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present to

The faculty of the Senior High School

Sibulan National High School

In particular fulfillment of the requirements in


Llanita, kith Killy - Ann R.

Fontelo, Mary Rose D.

Calisquisin, Ashlee Faith C.

Fonollera, Lloyd G.

Suod, Troy


Reina Mae M. Ablir

Research adviser

Date of Completion

May 15, 2024


Decision making among Senior High School Students is a complex process influenced by various

factors. This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these influences to support

informed and positive choices for students future endeavors. Drawing on empirical research a

theoretical frameworks, the study explores the impact of personal preferences, peer influence,

family, expectations, and academic interest in decision making. By examining the interplay of

attention, memory, thinking, emotion, and sentiment, the study sheds light on the mechanisms

shaping strategic decision making abilities. Recognizing the critical stage of academic and

personal development, this research underscores the long lasting impact of decision making on

students future trajectories. Insight gained from this study can inform educators, parents, and

policy maker about the challenges and opportunities students face in navigating their education

and career paths. Ultimately, enhancing students decision making skills not only promotes

academic success but also prepares them for the complexities of real world challenges they will

encounter in life.

The researcher wishes to express their deepest gratitude and sincere appreciation to the following

people have generously given advice and assistance needed in the realization of this study.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the completion of

this research. Special thanks to our research teacher Mrs. Reina Mae M. Ablir for here invaluable

guidance and support. We would like to thanks Mrs. Winda Obedencio for approving our

research title. Also we would like to thanks Mrs. Katrin Ann Cabalida, and Mrs. Maricon

Rosales for given us there time to do our research, we really appreciated.

We extend our sincere appreciation to the selected students who actively participated in this

research project. Their dedication, hard work, and contributions significantly enriched the outcome

of our study.


Title Page………………………………………………………………………………………………………..i



Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………iv

Chapter 1


Theoretical Framework………………………………………………………………………………….2

Statement of the problem………………………………………………………………………………4

Significant of the study…………………………………………………………………………………..4

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………………………………………….6

Chapter 2

Review related literature and study

Related Literature…………………………………………………………………………………………7

Related Studies…………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………………………………9

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………………………10

Chapter 3 Methodology

Research Design…………………………………………………………………………………………..13

Research Environment…………………………………………………………………………………13

Research Respondents……………………………………………………………………………….14

Research Instrument……………………………………………………………………………………15

Research Procedure…………………………………………………………………………………...15

Chapter 4

Presentation and analysis of data……………………………………………………………….16

Chapter 5

Conclusion and recommendation……………………………………………………………....24




There are several important factors that influence decision - making. These includes past

experiences, a variety of cognitive biases, an escalation of commitment and sunk outcome,

individual differences, including age and socioeconomic status, and a belief in personal relevance

(Atienza & Rodelas, 2015). The empirical results reveal that strategic decision - making abilities

are affected by five factors. Attention, memory, thinking, emotion, and sentiment, and whose

influence mechanism and degrees are varied (Feng, Han, Zheng, & Kamran, 2022)

Decision - making among senior High School students is influenced by various factors.

These includes personal preferences, peer influence, family expectations, and academic interest.

Understanding these factors is crucial for supporting students in making informed and positive

choices for their future endeavors. Decision - making is simply the process of making a choice.

Understanding what influence their decision like, what the students personally wants, what their

friends think, what their family expect, and how they enjoy studying, helps them make choices

that are right.

The purpose of this study is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the varied factors

that influence decision - making among Senior High Students. Decision - making during critical

stage of academic and personal development can have profound and long - lasting impact on

students future. By examining these influencing factors, the study aims to provide valuable insight

that can inform educators, parents, and policymaker about the challenges and opportunities

students face in making crucial decision about their education career path. The ability to make

sound choices also helps the community to know who belongs to low SES.. More over, this

research helps students to motivate, overcome challenges,and achieve remarkable


Theoretical Framework of the Study

Theoritical framework on the socioeconomic status of senior high students and its impact on their

academic performance.


(Alijoyo, 2021)



(Shukla, 2022)

According to alijoyo (2021) that decision - making Theory is a theory of how rational

individuals should behave under risk and uncertainty. The theory suggests that decision - making

means the adoption and application of rational choice for the management of a private, business,

or government organization in an efficient manner. The theorist argued that making a decision is

choosing between alternative courses of action. It can even mean choosing between action and non

- action.

To support the study risk management and decision - making theory is being used. Students make

choices when there's doubt or risk involved. It suggests that decision should based on what students

think. Making a decision could mean picking between different actions or even deciding whether

to act at all. So it's all about how students make a smart choices to help achieve their goal.

As Shukla (2022) said in the Subjected Expected Utility Theory that it is an approach in

which decision are taken under risk, allowing for the subjected evaluation of variables under

different options and the associated probabilities decision are choices between different alternative

and their probabilities. When the decision maker chooses an alternative with a high certainty of

the outcome, there is still a risk of letting go of another best outcome. A good decision is based on

process, not on outcome. Expected Utility refers to the fact that the value of any commodity is

different for one person than another due to external condition. The decision maker should take a

decision of only after evaluating every factors and piece of information available to them.

The theory of subjected utility theory is connected to the study because it means that

students have their own choices and beliefs about the chances of different outcomes. So when

students make decisions they consider the option based on what they think might happen and how

much they value those outcome. It says that when someone make decisions, they think about the

different options and how likely they are to happened. Even if they are pretty sure about one option

there's still a chance they might miss out on something better. So, it's not just about picking the

best outcome, but also about thinking carefully about all the factors and information available to


According to McCann(2020) that Bayesian Decision Theory is the a theory decision

making, which is often used to computationally simulate decision - making processes. Specifically,

this decision model thinks of everything in probabilistic terms and proposes that a decision be

made based on estimating the probability of a successful outcome. This probability (i, e. posterior)

is informed by the probabilities seen in past experiences (I , e. prior) and new evidence (I , e. ,

likehood) For instance, when meteorologist estimate the probability of a hurricane passing a certain

region(posterior) , they consider historical data(prior) and newly collected data(likehood). Since

the worlds is constantly changing and generating new information, probability estimations of the

event (posterior) need to take into account the new evidence (i. e., Bayesian updating). Even though

this style of thinking rounds, mathematical, and less intuitive, it is useful in a world that is shifting

rapidly and without warning. It helps us think about decision in probabilistic, mathematical terms

and consider what we already know when we learn something new.

Bayesian Decision Theory is connected to the study because this is like making choices by

guessing the chance of success. It suggests evaluating the chance of things going well by

considering past experiences and new information. It is easy to make a decision if they learn from

the past experiences.


The study generally aims to learn about the factors influencing the decision making among Senior

High Students in Sibulan National High School S.Y. 2023-2024

Specially, it will answer the following

1. What are the common factors in decision making that students experience?

2. How does negative experiences influence the decision making?

3. How does positive experiences influence the decision making?

4. How did those factors affect there decision making?


The study must be conducted to find out the factors influencing the decision making to the Senior

High Students in Sibulan National High School S.Y. 2023-2024. It is also the way to help in

determining whether the factors influencing the decision making all affect the students studies.

The study will benefit the students from understanding and navigating the factors influencing

decision making, and how they decide things. Awareness of these factors allows students to make

more informed decision about their education and future. Understanding how personal values, peer

influence, and family expectations play a role empower student to align their choices with their


This study will benefit the out of school youth by understanding the thing that influence how they

make choices. Knowing about their own values, what friends might think, and how family can

help, empowers them to make smart decision about going back to school or finding other paths. It

also helps them learn important skills for making good choices in different parts of life.

Understanding these factors gives out of school youths the tools to make wise choices, grow

personal, and plan effectively for what comes next.

This study will benefit the parents by understanding what influences their children choices.

Knowing about factors like friends, personal values and academic goals helps parents guide their

children in making informed decisions about education and future paths. Understanding these

influences allow parents to provide support to their children need and aspirations.

This study will benefits the teachers by understanding the factors that influence students choices.

Knowing about things like academic goals, peer influence, and family expectations help teachers

guide students in making informed decisions about their education and future plans. Understanding

these influence enables teachers to offer support that align with students aspirations fostering a

positive learning environment.

This study will benefit the community by understanding the factors that shape the decisions of

individuals within them. Knowing about influences like expectations allows communities to

provide targeted support and resources. Understanding these factors enables community leaders

and members to create programs and initiatives that align with the aspirations of residents,

fostering a supportive environment

This study will benefits the school administrator by understanding the factors that influence

students decision making process. Being aware of influences such as academic goals, peer

dynamics, and family expectations allows administrators to create a school environment that

supports students in their education journey.

This study will benefits the researcher by understanding the factors that influence it. They study

things like personal values, peer influence, and family expectations, gaining valuable insights. This

knowledge allows researchers to suggest targeted support and interventions that match the needs

of individuals making decisions.


The aim purpose of this study is to know the factors influencing selected 145 Senior High Students

in Sibulan National High School S.Y. 2023-2024.

The researcher provided 8 items in the questionnaires to answer regarding the effect of factors

influencing the decision making to their studies.



Decision making is logical decision making requires understanding the problem and

knowledge of alternative solutions. Dimensions or indicators of decision making are information

systems that are more precise, resulting in better decision making. It is a dynamic process

influenced by many forces, including the organizational environment, knowledge, skills, and

motivation. Dimension or indicators of decision making are personalities and decision making

skills (Mahaputra 2022). People often make life choices that will affect their future, However,

research on decision making focuses more on abstract dilemmas than on decision making (Savioni

et.bal, N.D)

Decision making is a continuous process. It is an ongoing activity throughout one’s life.

Making decision is a great skills one can have. Decision making is an action taken to achieve

something desirable. It is usually taken in two Conditions either one desire for best or one want to

get safe from the worst. But not limited to only these conditions. Decision making involve different

factors i, e. risk analysis, emotions attached to it, knowledge, skills and experiences. Decision

making is not easy task to do. There are some key steps that need to be considered, with proper

analysis of factors to make good decision (Ali, 2019)

Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values

and preferences of the decision maker. Making a decision implies that there are alternative choice

be considered, and in such as case we want not only to identify as many of these alternatives as

possible but to choose objectives, desires, values, and so on (Fülöp, 2005)


The results of the study indicates that students involvement onto disciplinary issues make

them grow into responsible adults who accepts the consequences of their own decisions and actions,

an aspect revealed by reviewed literature. The findings of this study have important implications

pertaining students responsibility, ownership independence and maturity as well as teachers

creativity and insightfulness ( Mati, Gatumu, and Chandi, 2016)

The findings from these interviews suggest that the decision-making process for

conventions i,e influenced by a interviews. The study revealed that the relationships between the

conventions bureaus and convention centers were very important. The interviews confirmed the

findings of pervious studies regarding the key success components for a convention, but also

pointed to emerging friends in the convention sector that will impact upon success in the future.

(Jago and Deery, 2005)

In spite of much work that has been conducted in the area of strategic decision making especially

during the 1990's are still know little about strategic decision making processes. Results showed

that researches on contextual factors affection strategic decision making process are either limited

or have produced contradictory results, especially studies relating decisions Familiarity, magnitude

of impact, organizational size, firms performance diversity, cognitive conflict, and managers need

for achievement to strategic decision making process. Thus, the study of strategic

decision making- process remains very important and much more empirical research is required

before any definite conclusion can be reached (Nooraie, 2012)


Positive Factors

- Responsible adults

- Achieve something desirable

- Motivation

Decision - Making

Negative factors

- Emotions attached

- Past experiences

There are several factors that can influence the decision making. The negative factors can affect

future emotion attached, past experiences, and risk they can cause negative outcome. But there are

also positive factors such as it can make them grow into responsible adults, achieve something

desirable get safe from the worst, and motivation that can conquer the negative factors. So that, it

will lead them make a rightful decision.


Decision making: You choose what should be done or which is the best or various possible actions

Influence: The power to have an important effect on someone or something if someone else. They

one changing a person or thing in an indirect but important way.

Experiences: Direct observation or participation in event as a basis of knowledge.

Escalation: Is an increase or growth. When there’s an that things have become much more stained

between them.

Endeavor: To attempt (Something, such as the fulfillment of an obligation) by exertion of effort.

Impact: The force or impression or one this on another a significant or major effect.

Policy makers: Is someone who creates ideas and plans, especially those carried out by a business

or government.

Individual: A single being as contrasted with a social group or institution

Alternative: A person or thing that replaces another, and can get or be used instead of therm.

Commodity: A commodity is any useful or valuable thing, especially something that is bought

and sold.

Computationally: Add to word list in a wat that involves the computers some of the work can be

done computationally.

Outcome: something that follows as a result to consequence.

Historical data: data collected about past events and circumstances pertaining to a particular subject

Meteorologist: Is an individuals with specialized education who use scientific principles or

explain, understand, observe or forecast the earths atmospheric phenomena and / or how the

atmosphere affects the earth and life on the planet.

Posterior: Comes from the latin word posters, meaning coming after. Posterior is often used as a

technical term in biology and medicine to refer to the back side or things, and is the opposite of

anterior, which refers to the front side.

Dimension: A non- negative extended real number that is a measure of the complexity or the


Condition: a particular state of being or existence situation with respect to circumstance.

Desirable: Coveted designed in demand sought after greatly designed. Delectable sexually

attractive capable or arousing desire enviable.

Disciplinary issue: Means an infraction of safety or conduct standard or not meeting work

performance expectation.

Heterogeneity: Is a work that signifies diversity. A classroom consisting of people from lots of

different backgrounds would be considered having the quality of heterogeneity.

Bureaus: Agency, authority, federa agency, government agency, office.

Dynamism: Expressing approval of the fact that they one full of energy or full of new and exciting


Hostility: Is unfriendly or aggressive behavior towards people or ideas. The age- old hostility

towards all things English. [It to/ towards] Christabel looked at on with open hostility

Consequences: The effect, result, or outcome of something occuring earlier.

Independence: The state of wanting or being able to do things for yourself and make your own

decisions without help or influence from other people




The researcher will used survey research design in helping to describe and explore variable to get

a better understanding on how factors influencing the decision making among students. A thorough

analysis was done in this study.

In gathering the data the researcher will be using simple random sampling since the respondents

were already pre-determine. A thorough analysis was done on this study.


This study was conducted at public High School of Poblacion Sibulan Negros Oriental. The name

of school is Sibulan National High School . Sibulan is well known as the home of Yag-yag. It is

located 7km away from the city of dumaguete

Sibulan National High School will be the location of this study. This school has a total population

of 1460 students and 48 teachers and staff form Junior High to senior High. The school has two

campus the main campus and the second campus. The main campus is where all the students from

grade 9, grade 10 and Senior High are also include and the second campus is where grade 7, grade

8, and also there is a 1 room for grade 9.


The respondents of our study are selected Senior High Students in Sibulan National High School.

There were 145 respondents of this study, 30 selected students in TVL 11, 44 selected students in

HUMSS 11 , 32 selected students in TVL 12, and 39 selected students in HUMSS 12.

Sibulan National High School Number of Respondents %

TVL 11 - Students 30 21%

TVL 12 - Students 32 22%

Humss 11 – Students 44 30%

Humss 12 – Students 39 27%

Total 145 100%

Sloven Formula: N = 227

1 + 𝑁𝑒 2
1 + (227)(0.05)2

1 + (227)(0.0025)


𝑛 = 144.81 ≈ 𝟏𝟒𝟓

TVL 11 =47 =47/227 x100 =21% =0.21(145) =30

TVL 12 =50 =50/227 x100 =22% =0.22(145) =32

HUMSS 11 =68 =68/227 x100 =30% =0.30(145) =44

HUMSS 12 =62 =62/227 x100 =27% =0.27(145) =39

Total: 100% 145


When the data needed for the study were available, the researcher made us of survey questionnaire

to conduct the researcher to gather the data.


Before the researcher gather all the data and result the researcher informed Dr. luisito Divinagracia

(Principal II) asking permission to conduct a survey in his School. Moreover, the researcher made

and improvement to the survey questionnaire to suit in the school. There were 8 items in our survey

questionnaire to be distributed in selected 145 Senior High School Students. The permission was

principal to conduct survey. After which, the researcher made use of survey questionnaire to gather

data in finding out the result.













FIGURE 1. Common factors in decision making that students experience.

There are common factors in decision making that students experience. 52 of the respondents

answered Responsible adults, 56 of the respondents answered Achieve something desirable, 79

of the respondents answered Motivation, 47 of the respondents answered Emotions Attached, 39

of the respondents answered Past Experience.









being responsible adults achieve something in life motivation is a driving
force behind effective


FIGURE 2. positive factors influencing the decision making.

The graph shows that positive factors can help students make a right decision. Being responsible

adults, 14% or 20 respondents answered strongly agree, 49% or 71 respondents answered agree,

29% or 42 respondents answered neutral, 6% or 9 of the respondents answered disagree, 2% or 3

of the respondents answered strongly disagree. Achieve something desirable, 8% or 11

respondents answered strongly agree, 51% or 74 respondents answered agree, 34% or 50 of the

respondents answered neutral, 6% or 9 respondents answered disagree, 1% or 1 respondents

answered strongly disagree. Motivation is a driving force behind effective decision, 28% or 40

respondents answered strongly agree, 38% or 55 respondents answered agree, 33% or 47

respondents answered neutral, 2% or 3 of the respondents answered disagree, and none of the

respondents answered strongly disagree

20(5)+71(4)+42(3)+9(2)+3(1) =3.67( AGREE)


11(5)+74(4)+50(3)+9(2)+1(1) =3.59( AGREE)


40(5)+55(4)+47(3)+3(2)+0(1) =3.91( AGREE)










decision making can affect emotion attached in 18 experiences influence
emotion decision making decision making

strongly disagree disagree agree strongly agree

FIGURE 3. Negative factors influencing decision making.

The graph shows that negative factors can lead the students to choose wrong decision. Decision

making can affect emotion, 1% or 1 respondent answered strongly disagree, 3% or 5 respondents

answered disagree, 32% or 46 respondents answered neutral, 37% or 54 respondents answered

agree, 27% or 39 respondents answered strongly agree. Emotion attached in decision making,

1% or 2 respondents answered strongly disagree, 1% or 2 respondents answered disagree, 39%

or 56 respondents answered neutral, 45% or 65 respondents answered agree, 14% or 29

respondents answered strongly agree. Past experiences influence the decision making 1% or 1

respondent answered strongly disagree, 3% or 5 respondents answered disagree,31% or 45

respondents answered neutral, 52% or 75 respondents answered agree, 13% or 19 respondents

answered strongly agree.

1(1)+5(2)+46(3)+54(4)+39(5) =3.86( AGREE)


2(1)+2(2)+56(3)+65(4)+20(5) =3.68( AGREE)


1(1)+8(2)+45(3)+75(4)+19(5) =3.53( AGREE)










All factors influence
decision making

strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree

FIGURE 4. All factors influence decision making.

The graph shows that all factors can influence the students make a decision, 1% or 1 respondent

answered strongly disagree, 6% or 8 respondents answered disagree, 33% or 45 respondents

answered neutral, 50% pr 72 respondents answered agree, 11% or 16 respondents answered

strongly agree.


After a careful and thorough analysis of the data, its evident that the majority of the respondents

answered motivation, achieve something desirable, and being a responsible adults. This are the

common factors that students experience when making a decision. Students agreed that positive

factors can influence them choose a right decision. Also, they agree that negative factors can lead

them in a wrong decision.

Therefore, all those factors can affect students make a decision its either positive or negative, but

they agreed that positive factors can influence them when choosing a right decision


The researchers would like to recommend to students from understanding and navigating the

factors influencing decision making and how they decide things. Awareness of factors allow

students to make more informed decision about their education and future. Understanding how

personal values, peer influence, and family expectations play a role in power student to align their

choices with their aspiration.

The researcher would like to recommend to out of school youth by understanding the things that

influence how they make choices. Knowing about their own values, what friends might think, and

how family can help, empowers them to make smart decision about going back to school or finding

other path. It also helps them learn important skills for making good choices in different part of

life. Understanding these factors gives out of school youth the tools to make wise choices, grow

personal, and plan effectively for what comes next

The researcher would like to recommend to the parents by understanding what influence their

children choices. Parents can guide their children in making informed decision about education

and future paths. Understanding these influence allow parents to provide support to their children

need and aspiration.

The researchers would like to recommend to teachers by knowing about things like academic

goals, peer influence, and family expectations help teachers guide student and making informed

decisions about their education and future plans. Understanding these influence enables teachers

to offer support that align with the student aspiration fostering a positive learning environment

The researcher can recommend to school administrators that they consider the various factors

influencing decision-making among senior high students. By understanding these influences,

administrators can implement targeted interventions and support systems to help students make

more informed and responsible decisions. This could involve providing counseling services,

creating mentorship programs, offering workshops on decision-making skills, and fostering a

supportive school environment that encourages open communication and autonomy. Additionally,

administrators can collaborate with teachers and parents to ensure a holistic approach to addressing

the needs of senior high students and empowering them to make choices that positively impact

their academic and personal development.

The researcher can recommend to the community.By recognizing and addressing these influences,

the community can provide support systems and resources to assist students in making informed

decisions. Community initiatives such as workshops, mentorship programs, and peer support

groups can help students develop critical thinking skills and navigate the complexities of decision-


The researcher could recommend to future researchers that they explore a range of factors

influencing decision-making among students. These factors may include personal values, social

influences, cognitive development, emotional intelligence, cultural background, and

environmental context. By conducting comprehensive studies that consider these diverse

influences, future researchers can contribute to a deeper understanding of how students make

decisions and the various factors that shape their choices.


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1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5- Strongly Agree

1.What are the common factors in decision making that students experience
__ Responsible Adults
__ Achieve something Desirable
__Emotions Attached
__ past experiences
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
2. .Did I achieve something in my life
3 Decision-making can affect my
4.Motivation is a driving force behind
effective decision
5. The influence of emotion attached in
my decision
6. Did my past experiences influence
my decision- making
7. . These factors influence my decision
8. Through those factors it can help me
to make a right decision.


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