05_ SPPA T2000 as 620, SIM and I-O Function Blocks
05_ SPPA T2000 as 620, SIM and I-O Function Blocks
05_ SPPA T2000 as 620, SIM and I-O Function Blocks
Rev. Description Pre. Date Chk. Date App. Date Rev. Description Pre. Date Chk. Date App. Date
MAPNA Electrical&Control
Engineering&Manufacturing Co.
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Contents Reg.
Important Notes
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This manual contains information relating to
-- the applications and
-- the technical data
of the SIM and I/O function blocks AS 620 B and AS 620 F.
SPPA--T2000 is the further development of TELEPERM XP.
Therefore in the following text the two system names are used synonymously.
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the
not permitted without express written authority. hardware and software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded
Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created entirely, we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this
by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. manual are reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections included
in subsequent editions. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.
Copyright ESiemens AG 2006 All Rights Reserved Technical data subject to change.
Page 3 of 719
Notes on the SPPA--T2000
SPPA--T2000 is a further development of the TELEPERM XP process control system for power plants.
SPPA--T2000 comprises of the AS 620 automation system. It may include automation processors based on the
SIMATIC S7 (AP--S7) and on the SIMATIC S5 (AP).
This manual documents the SIM function blocks for SPPA--T2000; the name TELEPERM XP will primarily be
used throughout the individual descriptions and operating instructions.
Notes: In the AS 620 with AP--S7, only the SIM signal modules from the ET200M range of devices (SIM 3xx)
are used. The values for library number and memory requirements which are specified under the Technical Data
are irrelavant for the SIM function blocks in the automation processor AP--S7. The runtime for AP--S7 applica-
tions is shorter by about factor 5.
Coupling of the AG--F and APT systems to AS 620 is only possible if the AP based on SIMATIC S5 is used.
ES680 displays the SIM function blocks as block numbers (FB no.) in the I&C template. In the AP--S7, the func-
tion blocks are designed as functions (FC). The table below illustrates the correlation (FB no. <--> FC no.) and
shows the correspondence between the various function blocks and the AP variants.
AS 620
SIM Function Blocks Designation in the AP Designation in the AP--S7
Name (on the basis of SIMATIC S5) (on the basis of SIMATIC S7)
ANAAUF Analog Signal Conditioning FB74 FC330
ANAAUS Analog Signal Output FB75 FC331
ANAEIN Analog Signal Input FB73 FC329
ANATHERM Sensor Cond Thermocoupl. FB76 FC332
ANAWID Sensor Cond Resist Therm. FB77 FC333
BINAUF Binary Signal Conditioning FB70 FC326
BINAUS Binary Signal Output FB71 FC327
BINEIN Binary Signal Input FB72 FC328
BINEIN2 Binary Signal Input not used FC404
DMZ10MS Event Acquisition 10 ms DMZ10 DMZ10
KONREG Continuous Controller FB159 FC415
MOTOR Control Motor / Solen Valve FB153 not used
MOTVENTR Control Motor / Solen Valve FB163 FC419
DCM--MO configurable
REGELANR Servo--Drive Control FB165 FC421
ESG--RA configurable
REVAN Reversing Drive FB156 FC412
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AS 620
REGELANT Servo--Drive Control FB155 not used
STELANT Actuator Control FB154 not used
STELANTR Actuator Control FB164 FC420
DCM--ACT configurable
STUFSTEL Step Adjuster FB250 FC506
ZAEHL Counting Pulse Input FB80 not used
I/O-- Function Blocks:
ANAAUSD Analog Signal Output FB82 FC338
ANAINPSD Analog Signal Input FB81 FC337
FLOATINP An. Signal Input Floatpoint FB150 FC406
FLOATINP2 An. Signal Input Floatpoint not used FC405
MOTKOP Motor / Solen Valve Control FB151 FC407
STAKOP Actuator Control FB152 FC408
STAKOP_T Actuator Control FB167 FC423
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Notes on the CE Symbol for SPPA--T2000 (TELEPERM XP)
EC Directive EMC The following applies to the TELEPERM XP products described in this
89/336/EEC Products which carry the CE symbol fulfil the requirements for the EC Direc-
tive 89/336/EEC.
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Power Generation
Siemensallee 84
76187 Karlsruhe
Products which do not have the CE symbol meet the requirements and stan-
dards given in the System Manuals under ”General Technical Data”.
Fields of For the TELEPERM XP System, the following field of application applies ac-
Application cording to this CE symbol:
Observing the Setup The setup guidelines and notes on safety given in the System Manuals must
Guidelines be observed during startup and when operating the TELEPERM XP System.
Working on To protect the modules from the static electricity, the user must discharge his
Cabinets body’s electrostatic charge before opening cabinets.
The general ESD guidelines must be observed.
Radio interference All main components have been tested under defined conditions.
susceptibility It has been demostrated that radio equipment can be operated in the vicinity
of TELEPERM XP equipment in most cases without impairing the proper
operation of TELEPERM XP.
Operation is not permitted within a distance of up to one meter.
Mobile communication equipment with a transmitter power of less than 2.5W
in the 2m band (160MHz) is recommended.
There are no restrictions in the use of German D--net and E--net telephones
and of German C--net telephones with a transmitter power of less than 4W.
Page 6 of 719
Notes on the CE Symbol for SPPA--T2000 (TELEPERM XP)
Notes for A filter must be inserted in the power supply lines ( SIFI C, B84113--C--B30 or
retro--fitting of similar).
IM 318--8MB12 The maximum number of IM 318--8MB12 is 8 per cabinet.
Updated In addition to the specifications in the ”General Technical Data” of the System
Technical Data Manuals, the specifications on noise immunity and electromagnetic compati-
bility given below apply to modules carrying the CE symbol.
The specifications are valid for systems which are assembled according to
the above--mentioned setup guidelines.
Page 7 of 719
Siemens AG
Power Generation
Siemensallee 84 Copyright E Siemens AG 2006
76187 Karlsruhe All Rights Reserved
Page 8 of 719
AS 620 Automation System
SIM Function Block
FB74 ANAAUF (Analog Signal Conditioning)
Software Description
Page 9 of 719
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
Page 10 of 719
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5
3 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--11
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--12
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--19
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1 Application
The processing of analog signals in the AS 620 B system (SIM version) is carried out using function blocks
(FBs) in conjunction with the ET 200 I/O device and the corresponding signal modules.
The function block FB74, analog signal conditioning for 0/4 to 20 mA, is used together with the signal modu-
les SIM 331 / SIM 464 to read and monitor analog signals.
The following preprocessing functions are present:
-- Monitoring for open circuit
-- Smoothing of analog signal
-- Simulation of input signals
-- Monitoring and limiting of analog signal
-- Modification of input signals
-- Generation of mean value
-- Generation of TTD with change in signal
-- Output of a substitution analog value in event of fault
-- Generation of limit signals
-- Signalling of signal faults.
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2 Mode of Operation
The software smoothing function can be used to additionally filter the digitized signals if required. The
function is a 1st order timer with a time range 0.1 to 10 s, parameterizable in steps of 0.1 s. Filtering can be
selected using the smoothing parameter (GL) (see Section 4).
Violations of the nominal range up to 10 % (overflow range) are processed further linearly.
If the signal is outside the overflow range, it is limited to +110 % or --10 % of the physical nominal range (see
Section 2.5 for effects on further internal processing).
Multiplication or square-rooting can be configured for each channel individually using the modification
parameter (MOD) (see Section 4). Multiplication
The signals can be multiplied by a correction factor. This is necessary e.g. with flow measurements
according to the differential pressure method if variations in the density of the medium must be compensated
for the measurement.
The correction factor is calculated by the AP (standard FB) and transferred to the module with the PAA_E
process image. A square rooting of the transferred correction factor can be configured for flow
measurements with square--rooting transmitters and subsequent correction calculation. Square-rooting
If analog signals are processed with a quadratic characteristic, e.g. when using a differential pressure
transmitter, the characteristic of the signal can be adapted by square-rooting. Square-rooting is only carried
out in the positive quadrants.
A mean value (MW) is generated following the modification and suppresses small oscillations in the resulting
signals. Generation of the mean value is only effective within a delta band of 20 digits.
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Data with time originate when a signal status changes. The various types of TTD are described briefly below.
The TTDs possible for the function block are shown in Fig. 1.
Analog input signals or signals generated on the module, e.g. limit signals, can be selected using appropriate
parameter settings.
With analog signals, acquisition is possible at selectable intervals or when a selected change in signal
occurs: sampling time (ABZE), delta band (DELT).
Acquisition of changes in signal with a time resolution of 1 ms is possible for limits which are required in the
process control level for message output and logging.
For small signal deviations within the parameterized delta band which are permanent in positive and negati-
ve direction an additional signal TTD is generated (sum delta method).
In addition to the TTDs assigned to a signal, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the
control system in detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs result from
events, i.e. faults detected by monitoring functions on the module, such as e.g. ”Faults in sensor supply,
channel 1”.
Signal TTDs
Analog input signal AESIG
Limit signal 1 GS 1
Limit signal 2 GS 2
Limit signal 3 GS 3
Limit signal 4 GS 4
Channel simulated KSIM
Channel valid KG
Fault TTDs
Downward violation of range limit EBU
Upward violation of range limit EBO
Open circuit in signal lines DML
Overflow of signal range USB
Signal simulated KSIM
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The limit signal generation function (GSB) can be used to parameterize whether limit signals are to be
generated, the triggering direction and the magnitude of the hysteresis between triggering and resetting of
the limit signal. Up to 4 limit signals can be generated.
- Triggering condition
Analog signal is ² parameterized limit.
- Reset condition
The message is reset if the analog value is smaller than the parameterized limit minus the set hys-
- Triggering condition
Analog signal is ± parameterized limit.
- Reset condition
The message is reset if the analog value is larger than the parameterized limit minus the set hyster-
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An analog value can be simulated via the software independent of the current input signal. This simulated
value is processed further instead of the input variable. A signal TTD and a channel fault TTD ”Channel
simulated” are generated. The bit ”Channel simulated” is set in the process input image.
The input range monitoring parameter (EU) can be used to separately define for downward and upward vio-
lation of the input range whether the monitoring function is to be active with delay, without a delay or not at
all. The delay can be varied between 0.25 and 60 s. The monitoring “Signal Line (Broken Wire)” is always
effective, independent of the EU parameterization.
- Triggering condition
The analog signal exceeds or falls below the nominal range by 10 %.
- Reset condition
Following elimination of the fault and return of the analog signal to the range --5 % . . . 105 % (hys-
teresis 5 %) the monitoring function is reset delayed by four times the software smoothing time or by
3 s whichever is larger.
- Triggering condition
The permissible range of values for the signal following the modification is --65 % to +327 %. The
monitoring function is triggered if these values are violated.
- Reset condition
Following elimination of the fault, the monitoring function is reset delayed by four times the software
smoothing time or by 3 s whichever is the larger.
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- Reset condition
Following elimination of the fault, i.e. measured value > --10% of the nominal range (2.4 mA), the
monitoring function is reset delayed by four times the software smoothing time or by 3 s whichever
is the larger.
3 Configuring
Fig. 2 shows the symbol of the function block ANAAUF similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring sy-
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4 Parameterization
The block parameters are generated by the ES configuring system. The parameters can be set using conve-
nient forms (see Fig. 3).
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- Limit (GW)
- Delta (DELT)
Name: AEB
Function: Defines the input signal range
Range of values: 1, 2
Meaning: 0 = irrelevant
1 = input signal range 0 to 20 mA
2 = input signal range 4 to 20 mA
Basic setting: 2
Page 20 of 719
Name: GL
Function: Defines the set time constant
Range of values: 0 to 100
Meaning: 0 = no smoothing
100 = 10 s
Basic setting: 0
Name: EU
Function: Defines how the range monitoring functions (downward violation, upward
violation) are active
Range of values: 0 to 8
Meaning: downward = lower range limit upward = upper range limit
0 = downward not active, upward not active
1 = downward not active, upward active
2 = downward not active, upward active with delay
3 = downward active, upward not active
4 = downward active, upward active
5 = downward active, upward active with delay
6 = downward active with delay, upward not active
7 = downward active with delay, upward active
8 = downward active with delay, upward active with delay
Basic setting: 4
Name: EUZE
Function: Defines the delay time on triggering of the input range monitoring function
Range: 0.25 to 60 s
Basic setting: 1s
Name: MOD
Function: Defines whether the input signals are processed mathematically, and how
Range of values: 0 to 7
Meaning: 0 = no modification
1 = square-rooting from 0 to 110 % (complete measuring range)
2 = square-rooting from 5 to 110 %, range 0 to 5 % = ”0”
3 = square-rooting from 10 to 110 %, range 0 to 10 % = ”0”
4 = Multiplication (with correction factor)
5 = Multiplication followed by square-rooting from 0 to 110 %
6 = Multiplication followed by square-rooting from 5 to 110 %
7 = Multiplication followed by square-rooting from 10 to 110 %
8 = Multiplication by square-rooted correction factor
Basic setting: 0
Page 21 of 719
- Limit
Name: HYS
Function: Defines the range between triggering and resetting of the limit signal. Value is
set as physical variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: 0,1 & to 20 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: 0.5 %
Name: EAS
Function: Defines which signal is to be processed further with a channel fault.
Settings: -- Do not process substitution signal
-- Process last valid analog value
-- Process value from EASW
Basic setting: Do not process substitution signal
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- Time--tagged data
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether time--tagged datas are to be generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 ° no TTD
1 ° TTD
Basic setting: 0
- Sampling time
Name: ABZE
Function: Defines the sampling steps for generation of the TTDs. A TTD is only generated
if a downward violation / upward violation of the delta value has occurred.
Range of values: 250 to 60000
Basic setting: 1000 ° 1 s
Page 23 of 719
- Delta
Name: DELT
Function: A TTD is generated with a change in the signal ² delta. Value is set as physical
variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: 0 % to 100 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: 0%
Name: END
Function: Describes the upper range value of the corresponding physical variable
Range of values: floating-point format
Meaning: Depends on range of values of the input signal
Basic setting: 0
Name: AWT 1, 2, 3, 4
Function: Defines whether the limits GW1, 2, 3, 4 are classified as alarm, warning or
tolerance messages
Parameter type: Half-byte
Range of values: S, A, W, T
Meaning: A = no AWT identification
A = alarm
W = warning
T = tolerance
Basic setting: S
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the analog value is assigned
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
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5 Technical Data
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6 Abbreviations
AE Analog input
AESIG Analog input signal
EBU Downward violation of input range
EBO Upward violation of input range
FB Function block
DML Open-circuit signal
KG Channel valid
KSIM Identification of simulation
PAA Process output image
PAE Process input image
SIM Signal module
TTD Time--tagged data
Page 26 of 719
Siemens AG
Power Generation
Siemensallee 84 Copyright E Siemens AG 2006
76187 Karlsruhe All Rights Reserved
Page 27 of 719
AS 620 Automation System
SIM Function Block
FB75 ANAAUS (Analog Signal Output)
Software Description
Page 28 of 719
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
Page 29 of 719
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5
2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--9
5 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--10
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--13
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1 Application
The output of analog signals in the AS 620 B system (SIM version) is carried out using function blocks (FBs)
in conjunction with the ET 200 I/O device and the corresponding signal module.
The function block FB75, analog signal output, is used together with the SIM 332/470 signal module to out-
put analog process signals. The output signal can be simulated via ES680.
The function block FB75 is also used to output analog signals which must be sent to coupled systems (such
as ancillary plants with SIMATIC S5 and systems with AG--F).
2 Design
The FB75 establishes the connection between the hardware (SIM) and the automation processor (AP) and is
used to output analog signals. The signals originate from data blocks. A function block call with its parameter
set is required for each channel of the hardware.
SIM module Output
representation processing
Simulation value
ES680 Simulation Simulation KSIM
Data flow
Page 31 of 719
3 Function Description
The function block converts the internal analog signal from a physical value in floating-point format into the
corresponding fixed-point number for the module.
The FB75 maps the physical value AASIG with the lower range value LRV and the upper range value URV
for the range of values of the SIM module according to the following equation:
(URV -- LRV)
-- 100%
-- 117%
Fig. 2: Mapping of physical value for the SIM range of values, e.g. +/-- 20mA
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The analog output signal can be simulated via ES680 independent of the current input signal.
- Triggering condition
Simulation is activated via ES680
- Reset condition
Simulation is deactivated via ES680
3.2 Startup/Restart
The FB carries out a cold restart when requested by the AP; internal statuses are initialized in the process.
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Page 34 of 719
In this application, the 32-bit floating-point analog value is entered as a hardware-based fixed-point value into
the send mailbox for the coupled system.
14 0 analog value
V 2 ... 2
in floating-point format (32 Bit)
It is possible for the user to identify the floating-point value as invalid using a separate binary value.
Qualifiers in the form of a quality code are not provided at the interface of the SIM function block.
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4 Configuring
Fig. 4 shows the symbol of the function block ANAAUS similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring sy-
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5 Parameterization
The two types of parameters listed below are either managed by the ES (no assignment by the user) or can
be preset and changed by the user.
From the general parameters the following are managed by the ES:
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the FB163 is assigned
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
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Name: AAB
Function: Defines whether 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA signals are to be output
Range of values: 0 to 2
Meaning: 0 = irrelevant
1 = output 0 to 20 mA
2 = output 4 to 20 mA
Basic setting: 2
Name: LRV
Function: Describes the lower range value of the corresponding physical variable
Range of values: floating-point format
Meaning: Depends on measured variable
Basic setting: 0
Name: URV
Function: Describes the upper range value of the corresponding physical variable
Range of values: floating-point format
Meaning: Depends on measured variable
Basic setting: 0
Page 38 of 719
6 Technical Data
Block number: FB75
Block name: ANAAUS
Library number: E88530--B 8375--A-- ...
Version: _________________↑
Average run time: Typ. 70 µs
Called blocks: None
Memory requirements:
-- Code 300 bytes
-- Parameters (per call) 6 words
-- Historical values (per call) None
Other conditions: The function block can only be used in the group control level (AP) within the
system environment for SIM/protection.
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7 Abbreviations
AP Automation processor
CSF Control system flowchart
PIQ Process output image
SIM Signal module
TTD Data with time
Page 40 of 719
Siemens AG
Power Generation
Siemensallee 84 Copyright E Siemens AG 2006
76187 Karlsruhe All Rights Reserved
Page 41 of 719
AS 620 Automation System
SIM Function Block
FB73 ANAEIN (Analog Signal Input)
Software Description
Page 42 of 719
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
Page 43 of 719
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--5
3 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--12
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--13
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--19
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1 Application
The processing of analog signals in the AS 620 B system (SIM version) is carried out using function blocks
(FBs) in conjunction with the ET 200 I/O device and the corresponding signal modules.
The function block FB73, analog signal input for 20mA, 0/4 to 20mA, is used together with the signal
modules SIM 331 / SIM 464 to read in analog signals.
The following preprocessing functions are present:
-- Monitoring for open-circuit
-- Smoothing of analog signal
-- Monitoring and limiting of analog signal
-- Generation of mean value
-- Generation of TTD with change in signal
-- Output of a substitution analog value in event of fault
-- Signalling of signal faults
The function block FB73 is also used to read in analog signals which originate from coupled systems (such
as auxiliaries with SIMATIC S5 and systems with AG--F).
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Fig. 1:
Siemens AG
---10% +110%
Generation of
Block functions
Analog signal Smoothing Standardization
mean value
Page 47 of 719
The software smoothing function can be used to additionally filter the measured values. The function is a 1st
order timer which can be set in steps of 0.1 s from 0.1 s to 10 s. Filtering can be selected individually for
each channel using the software smoothing parameter (GL).
Violations of the nominal range up to 10 % (overflow range) are processed further linearly.
If the signal is outside the overflow range, it is limited to +110 % or --10 % of the physical nominal range.
If the input signal is outside the overflow range, the digitized measured value is limited to --10 % or 110 % of
the nominal range.
A mean value (MW) is generated following the modification and suppresses small oscillations in the analog
signal. Generation of the mean value is only effective within a delta band of 20 digits.
Parameters can be set to select input signals if they are required as data with time (TTDs) in the process
control level for message output and logging. With analog signals, acquisition is possible at selectable
intervals or when a selected change in signal occurs (parameters: sampling period ABZE, delta band DELT).
Page 48 of 719
For small signal deviations within the parameterized delta band which are permanent in positive and negati-
ve direction an additional signal TTD is generated (sum delta method).
In addition to the TTDs assigned to a signal, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the
control system in detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs are generated as
the results of events (faults) recognized by monitoring the analog output signal, such as e.g. triggering of the
range monitoring function.
Signal TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Fault TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Page 49 of 719
This is part of the monitoring function ”Analog input range AEB” (see Fig. 1).
The parameter for input range monitoring (EU) can be used to separately define for the downward violation
and upward violation of the input range whether the monitoring function is to be effective without a delay, with
a delay or not at all. The delay can be varied from 0 to 60 s (parameter: delay input range monitoring EUZE).
The input range monitoring parameter (EU) can be used to separately define for downward and upward vio-
lation of the input range whether the monitoring function is to be active with delay, without a delay or not at
all. The delay can be varied between 0.25 and 60 s. The monitoring “Signal Line (Broken Wire)” is always
effective, independent of the EU parameterization.
- Triggering condition
The analog signal exceeds or falls below the nominal range by 10 %.
- Reset condition
Following elimination of the fault and return of the analog signal to the range --5 % . . . 105 % (hys-
teresis 5 %) the monitoring function is reset delayed by four times the software smoothing time or by
3 s whichever is larger.
- Reset condition
Following elimination of the fault, i.e. measured value > --10% of the nominal range (2.4 mA), the
monitoring function is reset delayed by four times the software smoothing time or by 3 s whichever
is the larger.
Page 50 of 719
Page 51 of 719
In this application, the SIM function block ANAEIN selects the analog value with a fixed-point format
parameterized via the ES 680 from the data block (in the receive mailbox) received from the coupled system.
The functions described in Sections 2.1 to 2.3 are applied to this analog value. The resulting analog value is
entered as a 32-bit floating-point number into the status word for further processing.
PAED 15 3 0
2 2 2
11 0 Analog value
V 2 ... 2 X F Ü
in floating--point format (32 Bit)
K Additional
V: Sign
F: Failure G status word
X: Irrelevant bits 15 0
Ü: Overflow 2 KG: channel valid 2
Fig. 3: Interfaces for analog signal input in fixed-point format, FB73 ANAEIN
If the failure bit is set or the coupling fails the KG bit in the additional status word is reset.
The fixed-point format is hardware-oriented and can contain the additional qualifier F which signals a fault.
This means that the fixed-point format (15 bit + sign) processed in the coupled system must first be conver-
ted into the abbreviated, hardware-oriented fixed-point format with the nominal range (cf. following table) pri-
or to transmission to the AP.
Parameter AEB Measuring range Range of values Number representation in message interface
(analoger input (0 to 100 %) corresponding to Fig. 3 left
V 211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
0 mA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XFX
AEB = 1 to to
+20 mA +2048 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XFX
+4 mA +512 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XFX
AEB = 2 to to
+20 mA +2560 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XFX
--20 mA --2048 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XFX
AEB = 8 to to
+20 mA +2048 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XFX
Page 52 of 719
3 Configuring
Fig. 4 shows the symbol of the function block ANAEIN similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring system
for the acquisition of signals via SIM modules.
Symbol: Coupling module for analog signals
TXP--specific module FB73; SIM
pic_id 2347
Fig. 4: CSF symbol of function block ANAEIN for the acquisition of signals via SIM modules
Fig. 5 shows the symbol of the function block ANAEIN similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring system
for the acquisition of signals via connecting auxiliaries or AG--F systems.
Fig. 5: CSF symbol of function block ANAEIN for the acqusition of signals via connecting auxiliaries or AG--F systems
Page 53 of 719
4 Parameterization
Depending on the CSF symbol as shown in Fig. 4 or Fig. 5 an adequate parameterization form KA or
NA.ANAEI is offered.
Fig. 6: Parameterization form FB73 for the acquisition of signals via SIM modules
Page 54 of 719
Fig. 7: Parameterization form FB73 for the acquisition of signals via connecting auxiliaries or AG--F systems
The parameterization form KA and NA.ANAEI have subordinated I & C forms (not shown here) which can be
opened by the keys LMASKE.KA and LMASKE NA.ANAEI respectively. From the I & C form NA.ANAEI
supplementary parameters are selectable for connecting auxiliaries or AG--F systems.
Page 55 of 719
- Delta (DELT)
The following parameters are derived from the configured KKS sign in the ES 680:
- Function area number (FUNR)
For connecting auxiliaries or AG--F systems the following additional parameters have to be configured via
I & C forms:
- Word number in PAE (PAEW)
Page 56 of 719
Page 57 of 719
- Time--tagged data
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether data with time are to be generated from the input signal
Range of values: 0, 1
Meaning: 0 ° no TTD generated
1 ° generate TTD for analog input signal
Basic setting: 0
- Scanning period
Name: ABZE
Function: Defines the scanning times for generation of the TTD of the analog signal.
A TTD is only generated if a downward violation / upward violation of the delta
value has occurred.
Range of values: 0 to 60.00 s
Basic setting: 1.00 s
- Delta
Name: DELT
Function: A signal TTD is generated with a change in the input signal ≥ delta. Value is set
as physical variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: 0 % to 100 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: 5%
Name: LRV
Function: Describes the lower range value of the corresponding physical variable
Range of values: floating-point format
Meaning: Depends on measured variable
Basic setting: 0
Name: URV
Function: Describes the upper range value of the corresponding physical variable
Range of values: floating-point format
Meaning: Depends on measured variable
Basic setting: 0
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the analog value is assigned
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Page 58 of 719
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
5 Technical Data
Page 59 of 719
6 Abbreviations
AE Analog input
AESIG Analog input signal
AP Automation processor
DSL Open-circuit monitoring for signal line
EBO Upward violation of input range
EBU Downward violation of input range
FB Function block
KG Channel valid
PII Process input image
SIM Signal module
TTD Time--tagged data
Page 60 of 719
Siemens AG
Power Generation
Siemensallee 84 Copyright E Siemens AG 2006
76187 Karlsruhe All Rights Reserved
Page 61 of 719
AS 620 Automation System
SIM Function Block
FB76 ANATHERM (Sensor Conditioning for Thermocouples)
Software Description
Page 62 of 719
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
Page 63 of 719
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--5
3 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--11
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--12
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--19
Page 64 of 719
Page 65 of 719
1 Application
The processing of analog signals in the AS 620 B system (SIM version) is carried out using function blocks
(FBs) in conjunction with the ET 200 I/O device and the corresponding signal modules.
The FB76 function block, signal transmitter conditioning for thermocouples, is used to read in and monitor
thermocouple signals. The ET 200 M modules SIM 331 support the thermocouple types E, J, K and T, and
the ET 200 U module SIM 464 the thermocouple types J and K.
The following preprocessing functions are present:
-- Monitoring for open-circuit
-- Smoothing of analog signal
-- Adaptation of characteristic and correction of cold junction temperature
-- Simulation of input signals
-- Monitoring and limiting of analog signal
-- Generation of mean value
-- Generation of TTD with change in signal
-- Output of a substitution analog value in event of fault
-- Generation of limit signals
-- Signalling of signal faults.
Page 66 of 719
Fig. 1:
Siemens AG
Analog signal Generation of
Smoothing Standardization
mean value
line input range analog signal
(AEB) P (AEB) (EAS) Substituteion
limit signal
Page 67 of 719
The block processes signals from thermocouples of type E, J, K and T with ranges 0 °C to 1000 °C (type E),
0 °C to 800 °C (type J) , 0 °C to 1100 °C (type K) and 0 °C to 400 °C (type T). The measuring range can be
selected using the sensor type parameter (GEBER).
The software smoothing function can be used to additionally filter the measured values. The function is a 1st
order timer. Filtering can be selected using the smoothing parameter of the input signals (GL).
*) At the cold junction temperature 0 °C the function block does not carry out a linearization. In this case the
SIM module must be set ”with linearization” using thereby the built in temperature compensation of the
SIM module. Using the temperature compensation implies that all 4 channels of the SIM module must be
set ”with linearization”.
The measuring range (nominal range) can be exceeded or fallen below by 10%.
A mean value (MW) is generated following standardization and linearization and suppresses small oscilla-
tions in the analog signal. Generation of the mean-value is only effective within a delta band of 20 digits.
Time--tagged data are used for the chronological acquisition of process signals and I & C error messages for
message processing and display as well as for logging. They are generated by changes in status in all con-
trol levels. The I & C error messages are generated independent of the parameter settings of the module.
They are generated by each detected fault in order to facilitate troubleshooting for the maintenance person-
The TTDs possible for the function block are listed in Fig. 2.
The various types of TTD are described briefly below.
Page 68 of 719
Input signals or signals generated on the module, e.g. limit signals, can be selected using appropriate
parameter settings.
With analog signals, acquisition is possible at selectable intervals or when a selected change in signal
occurs: sampling period (ABZE), delta band (DELT).
Measurement of changes in signal is possible for limits which are required in the process control level for
message output and logging.
For small signal deviations within the parameterized delta band which are permanent in positive and negati-
ve direction an additional signal TTD is generated (sum delta method).
In addition to the TTDs assigned to a signal, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the con-
trol system in detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs result from events,
i.e. faults detected by monitoring of the analog signal, such as e.g. ”Open-circuit in signal lines”.
Signal TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Fault TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Page 69 of 719
- Triggering condition
Analog signal is > parameterized limit.
- Reset condition
The message is reset if the analog value is smaller than the parameterized limit minus the set
- Triggering condition
Analog signal is < parameterized limit.
- Reset condition
The message is reset if the analog value is larger than the parameterized limit plus the set
Page 70 of 719
The input range monitoring parameter (EU) can be used to separately define for downward and upward
violation of the input range whether the monitoring function is to be active with a delay, without a delay or not
at all. The delay can be varied between 0.0 s and 60 s (parameter: Delay input range monitoring EUZE).
- Triggering condition of monitoring function (only when parameterized)
The analog signal exceeds or falls below the nominal range by more than 10 %.
- Effects on the process image
The bit “Channel valid” is reset.
- Effect on time--tagged data
A signal TTD ”Channel invalid” is generated provided at least one of the possible signal TTDs is
parameterized (parameter: time--tagged data TTD). A fault TTD “Downward violation of range limit”
or “Upward violation of range limit” is signalled in addition (see Fig. 2).
- Effects on further internal processing
The analog signal is limited to --10 % (lower limit) or 110 % (upper limit) of the nominal range.
Depending on the parameter for the substitution analog signal (EAS), the analog signal is
processed further unchanged (no substitution analog signal), or the last valid analog signal or the
value of the substitution analog signal (EASW) is processed further.
- Reset condition of monitoring function
Following elimination of the fault and return of the analog signal to the range --5 % . . . 105 % (hys-
teresis 5 %), the monitoring function is reset delayed by four times the software smoothing time or
by 3 s whichever is the larger.
Page 71 of 719
3 Configuring
Fig. 3 shows the symbol of the function block ANATHERM similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring
Page 72 of 719
4 Parameterization
Page 73 of 719
- Limit (LV)
- Delta (DELT)
- Sensor type
Function: Defines which type of sensor is connected and the cold junction temperature
Meaning: thermocouple type E, cold junction temp. 0 _C*)
thermocouple type J, cold junction temp. 0 _C*)
thermocouple type J, cold junction temp. 50 _C**)
thermocouple type J, cold junction temp. 70 _C**)
thermocouple type K, cold junction temp. 0 _C*)
thermocouple type K, cold junction temp. 50 _C**)
thermocouple type K, cold junction temp. 70 _C**)
thermocouple type T, cold junction temp. 0 _C*)
Basic setting: no sensor
Page 74 of 719
Name: GL
Function: Defines the time constant
Range of values: 0.0 s to 10.0 s
Basic setting: 0.0 s (no smoothing)
Name: EAS
Function: Defines the type of substitution signal with channel faults
Range of values: 0 to 2
Meaning: 0 = no substitution analog signal, the read analog signal is processed further
1 = the last valid analog value is used as the substitution signal
2 = the substitution analog value defined in the parameter EASW is used
Basic setting: 0
Name: EASW
Function: Defines the value of the substitution signal (only effective with EAS = 2). Value is
set as physical variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: --10 % to +110 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: 0
Name: EU
Function: Defines how the range monitoring functions are active
Range of values: 0 to 8
Meaning: 0 = downward and upward active
1 = downward not active, upward active
2 = downward not active, upward active with delay
3 = downward active, upward not active
4 = downward and upward active
5 = downward active, upward active with delay
6 = downward active with delay, upward not active
7 = downward active with delay, upward active
8 = downward and upward active with delay
Basic setting: 4
Name: EUZE
Function: Defines the delay time on triggering of the input range monitoring function; is
active if “Delayed” is parameterized for EU
Range of values: 0.0 s to 60.00 s
Basic setting: 1.00 s
Page 75 of 719
- Limit
Name: LVn; n = 1 to 4
Function: Defines the limit. Value is set as physical variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: --10 % to +110 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: --10 %
Name: HYS
Function: Defines the hysteresis between triggering and resetting of the limit signal. Value
is set as physical variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: +0,1 % to +20 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: +0.5 %
Name: EGSn; n = 1 to 4
Function: Defines the response of limit signals with channel faults
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = do not use limit signal, the limit signal generation uses the applied analog
or substitution signal
1 = use substitution signal as parameterized under EGSW
Basic setting: 0
Page 76 of 719
- Time--tagged data
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether signal TTDs are generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no time--tagged data
1 = time--tagged data
Basic setting: 0
- Sampling period
Name: ABZE
Function: Defines the sampling steps for generation of the signal TTDs. A TTD is only
generated if a downward violation / upward violation of the delta value has
Range of values: 0.0 s to 60.00 s
Basic setting: 1.00 s
- Delta
Name: DELT
Function: A signal TTD is generated with a change in the signal > delta. Value is set as
physical variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: 0 to +100 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: +5 %
Name: LRV
Function: Describes the lower range value of the corresponding physical variable
Range of values: floating-point format
Meaning: Depends on measured variable
Basic setting: 0
Name: URV
Function: Describes the upper range value of the corresponding physical variable
Range of values: floating-point format
Meaning: Depends on measured variable
Basic setting: 0
Page 77 of 719
Name: AWT 1, 2, 3, 4
Function: Defines whether the limits LV1, 2, 3, 4 are classified as alarm, warning or
tolerance messages
Parameter type: Half-byte
Range of values: S, A, W, T
Meaning: S = no AWT identification
A = alarm
W = warning
T = tolerance
Basic setting: S
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the analog value is assigned
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Page 78 of 719
5 Technical Data
Page 79 of 719
6 Abbreviations
AE Analog input
AESIG Analog input signal
AP Automation processor
AVT Failure of cold junction temperature
EBU Downward violation of input range
EBO Upward violation of input range
DML Open--circuit signal
FB Function block
GS Limit signal
KG Channel valid
KSIM Channel simulated
PAA Process output image
PAE Process input image
SIM Signal module
TTD Time--tagged data
USB Overflow of signal range
Page 80 of 719
Siemens AG
Power Generation
Siemensallee 84 Copyright E Siemens AG 2006
76187 Karlsruhe All Rights Reserved
Page 81 of 719
AS 620 Automation System
SIM Function Block
FB77 ANAWID (Sensor Conditioning for Resistance Thermometers)
Software Description
Page 82 of 719
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
Page 83 of 719
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--5
3 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--16
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--17
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--24
Page 84 of 719
Page 85 of 719
1 Application
The processing of analog signals in the AS 620 B system (SIM version) is carried out using function blocks
(FBs) in conjunction with the ET 200 I/O device and the corresponding signal modules.
The function block FB77 is used together with the signal modules SIM 331 / SIM 464 to read and monitor
resistance thermometer (Pt100, Cu10) signals.
The following preprocessing functions are present:
-- Monitoring for open circuit
-- Smoothing of analog signal
-- Simulation of input signals
-- Monitoring and limiting of analog signal
-- Generation of mean value
-- Generation of TTD with change in signal
-- Output of a substitution analog value in event of fault
-- Generation of limit signals
-- Signalling of signal faults.
Page 86 of 719
Fig. 1:
---10 %/+ 10 %
Siemens AG
Generation of
Smoothing Standardization
Analog signal mean value
Block functions
(MW) P
Generation of
limit signal
Analog Substitution
input range analog signal
Page 87 of 719
The software smoothing function can be used to additionally filter the digitized measured values. The
function is a 1st order timer with a time range from 0.1 s to 10 s, parameterizable in steps of 0.1 s. Filtering
can be selected individually for each channel using the smoothing parameter of the input signals (GL).
If the digitized input signal is outside the overflow range, it is limited to the overflow limits ( --10 % or
110 % of the nominal range).
A mean value is generated of the digitized input signal in order to suppress small oscillations in the signal
recorded by the module. Generation of the mean value is only effective within a delta band of 20 digits.
Page 88 of 719
Input signals or limit signals required in the process control level for messages and logging can be
parameterized to generate time--tagged data.
The generation of a TTD is possible for input signals at selectable intervals (parameter: Sampling period AB-
ZE) or when a selected change in signal occurs (parameter: Delta band DELT).
In the case of limit signals, the generation of a TTD can be parameterized for a change in signal.
For small signal deviations within the parameterized delta band which are permanent in positive and negati-
ve direction an additional signal TTD is generated (sum delta method).
In addition to the TTDs assigned to a signal, there are also fault TTDs which describe the cause of detected
faults in the control system for messages and logs in detailed form using error numbers. For example, an
open circuit in a signal line is signalled by the monitoring function which is automatically set when the sensor
type is parameterized. This function monitors the amplified input signal for faults in the resistance thermome-
ter and outputs the associated fault TTD “Sensor fault” (see Section 2.6, Input Signal Monitoring).
Page 89 of 719
Comment ation
Comment ation
Page 90 of 719
The standardized input signals can be monitored by the limit signal generation function (GSB) for upward or
downward violation of defined limits. The following can be parameterized:
- The desired limits (number < 4); these must lie within the overflow range of the respective
measuring range (see Section 2.1.2) (parameter: LV)
- The triggering direction in which the limit signals are to be generated (definition of limits as upper or
lower limits; parameter: GSB)
- The magnitude of the hysteresis (selectable in the range 0.1 % to 20 % of the nominal measuring
range) between triggering and resetting of the limit signals (parameter: HYS).
Page 91 of 719
Page 92 of 719
Irrespective of the actual input signal an analog value can be simulated as definded by the software. This
simulated value is used instead of the input signal.
- Effects on the process image PAE_E when switching off the simulation
The bit “Channel simulated” is reset.
Page 93 of 719
Using the SIM 331modules --7KF02, --7KB02 and --7SF00 the Pt 100 -- connection is designed for a 4--wire--
configuration. However, if these modules are wired as a 3--wire--connection, the wire--resistance will cause
an additional measuring error .
Using the parameter COMP_VAL this measuring error can partly be compensated via the software. To
achieve this, the parameter COMP_VAL has to be set to the wire--resistance value Rwire in unit “Ohm”.
However, any change in the resistance of the wire caused by external influences, e.g. temperature, will re-
SIM 331
Pt 100
The module SIM 331--7PF01 provides a standard 3--wire connection. The compensation of the error is car-
ried out by the module itself.
Note: If this module uses 3--wire connection, the module must be jumpered at the Ic+ and M+ terminals.
Page 94 of 719
- See Section 2.6.3 for the effects when resetting the monitoring function.
The input range monitoring parameter (EU) can be used to separately define for downward and upward vio-
lation of the overflow range limits of the parameterized measuring range whether the monitoring function is to
be active with a delay, without a delay or not at all.
The delay can be varied between 0.25 s and 60 s (parameter: Delay input range monitoring EUZE).
- Triggering condition of monitoring function (only when parameterized)
The analog signal exceeds or falls below the nominal range by more than 10%.
Page 95 of 719
Page 96 of 719
3 Configuring
Fig. 4 shows the symbol of the function block ANAWID similar to the symbol in ES 680 configuring system.
Page 97 of 719
4 Parameterization
The parameters of the block FB77 are generated by the ES configuring system. The parameters can be set
using convenient forms (see Fig. 5).
Page 98 of 719
- Limit (LV)
- Delta (DELT)
- Sensor type
Function: Defines which type of sensor is connected with which measuring range.
Range of values: 0 to 5
Meaning: 0 = no sensor/transmitter
1 = Pt 100 standard, measuring range 0 °C to 600 °C
2 = Pt 100 standard, measuring range --50 °C to 550 °C
3 = Pt 100 climate, measuring range --70 °C to 130 °C
4 = Cu 10 standard, measuring range --140 °C to 260 °C
5 = Cu 10 climate, measuring range --50 °C to 150 °C
Basic setting: 0
Page 99 of 719
- Compensation 3--wire--connection
Function: Software--compensation of measuring error caused by 3--wire connection to
Pt100. The wire--resistance value Rwire in unit “Ohm” is set as the parameter va-
When using a 4--wire--connection or using a SIM 331--7PF01 module with sen-
sor type “Pt 100 , 3--wire” the basic setting must be 0 (zero).
Name: GL
Function: Defines the time constant
Range of values: 0 s to 10 s
Basic setting: 0 s (no smoothing)
Name: EAS
Function: Defines the type of substitution signal with channel faults.
Range of values: 0 to 2
Meaning: 0 = no substitution analog signal, the recorded input signal is processed
1 = the last valid input signal value is used as the substitution signal
2 = the value of the substitution analog signal is processed further
(see parameter EASW)
Basic setting: 0
- Limit
Name: LVn; n = 1 to 4
Function: Defines the limit. Value is set as physical variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: --10 % to +110 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: --10 %
Name: EGSn; n = 1 to 4
n = limit signal, 1 < n < 4
Function: Defines the response of limit signals with channel faults.
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = do not use substitution limit signal
1 = use substitution limit signal as parameterized under EGSW
Basic setting: 0
- Value of substitution limit signals
Name: EGSWn; n = 1 to 4
Function: Defines the value of the limit signals with faults; only active when the limit signal
is to be used according to EGS.
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = substitution limit signal “0”
1 = substitution limit signal “1”
Basic setting: 0
- Time--tagged data
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether signal TTDs are generated with input signals or limit signals.
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no time--tagged data
1 = time--tagged data
Basic setting: 0
- Scanning time
Name: ABZE
Function: Defines the scanning steps with respect to the input signal for generation of a
signal TTD. A TTD is only generated if a downward violation / upward violation of
the delta value has occurred.
Range of values: 0.0 s to 60 s
Basic setting: 1s
- Delta
Name: DELT
Function: A signal TTD is generated with a change in the input signal > delta. Value is set
as physical variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: 0 % to +100 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: 5%
Name: URV
Function: Describes the upper range value of the corresponding physical variable
Range of values: floating-point format
Meaning: Depends on measured variable
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
5 Technical Data
6 Abbreviations
AE Analog input
AESIG Analog input signal
AP Automation processor
EBU Downward violation of input range
EBO Upward violation of input range
FB Function block
GS Limit signal
GST Sensor fault
KG Channel valid
KSIM Identification of simulation
PAA Process output image
PAE Process input image
SIM Signal module
TTD Time--tagged data
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--5
2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--6
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--13
5 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--14
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--17
1 Application
The processing of binary signals in the AS 620 B system (SIM version) is carried out using function blocks
(FBs) in conjunction with the ET 200 I/O device and the corresponding signal modules.
The function block FB70, binary signal conditioning, is used together with the SIM 323 / SIM 482 and
SIM 321 / SIM 431 signal modules to:
-- Provide the supply voltage for 8 changeover contacts
-- Condition the sensor signals
-- Monitor the input signals
-- Simulate the logical sensor signals
-- Output signal faults and channel faults.
2 Design
The FB70 establishes the connection between the SIM hardware and the automation processor (AP) and is
used to condition the binary input signals. The signals originate from data blocks and are sent to data blocks.
A function block call with its parameter set is required for each channel of the hardware.
Ü Ü Chatter
3 Function Description
In normal operation, the FB fetches the input signals from the PAED, conditions them and and writes them
into the status data block. The signals are then available there for the AP.
-- In the case of changeover contacts, a binary signal is generated from respective pairs of signals from
the contacts and processed further. The NO signal (even SIM input terminal) is decisive for the binary
signal. The second, NC signal, is only used for monitoring purposes.
-- Changes in input signal start the delay time and can be delayed by 0 to 10 s using the parameter
VERZ set to a multiple of the sampling time. The binary signal present at the end of the parameterized
time is processed further.
-- The binary signal is subsequently entered into the ZUDB (in the case of changeover contacts, the NC
contact is the inverted NO signal).
-- If a change in signal is to be output, time--tagged data (TTDs) can be generated if parameterized
-- The KONV bit is entered into the data block ”Process image output” and switches the contact supply
voltage on. This function can be parameterized via the parameterization form.
Time--tagged data result as a signal TTD following a change in status of the input signal (whether binary si-
gnal of PAE or simulation value from the SIDB) if the parameter TTD is set.
The following signal TTDs are generated:
-- Change in input signal
-- Channel is simulated
-- Channel is valid/invalid
t_verz t_verz t_verz
The number of changes in the signal edge within the parameterized chatter monitoring time is measured:
-- During monitoring, the output signal from the chatter monitoring function follows the input signal
-- If the signal chatters, the monitoring time is increased to three times its value, a substitution binary
signal is processed further, and a fault TTD is generated.
1. 2. 3. >3
Monitoring time
Monitoring time Start 3-fold monitoring time
1 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 0 1
Irrespective of the respective input signal present a binary signal can be simulated via the software.
- Triggering condition
Simulation via job function ”Simulation selection” has been selected
- Reset condition
Simulation via job function ”Simulation selection” has been disselected
3.2 Startup/Restart
The FB carries out a cold restart when requested by the AP; internal statuses are initialized in the process.
No further block processing is carried out during a cold restart.
The block is processed in every further cycle.
The following monitoring functions are implemented for the input signal:
short-circuit to M, short-circuit to P and chatter of sensor signal.
The faults detected above have an effect on the process image, TTD and further internal processing.
Fault TTD
In addition to the parameterizable signal TTDs, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the
control system for messages and logs in detailed form using error numbers. The fault TTDs result from
events detected by the monitoring routines of the FB70.
The following events are detected and signalled as fault TTDs:
-- Chatter of input signal
Signal text: ”SENSOR CHATTER”
Monitoring of the sensor signal for chatter can be parameterized for each channel (parameter FLAT = 0
means no monitoring).
Sending of a TTD is delayed by 200 ms or by one cycle whichever is the larger. A maximum switchover time
of 200 ms is therefore permissible for changeover contacts.
Sending of a TTD is delayed by 200 ms or by one cycle whichever is the larger. A maximum switchover time
of 200 ms is therefore permissible for changeover contacts.
During the general inquiry, the AP searches for all existing faults. The FB then generates the fault TTDs of all
current faults.
If a fault is indicated as coming when the block is processed, and if a general inquiry is requested in addition,
only the fault TTD is generated without identification of the general inquiry.
The status word DB is deleted if a hardware fault is present and if the block is not simulated. The bit ”KG”,
channel valid, is reset (with signal TTD if parameterized).
In the case of simulation, the hardware fault has no effect on the SIM--FB.
4 Configuring
Fig. 4 shows the symbol of the function block BINAUF similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring sy-
5 Parameterization
- Sensor type
Name: GT
Function: Defines which type of sensor is connected
Range of values: 0 to 4
Meaning 0,1,3 = irrelevant
2 = changeover contact
4 = single contact
Basic setting: 4
- Sensor chatter
Name: FLAT
Function: Defines the chatter monitoring time
Range of values: 0 to 100
Meaning: 0 = no chatter monitoring
100 = 100 s
Basic setting: 0
Name: VERZ
Function: Defines whether the input signal is delayed and by how much
Range of values: 0 to 10000
Meaning: 0 = no delay
10000 = 10 s
Basic setting: 0
Name: EBS
Function: Defines the status of the binary signals in the event of a fault
Range of values: 0 to 3
Meaning: 0 = no substitution binary signal
1 = process last valid value further
2 = substitution binary signal ”0”
3 = substitution binary signal ”1”
Basic setting: 0
- Time--tagged data
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether time--tagged data are to generated
Range of values: 0, 1
Meaning: 0 = do not generate TTD
1 = generate TTD with every change in signal
Basic setting: 0
Name: AWT
Function: Defines whether a signal is classified as an alarm, warning or tolerance
Parameter type: Half-byte
Range of values: S, A, W, T
Meaning: S = no AWT identification
A = alarm
W= warning
T= tolerance
Basic setting: S
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the binary value is assigned
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
AP Automation processor
BGMS Short-circuit to M
BESIG Binary value in ZUDB
BWVERZ Delayed binary value
EING Binary signals in the PAED
ESV Input signal extension
FEBT Fault bit
FLAT Sensor chatter
FLATZEIT_V Counter for chatter monitoring time
FLANKZ_V Edge counter for chatter monitoring
KANR Channel number
KG Channel valid
PAE Process input image
PAA Process output image
PSGL Short-circuit to P
SIM Signal module
TTD Time--tagged data
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--5
2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--5
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--7
5 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--8
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--9
1 Application
The processing of binary signals in the AS 620 B system (SIM version) is carried out using function blocks
(FBs) in conjunction with the ET 200 I/O device and the corresponding signal modules.
The function block FB71, binary signal output, is used together with the SIM 323 / SIM 482 and SIM 322 /
SIM 451 / SIM 452 signal modules to output binary process signals.The output signal can be simulated via
2 Design
The FB71 establishes the connection between the SIM hardware and the automation processor (AP) and is
used to output binary signals. The signals originate from data blocks and are sent to data blocks. A function
block call with its parameter set is required for each channel of the hardware.
Simulation value
ES680 Simulation Simulation KSIM
Data flow
3 Function Description
During the cyclic processing, the FB71 fetches the binary value from the control word data block and stores it
in the data block for the output signals PAAD.
The block does not possess channel-specific monitoring functions.
The binary output signal can be simulated via ES680 independent of the current input signal.
- Triggering condition
Simulation is activated via ES680
- Reset condition
Simulation is deactivated via ES680
3.2 Startup/Restart
The FB carries out a cold restart when requested by the AP; internal statuses are initialized in the process.
No further block processing is carried out during a cold restart.
The block is processed in every further cycle.
4 Configuring
Fig. 2 shows the symbol of the function block BINAUS similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring sy-
5 Parameterization
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
AP Automation processor
KANR Channel number
PAE Process input image
PAA Process output image
SIM Signal module
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--5
2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--5
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--9
5 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--10
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--13
1 Application
The processing of binary signals in the AS 620 B system (SIM version) is carried out using function blocks
(FBs) in conjunction with the ET 200 I/O device and the corresponding signal modules.
The function block FB72, binary signal input, is used together with the SIM 323 / SIM 482 and SIM 321 /
SIM 431 signal modules to read in binary process signals.
The function block FB72 is also used to read in binary signals which originate from coupled systems (such as
auxiliaries with SIMATIC S5 and systems with AG--F or APT).
2 Design
The FB72 establishes the connection between the SIM hardware and the automation processor (AP) and is
used to read in binary signals. The signals originate from data blocks and are sent to data blocks. A function
block call with its parameter set is required for each channel of the hardware.
3 Function Description
The input signals are extended if the ESV is <> 0, i.e. the signal remains unchanged for at least the param-
eterized time following a change in signal (0--1).
The block only processes the status word in case of input change.
The input signal extension only refers to positive edges. The input signal extension can be selected in the
range from 0 to 10 s. All changes in signal within the signal extension time are ignored.
1) t
t_ESV start t
t_ESV start
3) t
Time--tagged data result as a signal TTD following a change in status of the input signal if the parameter TTD
is set.
3.2 Startup/Restart
The FB carries out a cold restart when requested by the AP; internal statuses are initialized in the process.
No further block processing is carried out during a cold restart.
The block is processed in every further cycle.
In this application, the SIM function block BINEIN selects the binary value parameterized via the ES 680 from
the data block (in the receive mailbox) received from the coupled system, where the associated binary value
is selected according to the channel number KANR. The input signal extension function and the signal DMZ
function described in Section 3 are applied to this binary value if they are configured. The resulting binary
signal is entered at bit position 0 in the status word for further processing.
KANR: 8 1 16 9
Example: KANR = 14
The SIM function block FB72 transfers the bit identified by PAED/PAEW and the channel number KANR from
the receive mailbox 1:1 into the status word bit 0.
Area of application
This mode of operation is used in auxiliary plant systems which provide the binary signal changes with an
additional time tag. The binary signal and time tag together are transferred in the telegram interface. A signal
TTD is then generated in the AP from this pair of values. The external time tag mode can be set via the para-
meter AE_ZEIT (see Chapter 5 “Parameterization”).
4 Configuring
Fig. 5 shows the symbol of the function block BINEIN similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring system
for the acquisition of signals via SIM modules.
Fig. 5: CSF symbol of function block FB72 BINEIN for the acquisition of signals via SIM modules
Fig. 6 shows the symbol of the function block BINEIN similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring system
for the acquisition of signals via connecting auxiliaries (NA), AG--F or APT systems.
Fig. 6: CSF symbol of function block FB72 BINEIN for the acqusition of signals via connecting auxiliaries AG--F or APR systems
5 Parameterization
Depending on the CSF symbol as shown in Fig. 5 or Fig. 6 an adequate parameterization form KB or NA.KB
is offered.
Fig. 7: Parameterization form FB72 BINEIN for the acquisition of signals via SIM modules
Fig. 8: Parameterization form FB72 BINEIN for the acqusition of signals via connecting auxiliaries AG--F or APR systems
The parameterization form KB and NA.KB have subordinated I & C forms (not shown here) which can be
opened by the keys LMASKE.KB and LMASKE NA.BINEIN respectively. From the I & C form NA.BINEIN
supplementary parameters are selectable for connecting auxiliaries; AG--F or APT systems.
The following parameters are derived from the configured KKS sign in the ES 680:
For connecting auxiliaries, AG--F or APT systems the following additional parameters have to be configured
via I & C forms:
- Byte (BYTE)
- Time--tagged data
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether data with time are to be generated
Range of values: 0--1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD for every change in signal
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
- Byte
Name: BYTE
Function: Must be definded by the user only for connecting auxiliaries, AG--F or APT sys-
tems (see also 3.4). In case of signal acquisition via ET 200 the parameter Byte
is automatically defined from ES 680.
Defines whether the binary signal in KANR 1 . . . 8 is taken from the High or Low
part of the PAE word.
The binary signal in KANR 9 . . . 16 is always taken from the Low part of the PAE
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = the binary signal in KANR 1 . . . 8 is taken from the Low part of the PAE
1 = the binary signal in KANR 1 . . . 8 is taken from the High part of the PAE
Basic setting: 1
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
AP Automation processor
AS Automation system
BESIG Binary value in the ZUDB
EING Binary signals in the PAED
ESV Input signal extension
KANR Channel number
SIM Signal module
TTD Time--tagged data
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--5
2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--5
5 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--11
1 Application
The function DMZ10MS (event acquisition in 10 ms) records a binary signal of the SIM ET200 I/O device (in the
AS 620 B) every 10 ms and generates a signal TTD in the event of a change.
. Note
The function DMZ10MS can be executed in the processor (AP) of the AS 620 au-
tomation system.
2 Design
Figs. 1 to 3 show the block diagrams of the function DMZ10MS depending on the parameterized link with their
input and output variables.
Valueold ≠ Valuenew ⇒ DMZ
≥ BA
Valueold ≠ Valuenew ⇒ DMZ
& BA
Valueold ≠ Valuenew ⇒ DMZ
Fig. 3: Block diagram of function DMZ10MS with parameterization for AND operation
3 Function Description
D Acquisition and ORing of two binary signals with monitoring of the OR result for changes
D Acquisition and ANDing of two binary signals with monitoring of the AND result for changes.
Only one change from 0 to 1 and/or a change from 1 to 0 can be acquired per free cycle and signal.
The time for data transport between a module and the function DMZ10MS, the runtime of the function
DMZ10MS and thus the loading on the AP must be kept low. To achieve this, reading of the module data
with a subsequent logic operation is always carried out byte-by-byte. A signal byte represents 8 channels of
the module, i.e. a channel occupies one bit position in the signal byte. The following facts result from this
time-optimized, byte-oriented processing:
D One of the following logic functions can be selected per “Signal byte pair”:
Thus the selected logic function of a “channel” applies to all “channels” in the signal byte.
D Channels with the same “number” can be linked, i.e. same bit position in the signal byte pair.
Module 1 GB GB
Ch. 1 XG01 XG08
byte 1 GB GB
Ch. 8
XG08 10 ms 10 ms
XG09 XG09 XG016
Ch. 9
Signal Parameterization= Parameterization=
byte 2 AND OR
Ch. 16
Illegal configuring:
Signal byte 1/2 already
Module 2 occupied by ”AND”
Ch. 1
byte 3 GB GB
Ch. 8 XG024 XG025
Ch. 9
Signal GB 10 ms 10 ms
byte 4 XG032
Ch. 16
Parameterization= Parameterization=
OR acquisition
Illegal configuring:
Signal byte 3/4 already
occupied by ”OR”
3.3 Startup
The old value required for the comparison is reset during the startup.
3.4 Configuring
Fig 5 shows the function DMZ10MS as the symbol of a control system flowchart on the ES 680 configuring
4 Technical Data
Block name: DMZ10MS
Library number/version: The function DMZ10MS is part of the AP system software
Memory requirements:
Basic requirements If at least one of the functions DMZ10MS, DMZ10MS_OR or
or DMZ10MS_AND is configured, a data area of approx.
600 words is created in the AP.
Additional requirements In addition to the basic requirements, approx. 25 data words
are occupied per function DMZ10MS.
Average runtime: Data on the time required per function is not meaningful for
signal acquisition in the 10 ms cycle.
Processing of 8 peripheral bytes in the 10 ms cycle by the function
DMZ10MS with parameterization “AND, OR, ACQUISITION” requires
approx. 1 ms. It is assumed that only one bit changes its status per
10 ms.
Other conditions: Up to 32 peripheral bytes can be processed per function DMZ10MS
by the AP.
5 Abbreviations
AP Automation processor
AWT Alarm, warning, tolerance
CSF Control system flowchart
FB Function block
GLE Group control level
LTF---TTD I & C error TTD
Signal---TTD Configured TTD with change in signal (analog or binary)
TTD Time-tagged data
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--5
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--25
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--33
1 Application
Continuous controllers are used in control loops with continuous actuators (no stepping motors).
The function block FB159 CC is used as output section and control section for the continuous controller. The
FB159 has no control algorithm. It outputs the manipulated variables and switches the operating modes
“CLOSED--LOOP CONTROL” or “MANUAL/OPEN--LOOP CONTROL” via appropriate inputs and outputs.
The single loop control is in general devided into four functions, which are implemented in the AS 620 by
the following means:
- Setpoint generation with a manipulated variable adjuster: FB88 O--SPC--G or master controller in a
higher level
- Drive control with manipulated variable adjuster: FUM or FB159 with SIM (input and output
Controller Control algorithm
The FB159 provides the following inputs and outputs for the connection with a final control element:
Check--back messages are input via SIM input module and binary signal conditioning FB70.
The output of the manipulated variable YA is done via the SIM output module for analog signals either with
0 ... 20 mA or 4 ... 20 mA.
SIM 332
SIM 470
SIM 321
SIM 323
SIM 421
SIM 431
SIM 433
SIM 482
For further information on the application of signal modules (SIM) please refer to:
The Operating Instructions AS 620B--S7(SIM), in the AS 620--S7 System Manual;
The Operating Instructions AS 620B (SIM), in the AS 620--S5 System Manual.
2 Mode of Operation
The following figure shows the software functions or function blocks which can be executed by the function
block FB159.
Message output
and signalling
Drive control with message
manipulated variable Analog signal output
adjuster monitoring
Signalling Commands OM
Setp. W +
XS Protection
adjust. X -- contr.
Analog Final
Drive signal
control output element
Limit switches
FB 178 K--REG
Desk tile control
Processing of
FB70 control functions
Input modules Output module
SIM 321 / 323 SIM 332 and
SIM 421 / 431 / 433 / 482 SIM 470
ET 200
Fig. 5: Structure of continuous controller with function block FB159 and SiM modules (signal names: see Chap. 6 Abbreviations)
Controller Drive
status word control word CCON CCON
FB 159 YR YA
Controller R RZUW AZUW
control word
L #
Desk tile
Prot. com-
g Tracking with closed-loop control mands YS #
URS Limiting
BHA c variable
Drive A
control word Target manipulated
S variable
With operating mode CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL, the manipulated variable YR defined by the FB178
(CCON--G) is applied to the output, and the manipulated variable adjuster is tracked at high speed. If protec-
tion commands S/OPEN or S/C are present, the adjuster is driven between the upper and lower limits YOG
and YUG with the gradients parameterized for the protection commands and is connected through. YR beco-
mes effective again when these commands are omitted.
In operating mode OPEN-LOOP CONTROL, the manipulated variable output is always used for the final con-
trol element. This can be driven between the upper and lower limits YOG and YUG at the parameterized
speed using manual and automatic commands. A target manipulated variable YN can also be sent from the
OM and is used by the FB159 as the manipulated variable if it is a valid value. The following priorities are
taken into consideration:
PROTECTION before Tracking before AUTOMATIC before MANUAL OM before MANUAL DESK TILE:
MANUAL OM can be a coded command or the target manipulated variable referred to above. The FB159
uses the input which contains a valid value (0 % to 100 %). Therefore only one valid value must be present,
either in the coded command or in the target manipulated variable.
With NF = ”1”, the value of YR is connected to the output and the manipulated variable tracked to this value if
no protection commands are present.
The effective manipulated variable YA is therefore available as the output, once in the process image for the
output module SIM and once in the process image of the status words. The FB178 (CCON--G) can be read
back from the latter process image, and a flag can be configured using FB75 ANAAUS (Analog Signal Out-
put) and SIM.
With operating mode FORCING, the target manipulated variable YN is directly applied to the output.
FORCING is activated and deactivated via the “FORCE”--button on OM 650.
! With operating mode FORCING, the protection and automatic commands are
. Note
If present, the position check--back messages WE/OPEN and WE/CL of the ad-
juster are both configured as binary signal acquisition together with the function
block FB70 BINAUF and connected with the FB159. It is admissible to use only one
of the check--back messages (e.g. only WE/OPEN).
FB70 FB70
FB159 CC
Fig. 8: Explanation of abbreviations for the drive control , part 1 (parameters and inputs)
Four positioning times can be defined for the manipulated variable adjuster (see Section 4, Parameteriza-
tion). The positioning times “Ramp-up time TYH” and “Ramp-down time TYT” are applicable in operating mo-
de MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL, the positioning times “Ramp-up time TYSH” and “Ramp-down time
TYST” in the case of protective interventions. The adjuster is only activated with the parameterized times
TYST/TYSH if the protection commands are present.
Opposite command directions are blocked for the duration of the protective intervention (see Section 3.6,
Command Priority). If two protection commands are present simultaneously, the command parameterized
with the higher priority (parameter: Command direction priority PBR) is executed. An acknowledgement is
not required at the end of the protective intervention in order to be able to modify the manipulated variable
from the desk tile or using a serial input.
The output variable of the ramp-function generator can be limited using the signals YOG/YUG in the control
word. When the set limits are reached by the manipulated variable Y, a message is output via the signals YO/
YU in the controller status word. The manipulated variable can no longer be changed if both limits have been
triggered. With operating mode CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL, a switch is made in the case of YOG < YUG to
the operating mode MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL and ”Disable closed-loop control mode” is signalled
(bit SPR in the PAE_E). The commands which are blocked in this case can be recognized at the same time
on the screen or by means of scanning of blocking. A change in operating mode is no longer possible until
the fault has been eliminated.
The signals SG/LH and SG/LT signal via the process image PAE_E that the manipulated variable Y is increa-
sing or decreasing as a result of a manual adjustment to it. The control signal SP/OM in the control word can
be used to disable the serial input for the manipulated variable, and the control signal SP/TS to disable a
desk tile input for the manipulated variable adjuster.
The manipulated variable can be reversed using the parameter YREV.
Manual OPEN
Manual CLOSE
Manual STOP (manipulated variable)
SIMP OPEN (increase manipulated variable by the value DLTY)
SIMP CLOSE (decrease manipulated variable by the value DLTY)
Acknowledgement of fault switchover or protective action
Switchover FORCING active -- FORCING inactive
Definition of:
The manual commands OPEN/CLOSE entered via the screen only become valid when the corresponding
process enable (EN/OPEN, EN/Cl) is present via the control word.
The command for switching over between MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL and CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL
requires the enable signals EN/CLC and EN/MAN.
The command ”Disable switchover MANUAL/CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL via automatic commands” prevents
switching-over of the operating mode by the higher-level automatic system. The command is stored and can
only be reset by another transmission.
A parameterized delta value (operating pulse) is added or subtracted to the target--value memory of the ma-
nipulated variable adjuster with the commands SIMP OPEN and SIMP CLOSE. Then the ramp--up adjuster
starts toward the new manipulated variable with the speed set for manual commands.
When entering a new target manipulated variable YN, the value memory of the manipulated variable adjuster
is loaded and starts toward the desired value. The target run can be aborted at any time due to a new input
of the target manipulated variable or to a STOP input. In this case the target--value memory is set to the
achieved manipulated variable. The target run is also terminated if one of the limits UL/LL is reached.
Target variable inputs lying outside the OG/UG limits are accepted but the manipulated variable stops when
a limit is reached. The run is terminated normally when a started run activates a serial (OM) control SP/OM
with a serial entry.
Coded screen commands are transmitted together with the process enables in the control word from the next
higher level to the individual control level. If the bit “Disable serial (OM) input for manipulated variable” (BL/
OM) is set in the control word, inputs for the manipulated variable adjuster from the screen are disabled.
The commands which are possible as a result of the status acquisition function are signalled to the serial in-
put system via the status word (“Serial input OPEN” SBH, “Serial input CLOSED” SBT, “Serial input STOP”
Serial inputs for the manipulated variable adjuster are not possible:
- If both limits for the manipulated variable (UL/LL) have been reached
- If ”Disable serial (OM) input for manipulated variable” is present (BL/OM = 1 in the control word)
Exception is the operating mode FORCING. With this mode, the target manipulated variable YN is directly
applied to the output. Protection and automatic commands are blocked.
The STOP command for the manipulated variable can only be entered from the screen if the manipulated
variable in operating mode MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL is actually running higher or lower as a result
of a corresponding manual command or a command from an automatic open-loop control function.
To make the BHE/BHA commands valid the module requires the corresponding hardware signal ”Enable MA-
NUAL” FHD in addition to the corresponding process enables F/OPEN;F/Cl from the proces image PAA_E.
Manual commands are generated by the positive edge of the hardware signal.
In versions with a desk tile connection, open-loop control can be prevented by setting the bit “Disable
manipulated variable from desk tile” (SP/TF). This status is signalled by permanent lighting-up of the signal
lamp ”Fault” (STÖ) on the manipulated variable desk tile.
. Note
Operating the manipulated variable adjuster is not possible when the status word is
simulated or in operating mode FORCING.
3.4 Scanning of Blocking for Manipulated Variable (only with Desk Tile Input)
By pressing the command pushbuttons ”Manual OPEN” or ”Manual CLOSED” without an enable pushbutton,
the operator can determine whether the desired command direction is enabled for manual control.
Scanning of blocking is also effective if a real command (with enable pushbutton) is present.
- Triggering conditions
D Both limits UL/LL have been reached (YBO = 1, YBU = 1 in the PAE_E)
D The manipulated variable desk tile is disabled (STB = 1 in the PAA_E)
D The operating mode memory is at CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL
-- a direction-dependent process enable EN/OPEN, EN/Cl is missing or
-- the manipulated variable has reached one of the limits UL/LL, and the corresponding
command direction is disabled
D An automatic command STOP or an automatic command in the opposite direction is present
D A serial input command is present in the opposite direction.
- Effects on the status word
- Effects on time--tagged data
- Effects on further internal processing
- Signalling on the desk tile
The signal lamp “Fault” lights up permanently
- Reset condition
Releasing of desk tile pushbutton
The commands from the higher-level automatic system ”Automatic OPEN/CLOSED/STOP” are only transmit-
ted with the control word. These commands also require the direction-dependent process enables
The protection commands Protection OPEN and Protection CLOSED are transmitted with the control word
and do not require a process enable.
Further commands are additionally transmitted in a control word of the closed-loop controller:
These commands require the process enables EN/CLC, EN/MAN which are also transmitted with the control
! With operating mode FORCING, the protection and automatic commands are
The priority CLOSED before OPEN can be reversed by parameterizing (parameter: Command direction
priority PBR -- decrease or increase).
When the signal ”Tracking” (RNF) is set in the control word of the controller the manipulated vari-
able adjuster is tracked independent of the mode of operation CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL or
In operating mode CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL, the manipulated variable adjuster is made to track
the controller output value YR. Protection commands are effective. Manual and automatic
commands OPEN/CLOSE/STOP are disabled.
Each time a status changes or a new position is reached, the cause leading to this change in status is pas-
sed on via the control word. The information is derived from the last active command.
The message “Last status achieved by ...” is only output if, in operating mode MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP
CONTROL, the manipulated variable has actually been modified by a protection command, a manual
command or from an automatic control function in the group control level (GLE).
All messages “Last status achieved by ...” are reset in operating mode CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL.
The message ”Last status achieved by” is derived from the following criteria:
Commands from GLE Fault switchover to MAN/O-L CONTROL (external fault) EXT/FAUL
Protection commands Protection CLOSED/DECREASE P/Cl
The selection command “Disable automatic commands” disables or connects the automatic commands
3.11 Scanning of Blocking for Operating Mode (only with Desk Tile Input)
The operator can determine whether the desired command direction for manual open-loop control is availa-
ble by pressing the command pushbutton “Switchover CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL -- MANUAL/ OPEN-LOOP
CONTROL” (URS) without an enable pushbutton. Scanning of the blocking is also effective if a valid com-
mand with enable pushbutton is present.
The operating mode cannot be switched over if one of the following triggering conditions applies:
- Triggering conditions
D The operating mode memory is set to CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL and the process enable
EN/MAN is missing
D The automatic command CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL is present (A/REG = 1) and the automatic
commands are not disabled (RMSP/ABEF = 0)
D The operating mode memory is set to MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL and the process
enable EN/CLC is missing
D The operating mode memory is set to MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL and the change in
mode is blocked by:
-- YBO = YBU = 1 (manipulated variable has reached limits)
-- WBO = WBU = 1 (setpoint has reached limits)
-- Protection commands Protection OPEN/Protection CLOSED
-- Automatic command MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL(with RMSP/ABEF = 0).
- Reset condition
Releasing of desk tile pushbutton
The signals and patterns on the desk tiles are summarized in the following Fig. The signal lamps ”OPEN”,
”CLOSED” and ”FLT” indicate actual statuses by permanent lighting-up of the lamps and faults by flashing
(2 Hz).
The signal lamp “STÖ” lights up permanently if ”Disable desk tile input” is present. The signal lamp “MSPR”
lights up permanently if ”Disable closed-loop control tile” is present.
Lamp test(OK)
3.13 Communication
Data exchange with the block is carried out using the control word and status word. With a desk tile connec-
tion, communication is additionally carried out via an LADB and TADB.
Time--tagged datas are used for the chronological acquisition of process signals and I & C error messages
for message processing and display as well as for logging. They are generated by changes in status in all
control levels.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select the binary or analog input signals as well as signals generated on the modu-
le (e.g. statuses) if they are required in the process control level for message output and logging.
- Fault TTD
In addition to the signal TTDs, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the control system in
detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs are generated as the result of
events (faults) recognized by the monitoring equipment, such as e.g. input or output signal monitoring func-
Signal TTDs
Comment Abbrevi-
Closed-loop control CB/CLC
Manual/open-loop control CB/MAN
Disable closed-loop control mode RMSP/CLC
Fault FAUL
Fault switchover to MAN/O-L CONTROL CHOV/FAUL
No controller fault NO/FAUL
Manipulated var. has reached upper limit YBO
Manipulated var. has reached lower limit YBU
Disable switchover MANUAL/CLOSED-LOOP
CONTROL via automatic commands RMSP/ABEF
Actual status valid IZG
Fault TTDs
Comment Abbrevi-
Check-back fault RMF
Signalling of protective action OPEN MSE
Signalling of protective action CLOSED MSA
- Signalling
The LED ”Module fault” flashes at 2 Hz. The fault is indicated depending on the direction in the case
of desk tile inputs. The setpoint position display flashes at 2 Hz until acknowledged.
- Reset conditions
D Collective acknowledgement or
D Acknowledgement with the serial input system (OM) or
D Acknowledgement on desk tile.
- Signalling
The signal lamp ”Fault” on the manipulated variable desk tile flashes at 2 Hz.
4 Parameterization
Fig. 14 shows the symbol of the function block KONREG similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring sy-
The two types of parameters listed below are either managed by the ES (no assignment by the user) or can
be preset and changed by the user.
From the general parameters the following are managed by the ES:
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the FB159 is assigned
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
The following parameters can be configured by the user:
Name: TTD
Function: TTD generation
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD
1 = generate TTD
CB/CLC = closed-loop control mode
CB/MAN = manual/open-loop control mode
BL/CLC = disable closed-loop control mode
CHOV/FAUL = fault switchover to open-loop control
NO/FAUL = no control drive fault
YO = manipulated variable at upper limit
YU = manipulated variable at lower limit
via automatic commands
IZG = actual status valid
P/SIMR = controller statusword simulated
CB/OPEN = actual status open
CB/Cl = actual status closed
SG/LH = control variable running high
SG/LT = control variable running low
ZES = last status achieved by PROTECTION command
ZEA = last status achieved by AUTOMATIC command
ZEH = last status achieved by MANUAL command
P/SIM = process image simulated
P/SIMA = drive status word simulated
NOAPC = no signalling of protective action
Bit 15 = protective action SA
YA = manipulated variable
FOC = Forcing mode
Basic setting: 0
Name: YREV
Function: Defines whether the manipulated variable YA is to be reversed
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = do not reverse manipulated variable YA
1 = reverse manipulated variable YA
Basic setting: 0
Name: PBR
Function: Defines which command direction has the higher priority
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = CLOSED before OPEN
1 = OPEN before CLOSED
Basic setting: 0
Name: TYH
Function: In operating mode OPEN-LOOP CONTROL, a change in manipulated variable
from 0 % to 100 % is achieved after the time TYH
Range of values: 0 to 65,000
Meaning: 10 = 1 s, 65,000 = 6,500 s
Basic setting: 1000
Name: TYT
Function: In operating mode OPEN-LOOP CONTROL, a change in manipulated variable
from 100 % to 0 % is achieved after the time TYT
Range of values: 0 to 65,000
Meaning: 10 = 1 s, 65,000 = 6,500 s
Basic setting: 1000
Name: TYSH
Function: Following a protection command, a change in manipulated variable from 0 % to
100 % is achieved after the time TYSH
Range of values: 0 to 65,000
Meaning: 10 = 1 s, 65,000 = 6,500 s
Basic setting: 100
Name: TYST
Function: Following a protection command, a change in manipulated variable from 100 % to
0 % is achieved after the time TYST
Range of values: 0 to 65,000
Meaning: 10 = 1 s, 65,000 = 6,500 s
Basic setting: 100
Name: DLTY
Function: Change in manipulated variable with a SIMP. Value is set as physical variable
of the nominal range.
Range of values: 0 % to 100 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: 100 %
Function: Defines the sampling steps for generation of the TTD
Range of values: 0 to 60,000, adjusting step as multiple of processing cycle
Meaning: 200 = 0.2 s, 60,000 = 60 s
Basic setting: 1s
Function: A TTD is generated with a change in signal >= delta. Value is set as
physical variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: 0 % to 100 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: 0
5 Technical Data
6 Abbreviations
AP Automation processor
ASTEW Drive control word
AZUW Drive status word
A/STOP Automatic STOP
EXT/FAUL Fault switchover to MANUAL/O-L CONTROL with external fault from group control level
FB Function block
EN/OPEN Process enable OPEN/INCREASE (in manual/open-loop control mode)
EN/Cl Process enable CLOSED/DECREASE (in manual/open-loop control mode)
KG Channel valid
KRS No controller fault
KSA No signalling of protective action
YA Manipulated variable
YO Manipulated variable has reached OG (upper limit)
YU Manipulated variable has reached UG (lower limit)
YN Track manipulated variable with closed-loop controller
YN(OM) Target manipulated variable from OM
YR Manipulated variable at output of closed-loop controller
YREV Reversing of manipulated variable
YR/YN Manipulated variable of closed-loop controller/target manipulated variable
YSTOP Manual STOP from OM
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--5
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--30
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--39
1 Application
The drive control for motor/solenoid valve can be carried out in the AS 620 B system using the function block
FB153 in conjunction with the signal modules (SIM) in the ET 200 I/O device.
The follwing input and output signals can be configured for the connection of a motor/solenoid valve:
These signals can be input with the voltages +24 V DC and output with the voltage + 24 V DC.
The signals RME, RMA und SAG can be configured as NO contact or “not wired”.
Not wired inputs of the signals are replaced by the function block as follows:
In the case of not wired check--back messages the command outputs are used for the generation of
check--back messages:
Please refer to the Operating Instructions AS 620 B (SIM) in the AS 620--S5 System Manual for further
information about signal modules (SIM).
2 Mode of Operation
The function block FB153 can be used in the AP (automation processor) within a control program. The func-
tion block FB153 communicates with the associated signal modules (SIM) via the PROFIBUS--DP and head
end modules as shown in the following figure.
Control programm
Function block AP
Drive control
SIM 323 / 482
Fig. 2: Overwiew of the function block FB153 with signal modules (SIM)
The following figure shows the functions which can be executed by the function block FB153.
Command Drive
priority monitoring
Command output
Status acquisition
Standard Application:
- Switchgear:
Plug-in unit with 2 contactor relays (one per command direction)
1 main contactor
In the case of latching in the switchgear the command output may be reset when the check-back message
arrives because of power losses on the module. This function can be parameterized.
“Undervoltage monitoring (AC 230 V)”
Fast switching-off of the main contactor affected by an AC 230 V undervoltage can be achieved together with
an external undervoltage monitoring function, thus preventing charring of the contacts as a result of the smal-
ler contact pressure. The drive is restarted automatically if the voltage returns within a parameterizable maxi-
mum permissible failure time.
The drive remains switched-off if the power failure is present for longer than the permissible failure time, and
the message “Undervoltage protective action” is sent. The function additionally permits the staggered
starting-up of drives supplied from the same AC 230 V busbar when the voltage returns. It is thus possible to
prevent an overload on the busbar. The staggering times can be parameterized.
The check-back messages are generated by an NO contact of the main contactor. The actual statuses for
the displays and messages are derived from these.
Standard Application:
- Switchgear:
Plug-in unit with 2 contactor relays,
1 main contactor
or 2 contactor relays
or 1 contactor relay
1 main contactor
or 1 contactor relay
In the case of the versions where the switchgear becomes latched, the control command can be reset on the
module according to parameterization when the check-back message arrives.
The control command is permanently output by the module (parameterizable) in the case of switchgear
without latching. In this case, a change in the command output only takes place with the countercommand.
The logic functions correspond to those of a motor drive. Applications exist where only one contactor relay is
connected to the command output ON.
SIM 323
SIM 482 SIM 323 / 482
Automatic, controller,
Desk tile control
protective interlock
Processing of
AP control functions
Drive control module
SIM 323/482 and
ET 200U
Fig. 4: Structure of MOTOR drive control with function blocks (signal names: see Chap. 6 Abbreviations)
- Manual commands
- Automatic commands
- Protection commands
Different enabling criteria, e.g. process enable, manual enable, are required before a command becomes
effective and depend on the type and priority of the command.
All commands apart from manual commands from the desk tile are input via the control word.
Priority logic
(1. before 2. before 3. before 4.)
1. Protection commands
2. Automatic commands
3. Manual commands from ”OM650” or ”Desk tile”
4. Autom. reclosing command following undervoltage
Command output
control command
Fig. 5: Overview of the command generation and priority for the drive (simplified)
Manual ON
Manual OFF
A command entered via OM 650 only becomes valid when the corresponding process enable (F/EIN; F/AUS)
in the PAA_E process image is present.
. Note
The OM 650 input can be blocked by setting the bit ”Disable serial (OM) input” in
the control word.
Manual ON
Manual OFF
In addition to the corresponding process enable (F/EIN; F/AUS) in the control word, the module requires the
manual enable (signal FHD) so that the commands sent from the desk tile become valid.
Manual commands are generated with the positive edge of the hardware signal.
. Note
The manual enable pushbutton must be activated simultaneously with the
respective command pushbutton.
. Note
Control from the desk tile can be blocked by setting the bit ”Disable desk tile input”
in the control word.
Automatic ON
Automatic OFF
The commands from the higher-level automatic system ”Automatic ON” and ”Automatic OFF” are transmitted
like the required process enable with the control word.
Protection ON
Protection OFF
The protection commands Protection ON and Protection OFF are transmitted with the control word and do
not require a process enable.
In conjunction with the protection commands, the bit “Disable signalling of protective action” can be
transmitted in the control word. The result is that an executed protection command need not be
The protection command ”Undervoltage protection OFF” (UA) immediately switches off the drive in the event
of an undervoltage.
This arrives via the control word as “ULS”.
The protection command UA does not require a process enable. As long as this command is present, all
other current or arriving commands are suppressed.
Protection ON
Automatic ON
Manual ON
. Note
The priority OFF before ON can be reversed using the parameter PBR (priority of
command direction).
. Note
With valves which must be opened in case of module failure and malfunction
generation in order to protect the installation or a part of it, the inverted command
must be realized by configuring of an ESG for motor/solenoid valve
(HW connection).
Here, the following requirements must be met:
-- The triggering of the valve must be done via the output ALA (OFF).
-- As ESG operating mode maintained command has to be configured i.e.
the parameter BAV must be set to 1, inverting (parameter BAV = 0) must not
be present, and command termination effected via check--back messages is
not allowed.
The objective of the conditioning/monitoring of check-back signals (travel limit) is to provide information on
the actual state of the drive as quickly as possible and as accurately as possible. The signals from the travel
limit switches are monitored for this purpose.
Unavoidable bounce occurs when switching the limit switches. The bounce may last up to 300 ms. The
signals from the limit switches must therefore be delayed so that unintentional triggering of the monitoring
equipment does not occur during the bounce phase.
If the limit positions are not monitored (feeders without check-back messages), the missing check-back
signals are derived from the command output.
If only one limit position is monitored with check--back contacts, the position that is not monitored (ON or
OFF) is derived from the one--sided acquired check--back message.
The check-back signals RME and RMA are monitored for plausibility.
In addition it can also be parameterized if a plausibility check of double ”0” signal is made for a detection with
NO contacts.
- Triggering condition of monitoring function
Both check-back messages have ”1” signals
- Triggering condition
The fault is detected via the HW input of the SIM module (SAG).
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
- Reset condition
Repair (removal of the switchgear fault)
- Triggering condition
Switchgear plug-in in test position. The input ANB is not set.
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Faulty” lights up permanently.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph frame blue. In the detail window a message text is
indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
- Reset condition
Reset of test position (restore operating position of insert switchgear).
The actual status of the drive is used by the respective check-back signals which are generated by the
check-back signal conditioning function and are valid.
The actual status is made available via the status word, and is displayed on the tile signal lamps in the case
of desk tile inputs.
OM 650 indication is made by colour change of the associated pictograph frame and by check--back of OFF /
ON in the detail window.
The information ”Setpoint status” is derived from the control commands output by the function block. The
information ”Setpoint status” is deleted if the drive has reached the limit position defined by the control
The signal ”Setpoint status direction” is required to display the movement and the direction from one limit
position to the other on the OM 650 and desk tile (if present).
This results in:
The Setpoint status is made available via the status word, and is displayed on the tile signal lamps in the ca-
se of desk tile inputs.
The function block signals to the serial (OM) input system those commands, as far as the drive is concerned,
which are possible as a result of the status acquisition or are necessary as a result of the triggered drive mo-
nitoring functions (for control tracking in the OM 650). The corresponding bits are then set in the status word.
In the OM 650 operation window the associated control pushbutton is displayed in blue colour (control possi-
The information “Last status achieved by” indicates the reason for achievement of the last status (protection,
automatic or manual), and is made available via the status word. If a status discrepancy is present, no
information is output on achievement of the last status.
If an undervoltage limit signal is present, a command ”Undervoltage protection OFF” (UA) is generated which
immediately switches off a switched-on drive. A monitoring time (parameter TUM: Max. undervoltage time)
is started at the same time. The drive can be automatically restarted if the undervoltage limit signal disap-
pears within this time.
The drives can be staggered when restarting to prevent overloading of the busbar, i.e. a switch-on delay
time can be set for each drive using the parameter TWS. If a switch-on delay is parameterized, the control
command ”UA” is only cancelled following expiry of this delay time in the undervoltage monitoring function,
and restarting is then enabled.
. Note
Restarting has the lowest priority and only takes place if no commands with a higher
priority are present (see Section 3.2 ”Command Priorities”).
. Note
In the case of simultaneous switchgear fault (SAG) the command memory is reset.
No automatic restarting occurs.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the display is as with “Status discrepancy from ON to OFF” (see Chap.
3.7). Within the permissible undervoltage time OM 650 displays the associated pictograph (OFF)
white. During this process the detail window shows a message text . Afterwards these signallings
are removed (signal UGS has disappeared).
No signalling occurs in LT--MFA.
Following expiry of the permissible undervoltage time OM 650 displays the associated picto-
graph at red/2Hz (Fault). After this process the detail window and the LT--MFA show a message
text (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
The message “Status discrepancy or signalling of protective action” can be blocked using the bit “SP/MS”
(disable signalling of protective action) in the control word.
A status discrepancy is present if the actual status changes without a corresponding command (actual status
¸ command memory). It is assumed that the new actual position has been signalled by non--faulty
check-back messages.
A status discrepancy is not generated if a check-back fault is present.
The status discrepancy monitoring function can be disabled by appropriate parameterization
(parameter WEF).
The following table shows when a status discrepancy is generated following a change in position without a
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is displayed dependent on the direction (see Chap. 3.7).
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2Hz. The detail window and LT--MFA show a
message text (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
This function is used to monitor the switching procedure from the time of command output up to the arrival of
the valid check-back message from the desired position.
The switching time can be parameterized using the parameter TGL (total run time of drive) and is the same
for both command directions.
This monitoring function monitors leaving of the limit position starting at the time the command is output.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is displayed dependent on the direction (see Fig. 12).
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2Hz. The detail window and LT--MFA show a
message text (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
By pressing the command pushbutton ON or OFF on the open-loop control tile without an enable
pushbutton, the operator can determine whether the desired command direction is enabled for manual
The signal lamp ”Fault” lights up permanently if blocking is present.
- Reset condition
Release desk tile pushbutton
Control program
Function block AP
Switchgear fault E
Branch not E
RM ON E Module
SIM 482
Command OFF A
Command ON A
Channel 1
Fig. 9: Connections to module SIM 482 as drive for 1 motor (up to a maximum of 4 motors possible)
Data exchange with the block is carried out using the control word and status word.
Time--tagged data are used for the chronological acquisition of process signals and I & C error messages for
message processing and display as well as for logging. They are generated by changes in status in all
control levels. The time stamp of the time--tagged data has a resolution of 1 ms.
The various types of TTD are described briefly below.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select special signals that are required in the process control level for message
output and logging in addition to the check--back messages. These signals are generated on the SIM
- Fault TTD
In addition to the signal TTDs, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the control system in
detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs are generated as the result of
events (faults) recognized by the monitoring equipment, such as e.g. input or output signal monitoring
Status word (PAE_E process image)
0 Status bit Check---back message (act. status) ON CB/ON
1 Check---back mes. (act. status) OFF CB/OFF
2 Setpoint status in ON direction DS/ON
3 Setpoint status in OFF direction DS/OFF
EB0 4 Last status achieved by PROTECTION ZES
5 Last status achieved by AUTOMATIC ZEA
6 Last status achieved by MANUAL ZEH
7 Undervoltage time running USZ
Signal TTDs
Check--back message (actual status) ON CB/ON
Check--back message (actual status) OFF CB/OFF
Setpoint status in ON direction DS/ON
Setpoint status in OFF direction DS/OFF
Last status achieved by PROTECTION ZES
Last status achieved by AUTOMATIC ZEA
Last status achieved by MANUAL ZEH
Undervoltage time running USZ
Undervoltage limit signal ULS
Feeder ready AZB
No status discrep. or signalling of protective action NOSD
No feeder fault NOF
No run time/blocking KLB
Fault TTDs
The signal lamps ”ON”, ”OFF” and ”Fault” on the open-loop control tile indicate:
- Setpoint statuses in running direction (only with solenoid valve with two changeover contacts) with
flashing light (8 Hz)
Status discrepancy
Run time
Block inquiry
OFF = signal lamp ”OFF” Fault = signal lamp ”Fault” ON = signal lamp ”ON”
Fig. 12: Signal representation at the desk tile, drive control Motor/solenoid valve/switchgear with desk tile input
4 Parameterization
The parameters of the function block MOTVENTR are generated by the configuring system ES 680. The pa-
rameters can be configured via convenient parameterization forms (see Fig. 14 and Fig. 15).
Fig. 13 shows the symbol of the function block motor/solenoid valve similar to the symbol in the ES 680 con-
figuring system.
The two types of parameters listed below are either managed by the ES (no assignment by the user) or can
be preset and changed by the user.
From the general parameters the following are managed by the ES:
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the FB153 is assigned
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: BEL
Function: Defines the assignment of the SIM block
BEL is generated by the ES depending on the function diagram pictograph
as selected by the user.
Range of values: 1/2
Meaning: 1 = motor, solenoid valve, switchgear without desk tile input
2 = motor, solenoid valve, switchgear with desk tile input
Basic setting: 1
Name: PBR
Function: Defines the priority of the command direction
Range of values: cmd. priority: off / on
cmd. priority: on / off
Basic setting: cmd. priority: off / on
Name: BAV
Function: Defines: -- Command output as permanent command
-- Logic of command output (inversion)
Range of values: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:N
pers.cmd:N -- inv.:Y
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:Y
Basic setting: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N
Name: TUM
Function: Defines the max. permissible voltage failure time for automatic
Range of values: 0 to 10,000
Meaning: 0 = 0 s (no restart)
10,000 = 1,000 s
Basic setting: 0; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: TWS
Function: Defines the time by which the automatic restart is delayed
(stagger times)
Range of values: 0 to 10,000
Meaning: 0 = 0 s (no stagger time)
10,000 = 1,000 s
Basic setting: 0; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: RWA
Function: Defines whether the OFF check-back message of the controlled drive can be
detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0:No detection / monitoring
1:Detect. through NO contact
3:as 1; howev.only monitoring for double 0
Basic setting: 1:Detect. through NO contact
Function: Defines whether commands are to be executed with a check-back fault RMF1 in
the command direction
Range of values: blocked
not blocked
Meaning: WRBHAEA=check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC ON
WRBHAAZ=check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC OFF
WRBSEA=check--back fault does not block PROTECTION ON
WRBSAZ=check--back fault does not block PROTECTION OFF
Basic setting: blocked
Function: Defines whether limits are monitored and the effects of a detected status
Range of values: not blocked
Meaning: WEFSPERR=status discrepancy monitoring
WEFNSEA=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION ON command
WEFNSAZ=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION OFF command
Basic setting: not blocked
Name: TGL
Function: Defines the total run time of the drive between the limit positions
(only with RME or RMA = 3)
Range of values: 0 to 60,000
Meaning: 0 = no run time monitoring
60,000 = 6,000 s
Basic setting: 10 = 1 s; adjusting steps: 1 s
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether TTDs are generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
CB/ON = check--back message (actual status) ON
CB/OFF = check--back message (actual status) OFF
DS/ON = setpoint status ON (only with solenoid valve)
DS/OFF = setpoint status OFF (with 2 changeover contacts)
ZES = last status achieved by PROTECTION command
ZEA = last status achieved by AUTOMATIC command
ZEH = last status achieved by MANUAL command
UZS = undervoltage time running
ULS = undervoltage limit signal
AZB = feeder ready
NOSD = no status discrepancy or signalling of protective action
NOFF = no feeder fault
KLB = no run time/blocking
Basic setting: All bits = 0
5 Technical Data
6 Abbreviations
DW Data word
DS/OFF Setpoint status OFF
DS/ON Setpoint status ON
FB Function block
FHD Process enable Manual
TA Pushbutton
TAAUS Command pushbutton OFF
TAEIN Command pushbutton ON
TADB Data block for command pushbuttons
Automatic commands
& & ON
Manual commands
from OM
& & ON
Manual commands
from desk tile
FHD & & ON
A = Automatic, EN = Process enable
FHD = Manual input enable SP/TF = Disable desk tile input
SP/OM = Disable OM input
approx. 20ms
Manual commands
from OM
If a manual command from the desk tile is present and a Manual command
from OM is input simultaneously, then the last present command is output.
In this case the hardware signal of an OM command always consists of a short pulse.
Command OUTPUT
memory Load switch
”OFF” (AL)
>1 R
Parameter PBR ”ON” ALE
”OFF before ON”/ S ”ON”
”ON before OFF”
>1 R
No Fault 1
Plausibility/RM fault
feeder fault
Switchgear faulty
Connection in AS 620
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--4
2 Mode of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--5
2.1 Motor Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--5
2.2 Solenoid Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--6
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--33
5 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--43
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--44
7 Appendix: Circuit Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--46
1 Application
The drive control for motor/solenoid valve can be carried out in the AS 620 B system using the function block
FB163 in conjunction with the the signal modules (SIM) in the ET 200 I/O device.
The follwing input and output signals can be configured for the connection of a motor/solenoid valve:
These signals can be input with the voltages +24 V DC, +115 V DC, 115 V AC, + 230 V DC and 230 V AC
(according to the module used) and output with the voltages + 24 V DC, 115 V AC and 230 V AC
The signals FB/ON, FB/OFF und SAG can be configured as NO/NC contact.
The corresponding Signal Modules (SIM) offer free allocation of the inputs and outputs (configurable).
Instead of direct allocation to SIM I/O modules, preprocessing o r further processing of the inputs and
outputs via logic is also possible. This is called decoupling.
Not wired inputs of the signals are replaced by the function block as follows:
SAG = “0”, i. e. not faulty
ANB = “0”, i. e. not faulty
In the case of not wired check--back messages the command outputs are used for the generation of
check--back messages:
For further information on the application of signal modules (SIM) please refer to:
The Operating Instructions AS 620B--S7(SIM), in the AS 620--S7 System Manual;
The Operating Instructions AS 620B (SIM), in the AS 620--S5 System Manual.
2 Mode of Operation
Standard Application:
- Switchgear:
Plug-in unit with 2 contactor relays (one per command direction)
1 main contactor
In the case of latching in the switchgear the command output may be reset when the check-back message
arrives because of power losses on the module. This function can be parameterized.
“Undervoltage monitoring (AC 230 V)”
Fast switching-off of the main contactor affected by an AC 230 V undervoltage can be achieved together with
an external undervoltage monitoring function, thus preventing charring of the contacts as a result of the smal-
ler contact pressure. The drive is restarted automatically if the voltage returns within a parameterizable maxi-
mum permissible failure time.
The drive remains switched-off if the power failure is present for longer than the permissible failure time, and
the message “Undervoltage protective action” is sent. The function additionally permits the staggered
starting-up of drives supplied from the same AC 230 V busbar when the voltage returns. It is thus possible to
prevent an overload on the busbar. The staggering times can be parameterized.
The check-back messages are generated by an NO/NC contact of the main contactor. The actual statuses
for the displays and messages are derived from these.
Standard Application:
- Switchgear:
Plug-in unit with 2 contactor relays,
1 main contactor
or 2 contactor relays
or 1 contactor relay
1 main contactor
or 1 contactor relay
In the case of the versions where the switchgear becomes latched, the control command can be reset accor-
ding to parameterization when the check-back message arrives.
The control command is permanently output by the module (parameterizable) in the case of switchgear
without latching. In this case, a change in the command output only takes place with the countercommand.
The logic functions correspond to those of a motor drive. Applications exist where only one contactor relay is
connected to the command output ON.
Automatic, controller,
Desk tile control
protective interlock
Processing of
AP control functions
ET 200
Fig. 2: Structure of MOTVENTR drive control with function blocks (signal names: see Chap. 6 Abbreviations)
- Manual commands
- Automatic commands
- Protection commands
Different enabling criteria, e.g. process enable, manual enable, are required before a command becomes
effective and depend on the type and priority of the command.
All commands apart from manual commands from the desk tile are input via the control word.
Priority logic
(1. to 6. --> high to low priority)
1. FORCING commands from ”OM650”
2. Protection commands
3. Local commands from the “local control unit”
4. Automatic commands
5. Manual commands from ”OM650” or ”Desk tile”
6. Autom. reclosing command following undervoltage
Command output
control command
Fig. 3: Overview of the command generation and priority for the drive (simplified)
Manual ON
Manual OFF
TAG---OUT *)
A command entered via OM 650 only becomes valid when the corresponding process enable (EN/ON; EN/
OFF) in the PAA_E process image is present.
With operating mode FORCING, the drive can be operated via the OM650--commands “Manual ON” and
“Manual OFF” irrespective of the process enable. Protection and automatic commands are blocked.
FORCING--commands always take effect as continuous commands. No resetting of the command when re-
aching the limit position.
. Note
The OM 650 input can be blocked by setting the bit ”Disable serial (OM) input” in
the control word.
When the local control unit is selected or if the drive status word is simulated than
the OM 650 input is blocked.
Manual ON
Manual OFF
In addition to the corresponding process enable (EN/ON; EN/OFF) in the control word, the module requires
the manual enable (signal FHD) so that the commands sent from the desk tile become valid.
Manual commands are generated with the positive edge of the hardware signal.
. Note
The manual enable pushbutton must be activated simultaneously with the
respective command pushbutton.
. Note
Control from the desk tile can be blocked by setting the bit ”Disable desk tile input”
in the control word.
The desk tile input is blocked when a drive status is simulated.
. Note
The desk tile command is blocked in operating mode FORCING or if the TAG--OUT
function is switched on.
Automatic ON
Automatic OFF
The commands from the higher-level automatic system ”Automatic ON” and ”Automatic OFF” are transmitted
like the required process enable with the control word.
Protection ON
Protection OFF
The protection commands Protection ON and Protection OFF are transmitted with the control word and do
not require a process enable.
In conjunction with the protection commands, the bit “Disable signalling of protective action” can be
transmitted in the control word. The result is that an executed protection command need not be
! The protection, manual, and automatic commands are blocked in operating mode
FORCING or if the TAG--OUT function is switched on.
In the case of drives having a local control unit the local control unit can be enabled through the process
image by setting the ”VOS” bit in the drive control word (PAA_E). The local control unit can either be con-
nected via the desk--tile connections of the module or intervene directly in the switchgear.
When the local control has been selected, screen (OM) input as well as the execution of automatic com-
mands are disabled.
Desk--tile operation is enabled. This means that any ”Disable desk--tile operation” command is cleared and
the process releases are enabled.
Status discrepancy monitoring is disabled and the monitoring devices are tracked to the actual system sta-
tus. This ensures that status discrepancies are avoided under direct intervention in the switchgear.
The protection command ”Undervoltage protection OFF” (UA) immediately switches off the drive in the event
of an undervoltage.
This arrives via the control word as “ULS”.
The protection command UA does not require a process enable. As long as this command is present, all
other current or arriving commands are suppressed.
Fig. 4 lists the types of command according to their priority, where the control command with the highest prio-
rity is at the top.
Manual ON
Protection ON
Manual ON
Automatic ON
Manual ON
*) With the set parameter RMS “TAG--OUT YES”, the operating mode logic “automatic or manual” functions
as described in chapter 3.3.
. Note
The priority OFF before ON can be reversed using the parameter PBR (priority of
command direction).
Input status word
Switchover automatic
or manual via OM
Input status word RM/AUTO
1 R Q
Start--up (in the status word)
Depending om the parameter OP_MODE, the function block has following operating modes:
. Note
The OM 650 operation “MAN/AUTO changeover” can be disabled by setting the
MAUS parameter “MAN/AUTO”.
The FORCING mode can be activated or deactivated via the “FORCE” button on OM650. The default state is
“FORCING OFF”. With operating mode FORCING, the drive can be operated via the OM650--commands
“Manual ON” and “Manual OFF” irrespective of the process enable. Protection and automatic commands are
blocked. FORCING--commands always take effect as continuous commands. No resetting of the command
when reaching the limit position.
. Note
FORCING is not possible if outputs are decoupled, see chapter 3.8.
The TAG--OUT function allows the drive block to be switched to inactive. This means that neither Manual
nor Automatic commands can control the drive corresponding to a logical disconnect. Nevertheless the
check-back messages of the system are updated and indicated on the OM 650 for the operator.
The TAG--OUT function can only be used after adequate parameterization (RMS=”Tag--Out YES” and
The switchover and the signalling of the function TAG--OUT is done via the operating window of the OM 650.
The function TAG--OUT (output SP/BFLO is set) can only be switched on in the operating mode “Manual”
with the condition motor/solenoid valve OFF.
TAG--OUT switched on
-- blocks the command processing and output i. e. the motor/solenoid valve is not operable from
the OM 650 or from the AS 620 or from desk tile.
-- inhibits the limit position monitoring and sets the monitoring equipment on tracking.
So the status discrepancy is avoided for a direct intervention on the switchgear.
The acquisition and signalling of check--back messages e.g. “MOTOR ON” is continued inde-
-- signal lamp “Fault” is on continually when operating with desk tile
. Note
The OM 650 operation “TAG--OUT changeover” can be disabled by setting the
TOUS parameter “TAG--OUT changeover not activated”.
With the parameter VBAF selected “activated”,the command outputs ALE and ALA will not be deactivated if
the following faults occur:
-- Status discrepancy
-- Checkback error
-- Switchgear fault.
With the parameter BSFG selected “activated”, it is possible to initiate a manual “OFF” command from
OM650 while a switchgear fault is present.
With the parameter REJ/MAN selected “activated”, the operating mode memory is reset if the following faults
occur: -- Status Discrepancy
-- Feedback Fault
-- Switchgear Fault
-- Undervoltage Protection
-- Runtime Failure
-- Protective Action.
. Note
With the parameter NLZ a slowing--down time can be parameterized. In that case
the drive is only switched off when the limit position is reached and when the set
time has elapsed.
. Note
With valves which must be opened in case of module failure and malfunction
generation in order to protect the installation or a part of it, the inverted command
must be realized by configuring of an ESG for motor/solenoid valve
(HW connection).
Here, the following requirements must be met:
-- The triggering of the valve must be done via the output ALA (OFF).
-- As ESG operating mode maintained command has to be configured i.e.
the parameter BAV must be set to 1, inverting (parameter BAV = 0) must not
be present, and command termination effected via check--back messages is
not allowed.
The objective of the conditioning/monitoring of check-back signals (travel limit) is to provide information on
the actual state of the drive as quickly as possible and as accurately as possible. The signals from the travel
limit switches are monitored for this purpose.
Unavoidable bounce occurs when switching the limit switches. The bounce may last up to 300 ms. The
signals from the limit switches must therefore be delayed so that unintentional triggering of the monitoring
equipment does not occur during the bounce phase.
If the limit positions are not monitored (feeders without check-back messages), the missing check-back
signals are derived from the command output.
If only one limit position is monitored with check--back contacts, the position that is not monitored (ON or
OFF) is derived from the one--sided acquired check--back message.
The check-back signals FB/ON and FB/OFF are monitored for plausibility.
In addition it can also be parameterized if a plausibility check of double ”0” signal is made for a detection with
NO contacts.
- Triggering condition of monitoring function
Both check-back messages have ”1” signals
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp” Fault” flashes at 2 Hz. The signal lamps ”ON” or ”OFF”
lights up according to the actual statuses in the status word.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA the
text “check--back error 1” is indicated.
. Note
If an error occurs, the command output is not disabled if the parameter VBAF is
- Triggering condition
The fault is detected via the HW input of the SIM module (SAG).
. Note
With the parameter RMS (check--back contact of the switchgear) the user can de-
cide on the type of switch (NO/NC contact) for the acquisition of check--back mes-
sages “switchgear faulty” in the switchgear.
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA the
text “check--back error” is indicated.
- Reset condition
Repair (removal of the switchgear fault)
. Note
If an error occurs, the command output is not disabled if the parameter VBAF is
With the parameter BSGF selected “activated”, it is possible to initiate a manual
“OFF” command from OM650 while a switchgear fault is present.
- Triggering condition
Switchgear plug-in in test position. The input ANB is not set.
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Faulty” lights up permanently.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph frame blue. In the detail window the text “test posi-
tion” is shown.
- Reset condition
Reset of test position (restore operating position of insert switchgear).
Check---back message (actual status) OFF (CB/OFF); actual status NOT OFF
The actual status of the drive is used by the respective check-back signals which are generated by the
check-back signal conditioning function and are valid.
The actual status is made available via the status word, and is displayed on the tile signal lamps in the case
of desk tile inputs.
OM 650 indication is made by colour change of the associated pictograph frame and by check--back of OFF /
ON in the detail window.
The information ”Setpoint status” is derived from the control commands output by the function block. The
information ”Setpoint status” is deleted if the drive has reached the limit position defined by the control
The signal ”Setpoint status direction” is required to display the movement and the direction from one limit
position to the other on the OM 650 and desk tile (if present).
This results in:
The setpoint status is made available via the status word, and is displayed on the tile signal lamps in the ca-
se of desk tile inputs.
The function block signals to the serial (OM) input system those commands, as far as the drive is concerned,
which are possible as a result of the status acquisition or are necessary as a result of the triggered drive mo-
nitoring functions (for control tracking in the OM 650). The corresponding bits are then set in the status word.
In the OM 650 operation window the associated control pushbutton is displayed in blue colour (control possi-
The information “Last status achieved by” indicates the reason for achievement of the last status (protection,
automatic or manual), and is made available via the status word. If a status discrepancy is present, no
information is output on achievement of the last status.
If an undervoltage limit signal is present, a command ”Undervoltage protection OFF” (UA) is generated which
immediately switches off a switched-on drive. A monitoring time (parameter TUM: Max. undervoltage time)
is started at the same time. The drive can be automatically restarted if the undervoltage limit signal disap-
pears within this time.
The drives can be staggered when restarting to prevent overloading of the busbar, i.e. a switch-on delay
time can be set for each drive using the parameter TWS. If a switch-on delay is parameterized, the control
command ”UA” is only cancelled following expiry of this delay time in the undervoltage monitoring function,
and restarting is then enabled.
. Note
Restarting has the lowest priority and only takes place if no commands with a higher
priority are present (see Section 3.2 ”Command Priorities”).
. Note
In the case of simultaneous switchgear fault (SAG) the command memory is reset.
No automatic restarting occurs.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the display is as with “Status discrepancy from ON to OFF” (see Chap.
3.8). Within the permissible undervoltage time OM 650 displays the associated pictograph (OFF)
white. During this process the detail window shows the text “Undervoltage time running” and
“Undervoltage”. Afterwards these signallings are removed (signal UGS has disappeared). No
signalling occurs in LT--MFA.
Following expiry of the permissible undervoltage time OM 650 displays the associated picto-
graph at red/2Hz (Fault). After this process the detail window shows the text “Undervoltage” and
LT--MFA indictates “USP Protection OFF”.
The message “Status discrepancy or signalling of protective action” can be blocked using the bit “SP/MS”
(disable signalling of protective action) in the control word.
A status discrepancy is present if the actual status changes without a corresponding command (actual status
¸ command memory). It is assumed that the new actual position has been signalled by non--faulty
check-back messages.
A status discrepancy is not generated if a check-back fault is present.
The status discrepancy monitoring function can be disabled by appropriate parameterization
(parameter WEF).
The following table shows when a status discrepancy is generated following a change in position without a
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is displayed dependent on the direction (see Chap. 3.8).
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2Hz. The detail window and LT--MFA indicate
the text “ELF OFF --> ON” or “ELF ON --> OFF”.
. Note
If an error occurs, the command output is not disabled if the parameter VBAF is
This function is used to monitor the switching procedure from the time of command output up to the arrival of
the valid check-back message from the desired position.
The switching time can be parameterized using the parameter TGL (total run time of drive) and is the same
for both command directions.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is additionally displayed dependent on the direction
(see Chap. 3.8). OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2Hz. The detail window and
LT--MFA indicate the text “Total Run Time Violation”.
This monitoring function monitors leaving of the limit position starting at the time the command is output.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is displayed dependent on the direction (see Fig. 11).
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2Hz. The detail window and LT--MFA indicate
the text “Total Run Time Violation, Leaving of Limit Position”.
By pressing the command pushbutton ON or OFF on the open-loop control tile without an enable
pushbutton, the operator can determine whether the desired command direction is enabled for manual
The signal lamp ”Fault” lights up permanently if blocking is present.
- Reset condition
Release desk tile pushbutton
Control program
Function block AP
Switchgear fault I O ALA
Branch not I O ALE
Fig. 8: Connections to SIM module as drive for 1 motor (up to a maximum of 4 motors possible)
To perform the drive control functions, one FB163 MOTVENTR function block is invoked in the AP for each
system. Provided that the function block’s parameters have been set accordingly (continuous command), this
variant and the FB163 function block may also be used for controlling solenoid valves. The outputs for the
OFF command will not be used in this case. Systems (inputs and outputs) that are not used for drive control
may be used for binary I/O.
There are two possibilities of input and output allocation:
1. Direct allocation of the block inputs and outputs to SIM I/O modules. This is made via the
parameter masks shown in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14.
2. Decoupling. The inputs are acquired via binary input blocks and can be connected to the FB163
function block after a possible processing. In the same way, the command output can be done
via binary output blocks.
. Note
FORCING is not possible if outputs are decoupled.
Data exchange with the function block is carried out using the control word and status word and in addition to
this using time--tagged data (see Fig. 2).
Time--tagged data are used for the chronological acquisition of process signals and I & C error messages for
message processing and display as well as for logging. They are generated by changes in status in all
control levels. The time stamp of the time--tagged data has a resolution of 1 ms.
The various types of TTD are described briefly below.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select special signals that are required in the process control level for message
output and logging in addition to the check--back messages. These signals are generated on the SIM
- Fault TTD
In addition to the signal TTDs, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the control system in
detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs are generated as the result of
events (faults) recognized by the monitoring equipment, such as e.g. input or output signal monitoring
Status word (PAE_E process image)
0 Status bit Check---back message (act. status) ON CB/ON
1 Check---back mes. (act. status) OFF CB/OFF
2 Setpoint status in ON direction DS/ON
IB0 3 Setpoint status in OFF direction DS/OFF
4 Last status achieved by PROTECTION ZES
5 Last status achieved by AUTOMATIC ZEA
6 Last status achieved by MANUAL ZEH
7 Undervoltage time running USZ
0 Undervoltage limit signal ULS
1 Serial (OM) control possible ON SCON
2 Serial (OM) control possible OFF SCOFF
IB1 3 Serial (OM) control possible acknowledge SCA
4 Feeder ready AZB
5 No status discrep. or signalling of prot. action NOSD
6 No feeder fault NOFF
7 No run time/blocking KLB
0 Command output ON ALE
1 Command output OFF ALA
4 Serial (OM) control possible FORCING FOUS
6 Check---back message NOT ON CB/ON_N
7 Check---back message NOT OFF CB/OFF_N
0 Serial (OM) control possible AUTOMATIC SC AUTO
IB3 1 Serial (OM) control possible TAG OUT SC TAG
4 Local control VOS
5 Drive status word simulated PSIM
6 Disable command logic SP/BFLO
7 Status bit Automatic mode of operation RM/AUTO
Signal TTDs
Fault TTDs
Data exchange with the function block is carried out using the data blocks TADB and LADB (see Fig. 2). The
signal lamps ”ON”, ”OFF” and ”Fault” on the open-loop control tile indicate:
- Actual statuses with steady light
- Setpoint statuses in running direction (only with solenoid valve with two changeover contacts) with
flashing light (8 Hz)
- Faults with flashing light (2 Hz).
If ”Disable desk tile input” is present, the signal lamp ”Fault” is on permanently. There are no other fault
displays in addition. The actual and setpoint statuses are still signalled as described above. Lamp testing has
to be configured via ES at the input LP of the ESG modul.
Status discrepancy
Run time
OFF = signal lamp ”OFF” Fault = signal lamp ”Fault” ON = signal lamp ”ON”
Fig. 11: Signal representation at the desk tile, drive control Motor/solenoid valve/switchgear with desk tile input
4 Parameterization
The parameters of the function block MOTVENTR are generated by the configuring system ES 680.
The parameters can be configured via convenient parameterization forms (see Fig. 15 and Fig. 16).
Fig. 12 shows the symbol of the function block MOTVENTR similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring
Fig. 13 shows as an example the parameterization form for configuring the output signals of the FB163. The
signals can be freely assigned and therfore allocated to several modules.
Fig. 13: Parameterization form of the output module for 8 binary signals SIM 441 (6ES5441--8MA11)
Fig. 14 shows as an example the parameterization form for configuring the input signals of the FB163. The
signals can be freely assigned and therfore allocated to several modules.
Fig. 14: Parameterization form of the input/output module for 8 binary signals SIM 421 (6ES5421--8MA12)
The two types of parameters listed below are either managed by the ES (no assignment by the user) or can
be preset and changed by the user.
From the general parameters the following are managed by the ES:
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether TTDs are generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
CB/ON = check--back message (actual status) ON
CB/OFF = check--back message (actual status) OFF
DS/ON = setpoint status ON (only with solenoid valve)
DS/OFF = setpoint status OFF (with 2 changeover contacts)
ZES = last status achieved by PROTECTION command
ZEA = last status achieved by AUTOMATIC command
ZEH = last status achieved by MANUAL command
USZ = undervoltage time running
ULS = undervoltage limit signal
AZB = feeder ready
NOSD = no status discrepancy or signalling of protective action
NOFF = no feeder fault
KLB = no run time/blocking
VOS = local control
PSIM = status word simulated
BL/COLO = disable command logic
CB/AUTO = automatic mode of operation
FOC = forcing mode
Function: Defines the actuator type. This information is used for the labeling of the OM650
detail window and the command buttons.
Range of values: Motor / Solenoid
Switch / Breaker
Basic setting: Motor / Solenoid
Name: PBR
Function: Defines the priority of the command direction
Range of values: cmd. priority: off / on
cmd. priority: on / off
Basic setting: cmd. priority: off / on
Name: BAV
Function: Defines: -- Command output as permanent command
-- Logic of command output (inversion)
Range of values: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:N -- inv.:Y -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:Y -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:Y
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:Y
Basic setting: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
Name: TUM
Function: Defines the max. permissible voltage failure time for automatic
Range of values: 0 to 10,000
Meaning: 0 = 0 s (no restart)
10,000 = 1,000 s
Basic setting: 0; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: TWS
Function: Defines the time by which the automatic restart is delayed
(stagger times)
Range of values: 0 to 10,000
Meaning: 0 = 0 s (no stagger time)
10,000 = 1,000 s
Basic setting: 0; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: TGL
Function: Defines the total run time of the drive between the limit positions
(only with FB/ON or FB/OFF = 3)
Range of values: 0 to 60,000
Meaning: 0 = no run time monitoring
60,000 = 6,000 s
Basic setting: 10 = 1 s; adjusting steps: 1 s
Function: Defines whether commands are to be executed with a check-back fault RMF1 in
the command direction
Range of values: blocked
not blocked
Meaning: WRBHAEA=check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC ON
WRBHAAZ=check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC OFF
WRBSEA=check--back fault does not block PROTECTION ON
WRBSAZ=check--back fault does not block PROTECTION OFF
Basic setting: blocked
Function: Defines whether limits are monitored and the effects of a detected status
Range of values: not blocked
Meaning: WEFSPERR=status discrepancy monitoring
WEFNSEA=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION ON command
WEFNSAZ=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION OFF command
Basic setting: not blocked
5 Technical Data
6 Abbreviations
DW Data word
DS/OFF Setpoint status OFF
DS/ON Setpoint status ON
FB Function block
FB/OFF Feedback (check-back message) OFF
FB/ON Feedback (check-back message) ON
FHD Process enable Manual
TA Pushbutton
TADB Data block for command pushbuttons
TGL Total run time of drive
TTD Time--tagged data
TUM Undervoltage time
TVE Time for leaving the limit position
TWS Time for staggered restarting
Automatic commands
& & ON
Manual commands
from OM
& & ON
Manual commands
from desk tile
FHD & & ON
EN/ON >1
A = Automatic, EN = Process enable
FHD = Manual input enable VOS = Local control
SP/OM = Disable OM input SP/TF = Disable desk tile input
SP/BFLO = Disable command logic
approx. 20ms
Manual commands
from OM
If a manual command from the desk tile is present and a Manual command
from OM is input simultaneously, then the last present command is output.
In this case the hardware signal of an OM command always consists of a short pulse.
Command OUTPUT
memory Load switch
”OFF” (AL)
>1 R
Parameter PBR ”ON” ALE
”OFF before ON”/ S ”ON”
”ON before OFF”
>1 R
No Fault
Plausibility/CB fault
feeder fault
Switchgear faulty
Connection in AS 620
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--5
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--27
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--38
1 Application
Step controllers (S--controllers) are used for drive controls with servo--motors.
The function block FB165 REGELANR is used as output section and control section for the step controller.
The FB165 has no control algorithm. It outputs the positioning pulses and switches the operating modes via
appropriate inputs and outputs.
The single loop control is in general devided into four functions, which are implemented in AS 620 B by the
following means:
- Setpoint generation with set--point adjuster: FB88 O--SPC--G or master controller in a higher level
- Comparison of setpoint value with actual value: AS 620 user defined software
- Drive control (with positioning pulse output): FUM or FB165 with SIM modules
Controller Control algorithm
Drive control
Output section FB165 with positioning
REGELANR pulse output
SIM modules
The drive control for the servo--drive can be carried out in the AS 620 B system using the function block
FB165 in conjunction with the signal modules (SIM) in the ET 200 I/O device.
The following input and output signals can be configured for the connection of a servo--drive control:
Input signals:
Output signals:
- ALES, ALAS: Load switch ON/OPEN output, Load switch OFF/CLOSED output
These signals can be input with the voltages +24 V DC, +115 V DC, 115 V AC, + 230 V DC and 230 V AC
(according to the module used) and output with the voltages + 24 V DC, 115 V AC and 230 V AC
The corresponding Signal Modules (SIM) offer free allocation of the inputs and outputs (configurable).
The check--back messages can be configured as follows:
-- single contacts as NO/NC contacts (CBOP, CBCL)
-- changeover contacts (CBOP or CBOPNI, CBCL or CBCLNI)
The signals DEAUF / DEZU and the signal SAG can be configured as NO contact or NC contact. The signal
MTU is a NO contacts. If the DEAUF / DEZU signals ,the SAG signal or the MTU signal are not used, then
these signals do not require parameterization in the hardware and the corresponding inputs of the SIM mo-
dules do not need to be wired.
Not wired inputs of the signals are replaced by the function block as follows:
SAG = “0”, i.e. not faulty
MTU = “0”, i.e. not faulty
DEAUF, DEZU: = maximum torque not reached
In the case of not wired check--back messages CBOP and CBCL a control operating mode is not possible.
For further information on the application of signal modules (SIM) please refer to:
The Operating Instructions AS 620B--S7(SIM), in the AS 620--S7 System Manual;
The Operating Instructions AS 620B (SIM), in the AS 620--S5 System Manual.
2 Mode of Operation
The function block FB165 can be used in the AP (automation processor) within a control program. The func-
tion block FB165 communicates with the associated signal module (SIM) via the PROFIBUS--DP and head
end modules as shown in the following figure.
Control program
Function block AP
Input/output modules
Fig. 4 shows the software functions or function blocks which can be executed by the function block FB165.
Message output
and signalling
Command generation
priority Servo-drive
Check-back signal
Command section monitoring
Servo- Switchgear
Control command
drive feeder
Check-back messages
2.1 Servo-drive
In operating mode “MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL”, the function block acts completely like an actuator
(see FB164 STELANTR).
In operating mode “CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL”, the function block only processes commands from the next
higher function block FB90 SCON. The duration and the direction of the command are defined by the FB90
via the control word. The function block FB165 converts this value into a corresponding positioning pulse and
transfers it to the logic section of the open-loop control function of the actuator where, apart from run--time
monitoring, all functions of the control and monitoring section are available as with the actuator FB164.
The servo-drive has a motor temperature monitoring function to protect the motor. Temperature sensors
are fitted in the motor winding which output a signal (MTU) to the function block when a specific temperature
has been reached. The function block then switches over from “CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” to “MANUAL/
OPEN-LOOP CONTROL” and outputs a corresponding message.
A desk tile can be connected to the function block to commit manual inputs:
The operating mode (CLOSED-LOOP or OPEN-LOOP CONTROL) is displayed on the closed-loop control
. Note
All manual commands are disabled by setting the bit ”Disable closed-loop control
tile” in the control word.
The TAG--OUT function allows the drive block to be switched inactive. This means that neither Manual
nor Automatic commands can control the drive corresponding to a logical disconnect. Nevertheless the
check-back messages of the system are updated and indicated on the OM 650 for the operator.
To use the TAG--OUT function you need to set the corresponding parameter (for activation of the TAG--OUT func-
tion please refer to the parameter RMS).
The OM operation window is used for changeover and indication of the TAG--OUT operating mode.
Before you switch on the TAG--OUT function (output SP/BFLO is set) please ensure that the operating mode is in
“manual”, the status is “CLOSED” and the closed--loop controller is on “manual/OLC” and not on “CLC”.
TAG--OUT switched on
-- blocks the command processing and output i.e. the motor/solenoid valve is not operable from
the OM 650 or from the AS 620 or from desk tile.
-- inhibits the limit position monitoring and sets the monitoring equipment on straighten.
So the status discrepancy is avoided for a direct intervention on the switchgear.
The acquisition and signalling of check--back messages e.g. “MOTOR ON” is continued inde-
-- signal lamp “Fault” is set on permanently when operating with desk tile
TAG--OUT switched off
-- the drive block is active. The command processing takes in account the operating mode “Auto-
matic” and “Manual”. “Automatic” means that automatic commands are effective and manual
commands are disabled. “Manual” means that manual commands are functional and automatic
commands are disabled.
The switchover and the signalling of the operating mode “Automatic” or “Manual” is done via the
operating window of the OM 650.
No distinction between the operating modes “Automatic” and “Manual” can be made if the TAG--OUT function
is not activated in the parameter RMS.
. Note
The OM 650 operation “TAG--OUT changeover” can be blocked by setting the
TOUS parameter “TAG--OUT changeover not activated”.
Enable Closed--loop control tile Input Open--loop control tile OM
signalling window
Automatic, controller,
Desk tile control protective interlock
Processing of
AP control functions
SIM input modules SIM output modules
SIM 322 / 323
SIM 321 / 323
SIM 421 / 431 / 433 SIM 440 / 441 / 450 check--back
451 / 452 / 453
ET 200
Fig. 5: Structure of servo-drive control REGELANR with function blocks (singal names: see Chap. 6 abbreviations)
The functions of the actuator apply to the servo-drive in operating mode ”MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP
CONTROL”. Only the functions for operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” are therefore described
All commands from the screen are transmitted coded (bits 0, 1, 2) with the control word.
The switchover command URS for the operating mode memory requires the corresponding process enable
(EN/CLC; EN/MAN) in the control word.
The command ”Disable switchover MANUAL/CLOSED--LOOP CONTROL via automatic command” prevents
switching-over of the operating mode by the higher-level automatic system. The command is stored and can
only be reset by another transmission.
. Note
The screen input can be blocked by setting the bit SSB ”Disable (OM) serial input”
in the control word.
The bit BL/OM ”Disable serial controller input” in the control word disables both the
operating mode switchover and the setpoint input from the screen.
When the local control unit is selected or if the drive status word is simulated then
the screen input is blocked.
In addition to the corresponding process enable (EN/CLC; EN/MAN) in the control word, the function block
requires the manual enable so that the switchover command URS sent from the desk tile becomes valid.
. Note
The manual enable pushbutton must be activated simultaneously with the
respective command pushbutton.
. Note
All manual commands are disabled when the bit ”Disable closed--loop control desk”
in the control word is set.
. Note
The desk tile command is blocked if the TAG--OUT function is switched on.
In operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL”, the following control information is transferred to the
function block FB165 from the higher-level control system:
New pulse
Pulse duration
Every change (positive or negative edge) of the bit ”New pulse” in the control word signals to the function
block FB165 that a new control pulse must be output.
If the pulse length calculated by the control system corresponds to the scanning time TA of the closed-loop
controller, the bit ”Pulse length equal to TA” is set in the control word (PAA_E). The function block FB165
outputs the corresponding positioning command until the bit ”New pulse” changes.
The ”Pulse duration” is transmitted from the FB90 to the function block FB165 and defines the duration (in s)
and the direction of the positioning command to be output. If the pulse duration changes without a change in
the bit ”New pulse”, the function block FB165 still outputs the corresponding positioning command.
A positioning command is not output in the associated direction if one of the bits ”Disable control command
in OPEN direction” or ”Disable control command in CLOSED direction” is set.
The bit ”Heartbeat of group control level” is reset if there is a fault or failure in the group control level. If the
function block FB165 is in operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL”, it carries out a fault switchover to
The command with the highest priority is selected from the applied commands for operating mode switchover
(from the command generation function) and stored.
In Fig. 6, the switchover command with the highest priority is at the top.
*) With the set parameter “TAG--OUT switchable active” the operating mode logic “automatic or manual”
functions in the following way.
Operating mode
Memory Automatic/Manual
Input status word
With the set parameter “TAG--OUT switchable activ” (SP/BFLO switchable active) the following applies:
. Note
A change in priority can be the reason for disabled commands (see Chap. 3.1)
The current mode of the operating mode memory is signalled by the status word.
. Note
The OM 650 operation “MAN/AUTO changeover” can be blocked by setting the
MAUS parameter “MAN/AUTO changeover not activated”.
In operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” (CB/CLC), the output of control commands (positionig pul-
se) is according to the defined direction ”OPEN” or ”CLOSED” and duration.
A STOP command is generated internally at the end of the positioning time (pulse duration), and the
command output is terminated.
. Note
A slowing--down time can be parameterized for a travel-dependent reset. In that
case the servo--drive is only switched off when the limit position is reached and
when the set time has elapsed.
. Note
In case of an error, the command output is not disabled if the parameter VBAF is
Non-equivalence monitoring and plausibility check for travel limit switches and torque limit switches are
identical to the respective function units of the actuator (see description FB164).
The triggering and reset conditions, as well as the effects on status word, time--tagged data and further inter-
nal processing of check-back message ”Switchgear faulty” (SAG) are identical to those of the actuator con-
trol (see FB164 STELANTR).
Check---back messages (actual status) OPEN (CB/OP) and NOT OPEN (CB/OP_N)
Check---back messages (actual status) CLOSED (CB/CL) and NOT CLOSED (CB/CL_N)
The ’”Actual status” of the servo-drive is used by the respective check-back signals which are generated by
the check-back signal conditioning function and are valid.
The operating mode is additionally displayed with the servo-drive by means of ”Check--back message (actual
status CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” (CB/CLC) and ”Check--back message (actual status) MANUAL/OPEN-
The setpoint status is made available via the control word, and is displayed on the tile signal lamps in the
case of desk tile inputs.
The bits ”Serial (OM) control possible ...” are not set if a servo-drive is in operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP
A message ”Last status achieved by ...” is not generated in operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL”.
. Note
If the servo--drive is in “CLOSED--LOOP CONTROL” operating mode, a fault
changeover to “MAN/OPEN--LOOP CONTROL” is not carried out in case of a
protection intervention (P/OP or P/CL).
The protection commands are executed without a message being issued. After the
protection commands have been cancelled the drive carries out the commands
from the controller again. Acknowledgement is not required.
In order to protect the motor, the servo-drive has an additional motor temperature monitoring function (MTU)
which results in a switchover from ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” to ”MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL”
when triggered.
- Triggering condition of monitoring function
A signal “MTU” is present.
D Effects on the status word
The bit “No feeder fault” is reset.
D Effects on time--tagged data
The following signal TTDs are generated provided the respective status bit of the servo-drive has
been parameterized as a TTD:
-- No feeder fault
The cause is signalled as a fault TTD:
-- Motor temperature violated
D Effects on further internal processing
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz in addition (see Chap. 3.7).
- Reset condition of monitoring function
The signal ”MTU” is no longer present.
If one of the faults listed below occurs, a switchover is made to operating mode ”MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP
CONTROL” if the module is in operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL”.
- Triggering condition of monitoring function
-- Failure of next higher level or group control level (LGL in control word)
-- An external fault is present (EXS in control word)
-- A protection command (control word) is present
-- The motor temperature monitoring function has been triggered
-- One of the following bits in the status word is not set:
-- ”No status discrepancy”
-- ”No feeder fault”
-- ”No run time/blocking”.
D Signalling
Signalling on the open-loop control tile is according to the fault. The fault switchover is signalled
by flashing at 2 Hz of the signal lamps ”Disable closed-loop control mode” (MSPR) and
”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” on the closed-loop control tile. If the function block was already in
operating mode ”MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL” the signal lamp ”Disable closed-loop con-
trol mode” (MSPR) lights up permanently (see Chap. 3.7).
- Reset condition of monitoring function
D Acknowledgement on screen (omitted with disabling of serial (OM) input)
D Acknowledgement on desk tile using URS pushbutton (omitted with disabling of desk tile input)
D Acknowledgement via control word (automatic collective acknowledgement)
It is possible to switch back to operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” again once the
fault has been eliminated and if protection commands are no longer present.
In closed-loop control mode, the open-loop control pushbuttons CLOSED and OPEN are blocked.
The blocking is signalled by permanent lighting-up of the signal lamp ”CLOSED” when pressing the CLOSED
pushbutton, and permanent lighting-up of the signal lamp ”OPEN” when pressing the OPEN pushbutton
(signal only as long as the pushbutton is pressed).
Control program
Function block AP
SA faulty E A
Data exchange with the function block is carried out using the control word and status word and in addition to
this using time--tagged data (see Fig. 5).
Time--tagged data are used for the chronological acquisition of process signals and I & C error messages for
message processing and display as well as for logging. They are generated by changes in status in all
control levels. The time stamp of the time--tagged data has a resolution of 1 ms.
The various types of TTD are described briefly below.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select special signals that are required in the process control level for message
output and logging in addition to the check--back messages. These signals are generated on the SIM
- Fault TTD
In addition to the signal TTDs, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the control system in
detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs are generated as the result of
events (faults) recognized by the monitoring equipment, such as e.g. input or output signal monitoring
Status word (PAE_E process image)
Status bit Check---back message (actual status) OPEN CB/OP
1 Check---back message (actual status) CLOSED CB/CL
2 Setpoint status in OPEN direction DS/OP
EB0 3 Setpoint status in CLOSED direction DS/CL
4 Last status achieved by PROTECTION ZES
5 Last status achieved by AUTOMATIC ZEA
6 Last status achieved by MANUAL ZEH
0 Serial (OM) control possible STOP SCSTOP
1 Serial (OM) control possible OPEN SCOP
2 Serial (OM) control possible CLOSED SCCL
3 Serial (OM) control possible acknowledgement SCA
EB1 Feeder ready
5 No status discrepancy or signalling of protective action NOSD
6 No feeder fault NOFF
7 No run time/blocking KLB
0 Check---back mes. (act. status) closed-loop control CB/CLC
1 Check---back mes. (act. status) man./op.-loop control CB/MAN
2 Disable closed-loop control mode BL/CLC
EB2 3 Fault switchover manual/open-loop control STU
4 No fault NO/FAUL
6 Check---back message (actual status) NOT OPEN CB/OP_N
7 Check---back message (actual status) NOT CLOSED CB/CL_N
Control word (PAA_E process image)
3 Status bit Collective acknowledgement BL/OM
4 Disable serial (OM) control possible BL/DT
AB0 5 Disable desk tile input STB *
6 Lamp test LP *
7 Disable signalling of protective action BL/AP
0 Automatic ON/OPEN A/OP
1 Automatic OFF/CLOSED A/CL
2 Automatic STOP A/STOP
3 Local control VOS
AB1 4 Protection OPEN P/OP
5 Protection CLOSED P/CL
6 Process enable OPEN EN/OP
7 Process enable CLOSED EN/CL
3 Disable closed-loop control tile BL/DT
4 Disable serial (OM) controller input BL/OM
AB2 5 Disable control command in OPEN direction BL/COP
6 Disable control command in CLOSED direction BL/CCL
7 Status double word External fault EXT/FAUL
0 Automatic command closed-loop control A/CLC
1 Automatic command manual/open-loop control A/MAN
3 Heartbeat higher level LGL
AB3 4 New pulse NIMP
5 Pulse length equal to TA IMPTA
6 Process enable closed-loop control EN/CLC
7 Status bit Process enable manual/open-loop control EN/MAN
AB4/5 Status word Pulse duration IPD
Fig. 10: Data of process image PAA_E -- servo--drive, *only with desk tile
* Only with desk tile
** Only with release 4 or higher
Signal TTDs
Comment Abbrevi-
Fault TTDs
Data exchange with the function block is carried out via an LADB and TADB (see Fig. 5).
The signal lamps ”CLOSED”, ”OPEN” and ”Fault” on the open loop/closed-loop control tile indicate:
If ”Disable desk tile input” is present, the signal lamp ”Fault” lights up permanently on the open-loop control
tile or the signal lamp ”Disable closed-loop control mode” on the closed-loop control tile. The actual and
setpoint statuses are still signalled as described above. Lamp testing is carried out with bit 6 in the control
If ”Disable closed-loop control tile” is present, the signal lamp ”Disable closed-loop control mode” (MSPR)
lights up permanently on the closed-loop control tile.
Run time/blocking
Double 1 check--back fault
SIM module faulty
m.c.b. assembly tripped
or check--back error
Scanning of blocking or
TAG--OUT switched on
Lamp test (o.k.)
CL. = signal lamp ”CLOSED” Fault = signal lamp ”Fault” OPEN = signal lamp ”OPEN”
Fig. 12: Signal representation at the open--loop control and setpoint desk tile, drive type 6 Servo--drive with desk tile and screen input
4 Parameterization
Fig. 13 shows the symbol of the function block REGELANR similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring
The two types of parameters listed below are either managed by the ES (no assignment by the user) or can
be preset and changed by the user.
From the general parameters the following are managed by the ES:
Name: PBR
Function: Defines the priority of the command direction
Range of values: cmd. priority: close / open
cmd. priority: open / close
Basic setting: cmd. priority: close / open
Name: BAV
Function: Defines: -- Command output as permanent command
-- Logic of command output (inversion)
Range of values: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:N -- inv.:Y -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:Y -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:Y
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:Y
Basic setting: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
Name: TST
Function: Defines whether a STOP pushbutton is provided on the desk tile for actuators or
Range of values: no STOPP button (jogging mode)
With STOPP button (continous)
Basic setting: no STOPP button (jogging mode)
Name: SID
Function: Defines the duration of the control pulse
Range of values: 0 to 100
Meaning: 0 = no extension
100 = 10 s
Basic setting: 1 = 0.1 s; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: RWE
Function: Defines whether the ON/OPEN check-back message of the controlled servo-drive
can be detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0:No detection / monitoring
1:Detect. through NO contact
2:Detect. through changeover contact
3:as 1; howev.only monitoring for double 1
4:Detect. through NC contact
Basic setting: 2:Detect. through changeover contact
Name: RWA
Function: Defines whether the OFF/CLOSED check-back message of the controlled
servo-drive can be detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0:No detection / monitoring
1:Detect. through NO contact
2:Detect. through changeover contact
3:as 1; howev.only monitoring for double 1
4:Detect. through NC contact
Basic setting: 2:Detect. through changeover contact
Name: RDE
Function: Defines whether the triggering of the direction-dependent torque can be detected,
and with which type of switch
Range of values: no recording
Basic setting: NC--Contact
Function: Defines the check-back messages with which the actual status is acquired
Range of values: CB act. state = cb.end of travel
CB act. state = cb.end of travel / cb.torque
Basic setting: CB act. state = cb.end of travel
Function: Defines whether commands are to be executed with a check-back fault RMF1 in
the command direction
Range of values: blocked
not blocked
Meaning: WRBHAEA = check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC ON
WRBHAAZ = check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC OFF
WRBSEA = check--back fault does not block PROTECTION ON
WRBSAZ = check--back fault does not block PROTECTION OFF
Basic setting: not blocked
Function: Defines whether limits are monitored and the effects of a detected status
Range of values: not blocked
Meaning: WEFSPERR=status discrepancy monitoring
WEFNSEA=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION ON command
WEFNSAZ=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION OFF command
Basic setting: not blocked
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether TTDs are generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 =
no TTD generated
1 =
generate TTD
check--back message (actual status) OPEN
check--back message (actual status) CLOSED
setpoint status OPEN
setpoint status CLOSED
last status achieved by PROTECTION command
last status achieved by AUTOMATIC command
last status achieved by MANUAL command
feeder ready
no status discrepancy or signalling of protective action
no feeder fault
no run time/blocking
check--back message (actual status) CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL
check--back message (actual status) MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL
no fault
disable switchover MANUAL/CLOSED--LOOP CONTROL
via automatic command
PSIM = status word simulated
VOS = local control
SP/BFLO = disable command logic
RM/AUTO = automatic mode of operation
Basic setting: All bits = 0
5 Technical Data
Block number: FB165
Version: ________________↑
Memory requirements:
-- Code 12500 bytes
-- Parameters (per call) 40 words
-- Historical values (per call) 112 words + 4 words header
Other conditions: The function block can only be used in the group control level
(AP) within the system environment for SIM/protection.
6 Abbreviations
ALAS Load switch OFF/CLOSED output
ALES Load switch ON/OPEN output
ANB Feeder not ready
AP Automation processor
AZB Feeder ready
A/OP Automatic command OPEN
A/CLC Automatic command CLOSED--LOOP CONTROL
A/STOP Automatic command STOP
A/CL Automatic command CLOSED
BAV Command output version
BHA Manual command OFF/CLOSED
BHE Manual command ON/OPEN
BHS Manual command STOP
BL/AP Disable signalling of protective action
BL/CLC Disable closed--loop control mode
BL/COP Disable control command in OPEN direction
BL/CCL Disable control command in CLOSED direction
BL/DT Disable desk tile input
BL/OM Disable serial (OM) input
CB/CL Check-back message CLOSED
CB/CLC Check-back message (actual status) CLOSED--LOOP CONTROL
CB/CL_N Check-back message NOT CLOSED
CB/MAN Check-back message (actual status) MANUAL/OPEN--LOOP CONTROL
CB/OP Check-back message OPEN
CB/OP_N Check-back message NOT OPEN
DEABS Torque switch following resetting by travel limit switch
DEAS Torque OPEN fault
DEAUF Torque in OPEN direction
DEZS Torque CLOSED fault
DEZU Torque in CLOSED direction
DS/CL Setpoint status in CLOSED direction
DS/OP Setpoint status in OPEN direction
DW Data word
EFAE Status discrepancy from OFF to ON
EFEA Status discrepancy from ON to OFF
EIZ Detection of actual status
EN/CL Process enable CLOSED
EN/OP Process enable OPEN
EXT/FAUL External fault
FB Function block
FGDB Enable signal in data block
IMPTA Pulse length equal to scanning time
IPD Pulse width
KLB No run time/blocking
KV Contact power supply
LADB Data block for lamp signals
LP Test lamps
LZB Run time/blocking
LZG Run time violation, total
LZV Run time violation, leaving of limit position
MLA Signal lamp OFF/CLOSED
MLE Signal lamp ON/OPEN
MLS Signal lamp fault
MSA Protective action in OFF direction
MSE Protective action in ON direction
MSPR Disable closed-loop control mode
MTU Motor overheating
NIMP New pulse
NOFF No feeder fault
NOSD No status discrepancy
PAA Process output image
PAA_E Process image of outputs to individual control level (status word)
PAE_E Process image of inputs from individual control level (status word)
PBR Priority of command direction
P/OP Protection OPEN
P/CL Protection CLOSED
RDE Check-back message from torque switch
RMA Check-back message OFF/CLOSED
RME Check-back message ON/OPEN
RMF1A Check-back error OFF, travel
RMF1E Check-back error ON, travel
RMF2A Check-back error OFF, torque
RMF2E Check-back error ON, torque
RMNA Check-back message NOT OFF/CLOSED
RMNE Check-back message NOT ON/OPEN
RM/AUTO Automatic mode of operation
SAG Switchgear fault
SCOP Serial (OM) control possible OPEN
SCA Serial (OM) control possible acknowledgement
SCSTOP Serial (OM) control possible STOP
SCCL Serial (OM) control possible CLOSED
SID Control pulse duration
generation S CB/CLC
A/MAN Automatic
& OM
& TF
A/MAN = Automatic command manual/open--loop control
A/CLC = Automatic command closed--loop control
EN/MAN = Process enable manual/open--loop control
EN/CLC = Process enable closed--loop control
CB/MAN = Check--back message manual/open--loop control
CB/CLC = Check--back message closed--loop control
SAB = Disable automatic command
SP/OM = Disable OM control
BL/CLC = Disable closed--loop control mode
SP/TF = Disable desk tile input
URS = Switchover command operating mode
Acknowledge OM R
EXT/FAUL = External fault
NOFF = No feeder fault
NOSD = No status discrepancy
KLB = No runtime/blocking
NO/FAUL = No fault
LGL = Heartbeat higher level
MTU = Motor temperature monitoring
CB/CLC = Check--back message closed--loop control
BL/CLC = Disable closed--loop control mode
STU = Fault switchover manual/open--loop control
SQ = Collective acknowledgement
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--5
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--22
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--32
1 Application
Step controllers (S--controllers) are used for drive controls with servo--motors.
The function block FB155 REGELANT is used as output section and control section for the step controller.
The FB155 has no control algorithm. It outputs the positioning pulses and switches the operating modes via
appropriate inputs and outputs.
The single loop control is in general devided into four functions, which are implemented in AS 620 by the
following means:
- Setpoint generation with set--point adjuster: FB88 O--SPC--G or master controller in a higher level
- Comparison of setpoint value with actual value: AS 620 user defined software
- Control algorithm (e.g. PID): FB90 SCON
- Drive control (with positioning pulse output): FUM or FB155 with SIM 265
Controller Control algorithm
Drive control
Output section FB155 with positioning
REGELANT pulse output
SIM 265
The drive control for the servo--drive can be carried out in the AS 620 B system using the function block
FB155 in conjunction with the signal modules (SIM) in the ET 200 I/O device.
The following input and output signals can be configured for the connection of a servo--drive control:
Input signals:
Output signals:
- ALE, ALA: Load switch ON/OPEN output, Load switch OFF/CLOSED output
These signals can be input with the voltage +24 V DC and output with the voltages + 24 V DC.
The check--back messages can be configured as follows:
-- single contacts as NO/NC contacts (CBOP, CBCL)
-- changeover contacts (CBOP or CBOPNI, CBCL or CBCLNI)
The signals DENAUF/DENZU are NC contacts. The signals SAG and MTU are NO contacts.
If the parameterization is done without torque signals or in the case of not used SAG and MTU signals the
corresponding inputs of the SIM 265 must not be wired.
Not wired inputs of the signals have the following effects in the function block:
SAG = “0”, i.e. not faulty
MTU = “0”, i.e. not faulty
DENAUF, DENZU: = maximum torque not reached
In the case of not wired check--back messages CBOP and CBCL a control operating mode is not possible.
Please refer to the Operating Instructions AS 620 B (SIM) in the AS 620--S5 System Manual, for further
information about signal modules (SIM).
2 Mode of Operation
The function block FB155 can be used in the AP (automation processor) within a control program. The func-
tion block FB155 communicates with the associated signal module (SIM) via the PROFIBUS--DP and head
end modules as shown in the following figure.
Control program
Function block AP
Input/output module
SIM 265
Fig. 4 shows the software functions or function blocks which can be executed by the function block FB155.
Message output
and signalling
Command generation
priority Servo-drive
Check-back signal
Command section monitoring
Servo- Switchgear
Control command
drive feeder
Check-back messages
2.1 Servo-drive
In operating mode “MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL”, the function block acts completely like an actuator
(see FB154 STELANT).
In operating mode “CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL”, the function block only processes commands from the next
higher function block FB90 SCON. The duration and the direction of the command are defined by the FB90
via the control word. The function block FB155 converts this value into a corresponding positioning pulse and
transfers it to the logic section of the open-loop control function of the actuator where, apart from run--time
monitoring, all functions of the control and monitoring section are available as with the actuator FB154.
The servo-drive has a motor temperature monitoring function to protect the motor. Temperature sensors
are fitted in the motor winding which output a signal (MTU) to the function block when a specific temperature
has been reached. The function block then switches over from “CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” to “MANUAL/
OPEN-LOOP CONTROL” and outputs a corresponding message.
A desk tile can be connected to the function block to commit manual inputs:
The operating mode (CLOSED-LOOP or OPEN-LOOP CONTROL) is displayed on the closed-loop control
. Note
All manual commands are disabled by setting the bit ”Disable closed-loop control
tile” in the control word.
Enable Closed--loop control tile Input Open--loop control tile OM
signalling window
Automatic, controller,
Desk tile control protective interlock
Processing of
AP control functions
Drive control module SIM 265
ET 200U
Fig. 5: Structure of servo-drive control with function blocks (singal names: see Chap. 6 abbreviations)
The functions of the actuator apply to the servo-drive in operating mode ”MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP
CONTROL”. Only the functions for operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” are therefore described
. Note
The screen input can be blocked by setting the bit SSB ”Disable serial input” in the
control word.
The bit SPR/OM ”Disable serial controller input” in the control word disables the
operating mode switchover.
In addition to the corresponding process enable (PFR/PFS) in the control word, the function block requires
the manual enable so that the switchover command URS sent from the desk tile becomes valid.
. Note
The manual enable pushbutton must be activated simultaneously with the
respective command pushbutton.
. Note
All manual commands are disabled when the bit ”Disable closed--loop control tile” in
the control word is set.
In operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL”, the following control information is transferred to the
function block FB155 from the higher-level control system:
New pulse
Pulse duration
The command with the highest priority is selected from the applied commands for operating mode switchover
(from the command generation function) and stored.
In Fig. 6, the switchover command with the highest priority is at the top.
. Note
A change in priority can be the reason for disabled commands (see Chap. 3.1)
The current mode of the operating mode memory is signalled by the status word.
The ’”Actual status” of the servo-drive is used by the respective check-back signals which are generated by
the check-back signal conditioning function and are valid.
The operating mode is additionally displayed with the servo-drive by means of ”Check--back message (actual
status CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” (CB/CLC) and ”Check--back message (actual status) MANUAL/OPEN-
3.5.2 Setpoint Status Direction
The setpoint status is made available via the control word, and is displayed on the tile signal lamps in the
case of desk tile inputs.
The bits ”Serial (OM) control possible ...” are not set if a servo-drive is in operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP
A message ”Last status achieved by ...” is not generated in operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL”.
The functions for torque monitoring, signalling of protective action, status discrepancy and run--time
monitoring for the servo-drive correspond to the respective function units of the actuator (see FB154).
In order to protect the motor, the servo-drive has an additional motor temperature monitoring function (MTU)
which results in a switchover from ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL” to ”MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL”
when triggered.
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz in addition.
If one of the faults listed below occurs, a switchover is made to operating mode ”MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP
CONTROL” if the module is in operating mode ”CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL”.
In closed-loop control mode, the open-loop control pushbuttons CLOSED and OPEN are blocked.
The blocking is signalled by permanent lighting-up of the signal lamp ”CLOSED” when pressing the CLOSED
pushbutton, and permanent lighting-up of the signal lamp ”OPEN” when pressing the OPEN pushbutton
(signal only as long as the pushbutton is pressed).
Blocking of the setpoint pushbuttons is signalled by permanent lighting-up of the signal lamp ”Disable closed-
loop control mode” when the setpoint pushbuttons (INCREASE/DECREASE) are pressed and if the setpoint
input is from the group control level (SVG in control word).
Control program
Function block AP
SIM 265
SA faulty E A
Motor temperature E A
Command reset upon activation of the torque switch has been implemented on the SIM module (EPROM).
Data exchange with the function block is carried out using the control word and status word and in addition to
this using time--tagged data (see Fig. 5).
Time--tagged data are used for the chronological acquisition of process signals and I & C error messages for
message processing and display as well as for logging. They are generated by changes in status in all
control levels. The time stamp of the time--tagged data has a resolution of 1 ms.
The various types of TTD are described briefly below.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select special signals that are required in the process control level for message
output and logging in addition to the check--back messages. These signals are generated on the SIM
- Fault TTD
In addition to the signal TTDs, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the control system in
detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs are generated as the result of
events (faults) recognized by the monitoring equipment, such as e.g. input or output signal monitoring
Status word (PAE_E process image)
0 Status bit Check---back message (actual status) OPEN CB/OP
1 Check---back message (actual status) CLOSED CB/CL
2 Setpoint status in OPEN direction DS/OP
3 Setpoint status in CLOSED direction DS/CL
4 Last status achieved by PROTECTION ZES
5 Last status achieved by AUTOMATIC ZEA
6 Last status achieved by MANUAL ZEH
0 Serial (OM) control possible STOP SCSTOP
1 Serial (OM) control possible OPEN SCOP
2 Serial (OM) control possible CLOSED SCCL
3 Serial (OM) control possible acknowledgement SBQ
4 Feeder ready AZB
5 No status discrepancy or signalling of protective action NOSD
6 No feeder fault NOFF
7 No run time/blocking KLB
0 Check---back mes. (act. status) closed-loop control CB/CLC
1 Check---back mes. (act. status) man./op.-loop control CB/MAN
2 Disable closed-loop control mode BL/CLC
3 Fault switchover manual/open-loop control STU
4 No fault NO/FAUL
2 Status bit Disable automatic commands BL/AUTO
Control word (PAA_E process image)
3 Status bit Collective acknowledgement BL/OM
4 Disable serial (OM) control possible BL/DT
5 Disable desk tile input STB*
6 Lamp test LP*
7 Disable signalling of protective action BL/AP
0 Automatic ON/OPEN A/OP
1 Automatic OFF/CLOSED A/CL
2 Automatic STOP A/STOP
4 Protection OPEN P/OP
5 Protection CLOSED P/CL
6 Process enable OPEN EN/OP
7 Process enable CLOSED EN/CL
3 Disable closed-loop control tile BL/DT
4 Disable serial (OM) controller input BL/OM
5 Disable control command in OPEN direction BL/COP
6 Disable control command in CLOSED direction BL/CCL
7 External fault EXT/FAUL
0 Automatic command closed-loop control A/CLC
1 Automatic command manual/open-loop control A/MAN
3 Heartbeat higher level LGL
4 New pulse NIMP
5 Pulse length equal to TA IMPTA
6 Process enable closed-loop control EN/CLC
7 Process enable manual/open-loop control EN/MAN
Status bit
Status word Pulse duration IPD
Fig. 9: Data of process image PAA!_E -- servo--drive, *only with desk tile
Signal TTDs
Comment Abbrevi-
Fault TTDs
Data exchange with the function block is carried out via an LADB and TADB (see Fig. 5).
The signal lamps ”CLOSED”, ”OPEN” and ”Fault” on the open loop/closed-loop control tile indicate:
If ”Disable desk tile input” is present, the signal lamp ”Fault” lights up permanently on the open-loop control
tile or the signal lamp ”Disable closed-loop control mode” on the closed-loop control tile. The actual and
setpoint statuses are still signalled as described above. Lamp testing is carried out with bit 6 in the control
If ”Disable closed-loop control tile” is present, the signal lamp ”Disable closed-loop control mode” (MSPR)
lights up permanently on the closed-loop control tile.
Run time/blocking
Double 1 check--back fault
SIM module faulty
m.c.b. assembly tripped
or check--back error
Block inquiry
CL. = signal lamp ”CLOSED” Fault = signal lamp ”Fault” OPEN = signal lamp ”OPEN”
Fig. 11: Signal representation at the open--loop and closed--loop control tile, Servo--drive with desk tile and screen input
4 Parameterization
Fig. 12 shows the symbol of the function block REGELANT similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring
The two types of parameters listed below are either managed by the ES (no assignment by the user) or can
be preset and changed by the user.
From the general parameters the following are managed by the ES:
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the FB155 is assigned
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: BEL
Function: Defines the assignment of the SIM function block. BEL is generated dependent on
the FUP pictograph “SERVO--DRIVE CONTROL“ or
“SERVO--DRIVE CONTROL with desk tile“ as selected by the user
Range of values: 5, 6
Meaning: 5 = servo-drive without desk tile input
6 = servo-drive with desk tile input
Basic setting: 5
Name: PBR
Function: Defines the priority of the command direction
Range of values: cmd. priority: off / on
cmd. priority: on / off
Basic setting: cmd. priority: off / on
Name: BAV
Function: Defines: -- Command output as permanent command
-- Logic of command output (inversion)
Range of values: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:N -- inv.:Y -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:Y -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:Y
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:Y
Basic setting: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N-- RT.err--reset:N
Name: TST
Function: Defines whether a STOP pushbutton is provided on the desk tile for actuators or
Range of values: no STOPP button (jogging mode)
With STOPP button (continous)
Basic setting: no STOPP button (jogging mode)
Name: SID
Function: Defines the duration of the control pulse
Range of values: 0 to 100
Meaning: 0 = no extension
100 = 10 s
Basic setting: 1 = 0.1 s; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: RWE
Function: Defines whether the ON/OPEN check-back message of the controlled servo-drive
can be detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0:No detection / monitoring
1:Detect. through NO contact
2:Detect. through changeover contact
3:as 1; howev.only monitoring for double 1
4:Detect. through NC contact
Basic setting: 2:Detect. through changeover contact
Name: RWA
Function: Defines whether the OFF/CLOSED check-back message of the controlled
servo-drive can be detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0:No detection / monitoring
1:Detect. through NO contact
2:Detect. through changeover contact
3:as 1; howev.only monitoring for double 1
4:Detect. through NC contact
Basic setting: 2:Detect. through changeover contact
Name: RDE
Function: Defines whether the triggering of the direction-dependent torque can be detected,
and with which type of switch
Range of values: no recording
Basic setting: NC--Contact
Function: Defines the check-back messages with which the actual status is acquired
Range of values: CB act. state = cb.end of travel
CB act. state = cb.end of travel / cb.torque
Basic setting: CB act. state = cb.end of travel
Function: Defines whether commands are to be executed with a check-back fault RMF1 in
the command direction
Range of values: blocked
not blocked
Meaning: WRBHAEA = check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC ON
WRBHAAZ = check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC OFF
WRBSEA = check--back fault does not block PROTECTION ON
WRBSAZ = check--back fault does not block PROTECTION OFF
Basic setting: not blocked
Function: Defines whether limits are monitored and the effects of a detected status
Range of values: not blocked
Meaning: WEFSPERR=status discrepancy monitoring
WEFNSEA=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION ON command
WEFNSAZ=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION OFF command
Basic setting: not blocked
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether TTDs are generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
CB/OP = check--back message (actual status) OPEN
CB/CL = check--back message (actual status) CLOSED
DS/OP = setpoint status OPEN
DS/CL = setpoint status CLOSED
ZES = last status achieved by PROTECTION command
ZEA = last status achieved by AUTOMATIC command
ZEH = last status achieved by MANUAL command
AZB = feeder ready
NOSD = no status discrepancy or signalling of protective action
NOFF = no feeder fault
KLB = no run time/blocking
CB/CLC = check--back message (actual status) CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL
CB/MAN = check--back message (actual status) MANUAL/OPEN-LOOP CONTROL
NO/FAUL = no fault
via automatic command
Basic setting: All bits = 0
5 Technical Data
Block number: FB155
Version: ________________↑
Memory requirements:
-- Code 9288 bytes
-- Parameters (per call) 23 words
-- Historical values (per call) 49 words + 4 words header
Other conditions: The function block can only be used in the group control level
(AP) within the system environment for SIM/protection.
6 Abbreviations
ALA Load switch OFF/CLOSED output
ALE Load switch ON/OPEN output
ANB Feeder not ready
AP Automation processor
AZB Feeder ready
A/OP Automatic command OPEN
A/CLC Automatic command CLOSED--LOOP CONTROL
A/STOP Automatic command STOP
A/CL Automatic command CLOSED
FB Function block
FGDB Enable signal in data block
generation S CB/CLC
A/MAN Automatic
& OM
& TF
A/MAN = Automatic command manual/open--loop control
A/CLC = Automatic command closed--loop control
EN/MAN = Process enable manual/open--loop control
EN/CLC = Process enable closed--loop control
CB/MAN = Check--back message manual/open--loop control
CB/CLC = Check--back message closed--loop control
SAB = Disable automatic command
SP/OM = Disable OM control
BL/CLC = Disable closed--loop control mode
SP/TF = Disable desk tile input
URS = Switchover command operating mode
Acknowledge OM R
EXT/FAUL = External fault
NOFF = No feeder fault
NOSD = No status discrepancy
KLB = No runtime/blocking
NO/FAUL = No fault
LGL = Heartbeat higher level
MTU = Motor temperature monitoring
CB/CLC = Check--back message closed--loop control
BL/CLC = Disable closed--loop control mode
STU = Fault switchover manual/open--loop control
SQ = Collective acknowledgement
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--5
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--27
5 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--28
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8--35
1 Application
The drive control for reversing drives is carried out in the AS 620 B system (SIM version) using the function
block FB156 in conjunction with the signal modules (SIM) of the ET 200 I/O device.
The function block FB156 establishes the connection between the automation processor (AP) and the
SIM 323 / SIM 482 hardware. The source and destination of the signals for the function block are data
blocks (DB). A function block call with its parameter set is required for each drive.
For further information on the application of signal modules (SIM) please refer to:
The Operating Instructions AS 620B--S7(SIM), in the AS 620--S7 System Manual;
The Operating Instructions AS 620B (SIM), in the AS 620--S5 System Manual.
2 Mode of Operation
Fig. 1 shows the software functions which can be executed by the function block FB156.
Message output
and signalling
Command generation
priority Drive
Check-back signal
Command monitoring
Control command
Drive Switchgear
Check-back messages
The reversing drive is used to control conveyor belts. The characteristics and functions of the motor drive are
mainly applicable. However, two feeders are controlled for a belt drive according to the direction of rotation
(clockwise or counterclockwise). A dead interval on reversing can be parameterized. The command Manual
STOP (corresponds in motor to command Manual OFF) from the screen or desk tile always acts on both
motors, however. The same applies to the commands:
Contrary to the motor drive version, the desk tile for the reversing drive has four signal lamps. The fourth
lamp signals the STOP status. This only lights up permanently when both motors have been switched off.
3 Function Description
Input/Output module
SIM 323
SIM 482
ET 200
Switch gear
A reversing drive is a motor drive with two directions of rotation. Two switchgear plug-ins are provided as the
power control unit, one for each direction of rotation.
Each command for one of the two directions of rotation results in a STOP command for the other direction. It
is therefore unnecessary to enter an additional STOP command when changing from COUNTERCLOCKWI-
Manual STOP
A command entered via the screen only becomes valid when the corresponding process enable (EN/LE,
EN/LEST, EN/RI, EN/RIST) is present in the process image PAA_E (see Fig. 6).
. Note
The screen input can be blocked by setting the bit ”Disable serial (OM) input” in the
process image PAA_E.
Manual STOP
In addition to the corresponding process enable (EN/LE, EN/LEST, EN/RI, EN/RIST) in the process image
PAA_E, the function block requires the manual enable so that the command sent from the desk tile becomes
Manual commands are generated with the positive edge of the hardware signal.
. Note
The manual enable pushbutton must be pressed simultaneously with the respective
command pushbutton.
. Note
Control from the desk tile can be blocked by setting the bit ”Disable desk tile input”
in the process image PAA_E.
The command ”Undervoltage protection OFF/STOP” (UA) from the undervoltage monitoring function
immediately switches off the drive in the event of an undervoltage (STOP).
Fig. 3 lists the types of command according to their priority, where the control command with the highest prio-
rity is at the top.
Manual STOP
Manual commands Manual COUNTERCLOCKWISE ON
The original direction of rotation is stored in the event of an undervoltage protection OFF/STOP (UA).
Automatic restarting is carried out in the stored direction.
The objective of the conditioning/monitoring of check-back signals (travel limit) is to provide information on
the actual check-back messages (actual status) of the drive as quickly and as accurately as possible. The
signals from the travel limit switches are monitored for this purpose.
Unavoidable bounce occurs when switching the limit switches. The bounce may last up to 300 ms. The
signals from the limit switches must therefore be delayed so that unintentional triggering of the monitoring
equipment does not occur during the bounce phase.
A check is first carried out, however, to establish whether the check-back signals are valid. The check-back
signals are valid if the signals from a changeover contact are non-equivalent. If this is the case, the valid
check-back message is processed further as follows:
- Valid check-back message COUNTERCLOCKWISE (RML) comes and no control command CCW
----> set check-back message COUNTERCLOCKWISE (RML) with a delay
- Valid check-back message COUNTERCLOCKWISE (RML) comes and control command CCW
----> set check-back message COUNTERCLOCKWISE (RML) without a delay
- Valid check-back message COUNTERCLOCKWISE (RML) goes and no control command STOP
----> delete check-back message COUNTERCLOCKWISE (RML) with a delay
- Valid check-back message COUNTERCLOCKWISE (RML) goes and control command STOP
----> delete check-back message COUNTERCLOCKWISE (RML) without a delay.
The valid check-back signal RMR is processed in a similar manner.
The limit positions can always be monitored using a changeover contact or an NO contact; these can be
selected using the parameters RWE (check-back contact for travel limit ON) for the limit position ON and
RWA (check-back contact for travel limit OFF) for the limit position OFF.
When using NO contacts (set using parameters), the missing check-back signals “RML” or “RMR” are
generated by inverting the signals “RML” or “RMR”.
If the limit positions are not monitored (feeders without check-back messages), the missing check-back
signals are derived from the command output.
0 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1) 1) As long as no valid
1 0 1 1 1 1 1) check-back from
Corresponding conditions apply to the bit “Check-back message (actual status)
The valid check-back signals RML and RMR are monitored for plausibility.
- Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz. The signal lamp ”CLOCKWISE or
COUNTERCLOCKWISE” lights up according to the actual statuses in the process image PAE_E.
- Triggering condition
AC 230 V -- feeder fuse of direct motor control blown.
- Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz.
Reset condition
- Triggering condition
Switchgear plug-in set to test condition.
- Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” lights up permanently.
- Reset condition
Insert switchgear plug-in completely again.
The actual status of the reversing drive is used by the respective check-back signals which are generated by
the check-back signal conditioning function and are valid.
The actual status is made available via the process image PAE_E (see Fig. 6), and is displayed on the tile
signal lamps in the case of desk tile inputs.
The information “Last status achieved by” indicates the reason for achievement of the last status (protection,
automatic or manual), and is made available via the process image PAE_E. If a status discrepancy is
present, no information is output on achievement of the last status.
. Note
Restarting has the lowest priority and only takes place if no commands with higher
priority are present (see Section 3.2 ”Command Priorities”).
The bits “No status discrepancy or signalling of protective action” (omitted with disabling of
signalling of protective action) and “Undervoltage time running” are reset.
- Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the display is as with “Status discrepancy from CLOCKWISE/COUNTER-
”Protective action” is signalled if the drive has been switched on or off by a protection command, if the drive
has been switched off because of an undervoltage and a restart could not take place within the permissible
undervoltage time, or if the drive has been switched off because of an EMERGENCY OFF command.
The message “Protective action” can be blocked using the bit ”Disable signalling of protective action” in the
process image PAA_E.
A status discrepancy is present if the check-back message (actual status) changes without a corresponding
command. It is assumed that the new actual position has been signalled by non-faulty check-back
messages. A status discrepancy is not generated if a check-back fault is present.
The status discrepancy monitoring function monitors local control or the manipulation of check-back
message contacts. The status discrepancy monitoring function can be disabled by appropriate
The following table shows when a status discrepancy is generated following a change in position without a
- Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is displayed dependent on the direction of rotation.
The run time monitoring function is used with the reversing drive to monitor the switch-on and switch-off
The parameter TVE (time for leaving of limit position) can be used to parameterized the permissible
switching time from COUNTERCLOCKWISE or CLOCKWISE to STOP. The parameter TGL (total run time of
drive) can be used to parameterize the permissible switching time from STOP to CLOCKWISE or
- Triggering condition of monitoring function
Violation of the run time set for the drive between command output and the check-back message
valid for this direction or status (STOP).
- Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is additionally displayed dependent on the direction of rotation.
- Reset condition
Release desk tile pushbutton
The signal lamps ”COUNTERCLOCKWISE”, ”CLOCKWISE”, ”STOP” and ”Fault” on the open-loop control
tile indicate:
If ”Disable desk tile input” is present, the signal lamp ”Fault” lights up permanently. There are no other fault
displays in addition. The actual and setpoint statuses are still signalled as described above. Lamp testing is
carried out with bit 6 in the process image PAE_E.
The signal lamp for the STOP status lights up permanently when the drive is stationary.
Dead interval on reversing:
from CCW to CW
from CW to CCW
Check-back fault
Check-back fault
Circuit-breaker tripped
Status discrepancy from:
corresponding to
”Status discrepancy”
Protection CCW/CW
Protection CCW/CW
Scanning of blocking
Lamp test
Fig. 5: Signal patterns on the open-loop control tile, drive type 8 -- reversing drive with screen and desk tile inputs
3.8 Communication
Data exchange with the block is carried out using the control word and status word. With a desk tile
connection, communication is additionally carried out via an LADB and TADB.
Time--tagged datas are used for the chronological acquisition of process signals and I & C error messages
for message processing and display as well as for logging. They are generated by changes in status in all
control levels. The time stamp of the time--tagged data has a resolution of 1 ms.
The various types of TTD are described briefly below.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select the binary or analog input signals as well as signals generated on the
module (e.g. limit signals) if they are required in the process control level for message output and logging.
- Fault TTD
In addition to the signal TTDs, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the control system in
detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs are generated as the result of
events (faults) recognized by the monitoring equipment, such as e.g. input or output signal monitoring
Status word (process image PAE_E)
0 Status bit Check-back message (actual status) CW CB/RI
1 Check-back message (actual status) CCW CB/LE
2 Dead interval on reversing UPL
3 Serial (OM) control possible STOP SBSTOP
4 Last status achieved by PROTECTION ZES
5 Last status achieved by AUTOMATIC ZEA
6 Last status achieved by MANUAL ZEH
7 Undervoltage time running USZ
Fig. 6: Data of process image, drive type 8 -- reversing drive with screen and desk tile inputs
* Only with desk tile
Signal TTDs
Check-back message (actual status) CLOCKWISE CB/RI
Check-back message (actual status) CCW CB/LE
Dead interval on reversing UPL
Last status achieved by PROTECTION ZES
Last status achieved by AUTOMATIC ZEA
Last status achieved by MANUAL ZEH
Undervoltage time running USZ
Undervoltage limit signal ULS
Feeder ready AZB
No status discrepancy or signalling of prot. action NOSD
No feeder fault NOFF
No run time/blocking KLB
Setpoint status CLOCKWISE DSRI
Actual status STOP IZS
Fault TTDs
Fig. 7: Time--tagged data, drive types 7 and 8 -- reversing drive with screen input
4 Configuring
Fig. 8 shows the symbol of the function block REVAN similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring system.
5 Parameterization
All parameters which occur are listed in the sequence in which they are processed. The details are described
Name: BEL
Function: Defines the assignment of the SIM function block
Range of values: 0 to 8
Meaning: 7 = reversing drive without desk tile input
8 = reversing drive with desk tile input
Basic setting: 7
Name: PBR
Function: irrelevant
Name: BAV
Function: Defines: -- Command output as permanent command
-- Logic of command output (inversion)
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = not a permanent command, not inverted
1 = permanent command, command output inverted
Bit 0 = permanent command
Bit 1 = inverted
Basic setting: 0
Name: TUM
Function: Defines the max. permissible voltage failure time for automatic restarting.
Range of values: 0 to 10,000
Meaning: 0 = 0 s (no restart)
10,000 = 1,000 s
Basic setting: 0; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: TWS
Function: Defines the time by which the automatic restart is delayed
(stagger times)
Range of values: 0 to 10,000
Meaning: 0 = 0 s (no stagger time)
10,000 = 1,000 s
Basic setting: 0; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: RWE
Function: Defines whether the ON check-back message of the controlled drive can be
detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0 to 2
Meaning: 0 = no detection/monitoring
1 = detection using NO contact
2 = detection using changeover contact
3 = as 1, without monitoring for double ”0”
Basic setting: 1
Name: RWA
Function: Defines whether the OFF check-back message of the controlled drive can be
detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0 to 2
Meaning: 0 = no detection/monitoring
1 = detection using NO contact
2 = detection using changeover contact
3 = as 1, without monitoring for double ”0”
Basic setting: 1
Name: WRB
Function: Defines whether commands are to be executed with a check-back fault WE in
the command direction
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = RMF 1 R/L blocks execution
1 = Command is executed
Bit 0 = manual/automatic CLOCKWISE
Bit 1 = manual/automatic COUNTERCLOCKWISE
Bit 2 = protection CLOCKWISE
Bit 3 = protection COUNTERCLOCKWISE
Basic setting: 0000
Name: WEF
Function: Defines whether limits are monitored and the effects of a detected status
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: Bit 0 = 1 status discrepancy monitoring disabled
Bit 1 = 1 status discrepancy does not block PROTECTION
Bit 2 = 1 status discrepancy does not block PROTECTION
Basic setting: 000
Name: TGL
Function: Defines the total run time of the drive between the limit positions
Range of values: 0 to 60,000
Meaning: 0 = no run time monitoring
60,000 = 6,000 s
Basic setting: 10 = 1 s; adjusting steps: 1 s
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether TTDs are generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
CB/RI = check-back message (actual status) CLOCKWISE
CB/LE = check-back message (actual status) COUNTERCLOCKWISE
DUPL = dead interval on reversing running
ZES = last status achieved by PROTECTION command
ZEA = last status achieved by AUTOMATIC command
ZEH = last status achieved by MANUAL command
USZ = undervoltage time running
ULS = undervoltage limit signal
AZB = feeder ready
NOSD = no status discrepancy or signalling of protective action
NOFF = no feeder fault
KLB = no run time/blocking
DSRI = setpoint status CLOCKWISE
IZS = actual status STOP
Basic setting: All bits = 0
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the FB156 is assigned
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--4
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--34
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--43
1 Application
The drive control for the actuator can be carried out in the AS 620 B system using the function block FB154
in conjunction with the signal module SIM 265 in the ET 200 I/O device.
The following input and output signals can be configured for the connection of an actuator control:
Input signals:
Output signals:
- ALE, ALA: Load switch ON/OPEN output, Load switch OFF/CLOSED output
These signals can be input with the voltage +24 V DC and output with the voltages + 24 V DC.
The check--back messages can be configured as follows:
-- single contacts as NO/NC contacts (CBOP, CBCL)
-- changeover contacts (CBOP or CBOPNI, CBCL or CBCLNI)
The signals DENAUF/DENZU are NC contacts. The signal SAG is a NO contact.
If the parameterization is done without torque signals or in the case of not used SAG signal the correspon-
ding inputs of the SIM 265 must not be wired.
Not wired inputs of the signals have the following effects in the function block:
SAG = “0”, i.e. not faulty
DENAUF, DENZU: = maximum torque not reached
In the case of not wired check--back messages CBOP and CBCL a control operating mode is not possible.
Please refer to the Operating Instructions AS 620 B (SIM) in the AS 620--S5 System Manual for further
information about signal modules (SIM).
2 Mode of Operation
The function block FB154 can be used in the AP (automation processor) within a control program. The func-
tion block FB154 communicates with the associated signal module (SIM) via the PROFIBUS--DP and head
end modules as shown in the following figure.
Control program
Function block AP
Input/output module
SIM 265
Fig. 3 shows the software functions or function blocks which can be executed by the function block FB155.
Message output
and signalling
Command generation
priority Servo-drive
Check-back signal
Command section monitoring
Servo- Switchgear
Control command
drive feeder
Check-back messages
2.1 Actuator
The following characteristics of the feeder are important when considering the drive controls:
- Actuator motor:
Direction of rotation Counterclockwise, clockwise
- Limit switches:
Travel-dependent 2 changeover contacts (snap-action contacts) or
2 single contacts (NO contacts)
Torque-dependent 2 single contacts (NC contacts)
- Switchgear:
Plug-in unit with 2 contactor relays (one per command direction)
The opposite response is also recorded, i.e. if travel-dependent command resetting has been parameterized
and a torque nevertheless occurs on the actuator (torque switch after travel switch).
The actual state and the running direction (setpoint state) of the actuator are made available to the next
higher level via the process image or, in the case of desk tile inputs, displayed directly via corresponding
The run time monitoring function determines whether a control command is executed correctly (within the
parameterized monitoring time).
The status discrepancy monitoring function detects by comparing the setpoint and actual value whether
the actuator has left the current position without a corresponding control command having been sent via the
module. The module then signals a status discrepancy. It is possible to parameterize whether the status
discrepancy is to have a resetting effect compared to the control command which has been output (so-called
prevention of pumping).
The user can also parameterize whether protection commands are to be active nevertheless compared to
the normal command resetting, i.e. the feeder can also be set to the preferential position in the event of a
check-back error as well as in the case of a status discrepancy.
The monitoring function “Signalling of protective execution” recognizes whether a protection command
has actually been executed and the final control element moved in the process. Triggering of one of the abo-
ve-mentioned monitoring functions is signalled via the status word. Secondary messages are suppressed so
that only the actual cause of the fault is displayed. In addition, the acknowledgement menu on the
OM 650 indicates whether the current fault can be acknowledged or whether a repair is necessary.
Acknowledgements are carried out using commands which are sent either via the control word (from OM 650
screen or automatic system) or from the desk tile (command pushbutton without enable).
The blocking scan function can be used to check -- by pressing the corresponding desk tile command
pushbutton (without enable pushbutton) -- whether the selected command direction is free; i.e. whether a
subsequent manual command would be successful or whether it would be blocked as a result of the missing
process enable or an automatic or protection command in the opposite direction. Command blocking is
indicated by permanent lighting-up of the signal lamp ”Fault” on the desk tile.
The status acquisition function detects whether the last position assumed has been achieved by a manual,
automatic or protection command. The status messages are also passed on to the next higher level via the
status word.
When switching on the module for the first time, all functional units which depend on the check-back
messages are matched to the current status of the latter.
Automatic, controller,
Desk tile control
protective interlock
Processing of
AP control functions
Module SIM 265 and
ET 200U
- Manual commands
- Automatic commands
- Protection commands
Different enabling criteria, e.g. process enable, manual enable, are required before a command becomes
effective and depend on the type and priority of the command.
All commands apart from manual commands from the desk tile are input via the control word.
Priority logic
(1. before 2. before 3. before 4.)
1. Control in opposite direction on blocking by torque
2. Protection commands
3. Automatic commands
4. Manual commands from ”OM650” or ”Desk tile”
Command output
control command
Fig. 5: Overview of the command generation and priority for the actuator (simplified)
3.1.1 Commands from the Serial (OM) Operating System (OM 650)
Manual OPEN
Manual STOP
A command entered via the OM 650--screen only becomes valid when the corresponding process enable
(PFEIN/PFAS) is present via the control word.
In addition to the commands “OPEN”, “CLOSED” and “STOP”, it is possible to send a control pulse in the
OPEN or CLOSED direction from the screen to permit exact positioning. The pulse length can be adjusted
using the parameter “SID”. The control pulse is started by the positive edge (on activation). Following expiry
of the control pulse duration, the actuator is stopped by a STOP command.
. Note
The screen input can be blocked by setting the bit ”Disable serial (OM) input” in the
control word.
Manual OPEN
Manual STOP
In addition to the corresponding process enable (EN/OP ; EN/CL) in the control word, the function block
requires the manual enable so that the commands sent from the desk tile become valid.
Manual commands are generated with the positive edge of the hardware signal.
Depending on the desk tile variant the STOP button may also not be applicable (non--maintained command
. Note
In order to give commands from the desk tile the manual enable pushbutton must
be activated simultaneously with the respective command pushbutton.
. Note
Control from the desk tile can be blocked by setting the bit ”Disable desk tile input”
in the control word.
If a torque fault “Torque switch before travel switch” is present, it is possible -- despite a missing process
enable -- to drive in the opposite direction using manual commands until the blocking is released (torque limit
switch released and torque memory deleted).
It is only possible to control in the original direction again when the blocking has been released.
Automatic OPEN
Automatic CLOSED
Automatic STOP
The commands from the higher-level automatic system ”Automatic OPEN”, ”Automatic CLOSED”, ”Automatic
STOP” are transmitted with the required process enable by means of the control word.
Protection OPEN
Protection CLOSED
The protection commands “Protection OPEN” and “Protection CLOSED” are transmitted with the control
word and do not require a process enable.
In conjunction with the protection commands, the signal “Disable signalling of protective action” can be
transmitted in the control word. The result is that an executed protection command need not be
Fig. 6 lists the types of command according to their priority, where the control command with the highest prio-
rity is at the top.
. Note
The priority OFF before ON can be reversed using the parameter PBR (priority of
command direction).
The command output function outputs the control command until the reset criterion has been reached.
The parameter BAV can be used to define whether the command is to be output as a continuous command
and whether an inverted command output is required.
The objective of the conditioning/monitoring of check-back signals (travel limit) is to provide information on
the actual state of the actuator as quickly as possible and as accurately as possible. The signals from the
travel limit switches are monitored for this purpose.
Unavoidable bounce occurs when switching the limit switches. The bounce may last up to 300 ms. The si-
gnals from the limit switches are therefore delayed so that unintentional triggering of the monitoring equip-
ment does not occur during the bounce phase.
The valid check-back signals RME and RMA are monitored for plausibility.
In addition it can also be parameterized (see parameters RWE and RWA) if a plausibility check of double ”0”
signal is made for a detection with NO contacts.
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz. The signal lamp ”OPEN” or
”CLOSED” lights up according to the actual statuses in the status word.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see OM 650 Manual “Process Control”).
The functional response of the conditioning/monitoring of check-back signals from torque-dependent limit
switches corresponds to the signal conditioning/monitoring of the travel-dependent check-back signals.
The parameter “RDE” for both limit positions decides whether the conditioning stays switched off or is done
via NO--contacts.
The valid check-back signals DE OPEN and DE CLOSED are monitored for plausibility.
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see OM 650 Manual “Process Control”).
- Triggering condition
The fault is detected via the HW input of the SIM module (SAG).
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
- Reset condition
Repair (removal of the switchgear fault)
Actual status
Check---back message (actual status) ON / OPEN (RM/EIN); actual status NOT ON/OPEN
Check---back message (actual status) OFF / CLOSED (RM/AUS); actual status NOT OFF/CLOSED
The actual status of the actuator is used by the respective check-back signals which are generated by the
check-back signal conditioning function and are valid.
The actual status is made available via the status word, and is displayed on the tile signal lamps in the case
of desk tile inputs.
Acquisition of the actual status, and thus whether resetting is travel-dependent or torque-dependent, can be
defined by parameterization (parameter EIZ: acquisition of actual status).
In the case of torque-dependent resetting, the output signal of the torque memory is linked to the
corresponding travel-dependent check-back message (RME or RMA); with travel-dependent resetting, only
the travel-dependent check-back message is used to generated the actual status.
OM 650 displays by means of colouring in the associated pictograph of the detail window whether the actua-
tor has left the limit position “CLOSED”.
The information ”Setpoint status” is derived from the control commands output by the function block. The
information ”Setpoint status” is deleted if the drive has reached the limit position defined by the control
The signal ”Setpoint status direction” is required to display the movement and the direction from one limit
position to the other on the OM 650 and desk tile (if present).
This results in:
The setpoint status is made available via the status word, and is displayed on the tile signal lamps in the ca-
se of desk tile inputs.
The function block signals to the serial (OM) input system those commands, as far as the drive is concerned,
which are possible as a result of the status acquisition or are necessary as a result of the triggered drive mo-
nitoring functions (for control tracking in the OM 650). The corresponding bits are then set in the status word.
In the OM 650 operation window the associated control pushbutton is displayed in blue colour (control possi-
The information “Last status achieved by” indicates the reason for achievement of the last status of the
actuator (protection, automatic or manual), and is made available via the status word. If a status discrepancy
is present, no information is output on achievement of the last status.
Since the torque check-back signals are temporary signals, the “Valid check-back messages” conditioned
accordingly by the ”Check-back signal conditioning/monitoring function (torque)” must be stored.
The respective check-back signal (DE CLOSED, DE OPEN) is stored delayed or undelayed depending on
the position of the actuator.
The torque memory is always set undelayed if the travel-dependent check-back message for the desired
command direction is present followed by signalling of a valid torque check-back message from the
corresponding limit position (torque following travel limit = torque switch after travel switch).
The delay is required when setting the torque memory since brief torque overshoots may occur unintentio-
nally when starting. These would result in switching of the torque limit switches and thus setting of the torque
memory. This would be equivalent to a permanent command reset.
The delay time can be parameterized (in the OPEN direction using the parameter “TDA” and in the CLO-
SED direction using the parameter “TDZ”) and is always started with a command output from CLOSED to
OPEN. If a torque check-back message occurs in the command direction within the delay time, the control
command is only cancelled following expiry of the delay time if the torque check-back message is still pre-
sent then.
Fig. 7 shows examples of setting of the torque memory.
Valid torque
Torque memory
Valid torque
Torque memory
Fig. 8 shows the set and reset criteria of the torque memory (DE CLOSED); corresponding criteria apply to
the torque memory (DE OPEN).
The set criterion of one torque memory is always the reset criterion of the other, i.e. only one torque memory
can be set at any time.
RMA Set DE CLOSED memory
CLOSED command or
or move to
RMF1A Delayed No delay
-- -- x -- --
x -- -- -- --
x -- x x --
x x -- -- --
x x x -- x
-- x -- -- --
-- x x -- --
Compl. OPEN
set criteria EFAnE command or Delete
DE OPEN pos. move to DE
memory edge OPEN and CLOSED
present RMA not memory
x -- -- x
-- x -- x
-- -- x x
-- x x x
x x x x
x x -- x
x -- x x
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the fault (run time/blocking) is displayed dependent on the direction.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
The monitoring function detects if travel-dependent resetting has been parameterized and the actuator
nevertheless activates the torque function.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault (run time/blocking) is displayed dependent on the direction.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
The message “Status discrepancy or signalling of protective action” can be blocked using the bit “SP/MS”
(disable signalling of protective action) in the control word.
A status discrepancy is present if the actual status changes without a corresponding command (actual status
¸ command memory). It is assumed that the new actual position has been signalled by non--faulty
check-back messages.
Fig. 9 shows when a status discrepancy is generated following a change in position without a command.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is displayed in addition dependent on the direction.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
. Note
Following a STOP command, an actuator may coast for a short time because of its
If the actuator is shortly before a limit position when the STOP command is sent, it
may still reach this position although a command output in this direction is no longer
The status discrepancy monitoring function would immediately detect this change in
position without a control command as a status discrepancy. In order to prevent this,
the status discrepancy monitoring function is disabled for approx. 1 second follow-
ing command termination (= STOP command).
This function is used to monitor the total run time of the actuator from the time of command output up to the
arrival of the valid check-back message from the desired limit position. The total run time of the actuator can
be parameterized (parameter TGL) and is the same for both command directions.
A STOP command terminates run time monitoring.
- Triggering condition of monitoring function
Violation of the run time set for the actuator between command output and the check-back message
valid for this direction.The monitoring function is only triggered if a check-back fault is not present in
the command direction.
This monitoring function monitors leaving of the limit position starting at the time the command is output.
By pressing the command pushbutton OPEN or CLOSED on the control tile without an enable pushbutton,
the operator can determine whether the desired command direction is enabled for manual control.
The signal lamp ”Fault” lights up permanently if blocking is present.
D Signalling
The signal lamp ”Fault” lights up permanently.
- Reset condition
Release desk tile pushbutton.
Control program
Function block AP
SIM 265
SA faulty E A
Fig. 10: Connections of the module SIM 265 for the actuator
Command reset upon activation of the torque switch has been implemented on the SIM module (EPROM).
Data exchange with the function block is carried out using the control word and status word and in addition to
this using time--tagged data (see Fig. 11 and Fig. 12).
Time--tagged data are used for the chronological acquisition of process signals and I & C error messages for
message processing and display as well as for logging. They are generated by changes in status in all
control levels. The time stamp of the time--tagged data has a resolution of 1 ms.
The various types of TTD are described briefly below.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select special signals that are required in the process control level for message
output and logging in addition to the check--back messages. These signals are generated on the SIM
- Fault TTD
In addition to the signal TTDs, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the control system in
detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs are generated as the result of
events (faults) recognized by the monitoring equipment, such as e.g. input or output signal monitoring
Status word (PAE_E process image)
0 Status bit Check---back message (actual status) OPEN CB/OP
1 Check---back message (actual status) CLOSED CB/CL
2 Setpoint status in OPEN direction DS/OP
3 Setpoint status in CLOSED direction DS/CL
4 Last status reached by PROTECTION ZES
5 Last status reached by AUTOMATIC ZEA
6 Last status reached by MANUAL ZEH
Signal TTDs
Comment Abbrevi-
Fault TTDs
Status discrepancy from CLOSED to OPEN EFAE
Status discrepancy from OPEN to CLOSED EFEA
Run time violation on leaving of limit position LZV
Run time violation, total LZG
Switchgear fault SAG
Protective action OPEN MSE
Protective action CLOSED MSA
Check-back error 1 OPEN RMF1E
Check-back error 1 CLOSED RMF1A
Check-back error 2 OPEN RMF2E
Check-back error 2 CLOSED RMF2A
Torque switch OPEN fault DEAS
Torque switch CLOSED fault DEZS
Torque switch after resetting by travel switch DEABS
Data exchange with the function block is carried out using the data blocks TADB and LADB (see Fig. 4). The
signal lamps ”ON”, ”OFF” and ”Fault” on the open-loop control tile indicate:
ACTUAL position
SETPOINT direction
CL. Fault OPEN CL. Fault OPEN CL. Fault OPEN CL. Fault OPEN
State in position
Status discrepancy
Run time/blocking
CL. = signal lamp ”CLOSED” Fault = signal lamp ”Fault” OPEN = signal lamp ”OPEN”
Fig. 13: Signal representation at the desk tile, Actuator with screen and desk tile input
4 Parameterization
Fig. 14 shows the symbol of the function block STELANT similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring
The two types of parameters listed below are either managed by the ES (no assignment by the user) or can
be preset and changed by the user.
From the general parameters the following are managed by the ES:
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the FB155 is assigned
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: BEL
Function: Defines the assignment of the SIM function block. BEL is generated dependent on
the FUP pictograph “ACTUATOR CONTROL“ or
“ACTUATOR CONTROL with desk tile“ as selected by the user
Range of values: 3, 4
Meaning: 3 = actuator without desk tile input
4 = actuator with desk tile input
Basic settings: 3
Name: BAV
Function: Defines: -- Command output as permanent command
-- Logic of command output (inversion)
Range of values: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:N
pers.cmd:N -- inv.:Y
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:Y
Basic setting: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N
Name: TST
Function: Defines whether a STOP pushbutton is provided on the desk tile for actuator
Range of values: no STOPP button (jogging mode)
With STOPP button (continous)
Basic setting: no STOPP button (jogging mode)
Name: SID
Function: Defines the duration of the control pulse
Range of values: 0 to 100
Meaning: 0 = no extension
100 = 10 s
Basic setting: 1 = 0.1 s; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: RWE
Function: Defines whether the ON/OPEN check-back message of the controlled actuator
can bedetected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0:No detection / monitoring
1:Detect. through NO contact
2:Detect. through changeover contact
3:as 1; howev.only monitoring for double 1
4:Detect. through NC contact
Basic setting: 2:Detect. through changeover contact
Function: Defines the check-back messages with which the actual status is acquired
Range of values: CB act. state = cb.end of travel
CB act. state = cb.end of travel / cb.torque
Basic setting: CB act. state = cb.end of travel
Function: Defines whether commands are to be executed with a check-back fault RMF1 in
the command direction
Range of values: blocked
not blocked
Meaning: WRBHAEA = check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC ON
WRBHAAZ = check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC OFF
WRBSEA = check--back fault does not block PROTECTION ON
WRBSAZ = check--back fault does not block PROTECTION OFF
Basic setting: not blocked
Function: Defines whether limits are monitored and the effects of a detected status
Range of values: not blocked
Meaning: WEFSPERR=status discrepancy monitoring
WEFNSEA=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION ON command
WEFNSAZ=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION OFF command
Basic setting: not blocked
Name: TVE
Function: Defines the time within which the actuator must have left its limit position
following output of the command
Range of values: 0 to 600
Meaning: 0 = no run time monitoring
600 = 60 s
Basic setting: 0; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: TGL
Function: Defines the total run time of the actuator between the limit positions
Range of values: 0 to 60,000
Meaning: 0 = no run time monitoring
60,000 = 6,000 s
Basic setting: 10 = 1 s; adjusting steps: 1 s
Name: TDA
Function: Defines the time interval for which the torque signal is suppressed after start
in OPEN direction
Range of values: 0 to 10,000
Meaning: 0 = 0s
10,000 = 100 s
Basic setting: 0; adjusting steps: 0.01 s
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether TTDs are generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
CB/OP = check--back message (actual status) OPEN
CB/CL = check--back message (actual status) CLOSED
DS/OP = setpoint status OPEN
DS/CL = setpoint status CLOSED
ZES = last status achieved by PROTECTION command
ZEA = last status achieved by AUTOMATIC command
ZEH = last status achieved by MANUAL command
AZB = feeder ready
NOSD = no status discrepancy or signalling of protective action
NOFF = no feeder fault
KLB = no run time/blocking
Basic setting: All bits = 0
5 Technical Data
6 Abbreviations
ALA Load switch OFF/CLOSED output
ALE Load switch ON/OPEN output
ANB Feeder not ready
AP Automation processor
AZB Feeder ready
A/OP Automatic command OPEN
A/STOP Automatic command STOP
A/CL Automatic command CLOSED
FB Function block
FGDB Enable signal in data block
TA Pushbutton
TAAUF Command pushbutton OPEN
TADB Data block for command pushbuttons
TASTOP Pushbutton command STOP
TAZU Pushbutton command CLOSED
TDA Torque time bypass in OPEN direction
TDZ Torque time bypass in CLOSED direction
TGL Total run time of servo-drive
TTD Time--tagged data
TVE Time for leaving of limit position
Automatic commands
& &
Manual commands
from OM
& &
Manual commands
from desk tile
A = Automatic, EN = Process enable
FHD = Manual input enable SP/TF= Disable desk tile input
SP/OM = Disable OM input
Command OUTPUT
memory Load switch
Control in opposite
direction on blocking Priority ”CLOSED” ALA
logic S ”CLOSED”
Parameter PBR ”OPEN”
“CLOSED before OPEN”/
”OPEN before CLOSED” >1 R
No fault 1
Torque “CLOSED”
Torque “OPEN”
Parameter EIZ, acquisition of
actual status, “Limit position
and torque OPEN”
Check--back message “OPEN”
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--4
2 Mode of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--6
2.1 Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--8
3 Function Description of the Actuator Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--10
3.1 Command Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--11
3.1.1 Commands from the Serial (OM) Operating System (OM 650) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--12
3.1.2 Commands from the Desk Tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--12
3.1.3 Control in Opposite Direction on Blocking by Torque Limit Switch (DE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--13
3.1.4 Commands from the Next--Higher Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--13
3.1.5 Commands from the Local Control Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--14
3.2 Command Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--14
3.3 Additional Features with Parameter RMS “Tag--Out YES” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--15
3.3.1 Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--15
3.3.2 FORCING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--16
3.3.3 TAG--OUT (Disable Command Logic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--16
3.3.4 Behavior in the event of a fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--17
3.4 Command Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--18
3.5 Check-back Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--18
3.5.1 Actuator-based Check-back Messages (Travel Limit Switches) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--18 Non-equivalence Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--18 Plausibility Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--19
3.5.2 Actuator-based Check-back Messages (Torque Limit Switches) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--19 Plausibility Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--20
3.5.3 Feeder--based Check-back Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--20 Check-back Messages ”Switchgear Faulty” (SAG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--20
3.6 Status Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--22
3.6.1 Check--back Message (actual status) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--22
3.6.2 Setpoint Status Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--22
3.6.3 Serial (OM) Control Possible ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--22
3.6.4 Last Status Reached by ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--23
3.7 Actuator Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--24
3.7.1 Torque Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--24 Torque Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--24 Monitoring Function for Torque before Travel-dependent Check-back Message . . . . . . . . . . 9--26 Monitoring Function for Torque after Travel-dependent Check-back Message . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--27
3.7.2 Signalling of Protective Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--28
3.7.3 Status Discrepancy Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--29
3.7.4 Run--time Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--30 Run time Monitoring -- Total Run time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--31 Run time Monitoring -- Leaving of Limit Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--32
3.7.5 Scanning of Blocking (only with Desk Tile Input) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--33
3.8 Connections to the SIM Modules for the Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--34
3.9 Communication with AP and OM 650 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--36
3.9.1 Time--tagged data (TTD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--36
3.9.2 Signalling on OM 650 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--36
3.10 Messages and Signals on the Desk Tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--39
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--41
5 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--52
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--53
7 Appendix: Circuit Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--56
1 Application
The drive control for the actuator can be carried out in the AS 620 B system using the function block FB164
in conjunction with signal modules (SIM) in the ET 200 I/O device. Please note that the torque resetting is
done within the bounds of the AP processing cycle. Therefore the application is only sensible if the resetting
takes place in the switchgear or when using smart drives with build--in torque resetting.
The following input and output signals can be configured for the connection of an actuator control:
Input signals:
Output signals:
- ALES, ALAS: Load switch OPEN output, Load switch CLOSED output
These signals can be input with the voltages +24 V DC, +115 V DC, 115 V AC, + 230 V DC and 230 V AC
(according to the module used) and output with the voltages + 24 V DC, 115 V AC and 230 V AC.
The check--back messages can be configured as follows:
-- single contacts as NO/NC contacts (CBOP, CBCL)
-- changeover contacts (CBOP or CBOPNI, CBCL or CBCLNI)
The signals DEAUF / DEZU and the signal SAG can be configured as NO contact or NC contact.
If the DEAUF / DEZU signals or the SAG signal are not used, then these signals do not require parameteri-
zation in the hardware and the corresponding inputs of the SIM modules do not need to be wired.
The corresponding Signal Modules (SIM) offer free allocation of the inputs and outputs (configurable).
Instead of direkt allocation to SIM I/O modules, a preprocessing or further processing of the inputs and
outputs via logic is also possible. This is called decoupling.
Not wired inputs of the signals are replaced by the function block as follows:
SAG = “0”, i.e. not faulty
DEAUF, DEZU: = “0”, i.e. maximum torque not reached
In the case of not wired check--back messages CBOP and CBCL a control operating mode is not possible.
For further information on the application of signal modules (SIM) please refer to:
The Operating Instructions AS 620B--S7(SIM), in the AS 620--S7 System Manual;
The Operating Instructions AS 620 B (SIM), in the AS 620--S5 System Manual.
2 Mode of Operation
The function block FB164 can be used in the AP (automation processor) within a control program. The func-
tion block FB164 communicates with the associated signal module (SIM) via the PROFIBUS--DP and head
end modules as shown in the following figure.
Control program
Function block AP
Fig. 3 shows the software functions or function blocks which can be executed by the function block FB164.
Message output
and signalling
Command generation
priority Servo-drive
Check-back signal
Command section monitoring
Servo- Switchgear
Control command
drive feeder
Check-back messages
2.1 Actuator
The following characteristics of the feeder are important when considering the drive controls:
- Actuator motor:
Direction of rotation Counterclockwise, clockwise
- Limit switches:
Travel-dependent 2 changeover contacts (snap-action contacts) or
2 single contacts (NO contacts/NC contacts)
Torque-dependent 2 single contacts (NO contacts/NC contacts)
- Switchgear:
Plug-in unit with 2 contactor relays (one per command direction)
The opposite response is also recorded, i.e. if travel-dependent command resetting has been parameterized
and a torque nevertheless occurs on the actuator (torque switch after travel switch).
The actual state and the running direction (setpoint state) of the actuator are made available to the next
higher level via the process image or, in the case of desk tile inputs, displayed directly via corresponding
The run time monitoring function determines whether a control command is executed correctly (within the
parameterized monitoring time).
The status discrepancy monitoring function detects by comparing the setpoint and actual value whether
the actuator has left the current position without a corresponding control command having been sent via the
module. The module then signals a status discrepancy. It is possible to parameterize whether the status
discrepancy is to have a resetting effect compared to the control command which has been output (so-called
prevention of pumping).
The user can also parameterize (parameter WEF) whether protection commands are to be active
nevertheless compared to the normal command resetting, i.e. the feeder can also be set to the preferential
position in the event of a check-back error as well as in the case of a status discrepancy.
The monitoring function “Signalling of protective execution” recognizes whether a protection command
has actually been executed and the final control element moved in the process. Triggering of one of the abo-
ve-mentioned monitoring functions is signalled via the status word. Secondary messages are suppressed so
that only the actual cause of the fault is displayed. In addition, the acknowledgement menu on the
OM 650 indicates whether the current fault can be acknowledged or whether a repair is necessary.
Acknowledgements are carried out using commands which are sent either via the control word (from OM 650
screen or automatic system) or from the desk tile (command pushbutton without enable).
The blocking scan function can be used to check -- by pressing the corresponding desk tile command
pushbutton (without enable pushbutton) -- whether the selected command direction is free; i.e. whether a
subsequent manual command would be successful or whether it would be blocked as a result of the missing
process enable or an automatic or protection command in the opposite direction. Command blocking is
indicated by permanent lighting-up of the signal lamp ”Fault” on the desk tile.
The status acquisition function detects whether the last position assumed has been achieved by a manual,
automatic or protection command. The status messages are also passed on to the next higher level via the
status word.
When switching on the module for the first time, all functional units which depend on the check-back
messages are matched to the current status of the latter.
Automatic, controller,
Desk tile control
protective interlock
Processing of
AP control functions
ET 200
Fig. 4: Structure of actuator control STELANTR with function blocks ( for signal names refer to Chap.6 Abbreviations)
- Manual commands
- Automatic commands
- Protection commands
Different enabling criteria, e.g. process enable, manual enable, are required before a command becomes
effective and depend on the type and priority of the command.
All commands apart from manual commands from the desk tile are input via the control word.
Priority logic
(1. to 6. --> high to low priority)
1. FORCING commands from ”OM650”
2. Control in opposite direction on blocking by torque
3. Protection commands
4. Local commands from the “local control unit”
5. Automatic commands
6. Manual commands from ”OM650” or ”Desk tile”
Command output
control command
Fig. 5: Overview of the command generation and priority for the actuator (simplified)
3.1.1 Commands from the Serial (OM) Operating System (OM 650)
Manual OPEN
Manual CLOSE
Manual STOP
TAG---OUT *)
A command entered via the OM 650--screen only becomes valid when the corresponding process enable
(EN/OP; EN/CL) is present via the control word.
With operating mode FORCING, the drive can be operated via the OM650--commands “Manual OPEN” and
“Manual CLOSE” irrespective of the process enable. Protection and automatic commands are blocked.
FORCING--commands always take effect as continuous commands. No resetting of the command when re-
aching the limit position.
In addition to the commands “OPEN”, “CLOSE” and “STOP”, it is possible to send a control pulse in the
OPEN or CLOSE direction from the screen to permit exact positioning. The pulse length can be adjusted
using the parameter “SID”. The control pulse is started by the positive edge (on activation). Following expiry
of the control pulse duration, the actuator is stopped by a STOP command.
. Note
The screen input can be blocked by setting the bit ”Disable serial (OM) input” in the
control word.
When the local control unit is selected or if the drive status word is simulated then
the screen input via OM 650 is blocked.
. Note
When the function TAG--OUT is parameterized and if the operating mode
“Automatic” is set then the screen input via OM 650 is blocked.
Manual OPEN
Manual CLOSE
Manual STOP
In addition to the corresponding process enable (EN/OP ; EN/CL) in the control word, the function block
requires the manual enable so that the commands sent from the desk tile become valid.
Manual commands are generated with the positive edge of the hardware signal.
Depending on the desk tile version, the STOP pushbutton can also be omitted (inching mode).
. Note
In order to give commands from the desk tile the manual enable pushbutton must
be activated simultaneously with the respective command pushbutton.
. Note
Control from the desk tile can be blocked by setting the bit ”Disable desk tile input”
in the control word.
The desk tile input is blocked when the drive status word is simulated.
. Note
The desk tile command is blocked in operating mode FORCING or if the TAG--OUT
function is switched on.
If a torque fault “Torque switch before travel switch” is present, it is possible -- despite a missing process
enable -- to drive in the opposite direction using manual commands until the blocking is released (torque limit
switch released and torque memory deleted).
It is only possible to control in the original direction again when the blocking has been released.
Automatic OPEN
Automatic CLOSE
Automatic STOP
The commands from the higher-level automatic system ”Automatic OPEN“, ”Automatic CLOSED“, ”Automatic
STOP” are transmitted with the required process enable by means of the control word.
Protection OPEN
Protection CLOSE
The protection commands “Protection OPEN” and “Protection CLOSED” are transmitted with the control
word and do not require a process enable.
In conjunction with the protection commands, the signal “Disable signalling of protective action” can be
transmitted in the control word. The result is that an executed protection command need not be
! The protection, manual, and automatic commands are blocked in operating mode
FORCING or if the TAG--OUT function is switched on.
. Note
The automatic commands are blocked with the parameterized TAG--OUT function
and not activated operating mode “Manual”.
In the case of drives having a local control unit the local control unit can be enabled through the process
image by setting the ”VOS” bit in the drive control word (PAA_E). The local control unit can either be con-
nected via the desk--tile connections of the module or intervene directly in the switchgear.
When the local control has been selected, screen (OM) input as well as the execution of automatic com-
mands are disabled.
Desk--tile operation is enabled. This means that any ”Disable desk--tile operation” command is cleared and
the process releases are enabled.
Status discrepancy monitoring is disabled and the monitoring devices are tracked to the actual system sta-
tus. This ensure that status discrepancies are avoided under direct intervention in the switchgear.
Fig. 6 lists the types of command according to their priority, where the control command with the highest prio-
rity is at the top.
Automatic STOP
Automatic commands *) Automatic CLOSED
Automatic OPEN
Manual STOP
Manual commands *) Manual CLOSED
Manual OPEN
. Note
The priority CLOSE before OPEN can be reversed with parameter PBR (priority of
command direction).
Input status word
Switchover automatic
or manual via OM
Input status word RM/AUTO
1 R Q
Start--up (in the status word)
Depending om the parameter OP_MODE, the function block has following operating modes:
. Note
The OM 650 operation “MAN/AUTO changeover” can be disabled by setting the
MAUS parameter “MAN/AUTO”.
The FORCING mode can be activated or deactivated via the “FORCE” button on OM650. The default state is
“FORCING OFF”. With operating mode FORCING, the drive can be operated via the OM650--commands
“Manual OPEN” and “Manual CLOSE” irrespective of the process enable. Protection and automatic com-
mands are blocked. FORCING--commands always take effect as continuous commands. No resetting of the
command when reaching the limit position.
. Note
FORCING is not possible if outputs are decoupled, see chapter 3.8.
The TAG--OUT function allows the drive block to be switched to inactive. This means that neither Manual
nor Automatic commands can control the drive corresponding to a logical disconnect. Nevertheless the
check-back messages of the system are updated and indicated on the OM 650 for the operator.
The TAG--OUT function can only be used after adequate parameterization (RMS=”Tag--Out YES” and
The switchover and the signalling of the function TAG--OUT is done via the operating window of the OM 650.
The function TAG--OUT (output SP/BFLO is set) can only be switched on in the operating mode “Manual”
with feedback CLOSED.
TAG--OUT switched on
-- blocks the command processing and output i. e. the actuator is not operable from the OM 650 or
from the AS 620 or from desk tile.
-- inhibits the limit position monitoring and sets the monitoring equipment on tracking.
So the status discrepancy is avoided for a direct intervention on the switchgear.
The acquisition and signalling of check--back messages e.g. “Feedback OPEN” is continued
-- signal lamp “Fault” is on continually when operating with desk tile
. Note
The OM 650 operation “TAG--OUT changeover” can be disabled by setting the
TOUS parameter “TAG--OUT changeover not activated”.
With the parameter VBAF selected “activated”,the command outputs ALE and ALA will not be deactivated if
the following faults occur:
-- Status discrepancy
-- Checkback error
-- Switchgear fault.
With the parameter BSFG selected “activated”, it is possible to initiate a manual “CLOSE” command from
OM650 while a switchgear fault is present.
With the parameter REJ/MAN selected “activated”, the operating mode memory is reset if the following faults
occur: -- Status Discrepancy
-- Feedback Fault
-- Switchgear Fault
-- Runtime Failure
-- Protective Action
-- Torque switch fault.
. Note
A slowing--down time can be parameterized for a travel-dependent reset. In that
case the drive is only switched off when the limit position is reached and when the
set time has elapsed.
The control command is not reset when reaching the limit position for a configured
continuous command. The control command is only cancelled when the torque
switch has operated.
The objective of the conditioning/monitoring of check-back signals (travel limit) is to provide information on
the actual state of the actuator as quickly as possible and as accurately as possible. The signals from the
travel limit switches are monitored for this purpose.
Unavoidable bounce occurs when switching the limit switches. The bounce may last up to 300 ms. The si-
gnals from the limit switches are therefore delayed so that unintentional triggering of the monitoring equip-
ment does not occur during the bounce phase.
The valid check-back signals RME and RMA are monitored for plausibility.
In addition it can also be parameterized (see parameters RWE and RWA) if a plausibility check of double ”0”
signal is made for a detection with NO contacts.
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz. The signal lamp ”OPEN” or
”CLOSED” lights up according to the actual statuses in the status word.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see OM 650 Manual “Process Control”).
. Note
If an error occurs, the command output is not disabled if the parameter VBAF is
The functional response of the conditioning/monitoring of check-back signals from torque-dependent limit
switches corresponds to the signal conditioning/monitoring of the travel-dependent check-back signals.
The parameter “RDE” for both limit positions decides whether the conditioning stays switched off or is done
via NO--contacts.
The valid check-back signals DE OPEN and DE CLOSED are monitored for plausibility.
- Triggering condition
The fault is detected via the HW input of the SIM module (SAG).
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the signal lamp ”Fault” flashes at 2 Hz.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
- Reset condition
Repair (removal of the switchgear fault)
. Note
If an error occurs, the command output is not disabled if the parameter VBAF is
With the parameter BSFG selected “activated”, it is possible to initiate a manual
“CLOSE” command from OM650 while a switchgear fault is present.
Actual status
Check---back message (actual status) OPEN (RM/EIN); actual status NOT OPEN
Check---back message (actual status) CLOSED (RM/AUS); actual status NOT CLOSED
The actual status of the actuator is used by the respective check-back signals which are generated by the
check-back signal conditioning function and are valid.
The actual status is made available via the status word, and is displayed on the tile signal lamps in the case
of desk tile inputs.
Acquisition of the actual status, and thus whether resetting is travel-dependent or torque-dependent, can be
defined by parameterization (parameter EIZ: acquisition of actual status).
In the case of torque-dependent resetting, the output signal of the torque memory is linked to the
corresponding travel-dependent check-back message (RME or RMA); with travel-dependent resetting, only
the travel-dependent check-back message is used to generated the actual status.
OM 650 displays by means of colouring in the associated pictograph of the detail window whether the actua-
tor has left the limit position “CLOSED”.
The information ”Setpoint status” is derived from the control commands output by the function block. The
information ”Setpoint status” is deleted if the drive has reached the limit position defined by the control
The signal ”Setpoint status direction” is required to display the movement and the direction from one limit
position to the other on the OM 650 and desk tile (if present).
This results in:
The setpoint status is made available via the status word, and is displayed on the tile signal lamps in the ca-
se of desk tile inputs.
The function block signals to the serial (OM) input system those commands, as far as the drive is concerned,
which are possible as a result of the status acquisition or are necessary as a result of the triggered drive mo-
nitoring functions (for control tracking in the OM 650). The corresponding bits are then set in the status word.
In the OM 650 operation window the associated control pushbutton is displayed in blue colour (control possi-
The information “Last status achieved by” indicates the reason for achievement of the last status of the
actuator (protection, automatic or manual), and is made available via the status word. If a status discrepancy
is present, no information is output on achievement of the last status.
Since the torque check-back signals are temporary signals, the “Valid check-back messages” conditioned
accordingly by the ”Check-back signal conditioning/monitoring function (torque)” must be stored.
The respective check-back signal (DE CLOSED, DE OPEN) is stored delayed or undelayed depending on
the position of the actuator.
The torque memory is always set undelayed if the travel-dependent check-back message for the desired
command direction is present followed by signalling of a valid torque check-back message from the
corresponding limit position (torque following travel limit = torque switch after travel switch).
The delay is required when setting the torque memory since brief torque overshoots may occur unintentio-
nally when starting. These would result in switching of the torque limit switches and thus setting of the torque
memory. This would be equivalent to a permanent command reset.
The delay time can be parameterized (in the OPEN direction using the parameter “TDA” and in the CLO-
SED direction using the parameter “TDZ”) and is always started with a command output from CLOSED to
OPEN. If a torque check-back message occurs in the command direction within the delay time, the control
command is only cancelled following expiry of the delay time if the torque check-back message is still pre-
sent then.
Fig. 8 shows examples of setting of the torque memory.
Valid torque
Torque memory
Valid torque
Torque memory
Fig. 9 shows the set and reset criteria of the torque memory (DE CLOSED); corresponding criteria apply to
the torque memory (DE OPEN).
The set criterion of one torque memory is always the reset criterion of the other, i.e. only one torque memory
can be set at any time.
RMA Set DE CLOSED memory
CLOSED command or
or move to
RMF1A Delayed No delay
-- -- x -- --
x -- -- -- --
x -- x x --
x x -- -- --
x x x -- x
-- x -- -- --
-- x x -- --
Compl. OPEN
set criteria EFAnE command or Delete
DE OPEN pos. move to DE
memory edge OPEN and CLOSED
present RMA not memory
x -- -- x
-- x -- x
-- -- x x
-- x x x
x x x x
x x -- x
x -- x x
D Signalling
With a desk tile input, the fault (run time/blocking) is displayed dependent on the direction.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
The monitoring function detects if travel-dependent resetting has been parameterized and the actuator
nevertheless activates the torque function.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault (run time/blocking) is displayed dependent on the direction.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
The message “Status discrepancy or signalling of protective action” can be blocked using the bit “SP/MS”
(disable signalling of protective action) in the control word.
A status discrepancy is present if the actual status changes without a corresponding command (actual status
¸ command memory). It is assumed that the new actual position has been signalled by non--faulty
check-back messages.
Fig. 10 shows when a status discrepancy is generated following a change in position without a command.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is displayed in addition dependent on the direction (see Chap.
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
. Note
Following a STOP command, an actuator may coast for a short time because of its
If the actuator is shortly before a limit position when the STOP command is sent, it
may still reach this position although a command output in this direction is no longer
The status discrepancy monitoring function would immediately detect this change in
position without a control command as a status discrepancy. In order to prevent this,
the status discrepancy monitoring function is disabled for approx. 1 second follow-
ing command termination (= STOP command).
. Note
In the event of an error the command output is not disabled if the parameter VBAF
is “activated”.
This function is used to monitor the total run time of the actuator from the time of command output up to the
arrival of the valid check-back message from the desired limit position. The total run time of the actuator can
be parameterized (parameter TGL) and is the same for both command directions.
A STOP command terminates run time monitoring.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is displayed dependent on the direction (see Chap. 3.10)
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
This monitoring function monitors leaving of the limit position starting at the time the command is output.
D Signalling
With desk tile inputs, the fault is displayed dependent on the direction (see Chap. 3.10)
OM 650 displays the associated pictograph at red/2 Hz. In the detail window and LT--MFA a
message text is indicated (see Manual OM 650 Process Control).
By pressing the command pushbutton OPEN or CLOSED on the control tile without an enable pushbutton,
the operator can determine whether the desired command direction is enabled for manual control.
The signal lamp ”Fault” lights up permanently if blocking is present.
D Signalling
The signal lamp ”Fault” lights up permanently (see Chap. 3.10)
- Reset condition
Release desk tile pushbutton.
Control program
Function block AP
SG faulty I
* NC contact
1. Direct allocation of the block inputs and outputs to SIM I/O modules. This is made via the
parameter masks shown in Fig. 16 and Fig. 17.
2. Decoupling. The inputs are acquired via binary input blocks and can be connected to the
MOTVENTR function block after a possible processing. In the same way, the command output
can be done via binary output blocks.
Mixed application of decoupling and direct allocation is possible.
. Note
FORCING is not possible if outputs are decoupled.
Data exchange with the function block is carried out using the control word and status word and in addition to
this using time--tagged data (see Fig. 12 and Fig. 13).
Time--tagged data are used for the chronological acquisition of process signals and I & C error messages for
message processing and display as well as for logging. They are generated by changes in status in all
control levels. The time stamp of the time--tagged data has a resolution of 1 ms.
The various types of TTD are described briefly below.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select special signals that are required in the process control level for message
output and logging in addition to the check--back messages. These signals are generated on the SIM
- Fault TTD
In addition to the signal TTDs, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the control system in
detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs are generated as the result of
events (faults) recognized by the monitoring equipment, such as e.g. input or output signal monitoring
Status word (PAE_E process image)
0 Status bit Check---back message (act. status) OPEN CB/OP
1 Check---back mes. (act. status) CLOSED CB/CL
2 Setpoint status in OPEN direction DS/OP
IB0 3 Setpoint status in CLOSED direction DS/CL
4 Last status reached by PROTECTION ZES
5 Last status reached by AUTOMATIC ZEA
6 Last status reached by MANUAL ZEH
0 Serial (OM) control possible STOP SBSTOP
1 Serial (OM) control possible OPEN SCOP
2 Serial (OM) control possible CLOSED SCCL
IB1 3 Serial (OM) control possible acknowledgement SCA
4 Feeder ready AZB
5 No status discrep. or signalling of prot. action NOSD
6 No feeder fault NOFF
7 No run time/blocking KLB
0 Command output OPEN ALE
IB2 1 Command output CLOSE ALA
4 Serial (OM) control possible FORCING FOUS
6 Check---back message NOT OPEN CB/OP_N
7 Check---back message NOT CLOSED CB/CL_N
0 Serial (OM) control possible Automatic SC AUTO
1 Serial (OM) control possible TAG OUT SC TAG
4 Local control VOS
5 Drive status word simulated PSIM
6 Disable command logic BL/COLO
7 Status bit Automatic mode of operation RM/AUTO
Signal TTDs
Check--back message (actual status) OPEN CB/OP
Check--back message (actual status) CLOSED CB/CL
Setpoint status in OPEN direction DS/OP
Setpoint status in CLOSED direction DS/CL
Last status reached by PROTECTION ZES
Last status reached by AUTOMATIC ZEA
Last status reached by MANUAL ZEH
Feeder ready AZB
No status discrep. or signalling of protective action NOSD
No feeder fault NOFF
No run time/blocking KLB
Local control VOS
Status word simulated PSIM
Disable command logic SP/BFLO
Automatic mode of operation RM/AUTO
Fault TTDs
Data exchange with the function block is carried out using the data blocks TADB and LADB (see Fig. 4). The
signal lamps ”OPEN”, ”CLOSED” and ”Fault” on the open-loop control tile indicate:
ACTUAL position
SETPOINT direction
CL. Fault OPEN CL. Fault OPEN CL. Fault OPEN CL. Fault OPEN
State in position
Status discrepancy
Run time/blocking
CL. = signal lamp ”CLOSED” Fault = signal lamp ”Fault” OPEN = signal lamp ”OPEN”
Fig. 14: Signal representation at the desk tile, Actuator with screen and desk tile input
4 Parameterization
Fig. 15 shows the symbol of the function block STELANTR similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring
Symbol: Drive control module actuator
DCM ACT TXP--specific module FB164
PIC_ID 2561 without desk tile
PIC_ID 2564 with desk tile
Fig. 16 shows as an example the parameterization form for configuring the output signals of the FB163. The
signals can be freely assigned and therfore allocated to several modules.
Fig. 16: Parameterization form of the output module for 8 binary signals SIM 441 (6ES5441--8MA11)
Fig. 17 shows as an example the parameterization form for configuring the input signals of the FB163. The
signals can be freely assigned and therfore allocated to several modules.
Fig. 17: Parameterization form of the input/output module for 8 binary signals SIM 421 (6ES5421--8MA12)
The two types of parameters listed below are either managed by the ES (no assignment by the user) or can
be preset and changed by the user.
From the general parameters the following are managed by the ES:
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether TTDs are generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
CB/OP = check--back message (actual status) OPEN
CB/CL = check--back message (actual status) CLOSED
DS/OP = setpoint status OPEN
DS/CL = setpoint status CLOSED
ZES = last status achieved by PROTECTION command
ZEA = last status achieved by AUTOMATIC command
ZEH = last status achieved by MANUAL command
AZB = feeder ready
NOSD = no status discrepancy or signalling of protective action
NOFF = no feeder fault
KLB = no run--time/blocking
VOS = local control
PSIM = status word simulated
BL/COLO = disable command logic
CB/AUTO = automatic mode of operation
FOC = forcing mode
Basic setting: All bits = 0
Name: PBR
Function: Defines the priority of the command direction
Range of values: cmd. priority: close / oppen
cmd. priority: open / close
Basic setting: cmd. priority: close / oppen
Name: BAV
Function: Defines: -- Command output as permanent command
-- Logic of command output (inversion)
Range of values: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:N -- inv.:Y -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:Y -- RT.err--reset:N
pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:Y
pers.cmd:Y -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:Y
Basic setting: pers.cmd:N -- inv.:N -- RT.err--reset:N
Name: TST
Function: Defines whether a STOP pushbutton is provided on the desk tile for actuators or
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no STOP pushbutton
1 = STOP pushbutton
Basic setting: 1
Name: SID
Function: Defines the duration of the control pulse
Range of values: 0 to 100
Meaning: 0 = no extension
100 = 10 s
Basic setting: 1 = 0.1 s; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: RWE
Function: Defines whether the OPEN check-back message of the controlled servo-drive
can be detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0:No detection / monitoring
1:Detect. through NO contact
2:Detect. through changeover contact
3:as 1; howev.only monitoring for double 1
4:Detect. through NC contact
Basic setting: 2:Detect. through changeover contact
Name: RWA
Function: Defines whether the CLOSED check-back message of the controlled
servo-drive can be detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0:No detection / monitoring
1:Detect. through NO contact
2:Detect. through changeover contact
3:as 1; howev.only monitoring for double 1
4:Detect. through NC contact
Basic setting: 2:Detect. through changeover contact
Name: RDE
Function: Defines whether the triggering of the direction-dependent torque can be detected,
and with which type of switch
Range of values: no recording
Basic setting: NC--Contact
Function: Defines whether commands are to be executed with a check-back fault RMF1 in
the command direction
Range of values: blocked
not blocked
Meaning: WRBHAEA = check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC OPEN
WRBHAAZ = check--back fault does not block MANUAL/AUTOMATIC CLOSE
WRBSEA = check--back fault does not block PROTECTION OPEN
WRBSAZ = check--back fault does not block PROTECTION CLOSE
Basic setting: not blocked
Function: Defines whether limits are monitored and the effects of a detected status
Range of values: not blocked
Meaning: WEFSPERR=status discrepancy monitoring
WEFNSEA=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION OPEN command
WEFNSAZ=status discrepancy blocks PROTECTION CLOSE command
Basic setting: not blocked
Function: Defines the check-back messages with which the actual status is acquired
Range of values: CB act. state = cb.end of travel
CB act. state = cb.end of travel / cb.torque
Basic setting: CB act. state = cb.end of travel
5 Technical Data
6 Abbreviations
FB Function block
FGDB Enable signal in data block
SQ Common acknowledgement
TA Pushbutton
TADB Data block for command pushbuttons
TDA Torque time bypass in OPEN direction
TDZ Torque time bypass in CLOSED direction
TGL Total run time of actuator
TTD Time--tagged data
TVE Time for leaving the limit position
Automatic commands
& & OPEN
Manual commands
from OM
& & OPEN
VOS >1
Manual commands
from desk tile
A = Automatic, EN = Process enable
FHD = Manual input enable VOS = Local control
SP/OM = Disable OM input SP/TF = Disable desk tile input
SP/BFLO = Disable command logic
Command OUTPUT
memory Load switch
Control in opposite
direction on blocking Priority ”CLOSED” ALA
logic S ”CLOSED”
Parameter PBR ”OPEN”
“CLOSED before OPEN”/
”OPEN before CLOSED” >1 R
No Fault
Torque “CLOSED”
Torque “OPEN”
Parameter EIZ, acquisition of
actual status, “Limit position
and torque OPEN”
Check--back message “OPEN”
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--5
2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--5
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--7
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--11
1 Application
The function block FB250 STUFSTEL prepares the position feedbacks which are output BCD-coded by the
transformer step adjuster for display on the OM. The block provides the OM commands ”Increase” and ”De-
crease” in the process image. Corresponding enables are considered in the process. The commands are
output by SIM modules (binary signal output).
2 Design
The following Fig. shows the block diagram of the function block FB250 STUFSTEL with its input and output
OM increase KSTOE
OM decrease BHOE
3 Function Description
3.1 Inputs
3.2 Outputs
The outputs listed below generate time-tagged data (TTD) when parameterized accordingly.
LHOE Indicates with ”1” that the command output is in the direction ”INCREASE” and is reset by a
change in the step setting.
LTIEF Indicates with ”1” that the command output is in the direction ”DECREASE” and is reset by a
change in the step setting.
STMAX Indicates with ”1” that the step setting has not yet reached the value ANZAHL (parameter)
and has a positive sign with ANZEI 2, 3 (parameter).
STMIN Indicates with ”1” that the step setting has not yet reached the value ANZAHL (parameter)
and has a negative sign with ANZEI 2, 3 (parameter) or has reached the number 1 with
KSTOE Is ”1” if EXS is set = 0 and if a valid value is present with BCD.
Valid values for the step setting are:
Parameter ANZEI = 1; 1 to 39
Parameter ANZEI = 2, 3; --39, --1, 0, +1, +39
PLUS Input value positive (display +)
MINUS Input value negative (display --)
BHOE Command output in direction ”Increase”
BTIEF Command output in direction ”Decrease”
4 Configuring
Fig. 2 shows the symbol of the function block STUFSTEL similar to that in the ES 680 configuring system.
- Step number
Function: Defines the maximum step number
Range of values: 0 to 39
Meaning: 1 to 39 steps
Basic setting: 1
- Display mode
Function: Type of display
Range of values: 1 to 3
Meaning: 1: --> display 1 to ANZAH
2: --> display +/-- ANZAH
3: --> center position and +/-- ANZAH
Basic setting: 1
- Command duration
Name: IMPT
Function: Duration of positioning command
Range of values: 10 to 255
Meaning: 10 corresponds to 1 s
255 corresponds 25.5 s
Basic setting: 10
- Time-tagged data
Name: TTD
Function: TTD generation
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD
1 = generate TTD
KSTOE = no fault
LHOE = increasing
LTIEF = decreasing
STMAX = not highest stage
STMIN = not lowest stage
PLUS = display +
MINUS = display --
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
AP Automation processor
FB Function block
PAA Process output image
PAE Process input image
SIM Signal module
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--5
2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--5
2.1 Hardware Wiring SIM 385 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--5
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--9
5 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--10
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--13
1 Application
The counting pulse input is carried out in the TELEPERM XP AS 620 B (SIM version) using the function
block FB80 in conjunction with the ET 200U and the signal modules SIM 385 and SIM 451.
2 Design
The following Fig. shows the block diagram of the function block FB80 ZAEHL with its input and output varia-
STOP Command Adapt actual value IST/KG
Logic (physical variable)
FG (enable)
SOLL/W1 Input for setpoint value 1
SOLL/W2 Input for setpoint value 2
SOLL/1 Binary output for setpoint 1 achieved
SOLL/2 Binary output for setpoint 2 achieved
UEB/ERL Binary output for counter overflow
KSIM Binary output for channel simulated
KG Binary output for channel valid
The module SIM 385, in conjunction with the function block FB80 which operates in the AP, serves as coun-
ting pulse input.
24--V and 5--V sensors may be connected to the module SIM 385.
The outputs at the terminals 5/6, 9/10 (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3) may be used as hardware signal output ”Set-
point achieved”. However a connection of these terminals is not necessary.
5 V 5V
2 L+
5 V
3 M
0 V 24 V
4 S IM 3 8 5
Pulse 5
generator 6
Ua 7
Setpoint 2 achieved
Setpoint 1 achieved
15--way 10
female 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Terminal block
L+ M
to SIM 451
Fig. 2: Terminal connection for counting pulse generator with a 5--V differential signal
4 S IM 3 8 5
0 V 7
24 V L+
Setpoint 2 achieved
Setpoint 1 achieved
Pulse 11
generator female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Terminal block
L+ M
to SIM 451
The output module for binary signals SIM 451 is also required for interconnecting the enable/disable input. 8
counter modules SIM 385 need one module SIM 451. All modules must be accomodated in the same ET
200U station.
4 4 S IM 3 8 5
Channel 1 v .0
8M B11
3 4 S IM 3 8 5
Channel 2 v .1
S 8M B11
6 4 S IM 3 8 5
I Channel 3 v .2
8M B11
M 5 4
Channel 4 v .3
S IM 3 8 5
8M B11
8 4 S IM 3 8 5
4 Channel 5 v .4
8M B11
5 7 4 S IM 3 8 5
Channel 6 v .5
8M B11
10 4 S IM 3 8 5
Channel 7 v .6
8M B11
8M A 11
9 4 S IM 3 8 5
Channel 8 v .7
8M B11
Fig. 4: Connection of the enable/disable inputs from SIM 385 by SIM 451
3 Function Description
The FB80 receives the start and stop commands with the control word (priority to the OM--commands). The
OM--commands are only taken into consideration if ”Disable serial (OM) input” is ”0”. The start command is
only executed when the bit ENABLE is set. This command remains maintained until the stop command arri-
ves. The STOP command has priority on the START command.
The start command causes the counter to start beginning with the counter content 0. The start command
switches the enable input of the module SIM 385 via SIM 451 over to ”1”. The stop command causes the co-
unter to stop. The output values of the status word of the FB80 are not changed. The stop command swit-
ches the enable input of the module SIM 385 via SIM 451 over to ”0”.
Two setpoint values for counter contents (physical variable in floating--point format) may be entered in the
control word; they can be invoked by the counter module.
The FB80 links the control commands correspondingly and transmits them to the module SIM 451 (ENABLE)
with the PAA. The setpoints are transmitted to the SIM 385 via the PAA.
The function block FB80 enters the counter content in the data block ZUDB of the process image (final value
= 60,000) as a fixed--point number and as a physical variable. In addition to this the following status signals
are included:
-- Setpoint 1 achieved
-- Setpoint 2 achieved
-- Counter overflow
-- Channel simulated
-- Channel valid
”Channel valid” (bit KG) is set when the SIM 385 and also the SIM 451 are signalled as faultless and when
”0” is set in bit 4 of the diagnosis byte (”Counter” operating mode). The bit KG is reset when these conditions
are not met.
In case of change the status signals may also be generated as signal DMZ. With ”Setpoint 1 achieved”, ”Set-
point 2 achieved” and ”Overflow” it may be specified if it is considered as an alarm, a warning or a tolerance
The message KSIM is also generated as fault DMZ.
A count can be simulated independent of the respective counter content. This simulation value is processed
in place of the input variable. In the course of it a signal DMZ and a fault DMZ ”Channel simulated” are gene-
rated. The bit ”Channel simulated” is set in the process input image.
4 Configuring
Fig. 5 shows the symbol of the function block ZAEHL similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring system.
5 Parameterization
The parameters of the function block FB80 are generated by the ES configuring system. The parameters can
be set using convenient forms (see Fig. 6).
Name: DMZ
Function: Defines wether time--tagged data have to be generated
Parameter type: Byte
Range of values: 0 -- 31
Meaning: ”0” = no time--tagged data
”1” = time--tagged data
Assignment: Bit 0 = counter content
Bit 1 = actual value
Bit 2 = setpoint 1
Bit 3 = setpoint 2
Bit 4 = overflow
Basic setting: 0
- Sampling time
Name: ABZE
Function: Defines the sampling times for the DMZ generation of the counter content and
the actual value
Parameter type: Word
Range of values: 0 to 60000
Meaning: 0 = check for each block pass
60000 = check all 60 s
Basic setting: 1000 = 1 s
- Delta
Name: DELT
Function: A DMZ is generated with a change in the counter content
Parameter type: Word
Range of values: 0 to 65 536
Basic setting: 0
Name: END
Function: Describes the upper range value of the corresponding physical variable
Parameter type: Double word
Range of values: S5 floating--point format
Meaning: Depends on measured variable
Basic setting: 0
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the count is assigned
Parameter type: Word
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Parameter type: Word
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
ANF Physical lower range value
AP Automation processor
AS Automation system
AWT Alarm--Warning--Tolerance
BA Binary output
BG Module
DB Data block
DELT Delta
DW Data word
END Physical upper range value
ES Configuration system
FAKT Destandardization factor
FB Function block
FUNR Function area number
OM Operating and monitoring system
PA Process image
PAA Process output image
PAE Process input image
SIM Signal module
TTD Time--tagged data
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--5
1.1 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--5
1.2 System Integration of Auxiliary Systems for the AS 620 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--5
1.3 System Integration of APT for the AS 620--S5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--6
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--10
5 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--11
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--14
1 Application
1.1 Functions
The I/O function block FB82 ANAAUSD (analog signal output for floating points) is used as a communication
link to auxiliary plant control systems for writing analog values in floating point format.
In AS 620--S5 Automation Systems where the AP is based on the SIMATIC S5 system, the FB82 connects
16--bit fixed point values to APTs in the AS 620T programmable controller.
The AS 620 T automation equipment is designed for fast closed--loop control of turbine generator set (gas
turbines, steam turbines and generators).
E S 680 O M 65 0 D S 6 70
AS 620--S7 AS 620--S5
FB82 FB82
auxiliary auxiliary
plant system plant system
Fig. 1: Communication Link to Auxiliary Plant Control Systems with analog value transfer
E S 680 O M 65 0 D S 6 70
plant bus
AS 620--S5
analog value
AS 620T
The APT (automation processor turbine, SIMADYN D) is linked to the TELEPERM XP process control sy-
stem via an AP automation processor (head end station). This takes place either with
D the plant bus. In this case the existing connection of the plant bus in the AS 620--S5 is also used
and the APT communication processors are connected directly to the plant bus via star couplers.
D a separate LAN.
- Data transmission
The software coupling of an APT (SIMADYN D, 16--bit) occurs via the program package SDKOP, comprising
essentially I/O function blocks (matching blocks) and coupling blocks for the CP interface. The I/O function
blocks are called in the AP to match the data formats. The coupling blocks implement the data interchange
between APT and the AP of TELEPERM XP.
Function Limiting:
The following preprocessing or signal conditioning functions may only be implemented in the APT:
2 Mode of Operation
The FB82 ANAAUSD operates on the basis of the following logic diagram.
Analog signal
analog signal
- Conversion of the TXP conform representation of the analog value into the SIMADYN D format:
The 32--bit floating--point number from the status process image is converted into a 16--bit fixed--
point number (S5 format) corresponding to the 200 % representation of the SIMADYN convention.
A linear matching is effected during the conversion of the floating--point number, the parameters
LRV and URV (physical lower range value and physical upper range value) to be set being integra-
ted in the conversion algorithm. Each value obtained with the conversion is valid for the APT.
3 Function Description
The following figure shows the functions of the I/O function block FB82 ANAAUSD for the example of the
AP--APT coupling.
FB 82
or redundant
AP--APT coupling
The I/O function block ANAAUSD transforms the 32--bit floating--point number from the control word into a
16--bit fixed--point number (range of values --32768 to +32767 corresponding to --200 % to +200 % according
to the SIMADYN convention). This fixed--point number is entered into the transmit mailbox for the correspon-
ding APT in accordance to the parameters PAAD and PAAW defined by the ES 680.
14 2 1 0 analog value Control
PAAW V 2 ... 2 2 2 word
Mantissa Low (32 bit)
V: Sign
Fig. 5: Interfaces for analog signal output in fixed--point format, FB82 ANAAUSD
4 Configuring
The following figure shows the control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB82 ANAAUSD
(similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring system).
Fig. 6: Control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB82 ANAAUSD
5 Parameterization
*) not relevant
- Parameter validity
The parameters marked with *) in the parameter descriptions are not relevant for the function of the I/O func-
tion block but partially required for the OM because important parameters of the standard display are derived
from this parameter setting (e.g. range limits for bar diagram). The values set in the SIMADYN D system can
only be entered for documentation even if the parameters are not required by the OM. The user however
has to look for consistency.
Name: AAB
Function: Defines the signal range
Range of values: 8
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting: 0
Remark: APT waits for analog values within the range +32767 to --32768. Each value is
Name: LRV
Function: Physical lower range value, corresponds to the value 0 %
Range of values: S5 GP format
Meaning: Parameter can be set
Basic setting: 0,0
- Destandardization factor *)
Name: FAKT
Function: Destandardization factor
Range of values: S5 GP format
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting: 0,0
Name: URV
Function: Physical upper range value, corresponds to the value 100 %
Range of values: S5 GP format
Meaning: Parameter can be set
Basic setting: 0,0
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area allocated to the analog value
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Entity number within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--5
1.1 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--5
1.2 System Integration of Auxiliary Systems for the AS 620 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--5
1.3 System Integration of APT for the AS 620--S5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--6
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--12
5 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--13
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--19
1 Application
1.1 Functions
The I/O function block FB81 ANAINPSD (analog signal input for floating points) is used as a communication
link to auxiliary plant control systems for reading in analog values in floating point format.
In AS 620--S5 Automation Systems where the AP is based on the SIMATIC S5 system, the FB81 connects
16--bit fixed point values to APTs in the AS 620T programmable controller.
The AS 620 T automation equipment is designed for fast closed--loop control of turbine generator set (gas
turbines, steam turbines and generators).
E S 680 O M 65 0 D S 6 70
AS 620--S7 AS 620--S5
FB81 FB81
auxiliary auxiliary
plant system plant system
Fig. 1: Communication Link to Auxiliary Plant Control Systems with analog value transfer
E S 680 O M 65 0 D S 6 70
plant bus
AS 620--S5
analog value
AS 620T
The APT (automation processor turbine, SIMADYN D) is linked to the TELEPERM XP process control sy-
stem via an AP automation processor (head end station). This takes place either with
D the plant bus. In this case the existing connection of the plant bus in the AS 620--S5 is also used
and the APT communication processors are connected directly to the plant bus via star couplers.
D a separate LAN.
- Data transmission
The software coupling of an APT (SIMADYN D, 16--bit) occurs via the program package SDKOP, comprising
essentially I/O function blocks (matching blocks) and coupling blocks for the CP interface. The I/O function
blocks are called in the AP to match the data formats. The coupling blocks implement the data interchange
between APT and the AP of TELEPERM XP.
Function Limiting:
The following preprocessing or signal conditioning functions may only be implemented in the APT:
2 Mode of Operation
The FB81 ANAINPSD operates on the basis of the following logic diagram:
analog signal
analog signal
analog signal
P P change
In case of a coupling fault the channel valid bit (KG bit) in the status word is cleared and the generation of a
signal TTD suppressed.
The analog signal processing, e.g. smoothing, standardization, signal limiting and mean value generation is
already carried out in the APT or the auxiliary plant system.
3 Function Description
The following figure shows the functions of the I/O function block FB81 ANAINPSD for the example of the
AP--APT coupling.
FB 81
or redundant
AP--APT coupling
The I/O function block ANAINPSD selects the analog value parameterized with ES 680 from the data block
received from the APT. This value is a physical value in S5 fixed--point format (range of values --32768 to
+32767 corresponding to --200 % to +200 % according to the SIMADYN convention) that is converted from
ANAINPSD into a floating--point number for further processing. The current coupling status is signalled in the
KG bit (channel validity bit) of the additional status word. When the receive message from the APT fails, the
KG bit is reset to zero.
analog value
14 2 1 0
V 2 ... 2 2 2
Mantissa Low (32 bit)
K Additional
G status word
15 0
V: Sign 2 KG: channel valid 2
Fig. 5: Interfaces for analog signal input in fixed--point format, FB81 ANAINPSD
The signal monitoring of range limits does not exist for the FB81 block. All analog values (fixed--point num-
bers) received from the APT are valid.
Time--tagged data are used for the chronologically correct acquisition of process signals and I & C fault mes-
sages in message processing and display as well as for logging. They are produced in case of status change
in all automation levels.
The I/O function block FB81 only recognizes signal TTD (not error TTD). Input signals may be selected with
parameter setting when they are used in the process control level as time--tagged data for reporting and log-
ging. For analog values an acquisition in selectable time intervals and at reaching a parameterized signal
change is possible (parameter: sampling period ABZE and delta DELT).
Signal TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Disable and enable processing of the signal TTD is implemented with the parameter MTTD (TTD form).
4 Configuring
The following figure shows the control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB81 ANAINPSD
(similar to the symbol in the ES 680 configuring system).
Fig. 7: Control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB81 ANAINPSD
5 Parameterization
- Delta (DELT)
*) not relevant
- Parameter validity
The parameters marked with *) in the parameter descriptions are not relevant for the function of the I/O func-
tion block but partially required for the OM because important parameters of the standard display are derived
from this parameter setting (e.g. range limits for bar diagram). The values set in the SIMADYN D system can
only be entered for documentation even if the parameters are not required by the OM. The user however
has to look for consistency.
Name: AEB
Function: Defines the signal range
Range of values: 8
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting: 8
Remark: APT supplies analog values within the range +32767 to --32768. Each value is
Name: GL
Function: Defines the set time constant
Range of values: 0 -- 100
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting: 0
Name: EASW
Function: Defines the value of the default signal depending on the analog input range
Meaning: irrelevant
Range of values: --11000 to +11000
Basic setting: 0%
Name: EU
Function: Defines how the range monitoring functions are active (downward, upward viola-
Range of values: 0 to 8
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting: 0
- Sampling period
Name: ABZE
Function: Defines the sampling times for TTD generation of the analog signal
(step size 100 = 0.1 s, 0 : for each block transit)
Range of values: 0 to 60 000 corresponding 0 to 60.0 s
Basic setting: 1000 ° 1 s
- Delta
Name: DELT
Function: Creates a TTD each time the input signal change is ≥ DELT.
(increments 100 = 1%, 0 = 0%). The delta value refers to the
ANF -- END range.
Range of values: 0 to 20 000, corresponding to 0 to 200%
Basic setting: 500 ≡ 5%
Name: EUZE
Function: Defines the delay time on triggering of the input range monitoring. Is active for
lower and upper range limit if ”active with delay” is parameterized for EU.
Range of values: 0 to 60 000
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting: 0
Name: MTTD
Function: Defines if signal TTDs are generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
Bit 0 = AESIG / KG
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area allocated to the analog value
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Entity number within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
6 Technical Data
Block number: FB 81
Block name: ANAINPSD
Library number: E88530--B1381--A-- ...
Version: ________________↑
Average run time: 120 µs
-- Processing signal TTD 10 µs in addition
Called blocks: FB133 (TTD generation)
Memory requirements:
-- Code 380 words
-- Parameters (per call) 11 words
-- Historical value (per call) 15 words + 4 words header
Other conditions: The block can only be used in the group control level (AP).
System environment: Protection/SIM and free environment
7 Abbreviations
ABZE Sampling period (parameter)
AEB Analog input range (parameter)
AESIG Analog input signal
AP Automation processor
AP--SSW AP system software
APT Automation processor, turbine (SIMADYN D)
AS Automation system
AS 620 B Automation system (B = basic system)
AS 620 F Automation system (F = fail--safe)
AS 620 T Automation system, turbine
CP Communication processor
CPU Central processing unit, SIMATIC arithmetic module
DB Data block
DELT Delta, significant change of input signal (parameter)
DS 670 Diagnosis system
DX Extended data block
E/A Input/Output
EAS Default analog signal (parameter)
EASW Value of the default analog signal (parameter)
ES 680 Configuring system (Engineering System)
EU Input range monitoring (parameter)
EUZE Time delay in input range monitoring (parameter)
FB Function block
FUNR Function area number
GL Smoothing of the input signal
INST Entity number
KG Channel valid
LAN Local Area Network
LRV Physical lower range value (parameter)
MTTD Form (mask) for TTD (parameter)
OM 650 Operating and Monitoring system
PAE Process input image
PAED Data block number of PAE
PAEW Word number in PAED
RK Redundant coupling
SD Standard Display (OM)
SDKOP Coupling with APT (SIMADYN D)
SF Signal shaper
SIM Signal module (Standard Interface Module)
SIMADYN D SIEMENS automation system for fast closed--loop controls
SIMATIC S5 SIEMENS programmable controllers (SPS)
TTD Time--tagged data
URV Physical upper range value (parameter)
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--5
1.1 Functions of the FB150 FLOATINP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--5
1.2 Function Limiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--6
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--11
5 Parameterizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--12
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--17
1 Application
The I/O function block FB150 GPEIN (analog signal input for floating points) is used as a communication link
to auxiliary plant control systems for reading in analog values in floating point format.
E S 680 O M 65 0 D S 6 70
AS 620--S7 AS 620--S5
FB150 FB150
auxiliary auxiliary
plant system plant system
The following preprocessing or signal conditioning functions may be implemented in the auxiliary:
2 Mode of Operation
The FB150 FLOATINP operates on the basis of the following logic diagram:
Analog signal
S--- Signal---
P Parameter
F--- Fault---
TTD Time---tagged data, can be configured
PAE_E Process image of inputs from ELE
Ü Monitoring
In case of a coupling fault the channel valid bit (KG bit) in the status word is cleared and the generation of a
signal TTD suppressed..
The analog signal processing, e.g. smoothing, standardization, signal limiting and mean value generation is
already carried out in the auxiliary.
3 Function Description
The following figure shows the functions of the I/O function block FB150 FLOATINP for the auxiliary coupling.
FB 150
The I/O function block FLOATINP selects the analog value parameterized with ES 680 from the data block
received from the auxiliary. This value is a physical value in floating--point format that is put unchanged at
the user’s program disposal for further processing by the I/O function block FLOATINP. The current coupling
status is signalled in the KG bit (channel valid bit) of the additional status word. When the receive message
from the auxiliary fails, the KG bit is reset to zero.
Signal changes in relation with a coupling failure are not transmitted to the OM 650 as signal TTD.
analog value in analog value in
K Additional
G status word
15 0
2 KG: channel valid 2
Fig. 4: Interfaces for analog signal input in floating--point format, FB150 FLOATINP
Illegal identifications and limits of the auxiliary (quality code) are ignored. If necessary it is possible to trans-
mit them via binary inputs to be processed additionally with the KG bit in the user program. The remaining
bits of the status word can be used for this purpose
Use in the AS620--S5:
In an AP based on the SIMATIC S5 system, the FLOATINP function block expects the analog value to be in
S5--floating point format. The auxiliary plant system has to send the value in S5--floating point format.
Use in the AS620--S7:
In an AP based on the SIMATIC S7 system, the FLOATINP function block expects the analog value to be in
S7 floating point format (IEEE 754). If the AP is linked to SIMATIC S5--based auxiliaries, however, these au-
xiliaries will send their analog values in S5--floating point format. The format conversion in this case will be
transparent to the user. The ES 680 Engineering System will recognize the auxiliary plant control system
type and will provide the link processing in the AP with the information required for the conversion.
Remark: in the program setting and clearing the KG bit is solved in that the remaining bits of the data word
remain unchanged. It is so possible, by configuring further signals of the auxiliary (e.g. limit values) connec-
ted via separate binary value inputs, to assign to this data word within the AS 620 and to evaluate them via
the OM standard display.
The signal monitoring of the range limits can only be switched on or off jointly for the upper and lower range
limit (parameter: EU). It is immediately active, a delay cannot be configured (see parameter EUZE in Section
5 Parameterizing). The range violation of the signal has an effect on its validity (KG bit = 0).
Time--tagged data are used for the chronologically correct acquisition of process signals and I & C fault mes-
sages in message processing and display as well as for logging. They are produced in case of status change
in all automation levels. The various TTD types and TTDs specific to the FB150 are described below.
Parameters can be set to select input signals if they are required as time--tagged data (TTDs) in the process
control level for message output and logging.
The analog signals are scanned for the occurrence of a parameterizable signal change in parameterizable
time intervals. The time intervals are parameterized via the parameter ’scanning time’ (ABZE), the signal
change via the parameter ’Deltaband’ (DELT).
If an inquiry shows that the analog signal has reached or exceeded the deltaband parameterized a signal
TTD with the current analog value is generated.
Analog signal changes that are within the deltaband are summed up on the inquiry side and used to gene-
rate signal TTD with the current analog value once the summed up value exceeds 16 times the delta value.
Signal TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Disable and enable processing of the signal TTD is implemented with the parameter MTTD (TTD form).
In addition to the TTDs assigned to a signal, there are also fault TTDs which describe the status of the con-
trol system in detailed form for messages and logs using error numbers. The fault TTDs are generated as the
results of events (faults) recognized by monitoring the analog signal.
Fault TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Disable and enable range monitoring is implemented with the parameter EU (input range monitoring).
Area of application
This mode of operation is used in auxiliary plant systems which provide the analog signal changes with an
additional time tag. The analog signal and time tag together are transferred in the telegram interface. An ana-
log TTD is then generated in the AP from this pair of values. The external time tag mode can be set via the
parameter AE_ZEIT (see Chapter 5 “Parameterization”).
Initiation of an analog TTD
The criterion for recognizing an analog event is generated in the auxiliary plant system. The TTD initiation
must be implemented in the auxiliary plant system by a suitable procedure. Please take care to limit the oc-
currence of TTDs as seems appropriate (e.g. delta value, scanning time etc., see Chapter 3.2.1). The analog
value is sent via TTD each time the time tag of the auxiliary plant system changes the time or each time the
included channel--valid--bit changes! The GPEIN in this mode of operation does not take into account the
configuring values ’delta value’ and ’scanning time’ into consideration.
Time tag structure
The time tag of the auxiliary plant system must be transferred as a double word behind the floating point
value and must contain the number of milliseconds passed since 0:00 hrs. Bit 30 (the second highest bit of
the double word) contains the channel--valid bit (KG). This bit is connected to the GPEIN--internal valitidy
criteria (coupling status, and range monitoring if it is switched on) by an “And” operation and is thus available
as TTD and as binary output.
4 Configuring
The following figure shows the control system flowchart symbol of the function block FB150 FLOATINP (simi-
lar to the symbol representation in the ES 680 configuring system).
Fig. 8: Control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB150 FLOATINP
5 Parameterizing
- Delta (DELT)
*) not relevant
- Parameter validity
The parameters marked with *) in the parameter descriptions are not relevant for the function of the I/O func-
tion block but partially required for the OM because important parameters of the standard display are derived
from this parameter setting (e.g. range limits for bar diagram). The values set in the auxiliary can only be ent-
ered for documentation even if the parameters are not required by the OM. The user however has to look
for consistency.
- Sampling period
Name: ABZE
Function: Defines the sampling times for TTD generation of the analog signal
(step size 100 = 0.1 s, 0 : for each block transit)
Range of values: 0 to 60 000 corresponding 0 to 60.0 s
Meaning: Parameter can be set
Basic setting: 1000 ° 1 s
- Delta
Name: DELT
Function: A signal TTD is generated with a change in the input signal ≥ DELTA
(step size 100 = 1%, 0 = 0%). Value is set as physical variable of the nominal
Range of values: 0 to 10000 corresponding 0 to 100 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: 100, corresponding 1%
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area allocated to the analog value
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Word, assigned from ES
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Entity number within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Word, assigned from ES
Basic setting: 0
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
ABZE Sampling period (parameter)
AEB Analog input range (parameter)
AESIG Analog input signal
AP Automation processor
AP--S7 Automation processor based on the SIMATIC S7 system
AS Automation system
AS 620 B Automation system (B = basic system)
AS 620 F Automation system (F = fail--safe)
AS 620 T Automation system, turbine
AUX Auxiliary plant system
CP Communication processor
CPU Central processing unit, SIMATIC arithmetic module
DB Data block
DELT Delta, significant change of input signal (parameter)
DS 670 Diagnosis system
DX Extended data block
I/O Input/Output
EAS Default analog signal (parameter)
EASW Value of the default analog signal (parameter)
EBU Lower range limit exceeded
EBO Upper range limit exceeded
ES 680 Configuring system (Engineering System)
EU Input range monitoring (parameter)
EUZE Time delay in input range monitoring (parameter)
FAKT Destandardization factor (parameter)
FB Function block
FLOATINP Floating--point input
FUNR Function area number
GL Smoothing of the input signal
INST Entity number
KSSNA Communication interface auxiliaries
LAN Local Area Network
LRV Physical lower range value (parameter)
MTTD Form for TTD (parameter)
OM 650 Operating and Monitoring system
PAE Process input image
PAED Data block number of PAE
PAEW Word number in PAED
SF Signal shaper
SIM Signal module (Standard Interface Module)
SIMATIC S5 SIEMENS programmable controllers (SPS)
SIMATIC S7 SIEMENS programmable controllers (SPS)
TTD Time--tagged data
URV Physical upper range value (parameter)
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--5
1.1 FB151 MOTKOP Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--5
1.2 Function Limiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--6
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--17
5 Parameterizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--18
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--24
1 Application
The function block FB151 MOTKOP (coupling of a drive control for motor/solenoid valve) is used for an auxi-
liary coupling (besides for coupling of an AG--F or an APT) to a motor/solenoid valve control. It represents
the correct link (remote control) between the drive control in the auxiliary (SIMATIC S5 or S7) and the auto-
mation processor (AP) of AS 620. One function block call with the corresponding parameter set is required
per motor or solenoid valve.
E S 680 O M 65 0 D S 6 70
AS 620--S7 AS 620--S5
FB151 FB151
-- Protection
-- Manual
-- Automatic
The commands output by FB151 to the drive control of the auxiliary are like automatic commands.
. Note
The present software description of the FB151 function block MOTKOP supposes in
some sections that the function block is employed for controlling a motor or a sole-
noid valve via a coupled auxiliary (SIMATIC S5 or S7). Since the FB151 function
block MOTKOP can be used in auxiliaries but also for linked AG--F or APT systems,
the information is correspondingly valid, that is the term AG--F or APT system must
replace the term auxiliary. In these cases control and monitoring of the motor or so-
lenoid valve occur via the outputs and inputs of the AG--F or APT system.
The drive control for the motor/solenoid valve actuator is carried out in the auxiliary (AUX). That is why the
following functions can only be implemented in the auxiliary:
2 Mode of Operation
The following figure represents the software functions or function blocks effected by the FB151 function block
FB 151
Command generation
and indicating
priority allocation
Status acquisition
Command output
Check---back message
3 Function Description
The following image shows the functions of the FB151 function block MOTKOP for the auxiliary coupling.
or redundant
- Manual commands
- Automatic commands
- Protection commands
Depending on the command priorities the different enable criteria such as process enable or manual enable
are required to make a command effective.
All commands come with the command word.
3.1.1 Commands from the Serial Operating and Monitoring System (OM)
Manual ON
Manual OFF
A command from OM is only output to the auxiliary when the corresponding process enable PFEIN/PFAUS is
present, when the serial commands are enabled (SSB =0) and in the absence of commands of higher priori-
Automatic ON
Automatic OFF
Protection ON
Protection OFF
The commands of the next higher level automatic ”Automatic ON” and ”Automatic OFF” are output to the au-
xiliary when the corresponding process enable ENON/ENOFF is present, and in the absence of commands
of higher priority.
The protection commands ”Protection ON” and ”Protection OFF” need no process enable.
. Note
A protection command ON/OFF present in the auxiliary can be applied to the input
”Protection ON” or ”Protection OFF” via OM in the control word of the FB151 for
visualization reasons. In this case coupling is implemented via the SIM function
block FB72 BINEIN (binary signal input). Since the command issued by the FB151
to the auxiliary is similar to an automatic command, a reciprocal blocking is ex-
As well automatic commands and process enables from the auxiliary can be
coupled with the FB72 BINEIN
In case of undervoltage the termination is carried out in the auxiliary. The ULS input in the control word is not
evaluated from the FB151. No command is output to the auxiliary.
. Note
An undervoltage present in the auxiliary can be applied to the input ”UGS” via OM in
the control word of the FB151 for visualization reasons. In this case coupling is im-
plemented via the SIM function block FB72 BINEIN (binary signal input).
The following figure lists the command types corresponding to their priorities, the highest priority being at the
first place.
Protection ON
Manual ON
Automatic ON
The protection, automatic and manual control commands present in the control word of the I/O function block
MOTKOP are converted into on/off commands in accordance to the logical motor control block and transmit-
ted to the auxiliary. The acknowledgement bit is set or reset according to the acknowledgement logic. Ad-
dressing in the transmit mailbox is carried out with PAAD/PAAW and the channel number KANR. These para-
meters are obtained from the ES 680. Maximum two channels are provided in the transmit mailbox for this.
Each channel addresses an 8--bit field. The unused bits 3...7 or 11...15 in the transmit mailbox are unchan-
KANR: 2 1
15 0 15 0
PAAD 2 2 2 2
PAAW Control
2 1 0 15 0
PAA bit
0 : QUIT Acknowledgement
1 : COON/OP Command in ON direction
2 : COOFF/CL Command in OFF direction
: not
: (free)
The command output transmits the control command to the auxiliary until a new command is issued from the
serial operating and monitoring system or from the higher level (continuous command) or until the check--
back message arrives from the auxiliary (pulse command).
The addressing of the check--back messages received by the auxiliary is carried out via PAED/PAEW and
the same channel number KANR as for the motor/solenoid valve control output. The identified check--back
messages and status signals of a motor/solenoid valve control (8--bit block) are completed by the I/O func-
tion block MOTKOP with AP internal setpoints and status signals and converted into the 16--bit representa-
tion of the AS 620. In this status signals that are not at disposal in the auxiliary must have default values (e.g.
”Valid” or ”Enable”).
KANR: 2 1
15 0 15 0
PAED 2 2 2 2
PAEW Status
0 15 0
PAE bit Meaning Default value
0 CBON/OP Check--back message ON --
1 CBOFF/CL Check--back message OFF --
2 LAUF *) Run in ON direction 0
3 LZU *) Run in OFF direction 0
4 AZB Feeder ready 1
5 NOSD No status discrepancy 1
*) irrelevant 6 NOFF No feeder fault 1
not implemented
7 KLB No run time/blocking 1
- Feeder ready,
- No status discrepancy,
are taken from the auxiliary check--back messages. A plausibility check does not occur.
ACTUAL status
The corresponding check--back signals take on the ACTUAL drive status transmitted by the auxiliary.
The ACTUAL value is available for the TELEPERM XP user through the FB151 status word.
The information ”DESIRED (setpoint) status” is directly derived from the control commands transmitted from
FB151 to the auxiliary. If these are continuous commands the DESIRED status is also present when the limit
position is reached.
The FB151 signals to the serial control system the commands issued from the drive that are possible with
the locking in the control word. To do that it sets the corresponding bits in the status word.
The information ”Last status reached by ...” specifies the cause (protection, automatic or manual) of the out-
put of the current valid control command (setpoint status). The information is available through the status
word. The FB151 cannot verify if the check--back message of the auxiliary is actually carried out as conse-
quence of an output control command.
- Protection execution
Status word
Comment Abbreviation
Control word
Comment Abbreviation
Fig. 7: Data process image for motor , solenoid valve and switchgear coupling via auxiliary with screen control
Time--tagged data are used for the chronologically correct acquisition of process signals and I & C fault mes-
sages in message processing and display as well as for logging. They are produced in case of status change
in all automation levels. The time stamp has a resolution of 1 ms.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select status word signals which are required in the process control level for mes-
sage output and logging. These can be process events (e.g. check--back message ON/OFF, feeder ready, ...)
or other status changes.
The time stamp characterizes the acquisition time by the FB151. It must be taken into account that the run
time through the communication system and the approximate delay in the auxiliary allow only a precision of
the actual entry of the process event of 10 seconds.
- Fault TTD
Fault TTDs are signalled to the instrumentation and control with fault numbers, function area numbers and
entity numbers. They signal fault statuses detected by the monitoring equipment auf the auxiliary.
Signal TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Fault TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Fig. 8: Time--tagged data for motor , solenoid valve and switchgear coupling via auxiliary with screen control
4 Configuring
The following figure shows the control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB151 NA.MO
(similar to the symbol representation in the ES 680 configuring system).
Fig. 9: Control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB151 MOTKOP
5 Parameterizing
- Parameter validity
The parameters marked with *) in the parameter descriptions are not relevant for the function of the I/O func-
tion block but partially required for the OM because important parameters of the standard display are derived
from this parameter setting (e.g. range limits for bar diagram). The values set in the auxiliary can only be ent-
ered for documentation even if the parameters are not required by the OM. The user however has to look
for consistency.
- Channel assignment *)
Name: BEL
Function: --
Range of values: --
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting 0
Name: PBR
Function: --
Range of values: --
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting 0
Name: WEF
Function: --
Range of values: --
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting 0
Name: TGL
Function: --
Range of values: --
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting 0
Name: TVE
Function: --
Range of values: --
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting 0
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area allocated to the motor control
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Word, assigned from ES
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Entity number within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Word, assigned from ES
Basic setting: 0
Name: MTTD
Function: Defines if signal TTD is generated
Range of values: 0/1
0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
Bit 0 = ACTUAL status ON
Bit 1 = ACTUAL status OFF
Bit 2 = DESIRED status ON
Bit 3 = DESIRED status OFF
Bit 4 = last status reached by PROTECTION command
Bit 5 = last status reached by AUTOMATIC command
Bit 6 = last status reached by MANUAL command
Bit 7 = --
Bit 8 = undervoltage limit signal
Bit 9 = feeder ready
Bit 10 = no status discrepancy
Bit 11 = no feeder fault
Bit 12 = no run time/blocking
Bit 13 = --
Bit 14 = --
Bit 15 = --
Basic setting all bits = 0
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
AON Automatic ON
AOFF Automatic OFF
AG Programmable logic controller (SIMATIC)
AG--F Programmable logic controller, fail--safe
AP Automation processor
AP--SSW AP system software
APT Automation processor, turbine (SIMADYN D)
AS Automation system
AS 620 B Automation system (B = basic system)
AS 620 F Automation system (F = fail--safe)
AS 620 T Automation system, turbine
AUX Auxiliary
AZB Feeder ready
BAA Automatic OFF
BAAUS Automatic command OFF
BAE Automatic ON
BAEIN Automatic command ON
BAV Command output variant (parameter)
BEL Channel assignment (parameter)
BINEIN FB72 binary signal input
CB Check--back message
CBOFF/CL Check--back message OFF
CBON/OP Check--back message ON
COON/OP Command in direction ON
COOFF/CL Command in direction OFF
CP Communication processor
CPU Central processing unit, SIMATIC arithmetic module
DB Data block
DSCL Setpoint status OFF
DSOFF Setpoint (desired) status OFF
DSOP Setpoint (desired) status ON
DS 670 Diagnosis system
EFAE Status discrepancy from OFF to ON
EFEA Status discrepancy from ON to OFF
I/O Input/Output
ES 680 Configuring system for (Engineering System)
ESG Individual control element
FB Function block
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--5
1.1 FB152 STAKOP Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--5
1.2 Function Limiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--6
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--18
5 Parameterizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--19
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--28
1 Application
With control commands an actuator can move a final control element in any position. The I/O function block
FB152 STAKOP (coupling of a drive control for actuator) is used for an auxiliary coupling (besides for cou-
pling of an AG--F or an APT) to control actuators. It represents the correct link (remote control) between the
drive control in the auxiliary (SIMATIC S5 or S7) and the automation processor (AP) of AS 620. One function
block call with the corresponding parameter set is required per actuator.
E S 680 O M 65 0 D S 6 70
AS 620--S7 AS 620--S5
FB152 FB151
-- Protection
-- Manual
-- Automatic
The commands output by FB152 to the drive control of the auxiliary are similar to automatic commands.
. Note
The present software description of the FB152 function block STAKOP supposes in
some sections that the function block is employed for controlling an actuator via a
coupled auxiliary (SIMATIC S5 or S7). Since the FB152 function block STAKOP can
be used in auxiliaries but also for linked AG--F or APT systems, the information is
correspondingly valid, that is the term AG--F or APT system must replace the term
auxiliary. In these cases control and monitoring of the actuator occur via the outputs
and inputs of the AG--F or APT system.
The drive control for the actuator is carried out in the auxiliary (AUX). That is why the following functions can
only be implemented in the auxiliary:
2 Mode of Operation
FB 152
Command generation
and indicating
priority allocation
Status acquisition
Command output
Check---back message
2.1 Actuator
An actuator of the auxiliary can run out and in with the auxiliary commands OPEN, CLOSED and STOP. The
origin of the control commands may be:
The command formation links these commands according to defined priorities to the setpoint status and
transmits it with the corresponding enables as command to the auxiliary. Setpoint statuses are stored. In ca-
se of a continuous command the command remains until a new command is issued (OPEN, CLOSED,
STOP).The command output is terminated when the check--back message (limit position) arrives.
The stepwise manual opening and closing is carried out with the following control pulses:
3 Function Description
The following figure shows the functions of the I/O function block FB152 STAKOP for the auxiliary coupling.
or redundant
- Manual commands
- Automatic commands
- Protection commands
Depending on the command priorities the different enable criteria such as process enable are required to
make a command effective.
All commands arrive with the command word.
3.1.1 Commands from the Serial Operating and Monitoring System (OM)
Manual OPEN
Manual STOP
A command from OM is only output to the auxiliary when the serial commands are enabled (SSB =0) and in
the absence of commands of higher priority. In addition the commands ”Manual OPEN”, ”Manual CLOSED”,
”CIMP OP” and ”CIMP CL” need the corresponding process enable ENOP/ENCL. The commands ”Manual
STOP” and the serial input ”QUIT” need no process enable.
The control pulse serves for an accurate actuator positioning. Its length cannot be modified. The FB152 also
does not limit it with a STOP command but it is directly transmitted by the OM. The pulse duration and so the
resolution of the positioning depends on the auxiliary.
. Note
The OM operator control may be disabled in setting the bit ”Disable serial operator
control” in the control word.
Automatic OPEN
Automatic CLOSED
Automatic STOP
Protection OPEN
Protection CLOSED
The commands of the next higher automatic ”Automatic OPEN” and ”Automatic CLOSED” are output to the
auxiliary when the corresponding process enable ENOP/ENCL is present, and in the absence of commands
of higher priority. The protection commands ”Protection OPEN” and ”Protection CLOSED” as well as ”Auto-
matic STOP” need no process enable.
. Note
A protection command OPEN/CLOSED present in the auxiliary can be applied to
the input ”Protection OPEN” or ”Protection CLOSED” via OM in the control word of
the FB152 for visualization reasons. In this case coupling is implemented via the
SIM function block FB72 BINEIN (binary signal input). Since the command issued
by the FB152 to the auxiliary is similar to an automatic command, a reciprocal
blocking is excluded.
As well automatic commands and process enables from the auxiliary can be
coupled with the FB72 BINEIN.
KANR: 2 1
PAAD 15 0 15 0
2 2 2 2
5 0 15
PAA bit
0 : QUIT Acknowledgement
1 : COON/OP Command in ON/OPEN direction
2 : COOFF/CL Command in OFF/CLOSED direction
3 : STOP Stop actuator
4 : CIMP OP Control pulse OPEN
5: CIMP CL Control pulse CLOSED
6: not
7: relevant (free)
The command output transmits the control command to the auxiliary until a new command is output from the
serial operating and monitoring system or from the higher level (continuous command) or until the check--
back message arrives from the auxiliary (pulse command). The termination as well as an eventually required
command direction reversing can be carried out in the auxiliary.
The addressing of the check--back messages received by the auxiliary is carried out via PAED/PAEW and
the same channel number KANR as for the actuator control output. The identified check--back messages
and status signals of an actuator control (8--bit block) are completed by the AP internal setpoint values and
status signals and converted into the 16--bit representation of the AS 620. Status signals that are not at dis-
posal in the auxiliary must have default values (e.g. ”Valid” or ”Enable”).
Further important information (e.g. torque termination) may be transmitted via separate binary values and
evaluated from user program.
KANR: 2 1
15 0 15 0
PAED 2 2 2 2
PAEW Status
0 15 0
PAE bit Meaning Default value
0 CBON/OP Check--back message ON/OPEN --
1 CBOFF/CL Check--back message OFF/CLOSED --
2 DEAUF Torque switch in OPEN direction 0
3 DEZU Torque switch in CLOSED direction 0
4 AZB Feeder ready 1
5 NOSD No status discrepancy 1
6 NOFF No feeder fault 1
7 KLB No run time blocking 1
- Feeder ready,
- No status discrepancy,
ACTUAL status
The corresponding check--back signals take on the ACTUAL drive status transmitted by the auxiliary.
The ACTUAL value is available for the TELEPERM XP user through the FB152 status word.
The information ”SETPOINT (SETPOINT) status” is directly derived from the control commands transmitted
from FB152 to the auxiliary. If these are continuous commands the DESIRED status is also present when the
limit position is reached.
The FB152 signals to the serial control system the commands issued from the actuator that are possible with
the locking in the control word. To do that it sets the corresponding bits in the status word.
The information ”Last status reached by ...” specifies the cause (protection, automatic or manual) of the out-
put of the current valid control command (setpoint status). The information is available through the status
word. It cannot be verified by the FB152 if the check--back message of the auxiliary is carried out as conse-
quence of an actually output control word.
- Torque monitoring
- Protection execution
Data exchange with the block occurs through the control word and the status word.
Status word
Comment Abbreviation
Control word
Comment Abbreviation
Fig. 7: Data process image for actuator via auxiliary with screen control
Time--tagged data are used for the chronologically correct acquisition of process signals and I & C fault mes-
sages in message processing and display as well as for logging. They are produced in case of status change
in all automation levels. The time stamp has a resolution of 1 ms.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select control word signals which are required in the process control level for mes-
sage output and logging. These can be process events (e.g. check--back message OPEN/CLOSED, feeder
ready, ...) or other status changes.
The time stamp characterizes the acquisition time by the FB152. It must be taken into account that the run
time through the communication system and the approximate delay in the auxiliary allow only a precision of
the actual entry of the process event of 10 seconds.
- Fault TTD
Fault TTD ranges are signalled to the instrumentation and control with fault, function area and entity num-
bers. They signal fault statuses detected by the monitoring equipment auf the auxiliary.
Signal TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Fault DMZ
Comment Abbreviation
Fig. 8: Time--tagged data for actuator via auxiliary with screen control
4 Configuring
The following figure shows the control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB152 STAKOP (si-
milar to the symbol representation in the ES 680 configuring system).
Fig. 9: Control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB152 STAKOP
*) pic_id 7051 is only implemented up to and including release 4
**) pic_id 7052 is only implemented beginning from release 5
5 Parameterizing
Fig. 10: Parameterization form FB152 NA.SA without desk tile. This form is only implemented up to and including release 4
Fig. 11: Parameterization form FB152 NA.SA_T with desk tile. This form is only implemented beginning from release 5
- Parameter validity
The parameters marked with *) in the parameter descriptions are not relevant for the function of the I/O func-
tion block but partially required for the OM because important parameters of the standard display are derived
from this parameter setting (e.g. range limits for bar diagram). The values set in the auxiliary can only be ent-
ered for documentation even if the parameters are not required by the OM. The user however has to look
for consistency.
- Channel assignment *)
Name: BEL
Function: --
Range of values: --
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting 0
Name: PBR
Function: Defines the priority of the command direction
Range of values: cmd. priority: close / oppen
cmd. priority: open / close
Basic setting: cmd. priority: close / oppen
Name: BAV
Function: determines the command output mode
Range of values: Persistent command
Pulse command
Basic setting Persistent command
Name: TST
Function: --
Range of values: --
Meaning: irrelevant
Basic setting 0
Name: SID
Function: Defines the duration of the control pulse
Range of values: 0 to 100
Meaning: 0 = no extension
100 = 10 s
Basic setting: 1 = 0.1 s; adjusting steps: 0.1 s
Name: RWE
Function: Defines whether the ON/OPEN check-back message of the controlled servo-drive
can be detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0:No detection / monitoring
1:Detect. through NO contact
2:Detect. through changeover contact
Basic setting: 2:Detect. through changeover contact
Name: RWA
Function: Defines whether the OFF/CLOSED check-back message of the controlled
servo-drive can be detected, and with which type of switch
Range of values: 0:No detection / monitoring
1:Detect. through NO contact
2:Detect. through changeover contact
Basic setting: 2:Detect. through changeover contact
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area allocated to the actuator
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Word, assigned from ES
Basic setting: 0
- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Entity number within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Word, assigned from ES
Basic setting: 0
Name: MTTD
Function: Defines if signal TTD is generated
Range of values: 0/1
0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
Bit 0 = ACTUAL status OPEN
Bit 1 = ACTUAL status CLOSED
Bit 2 = DESIRED status OPEN
Bit 3 = DESIRED status CLOSED
Bit 4 = Last status reached by PROTECTION command
Bit 5 = Last status reached by AUTOMATIC command
Bit 6 = Last status reached by MANUAL command
Bit 7 = --
Bit 8 = --
Bit 9 = Feeder ready
Bit 10 = No status discrepancy
Bit 11 = No feeder fault
Bit 12 = No run time/blocking
Bit 13 = --
Bit 14 = --
Bit 15 = --
Basic setting all bits = 0
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
AG Programmable logic controller (SIMATIC)
AG--F Programmable logic controller, fail--safe
AP Automation processor
AP--SSW AP system software
APT Automation processor, turbine (SIMADYN D)
AS Automation system
AS 620 B Automation system (B = basic system)
AS 620 F Automation system (F = fail--safe)
AS 620 T Automation system, turbine
AUX Auxiliary
AZB Feeder ready
BAAUS Automatic command OFF
BAAUF Automatic command OPEN
BAE Automatic ON/OPEN
BAEIN Automatic command ON
BAV Command output variant (parameter)
BAZU Automatic command CLOSED
BBV Command generation variant (parameter)
BEL Channel assignment (parameter)
BINEIN FB72 binary signal input
COON/CL Command in direction ON or OPEN
COOFF/CL Command in direction OFF or CLOSED
CB Check--back message
CBOFF/CL Check--back message OFF/CLOSED
CBON/OP Check--back message ON/OPEN
CP Communication processor
CPU Central processing unit, SIMATIC arithmetic module
DB Data block
DEAS Torque switch in OPEN direction disturbed
DEZS Torque switch in CLOSED direction disturbed
DS 670 Diagnosis system
EFAE Status discrepancy from OFF to ON
EFEA Status discrepancy from ON to OFF
EIZ Acquisition of the ACTUAL status (parameter)
ES 680 Configuring system (Engineering System)
FB Function block
FUNR Function area number
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--5
1.1 FB167 STAKOP_T Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--5
1.2 Function Limiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--6
4 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--19
5 Parameterizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--20
7 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--25
1 Application
With control commands an actuator can move a final control element in any position. The I/O function block
FB167 STAKOP_T (coupling of a drive control for actuator) is used for an auxiliary coupling (besides for cou-
pling of an AG--F or an APT) to control actuators. It represents the correct link (remote control) between the
drive control in the auxiliary (SIMATIC S5 or S7) and the AS 620 automation processor (AP) of AS 620. One
function block call with the corresponding parameter set is required per actuator.
E S 680 O M 65 0 D S 6 70
AS 620--S7 AS 620--S5
FB167 FB167
-- Protection
-- Manual
-- Automatic
The commands output by FB167 to the drive control of the auxiliary are similar to automatic commands.
. Note
The present software description of the FB167 function block STAKOP_T supposes
in some sections that the function block is employed for controlling an actuator via a
coupled auxiliary (SIMATIC S5 or S7). Since the FB167 function block STAKOP_T
can be used in auxiliaries but also for linked AG--F or APT systems, the information
is correspondingly valid, that is the term AG--F or APT system must replace the
term auxiliary. In these cases control and monitoring of the actuator occur via the
outputs and inputs of the AG--F or APT system.
The drive control for the actuator is carried out in the auxiliary (AUX). That is why the following functions can
only be implemented in the auxiliary:
2 Mode of Operation
Command generation
and indicating
priority allocation
Status acquisition
Command output
Check---back message
2.1 Actuator
An actuator of the auxiliary can run out and in with the auxiliary commands OPEN, CLOSED and STOP. The
origin of the control commands may be:
The command formation links these commands according to defined priorities to the setpoint status and
transmits it with the corresponding enables as command to the auxiliary. Setpoint statuses are stored. In ca-
se of a continuous command the command remains until a new command is issued (OPEN, CLOSED,
STOP).The command output is terminated when the check--back message (limit position) arrives.
The stepwise manual opening and closing is carried out with the following control pulses:
3 Function Description
The following figure shows the functions of the I/O function block FB167 STAKOP_T for the auxiliary
- Manual commands
- Automatic commands
- Protection commands
Depending on the command priorities the different enable criteria such as process enable are required to
make a command effective.
All commands arrive with the command word.
3.1.1 Commands from the Serial Operating and Monitoring System (OM 650)
Manual OPEN
Manual STOP
A command from OM is only output to the auxiliary when the serial commands are enabled (SSB =0) and in
the absence of commands of higher priority. In addition the commands ”Manual OPEN”, ”Manual CLOSED”,
”CIMP OP” and ”CIMP CL” need the corresponding process enable ENOP/ENCL. The commands ”Manual
STOP” and the serial input ”QUIT” need no process enable.
The control pulse serves for an accurate actuator positioning. Its length can be modified via the parameter
SID. The FB167 also does not limit it with a STOP command but it is directly transmitted by the OM. The pul-
se duration and so the resolution of the positioning depends on the auxiliary.
. Note
The OM operator control may be disabled in setting the bit ”Disable serial operator
control” in the control word.
Manual OPEN
Manual STOP
In addition to the corresponding process enable (EN/OP; EN/CL) in the control word, the function block
requires the manual enable so that the commands sent from the desk tile become valid.
Manual commands are generated with the positive edge of the hardware signal.
. Note
In order to give commands from the outside manufactured OM the manual enable
must be activated simultaneously with the respective command.
. Note
Control from the outside manufactured OM can be blocked by setting the bit ”Dis-
able desk tile input” (Disable outside manufactured OM) in the control word.
The outside manufactured OM input is blocked when the drive status word is simu-
Automatic OPEN
Automatic CLOSED
Automatic STOP
Protection OPEN
Protection CLOSED
The commands of the next higher automatic ”Automatic OPEN” and ”Automatic CLOSED” are output to the
auxiliary when the corresponding process enable ENOP/ENCL is present, and in the absence of commands
of higher priority. The protection commands ”Protection OPEN” and ”Protection CLOSED” as well as ”Auto-
matic STOP” need no process enable.
. Note
A protection command OPEN/CLOSED present in the auxiliary can be applied to
the input ”Protection OPEN” or ”Protection CLOSED” via OM in the control word of
the FB167 for visualization reasons. In this case coupling is implemented via the
SIM function block FB72 BINEIN (binary signal input). Since the command issued
by the FB167 to the auxiliary is similar to an automatic command, a reciprocal
blocking is excluded.
As well automatic commands and process enables from the auxiliary can be
coupled with the FB72 BINEIN.
The following figure lists the command types corresponding to their priority, the highest priority being at the
first place.
The protection, automatic and manual control commands present in the control word of the I/O function block
STAKOP_t are converted into on/open or off/closed commands in accordance to the logical motor control
block and transmitted to the auxiliary. The acknowledgement bit is set or reset according to the acknowledge-
ment logic. OPEN/CLOSED control pulses can also be added. Addressing in the transmit mailbox is carried
out via PAAD/PAAW and the channel number KANR. These parameters are stipulated through ES 680. Ma-
ximum two channels are provided in the transmit mailbox for this. Each channel addresses an 8--bit field. The
unused bits 6 + 7 or 14 + 15 remain unchanged.
KANR: 2 1
PAAD 15 0 15 0
2 2 2 2
5 0 15
PAA bit
0 : QUIT Acknowledgement
1 : COON/OP Command in ON/OPEN direction
2 : COOFF/CL Command in OFF/CLOSED direction
3 : STOP Stop actuator
4 : CIMP OP Control pulse OPEN
5: CIMP CL Control pulse CLOSED
6: not
7: relevant (free)
The command output transmits the control command to the auxiliary until a new command is output from the
serial operating and monitoring system or from the higher level (continuous command) or until the check--
back message arrives from the auxiliary (pulse command). The termination as well as an eventually required
command direction reversing can be carried out in the auxiliary.
Control pulses are transmitted 1 by 1.
The addressing of the check--back messages received by the auxiliary is carried out via PAED/PAEW and
the same channel number KANR as for the actuator control output. The identified check--back messages
and status signals of an actuator control (8--bit block) are completed by the AP internal setpoint values and
status signals and converted into the 16--bit representation of the AS 620. Status signals that are not at dis-
posal in the auxiliary must have default values (e.g. ”Valid” or ”Enable”).
Further important information (e.g. torque termination) may be transmitted via separate binary values and
evaluated from user program.
KANR: 2 1
15 0 15 0
PAED 2 2 2 2
PAEW Status
0 15 0
PAE bit Meaning Default value
0 CBON/OP Check--back message ON/OPEN --
1 CBOFF/CL Check--back message OFF/CLOSED --
2 DEAUF Torque switch in OPEN direction 0
3 DEZU Torque switch in CLOSED direction 0
4 AZB Feeder ready 1
5 NOSD No status discrepancy 1
6 NOFF No feeder fault 1
7 KLB No run time blocking 1
- Feeder ready,
- No status discrepancy,
are taken from the auxiliary check--back messages. A plausibility check does not occur.
ACTUAL status
The corresponding check--back signals take on the ACTUAL drive status transmitted by the auxiliary.
The ACTUAL value is available for the TELEPERM XP user through the FB167 status word.
The information ”SETPOINT (SETPOINT) status” is directly derived from the control commands transmitted
from FB167 to the auxiliary. If these are continuous commands the DESIRED status is also present when the
limit position is reached.
The FB167 signals to the serial control system the commands issued from the actuator that are possible with
the locking in the control word. To do that it sets the corresponding bits in the status word.
The information ”Last status reached by ...” specifies the cause (protection, automatic or manual) of the out-
put of the current valid control command (setpoint status). The information is available through the status
word. It cannot be verified by the FB167 if the check--back message of the auxiliary is carried out as conse-
quence of an actually output control word.
- Torque monitoring
- Protection execution
Data exchange with the block occurs through the control word and the status word.
Status word
Comment Abbreviation
Control word
Comment Abbreviation
Fig. 7: Data process image for actuator via auxiliary with screen control
Time--tagged data are used for the chronologically correct acquisition of process signals and I & C fault mes-
sages in message processing and display as well as for logging. They are produced in case of status change
in all automation levels. The time stamp has a resolution of 1 ms.
- Signal TTD
Parameters can be set to select control word signals which are required in the process control level for mes-
sage output and logging. These can be process events (e.g. check--back message OPEN/CLOSED, feeder
ready, ...) or other status changes.
The time stamp characterizes the acquisition time by the FB167. It must be taken into account that the run
time through the communication system and the approximate delay in the auxiliary allow only a precision of
the actual entry of the process event of 10 seconds.
- Fault TTD
Fault TTD ranges are signalled to the instrumentation and control with fault, function area and entity num-
bers. They signal fault statuses detected by the monitoring equipment auf the auxiliary.
Signal TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Fault DMZ
Comment Abbreviation
Fig. 8: Time--tagged data for actuator via auxiliary with screen control
Data exchange with the function block is carried out using data blocks (TADB and LADB). The signal lamps
”ON”, ”OFF” and ”Fault” on the open-loop control tile indicate:
The statuses are displayed by the signal lamps OPEN, CLOSED and FAULT. To each of these “signal lamps”
belongs a status encoding for steady ON, blinking, flickering, and OFF. The structure of this interface is des-
cribed in the document “Connection to Auxiliaries” (C79000--T8076--C622) in the AS 620 System Manual
ACTUAL position
SETPOINT direction
CL. Fault OPEN CL. Fault OPEN CL. Fault OPEN CL. Fault OPEN
State in position
Status discrepancy
Run time/blocking
CL. = signal lamp ”CLOSED” Fault = signal lamp ”Fault” OPEN = signal lamp ”OPEN”
Fig. 9: Signal representation at the desk tile, Actuator with screen and desk tile input
4 Configuring
The following figure shows the control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB167 STAKOP_T
(similar to the symbol representation in the ES 680 configuring system).
Symbol: actuator coupling via auxiliary
Fig. 10: Control system flowchart symbol of the I/O function block FB167 STAKOP_T
5 Parameterizing
The two types of parameters listed below are either managed by the ES (no assignment by the user) or can
be preset and changed by the user.
From the general parameters the following are managed by the ES:
Name: FUNR
Function: Describes the function area to which the FB155 is assigned
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
*) Parameter validity
The parameters marked with *) in the parameter descriptions are not relevant for the function of the I/O func-
tion block but partially required for the OM because important parameters of the standard display are derived
from this parameter setting (e.g. range limits for bar diagram). The values set in the auxiliary can only be ent-
ered for documentation even if the parameters are not required by the OM. The user however has to look
for consistency.
Name: BEL
Function: Defines the assignment of the SIM function block. BEL is generated dependent on
the FUP pictograph “STAKOP_T“ or
“STAKOP_T with desk tile“ as selected by the user
Range of values: 3, 4
Meaning: 3 = actuator without desk tile input (outside manufactured OM)
4 = actuator with desk tile input (outside manufactured OM)
Basic setting: 3
Name: BAV
Function: determines the command output mode
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: bit 0 = 0 continuous command
bit 0 = 1 pulse command
Basic setting: 0
Name: SID
Function: Defines the duration of the control pulse as a multiple of the function block cycle
Range of values: 0 to 100
Meaning: 0 = no extension
100 = 100 x function block cycle
Basic setting: 0
Name: MTTD
Function: Defines if signal TTD is generated
Range of values: 0/1
0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
Bit 0 = ACTUAL status OPEN
Bit 1 = ACTUAL status CLOSED
Bit 2 = DESIRED status OPEN
Bit 3 = DESIRED status CLOSED
Bit 4 = Last status reached by PROTECTION command
Bit 5 = Last status reached by AUTOMATIC command
Bit 6 = Last status reached by MANUAL command
Bit 7 = --
Bit 8 = --
Bit 9 = Feeder ready
Bit 10 = No status discrepancy
Bit 11 = No feeder fault
Bit 12 = No run time/blocking
Bit 13 = --
Bit 14 = --
Bit 15 = --
Basic setting all bits = 0
6 Technical Data
7 Abbreviations
AG Programmable logic controller (SIMATIC)
AG--F Programmable logic controller, fail--safe
AP Automation processor
AP--SSW AP system software
APT Automation processor, turbine (SIMADYN D)
AS Automation system
AS 620 B Automation system (B = basic system)
AS 620 F Automation system (F = fail--safe)
AS 620 T Automation system, turbine
AUX Auxiliary
AZB Feeder ready
BAAUS Automatic command OFF
BAAUF Automatic command OPEN
BAE Automatic ON/OPEN
BAEIN Automatic command ON
BAV Command output variant (parameter)
BAZU Automatic command CLOSED
BBV Command generation variant (parameter)
BEL Channel assignment (parameter)
BINEIN FB72 binary signal input
COON/CL Command in direction ON or OPEN
COOFF/CL Command in direction OFF or CLOSED
CB Check--back message
CBOFF/CL Check--back message OFF/CLOSED
CBON/OP Check--back message ON/OPEN
CP Communication processor
CPU Central processing unit, SIMATIC arithmetic module
DB Data block
DEAS Torque switch in OPEN direction disturbed
DEZS Torque switch in CLOSED direction disturbed
DS 670 Diagnosis system
EFAE Status discrepancy from OFF to ON
EFEA Status discrepancy from ON to OFF
EIZ Acquisition of the ACTUAL status (parameter)
ES 680 Configuring system (Engineering System)
FB Function block
FUNR Function area number
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--4
3 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--9
4 Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--10
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--13
1 Application
The FC404 function block in conjunction with the signal modules SIM 323 and SIM 321 is used to read in
binary process signals.
The FC404 function block is also used to read in binary signals which originate from coupled systems (such
as auxiliaries using SIMATIC S7).
The main difference between the BINEIN2 function block and the BINEIN (FB72) function block is that the
BINEIN2 function block also features:
-- Optional configuration of a channel validity bit
-- Evaluation of the connection faults in a communication link to auxiliary plant control systems.
The FC404 function block can only be used in the AS620--S7.
2 Function Description
During normal operation (i.e. with proper connection) the binary signal read in is cyclically entered into the
status word, taking into account the configured input signal extension, if applicable.
The input signals are extended if the ESV is <> 0, i.e. the signal remains unchanged for at least the param-
eterized time following a change in signal (0--1).
The input signal extension only applies to positive edges. The input signal extension can be selected in the
range from 0 to 10 s. All changes in signal within the signal extension time are ignored.
Exception: The input signal extension is deactivated during a connection fault.
1) t
t_ESV_Start t
3) t
Time--tagged data result as a signal TTD following a change in status of the input signal if the parameter TTD
is set.
The following signal TTDs are generated:
D Change in input signal
2.4 Startup/Restart
The FC404 carries out a cold restart when requested by the AP; internal statuses are initialized in the pro-
cess. No further block processing is carried out during a cold restart.
The block is processed in every subsequent cycle.
Example: PAEBT = 5
Example: KGBT = 13
Connection fault (FEDB/ FEDW/ FEBT)
Taking into account the signal extension, the function block enters the bit addressed via
PAEDB/PAEDW/PAEBT into the status word bit 0.
The channel validity bit, if available, will be recalculated in each cycle and entered into bit 7 of the status
word. If no channel validity bit has been configured (parameter KGDB is 0) bit 7 will always be set in the
status word.
Area of application
This mode of operation is used for connections to auxiliary plant systems which provide the binary signal
changes with an additional time tag. The binary signal and time tag are transferred together in the telegram
interface. A signal TTD is then generated in the AP from this pair of values. The external time tag mode can
be set via the parameter AE_ZEIT (see Chapter 4 “Parameterization”).
Time tag structure
The time tag from the auxiliary plant control system must be transferred as a double word and contain the
number of milliseconds passed since 0:00 hrs. Bit 31 (highest bit of the double word) contains the binary si-
The double word is addressed by the parameters PAEDB/ PAEDW.
The unassigned bits 28 through 30 in the double word can be used to transfer the channel validity bit.
3 Configuring
Fig. 4 shows the symbol of the function block FC404 BINEIN2 in the ES 680 configuring system.
4 Parameterization
-- Time--tagged data
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether data with time are to be generated
Range of values: 0--1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD for every change in signal
Basic setting: 0
-- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Number of entity within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 to 32767
Meaning: Identification characteristic for ES/OM
Basic setting: 0
The parameters KGDW/ KGBT are only evaluated when the parameter NA--KG is YES.
If both NA--KG and NA--ZEIT are YES, the values KGDW/ KGBT will be ignored. The ES parameterizes the
GPEIN2 function block so that the channel validity bit will always be read in to bit 30 of the time tag double
Function: Number for the receive buffer
The parameter ”RECV--BUFFER--NR” has the default value “1” and denotes a connection between the AP
and an auxiliary plant control system. Depending on the amount of data to be transfered, multible
transmission links to the auxiliary plant control system may be required. In this case enter the value “2”, “3”
etc. This number specifies that the data are transfered on an additional transmission link.
5 Technical Data
6 Abbreviations
AP Automation processor
AS Automation system
BESIG Binary value in the ZUDB
EING Binary signals in the PAED
ESV Input signal extension
KANR Channel number
OM Operating and Monitoring System
SIM Signal module
TTD Time--tagged data
Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcomed. Technical data subject to change.
Safety--related-- This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own
guidelines personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger:
! Indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial damage to property can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
! Indicates that minor personal injury or damage to property can result if proper pre-
cautions are not taken.
. Note
Is important information on the product, the handling of the product or the respec-
tive part of the documentation to which particular attention should be paid.
Qualified Commissioning and operation of the product must only be carried out by qualified
person persons. Qualified persons in the sense of the safety information in this publication
are those who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag equipment,
systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
! The product must only be used for the applications described in the catalog and
technical description and only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended or approved of by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance.
1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--5
1.1 Functions of the FC405 FLOATINP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--5
1.2 Function Limiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--6
3 Configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--10
4 Parameterizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--11
6 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--16
1 Application
The auxiliary plant control system function block FC405 FLOATINP2 (analog signal input for floating points)
is used as a communication link to auxiliary plant systems for reading in analog values in floating point
The function block FC405 can only be used in the AS620--S7.
E S 680 O M 65 0 D S 6 70
plant bus
AS 620--S7
analog value
(floating point)
plant system
-- TTD generation following signal changes, time tagging in auxiliary plant control systems is possible
The following preprocessing functions are not carried out by the function block and may have to be imple-
mented in the auxiliary plant control system:
2 Function Description
The I/O function block FLOATINP2 selects the analog value parameterized from the data block received from
the auxiliary plant control system. The selection is parameterized by ES. The value is in floating--point format
and is placed unchanged by the I/O function block FLOATINP2 at the user program’s disposal for further
15 0
2 2
KG: channel valid
Connection fault (FEDB/ FEDW/ FEBT)
Fig. 2: Interfaces for analog signal input in floating--point format, FC405 FLOATINP2
Time--tagged data are used for the chronologically correct acquisition of process signals and I & C fault
alarms in alarm processing and display as well as for logging. They are produced on status change in all
automation levels. The various TTD types and TTDs specific to the function block are described below.
Parameters can be set to select input signals if they are required as time--tagged data (TTDs) in the process
control level for alarm output and logging.
The analog signals are scanned for the occurrence of a parameterizable signal change within parameteriza-
ble time intervals. The time intervals are parameterized via the parameter ’scanning time’ (ABZE), the signal
change via the parameter ’Deltaband’ (DELT).
If an inquiry shows that the analog signal has reached or exceeded the deltaband parameterized, a signal
TTD with the current analog value is generated.
Analog signal changes that are within the deltaband are summed up on the inquiry side and used to gene-
rate signal TTD with the current analog value once the summed up value exceeds 16 times the delta value.
Signal TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Disable and enable processing of the signal TTD is implemented in the parameter form by setting the para-
meter TTD of the output AE/SIG.
In addition to the TTDs assigned to a signal, there are also fault TTDs which, using error numbers, describe
the status of the control system in detailed form for alarms and logs. The fault TTDs are generated as the
results of events (faults) recognized by monitoring the analog signal.
With enabled range monitoring, the FLOATINP2 function block signals violations of the range limits as fault
Fault TTD
Comment Abbreviation
Disable and enable range monitoring is implemented with the parameter EU (input range monitoring).
If the function block is used in order to acquire an analog value via a communication link connected to
auxiliary plant control systems, the function block is notified of the communication status via the parameter
FEDB/FEDW/FEBT. No signal TTDs are issued when the connection is faulty. The connection fault is
signaled as an I&C fault elsewhere, which causes the OM to identifiy the allocated value as being invalid.
The channel validity bit is always reset in the status word during a connection fault.
The parameters KGDB/KGDW/KGBT can be used to allocate a channel validity bit to the analog value to be
acquired. If the parameter TTD is set, a signal TTD notifies the OM of any change in the channel validity bit
The OM evaluates the channel valid signal TTD and adds the respective attribute to the orginal binary signal.
If no channel bit has been parameterized, the channel will always be considered valid unless a connection
fault is present.
Note: On the technical side of the program, the rest of the bits of the status data word remain unchanged
when setting and deleting the KG bit. It is thus possible to route other signals from the auxiliary plant control
system (such as limit values) which are linked via separate binary value inputs to the same data word within
the AS 620 and to evaluate them via OM standard displays.
Signal monitoring for range limits can only be enabled and disabled for the upper and lower range limits
together (parameter: EU). Monitoring is effective immediately, i.e. no delay can be configured (refer to the
parameter EUZE in Chapter 4 Parameterizing). Violating the range of a signal has an effect on its validity
(KG bit = 0).
Area of application
This mode of operation is used for connections to auxiliary plant systems which provide the analog signal
changes with their own time tag. The analog signal and time tag are transferred together in the telegram in-
terface. An analog TTD is then generated in the AP from this pair of values. The external time tag mode can
be set via the parameter AE_ZEIT (see Chapter 4 “Parameterizing”).
Initiation of an analog TTD
The criterion for recognizing an analog event is generated in the auxiliary plant system. The TTD initiation
must be implemented in the auxiliary plant system by a suitable procedure. Please be careful to limit the oc-
currence of TTDs as seems appropriate (e.g. delta value, scanning time etc., see Chapter 2.2.1). The analog
value is sent via TTD each time the time tag of the auxiliary plant system changes the time or each time the
included channel--valid--bit changes! The FLOATINP2 in this mode of operation does not take into account
the configuring values ’delta value’ and ’scanning time’.
Time tag structure
The time tag from the auxiliary plant system must be transferred as a double word behind the floating point
value and contain the number of milliseconds passed since 0:00 hrs in the bits 0 through 27.
If a channel validity bit is used the ES specifies bit 30 of the double word to be the channel validity bit. (It is
addressed by the parameters KGDB/KGDW/KGBT)
The FLOATINP2 function block expects a numerical value in SIMATIC--S7 floating point format in its input
range (PAEDB/PADW). If the AP is connected to an auxiliary plant control system based on a SIMATIC--S5,
however, the auxiliary plant control system sends its analog values in S5 floating point format and expects
values to be in the same format. In this case, the necessary conversions of numerical formats are performed
transparent to the user.
3 Configuring
The following figure shows the symbol of the function block FC405 FLOATINP2 in the ES 680 configuring
Pic_id: 7107
Function block: FC405
only for use in AP
4 Parameterizing
-- Time--tagged data
Name: TTD
Function: Defines whether signal TTDs are generated
Range of values: 0/1
Meaning: 0 = no TTD generated
1 = generate TTD
Bit 0 = AESIG / KG (signal and channel valid TTD)
- Sampling period
Name: ABZE
Function: Defines the sampling times for TTD generation of the analog signal
(step size 100 = 0.1 s, 0 : for each block processing)
Range of values: 0 to 60 000 corresponding 0 to 60.0 s
Meaning: Parameter can be set
Basic setting: 1000 ° 1 s
- Delta
Name: DELT
Function: A signal TTD is generated with a change in the input signal ≥ DELTA
Value is set as physical variable of the nominal range.
Range of values: 0 to 10000 corresponding 0 to 100 % of the physical nominal range
Basic setting: 100, corresponding 1%
- Unit
Name: EINH
Range of values: Character string with up to 8 characters
Meaning: The character string is used for documentation purposes only in the OM and ES.
-- Entity number
Name: INST
Function: Entity number within the function area FUNR
Range of values: 0 -- 32767
Meaning: Word, assigned from ES
Basic setting: 0
The parameters KGDW/KGBT are only evaluated when the parameter KG--NA is YES.
If both KG--NA and AE--ZEIT are YES, the values KGDW/KGBT will be ignored. ES parameterizes
the FLOATINP2 function block so that the channel validity bit will always be read into bit 30 of the
time tag double value.
Function: Number for the receive buffer
The parameter ”RECV--BUFFER--NR” has the default value “1” and denotes a connection between
the AP and an auxiliary plant control system. Depending on the amount of data to be transfered,
multible transmission links to the auxiliary plant control system may be required. In this case enter
the value “2”, “3” etc. This number specifies that the data are transfered on an additional
transmission link.
5 Technical Data
6 Abbreviations