Ballast supply MMB

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Office of
Gorakhpur, 273012
Uttar Pradesh,

Letter No: CAO-C-NER-ENGG / DyCE-C-GD-07- Dated:

2023 / 01203880093857 22/12/2023


AGRA- 282005
Uttar Pradesh, India

Sub: Letter Of Acceptance

Ref: 1. Tender No. DyCE-C-GD-07-2023 closing date 22-

09-2023 15:00 for Supplying and mechanical loading
machine crushed track ballast as per RDSO's
specification (June-2016)with upto date correction
slips in ballast dump at Mahmudabad in connection
with Gonda - Burhwal 3rd line project in Lucknow
division of N. E. Railway.
2. Your bid ID 15761311 dated 22/09/2023 11:54

The Competent Authority has accepted your offered rates in

connection with the subject work. The total cost of the work at the
accepted rates works out to Rs. 223306930.82 (Rupees Twenty-
Two Crore Thirty-Three Lakh Six Thousand Nine Hundred And
Thirty Rupees And Eighty-Two Paise Only)

A sum of Rs.1430100 deposited as Earnest Money vide IREPS

reference ID PE893720015548 has been retained towards initial
Security Money for due and faithful fulfillment of the contract, and
the balance Security Money will be recovered from the progressive
bills @ 6 % of the bill amount till it reaches 5 % of the contract
value in terms of clause 16.1 of GCC April -2022 with latest
amendment if any. The details of work, quantity and accepted rates
are given in the schedule attached.

You are requested to submit Performance Guarantee in the

form as given in Clause 16.4 of GCC April -2022 with latest
amendment if any equivalent to 5 % of the contract value
amounting to Rs. 11165346.54 (Rupees One Crore Eleven Lakh
Sixty-Five Thousand Three Hundred And Fourty-Six Rupees And
Fifty-Four Paise Only) within 21 days from the date of issue of
Letter of Acceptance, valid up to stipulated date of completion plus
60 days so that contract agreement can be executed. The Extension
of time for submission of PG beyond 21 (Twenty one) days and
upto 60 days from the date of issue of LOA may be given by the
Authority who is competent to sign the contract agreement.
However, a penal interest of 12% per annum shall be charged for
the delay beyond 21 (Twenty one) days, i.e. from 22nd day after
the date of issue of LOA. Further, if the 60th day happens to be a
declared holiday in the concerned office of the Railway,
submission of PG can be accepted on the next working day. In all
other cases, if you fail to submit the requisite PG even after 60
days from the date of issue of LOA, the contract is liable to be
terminated. In case contract is terminated Railway shall be entitled
to forfeit Bid Security and other dues payable to the contractor
against that particular contract, subject to maximum of PG amount.
In case a tenderer has not submitted Bid Security on the strength of
their registration as a startup recognized by Departmental of
Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIIP) under Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, DIPP shall be informed to this effect. The
failed contractor shall be debarred from participating in re-tender
for this work. In case of Bank Guarantee, the performance bank
guarantee should be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs
5/- per thousand, maximum of Rs 10,000/- on prescribed proforma
attached with tender documents. The bank guarantee should be
valid up to DOC + 60 days. In case of other prescribed modes like
FDR/TDR duly indicating Automatic renewal facility by the bank
should be submitted as well as non-judicial stamp paper of
Rs.100/- along with an Affidavit shall also be required to submit at
the time of execution of agreement. Affidavit containing as ¿any
additional non-judicial stamp paper over and above Rs.100/- is
required by the administration shall be deposited by the contractor
on demand. Your are requested to attend this office within 21 days
from the date of issue this letter along with requisite performance
guarantee and registered partnership Deed and power of attorney,
if required, duly authenticated by the competent authority and
certified by Public Notary. The original copy of the JV agreement
duly registered as per prevailing law is also to be submitted before
execution of agreement.

The entire work shall be completed within 12 month from the

date of issue of Letter of Acceptance. Please contact to Dy. Chief
Engineer/Con/Gonda and start the work early. Till a formal
agreement is prepared and executed, this letter of acceptance shall
remain enforce and shall be binding contract between us. The
omission if any in the acceptance letter will be corrected at the
time of execution of contract agreement
Copy to: 1. FA&CAO/Con/GKP. 2- The G.M. (Vig.)/Gorakhpur. 3-
Dy. Chief Engineer/Con/I/ General, HQ, Bridge/Gorakhpur-. 4-
Dy. Chief Engineer/Con/Lucknow, Gonda and Varanasi. 5- The
Asst. Labour Commissioner, Alopibagh, Allahabad. 6. The Labour
Enforcement Officer, Gorakhpur.

All Other terms and conditions, as stipulated in the tender

documents shall be applicable.

Digitally Signed
View Signature Details

Awarded Quantities And Rates

Item Item Desc Item Item Qty Unit Escl. Advt.Value Bid Rate/ Bid Amount
Sno. Code Qty Unit Rate(Rs) (%) (Rs) Unit Rate (Rs)
Schedule A-Supplying and loading of Ballast. %
256027208.00 12.78 223306930.82
(Item Directory - Not Applicable) Below
loading of
track ballast
dump near
station of
1 View Details At Par 256027208.00
Division of
per RDSO's
with upto
slips and as
per direction
of Engineer-
in-charge at
Schedule Totals 223306930.82
Total Value 256027208.00 223306930.82
Rebate on Total Value
Net Bid Value 223306930.82

Item Breakup
Schedule A-Supplying and loading of Ballast.

Supplying and mechanical loading of machine crushed track ballast in Mahmudabad dump
near Mahmudabad (MMB) Railway station of Lucknow Division of North Eastern
Item - 1
per RDSO's specification (June-2016) with upto date correction slips and as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge at site.

S No. Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

Supplying and mechanical

loading of machine crushed track
ballast in Mahmudabad dump
near Mahmudabad (MMB)
Railway station of Lucknow
1 1 Division of North Eastern cum 111656 2293.00 256027208.00 per RDSO's
specification (June-2016) with
upto date correction slips and as
per direction of Engineer-in-
charge at site.

Total 256027208.00

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