Guidelines FLB Health Final 24-06-24
Guidelines FLB Health Final 24-06-24
Guidelines FLB Health Final 24-06-24
Management Guidelines
(Primary and Secondary Healthcare Facilities)
1.1.1 Background
The Finance Department of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has developed the
‘Policy for Facility-Level Budgeting and Expenditure Management’ for primary healthcare.
The aim of this policy is to ensure effective financial management and allocation of resources
to support the operational needs of each facility within the primary healthcare sector in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In pursuit of this aim, the Finance Department has developed the
‘Facility-Level Budgeting and Expenditure Management Guidelines’ to support facility
managers to comply effectively with the provision of the policy. These guidelines are
intended for use by all primary healthcare facilities under the supervision of the District
Health Officers (DHOs)1.
1.1.2 Objectives
The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate facility-level managers 2 to enhance financial
management practices at primary healthcare facilities, particularly regarding non-salary
components. These guidelines provide detailed instructions and templates to assist facility
managers in performing facility-level budgeting and expenditure management at the primary
healthcare level throughout Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Specifically, the guidelines aim to achieve
the following objectives:
• Standardise the budget management process of healthcare facilities, including
budget preparation, allocation, budget virements, execution, and reporting.
• Provide detailed instructions, workflows, and unified templates to facilitate facility
managers to effectively comply with prevailing laws and standards governing
public financial management, in order to meet evolving healthcare needs.
• Establish measures to ensure accountability and oversight, ensuring transparent and
responsible financial practices and financial reporting at various levels.
Rural Health Centres (RHCs) and Category D hospitals are declared as Drawing and Disbursing Officers
(DDOs) under the policy. Therefore, RHCs and Category D hospitals are required to follow the guidelines
and instructions contained in the Budget Call Circular issued by the Finance Department when preparing
their budget estimates and to follow other regulations governing public financial management in the
In these guidelines, the term ‘facility manager’ refers to the in-charge (e.g. medical officer or medical
superintendent) of the primary and secondary healthcare facility.
2 | Facility-Level Budgeting and Expenditure Management Guidelines, 2024
• Foster collaboration among stakeholders, including facility managers, Primary
Care Management Committees (PCMCs), DHOs, the Health Department, and the
Finance Department, for effective financial management.
The Alma-Ata Declaration was adopted in September 1978 during the International Conference on
Primary Healthcare held in that city. The conference was organized by the World Health Organization
and the United Nations Children's Fund. The Alma-Ata Declaration emphasised the importance of
primary healthcare as the key to achieving the goal of ‘health for all’ by the year 2000. It highlighted
the need for comprehensive and accessible healthcare services, community involvement, and
addressing the social determinants of health.
3 | Facility-Level Budgeting and Expenditure Management Guidelines, 2024
Due to the increasing population and to ensure 24/7 delivery services, the concept of 24/7
BHUs emerged. In comparison to a BHU, a 24/7 BHU is envisaged as providing a wider
range of services, including round-the-clock delivery services. A 24/7 BHU is envisaged as
serving a catchment population of 25,000–40,000. It is important for 24/7 BHUs to offer a
wide range of services, and there is a need for a wide range of infrastructure, human
resources, equipment, and supplies to be ensured at the facility. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has
recently decided to upgrade some BHUs to offer 24/7 services, especially for delivery care.
Maternal and child health centres and private clinics currently offer such services round the
b) RHCs
RHCs function around the clock and serve a catchment population of 40,000–60,000 or even
more. They provide a comprehensive range of primary healthcare services and basic indoor
facilities. The services envisaged to be provided RHCs include health education services,
general treatment services, basic emergency obstetric and newborn care services, emergency
services (such as management of injuries and accident), selected surgical services (such as
stitching, abscess drainage, circumcision etc.), and first aid services to stabilise patients in
emergency conditions and refer them to a higher level of care in the event of complications.
RHCs also provide clinical, logistical, and managerial support to BHUs, Lady Health
Workers, maternal and child health centres, and dispensaries that fall within their
geographical limits. RHCs provide medico-legal, basic surgical, dental and ambulance
services. RHCs are equipped with laboratory and X-ray facilities and a 20-bed inpatient
facility. Around five to eight BHUs are linked with each RHC for referral and other
administrative purposes.
c) Other primary healthcare facilities
In addition to the above, there are other primary healthcare facilities which provide similar or
specific health services. Mother and child health centres in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provide a
range of services focused on promoting and ensuring the health and well-being of mothers
and children, including antenatal services, postnatal services, family planning services,
immunisation etc. Similarly, TB control centres provide a range of services aimed at
preventing, diagnosing, and treating tuberculosis, while leprosy centres provide a range of
services aimed at the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of individuals
affected by leprosy.
Usually health institutions like Medical Teaching Institutes and District Headquarter Hospitals, or
administrative offices like the Office of the DHO and the Office of the Director General Health
Services etc.
5 | Facility-Level Budgeting and Expenditure Management Guidelines, 2024
Grants to PCMCs: Grants are allocated each year to the PCMCs for their effective
functioning and to enable them to discharge their mandated roles.
Retention of hospital revenues by PCMCs: The Finance Act 2021 allows the PCMCs to
retain 90% of the revenue collected from services provided by respective health facilities.
10% of these revenues collected are deposited in the government exchequer.
Allocation to various health programmes: Various health programmes are operational at
the facility level, including the Expanded Programme for Immunization, mother neonatal and
child health etc. Though no funds directly flow to the health facilities, the services are
provided through the health worker staff in the respective health facilities. In addition, certain
equipment and supplies are made available to the health facilities to enable the provision of
the programmatic activities.
Development budget: The developmental works in respective primary healthcare facilities
are undertaken by the provincial and district authorities. In this case also, no funds directly
flow to the health facilities, but these facilities benefit in terms of new or improved
infrastructure or equipment etc.
Provisions through other initiatives: The primary healthcare facilities get medicines,
supplies, and equipment through other initiatives of the provincial government: for example,
emergency medicines provision to primary healthcare facilities etc.
The types and channels of resource allocations to primary healthcare facilities are depicted in
the figure below:
Figure 1: Resource allocations to primary healthcare facilities
2.3 DHOs
DHOs play a pivotal role in supervising and steering the implementation of health policies,
programmes, and operations at the district level. They receive budgetary ceilings from the
Health Department and communicate these to the respective District Health Offices.
Specifically, the DHOs are responsible for the following:
• Prioritising budgetary ceilings for the health facilities based on district-specific
health needs.
• Collaborating with facility managers and PCMCs to identify healthcare needs
The PCMC should undertake a needs assessment which will provide the basis for formulation
of the Annual Action Plan. When conducting the needs assessment, the PCMC should gather
facility-specific data through various methods. This may include interviews with key
informants, including one-on-one or group discussions with doctors, para-medical, and other
hospital staff, as well as community members and stakeholders who may offer deeper
insights. Additionally, the PCMC could undertake physical observations by visiting different
sections of the healthcare facility to assess conditions and identify maintenance or
improvement needs. Moreover, the use of relevant data and information involves reviewing
Determine the overall resources required for implementing the Annual Action Plan (see Step
6). This includes the facility-level budget, allocations to PCMCs or hospitals revenues, and
any other source like grants or transfers through a provincial programme or through a
developmental scheme.
Step 5: Stakeholder feedback
After prioritising needs, the PCMC should share this information with doctors, para-medical
and other hospital staff, and the community to encourage feedback and gather additional
input. This will ensure there is a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare facility's
needs and that these are prioritised accordingly.
Step 6: Develop Annual Action Plan
The PCMCs are responsible for developing an Annual Action Plan (Service Delivery Plan)
using Form-I, which outlines specific steps to address the identified needs of their respective
health facilities. This plan includes timelines and designates responsible offices for each
action item. The Annual Action Plan will be updated for any change in budgetary allocations
for the respective facility after the approved budgets are communicated by the DHO office.
The final Annual Action Plan will be shared with the DHO office for their reference during
budget management.
The PCMCs must adhere to the non-wage budgetary norms established by the Finance
Department in consultation with Health Department when formulating budget estimates and
developing the Annual Action Plan.
The DHOs prepare budget release requests based on the approved budget estimates.
Step 2: Endorsement of budget release requests by the FMC
The steps outlined below pertain specifically to facility budgets and do not apply to funds earmarked for
the PCMCs, which are managed in accordance with the existing procedures currently in practice.
12 | Facility-Level Budgeting and Expenditure Management Guidelines, 2024
FMC will review and endorse the budget release requests based on approved. DHOs are
responsible for collaborating with the FMC to ensure timely budget releases. The FMC will
collectively present consolidated facility level budget release requests to the Finance
Step 3: Sanction for funds release
FMC will obtain financial sanction from the PAO for releasing funds. This step applies
specifically to non-salary expenses, such as utilities, medicines and drugs, repairs, and other
regular non-salary budget heads.
• DHOs review and approve expenditure demands, considering overall budget and
updated plans.
• They establish a system for making timely expenditure requests from all facilities
to improve spending efficiency while meeting needs.
Step3: Accounting and bookkeeping:
• The facility manager will seek the approval of the PCMCs for the re-
appropriations. This shall be supplemented through proper justifications in written
form through the PCMC resolution.
• The details of the re-appropriation (i.e. the source and target budget head), along
with the approval of the PCMC, with proper justification, must be forwarded to the
Step2: Approval of the re-appropriation
• If the PCMCs agree to the proposed re-appropriation, the DHO will submit the
case to Regional Director General for approval. In case a facility does not lie
within the jurisdiction of single Regional Director General, the case will be
forwarded to DGHS for approval.
Note: Appropriate amendments will be done in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Delegation of
Financial Power Rules 2018.
The following key controls must be adhered to:
i) Evaluate effectiveness: Assess the effectiveness of actions taken to address the needs
identified and prioritised during the annual healthcare facility needs assessment.
Assess the progress towards achieving the KPIs and evaluate the appropriateness of
budget spent towards achieving the targets. Review the actual expenditures trend and
compare realised performance with the planned performance.
ii) Analyse deviations: Analyse the reasons for any deviations from the planned budget.
iii) Identify potential budget savings or additional requirements: Identify areas for
potential saving (surrender) or additional budget requirements (excess) and take
corrective actions.
The review should encompass all funding sources as detailed in the Annual Action Plan. The
report should include details of budget allocation, releases (or revenues on account of PCMC
funds), expenditures, remaining balances, and suggested corrective measures.
Sr.# Key performance indicator Unit of measurement Target for the Year
1 2 3 4
Section B: Resource projections for Annual Action Plan and annual budget
1 2 3
4. Total Xxx
Procurement / purchase Repair and civil works Operations and other Grand total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Repair and Other
R&M of R&M of Wages /
Others maintenance civil
Month furniture machinery remuneration of Solar and
Medicine Equipment (stationery, (R&M) of work Others Total
and and contract staff electrification
stores etc.) buildings and
fixtures equipment hired by PCMC
Jul - - - - - - - - - - -
Aug - - - - - - - - - - -
Sep - - - - - - - - - - -
Oct - - - - - - - - - - -
Nov - - - - - - - - - - -
Dec - - - - - - - - - - -
Jan - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb - - - - - - - - - - -
Mar - - - - - - - - - - -
Apr - - - - - - - - - - -
May - - - - - - - - - - -
Jun - - - - - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - - - - - -
LFY stands for last financial year.
CFY stands for current financial year.
NFY stands for next financial year.
25 | Facility-Level Budgeting and Expenditure Management Guidelines, 2024
This form is designed to develop budget estimates at the facility level.
Specific instructions:
Row no. 1 – Please enter the name of the health facility for which the budget is being prepared.
Row no. 2 – Please enter the cost centre name and description.
Row no. 3 – Please enter the budget ceiling/limit communicated to the healthcare facility by the DHO concerned.
Row no. 4 – Please sum the figures listed in column F of the table to determine the total proposed budget estimate for the upcoming financial year.
Row no. 5 – Calculate this figure by subtracting the amount in row 2 from the amount in row 3.
Row no. 6 – Provide a detailed justification for the difference, i.e. any excess or deficit of the proposed budget relative to the ceilings communicated by the
DHO office. This justification should be referred to when making decisions regarding finalisation of the budget for the respective health facility.
Column A – Input the detailed object code for the expenditure head, following the Chart of Accounts (CoA) applicable for the budget (e.g., A03201, etc.).
Column B – Provide a detailed description of the expenditure head as per the CoA under which the budget is required (e.g. Postage and telegraph for
A03201, etc.).
Column C – Fill in the actual expenditure/utilisation for the preceding fiscal year, as per the reconciled statement.
Column D – Enter the budget estimates for the current fiscal year, as communicated by the DHO and reflected in the e-App.
Column E – Input the proposed budget estimates for each expenditure head for the upcoming financial year.
Column F – If necessary, provide remarks or justification for the proposed budget estimates, explaining the basis for the estimation.
LFY: Stands for last financial year.
CFY: Stands for current financial year.
29 | Facility-Level Budgeting and Expenditure Management Guidelines, 2024
Row no. 2 – Please enter the cost centre code and description for this health facility, if any. The DHO will provide the cost centre code and description for
the health facilities in the district.
Column A – Input the detailed object code for the expenditure category, following the Chart of Accounts (CoA) applicable for the budget (e.g. A03201,
Column B – Provide a detailed description of the expenditure category as per the CoA under which the budget is required (e.g. Postage and Telegraph for
A03201, etc.).
Column C – Fill in the actual expenditure/utilisation for the preceding fiscal year, as per the reconciled statement.
Column D – Enter the budget estimates for the current fiscal year, as per the budget book or as communicated by the DHO and reflected in the e-App.
Column E – Record the actual expenditures for the first five months. This figure should be taken from the reconciled monthly statements.
Column F – Insert the anticipated expenditures for the remaining seven months of the current financial year. The amounts entered in this column must
correspond to the updated action plan and procurement plan of the health facility.
Column G – Insert the total anticipated expenditure by adding column E and column F.
Column H – Insert, against the corresponding object head only, where the budget estimate for the current financial year is higher than the anticipated
expenditure in column G, i.e. column G – column D.
Column I – Insert, against the corresponding object head only, where the budget estimate for the current financial year is less than the anticipated
expenditure in column G, i.e. column D – column G.
Column J – Compute the revised estimate for each head by adding excess demand or subtracting the surrendered amount.
Detailed Expenditure demand reference Cumulative
Detailed estimate for Releases till the
object during the expenditure till x Balance Remarks
description FY 20xx x month
code reporting month (by the facility month
4. Total
Expenditure out of PCMC fund Expenditure on account of current budget (by DHO office)
Detailed Cumulative Cumulative till the end of
Detailed Expenditure Progress Expenditure Progress
object expenditure till expenditure till [insert the Remarks
description Budget during (actual during (actual
code the end of the end of name of the
estimate [insert the expenditure Budget [insert the expenditure reporting
[insert the [insert the
for FY name of the as % of estimate name of the as % of month]
name of the name of the
20xx reporting budget reporting budget
reporting reporting
month] estimate) month] estimate)
month] month]
Sr.# Key performance indicators Target for the year Actual progress till completion of Remarks and explanations
the reporting month
Powers to sanction expenditures against budget provisions are given in the table below:
Specific condition(s):
1. Include feasibility studies, research, surveys, and exploratory operations.
(ii) Operating expenses
Specific condition(s):
1. Include high-speed diesel oil – operational and non-operational; furnace oil – operational and non-
operational; electric traction.
2. Subject to specified departmental admissibility and prescribed conditions.
(b) Fees Full powers Full powers Up to PKR Up to Up to PKR
100,000 PKR. 50,000 20,000
each case each case each case
Specific condition(s):
1. Include bank fees; legal fees; licence fees; membership fees.
(c) Communication Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers
Specific condition(s):
1. Include postage and telegraph; telephone and trunk calls; telex, tele-printer and fax; electronic
communication; courier and pilot service; photography charges.
2. Subject to observance of prescribed ceilings, where applicable.
Specific condition(s):
1. Include gas; water; electricity; hot and cold weather charges; POL for generator.
2. Subject to observance of prescribed ceilings, where applicable.
Specific condition(s):
1. Include machinery and equipment; buildings; motor vehicles; computers; medical machinery and technical
2. Subject to specified departmental admissibility and prescribed conditions.
(g) Motor vehicles Full powers Full powers -- -- --
Specific condition(s):
1. Include insurance; registration.
(h) Consultancy and Full powers -- -- -- --
contractual work
Specific condition(s):
1. Include computer; management; government departments.
2. Subject to specified departmental admissibility and prescribed conditions.
Specific condition(s):
1. Include training – domestic/international; travelling allowance; transportation of goods; POL charges,
aeroplanes, helicopters, staff cars, motorcycles; conveyance charges; CNG charges; tour expenditure state
conveyance and motor cars; railway concession voucher.
2. Subject to admissibility under the rules and observance of prescribed ceilings, where applicable.
(j) General – printing and Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers
Specific condition(s):
1. Include stationery; printing and publication; conferences/ seminars/ workshops/ symposia; newspapers,
periodicals and books; advertising and publicity; contribution and subscription; essay writing and copyrights;
exhibitions, fairs and other national celebrations.
2. Printing and publication at private press to be certified by government press.
3. Subject to admissibility under the rules and observance of prescribed ceilings, where applicable.
(k) General – cost of other Full powers Full powers Full powers -- --
Specific condition(s):
1. Include secret service expenditure.
2. Subject to admissibility under the rules and observance of prescribed ceilings, where applicable.
Specific condition(s):
1. Include payments to government department for services rendered; law charges; payments to others for
services rendered; service charges; special cost incurred in performance of government functionaries.
2. Subject to admissibility under the rules and observance of prescribed conditions.
Specific condition(s):
1. Includes loss of public money; inventories obsolescence / slow-moving charge; impairment of property, plant
and equipment; write-off of inventories; loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment; loss on sale of
2. Provided that the loss does not disclose a defect of system the amendment of which requires orders by a
higher authority.
3. That there has not been any serious negligence on the part of some individual government officer or officers
which may possibly call for disciplinary action requiring orders of any higher authority.
4. All sanctions to write off shall be communicated to the Accountant General and Finance Department.
(iv) Scholarships and Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers
other awards
Specific condition(s):
1. Includes merit scholarships; other scholarships; cash awards to informers.
2. Subject to number of scholarships and rates sanctioned by Finance Department in consultation with
Administrative Department.
3. Cash awards subject to admissibility under the rules and observance of prescribed rates and conditions.
Specific condition(s):
1. For light refreshment up to PKR 50 per head at meetings convened for official business.
2. For serving lunch boxes up to PKR 300 per head in meetings which are prolonged beyond office hours
without a break in the interest of government work.
3. For receptions, lunches, and dinners: up to PKR 40,000 in each case subject to condition that per head
expenditure should not exceed PKR 1,200.
(b) Purchase of gifts for Principal -- -- -- --
state guests Secretary to
Rs. 100,000
Specific condition(s):
1. For presentation to foreign dignitaries only.
(vi) Expenditure on Full powers Full powers Up to Up to PKR Up to PKR
acquiring physical PKR 1,000,000 500,000 300,000
assets at a time at a time at a time
(viii) Repairs and PKR 300,000 PKR 150,000 PKR 70,000 PKR 50,000 PKR
maintenance or 50% of or 50% or 25% or 10% 25,000
the of the of the of the
book value of book value of book value of book value of
machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery,
whichever is whichever is whichever is whichever is
less less less less
Specific condition(s):
1. Include transport.
2. Subject to carrying out repairs in government workshops, in t h e absence of which due process of public
procurement and specific conditions shall be strictly adhered to.
(ix) Repairs and Full powers Full powers Full powers Up to PKR Up to PKR
maintenance 200,000 100,000
at a time at a time
Specific condition(s):
1. Includes machinery and equipment; furniture and fixtures; buildings and structures; irrigation; embankment
and drainage; roads, highways and bridges; computer equipment; general; telecommunication works.
2. Subject to admissibility under the rules and observance of prescribed ceilings, where applicable.
Specific condition(s):
1. Subject to admissibility under the rules and observance of prescribed ceilings, where applicable.
b. Budget estimate
This is a general term used in financial management in the public sector. It means, in
relation to expenditure, the expenditure proposed for that year, and, in relation to
receipts, the receipts expected to be realised during that year.
f. Actual expenditure
Actual figures of expenditure incurred in a financial year.
Adopted from Budget Manual First Edition, Government of Pakistan (see Chapter 1, Section
This explanation is derived from the Integrated Budget Call Circular, Finance Department,
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (see Section 2: Guidelines for Indicative Budgetary
Definition adopted from Section 2(n) of KP Public Financial Management Act 2022.
Definition adopted from Section 2(o) of KP Public Financial Management Act 2022.
42 | Facility-Level Budgeting and Expenditure Management Guidelines, 2024
g. Financial year
This means a year commencing on the first day of July and ending on the 30th day of
i. Appropriation
This means any schedule of authorised expenditure given assent to by the Provincial
Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, to authorise payment from the Provincial
Consolidated Fund and Public Account of a given financial year.17
j. Re-appropriation
This means a transfer of funds from one head of account of appropriation to another such
head of account within the same budget grant.18
k. Revised estimates
This is a general term used in financial management in the public sector. This refers to
estimated expenditures for a fiscal year, determined during that year based on recorded
transactions, at the time of preparing the revised budget.
l. Excess
An amount of expenditure exceeding the approved budget, which is regularised through
an Excess Budget Statement.19
m. Surrender
An amount included in the initial approved budget that is given back because it has not
or will not be spent in the financial year by the entity.20
p. Chart of Accounts
A listing of codes on the basis of which accounting transactions are classified, to provide
meaningful financial information.22
q. Cost centre
A cost centre is the lowest organisational level at which budgetary control occurs and
organisation information is collected and reported.
Definition adopted from Section 2.6 ‘Definition’ of Accounting Policies and Procedures
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