolves to l ive to the h igh er and purer and
more beautiful ideals. I do declare that opportunities
for this living will be granted him as soon as he iden­
tifies himself steadfastly and persistently wilh p:·c­
ference for someth ing hi gher, so surely will he begin
to function 3.Dd create a vibration c orrespon ding to
that condition he has identified his mind 3.Dd ideals
with, and so surely. if he holds this ideal, instead of
the old ideal of crucifixion and self-condenmation and


torture, he can look with the purest and most stead­

fast eye unto the eye of the true one.
After he has resolved to be true, shame does not
come to his cheek and humility to his mind; because he
has resolved to forego ill doing; and self-respect, self­
reliance, self-confidence and assurance that prompt him
to walk with angels will come to the man who sees
that he has been unwise, that he has been foolish, that
he has used the attributes of his Divinity in a per­
verted way, that he has misused his nature, instead
of expressing it naturally.
So many people have justified themselves in wait­
ing for some future date because they have said, ''No
one understands me, encourages me, no one helps me;
others make ridicule of my noblest attempts." This
is but an excuse, for after all, it would not be if they
were in the joy of their self-respect, in the gladness
of their own resolves, in the security of their own con­
fidence and faith in themselves. If all of this were
grounded within them, if they were true to themselves
and knew they could continue true to themselves they
would find that instead of looking in the eyes of
others for ridicule, they would find they moved for­
ward ; others would turn to them in surprised ex­
pectation, because they had become the positive and
the old negative beliefs in them would be challenged
by the change of consciousness ; by the change of


motive, the change of living. It becomes possible for

man to say, "I shall be true to myself and know that
I am true, no matter who calls me false, no matter
who is untrue to rne."AD.d as he begins living this life,
he must remember that positiveness rules the nega­
tive, that the larger encompasses and includes the
lesser, and that he Is not giving up all other things In
seeking the kingdom of heaven. Instead of pretended
confidence, he is winning real confidence, instead of
pretended response he is receiving a genuine appre­
ciation and response. Instead of flattering and pre­
tending and professing things for selfish gratification
and for benefits others expect to gain through him,
that which will come from them will be from their
hearts, true reverential appreciation, a true giving of
their service and co-operation and commendation, a
real reward for him instead of a false hollow mockery
which he has been trying to make the best of, which
he has been trying to satisfy himself with as the re­
ward of the merit such as he deserves and will surely
So we say he can work from his center out, he need
confess himself to none but himself and as he works
into a larger consciousness, into a fuller confidence,
into a fuller reliance upon himself, he will find that
the day never arrives when he will have to bow his
head in shame and confess this or that; but he will be

1 03

working it out as Kanna, he will be undoing, over­

coming, he will be earning releases from the fetters
that he has bound himself with, the day never comes
that becomes more bitter, more humiliating, and re,·­
elution more painful to hin1 than the day in which he
discovered himself deceiving himself, untrue to him­
self and made his resolution !
So we declare the path of the disciple is not the
bitter path that many claim it to be; it is not the path
that is a leaping of chasms as many who have not
tried this course believe it to be. Because man is not
linked up with this full consciousness of his divinity,
it seems to him far off ; it seems foreign to him. Be­
cause he is not conscious that it is the only lawful,
satisfying, joy-giving life to live, he thinks it is a
life of hardship and sacrifice ; he thinks the false is
the true ; he thinks it possible for him to continue on
and falsify. He deceives no one so much as he de­
ceives himself. So it is not worthwhile. And the
point is here---that be knows and this is why the
compound interest multiplies over him. If he did
not know it, the interest would accumulate very slow­
ly ; but because he knows it, and persists, does this
compound interest take place.
So, I recommend the gradual process of growth, of
evolving into harmony with oneself, rather than the
old custom of self-abnegation, self-crucifixion B.Dd


self-exposure and these fetters that made the living

of the natural life seem so repulsive to the pel'\lerted
We do know that the souls that have taken up the
highest wal k; the beings who have challenged forth
all of their highest potentialities, to express ; who
stand within themselves, loving themselves, loving
their virtues, loving their possibilities out into man­
ifestation-these beings are the happiest ones that
walk the earth.
We do know that these are going to be the helpful,
prosperous and secure beings who walk the earth, as
they are in heaven. And those who persist in a per­
verted course, in an attempt to deceive others and
themselves, are comi ng through this evolution of the
race with less excuse for blindness and perversion
than before there were no illustrations and no evidence.
When there were no penitentiaries and when there
were no asylums, the result of these perverted acts
was less evident to man; but today, with everything
a suggestion of the contrasts, everything a reminder
of the reward of virtue and every condition continu:11ly
remindin g him ; such as his own disappointment in
himself, his own humilities, his own follies, under­
mining of his selfhood and contentment ; I say to you
time Is fast comtng when man walking the earth will
not even have the courage to pretend falsehood, be-


cause he is an open book, because his aura Is gray and

black, because his very atmosphere is seiiSed con­
stantly by those coming in contact with him, his very
environment will take on his expression, his body
will be in disorder, his mind will be in disorder, his
domain Wlruled. And so this is the law of evolution,
this is the law of cause and effect and explains the
truth, that by a greater knowledge his responsibility
increases. As ye know, according to your knowledge,
be ye judged.
And as man comes on, in the course of his evolution,
to realize the uselessness and worthlessness and folly
of living under the old standards, there will not be
those left to even think themselves intelligent who
will persist in the old course. But of course, it is
true that the unwise, the infant, the ignorant, will be
with him always, the i nnocent will be with him al­
ways, the unbalanced will be with him always, on the
planes of beginnings. And when the consciousness
lifts itself into at-one-ment with the absolute reality
and perfection of the now, he finds his infancy, his
ignorance, and his sick neE s and poverty ; and all of his
scales will fall from him and he will come out in the
pure glory of his conscious divinity.
It is true that in all stages of consciousness from
the slumbering consciousness of the first soul, the
atom, up through all the combinations that l ife is


evolved through and vehicles of expression have

evolved through, according to the knowledge has re­
sponsibility been pressed down. If you know better,
you must do better in self-preservation. U yo u can
do better and do not, there is a decay going on within
you, a destroying of your poise and equilibrium, just
as when great physical forces come forward and
develop all power and then cease to use the
it ; just as
athlete develops his muscles and power of deep breath
and endurance then lives his life in negativeness for
a time, inaction for a time, not expressing his pos­
sibilities up to their power, up to the standard he had
attained ; if he does not progress or contillue to ex­
press more and more, but less and less consumption ,

and disorder occur. That which is unused retro­

grades. The muscle which has been built up must be
used. The knowledge you h ave and do not use pol­
lu tes your very being even that which is good. Every
clement has its two sides ; that which can preserve
can destroy ; that which can illumine can blacken ;
that which can strengthen can weaken. There are
both si des to all conditions ; and when we learn to
stu dy and to use this divine intelligence which be­
longs to each and every being, we will fin d the sym­
phony of life one great accord, and humanity one
great family.

is the consciousness back of the sceptre
ich installs in it authority. It is the
iousness of power which lends
to the monarch. Without this
corlsC.IOIJISn,ess both sceptre and dominion
are impotent possessions for the ruler.
It is the fearless consciousness that recognizes its
power and realizes its God Authority ; and has faith
in the right which controls all subjects and removes
all obstacles.
It is this consciousness that the indivi dual has need
of in meeting any of the problems of his dominion.
The insecurities of life are not overcome by rush·
ing in with challenging spi ri t but unequipped Battles
arc not won by rushing into the fray without the con­
sciousness that right is on the side of the soldier and
that success is expected by him an d the victory must
be won by him. The thought mus t be back of the ac·


tlon if the laurel is to be won.

It is absolutely necessary for us to cultivate the
habit of facing oui"selves, of taking our stand and
facing forward with a consciousness and remem­
brance of our Divine inheritance ( which is our God­
head,) our potentialities, our latent possibilities if we
are to bear them forth into harmonious expression.
One has never yet ruled in order and harmony by
resentment, rebellion or ingratitude. Condemnation
of things has no power to re-form for the better and
he who practices it is more deeply entangling himself
in the very mire which he is rebelling against.
There is a conviction in the soul of every being that
nobility consists of adaptability, of seeing good in all
things and of harmonizing with life instead of combat­
ing it. There is a conviction that always charges its
hostage for the breaking of the law and the one who
knows the Law of Co-operation ( which is an immu­
table, unerring, irresistible law of nature) and uses
his potential and divine faculties destructively, fails
-and his loss is greater than the one who does not
understand the law.
He who acts in ignorance experiences less demand
upon him for the payment of his acts.
It is not rebellion but government that wins and
government controlled not by conflict or contention
but by the authority of knowledge.

1 10

The burden of this message is the necessity of

habitually righting and equipping ourselves before we
go upon the battlefield of life, and of remembering
our Divine inheritance of Wisdom and Power before
going forward to manipulate the effects that may
resulted from past forgetfulness.
If, before concentrating or taking the sceptre in
hand with the determination to rule WlSII.tisfactory
conditions, we face ourselves in unvarnished honesty,
deiiiB.Ilding of ourselves a definite, clear-cut pattern
of what we really want. much difficulty will be
The great river of life which flows thru every be­
ing is colored-puritied or poisoned-according to it.!
channel (the man thru whom it is flowing) , so if man
wants his life to show forth only good-for himself
and others-he must not contaminate this life fiow
thru him. The responsibility in this respect is great,
and when man achieves the consciousness of this re­
sponsibility, he has come into the consciousness of the
monarch, he is living the broader life, the harmonious
life, and fulfilling his obligation to the human race as
well as increasing his own power to cope with con·
Man should, as he faces each new day, remember
that he is the monarch of this day-for himself-­
that he is privileged to manage his life for one more


turning of the earth. He should face the new sunrise,

deeply grateful for U1e powers he is privileged to use,
reverent toward the sacred trust that has been placed
in him, and this combination of gratitude and rever­
ence will clear his path of the obstacles that stand in
the way of his achieving his highest ideal. He will
find his own attitude, his own clear-m.inded villion of
life as he wishes to live it bringing to him an at-one­
ment with it.
Each morn ing man should feel as tho he were
once more going thru his coronation ceremony-tak·
ing his place as king in the kingdom of his own life­
ru ler instead of su bject , holding himself above events,
managi ng them instead of letting them manage him.
determined to remain steadfast in his kingly con­
sciousness, radiatin g peace, calnmess and love-being
forever an example to others of the happiness that
the l eading of the kingly life may bring. Superior to
his en vi ron men t, re achi ng ever upward and outward
--expandi ng his consciousness to encompass all cir­
cu ms tan ces and evenl3 in love-the Great Builder.
The man l i vi ng this life is absorbed in perfectly ex­
pressing the power and glory that is each day given
i nto his keeping, constantly excelling his past achieve­
ments. gaining ever greater authority and power
over himself, his life and all things that in any way
affect him. This individual one day wakes to find he

1 12

is living the magic life, that he goes thru his days in

joy and as he nears the end of this expression, he
approaches what mortals call death without fear and
in gladness as one who approaches a welcome change
-an advancement-the entry into a lovelier room. He
is not conscious of destruction around him, he does
not become enmeshed in EFFEGrS but he rememben;
always that he and his thinking are the CAUSE. In
his majesty, he attains to the power that soothes,
power that illumines both himself and others.
It is the realization of this life that we hold out to
you, that we appeal to you to choose-for your own
sake as well u.s the sake of those with whom you come
in contact. It is this example that we would have you
radiate, being aware at each tum of the path, at each
challenge of circumstances, that you can meet the
trial or tribulation with the serene realization that­
When you ( trouble) are no more, I shall continue to
be. Before you were, I am.
In this consciousness, we gradually m·ercorne our
sense of dependence upon material th i ngs , our small­
ness, and come into the realization of our likeness
and image of the Infinite One. As we grow and ex­
pand into this consciousness, we no longer need to
pray for the faith in the power to do and be because
our power radiates from us more and more with the
continued conscim,o• · --ecognition of it.


Each sunrise, the student should clear his mind of

all contention, rebellion, discord or relation to any
condition that is distasteful to him, resolutely deter­
mined to identify himself only with the ideals of life
which he wishes to live, the ideals which he feels wW
be stepping stones and mounting blocks for attain­
ment to his rightful domain.

It is the sacred responsibility of every student to

every day completely clear the atmosphere around
him - his own atmosphere - of all destructive
qualities or habits of present or past that contain
resistance to the good or identification with discord
An appeal to the soul to make its protest felt each
time temptation comes will surely result in "that still
small voice" of warning which will help man to over­
come his tendency to falter and undo his good and
make him turn within himself, knowing that he is the
Cause of all ills in his own life as well as the cause of all
good. You must hold the center of your own stage,
be the chief actor in your own drama. You have one
great responsibility, that is to seek, find and stay In
the "Secret place of the Most High," the Temple of the
Living God, especially if you find the eternal current
of life too great. Return again and again into the
eddy of the Self, the still place and there abide until
you have, indeed, a larger faith, belief in your own

1 14

power to bring forth results which will harmonize

with the Cause within.
Each life is the out-picturing of the degree of faith
the individual has in his own power to rule his domin­
ion which was given to him in the beginning. Those
who have not fulfilled their destiny, who have not
won the victory. have not done so bec au se they have
not set the Cause in motion which will bring the
Effect into visibility. No effect exists without a
cause and let us emphasize again that "according to
your faith" In your ability to call Into manifestation
the effects of the cause that Is within you, will be
your harvest.
A Student should meditate more and more upon
Effects. tracing them back to the Causes, in order
that he may next time, be aware of the force he Is
working with, and the power.
It is not by self-condemnation that we gain great­
er knowledge of ourselves. but by self-analysis.
Let us will to study life-to see what we can do
with ourselves rather than wh�t we can do with things
outside of ourselves. Too mt! time is wasted trying
to see wh at we can do with others-with their will
toward us rather than our will toward them.
Hold evPr to the T d � al within ourselves, challeng­
ing the outer to come up to that which you hold
within, thus drawing irresistibly to yourself the coun ­
t!'rpart of your Inner Vision. Too much thought-too

1 15

much power-is given to whether appearances are en­

couraging, whether your dl'sires are being demon­
Let us emphasize to you that you are the power
that creates your goal. Vision your goal and if the
realization of it demands certain people for fulfilment,
these people will be drawn into your environment,
for the Spi rit knows what materials arc needed for the
fulfilment of your desire and uses them-for the good
of all. You will find in your ful filment many persons,
many com binations, much co-operation, but the origi­
nal and impelling impetus is you, the creating thought
which draws to you all the elements and com pletes the
crystallization into a tangible form is wi thi n yourself.
But the TRUE IDEAL to be sought is at-one-ment
with the Great Thinker, the First Great Cause. The
individual finally come!! to the place where he wills
that his own will be one with the Di vine Will. This
is known as spiritualizing the will and when man's
will is identical with God's will, he has reached the
place where he has sought and found the Kingdom and
where all "Thcs<' other things shall be added," for the
lesser is a lways contained in the greater.
One cannot afford to blockade himself from the
great cosmic fountain by his small fears, perplexities
and resentments about his own problems because, in­
evitably the smaller will be absorbed by the greater,
if man will but swing out, beyond, over it all.

116!�R1§JE are at last beginning to work with the
aw of conservation when we cease to
cny the undeniable, to resist the irresis-
ible, to dispute the actual ; but rather to
ccept the inevitable, to learn how to
utilize it's forward moving course and to accompany
it to the heights of attainment.
We hear glib ly stated that the Wliversal law is eter­
nal, immutable, unerring. Yet from these same lips we
frequently hear that the darkness on the face of the
waters, ignorance and sickness are all due to broken
law. Law would be rendered i mperfect by breaking and
would therefore err. us consider more rationally this mighty ques­
tion of the law. Are WC' tryin,:;- to fight against an ir­
resistible power that will inevitably carry us forward
upon it, include us within it or grind us beneath it
exactly in accordance with our unity and co-operation
with it •

I 17

Let us realize that the fulfilling of the law is our

eternal path. Let us swing right out into the absolute.
Let us BE. It is only when we consider ourselves a part
of this stupendous power that we can feel the possi·
hility of our persistence. Annihilation would surely
follow the individual who would, were it possible,
break tl1e law. Law of our being is the law of the
universe and the law of the universe is likewise the
law of our being. When we declare that we were
burned because we broke a law, we are misstating a
fact, because the law was being fulfilled when we
were burned. When we rise it is by the law and when
we descend it is by the law. When we realize that the
course of our e\'Olution, whether forward, upward or
backward and downward, is absolutely under law,
we find that it behooves us to study this tremendous

Is it not of great advantage in this day of automo­

biles, to understand those features of the law called
gravitation, conservation, etc.? He who understands
the law will, when speeding down grade, conserve his
power by releasing his engine and taking advantage
of the law of gravitation, thereby storing up in his
batteries energy to be utilized when the course is up
grade. Such a one will leave behind the unqualified
traveler who descends the grade depending upon his
own little dynamo to press him down grade and crowd


him up again, instead of relying upon his power to

swing himself into at-one-ment with the law of gravi­
tation from which to gain momentum to swiftly carry
him up grade again. He should hitch to the wheel of
the universe, for its power is omnipotent and he must
recognize his at-one-ment with it.
He who seeks to understand the varlent aspects of
law; gravitation, momentum, co-operation, etc., equips
himself, becomes broader than his own little separated
dynamo of power, wisdom, energy and love.
Those who have grasped the iden that they are at
one with all that exists of power, wisdom and love
have a mighty storehouse from which they may draw.
They are heirs to the kingdom. All that the Father
hath in the kingdom is theirs. They have reached the
portal but must have a key which will yield up the
Knowing is a power and if we believe in our power
we can gain in our hearts the wonderful key, accom­
panied by the wisdom to turn it and swing open the
gates and receive the fullest benediction of the Giver
of All Good.
We should not try to dam up, to create a little
separate reservoir in which to preserve our own. It is
far better to have the larger id<'al of the universality
of God's creation.
This is a mighty joy-giving thought-he who can re­
joice in the joys of others, who can enjoy the posses-


sions of others as if they were his own, who !mows

that all he hath belongs to all that is, and all that is
is his; who is not continually curbing, rejecting nor
grasping, but holds himself secure and at home in the
perfect, abides in peace and bliss forever. He knows
that naught can be lost. He !mows no fear ; just as safe
here as there, now as then. He has the consciousness
of the victor and stands eternal on the Rock of Ages
which is Faith . He resists no law but uses all law. His
will is done on earth as it is in heaven, for he wills
but the fulfilment of law.
The greater dispels the lesser; l ight dispels dark­
ness ; wisdom dispels ignorance. We have naught to
do with the negative, but all to do with the positive
aspects of re a li ty. Let us return to ou r
path. Let us
contemplate wisdom and abide in, radiate and express
love. Let us be stron g for we have this law of our
being to fulfill. With i n lie all of the potentialities.
Ll't us unfold the m into expression.
Within abides the consciousness of our divine na­
ture. Let us unloclr the doors of ignorance, fear and
resistance, and stand forth in one reality, in the full­
ness of consciouEneEs which is the perfer.t at-one­
ment with the Infinite Consciousness.
\Ve can induce from our storehouse the expressi on
of that which IS. We can induce faith, love, hope,
purpose and will. Then our domain awaits our com­
mand. Let us stand forth and challenge. Let us claim


our inheritance. Obedience to the Jaw gives us always

a sense of satisfaction and conscience which can say,
"Well have I done my duty today." Discontent follows
a belief in separation. Co-operation is the Jaw. Unity
is the Jaw and law is indivisible.
Love cements all of God's universe, wisdom illumines
it and strength upholds it. In the consciousness that
we are radiations of all these aspects of Divine Mind,
emanations of the Perfect Mind, we become vibrant
with divine consciousness, wisdom and power.
Possibilities arc latent within us, but lie dormant
until we induct, utilize and prove their existence. This
brings the soul out of darkness into light; out of weak­
ness into strength ; out of sorrow into joy.
It is for us-individuals granted free agency of will.
to choose the course, extend ideals continually, direct
the latent possibilities forward to the heights of per­
fect consciousness and the realization of the child of
the Living God.
Let us no longer tarry by the way, attempting to
evade the law. Let us buckle on our armor and forge
ahead, working with and rejoicing in the law, fulfill­
ing it in love and strength.
There is no conviction which gives us greater satis­
faction than that we are on the right course ; that our
intentions are pure. good and wise. We shall not
diverge from our course, but holding high our stan­
dard, we will live true to our ideals, inducing from the


depths of our strength to maintain them, our love to

endure, our wisdom to illumine.
We will live the vital life which is a glory to God in
the highest. Let the soul cease this resistance to the
law. Let us join in one glad anthem of praise and
thanksgiving. Let us come nearer to that plane where
we can truly say, "Thy will, not mine, be done. Mine is
the privilege. Thine the glory forever and ever. Amen."

•E cross over the threshold into conscious­
ness just to the degree of our belief in
the spoken word. There is a narrow state
of consciousness which refuses to ven­
ture until 1t sees results. It says : "I cannot step for­
ward because I have never tried to do so. I have not
faith because I have not proof. I have never healed by
my spoken word, therefore I can not believe it possible
for me."
However, there is another state of consciousness
which dares to do. It induces a link by rushing forth
into the unknown in conquest, supported by a faith
that this urge is directing it somewhere to greater
It is this state of consciousness that we are endeav­
oring to teach you the necessity of inducing.
You need not continue to express in the narrow orbit
in which you have lived. You can swing out. You can
learn to induct faith, not by waiting for it to appear
within you, but by knowing you have a need and that


the supply which called forth a search must exist. "As

a man thinlwth in his heart, so is he." "According to
thy faith be it unto thee."
If there were a Fate sitting for one, his faith differ­
ing in degree from that of another, this teaching would
be useless. But we know that the germs of possibility
latent in every being arc equal ; that man's nature is
divine ; that out of God-stuff was created all that is.
In a drop is contained all of the nature of the ocean.
So in man lie all of the potentialities of which God is
the manifestation. God speaks and His word is Law.
God thinks and His creation is formed. God knoweth
and it is.
So it is with this urge in mao accompanied by the
consciousness which knows that his word is law, and
that according to his faith will it be unto him.
One who knows harmony to be the law, speaks words
of harmony, love, strength and heals by the spoken
word, is living the law.
It is for every one to express the powers, to hold
communion over all things.
If faith measures for us our all, is it not essential
that we strive to comprehend the nature of faith and
the power to induce and use it? Does it not behoove us
to turn our attention to this fountain within us from
whence springs unconquerable faith, apparently with­
out reason ?

1 24

A vibrant faith will lead us over stumbling blocks

to heights we never could attain without it. If the
present faith which we do not comprehend is so potent,
shot1ld we not feel constrained to induce it in larger
volume that it may transmute fear, doubt, ignorance,
all limitation into sublime knowing ?
We can induct wisdom, love and power. Nothing is
more essential than a knowledge of the power of faith.
Is it a reasoning process ? No. It transcends reason,
which could be conveyed through the cells of the brain.
It transcends appearances. Faith encourages faith, in­
duces faith, sustains faith and abides in consciousness
of eternal reality.

is just as essential that the voyager
upon the ocean of life and experience
should understand the fundamental basic
Jaws of navigation as that the pilot of
your stately ship upon the oc ean that divides con­
tinents should understand the laws of navigation. It is
essen tial that the individu al should understand some
of the ex perienc es that are likely to beset him when
he swings his rudder lo correct his cou rse . If h e under­
stands that in ch<!nging the co u rse from a lesser to a
greater ideal, there is necessarily a volume of habit
an d bacl;water, that contin u es to prefer and urge to­
ward the course that has been pursued before, if the
pilot understands th is law and realizes that if h e
persists in h i � i ntention , with determined effort to
proceed onward, he can in time outride this urge in the
course that has been before pursued, and set up for
himself a new t:urrent that sustains him in the course
h e Wills to go. He can set up a new current which with
its backwaters and supporting current will carry him


on toward whatever goal at which he determines to

aim. It is this first effort to change the course, which
human beings have not looked upon as they might
with an earnest attempt to understand its potentiali­
ties, for it is in these beginnings that must be repeated
again and again with that faith until they are able
to carry themselves along to all they have attained
in any fo rmer understanding or aim . If the soul would
understand that it is necessary for it to study the
probab l e cross currents, the probable vibrations that
have to be taken into consideration, if the human
being would study this law of living, of navigating
the great ocean of experience, as carefully as intel­
ligently as he docs the lesser confusing experiences
upon the ocean of your earth, he would find himself
carried more rapidly forward to peace .
Some of these most simple fundamentals, that of
persisting in a new course of shutting his eyes, of
minimizing the effect of the resisting current, would
be one great step indeed toward attainment, for we
have few mortals who have developed the faculty
of setting a single eye to the goal and let come what
may, persist with unswerving expectation of ful­
filment toward that goal. Rather they take into ac­
count all the res isting currents, all the cross currents
all the unexpected ( because unknown by them) in­
tervention and interruption. These take upon them
huge importance in the eyes of the registerer, while


the great eternal, stan ding back, is lost sight of quite

entirely, also that it is possible for any soul to attain
mastery, that it is the aim and motive of existence
to reach this place in consciousness, where realities
are never lost sight of, where time is left bowed
down to where the theme of existence continually
plays through into higher harmonics of consciou!l
realization for the individual. If the individual with
seed to sow would not become mixed up with con­
ditions and effects as it is very easy to do, ( because
it is very easy to look back into the old current ) ,
but it is also possible for the child of the livin�
God to lay hand upon intention, and with a faith
which is innate to sustain himself across all resistance,
all apparent hindrance, to cease to estimate how
much time or how little time it takes, of simpk
Imowing that it shall be, to Will that it shall be, and
that it shall be a persistent, perpetual, continuous and
eternal process, moving onward, forward and upward
to that dominion over all ; moving forward in the'
conquest of the misunderstood to that of the under­
standing of all. If the so ul could take its interest in
existence, in livin g life : could learn to revel in all
notes, all experience, all rellection, and all aspects of
life as one who is studying it, as one who is earnestly
and lovingly seeking after understanding: many of
the conditions that now take upon themselves great
proportions, that seem to be ominous enemies to the

1 29

progress of the soul, would tum into friendly child­

ren, friendly acts to be studied by the individual who
is to take hold upon them and arrange them where
and how he wills. But when the soul takes the reverse
or perverted attitude and feels that these conditions
have assembled to over-power, and that probably h e
will submit to their tyranny , that probably they
have assembled to conquer him, and that they will,
no doubt, succeed. This attitude so entirely changes
the aspect of an envolving soul, in its course from
the joyous livmg, to that of helpless resignation which
is quite the opposite pole, and that which we urge
each soul to set its eye upon and never again in
the course of its ongoing to lose sight of. We urge
that the individual himself can so imbed this thought
within his consciousness that no matter how the
surges beat about the foot of the mighty Rock of
Ages, (which is faith and security, ) and no matter
how the current may roll, still, the calm awareness
of the eternal security may abide, no matter what
the past or the crucifixion of members, of parts, of
phases of the instrument to be handled may be, if
only now that rearranging and mastery of that or­
ganization of these forces may be conducted by their
creator, the authority which has a right to use them,
instead of being used by them. There is an attitude
of mind which can surely be induced by any soul
that Wills to do this thing, that attitude that sees

1 30

the goal, the harbor aimed at, seeing it no matter

what the resisting current may attempt to impress
upon his Will, upon his mind, yet, he can continually
bring the distance between him and the realization
less and less as he daily grows in steadfastness in
consciousness of his existence, his security becomes
absolute. This attitude is possible for one upon a
death bed or back upon any rung of the ladder of a
life's experiences upon the earth, anywhere, anytime.
It is possible from the battle field in the midst of the
gi"eatest fight, for a soul to place his hand upon the
rudder and declare the intent of his goal. It Is
possible for the individual at such a point to !'ally
such forces, as will come to carry him to the peace
that "passeth undel'Standing." What is needed by
every individual is to have more confidence in his
assets to more thoroughly undel'Stand his latent pos­
sibilities and the potential equipment wbich he has.
The confidence that comes to a soul that is in the
habit of meditating upon his powel'S, of previewing
them, of inquiring of them their possibilities and
testing them out. The strength and power of th!!
Master is evolved through this process. If the individ­
ual could more thoroughly appreciate this power to
�quip himself for life more satisfying to him. If he
could unclel'Stand that it is not so much the endowment
of object.q and posses�ions, from without, as it is a
consciousness from within of self power. If the in-


dividual could induce, would induce this positive

aggressiveness, this positive spirit of conquest, this
positive spirit of awareness, of its possibilities, of its
irresistible powers, it could move forward on the
course of its evolution without these delays in reap­
ing that it so often suffers from. It is so essential
that the pupil should take up these particular funda­
mental exercises and practice them, apply them in
all the little experiences of life. See to it. that it IR
when it needs power an d poi se and wisdom that i t
calls it forth for itself. There are those who declare
that much is possible b>:Jt when the test and trial
time comes they desert their post and leave their
throne and come down among the mutinous elementfl
and therP. among them conflict with them. While the
emperor, the true conC)ueror stands qualified above,
instead of be-coming mi xe d up with-manipulates
and dictates. yet doe!J not mingle. If the individual
coulrl play his part well, nractice being a queen,
a king. practice ruling his kingdom, practice that
dignity and co!!fidence th2t comes to one who holds
within his hands thP- scepter, being continually aware
of the obligation which power incurs ; continually
ll.Ware of the fact that his very k ingdom depends upon
his reign to preservc. The dignity of his throne de­
pends upon the steadfastness of his purpose and the
tmene�s of his living to the ideal of his kingdom. If
this individnal who has taken life up in its disturbed


place and found conditiolll! resisting him, trying and

confusing to him, would not swing out into the con­
ditions and battle with them, but draw himself back
into the "secret place of the most high," closet himself
within himself, right his attitude of mind, make of his
own consciousness a challenging power of the ruler,
see to it, that he begins at the very center of his being
and declares authority, out to its circumference. The
spirit of the ruler would be aroused, would be induced,
would be ungirdled within, he would express to him­
self, his ideals, familiarize and identify hi11 mind with
his ideal, that he, then, would ascend to the throne
and command audknces that would hold precedent,
that he would rule, that he would conquer, that he
would succeed in whatever he command�. in whatever
he would order. This is the consciousness that no
other but himself could be rcspon�ible for, no other
could do for him th is thing. It is possible for h im
to set the standard of the mental attitude of a ruler
a nd then to ascend to it, to grow into it, to include
it in himself until he and his ideal of the ruler become
as one. and in the ascent, comes the greater range
of freedom afar out, beyond and above any exper­
iences he has PVPr conceiv<'d of. As revelation and
:�ppeal c om es back to him with in spi ration to seek
still higher and greatE'r heights until he finds the
evol ution of the soul is eternal. That the cot•rsc is
perpetual and continuous and that the experience

1 33

in expressing of experience, should be joy, no matte r

what the difference may be. As he transcends many
of the little inconveniences and distresses and situa­
tions on cart)), with a consciousness that is worth
while, he learns that what he earns is often at the
cost of yielding up something, yet, this transcending
is also joy to him. So it is true of the great souls,
the conqueror who stands above physical distrac­
tions, material distractions, social or spiritual dis­
tractions, looking upon them as means to an end, for­
ever and forever friendly, accepting every so-called
stumbling block as a mo unti n g block, seeing to it,
that it is what he beli�ves it to be, making of it, what
he Wills for it to be, and, seei ng to it, that he suggests
to it its nature, rather than it sugge-"ts to him its
nature, SC('ing to it. that e very condition is the em­
bodiment of his ideul for it, rather than it should
present itself. and he would have to accept its inter­
pretation of its value. So in meeting his friends, in
meeting all of the experiences of life he sets his
standard for it, he holds them aloof expecting from
them the best, ex!Je(!ting from them that which he
needs for his ongoing and growth , ex pe cting that
the noblest and best will be radiating from them con­
tinually and that hP will haslt in the benefit of these
experience!!. This � ttitudP of min rl challengPs and
calls forth from the greatest dPpths anrl thl' greatest
heights, that which attunes itself to his present needs

1 3·1

to the well-being of all concerned. It is possible for

the soul to command that which is for its good, for
its growth, there is no way for a soul to escape that
which is its next step. It may have banked up many
so-called stumbling blocks to mount over before it
knew, before its vision was clear, never-the-less the
most friendly are these very so-called stumbling
blocks, for they can be transmuted into mounting
blocks, for until they are recognized in friendly ap­
preciation of what they may mean to the soul's on­
going, until that soul lays hands upon them with the
intention of using them as friends, until this is done
they are to the soul that which he believes. If he be­
lieves evil of sickness, evil of poverty, evil of discord,
if he belie\·es that these things have in them no re­
deeming virtue, to him, they are as if they had not;
but, if he \viii look £ bout and see other souls in their
course of evolution, see them as they were but a few
short years before, and as they may now be and re­
alize that through the very overcoming of conditions
that seemed so unsatisfactory, to the very meeting
and bearing with them, they have grown into the con­
sciousness of the monarch, have grown into greater
and greater awareness, until their orbit is larger
than it was before, until their consciousness of the
value and privilege of life is larger than before. Thi�
is possible if the soul \vill not be blinded by the mote
that is before his eye, if he will see with larger


ru.ngc, if he will look back over his own path, over the
path of his friends, he will easily learn to induce the
quality of recognizing, of discriminating blessings
in all things, blessings in the very rod that is laid
upon him, that it aro uses ; blessings in the primitive
soul that it hungers that it might go forth to find.
So with the soul today, the limitations are his greatest
aid, for they will teach him dissatisfaction and a
Will to win more satisfactory conditions, which is

1 36
find mortals who have taken up the
advanced form of thought, (wondering
and inquiring of every one whom they
feel might give any enlightenment on the
meaning of symbols and asking : "Why
did I have a dream that seemed to be so symbolical ?
Why is it that so many things come to me in waldng
hours that seem to be symbols of something, and I
cannot find it, cannot grasp it?" We hear this question
all about, and many try to find out the meaning of
symbols, or that which they take to be symbols.
In our opinion, a symbol is a picture : You attempt
to teach your small child a great lesson from its
blocks, from pictures, from birds, trying to impress
upon his mind the lesson that he can always seek,
that he can always bring back to himself when he sees
this particular picture ; and so it is that some indi­
viduals do not seem to grasp the meaning of your own
language, that which should be the medium of ex-


pression between you. Many individuals are unable,

are incapable of reasoning, of concentrating, of know­
ing the meaning behind the words. Therefore, it is
often necessary to give to them a picture that will im­
press upon their minds the lesson that lies behind it.

We lind among you mortals a tendency to speak

your English language, or whatever language comes
easiest to you. You speak it fluently, you discuss
your world topics, the topics of the day, you think
you understand one another because you understand
the words to a degree that another speaks. You say
you can speak such and such a language or perhaps
many, and yet we lind so few of you who actually
know the meaning of the words that you utter, the
tn1e meaning that lies behind the simple words, such
as the word remembering. When we speak the word
remembering to you, it has its full meaning. To many
of you, it is going back over some particular incident
in your lives, or trying to lind out what you thought
or did-that to you would be remembering. But to
us it is becoming a member again, re-membering.
The word atonement, as you call it, or at-onement,
becoming one again. You have always been one and
yet in your minds you have separated yourselves until
now you must come back and at-one yourselves with
the great Universal Spirit, not in reality, but in your


Many words that you speak you do not use in their

true sense. You do not give them their full power.
You use them lightly and that is why in the form of
speaking slang as you term it, you use many utter­
ances as the savage would use a grunt. It means
something that everyone soon forms the idea of its
general meaning, and perhaps the word itself does
not mean that at all. You do not use your language
to become understood among yourselves. Yet you do
not speak a language that you understand between
yourselves. We find therefore that it is necessary to
give to some of you who have lived so lightly and
tried to assimilate in a somewhat meager way with
language, an understanding in pictures, in symbols,
because we find that you will concentrate upon a
picture and that you will do little about it if it is
written in your own language.
We cannot hope to express the great understanding
that would come to you if you could understand one
another's thoughts. Your English Language is not
adequate, it is not sufficient, it has not a range of
words, and yet it is being used over your country as
the preferred language. For that very reason it is
almost like your shorthand, and yet very few of you
understand, only those of you who have studied it can
use it to advantage. So, your symbols.
Do not give so much importance to dream symbols
because you receive them ; try to receive a lesson from


them but remember that they arc as blocks to you,

they are given to you to help you to understand, to
help you to understand your consciousness, because
you will work harder if you can hold in your mind a
picture. Then as you see a certain number of words
on paper, it means a soulless something to you, that,
unless you receive it with the spirit behind it is
nothing and that is why many iDdividuals will read
again and again and receive a different meaning each
time, because they did not concentrate in the first
place, did not look behind it, search for its complete
meaning. Therefore it tool[ many readings, many
months, perhaps years, to find the understanding, or
even a partial Wlderstanding of that which has been
written in plain English.
Many of you mortals, when you receive a picture in
symbols, give to it so much power, feel you have at­
tained, in that when you can read and see symbols, it
must be that you are reaching the place where you
can find the secret of life, you have become one of
those who arc receiviDg symbols, but we say to you,
go within yourself. If you must have symbols to
teach you your lesson, you will receive them. If you
can learn your lesson without it being given to you in
such a manner, if you can learn because the great
Universal Spirit so impregnates your being that it is
a part of you, when you live it, then you are receiving


the true symbol, you are a part of it, it is feeding

your being and a great part of the Universal Spirit
is yours. Therefore, to the one who must have syrn·
bois, the same as the one who must have side lines of
palmistry, or numerology, these phases are ladders,
are stepping stones, and yet ( tend to lead some away
from the great cosmic understllnding rather than to­
ward it,) tend to build a wall around the one who
should become greater and broader for the Universal
Spirit to unfold it. These things are not so important ;
are side issues. They are well to understand, to know,
because you need to know, because you need to know
all that you are capable of knowing, and yet to use
them to live by, to act by, to build by, sometimes
imprisons an individual and keeps him from under­

You should seek from within out, rather than from

without in. Many feel that wisdom is like seeking
a gold mine ; it is something to be sought in secret
places, unusual places. It is difficult to find it is true,
but it is not beyond. it is within the grasp of every
individual who will open his own consciousness. It i"
around him, within him, about him. He need not go
out to receive it, it is within. He need not seck in far
away hidden places, it is close at hand. For that
reason he does not seek, it is so close, and yet mortals
will spend months, years, lifetimes, seeking that which


is so unimportant, and not realizing that they hold

in the hollow of their hands the all-important truth.
To learn to know yourself. If you know yourself,
you will know all men, for while they are different
outwardly, materially, individually, yet when you
find in another something that rings true to you,
you find it within yourself ; it is within you or you
could not recognize it in another. Remember, you
cannot transcend your ideals or your understandin�.
and it is only that which is familiar to you that you
could hope to understand in another, that which is
unfamiliar, you do not understand. It ba.ffics you,
you are lost, you cannot see why in another there is
something that you have never experienced yourself,
something that does not dwell within you, as out­
ward attributes, but the great fundamental truth is
One and you will find even your smaller attributes of
expression arc very like many individuals the worlu
over, when you can know them well enough to know
they exist. When you can know another individual a
little you will sec the traits like your own, you will
find a boy in China or any place in your universe is
one and the same generally, individually it is different.
It is true the nationality brings them up under dif­
ferent rule, but fundamentally you can see the great
similarity. Therefore think of it! How much alike
all mortals are and how you cannot separate your­
self from another in truth, for all are part of the


great universal God-head, but like a drop of ocean

water helps to make up the oce an, so do you help to
form the great Universal Spirit.

You could not be separated from it, you could not

be released from it, you could not live without it. It
Is life. It exists, it has ever been and will continue
on into eternity. Because of the laws of the universe,
it is, and becau se it is, you are. and because the same
law makes every individu a l born into the world alike,
under the same laws goveming the same act of cor­
relation. It is true all over the universe you cannot
be separated, you all arc governed alike, you all live
and breathe and have your being fundamentally the
same. Without air, without food, without water, with­
out certain elements upon your universe, upon your
earth, you could not exist in the form that you now
take, which has been created in thought. Therefore,
remember that while you are in this body, you are
functioning in one way. When you leave it, you func­
tion in another, and yet your consciousness always
remains yours until you reach the place that you
merge and become one with the great All-cosmic
consciousness. It is when you begin to understand
the symbols of life, which are only pictures that you
see that there is no difference in individuals, under­
neath it all, fundamentally, in truth there is no dif­
ference, there is no separation.


To teach mortals that they stand out as individuals

and yet when they learn themselves, they know all
men, seems to be a paradox. It is not, it is a truth.
You are f unction ing in these bodies to give to you
certain expression for your soul's on-going. When
you have completed it, or when your body ceases to be
of usc, you leave it, you lay it down and it goes back
into its own individual form, fundamental qualities
wh i ch indeed are a part of the same great cosmic
force that you arc. It has a consciousness , it is made
of millions of entities over which your great con­
sc i ousness ruled during the time that you possessed
it. Remember that your consciousness has been made
of myriads of con sciousnesses down through the ages
and you have attained the position that you now hold
and that the only difference between the least con­
scio u sness that you arc capable of conce i ving of, and
the great Arch-angel is the degree of consciousness.
That is the only difference : i t is in the degree that
you possess, that you bring forth , that you manifest.
Therefore, when you arc conscious of all about you,
you arc conscious of yourself and you are uncon­
scious so long a.s everything about you is a mystery ,
so long as others are a mystery, so long as you do
not know yo urself you do not know another. There­
fore, you know by thnt very symbol just how much

you know you rself for just so can you gauge it. If

1 44

you do not know another, if you criticize another, if

he does not meet that which you think to be right,
then you do not know yourself, and why do you not
know yourself ? Because you never know when you
will meet it yourself in your life, the same thing that
another has done for which you have criticized him.
That is why yon do not know yourself. If you knew
yourself you could not criticize another for you would
be honest with yourself and say, "I too am that one,
or have been or will be perhaps. No doubt of it." We
say perhaps because many of you arc not conscious
of that which you have done in earlier years, in this
life. How could you know then of that which has
transpired in another body many long ages ago, and
yet the consciousness, that part of you which goes in­
to eternity, carries with it its remembering, carries
with it all its experience, its wisdom-there is none

So when you see another one doing that which you

disapprove of, which you would change, which you
would teach him to be different in, you are seeing in
that other one, yourself in a lesser degree or a greater
degree, yet yourself. Remember, rather than criticize
the other one, go back within yourself, say to your­
self, "That is part of me, if I would change it in an­
other one, I must begin now and change it within
myself, for here is where the trouble lies. U I can sec


it in another one to criticize in another, here is where

the seat of it is. If it is something that I dislike in
another, here is my work-not to change the other
one, that worlt is his, inherited by him, 8.Ild inherited
by me is my own work to do. If we all would do our
work to the best of our abilities, the world would
grow b<!tter fast."
As it is, every one is reaching out of himself to
criticize, to change, and very little is done at home,
be;:ausc of it, time apparently is wasted, and yet we
see you mortals feeling that you are justified, feeling
that you arc capable, feeling that you attained to the
position in life where you are judges of humanity. It
is not a position that anyone should assume because
when you judge humanity, you admit literally that
you have done little in yourself, that all of this you
would change in another, lies unchanged in yourself,
lies there awaiting the time when you will return and
change it, and when you reach the place that you are
worlting on it, yo'-! arc then too busy, too well occupied,
to reach out into the world and train another. You
are willing then to leave his duty to him, when the
time comes that he will sec it : for others have left
you to do yours, until the time came when you
changed it, for after all, you are the one who breathes
for this body, you are the one who lives in this body,
and by the same token you are the one to change all,

l ti6
THt; UsE or- SvMnoLISM

Cor it lies within your own soul and is yours for you
to remodel.
If mortals could but know that much time is wasted
and the greatest sin that one can perform is to bring
judgment down on another when he has not worked
it out within himself. Think of your own lives. Some
of you say, "Where shall I begin ?" We have just told
you, begin on that which you see and dislike so much
in another. It lies right at hand. When you reach
the place where you feel there is no power, that it has
no power over you, that it ceases to exist in your con­
sciousness, that you cease to see it, you have no doubt
overcome it, but when you yet can criticize it, you
have not overcome because you can still sec it and re­
cognize it in another. It is still distasteful to you in
another, therefore it is still within you and you are
not conscious of the fact that it lies there within
yourselves. Why? Because most of you have not lived
lives to perfect it. If you know that you do not ap­
prove of it, then strengthen yourselves before the
battle, not attempt to do it when the battle is on.
Most of you mortals wait until the great test comes
upon you before you seek to strengthen yourselves.
But the time to do that is to prepare for it and to so
train yourselves that it has no power over you. Then
when it comes you are strong. It is not a test to you,
you stand above it, you have o\"ercomc in the fact

1 47

that you have faced it and you have permitted it to

loose its power before the test comes, but it will come
to prove to you whether you have overcome it or
whether you just think you have overcome.
Remember that as long as you can say you have
overcome, you feel sure, you think about it, talk about
it-you have not overcome. When you reach the
place that when you meet it, you could give it a glance
of recognition but pass it on, place it out of your
mind, know that it has no power by the very fact that
it does not remain within, that it ceases to exist for
you, then you have finished, but not until then be­
cause the denial of a thing is in fact the recognition
of the existence of the thing. So when you deny it,
you admit it, you hold it within yourself.
If all your lives could be utilized as a symbol you
would waste no time by seeking to reach and to know
the understanding that is yours, that you are seeking,
that you came here to find. Hunt for it right within
yourself and whenever others disqualify, do not reach
your standard, so to speak, see to it that your own
standard is a standard and not an assumed one, not
a pretense, not an out-pouring of that which is for
the world to see only, see that you live it, for when
others seck to investigate they find as a rule a struc­
ture behind very much like your moving pictures
-a beautiful front yet no backing. It is deplorable


indeed that mortals can waste so many moments

in building structures in their lives that are only
so much waste material, that have cost so much pain,
in sorrow, in trouble, even as your beautiful pictures
are so expensive to produce and after all, none of
them can be utilized for anything but for the pur­
pose it is built, and that is to be seen from the front
only, and when that is torn down by storm, then do
you stand naked in your lack of wisdom, in your lack
of understanding, in all that is worth while in life.
Many of you have frittered away your time and begin
to change only when the time comes that you feel that
you are leaving your bodies, and sec a panorama of
your lives and recognize yonr lost moments and sec
that which you might have done but did not do, and
all that you did do and how little it has availed.
It now is the time when you are in your zenith when
you have all opportunity ahead of you, now is your
opportunity to begin, now always will be the time
when you do begin, so why not this moment as well
as another moment ? Why can you not see the in­
terest on your investment now and this moment in­
stead of a moment when it is too late to do that which
you craved to do?
Symbols of life ! Most of them only symbols, only
sign-posts and many of you wrap your:;;clvcs around
them and can go no further. Tear yourselves loose

1 ·19

and go out into the universe, living your lives and

being that which is your ideal, that which is yours to
attain, that which you see within yourselves, not that
which you see in another or that which another may
see for you, but that which you see for yourself.­
The Great Cosmic Pictures can never be complete
until each mortal goes back and lives his life, not as
others picture it, but as he sees it, as he pictures it,
as it is a truth to him from within himself, not from
the brain, for it is, "as a man thinketh in his heart so
is he," not as he thinketh in his brain, that is of little
power and a know-ledge passes into nothingness be­
cause the brain is continually filled with something
different out of which the soul can make all that it
can silt through of the wheat from the chaff.

f thou art weary of thy eternal struggle, l a y down
I thy Instruments of resistance and rejoice in the
now ! Thy Soul has ever been in perfect harmony
with thy Spirit but tby mind was ever at war with
its SELF-trying to reason about the unreasonable,
struggling to climb over the unsurmountable, wish­
I ng for the unattainable and yet, without the pres­
ence of them all, tby mind could not exist!
Thy great flame of life needs only to be fanned in­
to the glow of WISDOM-thy ski llful instrument of
Mind is the wand of power directed by discrimina­
tion : crystallized, becomes that one who neither sees
nor hears the great silence because of the clanging
brass of his own egotism. Sound creates form after
the pattern of thy thoughts-If thy thoughts be pure,
and thy mind clean, then the harmony of thy will


brings forth its symphonies, but if thy ever changing

thoughts be tinctured with wasted energy, then thy
reservoir will empty and thy Temple crumble with
thy declining years. For energy precipitates when
crystallized and running streams are dammed when
congested with its silt. Thus fixed becomes thy pat­
tern but without distinctive pictures from which thy
creations can be formed.
When thy life seems marred by noise, and motions
become emotions ; when thy nerves twang as do the
strings of thy lute, when played off key ; cease thy
struggle and calm thy mind, life comes from nowhere
and never doth it go, since it always has and always
will be. Thou need only to remember and At-One
Thyself by passing through thy mind into thy soul and
spirit, where life moves so fast it would appear as
still-Still as the stars and silent as the night.
Once again thy mind will tell thee that thou hast
become a little child and entered the gate of peace
for which thy soul hath waited long, and thy anxiety
now must cease ! Peace be to thee, thou ENERGY
of light, brought forth to manifest thy God, tho
brotherhood of Man-


0 Mighty "I AM" Presence

0 Thou Most Holy One,
Help me to be Thy Perfect Self
In Thee my work be done.

0 help me always on my way

To keep Thy Wisdom pure,
To climb the mighty hills today
The crags and cliffs endure.

See to it, Blessed Self of me

That I no longer stray ;
That I climb forward, One with Thee,
Bound with Thy love to stay.

I cannot live without Thee, God,

I cannot work alone :
I cannot come into Th y Light
Until we two are one.

Therefore, submerge me with Thy Mighty Light

This intellect reclaim,
And never Jet me from Thy sight
Because we arc the same.
-Ruth B. Drown.

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