4-64 MCQ
4-64 MCQ
4-64 MCQ
Question 17: his friends and family left him in the when he went bankrupt.
A. church B. lurch C. end D. street
- leave sb in the lurch: bỏ mặc ai lúc hoạn nạn
Question 18: I‘ll reserve on Ben Shipley‘s latest novel until I‘ve read it.
A. condemnation B. thought C. judgement D. criticism
- reserve sb’s judgment (on something): to not give your opinion about
something until a later time when you have more information ~ không nhận xét
cái gì cho đến khi mình hiểu rõ về nó
Question 19: You will be putting your life on the if you take up skydiving.
A. line B. way C. lane D. ground
- put your life on the line: liều mạng
Question 20: After making several bad business deals, the company was losing money hand
A. finger B. wrist C. fist D. thumb
- hand over fist: if you make or lose money hand over fist, you make or lose a lot
of money very quickly ~ (kiếm tiền) nhanh chóng; (ném tiền) qua cửa sổ
Question 21: For busy people in today‘s society, lifestyle management is gaining .
A. points B. speed C. terrain D. ground
- gain ground: trở nên phổ biến
Question 22: The art teacher gave the children a free in their creative compositions.
A. offer B. gift C. kick D. hand
- a free hand: permission to make your own decisions about how you want to do
~ quyền tự do làm gì, tự quyết định
Question 23: We at Buyrite throw down the to competitors to match us for
price, quality and service.
A. gauntlet B. mitten C. sword D. hat
- throw down the gauntlet: to invite someone to fight or compete with you
Question 24: The teacher was adamant and stuck to his about the date of the
final exam.
A. weapons B. neck C. thumb D. guns
- stick to one’s guns: kiên định
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Question 25: It was only when he had been unemployed for six month that Neil‘s situation
A. base B. down C. home D. back
- hit home: to cause you to realize exactly how unpleasant or difficult something is
~ khiến ai hiểu, nhận ra chính xác mức độ của vấn đề gì
Question 26: It was ____justice for Ted to receive a parking fine when he was at
the doctor‘s.
A. poetic B. only C. rough D. small
- rough justice: bất công
Question 27: The new political party came to the after the general election.
A. fore B. back C. side D. front
- come to the fore: trở nên nổi bật, quan trọng
Question 28: On the eighth day of the strike, the Minister fit to make a statement.
A. appeared B. showed C. looked D. saw
- see fit to do sth: đồng ý làm gì, thấy làm thế là tốt, cần thiết
Question 29: Once at the skating rink, Ivan was allowed to skate to his heart‘s .
A. happiness B. delight C. content D. contentment
- to one’s heart’s content: bao lâu tùy thích, tẹt ga
Question 30: Many forest- animals were killed in the fire.
A. settling B. residing C. inhabiting D. dwelling
- forest-dwelling (adj): sống ở trong rừng
Question 31: This lovely new dress fits like a .
A. glove B. gauntlet C. gown D. treat
- fit like a glove: vừa khít
Question 32: During pioneer days a lot of land in the United States was up for .
A. gain B. promotion C. grabs D. taking
- up for grabs: có sẵn
Question 33: I was thrilled to meet Ed Sheeran in the when I sat next to him at
the stadium.
A. meat B. blood C. flesh D. veil
- in the flesh: bằng xương bằng thịt
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Question 34: Despite her poor exam results, Alice put a face on the situation.
A. tough B. brave C. courageous D. bold
- put a brave face on sth: kiên cường, dũng cảm đối mặt
Question 35: After buying an expensive new penthouse, Marianna was flat .
A. shattered B. torn C. smashed D. broke
- be flat broke: rỗng túi
Question 36: Our firm is so successful because it is at the cutting of
computer technology.
A. limit B. edge C. verge D. fringe
- at the cutting edge of sth: ở giai đoạn tân tiến, hiện đại nhất
Question 37: It‘s fifteen years since Timothy worked in Holland and his Dutch is pretty now
A. stale B. scratchy C. sloppy D. rusty
- rusty (adj): (ngôn ngữ) tệ do lâu không dùng -) cần tập luyện thêm
Question 38: Add the essence until the teaspoonful is beaten into the mixture.
A. drop by drop B. inch by inch C. leaf by leaf D. spot by spot
- inch by inch: từng chút một
Question 39: It was during my stay in India that I taste for very hot curry.
A. gained B. acquired C. powerful D. received
- acquire a taste for sth: bắt đầu thích cái gì mà lúc đầu không thích
Question 40: If the terrorists are not sent to prison, there will be a public .
A. attack B. onslaught C. recrimination D. outcry
- public outcry: sự phẫn nộ công chúng
Question 41: They said they could order it for me because they didn‘t have my size in
A. shop B. hold C. stock D. store
- in stock: trong kho hàng
Question 42: The government has declared a state of after yesterday‘s earthquake.
A. crisis B. emergency C. urgency D. danger
- state of emergency: tình trạng khẩn cấp
- declare a state of emergency: ban bố luật lệ để phòng chống tình trạng khẩn cấp
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Question 52: I won‘t act in films that are too violent - I the line at that.
A. paint B. make C. draw D. write
- draw the line at sth: không chấp nhận
Question 53: Everything included, the cost of our new living room came to a total of
A. full B. great C. gross D. grand
- grand total: tổng cộng
Question 54: Suddenly I understood perfectly and everything fell place.
A. down B. for C. into D. out
- fall into place: trở nên sáng tỏ
Question 55: Mr Wellbred went to a school which good manners and self-discipline.
A. blossomed B. planted C. harvested D. cultivated
- cultivate: nuôi dưỡng, phát triển (tính cách)
Question 56: Falling the final exam was a big to my hopes.
A. band B. kick C. hit D. blow
- a blow to sth: 1 nỗi bất hạnh đối với
- deal a blow to sth: gây tổn hại đến cái gì
Question 57: Unfortunately, state schools don‘t have much in the of sports facilities
compared to private schools.
A. part B. case C. means D. way
- not much in the way of: không có nhiều (cái gì)
Question 58: Tom handed in the test and awaited the results .
A. in the same breath B. out of breath
C. with bated breath D. under her breath
- with bated breath: hồi hộp
Question 59: Waiting outside the examination room, I trembled with .
A. comprehension B. apprehension
C. expectation D. tension
- tremble with: run bần bật
- apprehension: lo lắng = worry
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Question 60: Investors have taken from the improving economic situation.
A. consolation B. courage C. heart D. meaning
- take heart from: cảm thấy tự hào, hạnh phúc vì …
Question 61: The teacher told us to learn the irregular verbs heart.
A. to B. at C. by D. in
- learn sth (off) by heart: học thuộc
Question 62: Police blamed a small hooligan in the crowd for the violence which
A. constituent B. element C. division D. portion
- hooligan element: phần tử côn đồ
Question 63: The police car raced down the street with the blaring.
A. siren B. bell C. gong D.
- siren: còi báo
- blare: kêu tiếng om sòm
Question 63: The government is making little in its fight to beat inflation.
A. forward B. advance C. subway D. headway
- make headway: to begin to succeed
Question 64: Just think! Next month you‘ll be and it seems like only yesterday
you were a baby.
A. in your teens B. in your teenage
C. at your teens D. teenager
- in one’s teens: trong độ tuổi thanh xuân
Question 65: ―Another cup of coffee?‖ - ―No, but thanks ‖
A. not at all B. for all C. all the same D. you for all
- thanks all the same: dù sao thì cũng cảm ơn nhiều
- all the same ~ despite what has just been said ~ dù sao thì cũng
It rained every day of our holiday - but we had a good time all the same.
Question 66: If you know when you‘re coming back, it would be better to buy a(n)
A. first-class B. single C. return D. one-way
- return ticket: vé khứ hồi
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Question 67: The scientist wanted to himself from the controversy following
the failure of the experiment.
A. drive B. space C. distance D. lengthen
- distance oneself from sth ~ tách biệt bản thân, tránh xa khỏi tình huống nào
Question 68: He hired a to try to follow her everywhere she went.
A. private investigator B. caretaker
C. lifeguard D. traffic warden
- private investigator: thám tử riêng
Question 69: Greg has, to all intents and , finished his degree course, with
the exception of his final dissertation.
A. purposes B. reasons C. aims D. proposals
- to all intents and purposes: in all the most important ways ~ hoàn toàn gần như
Question 70: Before they opened the new factory, a lot of the young people round here
the dole.
A. in B. up C. at D. on
- on the dole: sống vào trợ cấp thất nghiệp
Question 71: People sometimes use baseball as weapons.
A. clubs B. sticks C. bats D. rackets
- baseball bat: gậy bóng chày
Question 72: When I entered the room, the children were over the last orange.
A. consulting B. discussing C. squabbling D. participating
- squabble over sth: tranh cãi
Question 73: We used to all sorts of things when our parents went out.
A. get through to B. get over
C. get up to D. get on with
- get up to sth: to do something, often something that other people would
disapprove of ~ nghịch ngợm
Question 74: If I don‘t write you a note to say you have a doctor‘s appointment, the
teacher will think you are playing .
A. truant B. the fool C. for time D. hard to get
- play truant ~ trốn học
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Question 82: The little country hotel served them a meal fit for .
A. a king B. a lord C. an emperor D. a queen
- fit for a king: good enough even for a king ~ very good
Question 83: Miss Diligent did nine hours‘ studying a day for her exam.
A. solid B. heavy C. powerful D. big
- solid: continuing for a period of time without stopping ~ liên tiếp, không ngừng
nghỉ (thời gian)
Question 84: It is possible to out of the pension scheme if you do not
wish to participate.
A. back B. charge C. opt D. break
- opt out of sth ~ to choose not to be part of an activity or to stop being
involved in it ~ không tham gia vào (sự kiện nào) -) rời bỏ
Question 85: It takes time to get a financial system up and after the introduction
of a new currency.
A. running B. proceeding C. walking D. going
- be up and running: starting to work correctly
Question 86: When my new motor kept breaking down, I knew I‘d been taken for a
Question 90: The opposition will be elected into government at the next election, without a
of a doubt.
A. shadow B. shade C. benefit D. hue
- without a shadow of a doubt: không chút mảy may, nghi ngờ ---) hoàn toàn chắc
Question 91: The new model of car is the in driving luxury.
A. penultimate B. ultimate C. quick D. rapid
- be the ultimate in: the greatest or most extreme form or example of
(something) Question 92: My husband told me in no terms that I would have to
economise on household expenses.
A. unsure B. uncertain C. vague D. unclear
- in no uncertain terms: very clearly and often unkindly
Question 93: They were given to that there would be no tax increase, but after
the election taxes went up.
A. know B. realise C. understand D. say
- give someone to understand (that): to tell someone something, or to make
them think that something is true
Question 94: It‘s hard to get back into the of things after a long holiday.
A. pace B. way C. rhythm D. swing
- get into the swing of it/things: to start to understand, enjoy, and be
active in something
Question 95: Noisy parties are really not my .
A. scene B. liking C. idea D. preference
- not my scene: not something one enjoys or is interested in
Question 96: In did I knock on the huge oak door, for nobody answered.
A. vane B. mane C. vain D. vein
- In vain: vô ích
Question 97: Investors were caught by the sharp drop in share prices.
A. undecided B. unawares C. unsuspecting D. unconscious
- catch/take sb unawares: if something catches you unawares or takes you
unawares, it happens when you are not expecting it
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Question 98: They were planning, to Hilary, to throw a surprise party for her.
A. unaware B. oblivious C. unbeknown D. unknown
- unbeknown to sb: without that person knowing about it
Question 99: Peter was heartbroken when Sue his offer of marriage so cruelly.
A. spurned B. disclaimed C. denied D. renounced
- spurn (v): từ chối, bác bỏ (because you feel that thing or person is not worth
having) Question 100: Chris was between buying a new house and going on a
round-the-world cruise.
A. pulled B. moving C. torn D. leaning
- be torn between sth and sth: lưỡng lự giữa cái gì với cái gì
Question 101: Where do you think his new enthusiasm from?
A. springs B. leaps C. sources D. traces
- spring from: bắt nguồn từ
Question 102: The problem with international price comparisons is that it is very
difficult indeed to compare with like.
A. same B. like C. both D. each
- compare like with like: compare two things that are similar
Question 103: Take your umbrella, just in case - it‘s better to be than sorry.
A. safe B. secure C. sure D. sound
- better safe than sorry: said when you think it is best not to take risks even
when it seems boring or difficult to be careful
Question 104: Take your mobile phone with you, just to be on the side.
A. sunny B. safe C. straight D. secure
- (just) to be on the safe side: (chỉ) để cho an toàn
Question 105: You really should buy a DVD player. You have to move with the .
A. times B. time C. timing D. timer
- move with the times: to change and become more modern, because attitudes
or fashions are changing
Question 106: We all wish you luck as you on a new career.
A. move B. embark C. alight D. board
- embark on/upon sth (formal): to start something new or important
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Question 107: When I took over the business I got more than I .
A. asked after B. came in for C. drew up D. bargained for
- more than you bargained for: more than one expected to encounter,
experience, deal with, etc.
Question 108: Authorities plan to limit cash deposits of dollars at bank counters as a
measure against money . (money laundering: rửa tiền)
A. washing B. laundering C. cleaning D. rinsing
Question 109: Your son has the of a fine musician.
A. makings B. beginnings C. looks D. talents
- have (all) the makings of sth: to seem likely to develop into something ~ có tố chất
Question 110: I hope that this punishment will you a lesson.
A. learn B. teach C. know D. give
-teach sb a lesson: to show someone, as a result of experience, what should not
be done in the future ~ dạy ai 1 bài học
Question 111: ―I don‘t believe you! You‘ve having me !‖ said Jack.
A. out B. on C. over D. up
- have sb on: lừa ai
Question 112: He found that the test was child‘s .
A. matches B. games C. play D. delight
- be child’s play: to be very easy ~ trò trẻ con
Question 113: James never shows his emotions; no matter what happens, he
always keeps a stiff upper .
A. mouth B. lip C. head D. eye
-keep a stiff upper lip: do not show their feelings when they are upset ~ cam
chịu, nhẫn nhịn; không thể hiện cảm xúc
Question 114: After three hours of walking in the hot summer sun, we were for a drink.
A. sighing B. gulping C. panting D. gasping
- be gasping for sth: to want or need something very much
Question 115: You dropped it down the stairs? You‘re lucky it is still in one !
A. whole B. piece C. entirely D. unit
- be in one piece: not damaged ~ vẫn nguyên vẹn, không tổn hại, hư hỏng
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Question 116: We knew the concert was sold out, but we still went to the stadium the
off-chance that someone might want to sell us their tickets.
A. with B. on C. by D. in
- on the off-chance that: if you do something on the off chance, you do it
hoping for a particular result, although you know it is not likely
Question 117: Fresh fruit juice is better for you than drinks.
A. fuzzy B. saccharine C. fizzy D. bubbly
- fizzy drink: nước uống có ga, nước ngọt
Question 118: My mother had to take private pupils in order to her salary as a teacher.
A. augment B. expand C. complete D. inflate
- augment: gia tăng (thu nhập)
Question 119: I can make a bed in the space room if you‘d like to stay the night.
A. out B. for C. of D. up
- make up the bed: to prepare a bed for one to sleep in by fitting, arranging, or
tidying the bedclothes on it
Question 120: A university professor‘s view is rarely that of the man in the .
A. bus B. street C. queue D. factory
- the man in the street: a man or men who think like most other people
Question 121: I expect all of you to be here ten minutes before the examination
begins, without .
A. fail B. failure C. fault D. miss
- without fail: không có ngoại lệ
Question 122: You completely misunderstood my instructions; you got hold of the
wrong end of the .
A. line B. rope C. story D. stick
- get (hold of) the wrong of the stick: to not understand a situation correctly
Question 123: Margaret is very up and thinks she is superior to her classmates.
A. fed B. looked C. stuck D. turned
- stuck up (adj): too proud and considering yourself to be very important
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- be on the small/large/etc. side: too large, small, etc. for a particular purpose
Question 133: The salesman informed me that if I buy something on then I can
send it back if I am dissatisfied.
A. agreement B. favour C. approval D. consideration
- buy sth on approval: mua hàng nhưng có thể trả lại
Question 134: Nga is very modest, always her success.
A. keeping down B. turning around C. playing down D. pushing back
-play down sth: to make something seem less important or less bad than it
really is ~ làm giảm nhẹ mức độ của cái gì
Question 135: In this game, the players it in turns to throw the dice.
A. have B. do C. make D. take
- take it in turns to do sth = take turns to do sth: lần lượt làm gì
Question 136: Let face - we are destroying the environment and we need
to do something now.
A. facts B. truth C. things D. information
- face facts: used for saying that someone has to accept the truth,
although it is unpleasant
Question 137: Nam: " I'm having some friends over for lunch this Saturday. Would you
like to join us?" Huong:" ".
A. Can I take a rain check? B. Come on. It's your turn.
C. Thanks, but I mustn't D. As a matter of fact, I do
-take a rain check (on sth): used to tell someone that you cannot accept an
invitation now, but would like to do so at a later time ~ biết thế
Question 138: ―Get out of my garden, you nasty creatures!‖ the man shouted, shaking his
at the children.
A. ear B. head C. hand D. fist
- shake one’s fist at: dứ/giơ nắm đấm (về phía ai)
Question 139: The witness the statement made by the accused man.
A. agreed B. confessed C. corroborated D. testified
- corroborate (v): to add proof to an account, statement, idea, etc. with new
information ~ làm chứng, chứng thực; làm vững thêm (lý lẽ, ý kiến...)
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Question 140: I wish you‘d let me speak for myself and not the words out of
my mouth.
A. grab B. pull C. take D. snatch
-take the words out of sb's mouth: to say something that another person was
just about to say or was thinking
Question 141: Mary looked as if she hadn‘t a what Prof. Brown was talking about.
A. guess B. clue C. point D. thought
-not have a clue/have no clue: to be completely unable to guess, understand, or
deal with something
Question 142: Ms Stickyfinger was charged with the funds of the organization.
A. mislaying B. misappropriating C. mistaking D. misplacing
- misappropriate: biển thủ
Question 143: With unemployment at a record level, retraining programmes would off
in the long run.
A. pay B. go C. wear D. pass
- pay off: if something you have done pays off, it is successful
Question 144: It‘s time we bought some new furniture. Look at these chairs. They‘re
to pieces.
A. pulling B. falling C. crumbling D. going
-go/fall to pieces: if someone goes to pieces, they become so upset that
they cannot control their feelings or think clearly
Question 145: Having my vote, I left the polling station.
A. cast B. passed C. placed D. bid
- cast a/your vote: to vote ~ bỏ phiếu
Question 146: His poor handling of the business on negligence.
A. neared B. edged C. approached D. bordered
-border on sth: to come very close to being something, especially a strong or
unpleasant emotion or quality ~ gần giống với (tính chất gì)
Question 147: Mr. Average was just a run-of-the- worker.
A. road B. mill C. week D. Wheel
- run-of-the-mill: ordinary and not special or exciting in any way
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Question 148: Everyone will tell you that becoming a parent is challenging, but you
never really know what that means until you learn about it the way.
A. long B. direct C. full D. hard
learn something the hard way: to discover what you need to know through
experience or by making mistakes ~ học qua kinh nghiệm và trải nghiệm
Question 149: Karl Kani, who was a black American designer, was the first to the
trend of merging hip hop with fashion.
A. leak B. set C. take D. hit
- set the trend: to do something new that becomes popular
Question 150: I‘ve sent you this month‘s report via e-mail and have also included
some other statistics for good .
A. method B. process C. measure D. project
- for good measure: in addition
SYN: into the bargain
16D 17A 18C 19A 20C 21D 22D 23A 24D 25C 26C 27A 28D 29C 30D
31A 32C 33C 34B 35D 36B 37D 38B 39B 40D 41C 42B 43B 44C 45C
46A 47D 48B 49A 50B 51C 52C 53D 54C 55D 56D 57D 58C 59B 60C
61C 62B 63A 64A 65C 66C 67C 68A 69A 70D 71C 72C 73C 74A 75A
76D 77B 78A 79D 80C 81D 82A 83A 84C 85A 86B 87B 88A 89C 90A
91B 92B 93C 94D 95A 96C 97B 98C 99A 100C 101A 102B 103A 104B 105A
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115B 116B 117C 118A 119D 120B
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130D 131C 132B 133C 134C 135D
136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145A 146D 147B 148D 149B 150C
Question 60: You'll never make friends if you keep all the time.
A. yourself to your B. your to your C. yourself to yourself D. your to yourself
- keep oneself to oneself: to tell others very little about oneself, and not to
be very friendly or sociable
Question 61: They took to their when they saw the policeman approaching.
A. legs B. feet C. thighs D. heels
- take to one’s heels: bỏ chạy; 3 chân 4 cẳng bỏ chạy; vắt chân lên cổ chạy
Question 62: half a chance, I‘d be there in a flash !
A. Giving B. Given C. Being given D. To be given
- Given half a chance: nếu có cơ hội thì
Question 63: His change of job has him with a new challenge in life.
A. introduced B. initiated C. presented D. led
- present sb with sth: to provide sb with sth
Question 64: Police said the thieves were obviously well with the alarm.
A. aware B. informed C. acquainted D. knowledgeable
- acquaint sb/yourself with sth: to make someone or yourself familiar with something
Question 65: The solicitor meets with his clients only appointment.
A. by B. with C. for D. through
- (only) by appointment: hẹn trước
Question 66: The joke was completely lost Chris.
A. behind B. in C. on D. with
- be lost on sb: if a joke or remark is lost on someone, they do not understand it
Question 67: In matters pertaining the soul, woman does not differ from man.
A. with B. to C. into D. within
- pertain to sth: to be connected with a particular subject, event, or situation
Question 68: The Roundhouse Hotel is named for its shape.
A. despicably B. eerily C. aptly D. wantonly
- be aptly named for: được đặt tên 1 cách phù hợp
Question 69: She‘s still over whether to accept the job she‘s just been offered.
A. tottering B. doddering C. dithering D. faltering
- dither over sth: to be unable to make a decision about doing something
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Question 70: There are problems in every relationship – it‘s the nature of things.
A. at B. in C. on D. to
- in the nature of things: là điều hiển nhiên phải diễn ra trong đời
Question 71: Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt
A. nothing but B. anything but C. everything but D. all but
- anything but: used to mean the opposite of the stated quality
Question 72: Within a few weeks, all this present trouble will have blown .
A. along B. over C. out D. away
-blow over: if a dangerous or embarrassing situation blows over, people stop
worrying about it and soon forget about it
Question 73: Come on. Spill the ! What is the big secret?
A. peas B. beans C. milk D. dust
- Spill the beans: to tell people secret information
Question 74: I put my down and told Andy he couldn‘t use our car any more.
A. hand B. finger C. arm D. foot
- put my foot down: to use your authority to stop something happening
Question 75: In the exam she to the occasion and wrote a brilliant essay.
A. rose B. arose C. aroused D. raised
- rise to the occasion/challenge: to show that you can deal with a difficult
situation successfully
Question 76: Tim tends to be rather about his private life, rarely giving a
straight answer to personal questions.
A. vested B. innocuous C. outlandish D. evasive
- evasive: lảng tránh, lẩn tránh, thoái thác
Question 77: Look ! There‘s no point in trying to overturn the decision. It‘s all .
A. chops and change B. tooth and nail C. head and shoulder
D. cut and dried
- cut and dried (adj): already decided and unlikely to be changed
Question 78: I can't seem to get to with this problem.
A. clasps B. grips C. grabs D. clutches
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-come/get to grips with sth: to make an effort to understand and deal with a
problem or situation
Question 79: I didn't ask you to in on my private business.
A. move B. plug C. butt D. pop
- butt in: xen vào
Question 80: We‘d better get away from him. He is for an argument.
A. spoiling B. dying C. falling D. intent
- be spoiling for a fight/an argument: to be very eager to fight or argue with
someone Question 81: He kept telling jokes about kids in third-world countries
being killed, until someone eventually told him to shut up.
A. dirty B. sick C. standing D. practical
- sick joke: a joke that is meant to be funny but is actually very offensive.
Question 82: We talked about buying a house someday, but right now it‘s just thinking.
A. rightful B. wishful C. hopeful D. dreamful
- wishful thinking: mơ tưởng
Question 83: It is difficult to the difference between margarine and butter.
A. tell B. speak C. talk D. say
- tell/see the difference: to notice what is different between similar people or things
Question 84: She used to be a heavy smoker but she the habit last year.
A. thew B. kicked C. beat D. knocked
- kick the habit: to give up something harmful
Question 85: In my opinion Anna acted more childishly but no fault of her own.
A. by B. with C. through D. in
- through no fault of one’s own: không phải lỗi của ai
Question 86: The young director was thrilled to discover that his play had attracted a
A. sized B. sizeable C. sizing D. resized
- sizeable: large
Question 87: You know well that you‘re not supposed to take the car without asking me!
A. full B. complete C. total D. whole
- know full well: to know something without a doubt
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(Used in a situation where someone knows something but does not act according to
what they know ~ biết rồi mà vẫn cố tình làm)
Question 88: Could you please refrain smoking in the lecture hall?
A. from B. back C. to D. with
- refrain from sth: to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something
Question 89: Mary became totally in her novel and forgot to cook the dinner.
A. engrossed B. dedicated C. devoted D. concerned
- be engrossed in sth: mải mê, thích thú, đắm say vào cái gì
Question 90: After years of being looked after by his mother, he didn't take to
being told to cook for himself.
A. warmly B. thoroughly C. kindly D. lovingly
- take kindly to sth: to not like something
Question 91: Beverly always tunes in the middle of her music lesson.
A. in B. out C. off D. on
- tune out sth: không tập trung, để ý cái gì
Question 92: Her words a new significance when I realized that she was the
daughter of a billionaire.
A. took on B. kept up C. take up D. take on
- take on (a) new significance: to become suddenly more meaningful
Question 93: Windows go towards defining the character of a house.
A. a long way B. far out C. all the way D. far away
- go a long way toward(s) doing sth: to be very helpful
Question 94: The passion of Argentinian football fans no bounds.
A. recognizes B. holds C. sees D. knows
- know no bounds: if someone has a quality that knows no bounds, it is extreme
Question 95: You can't be so vague if you want to convince me. You'll have to give
and verse.
A. chapter B. unit C. poem D. extract
- give /quote sth/sb chapter and verse: to give exact information about
something, especially something in a book
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Question 96: We've made some great improvements over the past three months,
but we're still not out of the .
A. jungle B. bush C. dark D. woods
- be out of the woods: to no longer be in danger or difficulty
Question 97: ―What did you talk about?‖ - ―Oh, .‖
A. pins and needles B. here and there
C. this and that D. leaps and bounds
- this and that: various
things (also this, that, and
the other)
Question 98: I knew my mother would a face the minute she saw my new haircut.
A. drag B. lift C. pull D. raise
- pull a face / faces (at): nhăn mặt
Question 99: If I don't do something now, the issue might come back to me.
A. munch B. bite C. crunch D. chew
- come back to bite sb: to cause problems for one at a later time
Question 100: I used to hate computers, but using them is second to me now.
A. instinct B. thought C. nature D mind
- be/become second nature (to somebody): sth that is second nature to you
is sth you have done so often that you do it almost without thinking
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1A 2C 3B 4B 5D 6C 7B 8B 9D 10C
11A 12B 13C 14C 15C 16D 17A 18A 19C 20C
21A 22B 23D 24C 25D 26B 27B 28C 29B 30B
31A 32C 33D 34A 35C 36B 37B 38D 39C 40D
41B 42A 43A 44C 45B 46A 47B 48B 49D 50A
51D 52C 53B 54B 55C 56B 57A 58C 59A 60C
61D 62B 63C 64C 65A 66C 67B 68C 69C 70B
71B 72B 73B 74D 75A 76D 77D 78B 79C 80A
81B 82B 83A 84B 85C 86B 87A 88A 89A 90C
91B 92A 93A 94D 95A 96D 97C 98C 99B 100C
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Question 9: Three of their players were out injured, but there‘s still no excuse for such a
A. walking B. strolling C. pedestrian D. striding
- pedestrian: not interesting; showing very little imagination
Question 10: He the hope that he would one day be one of the top-notch singers.
A. gathered B. fetched C. pleased D. entertained
- entertain: to consider or allow yourself to think about an idea, a hope, a feeling, etc.
Question 11: Mr Wellbred went to a school which good manners and self-discipline.
A. blossomed B. planted C. harvested D. cultivated.
- cultivate: to try to develop and improve something
Question 12: A doctor by profession, this is her first into operating
A. safari B. excursion C. expedition D. exploration
- an excursion into something: an attempt to do something different
Question 13: "He said I looked fat." "That's a bit........coming from him."
A. aplenty B. rich C. poorly D. fatty
-that’s rich (coming from him/you etc): used to describe someone's opinions
when that person has the same bad qualities as the person they are criticizing
Question 14: For a millionaire like him, money is no .
A. object B. article C. item D. gadget
- be no object: used for saying something is no problem
Question 15: I love kids, but watching 20 of them at once is no , believe me!
A. outing B. sightseeing C. hangout D. picnic
- be no picnic: to be a difficult or unpleasant situation
Question 16: My grandparents are very old-fashioned and I'm having a lot of trouble
the idea of studying online occasionally.
A. advertising B. trading C. selling D. auctioning
- sell (v): persuade sb that an idea or plan is a good one
Question 17: This may sound like we're our own praises here, but I honestly think
our band takes the world by storm.
A. cheering B. singing C. dancing D. drawing
- sing one's praises: to praise sb or sth with enthusiasm