15. ssrn-3540027
15. ssrn-3540027
15. ssrn-3540027
Digital Economies
Paper No. 6
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 23
The digital economy – that part of economic output derived solely or primarily from digital
technologies with a business model based on digital goods or services – is of increasing
importance to developing countries. Yet digital economy reality is undershooting its
potential in these countries, due to a series of challenges. Digital infrastructure is in part
incomplete, costly and poorly-performing. The wider digital ecosystem suffers a shortfall in
human capabilities, weak financing, and poor governance. Growth in the digital economy is
exacerbating digital exclusion, inequality, adverse incorporation and other digital harms.
Alongside explaining these challenges, this paper overviews the policy objectives and
measures, and processes and structures necessary to enhance digital economy growth and
its contribution to socio-economic development.
The visibility of this promise and opportunity has encouraged many developing countries to
hold high aspirations for the future role of their digital economies in delivering economic
growth and other development goals. Yet – as discussed in greater detail in the sections
that follow – this potential is constrained by a number of challenges. The digital economy of
course relies heavily on the state of a country’s – and its trading partners’ – digital
infrastructure; but these are often lagging behind global standards in developing countries.
The digital economy ecosystem requires an infrastructure well beyond just the technical.
This includes a strong stock of human capital, and a set of diverse and capable institutions.
ICT User
Digital Content
Language is a barrier. For example, Asia Pacific is lagging behind in the use of ICTs not only
because of the unavailability of affordable hardware and connectivity, but also because
much digital content is still primarily in non-Asian languages (Hussain & Mohan 2008). The
skew can be seen overall in Figure 4 (InternetWorldStats 2017): of the world’s
approximately 6,000 languages (UNESCO 2015), the top ten reflect 77% of users.
A specific example cited is inefficiency and ineffectiveness in distribution of universal service funds, with one
survey claiming 74% of funds were not distributed (GSMA 2011).
For example in Kenya, companies had to pay bribes in order to expedite landline connections or otherwise
wait 100 days to obtain landline service (Aker and Mbiti 2011, p.212).
The various components of the policy-making process are discussed below, but one
overarching requirement will be for policy leadership. Whether such leadership is emergent
or can be created is a matter for debate (e.g. Renken & Heeks 2014). However, policy
leadership – which typically comes from within national governments – is consistently
recognised as a critical success factor in ICT-related policy (e.g. Heeks et al 2010, Biggs &
Polomska 2013):
“At the heart of e-development are e-leaders and e-leadership institutions—
individuals, networks, and institutions that develop a vision of a knowledge society,
set policies and priorities, forge national consensus on reforms, and coordinate and
create synergies among the elements of e-development” (Hanna 2008, p.2)
Analysis: Policy objectives and goals must be specific to each individual context, and
evidence-based. The foundation for policy must therefore be a specific analysis of current
actors and relations, strengths and weaknesses including indicators and causes of failures to
achieve digital economy development. This could be seen as a digital economy audit or
simply a SWOT analysis. Given that readiness surveys can also provide insight into the steps
that policy needs to concentrate on, these might be usefully applied via a Digital Economy
Readiness appraisal.
Planning and formulation: Given the range of actors within the digital economy ecosystem
and the expectations of many about their relative autonomy in the digital realm (Thompson
2008), planning processes can benefit from incorporating more participatory components in
order to better understand policy needs, content and impacts. This might particularly focus
on understanding the digital economy constraints and disbenefits that have been outlined
previously. However, given limited levels of knowledge about many digital economy issues,
there may need to be concerted awareness-raising, teaching and even capacity-building
activities before a more participatory approach to policy is feasible (CIPESA 2014). It would
be appropriate for policy-making to make use of new digital politics platforms.
Implementation: There is evidence that digital economy policies can often be dissipated,
avoided or appropriated, rendering policy instruments that seem useful less powerful or
even powerless on the ground (Foster & Heeks 2013). It is therefore important to take a
localised, ‘front-line’ perspective on digital economy policy. This should clearly define the
institutions that will be implementing policy, ensure they have sufficient human and
technical capacities to implement, and also identify the incentives that will align local
behaviour with policy intentions.
Monitoring and evaluation: Tracking and understanding the progress of digital economy
policies requires metrics for evaluation of success/failure. Development of such metrics can
Text is this section is a modified version of that presented in the Heeks (2016) paper.
However, there are several dangers in this profusion of potential digital economy policy
stakeholders (Heeks 2010). These include a lack of adequate understanding of digital
economy issues within mainstream Ministries, and fragmentation and incoherence of digital
economy policy. Because it is so cross-cutting and potentially transformative, expansion of
the digital economy will be a significant challenge to governments because of their relatively
Monitor Analyse
Context Specific
ICT Sectoral
Implement Plan