Electromagnetic Induction

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Electromagnetic Induction 93

Magnetic Flux, Faraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction, Lenz's

Law and Conservation of Energy, Methods of Production of Induced Emf,
Determination of Induced Current

MCO Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

L. Acircular coil of radius 8.0cm and 40turns is rotated 5. A planar loop is rotated in a magnetic field about
ahout its vertical diameter with an angular speed of
an axis perpendicular to the field. The polarity of
25 rad s in a uniform horizontal magnetic field of induced emf changes once in cach: [2023(C)
magnitude 3.0 x 10T The maximum emf induced (a) 1 revolution
in the coil is:
(a) 0.12V
(c) 0.19 V
(b) 0.15 V
(d) 0.22y
(b) G) revolution

2. Two identical circular coaxial coils A andB, arranged (c) Hrevolution

in vertical planes parallel to each other, carry currents
in the same direction. If the distance between the coils revolution
is decreased at a constant rate, the current: [2023]
(a) increases in A and decreases in B. 6. Lenz's law is the consequence of the law of
(b) decreases in both A and B. conservation of: [2021]
(c) increases in both A and B. (a) energy (b) charge
(d) remains same in both A and B. (c) mass (d) momentum
3. Abar magnet is dropped in a hollow metallic cylinder 7. The emf induced in a 10H inductor in which current
along its vertical axis. The acceleration of the falling changes from 11 A to 2 A in 9 x 10's is: [2021]
magnet will be: [2023] (a) 10 V (b) 10 V
(a) zero (b) equal to g (c) 10 V (d) 10 V
(c) less than g (d) greater than g 8. The magnetic flux linked with a coil is given by
4. A square shaped coil of side 10 cm, having 100 turns = 51 + 3t + 16, where is in webers and t in
is placed perpendicular to a magnetic field which is seconds. The induced emf in the coil at t= 5swill
increasing at 1T/s. The induced emf in the coil is [2023] be:
(a) 0.1 V (b) 0.5 V (a) 53 V (b) 43 V
(c) 0.75V (d) 1.0V (c) 10 V (d) 6 v

SA Short Answer Type [] Questions (2 Marks)

Consider an induced magneticfielddue to changing 11. A square loop of side 10 cm with its sides parallel to
electric field and an induced electric field due to X and Y axes is moved with a velocity of 8 cms in
Changing magnetic field. Which one is more easily the positive X-direction containing a magnetic field
observed? Justify your answer. [2023] in the positive Z-direction. The field is non-uniform
10. In aceiling fan, each blade rotates in acircle of radius and has a gradient of 10 T cm along the negative
OS m. If the fan makes 2 rotations per second and X-direction (i.e. it increases by 10° Tcm as one
tne vertical component of the earth's magnetic field moves in the negative X-direction). Calculate the
emf induced.
Sox 10T, calculate the emf induced between the [2019(C)1
lnner and outer ends of each blade. [2019(C))
Chapterwise CBSE PYQs
Short Answer Type [lW] Questions
cm is lving Findthe
sides 25 cm and 20 the loop.
12. A rectangular loop of
to amagnetic field B
(i) totalcharge passed through
subjccted the loop.
in x-y plane. It is
where B is in Tesla and t is in (ii) change in magnetic flux through
10) k , applied. (20201
= (5 + 2 +
is 4 2, find the
loop (iti) magnitude of the magnetic field
seconds. If the resistance of the is rotatedI with afrequency
emf induced and the induced
current in the loop at 16. A metallic rod of length/
centre and the other
(2023) v with one end hinged at the
MNPQ with a movable arm endat the circumnference of a circular metallic ring
13. A rectangular conductor of radius r, about an axis passing through the
magnetic field
MN (resistance r) is kept in a uniform constant
of arms MQ, QP and perpendicular to the plane of the ring. A
as shown in the figure. Resistance
andPN are negligible. Obtain the expression
for the: uniform magnetic field B parallel to the axis is present
how emf
(a) current induced in the loop specifying
its every where. Using Lorentz force, explain
mnetallic ring
direction, and is induced between the centre and the
[2023] and hence obtain the expression for it. [2019)
(b) power required to move the arm. induction.
X X X M X X X X X 17. (a) State Faraday's laws of electromagnetic
(b) Derive an expression for the emf induced
the ends of a straight conductor of length l
X X X X X X X X X moving at right angles to a uniform magnetic
field B with a uniform speed v.
x PX X X N X X X X X (c) Obtain the expression for the magnetic energy
stored in a solenoid in terms of the magnetic field
14. A horizontal straight metallicrod of length 4 m is
held at some height above the surface of Earth, in B,area A and length l of the solenoid through
which a current i is passed. [2019(C)]
east-west direction. If it is allowed to fall from rest,
findthe: 18. State Lenz's law. Explain, by giving examples that
(a) emf induced in the rod 2 s after it starts falling. Lenz's law is aconsequence of conservation of
energy. [2017 (C))
(b) polarity of the emf induced, and
19. A circular coil of radius 10 cm, 500 turns and resistance
(c) The end of the rod which is at the higher
potential. 200 S2 is placed with its plane perpendicular to the
The horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic horizontal component of the Earth'smagnetic field.
field at the place is 0.3 x 10 Wb/m and take It is rotated about its vertical diameter through
8= 10 m/s2 [2023(C))
180° in 0.25 s. Estimate the magnitudes of the
15. When a conducting loop of resistance 10N and area emf and current induced in the coil. (Horizontal
10 cm is removed from an external
magnetic field
Component of the Earth's magnetic field at the place s
acting normally, the variation of induced current in 3.0 × 10 T) [2015)
the loop with time is shown in the figure. 20. (a) A rod of length is moved horizontally with a
(1 in A) uniform velocity 'y' in a direction perpendicular
0.4 A to its length through a region in which a uniform
magnetic field is acting vertically downward.
Derivean expression for the emf induced across
the ends of the rod.
(b) How does one understand this
moving emi
invoking the Lorentz force acting on the
(0, 0)| 1.0 (t in s) charge carriers of the conductor? Explain.
Electromagnetic Induction 95

LA Long Answer Type Questions (5 Marks)

1. (a) State Faraday's lawof electromagnetic induction. (c) Show that Lenz's law is a consequence of
(b) The nmagnetic field through a circular loop of wire conservation of energy. [2017]
12 cm in radius and 8.5 2 resistance, changes 22. (a) Describe a simple experiment (or activity) to
with time as shown in the figure. The magnetic show that the polarity of emf induced in a coil
field is perpendicular to the plane of the loop. is always such that it tends to produce a current
Calculate the induced current in the loop and which opposes the change of magnetic flux that
plot it as a function of time.
produces it.
(b) The current flowing through an inductor of self
inductance L is continuously increasing. Plot a
graph showing the variation of
B(T) () Magnetic flux versus the current.
(ü) Induced emf versus dI<dt.
(iüü) Stored magnetic potential energy versus
the current. [2014]
2 4 6 t(s)

Self-Inductance, Mutual Inductance

MCQ Multiple Choice Question (1 Mark)

1. A metal detector is based on: [2023(C)]

(a) Self-induction (b) Mutual induction
(c) Electrical resonance (d) Power transmission

SA Short Answer Type [I] Question (2Marks)

2. Two coils C, andC, are placed close to each other. The magnetic flux o, linked with the coil C, varies with the
current I, flowing in coil C,, as shown in the figure. Find [2023]
,(wb) 4



> l,(A)
2 4 6

() the mutual inductance of the arrangement, and

that will induce an emf of 100 V in coil C.
(ü) the rate of change of current d
SA Short Answer Type [l] Questions (3 Marks)
per unit
3. A long solenoid of radiusrconsists of nturnssolenoid.

length. A current l= l, sin o flows in the

Acoil of N turns is wound tightly around it near its
centre. What is : |20231
(a) the induced emf in the coil?
(b) the mutualinductance between the solenoid and 7. (a) Define the term'self inductance' of a coil.
the coil ?
its SIunit. Write
4. (a) The figure shows the variation of induced emf as (b) A rectangular loop of sides a and b carryina
a function of rate of change of current for two current I, is kept at a distance a' from an
identical solenoids X and Y. One is air cored
and the other is iron cored, Which one of them infinitely long straight wire carrying current I,
as shown in the figure. Obtain an expression for
is iron cored ? Why? the resultant force acting on the loop. 120191

8. (a) Define the term 'self-inductance and write its
(b) Obtain an expression for self-inductance of a S.I. unit.
long solenoid of length L and cross-sectional (b) Obtain the expression for the mutual inductance
area A having N turns. [2023] of two long co-axial solenoids S, and S, wound
5. (a) Two coplanar concentric circular loops of radii one over the other, each of length L and radi
R and r (<<R) are arranged coaxially. Obtain r, and r, and n, and n, number of turns per unit
the expression for their mutual inductance. length, when a current Iis set up in the outer
(b) A square loop of side 20 cm starts moving at solenoid S,. [2017]
t= 0with avelocity of 5cm/s towards a region 9. The current through two inductors of
of uniform magnetic field as shown in the figure. 12 mH and 30 mH is self-inductance
increasing with time at the
Specify the time interval(s) during which induced rate. Draw graphs showing the variation of thesame
emf is produced in the loop. [2023] (a) emf induced with the rate of change of
20 cm
in each inductor current
X X X X X (b) energy stored in each inductor with the
20 cm flowing through it.
Compare the energy stored in the coils, if the power
dissipated in the coils is the same. [2017 (C))
10. (a) Define mutual
(b) Apair of adjacent coils has a mutual inductanct
40 cm
of 1.5 H. If the current in one coilchanges trot
0 to 20 A in 0.5 s, what is the
linkage with the other coil? change of
6. (a) Define mutual
inductance and write its S.I. unit.
(b) Asquare loop of side 'a'
11. The currents
kept at distance x from an carrying acurrent I, is flowing in the15two
L = 20 mH and L, = mHcoils of self-inductance
are increasing atthe
wirecarrying a current /, asinfinitely long straight same rate. If the power supplied to the two coils are
Obtain the expression for shown in the figure.
the resultant force equal, find the ratio of (i) induced voltages, (ü)the
acting on the loop. currents and (iii) the energies stored in thetwo coils
|20191 at a given instant. (2014)
Electrornagnetic Induction 97

LA Long Answer Type Questions (5 Marks)

) Definecoefficient of self-induction. Obtain an expression for self-inductance of a long
areaof cross-section A having N turns.
solenoid of length l.
Calculate the self-inductance of a coil using the following data obtained when an AC
source of frequency
200 Hz and a DCsource is applied across the coil.
AC Source
S.No. V (Volts) I(A) S.No. V(Volts) I(A)
1. 3.0 0.5 1 4.0 1.0
2 6.0 1.0 2 6.0 1.5
3 9.0 1.5 3 8.0 2.0

13. (a) A conductor of length I is rotated about one field of 0.4 T acting perpendicular to their
of its ends at a constant angular speed 'o in plane. Calculate the mutual inductance of the
a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic arrangement. [2020(C)
field B. Plot graphs to show variations of the 15. (a) Explain the meaning of the term mutual
emf induced across the ends of the conductor inductance. Consider two concentric circular
with (i) angular speed o and (ü) length of the coils, one of radius r, and the other of radius
conductor l.
r,6,<r)placed coaxialy with centres coinciding
(b) Two concentric circular loops of radius 1cm and with each other. Obtain the expression for the
20cm are placed coaxially. mutual inductance of the arrangement.
(i) Find mutual inductance of the arrangement. (b) A rectangular coil of area A, having number
(ii) If the current passed through the outer of turns N is rotated at f' revolutions per
loop is changed at a rate of 5 A/ms, find second in a uniform magnetic fieldB. the field
the emf induced in the inner loop. Assume being perpendicular to the coil. Prove that the
the magnetic field on the inner loop to be maximum emf induced in the coil is 2rf NBA
uniform. [2020] [2016]

14. (a) A conducting rodXY of length slides on two

16. (a) Define self-inductance of a coil. Obtain an
expression for the energy stored in a solenoid
smooth parallel rails PM and QN with a uniform
of self-inductance »L' when the current through
velocity v. The resistances of the rod and the it grows from zero to T.
rails are negligible. A uniform magnetic field B (b) A square loop MNOP of side 20 cm is placed
perpendicular to the plane PMNQis present in horizontally in a uniform magnetic field acting
the region pointing vertically upwards as shown vertically downwards as shown in the figure.
in the figure. A small resistance r is connected The loop is pulled with a constant velocity of
between the ends M and N of the rails. Obtain 20 cm s till it goes out of the field.
M. .X. P

20cm X X X X X




() the expressionfor emf induced across

the (i) Depict the direction of the induced current
ends of the rod and its polarity. in the loop as it goes out of the field. For
how long would the current in the loop
(0) the magnitude and direction of induced persist?
current that flows through resistance r.
(0) Two coplanar and concentric circular loops are (üi) Plot agraph showing the variation of
magnetic flux and induced emf as a function
Of radii 0.5 cm and 11 cm, respectively. These of time. [20151
l0ops are placed in a uniform external magnetic
Assertion and Reason labelled
AR labelled Assertion(a) and the other Reason (R
statements are given-one and (d) as given below.
following questions, two the codes (a), (b), (c)
For the questions from
answer to these explanation of A.
Select the correct R is the correct
R are true and correct explanation of
(a) Both A and is NOT the
are true but R
(b) Both A and R
R is false.
(c) A is true but thickness, one of
(d) A is false and R is also false.
coils made of wire of the same length and the same
aluminum coil.
copper and
Induced emf in two is more than the
1. Assertion: aluminum is same. The current in copper coil
another of than that of copper coil. (2021
aluminum coil is more
Reason: Resistance of

CBO Case-Based Question

law of
(ii) Lenz's law is a consequence of
paragraph and answer the
1. Read the following conservation of
questions that follow: (b) mass
(a) charge
Consider the experimental set up shown in thefigure. (c) momentum (d) energy
This jumping ring experiment is an Physics. A (üi) The strength of magnetic field
produced by a
demonstration of some simple laws of solenoid can be increased by
conducting non-magnetic ring is placed over the (a) increasing the number of turns in
the coil.
vertical core of a solenoid. When current is passed
(b) increasing the amount of current.
through the solenoid, the ring is thrown off. coil.
[2023 (Modified)] (C) placing a soft iron core in the
Copper Ring
(d) doing all of these.
(Free to move (iv) If the terminals of the battery are reversed and
the switch is closed, then
Iron Core (a) the direction of force acting on the ring i
Switch (b) the force remains unchanged.
(c) the core get dermagnetised.
Coil (d) both (a) and (c) occur.

Battery (v) If the iron core was laminated or made of tht

layers separated by insulating material then
(i) The above observation demonstrates the (a) force acting on the ring would not chang
production of in the ring. (b) force acting on the ring would increase.
(a) magnetic field (b) eddy current (c) force acting on the ring would decrease
(c) motional emf (d) allof these (d) force acting on the ring would reverse.

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