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Health problems caused by teenager's smoking habits

Modern lifestyle makes us forget about our body's health, which is actually very important.
One of the lifestyles that is currently trending among young people is smoking.
For young people, especially among high school teenagers, smoking is one of the things that
must be done. Remembering that for them smoking can increase their self-confidence, which
is different if they not smoking, they consider themselves geeky and uncool if they don't
smoke. But without them realizing it, smoking actually has many adverse effects on their
body health.
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning
The Honorable judges of MGMP
The respected comitee of MGMP
And all my friends participating in this speech competition
First, let us thank Allah SWT, for His grace and blessings, allowing us to gather here today in
good health. Second, May peace and blessings always be upon our Prophet Muhammad
SAW. May we receive his intercession on the Day of Judgment, Aamiin
Ladies and Gentleman
My name is Ahmad Risky, and I’m honored to be here representing Senior high school
Paramarta 1. And today I would like to deliver my speech titled: "Health problems caused by
teenager's smoking habits"
Ladies and gentleman
maybe we have heard the slogan that says "Health is very expensive", indirectly this slogan
makes us realize how expensive it is to be healthy. With our current situation, we must be
grateful because we are still given breath to be able to enjoy fresh air. However, imagine if
suddenly we got lung cancer or heart attack, how scary would it be? Because apart from
having to pay a lot of money to treat the disease, we also waste a lot of our time because we
have to be treated in hospital. Therefore, maintaining a healthy body has proven to be a very
important thing.
We always remember that maintaining health is our own responsibility. To maintain health,
we need to adopt a balanced diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and avoid habits that
damage our body's health. But unfortunately, the habit of young people today is that they
choose cigarettes as their lifestyle. where this habit is contrary to maintaining health.
Ladies and gentleman
Cigarettes are killers, slowly cigarettes will destroy one by one the cells in our body. When
we smoke cigarettes, we unconsciously introducing toxins into our bodies. Smoking, like a
sweet poison that slowly eats away at our body. Thousands of harmful chemicals are
contained in every inhale, poisoning organ by organ, and slowly threatening our health.
I often or even we often hear sentences said by smokers such as "If you don't smoke after
eating, your mouth will tastes bitter" or "Not smoking is not cool/manly", and many more.
These things show how cigarettes have come to align with basic human needs.

Ladies and gentleman

cigarettes contain a lot of chemicals that are very harmful to our body. Among the hundreds
of harmful substances in cigarettes, there are three most harmful substances found in
First is nicotine. This substance is founded in cigarette tobacco. This substance is very
dangerous because it can damage the core organs in our body, that can bring various health
problems. This substance is what makes smokers unable to escape smoking, aka addiction.
The second is Tar. This substance is produced by burning tobacco in cigarettes. Tar is a
sticky, brown substance that causes smokers' teeth and fingers to turn brownish yellow. This
substance contains cancer-causing particles which are carcinogenic. This substance is also the
cause of smokers suffering from various types of cancer, especially lung cancer.
The last is Carbon Monoxide (CO). This substance is smoke inhaled by smokers. This
inhaled carbon monoxide gas can trigger the growth of cancer cells in the lungs and also
cause a cough.
All these substances will enter every time, if we smoke cigarettes. If this continues,
dangerous diseases can threaten our health, such as lung cancer, throat cancer, brain cancer,
heart attacks, and can even cause death.
Ladies and gentleman
We need to know together some of the adverse health effects caused by smoking, so that we
can realize that smoking is something that must be avoided.
smoking can cause our lungs to become dirty. In fact, if we are dependent on cigarettes for a
long period of time, it can make the lungs hollow and lead to death.
smoking also can lead to dependence. Considering that cigarettes contain nicotine substances
that can make anyone who smokes them want to smoke continuously.
And if we are already dependent on cigarettes, it can be a trigger for various types of cancer
that can attack our body, which can threaten the health of our body.
So far, we can conclude that smoking does not bring the slightest positive impact on the
health of our body, but on the contrary. Smoking also does not provide any benefits for us,
but instead will make ourselves miserable with various diseases that can threaten the health of
our body, even our lives.
Ladies and gentleman
Smoking is not just a habit, but a choice. The choice to poison ourselves, the choice to hurt
others, and the choice to destroy our future.
But don't worry, it's never too late to change these bad habits. Therefore, for teenagers, let's
replace this bad habit of smoking by doing positive things such as seeking more information
about the dangers of smoking, exercising regularly, and refusing friends' invitations to smoke.
Let's start eliminating these bad smoking habits for the sake of our body's health and our

Ladies and gentleman

That’s all from my speech, thank you for your attention
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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