Action research is a process of systematic inquiry into a self-identified teaching or learning problem to
better understand its complex dynamics and to develop strategies geared towards the problem’s
improvement (Hamilton and Zaretsky 1997). It is disciplined process of inquiry aimed to develop
solutions to various issues and problems related to teaching and learning. It is a technique that guides
every teacher to systematically and critically reflect on different teaching and learning practices.
Specifically, action research is:
Conducting action research becomes more interesting if the topics and research questions are mentally
engaging. Many research failed because the topics are irrelevant and the questions are invalid. Some
research also does not reflect an educational issue that needs an immediate response. Thus
teacherresearchers should know how to select good topics and develop good research questions based
on the topics selected.
Pattersonet at. (1993) suggested that teacher-researches should keep a research journal.
Thye Alberta Teachers’ Association (2000) also suggested the used of affinity charting for
collaborative research:
• Brainstorm issue of concern or interests relating to your educational context. Record each item on a
separate note.
• Group your items using affinity charting. Place the most diverse statements on the table in a row.
Place items that have a common theme or focus in each column.
• Review and reflect on the placement. Do some items fit better in a different column?
• Develop a draft research question that reflects the key issue in each column. Choose the question
that interests you the most and is possible to study.
In selecting the research questions, the following suggestions could be considered by the
Reflecting Observing
• Analyze results
• Collating findings
• Discussing and providing interpretation of the results
Identifying Action
Activity # 1.
Answer the following questions:
School Policies
Activity 3.
List the titles of action research that were disseminated to other teachers and schools.
Type of Dissemination
Title of Action Research (Presented in a faculty meeting, presented
in a conference, or published)
Activity # 4.
Write your reflection by completing the following statements:
1. I realized that:
2. I believe it is essential to:
3. From now on, I am determined to:
1. Field Study II: A Guide for 21st Century Student Teachers 1st Edition
G. Pawilen, E. Reyes, J. TReivera, and T. Sison
Publisher: Rex Bookstore
Philippine Copyright 2019