Pintu Vaja Mba Final Project

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Summer Internship Project Report

“A study of Training & Development”
Submitted to

Institute Code: 817

Narandas Jethalal Sonecha Management & Technical Institute
Chanduvav (Veraval)
Under the Guidance of
Mr Bharat Barad
In partial of the requirement of the degree of Master of Business
Administration (MBA)
Offered by

Gujarat Technological University

Prepared by:
Pintu B.Vaja
Enrollment No: 238170592095
MBA (Semester – III)


I Vala Minaxi hereby declare that the summer internship project " Talent Acquisition ” in
GHCL Limited is a result of my own work and my indebtedness to other work publications,
reference if any, have been duly acknowledgement. If I am found guilty of copying from any
other report or published information and showing as my original work, or extending
plagiarism limit, I understand that I shall be liable and punishable by the university, which
may include ‘fail’ in examination or any other punishment that university may decide.

Enrolment No. Name Signature

238170592095 PINTU VAJA

Place: ___________ Date: ___________


This is to certify that project work embodied to " Training & Development ” was carried out
by Pintu Vaja of Narandas Jethalal Sonecha Management and Technical Institute Chanduvav
Veraval and Institute code: 817.

The report is approved / not approved.

Comments of External Examiner:

This report is for the partial fulfilled of the requirement of the award of the degree of Master
of Business Administration offered by Gujarat Technological University.


(Examiner’s Sign)

Name of Examiner:

External Examiner’s Institute name:

External Examiner’s Institute Code:

Date: Place:



“Knowledge and Practice are twins, and both go together. There is no knowledge without
practice, and no practice without knowledge.”

It is very easy to learn but after learning it will be difficult to implement it. So GTU has
provided us a summer internship program to get a real knowledge. This training program
helps a student to face real situation in commercial world.

Practical knowledge is the most imperative part in management study. There is a very huge
difference between the practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge. During this practical
training students learn and get practical knowledge, which in not given in the classroom.

Under this practical training every student has to visit a company for a time period and has to
collect relevant information and has to prepare the project report.

Being a student of M.B.A, I have the honor of having my practical training at “GHCL
LMITED” located in Sutrapada on my specialization subject i.e., Human resources
management " Training & Development”.


There is a great value of expertise knowledge. Only one student is not able to
complete a whole research. There is always requirement of some seniors' guidance. I also got
too much support for this research study.

First of all I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our director Mr Bharat
Barad Sir whose suggestions has been the ones that helped us patch this project and make it
full proof success and his instructions has served as the major contributor towards the
completion of project.

Further, I would like to thank Miss. Sidhhi Maheta (HR Manager) for giving me permission
to prepare a summer internship project in at “GHCL Limited”. I would also like to thank Ms.
Hiral Rathva Who have given me full support and co-operated with me to carry out this
research work. I would also like to thanks all the staff members of the company.

I would like to give heartily thanks to GTU. It has given me an opportunity to learn
something practical.

Thank You to All….

Pintu B.Vaja


The report consists of the Company’s overview, its vision, mission, history and development,
the achievements and awards that the Company has received organization hierarchy,
management profile etc..

The next part of the project contains the departmental studies of the organization, like
production, marketing, finance and human resource management.

Further, the report reveals the research work that I have undertaken in the Company during
my summer internship period on the topic “talent acquisition at GHCL”.

At last, the report has the data analysis and interpretation on the research work and its


Sr. No. Particular Page No

Part:1 General Information
GHCL Limited
 Introduction 9

 Soda Ash Business in GHCL Limited 9

 History of GHCL Limited 10

 Mission and Vision of GHCL Limited 11

 Company Profile 12
1  Board of Directors 13-14

 Organization Structure 15

 Size of Organization 16

 Form of Organization 17

 SWOT Analysis 18

Department Overview 19

 Production Department 19-21

 H R Department 21-26
2  Marketing Department 26-28-

 Finance Department 29-30

 Introduction to Topic 31-36

 Review of Literature 37
 Problem Formation 38

 Objective of Study 39

 Research Methodology 40

Research D

 Sampling Method 41

 Sampling Size 42

 Source of Data 43

4  Findings 44

5  Suggestions 45

6  Limitations of the Study 46

7  Conclusion 47

8 Bibliography 48

9 Reference 49

10 Thank you 50


“GHCL LIMITED” incorporated by Dalmia `s House and Government of Gujarat on

October 12, 1985 as joint sector company. It is situated at coastal village Sutrapada on
the shore of the Arabian Sea in Junagadh district.

“GHCL LIMITED” is No.1 in Asia in production of Soda Ash because of their

product services and their goodwill. Company has widely international marketing
Countries are Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Korea,
Poland etc. The company is also providing employment to unskilled and semi skilled
persons of that village.

“Quality & safety is company `s motto”

Mission: “Responsibly maximizing stakeholders value”

Vision: “To grow their business responsibly, with governance, sustainability and core values as
their foundation.”
“GHCL LIMITED” incorporated by Dalmia`s House and Government of Gujarat on
October 12, 1985 as joint sector company. It is situated at coastal village Sutrapada on the shore
of the Arabian Sea in Junagadh district. The plant manufactures high-grade dense and light soda
for domestic and international use.

“GHCL LIMITED” has various new energy efficiency initiatives in the Plant that
fall in the new technology alternatives, retrofits and new design. The project activity involves the
integration of various measures taken in the Sutrapada Manufacturing unit of GHCL Ltd.

“GHCL LIMITED” Installation of various new initiatives like Nano filtrations, turbo
driven boiler water feed pump and vapor absorption chillers for increase the energy efficiency of
the existing system.

The “GHCL LIMITED” faced competition like Nirma industrial & Tata industrial.
But company has good quality product and services and goodwill Of Company is No.1 in Asia in
production in Soda Ash.

Core values

Thoughtful and showing for
Another person.

Confidence in each other capability
And intensions.

Each person to work towards
Largest group objective.

Integrated Teamwork
Take responsibilities of own
Decisions and actions.


Name Gujarat Heavy Chemicals Limited (GHCL Limited)

Type Public

Year of Establishment 1988

Products Light Soda Ash

Dense Soda Ash


Corporate Office “GHCL HOUSE “

B-38 Institutional Area,
Noida-201301 (Uttarpradesh).

Registered Office GHCL House,

Swastika Society
Opp. Punjabi Hall

Workplace Address Sutrapada,

Gir Somnath,

Phone Number Head Office (0120) 2535335

Registered Office (079) 26427519
Works (02876) 263401



Board of Director:
 Mr. Sanjay Dalmia - Chairman
 Mr. Anurag Dalmia - Director
 Mr. Neelabh Dalmia - Director
 Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Joshi - Independent Director
 Mr. Manoj Vaish - Independent Director
 Mr.LavanyaRastogi - Independent Director
 Mr. R. S. Jalan - Managing Director
 Mr. Raman Chopra - CFO & Executive Director

Leadership :

 Mr. Jayesh Shah -Vice President - Industrial Relations

 Mr. N.N.Radia - President COO - Soda Ash
 Mr. Biswarup Goswami - Chief Human Resource Officer
 Mr. Anil Kumar Singh - Vice President - HR & IR















 According to the Definition of Large Scale Unit means who has invested more than
186 Crores in Fixed Assets.
 As GHCL invested more than 722 Cores in his Net Fixed Assets. It is considered as
“Large Scale Org”.
Generally there are 3 type of Industry:

1. Small Scale Industry: The Industry whose investment in Fixed Assets is less than 1
crore is known as Small Scale Industry.
2. Medium scale Industry: The Industry Whose Investment in Fixed Assets is more than
Rs.1Crores but less than 3 crores.
3. Large Scale Industry: The Industry Whose investment in fixed assets is more than 3


There are 4 types of Organizational Forms:

1. Sole Proprietorship
2. Partnership
3. Co-operative Society
4. Joint Stock Company
a. Private Company
b. Public Company

GHCL is a Public Limited Company. GHCL have joint venture with Gujarat Industry
Investment Corporation and Dalmia Group.

‘Public Company is the company which consists of minimum 7 members and maximum
members as per the requirement of the company. The company has to be registered under the
Company’s Act 1956.’

SWOT Analysis at GHCL

Strength Weakness
 Success of new product mix  Declining market share
 Talent management  Extra cost of building new supply chain
 Strong brand recognition and logistics network
 Diverse Revenue models  Low investments into GHCL's
 Market Leadership Position customer-oriented services
 Loyalty among suppliers

Opportunity Threats

 Lower inflation rate  Saturation in urban market and

 Trend of customers migrating to higher stagnation in the rural markets
end products  Competitors catching up with the
 Increasing customer base in lower product development
segments  Growing technological expertise
 Accelerated technological innovations  Distrust of institutions
and advances  Trade Relation between US and China
 Customer preferences are fast changing


Finance Department

H R Departmnet Production Departmnet

Marketing Department Technology


- Production Department is a group of activities that involves in manufacturing product.

It has mainly concern with machines, plants, worker, and storage space.
- Production Process is the process that converts raw material in a useful outcome.

- Product Manger is a person who identifies demand of the product and decides their
production planning.

GHCL Limited has good production process to produce soda ash.

- Production Department’s head has responsibility of handling the activities regarding

- The need of raw material for producing Light Soda, Dense Soda and Bi-carbonate
- The production process has high technology plants.
- Product Manager keeps the quality of the product at the top of their priority to give
quality product to their customer.

As said earlier the Company manufactures two types of products:

1. Light Soda Ash (LSA)
2. Dense Soda Ash (DSA)

Light soda ash and dense soda ash are used in major industries like:
1. Glass
2. Detergents
3. Paper
4. Textile
5. Sodium silicate .

1. Lime stone
2. Salt
3. Coal / coke
4. Ammonia
5. Briquette

Raw Material Source

- Limestone and Salt have internal sources; the remaining sources have local suppliers
mainly from Gujarat.
- Limestone miles are located at Sutrapada, Gorakhmadhi,Nakhda,and Talala at Gujarat
that have average production in a day of 45 to 500 MT.
- Other limestone mile is located at Khadasaliya, Bhavnagar.
- Coal is majorly imported, while for small portion is sourced locally.
- Company uses soft water for the production, in shortage of Soft Water Company uses

Manufacturing Unit

GHCL mainly produced light soda, dense soda and bi-carbonate at Sutrapada, Gujarat.

Light Soda is produced at the end of production process, while Dense Soda prepared from
Light Soda by hydrating it and after that drying in fluid bed dryer.

Manufacturing Unit at Sutrapada,

Supply Process

- Raw material is purchased according to the requirement. Raw material first arrived at
MES (maintenance engineering service) where the issuing of enquiring is done to the
registered vendor.
- Purchase details are checked in finance department about last purchase after that the
purchase is being done. After purchasing the raw material quality is being checked,
price and supplier’s detail is being checked.
- Rates are placed at the least price of the item.


For packaging Light Soda 50KG and 750KG bags are used and for Dense Soda 50KG
bag are used. HDPE bags are used for packaging


H R Department Mainly responsible for hiring, training, development, compensating and the
work related to their employees and worker.

H R Manager does work related to hiring and recruiting, training and development, maintain
employee employer relation, maintain company’s culture and handle disciplinary action.

Manpower Planning

GHCL has three type of category in manpower planning

1. Managerial Staff:
- Managerial staff has mainly concerned with managerial activities of the

- Managerial staff includes HR department, Finance department, Production
department and Director & Managerial activity.

2. Technical Staff:
The technical staff is divided into following category:
- Permanent Worker
- Temporary Worker
- Casual Worker
- Trainee
- Apprentice

3. Contract Worker:
- Contract worker are hired according to the requirement of the company.
- Company made contract with worker for some specific projects and the period
of time in the contract is mostly for short term like for a year.

Recruitment and Selection


Recruitment is a process of seeking out, finding and hiring a person at a specific job position
in a company. Hiring a right person at a right time is called as recruitment.

GHCL recruit from the following sources:

- Internal transfer
- Campus placement
- Campus interview


Selection is a process of choosing a candidate who has qualification to fit in an organization

vacant job.

GHCL has some tests regarding the selection of a candidate that is given below:

a) Interview
b) Technical test
c) Physical test


Induction is activity of introducing a candidate to the company

- GHCL has separate training centers for fresher and also specific department
employees are giving on the job training.

Training and Development


Training is a systematic set up to train employees for the technical activities related to their
position in a company.

GHCL uses some of the methods to train employees that are following:

- Trough appraisal method

- Through employee data bank
- Through department head’s recommendation


Development is an activity of improving employees’ existing competencies and skills, and

developing new ones’ to fulfill company’s goal.

Promotion and transfer policy


Promotion is activity in which an existing employee shifted to the upper position from the
current position in a company.

Promotion of employee means increase in their power, status, salary and responsibility.

Promotion mainly given on the two bases: on the basis of seniority and on the basis of

GHCL follows mixes of these two activities for promotion policy

- 30% are promoted from eligibility group

- 20% gets double increment from eligibility
- 50% gets single increment from eligibility

Eligibility criteria:

- Minimum 24 points scoring in job appraisal

- Minimum 3 years residency with a company
- Certain fix percentage in a department


Transfer is a process of horizontal or lateral movement of employee of job, shift, department,

plant or branch from to another with changes in job, responsibility, and duty and position

GHCL transfer their employee on two bases:

- Inter department transfer

- Inter organization transfer

Time Keeping System

- Time keeping system is specific time period setting in a day for particular unit or
- Time keeping helps to make controlled and disciplined environment for employees.
- GHCL has four shifts that are following:

First shift 6:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.

General shift 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.

Second shift 2:30 PM. to 10:30 P.M.

Third shift 10:30 P.M. to 6:30 A.M.

- For attendance, the company uses punching machine which is computerized.

- Every employee has their own punching card. When they enter in company they
punch this card in machine and the attendance made in computer.


- Marketing management is the process of controlling marketing aspects of a company

and setting a goal of a company, make a plan step by step to and execute in a market
to earn maximum profit by fulfilling customers’ demand.
- Marketing includes activities like advertising, sales promotion, publishing marketing
research distribution aspects etc.
- GHCL have very effective Marketing and Distribution channel that enables domestic
and overseas business market.

- Most of the manufacturing company of glass, soap and detergent, and other chemical
firm prefers soda ash of GHCL in India.
- GHCL is known as ‘Export House’ by the Government of India; it also has won the
‘Niryat Shree Gold Trophy’ from the federation of Indian Export Organization and
Chemical Award for excellence in export for various occasions.
- GHCL has excellent marketing strategy. Marketing manager of respective ROs
handles the entire marketing department.
- The main office of marketing of GHCL Ltd is situated in Noida, all the operations are
carried out from there, and regional marketing offices are set up in major zones within
India like Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Kanpur, Hydrabad, Chennai and Mumbai.

4 P’s of Marketing


GHCL mainly produces Soda Ash Light Soda Ash, Dense Soda Ash and Bi-Carbonate that
are used in chemical, soap & detergent and glass industry.


The company tries to keep their prices competitive with other manufacturer including
imports, currently the prices in Gujarat for LSA-20,000/-, DSA-20,600/-, and RBC-19,900/-
Ex-factory cost excluding taxes and frights.


The company does not give advertise in TV or Newspaper, but they do give emphasis in
personal contact and for that they do many surveys.

Physical Distribution:

GHCL Ltd only has one manufacturing unit. From the manufacturing unit, the company ships
its product in order basis.

GHCL has its own go-down/warehouse in different place in order to stock. The company
dispatches its product by road rail rack/wagon by sea containers/barge etc.

Distribution Channel

The medium by which product is placed or transfer from one place to another is known as
distribution channel.

Types of distribution channel:

- Direct Channel
- Indirect Channel

 GHCL produces Soda Ash, that is industrial raw material that 40% of it is directly
sold. GHCL sold its goods though ‘direct channel’.
 Company receives order from their customer and supply goods directly to them.
Company has different regional office in all over India, which are divided in 5
different zones:
 Gujarat: Bharuch. Baroda, Rajkot, Junagadh, Ahmedabad, Surat, Vapi, Veraval.

 Delhi: Ludhiana, Sonepat, Amritsar, Jaipur, Varanasi, Allabad, Gwalior, Firozabad,
Kanpur, Moradabad, Gaziabad.
 East: Kolkata, Patna, Ranchi
 West: Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Indore, Ratlam, Raipur
 South: Chennai, Banglor, Madurai, Hydrabad

Finance Department

- Finance Activities define as dealing with and analyzing money and investments for a
person or a business to help in making decision.
- Finance Department is the most important department to any enterprise to do work in
proper manner.
- Finance Department is the place where all the planning & operating related cash and
credit is done, so that the purpose of the unit being satisfied.
- GHCL’s finance department’s main office is in Ahmedabad and sub-branch is in
- Finance function in GHCL is committed to create a structure alleged to shareholders’
- In GHCL main role area which are necessary in taking financial decision are:
 Strategic Financial Planning
 Budgeting process providing strategy input for decision making management
and reporting analysis.
 Preparation and maintenance of financial records fund management expense
process and treasure
- Looking at the all importance GHCL decides to make separate department for finance
that can handle all the activity related to finance only for the company.

Financial Planning

- GHCL has started in 1988 at that year, company was financed around Rs.280 Crores
in machines, tools and in other fixed assets’
- GHCL is a limited company and get the amount of capital by issue of share.

Long Term Planning:

- Mainly for purchase of plant and machine and site.

- Planning is for long term purpose mainly for 5 year or more.
- Long term financial plans are prepared by finance director.and executive.

Short Term Planning:

- Mainly for purchasing inventory and day to day purchases.

- Planning for short term purpose mainly for 1 year or less.
- Short term plans are pre[ared by finance officers.

Accounting Method

 GHCL follows mercantile basis accounting method, where under accrual or

mercantile basis accounting, revenues are recognized and earned when they are
realized or realizable irrespective of when the cash is received.
 To put it in a different terms, the accrual basis of accounting asks us to take into
consideration all those income/gain and expense/loss pertaining to the accounting
period for which we are trying to ascertain the profits and losses irrespective of
whether the incomes are received in cash or not and the expenses are paid out in cash
or not.



I. Training & Development

Training and development in Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to
a system of educating employees within a company.

 Training and Development in Human Resources Management is the process of

acquiring knowledge, skill, and attitude that help improve employee job
performance and enables future career growth.
 Training refers to acquiring specific knowledge and skill for particular job or
 It is usually a short – term activity concerned with improving an employee’s
current job performance. It includes formal training courses, on-the –job training,
or coaching sessions.

 Development is concerned with long- term growth of an individual’s career.

 Its usually a short-term covers acquiring knowledge that goes beyond the
requirements of their current job to prepare the employees for their future job
role or career advancement opportunities.
 Development activity attending conferences, or pursing further education.

Importance of Training and Development

There are 5 Importance of Training and Development:-

1. Boost Performance
2. Talent Management and Retention
3. Overcome Market Competition
4. Effective Risk Management
5. Foster a culture of Learning and Development

1. Boost Performance and Productivity:-

When employees are trained and developed, they feel more confident in their abilities. As a
result, they can be more productive in their roles.

Acquainting employees with the necessary skills and knowledge helps organization improve
employee performance, productivity, and job satisfaction.

It also employees to remain engaged and motivated and positively impacts the organization
work environment.

2. Talent Management and Retention:-

In the recent competitive era, employees actively seek growth and development
opportunities. So, organization that invests in employee training and development programs
find attracting and retaining top talent easier.

Also, employees are more likely to be loyal and committed to the firm if their personal
growth and development is prioritized.

This leads to a lower turnover rate and stable workforce.

3. Overcome Market Competition:-

It helps organization stay current with the latest trends and best practices in the market.

By investing in employee training and development, companies can ensure retaining their
competitive advantage in the future.

4. Effective Risk Management:-

Well – trained employees are less likely to make mistake that might lead to costly errors
or legal issues. For instance, compliance training can help organization avoided legal
actions by ensuring employees understand the regulations that apply to their daily work.

5. Foster a culture of Learning and Development:-

Investigation in employee development shows that the organization values continuous
learning . This creates a culture of learning and growth, where employees are encourage
to take risk , try new things, and seek out opportunities for development .

A Culture of learning and growth can lead to more innovative and creative workforce,
driving organizational success.

Investing in employees training and development helps create a more engaged ,

productive, and innovative workforce that drives the company’s success in today’s
competitive business environment.

5 Process of Training & Development

Effectives training and development programs can improve employee performance,

increase productivity, and help organizations remain competitive in today’s dynamic
business environment.

Human Resources Management plays a vital role in designing efficient employees

training and development programs.

The following are the five processes of Training & Development in HRM:

 Needs Assessment
 Design and Development
 Delivery
 Evolution
 Follow – Up

1. Needs Assessment:-

It is the first process and involves identifying the organization’s skill gaps and
determining the training needs of employees. It comprises gathering data through
surveys , focus groups or other assessment tools to identify areas that needs additional
training or development.

2. Design and Development:-

It is the second process and is concerned with designing the training program to meet
identified needs and aligning them with the organization strategic objectives.

The design process comprises developing learning goals, selecting appropriate training
methods, creating appropriate training methods creating training materials, and
developing a training schedule.

3. Delivery:-

It is the third process and comprises implementing training programs through various
training methods likes:- online training, classroom training, on- the – job training , and

It should focus on resources availability appropriate workforces size, and employees’

individual learning preferences.

Effective delivery of training programs enhances employee engagement and learning


4. Evaluation:-

It is the fourth process and usually evaluates the effectiveness of the training program.
Methods may include surveys, assessments, performance metrics and focus groups.

It highlights the areas of improvement. An effective evaluation process can help

company’s measure training programs success and make future improvements.

5. Follow- Up:-

The final training and development process involves reinforcing the training concepts
and their practical application in daily work.

It comprises on going coaching, refresher training, and feedback sessions to monitor
progress and ensure meeting the organization’s expectations. Efficient follow –up helps
employees retains the learned knowledge and skills and their practical application.

What are the current Trends in Training and Development

Training and development is one of the most crucial elements behind an organization’s
success. And, as the workplace is constantly evolving, so are the current training and
development trends

There are several current trends in training and development:-

1. Digital Learning
2. Personalized Training Programs
3. Micro learning
4. Gamification
5. Diversity, equity , and inclusion (DEI) Training
6. Soft skills development:-


1. Digital Learning:-

This trend has witnessed an acceleration post the pandemic periods. It includes e-
learning, virtual classrooms, and mobile learning.

They offer flexible and cost – effective’s ways to delivers flexible and cost –
effective ways to deliver training. In addition, these methods let employees learn
at their own pace and I their own time. This is especially beneficial to employees
working remotely.

2. Personalized Training Programs:-

Tailored training programs to suit the individual needs and preferences of

employees. It comprises self- directed learning, coaching and customized
learning paths.

3. Micro learning:-

Delivering training in bite- sized pieces in the form of short videos, infographics,
Or quizzes. It is designed for employees seeking to learn on- the – go and
organization seeking to provide just – in – time learning. Its primarily helpful for
employees with busy schedules or working remotely and this help them learn at
their own pace and time.

4. Gamification:-

Incorporating game- like elements into training session to increase engagement

and motivation. It mainly consists of leaderboards, rewards, and challenges,
aiming to make the training fun and interactive.

It is particularly engaging for the younger workforce who has grown up playing
video games or are more responsive to game- like element in their training.

5. Diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) Training:-

DEI training is adopted by organizations that seek to create more inclusive

workplace and reduce the risk of discrimination and bias. It usually includes
training on unconscious bias, culture competency and ally ship.

The pandemic and social justice movement have accelerated the need for DEI
issues in training programs.

6. Soft Skill development:-

Training programs focus on developing soft skills like communication, problem

solving, and emotional intelligence. This can help employees become more
effective in their roles and more valuable to their organizations. It can also
improve employee engagement and satisfaction and make the employees feel
more confident and competent in their respective roles.

Incorporating these current trends into training programs helps employees

develop the skill and knowledge needed to savvied in their riles and contribute to
the organizations success.


Bersin by Deloitte (2016) research found that 29 percent of organizations surveyed globally
have mature talent strategies & processes inlpace.The study also reveals that

High-maturity organizations have clear talent strategies aligning to business strategy, a

visible culture of leadership and learning, a deep understanding of and dialogue with talent
and practices that embrace diversity and inclusion.

Groves, Kevin S (2016) explains that difficult economic conditions and powerful workforce
trends pose significant challenges to managing talent in health care organizations. Although
robust research evidence supports the many benefits of maintaining a strong commitment to
talent management practices despite these challenges, many organizations compound the
problem by resorting to workforce reductions and limiting or eliminating investments in
talent management. This study examines how nationwide health care systems address these
challenges through best practice talent management systems. Addressing important gaps in
talent management theory and practice, this study develops a best practice model of talent
management that is grounded in the contextual challenges facing health care practitioners.
Utilizing a qualitative case study that examined 15 nationwide health care systems,data were
collected through semi-structured interviews with 30 executives and document analysis of
talent management program materials submitted by each organization. Exemplary health care
organizations employ a multi-phased talent management system composed of six sequential
phases and associated success factors that drive effective implementation.


Research Problem refers to some difficulty that researcher have experienced and try to find
solution to solve this.

“Financial Statement Analysis of GHCL Ltd. with Common Size Statements”

Here, we will discuss about the financial statement analysis of GHCL Ltd., to know the
financial position and soundness of the company. Financial statement is the study of the
statement that the experts do for their own purpose and interest. Here we will discuss and
analyze the financial statement by common size statement that gives us percentage comparing
of each individual asset/liability to the total asset/liability. This gives us easy understanding
to know the current position of each asset/liability with the trend for the following year.


The objective of talent management study portrays organization's capability to attract talent
resources, develop and retain them for executing the organizational business strategy. The
results are analyzed & industry-specific suggestions are incorporated. Taking a long term
strategic approach on talent management will have a futuristic business impact.The new
approach is changing the talent landscape at an unparalleled pace. Employees and managers
will work hard to spend more time sharing and collaborating with each other for the greater
good of the company. Today, talent management focuses on getting their existing workforce
onboard to meet agile business needs. The new talent equation has a more holistic approach
by developing in-house leaders with technical and managerial expertise to deliver desired
results aligning with the business strategy, with the potential to grow with the organization.



Research Methodology


Research is the systematic approach towards purposeful investigation through formulation of

hypothesis, collection of data on relevant variables, analysis and interpretation of results and
reaching conclusion either in the form of a solution or certain generalization.

- Through research, new and original information, ideas are obtained.

- Investigation using scientific procedure, by searching again and again to find the truth
is research.

According to Payton (1979), “Research is the process of looking for specific question in an
organized, objective, reliable way.”


Methodology is a set up of procedure that follows while doing research.

A systematic structure of steps to follow up

Methodology includes research data, data collection and process to be followed that are
related to the inquiry.

NO. Particulars Type

1. Research Design Descriptive

2. Research Topic Training & Development

3. Data Collection Method Secondary

4. Data Collection Tool Annual Report

5. Sample Size 4 year

6. Tool for Analysis Graphical Representation

Research Design:

Research is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain answer
to research questions and to control variance. - Kiplinger

Descriptive Research: Descriptive Research aims to accurately and systematically describe a

population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, when, where and how question but
not why questions.

Sampling Method:

Sampling Method which is used here is probability sampling.

Sampling Size: For analyzing the financial statement we will take 4 year data meaning for
this research sample size e 4.

Sources of Data:

Source of Data

Primary Data Secondary Data

Primary Data:

 Primary data means original data has been collected specially for the purpose in
 It means data collected from the original sources first hand the data collected
this way is called primary data.
 Primary Data Collection Method:
- Interview
- Questionnaire
- Survey
- Observation

Secondary Data:

Secondary Data is the data are already collected by and readily.

Available from other sources we have collected information from published journals.

Data Collection:

The data collection include setting boundaries of study, collecting information from
structured or semi-structured observation or interview, Documents, visual materials as well as
establishing the protocol for recording information.– Creswell

“Data is collected through discussion and Annual Report of the company.”


 From the data analysis we found out that the company is having good amount with
 After pandemic period the sales at the company is also increased.
 In the balance sheet we show the position of current & noncurrent assets position in a
 Non-current assets are decreasing as company had sale their some of the property to
decrease their liability.
 Currentassets are increased as the company is having more amounts of cash in their
hand.Also inventory increased in the year 2021 because of the demand increased after
the Covid19 Pandemic.
 In the equity share capital, capital is increased from Rs. 1961.96 (Crore) to Rs.
3090.25 (Crore) that indicate that the company is having high value in the market.
 Non Current Liability is decreasing year by year that is positive sign for the company.
 Current Liability has increased in the year 2022. From that we can conclude that a
company is having more liquidation in this time period.
 From this analysis we can say that the overall performance of the company is good.


 As we can see that company had less profit in 2021 because of Covid19 but after that
they have boost in the sale but the profit is more as compared to the sales that is
because of the cost is high. So, company should cut down the cost.
 All the other aspect is good enough as we have seen in the analysis that is the
company is having good financial position.


 My knowledge about the finance and corporate world is less so, this will have may
affect the research.
 The company cannot give me all the information accurately because the policy of the
company does not allow them.
 This study is totally based on secondary data that is also may affect the research.
 I have taken the financial statement analysis as the research topic and analyze with the
common size statement but there are some other analysis techniques also that can give
more accurate analysis results.
 I have taken the analysis of 4 year that may give less clearly about the some factor
that have long term effect on the performance of the company.

With a specific targeted talent management strategy, organizations shall achieve
excellence in acquiring & retaining millennials. Companies build long-term value when they

engage their employees in creating active talent relationships. Today ‟s workforce don ‟t

look for a career; they seek an experience. Redundant employee programs are non-responsive
to the demands of this workforce. In order to sustain employees in the age of job hopping, the
workplace has to offer a magnetic environment with a flat hierarchy.

Developing a focused recruitment strategy that takes into consideration, job

applicant ‟s perspective, targets and reaches specific types of candidates with a well-crafted

message, secures highly qualified candidates for the organization.


BIBLIOGRAPHY means to take reference to prepare any project.

The books that I take as reference are as under.


Mr Jayesh Shah

Sunil Bhatnagar

Financial Management
Raman Chopra
Web Site



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