• B- Acidic stains:
• Also called –ve stain. these stains posses (-ve) charge after
• These stains will be repelled from the bacterial cell & only the
background is stained i.e. bacteria cells remain unstained and a
clear zone around the cell will be seen
• Examples: india ink , acid fuchsin and nigrosin.
• C. Neutral stains
• Both +ve and –ve molecules in the smear are stained.
• Neutral stain are actually a salt of acidic and basic stain.
• Examples: Giemsa, Leishman, Wright stain.
Basic stain (crystal violet stain)
Nigrosin Giemsa
Acid fuchsin Leishman
India ink Wright
Neutral red
Stains classified according to staining techniques
or their function to
1. Simple stains
2. Differential stains
3. Special stains
1. Simple stain:
It is the using of ONE STAIN (Basic stain) only to stain
microorganisms, so MO that present in the slide appears in ONE
It used to get information about bacterial size, shape (cocci, bacilli,
cocco-bacilli) and arrangment (single, pairs, clusters or chains )
This procedure is simple,easy,time saving and economic. It is
applied by using only a single stain and all bacteria in the
specimen will be stained by one color.
1-Use a clean slide, mark it and fellow the steps of smear
3-Wash with tap water, drain excess water & dry in air.
Negative stain Negative stain procedure
India ink, Nigrosin stain
• Used to visualize MO that
not easily stained e.g.
cryptococcus neoformans
or visualize capsule of
encapsulated bacteria
(eg streptococcal
• Negative stain repelled
by negatively charged
bacteria cell wall so only
background will be
Negative stain