(b) Two Differences Between Random Scan and Raster Scan Display Systems
| Aspect | Random Scan | Raster Scan |
| Drawing Method | Draws images by directly tracing the shapes using lines. | Images are
created as a grid of pixels. |
| Image Storage | Uses a display buffer to store drawing commands. | Stores the entire
frame as pixel data in the frame buffer. |
| Usage | Best suited for vector graphics. | Best suited for bitmap graphics.
| Flickering | Less flickering due to selective drawing. | More flickering as the entire
screen is redrawn. |
(e) Specify First Order Parametric Continuity Condition for Two Curves
First-order parametric continuity (C1 continuity) ensures that two curves join smoothly
without sharp edges or breaks. It requires:
1. The endpoints of the curves to be identical (P1(t=1) = P2(t=0)).
2. The tangents of the curves at the joining point to be continuous (P'1(t=1) = P'2(t=0)).
This condition is essential in computer-aided design and animation to create smooth