Paper group 4 Communication Verbal Techniques)

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Name NIM
Gusti Ningsih Mawaddah 21129215

M. Rafqi Rahman 21129066

Rizka Ramadhani Darlis 21129300

Supporting lecturer:

Dr. Melva Zainil, M.Pd

Yesni Yenti, S. Pd., M.Pd






Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for the abundance of His grace and gifts so that we
can complete this paper entitled "Verbal Communication Techniques". This paper is compiled as
one of the requirements to fulfill the assignment in the course “Basics of Communication
and Public Speaking” and it is hoped that it can provide deeper insight into the importance
of mastering verbal communication in the world of education.

In the process of compiling this paper, we realize that the success of this paper cannot be
separated from the help and support of various parties. Therefore,on this occasion, we from group
4 would like to express our deepest gratitude to:

1. (Mrs. Dr. Melva Zainil, M. Pd and Mrs. Yesni Yenti, S. Pd, M. Pd) as the lecturers in
charge of the course Basics of Communication and Public Speaking who have
provided valuable guidance, direction and input during the process of compiling this
2. And friends who always provide moral support and motivation so that the author can
complete this paper well.

The group realizes that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, we expect constructive
criticism and suggestions from readers for future improvements.
Hopefully this paper can be useful for all parties who need it, especially in efforts to improve the
quality of communication in education.

Padang, September 24, 2024)

Group 4


FOREWORD............................................................................................................................................ ii
LIST OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Formulation ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Understanding Verbal Communication ....................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Functions of verbal communication.............................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Types of Verbal Communication ................................................................................................................. 4
2.4 Verbal communication techniques ........................................................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER III CLOSING ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Suggestions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................................... 7


1.1 Background
Communication is one of the important aspects of human life, especially in the
world of education. In the teaching and learning process, communication becomes the
main bridge between teachers and students to convey information, ideas, and build good
interpersonal relationships. One of the most dominant forms of communication in
education is verbal communication, which includes the use of spoken and written
language. Verbal communication not only functions to convey lesson materials, but also
to direct, motivate, and facilitate two- way discussions and interactions between teachers
and students.
In the world of education, the role of teachers as the main drivers in the learning
process is greatly influenced by their communication skills. Teachers who are able to use
verbal communication techniques effectively can help students understand the material
better, create a fun learning environment, andencourage active student involvement in the
classroom. However, not all educators realize the importance of using appropriate verbal
communication techniques. A common problem is the use of language that is too complex
or not appropriate to the level of student understanding, which ultimately hinders the
learning process.
The function of verbal communication is not only limited to conveying
information, but also has a role in expressing emotions, building social relationships, and
encouraging discussion and exchange of ideas. Through verbal communication, teachers
can create closer bonds with students, which ultimately increases students' learning
motivation. However, challenges in verbal communication remain, especially in the
context of a heterogeneous class, where each student has a different learning style and
level of understanding.

1.2Problem Formulation
1. What is communication?
2. What are the functions of verbal communication?
3. Explain the types of verbal communication!
4. Mention effective verbal communication techniques!

1.3 Objectives
1. So that students know and understand the meaning and definition communication.
2. So that students know and understand the function of verbal
3. So that students know and understand the types of verbal communication.
4. So that students know and understand effective verbal communication



2.1 Understanding Verbal Communication

Verbal communication techniques refer to the methods used to conveying
information, ideas, or feelings through words, either orally or in writing. In the context of
education, verbal communication is one of the main tools for educators to teach and
interact with students. Through this technique,teachers can explain complex concepts in a
simpler and more understandable way, thus facilitating an effective teaching and learning
Qodir (2017), explains that effective verbal communication includes the use of
language that is appropriate to the level of understanding of students. Educators need to
choose clear and precise words, and avoid terms that may be confusing. In addition, tone
of voice and intonation also play an important role in conveying messages. By using good
verbal communication techniques, teachers can attract students' attention and create a
more dynamic learning atmosphere.
In addition, verbal communication also involves active listening skills. Educators
need to provide space for students to ask questions and express their opinions. In this
way, the interaction between teachers and students becomes two- way, which not only
helps students understand the material but also increases their confidence in
communicating. This is very important in creating an inclusive and supportive learning
Finally, verbal communication techniques do not only focus on conveying
information, but also on developing good interpersonal relationships between educators
and students. When communication is good, the relationship can affect students'
motivation and involvement in learning. Therefore, mastering verbal communication
techniques is the key to success in guidance and teaching.

2.2 Functions of verbal communication

Kusumawati (2019) regarding verbal communication, there are several functions
important things that are explained Include:

1. Delivering Information
The main function of verbal communication is to convey information directly and
clearly. Through words, individuals can share knowledge, explaining ideas, and giving
instructions. In the context of education, teachers use verbal communication to teach
subject matter, so that students can understand it well.

2. Expressing Emotions and Feelings

Verbal communication allows individuals to express their emotions and feelings. By
using the right language, a person can convey what they are feeling, whether it is joy,

sadness, or worry. This is important for building emotional connections and support
between individuals in various interactions.

3. Building Social Relationships

Verbal communication serves to build and strengthen relationships between
individuals. Through open conversation, people can get to know each other, create
bonds, and build trust. In the context of education, a good relationship between
teachers and students can promote a positive learning environment.

4. Encourage Discussion and Exchange of Ideas

Verbal communication also serves to encourage discussion and the exchange of ideas.
By sharing views and opinions, individuals can engage in constructive dialogue,
enriching each other's understanding. In a classroom context, discussions resulting
from verbal communication can increase student engagement and critical thinking

2.3 Types of Verbal Communication

Mustafa, Wuryan, and Meilani (2021), there are several types of communication
verbal explained. The following is an explanation of the types of verbal communication:
1. Oral Verbal Communication
This type involves conveying messages through spoken words directly. Oral verbal
communication often occurs in face-to-face interactions, such as in-person
conversations. In this context, intonation, tone of voice, and clarity of pronunciation
greatly influence the understanding of the message being conveyed.
2. Written Verbal Communication
This type includes the delivery of information through writing, such as letters, reports,
or electronic messages. Written verbal communication allows individuals to convey
ideas and information in a more structured way.
3. Formal Communication
This type of communication usually follows certain rules and procedures, often used
in formal contexts. In verbal communication, this can be seen in presentations,
meetings, or seminars.
4. Informal Communication
In contrast, informal communication takes place without strict rules and is more
relaxed. Informal communication can help create closer and more comfortable

2.4 Verbal communication techniques

1. Use of Clear and Precise Language
This technique involves choosing words that are easy to understand and appropriate to
the context. The use of simple language helps ensure that the message conveyed can
be understood by all parties involved in the communication.

2. Intonation and Tone of Voice

Intonation plays an important role in verbal communication. Changes in the pitch of
your voice can add meaning or emotion to what is being said. For example, a higher
pitch can indicate excitement, while a lower pitch can indicate sadness or uncertainty.

3. Active Listening
In verbal communication, it is not only important to speak, but also to listen well.
Active listening involves paying full attention to the speaker and providing
appropriate feedback, thus ensuring that the message isunderstood correctly.

4. Q&A
This technique encourages more dynamic interactions. By asking questions,
individuals can dig deeper and show interest in the topic being discussed. It also helps
to clarify things that may not be understood.

5. Use of Stories or Anecdotes

Using stories or personal experiences can make communication more interesting and
relatable. This technique helps convey the message in a morelively and acceptable way
for the listener.

6. Use of Supportive Body Language

Although this relates to nonverbal communication, body language that supports verbal
communication—such as eye contact or facial expressions— can strengthen the
message conveyed verbally.



3.1 Conclusion
Verbal communication techniques are a fundamental aspect in the process learning
in the world of education. Verbal communication includes conveying information through
words, both orally and in writing. In the context of education, verbal communication
plays a vital role in transferring knowledge from teachers to students. By using good
verbal communication techniques, an educator is able to explain complex concepts to be
simpler and easier for students to understand, so that the teaching and learning process
becomes more effective.

3.2 Suggestions
Thus we have compiled this paper, we as a group that made this paper
realize that the paper we have compiled is still far from perfect. For that, we expect
constructive criticism and suggestions for the completeness of this paper from the readers.

Qodir, A. (2017). Selected chapters on Education (guidance and teaching).

Kusumawati, TI (2019). Verbal and nonverbal communication. Al-Irsyad: Journal of Education and
Counseling, 6(2).

Mustafa, MB, Wuryan, S., & Meilani, F. (2021). Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Librarians and Librarians in the Perspective of Islamic Communication. At-Tanzir:
Scientific Journal of Islamic Broadcasting Communication Study Program, 22-36.

Hamama, S., & Nurseha, MA (2023). Understanding Verbal Communication in Interaction

Human. KPI Selasar Journal: Reference for Communication and Da'wah Media, 3(2), 136-

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