Eight billion people, one humanity _ The Daily Star
Eight billion people, one humanity _ The Daily Star
Eight billion people, one humanity _ The Daily Star
Unless we bridge the yawning chasm between the global haves and
have-nots, we are setting ourselves up for an 8-billion-strong world
filled with tensions and mistrust, crisis and conflict.
Toxic divisions and lack of trust are causing delays and deadlock
on a host of issues, from nuclear disarmament to terrorism to
global health. We must curb these damaging trends, repair
relationships and find joint solutions to our common challenges.
The first step is acknowledging that Without Fearinequality
this runaway or Favour is a
WEDNESDAY, November 16, 2022
choice, and one that developed countries have the responsibility to
reverse – starting this month at the UN climate conference in Egypt
and the G20 summit in Bali.
But among all these serious challenges, there is some good news.
Related topic
World population 8 billion / global inequality / climate change and global
warming / 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) / global instability
Journalism Without Fear or Favour
WEDNESDAY, November 16, 2022