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1. Basics of PHP

 Setup and Environment

o Install PHP, a local server (e.g., XAMPP, WAMP), and a code editor like VS
Code or PHPStorm.
o Learn to run a basic PHP script.
 PHP Syntax and Basics
o PHP syntax, tags, and comments
o Variables, constants, data types, and type casting
o Basic operators: arithmetic, comparison, logical, etc.
 Control Structures
o Conditionals (if, else, switch)
o Loops (for, while, foreach)
 Functions
o Define and call functions
o Passing arguments and returning values
o Built-in PHP functions (e.g., print_r, var_dump, string and array functions)

2. Working with Data

 Arrays and Strings

o Associative and multidimensional arrays
o Common array functions (array_push, array_pop, array_merge, in_array,
o String manipulation (str_replace, substr, strlen, etc.)
 Forms and User Input
o Handling form submission (GET and POST methods)
o Sanitizing and validating user input to prevent injection attacks
o Form validation techniques

3. Advanced Concepts

 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

o Classes, objects, properties, and methods
o Constructors and destructors
o Inheritance, polymorphism, and interfaces
o Namespaces and autoloading with Composer (dependency manager)
 Error and Exception Handling
o Using try, catch, finally blocks
o Custom error handling and error logging
o Common error types in PHP
 Working with Files
o Reading and writing files (fopen, fwrite, fread, etc.)
o File upload handling
o File handling best practices

4. PHP and Databases

 MySQL Basics
o PHP Data Objects (PDO) and MySQLi for database interaction
o Prepared statements to prevent SQL injection
 CRUD Operations
o Implement Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations
o Build a small project to reinforce CRUD concepts

5. Web Development with PHP

 Sessions and Cookies

o Creating and managing sessions
o Using cookies to store data on the client side
o Authentication using sessions and cookies
 APIs and RESTful Web Services
o Consuming REST APIs with cURL and file_get_contents
o Creating RESTful APIs in PHP
o JSON handling for API responses
 Regular Expressions
o Using regular expressions for validation
o Common use cases (email, phone number validation)

6. PHP Frameworks

 Introduction to PHP Frameworks

o Benefits of using frameworks for rapid development
o Common frameworks: Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Yii
 Laravel Basics
o Setting up a Laravel project
o Understanding MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture
o Routing, controllers, and views
o Eloquent ORM for database interaction
o Basic CRUD with Laravel

7. Advanced Topics

 Security Best Practices

o Preventing SQL injection, XSS, CSRF attacks
o Hashing passwords using password_hash()
o Securing sessions and sensitive data
 Caching and Optimization
o Caching techniques with Redis and Memcached
o Optimizing SQL queries and reducing server load
o Compressing files and assets for better performance
 Testing and Debugging
o Debugging with var_dump, print_r, and xdebug
o Unit testing with PHPUnit
o Writing maintainable and testable code

8. Deployment and Version Control

 Version Control with Git

o Basic Git commands (clone, commit, push, pull)
o Setting up a GitHub/GitLab repository for your projects
 Deployment
o Deploying PHP applications on shared hosting or a cloud provider (e.g.,
DigitalOcean, AWS, Heroku)
o Using Docker for containerized PHP applications

9. Projects to Reinforce Learning

1. To-Do List Application – CRUD operations, database integration.

2. Simple Blog – Posts, comments, user authentication, and authorization.
3. E-Commerce Platform – Product catalog, shopping cart, order management, and
payment integration.
4. RESTful API for a Notes App – Basic REST API following best practices.
1. Basics of PHP

Setup and Environment

 Set up a PHP development environment. Write a script that outputs your server's PHP

PHP Syntax and Basics

 Write a PHP script that defines two variables, one for your first name and one for your
last name, and prints "Hello, [First Name] [Last Name]!".

Control Structures

 Write a PHP script that checks if a number stored in a variable is positive, negative, or
zero, and prints an appropriate message.
 Create a script that prints the numbers from 1 to 20 using a for loop, but prints "Fizz" for
multiples of 3, "Buzz" for multiples of 5, and "FizzBuzz" for multiples of both.


 Write a function that takes two numbers and returns their product. Call this function and
display the result.
 Create a function that takes a string as an argument and returns the number of vowels in
that string.
2. Working with Data

Arrays and Strings

 Create an array containing the names of five countries. Write a script to print each
country in a new line.
 Write a function that takes an array of numbers and returns the sum of all the even

Forms and User Input

 Create a simple HTML form that accepts a user's age. Write a PHP script to handle the
form submission and display whether the user is a minor (under 18) or an adult (18 or

3. Advanced Concepts

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

 Define a class Car with properties like make, model, and year. Add methods to display
the car's details and to start the car.
 Create a subclass ElectricCar that inherits from Car and adds a property for battery
capacity. Override the method to display details to include battery capacity.

Error and Exception Handling

 Write a PHP script that tries to divide a number by zero. Use a try-catch block to
handle the exception and display a user-friendly error message.

Working with Files

 Write a script to create a new file, write "Hello, World!" into it, and then read and display
its content.

4. PHP and Databases

MySQL Basics

 Write SQL queries for creating a table called users with fields id, name, and email.
Then, insert a new user into the table using PHP.
CRUD Operations

 Create a simple PHP application to manage a list of tasks. Include features to add, view,
update, and delete tasks from a MySQL database.

5. Web Development with PHP

Sessions and Cookies

 Write a script that starts a session and stores the user's name in a session variable. Display
a welcome message on another page using that session variable.
 Create a script that sets a cookie with the user's preferred language. Check for the cookie
and display a message based on the user's preference.

APIs and RESTful Web Services

 Use cURL to fetch data from a public API (e.g., JSONPlaceholder) and display it on your
 Create a simple RESTful API using PHP that allows users to retrieve and add notes.

6. PHP Frameworks

Introduction to PHP Frameworks

 Set up a new Laravel project. Create a basic route that returns "Welcome to Laravel!".

Laravel Basics

 Create a Laravel controller that handles requests for a list of books. Define methods to
show all books and add a new book.

7. Advanced Topics

Security Best Practices

 Write a PHP script that demonstrates how to sanitize user input to prevent XSS attacks.
 Create a user registration form and use password_hash() to securely store passwords.

Caching and Optimization

 Implement caching for a script that fetches data from a database. Compare the
performance with and without caching.

Testing and Debugging

 Write unit tests for a simple function that adds two numbers using PHPUnit.

8. Deployment and Version Control

Version Control with Git

 Create a new Git repository for your PHP project. Add files, commit changes, and push to
a remote repository (e.g., GitHub).


 Deploy a simple PHP application to a cloud service (like Heroku or DigitalOcean). Write
a brief documentation of the deployment process.

9. Projects to Reinforce Learning

1. To-Do List Application – Implement a full CRUD application using PHP and MySQL.
2. Simple Blog – Create a blog where users can create, edit, and delete posts. Include user
3. E-Commerce Platform – Build a basic product catalog, implement a shopping cart, and
manage orders.
4. RESTful API for a Notes App – Develop a REST API that allows users to manage their
notes with CRUD operations.

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