777 Perf
777 Perf
777 Perf
Revision 14
30 June 2011
30 June 2011
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30 June 2011
The following general guidelines apply when using the Onboard Performance Tool (OPT) Takeoff and Landing Modules: Pull down menus are represented using a horizontal arrow in the field: Use the laptop scratch pad to navigate among pull down menus or buttons. Non-selected fields appear in white letters over a grey background: Active selected fields appear in green letters:
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The main page in OPT is set up in three basic functional areas as follows:
The centre part of the screen is for input. This portion of the screen is used for airport/runway information input, airplane configuration input, and other miscellaneous inputs. Modification of any input will blank out results/ erase output data.
The lower part of the screen is for output. This portion of the screen provides output data such as speeds, power setting, flaps and assumed temperature value.
The bezel keys are for actions. Actions to execute the selected inputs, view various supplementary information or data, change data, or display of alerts are shown in this column. MEL/CDL items and NOTAM entries are done via these keys. Runway and intersection information can also be reviewed. These functions are discussed later in this manual.
For every takeoff and landing calculation, the value for each input parameter will have to be entered or selected, in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures and conditions at the time.
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Following is the default screen shot of the Main Page of OPT Takeoff Module:
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Click on the ARPT button on the Performance Takeoff Data page.
SEARCH IDENT will search for an airport based on ICAO or IATA code. SEARCH ALL will search for an airport based on ICAO or IATA code, plus the airport or city name.
NOTE: On the airport search page, if the search returns only one airport, it is automatically selected and the user is returned to the main performance page. E.g. If the crew uses the exact ICAO code to select an airport (e.g. OMDB), only one airport option is available hence the OPT will select OMDB and then automatically returns to the main performance page.
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If ALL is selected, data for the full length plus all the available intersections will be computed. If FULL is selected, data for the full length will be computed. If more than three intersections exist, ALL is replaced with the option FIRST 4. This selection provides the full length plus the first three intersections from the list. If only a particular intersection is selected, then just the data corresponding to that intersection will be computed. Once one of the above options is selected, the INTX field turns green. The EXIT button closes the drop-down list and returns to the main screen.
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Verify in OPT RWY INFO that OPT runway distances for the runways(s) in use do not exceed published runway distances. If an intersection takeoff is considered, confirm intersection characteristics, including displacements lengths, by selecting the INTX button on the RWY INFO page. If the actual departure runway/intersection should differ from the one(s) used for the RTOW calculation, OPT departure runway distances must be verified before performance data may be accepted.
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Enter the reported wind direction and magnitude separated by /. For example 120/10.
This field is active only when a runway has been selected.
Select the flaps setting. The preferred setting is OPTIMUM. This allows OPT to produce the best performance calculation. Although a specific flap setting can be selected, it is preferred to allow OPT to determine the best flap setting for takeoff. Select the pack, anti-ice, and CG (appropriate to reported T/O MAC), thrust rating (RTG) from their corresponding pull down menus. The most commonly used settings are: Air Conditioning Packs - AUTO Anti-Ice Bleeds - AUTO CG Position - FULL CG RTG TO (This button is only visible for the 777300ULR, 200LR and 777F)
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RTG TO B, This selection utilizes the thrust bump feature for takeoff performance calculations. Ensure that TO B has been selected through the FMC as per the Supplementary Procedure when utilizing this option. (Ref to the following OPT main screen) When Takeoff Bump is selected, additional takeoff thrust is provided at pressure altitudes between -2000 and 3000 feet at ambient temperatures between 32 C and 53 C. Outside this range the selection of takeoff bump has no effect on takeoff performance. Reduced takeoff thrust operations (assumed temperature method) are not permitted in combination with Thrust Bump.
Enter the Actual Takeoff Weight (ATOW) in the ATOW text box.
Values are accepted in kilograms or tonnes. If this text box is left blank, the OPT will provide TOGA performance data only.
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Takeoff data shown in corresponds to the runway or intersection depicted in the green background bezel key .
The data in the label on this bezel key is as follows: RWY ID SEL TEMP or Max TOW SEL TEMP is shown if an ATOW has been entered. Max TOW is shown if no ATOW has been entered.
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Intersections exist for the selected runway, and Either the option ALL or FIRST 4 was selected from the INTX drop-down menu.
Calculation of TOGA and reduced thrust values are governed by the parameter ATOW.
If no ATOW is entered, OPT will assume a TOGA takeoff and compute the performance limited weight (TOGW) and the corresponding V-speeds (V1 VR V2), the minimum flap retract altitude (ACCEL HT), EPR setting for TOGA and VREF. A TOGA text box is displayed in the output section, upper left hand corner. If an ATOW is entered, OPT will compute data for both TOGA and the maximum assumed temperature (SEL TEMP). The parameters generated are the same for both with the exception of SEL TEMP. Please note that in this case, OPT will initially default to the SEL TEMP computation. TOGA data can be accessed by selecting the bezel key SHOW FULL . After selecting this bezel key, the label will change to SHOW ATM. Selecting the SHOW ATM bezel key will return the output to the maximum assumed temperature data and the bezel key label will return to SHOW FULL. If optimum flaps are selected, OPT will provide the flap setting which results in the best performance for all the conditions used.
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The engine-out procedure (EOP) appropriate to the selected runway is published at the bottom of the output panel .
OPT does apply temperature corrections to the displayed minimum flap retraction heights (ACCEL HT)
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OPT provides the facility for entering NOTAMs input via the NOTAMS bezel key. NOTAMs can consist of either the shortening of declared runway distances from any of its two ends or the addition of one obstacle. OPT allows the user to apply such changes via the NOTAMS bezel key on the PERFORMANCE-TAKEOFF DATA page. When NOTAM runway length reductions are applied from the lift-off end of the runway, clearway and stopway credits for that runway direction are not used. While entering the temporary/NOTAM obstacle information in the OPT, obstacle DISTANCE and the HEIGHT should be referenced to RUNWAY START only. DO NOT use the options Liftoff End and Sea Level as they can provide incorrect performance figures. CO-NOTAMS issued from Flight Ops Performance regarding NOTAM obstacles will always be referenced to Runway Start. For NOTAMs, a company NOTAM will typically be issued instructing crews on the exact steps to follow.
Users apply these changes via the NOTAMS bezel key on the Performance-Takeoff Data page. Select the bezel key COMPLETE to activate the NOTAM, or CANCEL to exit without changing. If there are any active NOTAMs entered, an amber bar will appear directly below the NOTAM bezel key on the PERFORMANCE TAKEOFF DATA page:
NOTAMs remain active until cleared. These can be cleared by selecting the bezel key CLEAR ALL. 30 June 2011 Page 17
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It may be necessary to dispatch an aircraft with inoperative items using the MEL. The MEL page allows the user to account for any item affecting aircraft takeoff performance. CAUTION: Operating restrictions may apply that are outside the scope of the OPT program. The MEL must be reviewed when applying performance penalties in OPT. Click on the MEL bezel button to access the MEL page. Select the applicable ATA chapter number via the drop down menu. Each ATA chapter tab contains the MEL which gives a performance penalty. Check the applicable box associated to the MEL item. When a selection is made, OPT indicates the MEL item has been used by adding a tick ( ) next to the ATA number. Multiple MEL items may be allowed.
Consult the MEL for the validity of multiple selections.
If there are any active MEL items selected, an amber bar directly below the MEL bezel key will appear on the main page:
Selected MEL items remain active until deselected. Un-tick green tick and press COMPLETE button to deselect particular MEL items that are previously selected 30 June 2011 Page 19
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CDL access is identical to the MEL access. Click on the CDL bezel button to access the CDL page. Select the applicable ATA chapter number via the drop down menu.
From this point onwards, CDL selection process is identical to that of MEL selection.
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Details about a runway can be viewed via the RWY INFO bezel key button on the PERFORMANCE TAKEOFF DATA page. Clicking this button will display runway characteristics, obstacle information and modification dates for the runway selected. This information is permanent and can not be altered by the user. Any changes should be entered using the NOTAM page as directed by the company. (see graphic on the next page) The bezel keys on the right side of the AIRPORT DATA screen display the following when selected: OK Returns to the previous page. ARPT COMMENT additional airport information. RWY COMMENT - additional runway information. The RWY COMMENT must be reviewed when takeoff performance is being calculated. ACTIVE NOTAMS crew entered NOTAMS. INTX Intersection information for the current runway.
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Intersection Information
Intersection characteristics, including displacement lengths, can be obtained by selecting the INTX button on the RWY INFO page. This page will show all available INTX for the selected runway. If no intersections are available for the selected runway, then the INTX button on the RWY INFO page will be disabled.
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LANDING MODULE Inputs: Airport/Runway selection & Runway condition selection procedure is similar to the takeoff module. Wind, OAT, QNH entries are similar to the takeoff module G/A % - The Go-around Gradient field defaults to the number stored against the selected runway in the airport database. If a particular missed approach procedure requires a gradient higher than the default value, then crews have an option of changing the gradient to the desired value.
Following is the default screen shot of the Main Page of OPT Landing Module:
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Calculations and Results:Following two output formats are offered:1) Dispatch Condition Calculations:When LANDING WT is not entered software by default performs the Dispatch calculation and the limiting landing weight is presented along with the landing flaps and Vref speed. Quick Turn around Limit (QTL) weight is also presented along with the Quick Turn Around time. (Please note QTL is not a limitation for Dispatch) The out screen is presented as follows:Output format for Dispatch Conditions (When LANDING WT is NOT entered)
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2) In-flight Condition Calculations:When LANDING WT is entered software by default performs the In-flight calculation and the Actual Landing Distance (ALD), Vref plus VREF ADD speed and the landing flaps are presented corresponding to the LANDING WT entered. VREF ADD has been defaulted to the commonly used value of 5 kts; however crews have an option to modify it.
(Note: - OPT ALD for WET & Contaminated Runway is higher by 15% compare to corresponding QRH PI data due to Boeings different interpretation of JAR-OPS Regulations)
For In-flight calculations without NNC, ensure NNC CONFIG is selected to NONE as follows:
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Ensure all the other fields are initialized as appropriate only then CALC button will be enabled for the calculation.
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The out screen is presented as follows:Output format for In-flight Calculation (When LANDING WT is entered)
MEL/CDL MEL/CDL functions work similar to the Takeoff Module. NOTAMS Reduction in the Landing Distance Available (LDA) can be tackled using the NOTAMS button similar to the Takeoff Module. Whenever NOTAMS entry is carried out amber colour band is shown, indicating the user entered NOTAM is active.
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NNC Selection of Non-normal Configuration is only available for the In-flight calculations for DRY & WET runway conditions. Refer to QRH Performance In-flight (P.I.) tables for contaminated runway NNC landing distances data.
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Crews can switch between the two NNC screens using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons (bezel keys)
Multiple system failures cant be selected in the landing module. In such scenario, Boeing recommends to assess the each failure individually and select the most conservative landing distance.
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