1025_Practice Midterm Exam
1025_Practice Midterm Exam
1025_Practice Midterm Exam
The real midterm will have similar questions to these, either of equal difficulty or easier. There will
be 9 questions, each worth 10 points. The best way to prepare for the midterm is to practice these
questions, do the homework, and go over the examples done in class. Everything up to and including
Class 11 (Homework 1 and 2 on WebworK) is fair game for the midterm.
• Linear equation
• The three elementary operations
• Augmented matrix
• Row echelon form
• Reduced row echelon form
• Pivots
• Homogeneous systems
• Rank
• Matrix addition
• Transposes
• Symmetric matrices, skew-symmetric matrices
• Vectors
• Dot product
• Matrix multiplication
• The identity matrix
• Matrix inverse
• Elementary matrices
You will be asked to define at least one of them on the real midtem.
2. The 2 x 2 elementary matrix E is obtained from the identity by means of the row operation altering
Row 1 which adds 3 times Row 2 to Row 1. Find EA if
" #
1 2
2 3
Assuming the inflow and outflow rates of water are as indicated, write down the associated aug-
mented matrix. Then use elementary operations to obtain the RREF of the augmented matrix,
and write the general solution of the system in terms of parameters s = x3 and t = x5 .
5. Find the inverse of the following matrix, or show that it does not exist.
1 −4 0
2 −7 2
−1 4 1
2 −3 1 2
9. Write
" #
−6 0
2 1
as a product X = E1 E2 E3 of elementary matrices.
10. Find the RREF for the following augmented matrix and write out the solution using parameters
s and t.
1 2 0 −1 0
0 1 1 1 0
−2 −3 1 3 0
11. Give the result of applying the row operation R3 + 4R2 → R3 if the given matrix is
−1 2 −1 −5
4 4 3 −4
−4 5 −4 −4