life and works of rizal2
life and works of rizal2
life and works of rizal2
Rizal had his early education Old Juancho, father-in-law of the school
IIUSTRADO FAMILY characterized by the four teacher, freely gave Jose painting lessons.
R’s READING, WRITING, ARITHMETIC, And Jose Rizal and his classmate Jose
RELIGION. Guevarra became apprentices of the old
The Hero’s First Teacher
Doña Teodora, his mother, was his Daily Life in Biñan
first teacher.
Private tutors: Maestro Celestino (first tutor) 1.Hears mass at 4:00 AM or studies lesson at
and Maestro Lucas Padua (second tutor). Leon that hour
Monroy, a former classmate of Rizal’s father, before going to mass.
became the hero’s tutor in 2.Goes to the orchard to look for a mabolo to
Spanish and Latin. eat.
3.Breakfast: rice and 2 dried small fish.
His Mother, who was a remarkable woman of 4.Goes to class until 10:00 AM and goes home
good character and fine culture. for lunch.
At the age of three (3) he learned THE 5.Goes back to school at 2:00 PM and comes
6.Prays with cousins and returns home.
THE UNCLES OF RIZAL 7.Studies lesson and draws a little.
8.Supper: one or 2 rice with an ayungin.
UNCLE JOSE ALBERTO gave wise direction 9.Prays again and if there’s a moon, plays with
in the studies of Rizal. cousins.
FIRST DAY IN BINAN SCHOOL December 17, 1870 – Jose left Biñan using the
steamer Talim for Calamba.
MAESTRO JUSTINIANO AQUINO Arturo Camps – Frenchman and friend of his
CRUZ formal teacher father who took care of him during his trip.
Rizal described Maestro Justiniano as
tall, thin, long-necked, with a body slightly bend Martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za
forward and he used to wear a sinamy shirt. January 20, 1872 – Cavite Mutiny.
The school was Justiniano’s house February 17, 1872 – Fathers Mariano Gomez,
First School Brawl Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora were
implicated and executed.
Jose challenged Pedro to a fight The GOMBURZA were leaders of the
and he won having learned the art of secularization movement.
wrestling from his athletic Tio Manuel. The martyrdom of the 3 priests inspired Rizal
Andres Salandaan challenged Rizal to to fight the evils of Spanish tyranny.
an arm-wrestling match. Jose, having the Paciano quit his studies at the College
weaker arm, lost and nearly cracked his head of San Jose and returned to Calamba, where
he told the heroic story of Burgos to Rizal. (2) he was sickly and undersized for his age
In 1891, Rizal dedicated his second novel El (11 years old).
Filibusterismo to GOMBURZA.
Manuel Xerez Burgos – nephew of Father
INJUSTICE TO THE HERO’S MOTHER Burgos; upon his intercession, Jose Rizal was
admitted at Ateneo.
In 1872, DONA TEODORA was Jose used Rizal instead of Mercado because
arrested on maliscious charge that she aided the name “Mercado” had come under
his brother JOSE ALBERTO to trying to poison suspicion of the Spanish authorities.
his wife. Boarded in a house on Caraballo Street,
Fifty (50) Kilometres Dona Teodora was owned by Titay who owed Rizal family 300
made to walk from Calamba to the provincial pesos.
prison in Santa Cruz.
Doña Teodora likened his son to the youthful Graduation with Highest Honors
Joseph in the Bible in his ability to interpret
dreams. Excellent scholastic records from 1872-1877.
March 23, 1877 – Commencement Day. 16
year old Rizal received from his Alma Mater
Teenage Interest in Reading the degree of Bachelor of Arts with highest
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander
Dumas – Jose Rizal’s first favorite novel. Extra-Curricular Activities
Also read non-fiction, Cesar Cantu’s historical
work Universal History. An emperor inside the classroom and campus
He also read Travels in the Philippines by Dr. leader outside.
Feodor Jagor, German who visited the Secretary of the Marian Congregation.
Philippines in 1859-1860. In this book, he Member of Academy of Spanish Literature and
foretold that someday Spain would lose the the Academy of Natural Sciences.
Philippines and that America would come to Studied painting under the famous Spanish
succeed here as colonizer. painter Agustin Saez.
Studied sculpture under Romualdo de Jesus,
noted Filipino sculptor. Al Niño Jesus (To the Child Jesus) – a brief
Engaged in gymnastics and fencing. ode; written in 1875 when he was 14 years old.
Fr. Jose Villaclara advised him to stop A La Virgen Maria (To the Virgin Mary).
communing with the muses and pay more
attention to practical studies such as Dramatic Work in Ateneo
philosophy and natural science.
Father Sanchez, his favorite teacher, ask him
Sculptural Works in Ateneo to
write a drama based on the prose story of
Carved an image of The Virgin Mary on a St. Eustace
piece of batikuling (Philippine hardwood). the Martyr.
Father Lleonart requested him to carve an Summer 1876 in Calamba - he wrote the
image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Ateneo religious drama in poetic verses.
students placed the image on the door of the June 02, 1876 - finished the manuscript.
dormitory and remained there for many years. He submitted the finished manuscript entitled
“San Eustacio, Martir” (St. Eustace, the Martyr)
Poems Written in Ateneo to Father Sanchez in his last academic year in
Mi Primera Inspiracion (My First Inspiration) – Ateneo.
first poem he wrote for his
mother’s birthday. First Romance of Rizal
In 1875, inspired by Father Sanchez, he wrote
more poems such as: 16 years old - Rizal experienced his first
Filicitacion (Felicitation), El Embarque: romance.
Himno a la Flota de Magallanes (The Segunda Katigba - a pretty 14 years old
Departure Hymn to Magellan’s fleet), Y Es Batangueña from Lipa; sister of his friend
Espanol: Elcano, the first to Mariano Katigbak.
circumnavigate the world), and El Combate: His sister Olimpia was a close friend of
Urbiztondo Terror de Jolo (The Battle: Segunda in La Concordia College.
Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo). Segunda was already engaged to Manuel Luz.
In 1876, Rizal wrote poems on various topics: His first romance was ruined by his own
Un Recuerdo a Mi Pueblu (In Memory of My shyness and reserve.
Town), Alianza Intima Entre la Region Y La Segunda returned to Lipa and later married
Buena Educacion (Intimate Alliance Between Manuel Luz. Rizal remained in Calamba, a
Religion and Good Education), Por la frustrated lover, cherishing nostalgic memories
Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria (Through of lost love.
Education the Country Receive Light), E
Cultivero Y El Triunfo (The Captivity and the Medical Studies at the University of Santo
Triumph: Battle of Lucena and the Tomas (1877-1882)
Imprisonment of Boabdil), and La Entrada Mother’s Opposition to Higher Education
Triuntal de Los Reyes Catolices en Granada
(The Triumphal Entry of The Catholic Doña Teodora opposed the idea of sending
Monarches into Granada). Rizal to UST to pursue higher education
because she knew what happened to Gom-
A year later, in 1877 he wrote more poems: El Bur-Za and the Spaniards might cut off his
Heroismo de Colon (The Heroism of head if he gets to know more. Rizal was
Colombus), Colon y Juan II (Colombus and surprised by his mother’s opposition, who was
John II ), Gran Consuelo en la Mayor Desdicha a woman of education and culture. Despite his
(Great Solace in Great Misfortune), and Un mother’s tears, Don Francisco told Paciano to
Diarogo Alusivo a la Despedida de los accompany Rizal to Manila.
Colegiales (A Farewell Dialogue of the
Students. Rizal Enters the University