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A. Match the following:

Column A Column B
a. Wood i. Lustre
b. Sugar ii. Translucent
c. Iron iii. Hard
d. Thermocol iv. Made of leather
e. Wooden table v. Opaque
f. Tracing paper vi. Floats
g. Shoes vii. Insoluble
h. Chalk viii. Soluble
B. Give two examples of each:
1. Objects with lustre

2. Objects that are soluble in water

3. Objects that float on water

4. Translucent objects

5. Hard objects
6. Opaque objects

7. Insoluble objects

C. Give one word:

1. Materials through which objects cannot be seen

2. Materials through which objects can be seen but not clearly

3. Substances that can not be mixed with water
D. Identify the following as transparent, opaque or translucent:

Object Visibility

1. Glass plate

2. Stone

3. Paper

4. Foggy glass

5. White curtain

E. Circle the objects that shine, underline the ones that sink in water and put a
square around the ones that are translucent:

F. Name the following:

1. Three objects made of wood

2. Three objects made of glass

3. Three metallic objects

4. Three objects made of leather

5. Three plastic objects

G. Fill in the blanks:

1. Classification is done on the basis of and

2. Mustard oil is in water .

3. Light can pass thro ughobjects.

4. Lemon juice is in water.

5. Objects through which we cannot see are called


6. is metal.

7. can be compressed easily.

8. gas can dissolve in water.

9. is a soft object.

10. Heavy substancesin water.

11. is an example of a natural material.

12. is an object made of leather.

13. is a liquid which does not dissolve in water.

14. does not allow light to pass through it.

15. is soluble in milk but not in water.

16. Surgical instruments are made of

17. If we put dried leaves in water, they

18. is a liquid that dissolves in water.

19. Light through our palm.

20. Light objects in water.

H. Write T for True and F for False statements:

1. Grouping is a useful process.

2. All objects are made of the same kind of material.
3. Things can be grouped based on their shapes and sizes.

4. Different types of metals have different physical properties.

5. Same thing can be made using different materials.
6. Things made of gold have no lustre.

7. Use of a material depends on its properties and purpose.

8. A mirror is smooth to touch.

9. Materials which do not allow light to pass through them are


10. Iron can be compressed easily.

Il. Stone is a soft object.
12. Wood is heavier than water.
13. A hard substance can scratch a soft object.
14. Iron is not a natural material.
15. Cardboard is translucent.

I. Choose the correct answers:

1. What makes the basis of sorting materials into groups?
a. Similarities in their properties
b. Differences in their properties
c. Both similarities and differences in their properties
d. None of these
2. Which one will show a metallic lustre?
a. Any surface of a metal b. for convenience
c. cut surface of non-metal d. both (a) and (b)
5. Which of the following is
3. An oily thin paper sheet will be
a. transparent a. Waterb. Glass c. Air
c. translucent
6. Choose the one which is
4. Materials are sorted into groups opaque.
a. to study their properties a. Charcoal b. Airc. Glass
c. for inconvenience 7. Which of the following is
b. Freshly cut surface of a metal not soluble in water?
d. Surfaces of all materials a. Alum b. Common salt c.
b. opaque 8. Which of the following
d. cannot be predicted objects shine?
a. A plastic toy b. A 1. Why do we need to group
metallic spoon c. A cotton materials?
shirt d. All of these
9. Which one will be insoluble in
water? d. Water
a. Alcohol b. Salt c.
d. None
Coconut oil
10. Which of the following does d. A stone piece
not shine?
a. Copper b. Iron c. d. Sugar
J. Very short answer type questions: d. Sandpaper

2. What kind of a substance that can be compressed is—soft or hard?

3. Which material is generally used for making pens?

4. What is common between salt and sand?

5. Name two objects which are made of opaque material.

6. Enlist three transparent liquids.

7. Which is harder—iron or sponge?

8. Name two gases which are soluble in water.

9. Name any four objects that can be made using plastic.

10. Name any four materials that can be used to make bags.

K. Short answer type questions:

1. Write any two properties of metals.

2. Why can we not make a water holding jar out of a cotton cloth?

3. Metals have lustre. Why do some metals look dull and do not shine?

4. Why is water called a universal solvent?

5. State the conditions when water loses its transparency.

L. Long answer type questions:

1. Write an experiment to show that wood is opaque.
2. Sorting of objects into groups helps a shopkeeper.' Justify the statement.

M.Picture based questions:

1. a. What does the picture depict?

b. Why do some objects float in water and others don't?

c. Enlist three objects that sink in water.

d. Does thermocol sink in water?

e. Enlist three liquids that float on water.

2. a.

b. Is

Do metals have lustre?

c. Why do metals become dull overtime?

d. Enlist two objects made of metal.

e. Give examples of three materials that do not shine.

N. Activity:
Sort the given materials into groups based on their

a. transparency

b. material

c. lustre

d. hardness

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