Building towards a
new future
Business plan 2021–22
December 2021
Building towards a new future – financial year 2021–22 ��������������������������� 1
Introduction �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
The Independent Review report by Alison Levitt QC ������������������������������������������������� 1
The external environment ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Building back economically ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Chief Economist’s report for the year ahead �������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Engagement with the profession ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Building improved experiences for the profession ���������������������������������������������������� 6
Evolving our culture ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Geographic priorities �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Market plans – building the profession in our priority markets �������������� 8
Market overview ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Maintaining professionalism in changing times ������������������������������������������������������� 13
Summary ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
Corporate objectives 2021–22 ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Building towards a new future – financial plan ��������������������������������������� 16
Introduction ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16
Financial plans 2021–24 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Building towards a new future 2021–22 – financial assumptions ��������������������������� 19
Cash, liquidity and financing strategy ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 19
Projects, strategic investments and change �������������������������������������������������������������� 20
Strategic risk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Note: all financial figures relating to the year 2020–21 are subject to external audit
This Business Plan recognises the challenges faced by the Institution arising from internal
issues and the external environment.
The report conclusions and recommendations were accepted in full by Governing Council.
It is clear that the events which led to the independent review, as set out in the review
report, damaged trust and confidence in RICS; particularly among members.
We are committed to rebuilding that trust and confidence. We will demonstrate that
commitment by:
• delivering (during the course of this Business Plan) on all of the review’s 18
• being more open and transparent with members and the public about the operation of
the Institution, including about decision-making and finances
• beginning to redefine the relationship between RICS and its members through more
effective engagement and collaboration and
• delivering the programme of work set out in this Plan, through collaboration with
members and in the public interest.
One of the most significant of Alison Levitt QC’s recommendations was that Governing
Council should commission an independent review of RICS’ governance, purpose and
strategy. Work to commission that review commenced immediately following the
publication of the report. We plan to have appointed the independent reviewer by
December 2021 and expect to receive their report by June 2022. The process of the review
will seek a wide range of views and we hope that many members will contribute their
insight and views.
The major elements of the programme to implement the report’s recommendations are:
In addition to the programme flowing from the Levitt review recommendations, we will also
continue to progress important activities identified as a result of the significant member
consultation exercise we undertook at the beginning of 2021. That exercise provided us
with a wide range of member views through surveys, responses to consultation papers and
consultation meetings.
The insight provided on issues connected with governance, purpose and strategy will be fed
into the new independent review. As a result of member feedback on other issues, we will:
• increase levels of engagement, improve member experience (both in digital form and
face-to-face), seek to improve member value and increase transparency about how money
is spent on behalf of members
• seek to improve our visible leadership role, to amplify the voice of the profession in
sustainability, technology and data, and diversity and inclusion.
As we hopefully begin to emerge from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic and look ahead to
a new future, never before has a profession been so needed as the world seeks to strengthen
economic activity and create the foundations for a sustainable future. The underlying
challenges of population growth, urban development, resilience and climate change will
remain at the fore as economies return to more normal levels of activity.
This crisis has demonstrated the immense value of international collaboration in addressing
global challenges.
Our profession’s role in pioneering better environments today and working to build the
resilient communities of tomorrow will be increasingly vital in the years to come.
RICS has been responding to the immediate financial implications of the pandemic and
reshaping itself over the last year to cope with an agile shift to new ways of operating. RICS
is also developing plans to better support the profession and the leadership contribution
it can make to society in a post COVID-19 world as part of our work following the major
consultation with members and stakeholders undertaken in early 2021.
• continue to support the profession as economies recover and seek to minimise any increases
to subscription levels, which will continue to be frozen for the next year at least
• utilise any surplus in our cash generation to pay back furlough monies received via the UK
government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and elsewhere, which helped support jobs
and the organisation at a critical point in our history when our cash flows were impacted
• reduce RICS’ need to access external financial support
• deliver improved value for members from the resources by delivering better services
and increasing our own efficiency – we will also increase financial transparency so as to
demonstrate value
• begin to strengthen our financial reserves, recognising that COVID-19 has exposed us to
risks that were perhaps unimaginable in the past. While we may have historically been
comforted that our reserves could have helped buffer the organisation against shocks,
the long and sustained shutdowns resulting from a pandemic have made us rethink our
reserves policy for the future and
• reduce any funding deficit in our closed Final Salary Pension Scheme.
We intend to focus on five key pillars within our plan over the next 12 months:
On page 15, you will see how we intend to measure our progress over the year and the
objectives we have set.
Confidence in the global economic recovery has gained
traction in recent months, helped by both the successful
vaccine rollout in many advanced economies as well as the
substantial fiscal stimulus in the US. As a result, the IMF
and the OECD in their latest assessments have upgraded
projections for growth not only for this year but also for 2022.
The improvement in the headline numbers does, however,
mask a significant divergence in the performance between the richer and poorer parts
of the world, reflecting a combination of variations in the ongoing disruption from the
pandemic and the extent of policy support being provided.
That said, even in the richer world marked uncertainties hang over the path of recovery.
Most notably, the challenge from variant strains of the virus remains a potential threat,
particularly if the vaccine is unable to provide a sufficient level of protection to prevent
the reintroduction of restrictions on business activity.
Whether financial markets are as willing to look through temporary price increases and,
in some cases, relative price adjustments, is more open to debate and has the potential
to prematurely choke off some of the buoyancy of the emerging upswing.
Much of the discussion about the nature of the recovery has rightly been on
ensuring that it is sustainable, and in more ways than one. Part of this is about
building the infrastructure to support an inclusive recovery, in the process helping to
address some of the lasting challenges of COVID-19 for the poorer parts of the world.
It is also about creating the incentives to encourage investment in cleaner and digital
The construction sector is likely to have an important role to play in delivering on these
ambitions, driving the new economic cycle as well as helping governments to achieve
a material uplift in wellbeing alongside meeting targets for net-zero carbon emissions.
Recent RICS data suggests that this process is already underway with infrastructure
workloads rebounding strongly in most parts of the world and solid expectations
about the outlook. But just as important will be the role of the sector in addressing the
challenge around affordable housing, which in many advanced economies is an even
more pertinent issue in the wake of the policy measures introduced to address the
Alongside some of the macro risks, there are a number of increasingly familiar structural
issues facing the real estate sector. A shift from physical to digital retail was in place
prior to the onset of COVID-19 but has been turbocharged by the pandemic. Some
reversal in the rise in online shopping is inevitable as economies reopen for business
but the indicators gathered from RICS’ Global Commercial Property Monitor are stark;
demand by tenants to occupy retail space is declining, availability is rising and forward
guidance on rents even for prime areas suggests there is no going back to 2019.
At one level this has the potential to be a serious threat to the built environment as it
currently stands but it also provides huge opportunity for the sector to lead, reimagining
space and demonstrating creativity. Meanwhile, there remains considerable uncertainty
about what the outlook for the office might be in the light of, at least for a period, the
forced rise in home working. A hybrid future appears inevitable but what this looks like
in practice remains to be seen. It is noteworthy that recent RICS data suggests that, on
average across the globe, the corporate office footprint is only likely to be scaled back by
around 10% over the next two years.
Simon Rubinsohn
RICS Chief Economist
Outside of the need to review RICS governance and how members can engage with it, it is
acknowledged that improvements are needed with the RICS website, email activities and
telephony, and planned improvements in the digital experience are outlined below.
The support provided by RICS is valued but there are areas for improvement in the type
of support being provided and the ease with which it can be accessed. Ensuring a balance
between global and local activities is key, as well as driving relevance by focusing activities
on specific areas of surveying practice.
It is also important that RICS continues to ensure that members are able to get their
voices heard and contribute to prioritisation and decision-making. Greater transparency
around key governance decisions and their implications is also sought. We are therefore
developing plans to enhance the opportunities for members to have their voices
heard and contribute to key decisions on an ongoing basis, with regular feedback loops
in place for all member contributions showing how these contributions have driven tangible
Digital is the primary means of engagement with the majority of our members, but we
will ensure that digital channels are complemented by high quality telephony services and
face-to-face activities (where appropriate and allowable under COVID-19 restrictions). Given
the uncertain financial conditions we will continue operating under in the year ahead, we
will balance delivering a world-class digital experience for the profession globally with
remaining prudent about the pace of investment we make, adjusting as circumstances
dictate and accelerating our changes where we can.
In summary, over the next year we will prioritise our focus on delivering the following.
• An online experience that is personalised and relevant for individual members, including
more targeted email communication.
• Improved website search and navigation, with everything accessible in one place.
• Digital services that are easy to access and more efficient, supported by reliable,
responsive telephony support.
• Greater connectivity with other members and stakeholders, including interactive
• Simplified access to relevant tools to support learning and professional development.
RICS’ values and principles, and the application of these, have been challenged during 2021,
both as a result of Alison Levitt QC’s independent review report but also clearly expressed
to us in the early 2021 member consultation and survey. In particular, many have expressed
the view that RICS is not sufficiently transparent about its financial arrangements and
decision-making processes. Governing Council published a Values Statement detailing the
behaviour we expect of all those who represent RICS. The values of integrity, transparency,
inclusion, collaboration, advocacy and passion align with RICS’ Rules of Conduct, the
outcomes of Alison Levitt QC’s independent review and in consultation with colleagues
across RICS.
Our ‘digital first but not digital only’ ambition means that post our restructure in 2020 we
are also embedding a flatter, leaner and nimbler organisation, where matrix and virtual
working are the norm.
• embedding the values into the organisation through our policies and actions and the ways
in which we work with members and stakeholders. Critically, we will measure their success
through independent benchmarking, regular feedback and reporting against clear targets
• understanding how diverse our organisation already is and improving representation of
under-represented groups, particularly at senior level
• developing and implementing a diversity, inclusion and equality strategy for the
profession and RICS
• bringing alive employee trust, empowerment, and employee-owned development to
enhance individual and organisational performance
• ensuring a healthy working environment where people can call out exceptional
performance or behaviours through recognition of others and when there are concerns,
will know that they will be listened to and acted upon
• continuing to build transparent and honest communication, feedback and two-way
Geographic priorities
In the UK, we recognise it is important to acknowledge the unique opportunities and
challenges presented by devolution, ensuring we have dedicated plans in place for Scotland,
Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as for major cities around the UK where local powers
are also increasing.
Outside the UK, we do not plan any major shifts in terms of geographic markets – Greater
China continues to be our largest strategic market and India, North America, the Middle
East, Europe and Australia provide notable opportunities. Many of these markets have
positive characteristics such as a major focus on attracting inward investment and
significant commitments to infrastructure spending.
Striking the appropriate balance between global consistency and localisation remains
a key focus for us, recognising that while localisation can clearly positively impact the
effectiveness of our activities, it also adds complexity and cost. We must also address a
clear demand for the needs of individual surveying activity specialisms to be more directly
met, better facilitating global connections and best practice between professionals globally.
It is imperative that we continue to plan and prioritise carefully to avoid spreading ourselves
too thin in these challenging times.
Our ability to track ongoing performance by market in a more reliable, timely, transparent
way is now much improved as we have better technology and dedicated resources. This has
greatly enhanced our decision-making ability.
Our growing digital capabilities mean we are confident that we can continue to engage
effectively with the profession, candidates and other stakeholders, as well as equip the
profession with the necessary skills, knowledge and tools wherever they are in the world,
regardless of where our physical presence resides.
UK and Ireland
In the UK we will continue our focus on promoting the built and natural environment to
tomorrow’s talent and supporting the growth of the profession by acting as a champion
of greater diversity and inclusion in the profession. We will continue to assess the
needs of employers and their clients, and ensure the content of accredited courses
are relevant. We will also continue to widen access to the profession by equipping
apprentices and non-cognate talent to be effective in building careers in the sector and
ensuring our professional credentials reflect market needs. In particular we will assess
whether we have adequate provision to support the focus on sustainability.
We will increase our focus on positioning RICS as a recognised expert body and
advocate for change by building up our policy and thought leadership voice on the key
societal, environmental and economic issues of most relevance to the built and natural
environment. We will increase our focus on collaborating with other professional bodies,
working with member firms and client organisations and acting as the convener of
common views. Our approach will reflect the devolved nature of the UK and we will
ensure there is a focus on connections with and relevance to all national and regional
We will continue to work with government and industry to reduce the financial and
social costs of disputes, and ensure infrastructure projects are delivered on time and on
Our DRS operations will draw on the expertise of the membership to help shape the
future of conflict avoidance, management and resolution services across all areas of
the built environment. We will equip members who wish to work as advisers, party
representatives and dispute resolvers with the skills and qualifications they need.
We will increase our focus on promoting to all stakeholders the benefits of using a
chartered surveyor through a series of integrated communications campaigns, with
a particular focus on how these campaigns will support our subject matter expert
members and attract more diverse students into the profession.
Our focus will be firmly placed on key metropolitan areas in the USA and Canada,
with selective strategic initiatives in other markets where it supports the purpose of
the profession. FM continues to be an important sector and despite the expiry of the
agreement with the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), we continue
to collaborate to help professionalise this growing sector.
In the US and Caribbean, we will continue to work closely with other valuation and
property associations. We will also continue our work in supporting our major firms, key
accounts and strategic partnerships on a range of issues including talent development
programmes, standards adoption, attracting the next generation and driving diversity,
equality and inclusion in the sectors.
Asia Pacific
The major challenge in the region is the lack of supply of chartered surveyors, the
perceived value of RICS assurance products and services, and the awareness of both
chartered surveyors and their associated value by clients and third parties including
governments, insurers, lenders, universities, other associations and media.
The principal task is to build, maintain and promote the usefulness of chartered
surveyors and firms regulated by RICS.
The construction, property and valuation sectors stand out across the region as
requiring focus in some way. Our ongoing discussions with senior professionals within
each of the markets has revealed much, including:
Public and private sector construction spend continues at pace as markets are starting
to plan for beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Confidence in the construction and real
estate sectors is growing, supported by the recent increase in oil prices. However,
governments and private sector developers are focused on:
The maturing real estate markets are seeing massive improvements in smart technology
and better facility and asset management.
In the US and Caribbean, we will continue to work closely with other valuation and
property associations. We will also continue to work to support and work with our major
firms, key accounts and strategic partnerships on a range of issues including talent
development programmes, standards adoption, attracting the next generation and
driving diversity, equality and inclusion in the sectors.
Given the significant estimated infrastructure gap in Europe and the fact that many of
the world’s largest construction firms are European, our construction and infrastructure
pathways need major focus and so we continue to build on the progress to date in
supporting the construction sector in many markets, particularly Italy, Netherlands and
Across Europe there is a strong demand for the profession to drive even more ethical
practices and put ESG front and centre of decision-making. Our Thought Leadership and
Public Affairs teams continue to work with several governments and the EU commission
on sustainable finance, ESG and international standards adoptions, with some leading
initiatives being pursued in Germany.
Member engagement and ensuring better connectivity between local, regional and
global issues is a priority. We have had minor issues over the recognition of the RICS
credentials in a post-Brexit world and have been managing these on a case-by-case
basis, but overall Brexit has had little impact, though we remain vigilant to risks, real or
Through our programme of standards and professional practice support, overseen by the
Standards and Regulation Board, we will deliver valued leadership to the profession and its
stakeholders, and ensure RICS regulated members and firms are equipped to deliver the
best possible services to markets and clients.
We will:
• maintain confidence in the standards of the chartered surveying profession, and continue
to gain adoption of RICS standards by end users and public authorities
• support members of the chartered surveying profession to be the best they can be in
their work, through targeted, relevant professional information and guidance
• work with governments and other regulators to influence legislation and regulatory
frameworks to secure good outcomes
• ensure the professional regulatory framework of RICS is coordinated with emerging,
related external regulation.
This work will ensure that our standards framework and the portfolio of (rules and
guidance) material within it, is fit for purpose. In particular we will push forward
development of global construction standards, and refreshed standards in property agency
and management.
Insight-led programme
We will strengthen our use of data coupled with a refreshed, consistent approach to
engagement with RICS members and relevant end users to bolster our insight-based
planning. This will ensure that public and market-led insight is clearly at the heart of our
This business plan is designed to ensure RICS is in a strong position to support and promote
the profession and the key contribution it can make as the world reopens and opportunities
unfold. It ensures RICS continues to develop, but at the same time is ready to respond to
the outputs of the work flowing from the Levitt report, particularly the independent review
of governance, purpose and strategy.
Importantly, it underpins RICS’ ability to support the profession as it plays a leading role as
the world’s attention shifts to the key issue of climate change and the role that built and
natural environment professionals can take in marshalling a more sustainable future for the
next generations. Our work at the United Nations COP26 climate summit formed a critical
part of our thought leadership contribution and influence.
Measure achievement against target level of surplus evidenced through audited accounts EBITDA £7.5m+
13 Financial sustainability
Cashflow from operational activities available for debt servicing cash £6.4m+
Sustainable 14 Member advocacy of the profession and for RICS Survey of the profession, stakeholder survey and social/media coverage 40%
21st century 15 Strong renewal of membership subscriptions Measure of annual renewals against target 92%
16 Improve member satisfaction across a range of RICS activities Evidence through annual member survey of improvement in net promoter score 50%
17 Engaged and empowered employees Evidence through annual staff survey 66%
Expressed positive
18 Transparency of decision-making and governance Transparency measure in the survey of the profession
sentiment 50%
In addition, we secured the external availability of funds via a bank revolving credit facility
(RCF) to cover our cash flow needs during these unprecedented and uncertain times. We
replaced our historic unsecured overdraft, which was used to bridge the seasonal gap
between when we receive cash and when we spend it, with a secure three-year RCF.
Twelve months on, we have updated our business plan for the next three years with our
financial plan reframed around four ambitions:
• remove our seasonal need for any borrowing facility by the end of 2023–24
• create headroom to repay furlough monies
• ensure that contributions to the closed defined benefit pension fund are appropriate and
in line with professional advice
• gradually build up the level of organisational reserves and financial resilience for the
The below pie chart shows where every pound of income will be spend in the next financial
Note: Central services cover human resources, finance, technology, procurement, property
management, legal and governance, insurances, and compliance for all legal entities.
£m 2021–22 2022–23 2023–24
Projects (1.9) (1.4) (1.4)
Business transformation (0.0) 0.0 0.0
SBE (0.2) 0.0 0.0
COVID-19 brought unprecedented uncertainty around the global economy with the potential
not only to adversely impact our revenues but that of the banks from which we borrow. To
mitigate this global economic risk, and to ensure that we had secure funding in place to meet
our short-term cash needs, we replaced the unsecured bank overdraft arrangement with a
secure three-year revolving credit facility. The facility started last year, and we have assumed it
will remain in place for the next two years.
As part of the arrangement, we had to agree to banking covenants and provide security as a
trade-off for guaranteed financial certainty. It also required enhanced financial reporting to
the bank.
As we come to the end of year one of the arrangement, we have met the targets set by the
bank and, provided we do not experience further seismic shocks, expect to continue meeting
these for the remaining two years.
By putting this revolving credit facility in place and taking the actions to optimise our
operational activities in 2020–21, we have ensured that we maintain our liquid investment
assets (reserves) for future use in advancing longer-term strategy or as a second line of
defence if the external environment worsens.
Given the change in our financing strategy, our reserves policy will be reviewed towards the
end of the financial year to ensure that it is still relevant for the future financing needs of
the organisation and the nature of the new, more digital RICS.
The change portfolio continues with the major theme of investing in our digital capability
through our Digital Presence Programme (DPP) and in our underlying operations via the
Microsoft D365 platform programme.
The total planned investment for 2021–22 financial year is £3.6m, a 34% reduction on
2020–21. Of this spend, £1.7m is capital expenditure and the rest is revenue spend. The
investment is split between member-facing initiatives (61% or £2.2m of total budget),
operational efficiencies (33% or £1.2m) and contingency for unplanned events (6% or
Digital benefits
Included in the income statement are digital benefits that are forecast to be realised in line
with business plan target for the current financial year. These are set to increase in 2021–22
by £1.1m as our digital footprint expands.
£m 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 2023–24
Infrastructure cost savings 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0
Operational efficiencies 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5
Digital revenue growth 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
Total 0.7 1.4 2.5 2.5 2.5
We remain confident in our ability to deliver on our digital benefits resulting from our
investments in new platforms and enabling infrastructure. These will enable us to achieve
efficiency savings and operational improvements, as well as provide an uplift in revenues
resulting from a much-improved digital experience and proposition.
Strategic risk
As a global organisation, it is important that we identify, assess and appropriately mitigate
the risks we face to ensure that we achieve our strategic aims and objectives.
The COVID-19 pandemic has required us to review our strategic risks in light of the impact
on RICS. Below we set out our strategic risks ranked by potential impact in pursuing our
purpose, vision and corporate objectives. Mitigating action is taken to manage the risks to
an appropriate level and mitigating action for the five top risks is set out below.
We are placing increased emphasis on managing the five strategic risks given the
environment we find ourselves in.
Loss of relevance of RICS and its qualifications for • Unable to achieve strategic
the profession objectives
To enable RICS to fulfil its public interest brief, we • Loss of influence in some
must remain relevant to the profession, the public jurisdictions
and other stakeholders in markets in which we
Internal behaviours and culture not in line with • Loss of confidence in RICS and its
external expectations ability to regulate the profession
The risk stems from staff and members not trusting • Reputational damage
that genuine cultural change is being enacted within
RICS and that the new Values Statement is not being
reflected in actions.
Mitigating action
1 Loss of trust and confidence in RICS
Given the findings of the independent review conducted by Alison Levitt QC, this is currently
our main area of risk. In many ways this is not a risk that can be mitigated; it is a risk that has
crystalised, and addressing the root causes of the issues identified by the review is a significant
priority for us.
The Institution has new leadership to deliver the very significant changes in culture and ways of
working required.
Governing Council will oversee the delivery of all of the recommendations made by Alison Levitt
QC, as well as additional steps to improve engagement with, and the involvement of, members.
Self or member interest versus public interest • Public interest not served
To ensure high standards of professionalism • Reputational damage
and ethics are, and are seen to be, maintained,
• Loss of stakeholder confidence
it is vital that RICS continues to act, first and
foremost, in the public interest.
Operational risks
The key operational risks receiving greater management attention during 2021–22 include:
• digital development, global deployment and maximising digital efficiencies and cyber
• RICS staff engagement, well-being and retention, which have all been impacted by a
prolonged period of lockdown working and the reputational challenges to RICS during the
first half of 2021.
Asia Pacific