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DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - The presence of acute inflammation

1. Antistreptolysin O Titer (ASO Titer) with tissue destruction within the
- Aids in the diagnosis of several body stimulates its production
conditions associated with - A positive CRP indicates the presence
streptococcal infections, such as of an inflammatory process
rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis, Indication:
endocarditis, and scarlet fever. ● Monitor acute inflammation, bacterial
- Antibodies appear 7-10 days after infection, and acute tissue destruction
the acute streptococcal infection and ● Evaluate progress of rheumatic fever
continue to rise for 2-4 weeks under treatment and postoperative
Indication: recovery
● Acute rheumatic fever ● Predict cardiovascular disease risk
● Poststreptococcal endocarditis ● Monitor healing process in cases of
● Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis burns and organ transplantation
● Scarlet fever How the test is Performed:
How the test is Performed: - Explain to the patient the purpose of
- Explain to the patient the purpose of the test and the need for a blood
the test and the need for a blood sample to be drawn
sample to be drawn - Laboratories may vary in preparation
- No fasting is required before the test for the test: some inquire about no
- A 7-mL blood sample is drawn preparation while others require
- Gloves are worn throughout the fasting for 4-12 hours before the test.
procedure Water is allowed.
- Apply pressure at the venipuncture - A 5-mL blood sample is drawn
site. Apply dressing, periodically - Gloves are worn throughout the
assess for continued bleeding procedure
- Report abnormal findings to the - Apply pressure at the venipuncture
primary care provider site. Apply dressing, periodically
Nursing Responsibilities: assess for continued bleeding
- The ASO test is impractical in - Report abnormal findings to the
patients who have recently received primary care provider
antibiotic therapy because the Nursing Responsibilities:
treatment suppresses the antibody - Assess the patient’s knowledge about
response the test and the signs and symptoms
- For the most reliable results, the of systemic infection
anti-DNase-B test should be - Explain the blood test purpose and
performed in conjunction with the ASO procedure. A fasting sample is
test preferred
- The ASO test does not predict if - Advise the patient that repeat testing
complications will occur following a is often done during the
streptococcal infection, nor does it postoperative period or during the
predict the severity of the disease treatment of autoimmune disease
- ASO titers are usually repeated in - A positive test result indicates active
10-14 days for comparison with inflammation but not its cause
initial results to determine if the
antibody level is rising 3. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
- A nonspecific test for inflammatory
2. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and necrotic conditions
- It is a glycoprotein produced by the - The ESR measures the speed with
liver, which is normally absent from which erythrocytes settle in a tube
the blood of blood which has been mixed with an
Indication: Notes:
● Diagnose inflammatory disease, Cirrhosis - May scars, or already damaged
rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, liver
respiratory infections Hepatitis - Has inflammation in the liver
● Monitor steroid treatment of RH - rhesus factor
inflammatory disease
● Useful in monitoring tuberculosis,
tissue necrosis, and other diseases
How the test is Performed: How the test is Performed:
- Explain to the patient the purpose of - Explain to the patient the purpose of
the test and the need for a blood the test and the need for a blood
sample to be drawn sample to be drawn
- Fasting is not necessary, but a fatty - Fasting for 4-8 hours is required
meal can cause plasma alterations before the test. Water is permitted
- A 5-mL blood sample - A 7-mL blood sample is drawn
- Gloves are worn throughout the - Protect the specimen from bright light
procedure by wrapping the sample tube in foil
- Apply pressure at the venipuncture - Avoid air bubbles and unnecessary
site. Apply dressing, periodically shaking of the sample during blood
assess for continued bleeding collection
- Report abnormal findings to the - If the specimen cannot be examined
primary care provider immediately, store it away from light
and in a refrigerator
4. Bilirubin Blood Test Nursing Responsibilities:
- Bilirubin results from the breakdown - Explain to the patient the purpose of
of hemoglobin in the RBCs and is a the test and the need for a blood
byproduct of hemolysis (i.e., RBC sample to be drawn
destruction) - Assess if the patient has eaten or
- Usually a small amount of bilirubin is drunk 4-8 hours before the test
found in the serum - Assess if the patient has fasted for a
- A rise in bilirubin levels occurs when long period. This increases indirect
there is excessive destruction of bilirubin levels
RBCs or when the liver is unable to
excrete the normal amounts of 5. Bleeding Time
bilirubin produced - Measures the duration of bleeding
Indication: after a standardized skin incision
● Screen for: has been made
➢ Liver function - Measures the primary phase of
➢ Hepatitis hemostasis: the interaction of the
➢ Cirrhosis platelet with the blood vessel wall
➢ Block Bile duct from gallstones or and the formulation of a hemostatic
pancreatic tumor plug
➢ Hemolytic anemia - A screening test for detecting
➢ Hemolytic disease disorders involving platelet
➢ Neonatal jaundice function and for vascular (i.e.,
➢ Liver damage caused by capillary) defects that interfere with
medication the clotting process
● Screen persons whose blood, plasma Ivy Method:
products, tissues, and organs are - Requires three small punctures
being donated for transfusion, and - A blood pressure cuff is wrapped
transplantation around the upper arm and inflated to
● Test infants born to infected women 40 mmHg. An area free of visible
veins is punctured to a depth of 2 to 3 - Place a pressure cuff around patient’s
mm by means of a lancet. The blood upper arm and inflate it
is blotted every 30 seconds until no - Make two small cuts on the lower arm.
more appears at the site of the These will be deep enough to cause
puncture slight bleeding. The patient may feel a
slight scratch when they make the
cuts, but the cuts are very shallow and
shouldn’t cause much pain
- Remove the cuff from arm
- Using a stopwatch or timer, blot the
cuts with paper every 30 seconds until
the bleeding stops. Record the time it
takes to stop bleeding and then
bandage the cuts
Nursing Responsibilities:
- Explain test purpose and procedure
- Note if the patient is taking aspirin
Template Bleeding Time: and aspirin-like drugs
- Cost effective, sterile, disposable, and - Inform the patient that scar tissue may
reduces scarring. form at the puncture site
- With the template method, one or two - If the patient has an infectious skin
standardized incisions are made on disease, postpone the test
the volar surface of the forearm and - Interpret test outcome and monitor
the time required for bleeding to stop appropriately for prolonged bleeding
is determined– this is the “bleeding - Refer accordingly
6. Clotting Time
- Measures the time the blood clots
● To find bleeding disorder, most likely
due to clotting factors deficiency
● To diagnose hemophilia
● Preparation for surgery\

Indication: 7. Prothrombin Time (PT, Pro Time)

● The test is indicated when there is a - Prothrombin is clotting factor II,
personal or family history of synthesized by the liver with the
bleeding tendencies and as a assistance of vitamin K
screening test for preoperative - Injuring > PT > Thrombin > Blood clot
patients when a hemostatic defect in - The prothrombin time (PT) test is the
suspected time necessary for plasma to clot
● The principal use of this test today is - Used to evaluate how well the
in the diagnosis of von Willebrand’s coagulation process is functioning
disease, an inherited defective Indication:
molecule of factor VIII and a type of ● To assess the patient’s risk for
pseudohemophilia bleeding
● To screen patients having prolonged ● To assess the therapeutic effect of
bleeding times anticoagulant medication (e.g.
How the test is Performed: Coumadin)
- Clean the puncture site with an ● Bleeding disorders
antiseptic to minimize the risk of ● Vitamin K Deficiency
infection ● Liver function
How the test is Performed: circulating factors that compose
- Explain to the patient the purpose of intrinsic system
the test and the need for a blood Indication:
sample to be drawn ● To monitor heparin therapy
- Inform the patient that the PT test will ● Screen coagulation disorders
probably be done on a daily basis ● Performed before invasive procedures
until it is stabilized, followed by and before surgery
once every 4 to 6 weeks for How the test is Performed:
long-term control - Explain to the patient the purpose of
- Obtain the blood sample prior to the test and the need for a blood
administration of any oral sample to be drawn
anticoagulant - Venous blood is collected (1.8 or 4.5
- No fasting is required before the test mL)
- Venous blood (1.8mL) is collected in - A patient with a high PTT value is at
plastic tubes with sodium citrate risk for bleeding and bruising.
(blue top) Pressure must be applied to the
- Apply pressure 3 to 5 minutes at injection site longer than for a patient
venipuncture site with a normal PTT value
Nursing Responsibilities: - No fasting is required before the test
Assess for:
● Hemolysis of the blood sample may 9. Cerebrospinal Fluid Culture (CSF
alter test results Culture)
● Diarrhea, vomiting, and alcohol Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) - A clear protein
ingestion may increase PT results substance which circulates in the
● Intake of a high-fat diet may decrease subarachnoid space. Its functions include
PT results protection of the brain and spinal cord from
● Drugs which may increase PT results: injury, and transportation of substances
antibiotics, acetaminophen, aspirin, through the central nervous system (CNS)
chloramphenicol, cimetidine, - Samples of CSF are most commonly
clofibrate, corticotropin, diuretics, obtained via a lumbar puncture
ethanol, glucagon, heparin, Indication:
indomethacin, kanamycin, Used to aid in the diagnosis of:
levothyroxine, mefenamic acid, ● Meningitis
methyldopa, neomycin, nortriptyline, ● Intracranial or subarachnoid bleeding
phenylbutazone, phenytoin, vitamin A, ● Brain injury
warfarin. ● Degenerative brain diseases
● Drugs which may decrease PT results: ● CNS cancer or metastasis
anabolic steroids, antacids, ● Autoimmune disorders
antihistamines, ascorbic acid, ● Multiple sclerosis, and other conditions
barbiturates, caffeine, chloral hydrate, How the test is Performed:
colchicine, corticosteroids, digitalis, - Place the patient in a side-lying
diuretics, griseofulvin, meprobamate, position with the head flexed onto the
oral contraceptives, phenobarbital, chest and knees drawn up to, but not
rifampin, theophylline, xanthines compressing, the abdomen to “bow”
the back
8. Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) - The puncture site is usually between
- Measures the clotting time of blood L4 and L5 or lower. There is a small
- Used to evaluate how well the bony landmark at the L5-S1
coagulation process is functioning interspace known as the “surgeon’s
- Useful in detecting the presence of delight” that helps to locate the
many types of bleeding disorders puncture site. The site is thoroughly
caused by defective or deficient cleansed with an antiseptic solution,
and the surrounding area is draped Nursing Responsibilities:
with sterile towels in such a way that - Assess for contraindications to the
the drapes do not obscure important procedure, such as soft tissue or other
landmarks. skin conditions, and skin infection at
- Inject a local anesthetic slowly into the the puncture site. Infectious processes
dermis around the intended puncture often increase the intracranial
site pressure
- Insert a spinal needle with stylet into - Perform a baseline neurologic
the midline between the spines of the assessment, including strength,
lumbar space and slowly advance until sensation, and movement of the legs
it enters the subarachnoid space. The and vital signs.
patient may feel the entry as a “pop” of - Explain the test purpose and
the needle through the dura mater. procedure. No fasting is necessary.
Once this happens, the patient can be Explain the equipment used and the
helped to straighten his or her legs sensations patient may feel (i.e. “pop”
slowly to relieve abdominal of the needle through the dura mater),
compression even though an anesthetic is used
- Remove a specimen consisting of up with the procedure
to 20 mL CSF. Take up to four - Instruct the patient to empty the
samples of 2 to 3 mL each, place in bladder and bowels before the
separate sterile vials, and label procedure
sequentially. - Have the patient lie prone (flat or
- Apply a small sterile dressing to the horizontal, or on the abdomen) for
puncture site approximately 4 to 8 hours. Turning
from side to side is permitted as long
as the body is kept in a horizontal
- Fluids are encouraged to help prevent
or relieve headache, which is a
possible result of lumbar puncture

10. Random Blood Sugar (RBS)

- Glucose test
- Measures the glucose level in the
- This test measures blood glucose
levels several times a day regardless
of food intake
● To screen for diabetes or
● Assessment for the treatment of
The following babies need routine glucose
checks starting at about 2 hours of age:
- Preterm babies born more than three
weeks before they are due, including
babies who are born at 36 weeks
gestation or less;
- Babies who are small for their other bodily secretions such as
gestational age (or ‘small-for-dates’), menstrual blood.
particularly, if their growth was poor in ○ Stool can be collected from the
the last few weeks of pregnancy; diaper of an infant or
- Babies whose mothers had diabetes incontinent adult. Samples can
during or before pregnancy; be collected from temporary
- Babies who are large for their ostomy bags.
gestational age (‘large-for-dates’) ○ For best results, cover
- Babies with rare medical conditions specimens and deliver to
that cause low blood glucose laboratory immediately after
11. Fecal Occult Blood Test ○ Avoid red meat and
- Examines the stool for blood that is highly-colored food for 3 days
not visible to the naked eye. prior the procedure
- Can detect blood loss of 5ml/day or
more. 12. Barium Enema
- There are now two methods for occult ○ Fluoroscopic examination of the
blood stool testing: large intestine after instillation of
- Guaiac-based testing barium sulfate into the rectum.
- Human hemoglobin-based ○ Demonstrates the anatomy of the
testing. large intestine (colon) and
allows visualization of the filling
➢ Indication and movement of contrast
○ Used to detect microscopic through the colon.
bleeding into the Gl tract.
○ Screen for colon cancer, ➢ Indication
asymptomatic ulcerative
○ Exclude obstruction, polyps,
lesions of Gl tract.
diverticula or other masses,
○ Evaluate Gl diseases in persons
fistula, and inflammatory changes.
with diarrhea and constipation.
○ Evaluate active bleeding, bowel
○ Rule out in a stool culture the
changes and abdominal pain.
presence of enteric pathogens
○ Provide treatment of
such as Salmonella, Escherichia
coli (pathogenic) and
○ Sometimes a barium enema is
Clostridium difficile, and large
also therapeutic; it may reduce
numbers of Staphylococcus and
an obstruction caused by
Pseudomonas and parasitic
intussusception or telescoping
infectious diseases
of the intestine
○ Differentiate swallowed blood
syndrome from infant Gl
➢ How the Test is Performed
○ The lower colon must be prepared
➢ Nursing Responsibilities with the bowel, preparation used
in a particular setting. Bowel
○ Observe standard universal
preparations may include
precautions when procuring and
enemas, laxatives, electrolyte
handling specimens.
irrigations, or suppositories. It
○ Collect feces in a dry, clean.
is essential that there be no fecal
urine-free container that has a
matter in the lower colon.
properly fitting cover,
○ A liquid diet may be ordered for
○ The specimen should be
the day before the examination.
uncontaminated with urine or
Clients are given a light
breakfast the day of the ○ Uses a tiny, flexible plug that is
examination because the food put into the baby's ear.
does not reach the large ○ Sounds are sent through the
intestine by the time of the plug. A microphone in the plug
examination. records the otoacoustic
○ Have the patient lie on his or her responses (emissions) of the
back while a preliminary x-ray film normal ear in reaction to the
is made; this step may be omitted sounds.
at some institutions. ○ There are no emissions in a
○ Have the patient then lie on his baby with hearing loss.
or her side while barium is ○ This test is painless and it often
administered by rectal enema takes just a few minutes.
(i.e. through the rectum and up ○ It is done while the baby sleeps.
through the sigmoid,
descending, transverse, and 15. Auditory Brainstem Response
ascending colon to the (ABR).
ileocecal valve)
○ Uses wires (electrodes) attached
○ Take conventional x-ray images
with adhesive to the baby's
following fluoroscopy, which
includes several spot films. After
○ While the baby sleeps, clicking
these are completed, the patient
sounds are made through tiny
is free to expel the barium. After
earphones in the baby's ears.
evacuation, another film is
○ The test measures the brain's
activity in response to the
○ The procedure takes 30-45
○ As in EOAE, this test is painless
and takes only a few minutes
13. Hearing Test
➢ Behavioral Audiometry
○ A screening test used in babies to
■ Evoked Otoacoustic
watch their behavior in
Emissions (EOAE)
response to certain sounds.
■ Auditory Brainstem
○ More testing may be needed.
Response (ABR).
○ For INFANTS: ➢ Auditory Steady State Response
■ Behavioral Audiometry
■ Auditory Steady State
Response (ASSR) ○ This test is similar to the ABR,
though an infant usually needs to
○ For Toddlers: be sleeping or sedated for the
■ Play Audiometry ASSR test.
■ Visual Reinforcement ○ Sound passes into the ear canals,
Audiometry (VRA) and a computer picks up the
■ Acoustic Reflex brain's response to the sound
Measures/Middle Ear and automatically decides
Muscle Reflex (MEMR) whether hearing loss is mild,
moderate. severe, or profound.
○ For Older Child:
○ This ASSR test has to be done
■ Pure Tone Audiometry with (and not instead of) ABR to
■ Tympanometry check for hearing.

14. Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions ➢ Play Audiometry

○ A test that uses an electrical not be crying, talking, or
machine to send sounds at moving.
different volumes and pitches
into your child's ears. ➢ Throat Swab
○ The child often wears some type ○ A throat culture is ordered
of earphones. when the patient has a throat
○ This test is changed slightly in infection.
the toddler age group and made ○ A tissue sample of the infected
into a game. The toddler is asked area is taken and placed in an
to do something with a toy environment conducive to the
(such as touch or move a toy) growth of microorganisms for 3
every time the sound is heard. days. The tissue sample is then
○ This test relies on the child's examined to identify the presence
cooperation, which may not and the type of microorganism.
always be possible ○ Once the microorganism is
identified, a sensitivity test is
➢ Acoustic Reflex Measures/Middlé usually performed to determine
Ear Muscle Reflex (MEMR) the medication that kills the
○ A test that shows how well the microorganism.
ear responds to loud sounds.
○ In normal hearing, a tiny muscle ➢ Indication
inside the ear tightens when ○ To assess the existence and type
you hear loud noises. This is of microorganism in a patient with
called the acoustic reflex. It a throat infection.
happens without you knowing ○ To assess the medication to use
it. to treat the throat infection.
○ For diagnosis of the following
➢ Pure Tone Audiometry conditions:
○ A test that uses an electrical ■ Streptococcal sore
machine that makes sounds at throat
different volumes and pitches ■ Diphtheria - obtain both
in your child's ears. throat and
○ The child often wears some type nasopharyngeal
of earphones. In this age group, cultures
the child is simply asked to ■ Thrush (candidal
respond in some way when the infection)
tone is heard in the earphone. ■ Viral infection
■ Tonsillar infection
➢ Tympanometry ■ Gonococcal pharyngitis
○ A test that can be done in most ■ Bordetella pertussis
healthcare provider's offices to
help find out how the middle ear ➢ HOW THE TEST IS PERFORMED
is working.
○ It does not tell if the child is ○ The healthcare provider swabs
hearing or not. But it helps to find the throat with a sterile swab to
any changes in pressure in the collect a tissue sample. More
middle ear. than one sample might be
○ This is a hard test to do in taken.
younger children because the ○ The sterile swab is placed in a
child needs to sit very still and culture tube and sent to the
○ The sample(s) is then placed in a ○ Reveals locations of
culture dish in an environment abnormalities in the airways,
conducive to growing alveoli, and pulmonary vascular
microorganism. bed early in the course of a
○ After 3 days, tests are performed disease, when the physical
to identify the microorganism. examination and radiographic
○ Medication is applied to a studies still appear normal
portion of the culture to ○ Early detection of pulmonary or
determine which medication cardiogenic pulmonary disease
kills the microorganism. ○ Monitoring progress of
bronchopulmonary disease
assessment/Monitoring after
○ Explain the purpose and
pharmacologic or surgical
procedure of the test.
○ Explain that the patient should not
use antibiotics or apply
antiseptic to the throat before
the test ○ The patient is in a sitting or
○ Warn the patient of the possibility standing position.
of gagging during the procedure. ○ The patient is fitted with a
○ No fasting is required before mouthpiece that is connected
the test. to the spirometer.
○ A tongue depressor is used to ○ A noseclip is used so that only
hold down the tongue. To mouth breathing is possible.
minimize stimulating the gag ○ The patient is instructed:
reflex, the tongue depressor ■ to breathe normally for 10
should be placed on the lateral breaths. (VT)
portions of the tongue, rather ■ to inhale deeply and then
than the center portion to exhale completely (VC).
○ Because most patients gag or ○ This part of the test is usually
cough, the collector should wear a repeated two additional times:
facemask for protection. ■ to breathe normally for
several breaths and
➢ Pulmonary Function Test then to exhale
completely (ERV)
○ Assessment of the functional
■ to breathe normally for
status of the lungs using a
several breaths and then
spirometer connected to a
to inhale as deep as
possible (IC).
○ Determines the presence,
○ To breathe normally into a
nature, and extent of pulmonary
spirometer containing a known
dysfunction caused by
concentration of an insoluble gas
obstruction, restriction, or both.
such as nitrogen. The point at
○ SPIROMETER - a breathing
which the concentration of gas in
system that allows gas to be
the spirometer is equal to that in
breathed in and out.
the lungs is measured (FRC).
○ SPIROMETRY - used to
determine the effectiveness of
the movement of the lungs and
chest wall. ○ Explain to the patient the purpose
of the test and the procedure to be
○ No fasting is required prior to ○ Measures electrical activities of
the test, but the patient should the brain using electrodes
not eat a heavy meal before the attached to the patient's head.
test. Electrical activities are recorded
○ Instruct the patient to use no and displayed on a video screen
bronchodilators for 6 hours and stored in a computer.
prior to the test, if ordered by the
primary care provider. ➢ Indication
○ Assess if patient is able to follow
○ to diagnose seizure disorders,
intracranial abscesses, and
○ Evaluate for dizziness, shortness
tumors, to determine the
of breath, or chest discomfort.
underlying cause of seizures
Usually, these symptoms are
○ to evaluate the brain's electrical
transitory and subside after a
activity in cases of possible
short rest.
cerebral damage such as that
○ That the patient should tell the
due to head injury or meningitis
healthcare provider if feeling
○ To assess if the patient is
lightheaded when breathing
rapidly during the test. The patient
will be given time to adjust his/her
➢ How the Test is Performed
breathing which normally relieves
the lightheadedness. ○ The patient signs a consent
➢ Alpha-Fetoprotein Test ○ The patient lies on a table.
Twenty-five electrodes are
○ Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a
attached to the patient's head
globulin protein formed in the
using a paste. Wires connect the
yolk sac and liver of the fetus.
electrodes to the
As the fetus develops, the level of
AFP found in the mother's
○ Electrical activity is measured.
serum increases. Only minute
○ A strobe light might be
amounts of AFP remain in the
displayed as the electrical
bloodstream after birth.
activity is measured, if the
stroboscopic simulation test is
➢ Indication
○ This test is used primarily to ○ The patient is instructed to lie still
screen for the presence of neural with the eyes closed, while the
tube defects in the fetus, such EEG recording is made. Any
as spina bifida and movements which might affect the
anencephaly, multiple EEG are documented.
pregnancy, fetal distress or ○ The patient might be asked to
death hyperventilate.
○ also considered a tumor marker ○ The recording is interrupted
for several types of cancer periodically to allow the patient to
○ The higher the AFP level, the move into a more comfortable
greater the amount of tumor position.
present. Thus, AFP can also be
used to assess response to ➢ Urinalysis
cancer treatment.
○ Usually ordered when a doctor
suspects that a child has a
➢ Electroencephalogram (EEG)
urinary tract infection (UTI) or a
health problem that can cause an
abnormality in the urine.

➢ Indication
○ Measure the presence of red
and white blood cells
○ Determine the presence of
bacteria or other organisms
○ Identify the presence of
substances, such as glucose,
that usually shouldn't be found in
the urine, pH and urine
○ Collecting a sample from children
and young people who are potty
or toilet trained
○ Wash the genital area with water
and pat dry with a clean towel
○ Wash your hands with soap and
○ Ask child to start weeing and then
use the container to catch their
○ Do not collect the first few drops -
wait a second or two before
○ Starting to collect
○ Pour the sample from the
container into the urine sample
bottle (using a funnel or syringe if

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