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Bans Kothi, Digha, Patna-11

1. Annexure 1 – Formats for Submission of the Pre-Qualification Bid

Pre-qualification bid checklist

SI# Checklist Items
(Yes or No)
1. YES
RFP Document fees

2. Exempted
Earnest Money Deposit

3. YES
Pre-Qualification Covering letter

 Copy of Certification of YES

Incorporation/Registration Certificate YES
 PAN card YES

 GST registration YES

Audited financial statements for the last three financial YES

Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/ CA
6. YES
Declaration of non-blacklisting

7. Power of attorney by Bidder YES

Work Experience details and Self-certifications, as
Bans Kothi, Digha, Patna-11

Date: 20/ 12/ 2020

Municipal Commissioner,
Darbhanga Municipal Corporation,
Darbhanga, Bihar

Subject: Request for Proposal for Empanelment of Agencies for Providing Skilled/Semiskilled Manpower like
Drivers, Operators, Multitasking staff, Plumber etc. on outsourcing basis for Darbhanga Municipal

Ref: RFP No. 08/2020-21 dated 23-11-2020

Dear Sir,
With reference to your “Empanelment of Agencies for Providing Skilled/Semiskilled Manpower like Drivers,
Operators, Multitasking staff, Plumber etc. on outsourcing basis for Darbhanga Municipal.”, we hereby
submit our Prequalification bid, Technical Bid and Commercial Bid for the same.
We hereby declare that:

a) We hereby acknowledge and unconditionally accept that the DMC can at its absolute discretion apply
whatever criteria it deems appropriate, not just limiting to those criteria set out in the RFP and related
documents, in short listing of Agency for providing services.
b) We have submitted EMD exemption letter for Tender fee of INR [10000/-]
Udhyog Aadhar Attached

c) We hereby declare that all information and details furnished by us in the Bid are true and correct to the
best of our knowledge, and all documents accompanying such application are true copies of their respective
d) We agree to abide by our offer for a period of 180 days from the date of Submission of bid prescribed by
DMC and that we shall remain bound by a communication of acceptance within that time.
e) We have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of the RFP and the conditions of the
contract applicable to the RFP. We do hereby undertake to provision as per these terms and conditions.
f) In the event of acceptance of our bid, we do hereby undertake:

i. To supply the products and commence services as stipulated in the RFP document

ii. To undertake the project services for entire contract period from the date of signing of the contract as
mentioned in the RFP document.
iii. We affirm that the prices quoted are inclusive of design, delivery and discounts etc.
g) We do hereby undertake, that, until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this bid, together with
your written acceptance thereof and notification of award of contract, shall constitute a binding contract
between us.

ii. To undertake the project services for entire contract period from the date of signing of the contract as
mentioned in the RFP document.
iii. We affirm that the prices quoted are inclusive of design, delivery and discounts etc.
g) We do hereby undertake, that, until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this bid, together with
your written acceptance thereof and notification of award of contract, shall constitute a binding contract
between us.
h) We understand that the DMC may cancel the bidding process at any time and that DMC is not bound to
accept any bid that it may receive without incurring any liability towards the bidder.
i) We fully understand and agree to comply that on verification, if any of the information provided in our
bid is found to be misleading the selection process, we are liable to be dismissed from the selection process
or termination of the contract during the project, if selected to do so

In case of any clarifications please contact : sanjay kumar , email-

vishalkumar937@gmail.com , contact no. 9304084810

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

(Signature of the Lead bidder)

(Printed Name)- Sanjay Kumar

Designation- Partner

Seal Date:20/12/2020 Place: Patna

Business Address: Bans Kothi, Digha, Patna-11

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