1. Having watched the short video on "Why do we have to learn English," what is your goal for learning English?(Setelah melihat video yang singkat tentang "Why do we have to learn English," Apa tujuan anda untuk belajar bahasa inggris?) 2. Do you think that English is difficult? 3. What parts are considered difficult in learning English? (Bagian mana yang dianggap sulit dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris?) 4. What do you expect after completing this course? (Apa yang anda harapkan setelah selesai dari mata kuliah ini?) 5. What do you say to greet someone when you are introduced in formal situation for the first time? 6. What do you say to greet someone when you are introduced in informal situation? 7. What do you say when you meet someone who is going to work at 8 o'clock? 8. What do you say to greet someone when you meet him/her at a cafeteria for lunch? 9. What do you say to greet someone when you meet him/her at 19.00? And, what do you say when you leave someone at 20.00? 10. What do you say to greet someone when you meet him/her at 19.00? And, what do you say when you leave someone at 20.00? 11. What do say when we meet people you know? You often ask politely about their health or their general situation. 12. Answer the questions with the complete sentences based on your own experiences/daily activities. (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan kalimat yang benar dan lengkap berdasarkan data pribadi Anda {Jawaban singkat dianggap salah}) 1. What is your fullname? 2. What is your first name? 3. What is your last name? 4. What is your nickname? 5. How old are you? 6. What is your job? 7. What is your campus address? 8. What is your office address? 9. What is home address? 10. What is your phone number? 11. What is your hobby? 12. What is your favorite food? 13. What is your favorite drink? 14. What is your favorite music? 15. What is your favorite film? 1 2 3 4