Play Station Robot Controller
Play Station Robot Controller
Play Station Robot Controller
That said, SX/B is a not a compiler in the terms that we typically think about, that is, SX/B doesnt optimize and automatically remove redundant code. Why not? The reason is that Parallax created SX/B so that those interested in assembly could learn from it thats very tough to do when one looks at the assembly output of an optimized compiler. With SX/B you can see the assembly output from your high-level code (which gets included in the comments) and see how the various instructions work under the hood. So does that mean SX/B is inefficient? No, I dont think so; it is what it is: an inline (some call macro) compiler. The code we write gets compiled inline as it appears in the source file. If, for example, we have two consecutive PAUSE instructions, the code to execute PAUSE will be expanded twice and this does use more code space. This is not a problem if we understand and design around it, and thats really what Im going to focus on in this months column. If you look at enough of my SX/B programs youll notice that they are all similarly structured and, in fact, I reuse a lot of the same subroutines. The reason is this: By keeping my code consistent I can follow my own programs and get back into them more quickly after a break and, heres the real import part for SX/B, by putting big (lots of assembly code required) instructions into a subroutine those instructions only get expanded once and Im able to conserve code space. The additional benefit to putting these commands into subroutines is that we can add our own (even optional) features to the routines. We'll see how just a bit later.
PlayStation Controller Protocol It turns out that the PlayStation controller is actually very easy to connect to a microcontroller in fact, it behaves just like a big shift register. The difference is that it has separate data in (called Command) and data out (called Data) lines. When we used the BASIC Stamp SHIFTOUT and SHIFTIN were used, but this created a problem with the last bit of data when using an analog controller. What we ended up doing was synthesizing a routine that could send and receive bytes at the same time, but in PBASIC thats a little on the slow side. Not so with the SX, in fact we now have to consider speed for the other side so that we dont do things too quickly.
Figure 129.2 shows the signal timing and relationships between the host and the PlayStation controller. Communication is initiated by bringing the PsxAttn (attention) pin low. After a 20 microsecond delay the bits are clocked in and out, with everything happening based on the falling edge of the clock signal.
From a programming standpoint we need to put a bit (starting with the LSB) on the PsxCmd pin before pulling the clock line low. After the clock has been pulled low and we allow a bit of setup time we can read a bit from the PsxData pin. Well get into the specific code mechanics a little later. Figure 129.3 shows the relationship of input and output bytes. The host transmits $01 (start) and $42 (get data), the PlayStation controller sends back its type, $5A (ready), then two (digital controller) or six data bytes (analog controller). Note that the controller transmits its type while the host is sending the $42 byte. What were going to do as we develop this program is create a routine that does the equivalent of SHIFTOUT and SHIFTIN but at the same time.
The Tao of SX/B Okay, I know thats a bit of a cheeky section title, since almost every programming language can be manipulated in any way by an experienced programmer. So this is my Tao of SX/B, at least for serial accessory devices. Lets start at the top. One of the features I like best about SX/B is the ability to define subroutines with the SUB keyword. This serves two important functions: 1) It causes the compiler to create a jump table that lets us put the subroutine code anywhere in memory (remember, in the SX, subroutines usually have to be in the top half of a code page unless a jump table is used) and 2) It lets us tell the compiler how many parameters are used by the subroutine. This allows the compiler do syntax checks on our custom routines very handy! Here are the subroutines used in the PlayStation Helper module:
1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 0, 1
Heres a secret: Only the last two subroutines are specific to this project; all the others form the core of most of the serial accessory projects I developed using the SX. Looking at the code youll see that each subroutine has a name, followed by the keyword SUB, and then information on parameters used by each subroutine. Notice that not every subroutine requires parameters sent to it (like RX_BYTE) and most actually have a variable number of parameters. WAIT_US (a shell for PAUSEUS), for example, requires one parameter and can take two. With the subroutines defined we can jump into the main body of the program. As with similar devices, the PlayStation Helper chip is going to wait on a specific command header from the host and respond as instructed. Were going to use open-baudmode style serial communications with this product so that its compatible with other serial accessories. By doing that we could connect this device to a BASIC Stamp using the same serial line that commands a Parallax Servo Controller (PSC). With a BASIC Stamp, a PSC, and the PlayStation Helper you could put together a very cool robot. The Parallax AppMod protocol is really more of a configuration than a defined protocol as I just stated it uses open-baudmode communications and a text header that starts with the ! character. For example, when we want to send a command to the PSC we use the header !SC at the beginning of each command message. Lets be logical, shall we, and use !PSX as the header for our PlayStation Helper. Okay, then, lets wait for the header:
Main: char = RX_BYTE IF char <> "!" char = RX_BYTE IF char <> "P" char = RX_BYTE IF char <> "S" char = RX_BYTE IF char <> "X"
You see, I told you it was simple. We grab one character at a time, compare it to the header sequence and jump back to Main if anything is out of whack. Now, if youre new to SX/B
youre probably wondering how this can work, that is, having a comparison between incoming serial bytes. This works fine because the SX is running assembly language and even at the 4 MHz clock were using each instruction only takes 0.25 microseconds! At 38.4k baud, each bit is 26 microseconds long so there is plenty of time during the stop bit to get the comparison done. Remember, this code gets compiled to assembly language. Heres a small section of the compiled code:
Main: CALL @__RX_BYTE MOV char, W CJNE char, #"!", @Main
The first line calls the RX_BYTE subroutine note that @ is used so the subroutine call can cross code pages. On return, the value that was received is retrieved from the W (working) register; this takes one cycle. The comparison is just one line of assembly code, but is a compound statement that takes either four or six cycles, depending on the comparison result. Still, in the worst case weve only consumed seven cycles 1.75 microseconds during the 26 microsecond window between bytes. Im not suggesting we go crazy and try to squeeze a whole lot more (in actual fact a few more cycles are consumed with the call to and return from the RX_BYTE subroutine), but I want you to rest easy that when compiled we can do the comparison as shown without any fear of missing the next serial byte. Okay, speaking of serial bytes, lets look at the code that handles that:
RX_BYTE: SERIN Sio, Baud, temp1 IF temp1 >= "a" THEN IF temp1 <= "z" THEN temp1 = temp1 - $20 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN temp1
This subroutine actually serves two purposes: it receives the serial byte and if the byte is a lowercase letter it gets converted to uppercase. This subroutine points out one of the changes in SX/B as it has matured and developed an expanding customer base, specifically the ability to return a value to the subroutine caller. As we saw in the compiled code above, the W register is used as the mechanism for handling the return value. Let me emphasize on final time the reason for this subroutine: SERIN is a complex statement that requires several line of assembly code. If we were to use SERIN every place in the
program that required serial input we would use a lot of code space with redundant code. And, by encapsulating SERIN in a subroutine, were able to add the lowercase-to-uppercase conversion feature. Now that we have the header, the next step is to process receive and process the command byte sent by the host controller:
Get_Command: char = RX_BYTE IF char = "V" THEN IF char = "T" THEN IF char = "S" THEN IF char = "B" THEN IF char = "J" THEN IF char = "C" THEN IF char = "W" THEN IF char = "R" THEN GOTO Main
After receiving the command byte the program simply compares it to the list of commands available to the program. You may think that LOOKDOWN and BRANCH would be more efficient, but in practice it doesnt use any less code (after being compiled) and its not quite as easy to follow in my book. The first command is V for version; this is a good idea to include in your designs, especially if youre selling them as products and make incremental improvements. Providing a version number allows the end user to design around the features available in the product he has. On receiving the V command the PlayStation Helper will send back a three-byte version string. Heres the top level code:
Show_Version: WAIT_MS 1 TX_OUT Version GOTO Main
Theres no big mystery here; the only thing you may wonder about is the WAIT_MS 1 line. This inserts a one millisecond delay before returning the version string so that the BASIC Stamp can load up its SERIN instruction to receive the data from the SX. Heres the code for WAIT_MS:
WAIT_MS: temp1 = __PARAM1 IF __PARAMCNT = 1 THEN temp2 = 1
ELSE temp2 = __PARAM2 ENDIF IF temp1 > 0 THEN IF temp2 > 0 THEN PAUSE temp1 * temp2 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN
This is a subroutine that can handle a variable number of parameters (one or two). The first parameter is required and is the base delay time in milliseconds. If a second parameter is provided this is used as a multiplier, otherwise the multiplication factor is set to one. The internal variable, __PARAMCNT, is used to check the number of parameters sent to the subroutine, and as you can see it gives us a lot of flexibility. Finally, we check to see that neither parameter was set to zero and do the delay using the version of PAUSE that uses the multiplication of two bytes. After the delay we send the version string back to the host with TX_OUT. Lets look at that code:
TX_OUT: temp3 = __PARAM1 IF __PARAMCNT = 2 THEN temp4 = __PARAM2 DO READ temp4 + temp3, temp5 IF temp5 = 0 THEN EXIT TX_BYTE temp5 INC temp3 temp4 = temp4 + Z LOOP ELSE TX_BYTE temp3 ENDIF RETURN
TX_OUT is quite flexible in that it can be used to transmit a single byte or multi-byte strings (stored as z-strings). Again we use __PARAMCNT to determine the behavior of the subroutine. When a single byte is passed there will only be one parameter. When a string is passed to the subroutine two parameters are required due to the 12-bit size of the string address. In the case of returning the version to the host two parameters will be passed to the subroutine: the base and offset address values of that string.
Its important to note that strings can be handled in two ways. For the version string were going to store it in a DATA statement like this:
Version: DATA "0.1", 0
When we use a stored string like this we must append the zero terminator ourselves and well pass the string label to the subroutine this gets resolved by the compiler to the base and offset memory locations. The nice thing about this subroutine is that it also lets us send inline strings like this:
TX_OUT "Nuts & Volts rocks!"
When we pass an inline string the compiler adds the zero-terminator for us. Note that if we're going to send the same string more than once then the most efficient method is to store the string in a DATA statement. Getting back to TX_OUT we see that it uses a DO-LOOP construct to transmit the string. READ is used to retrieve each character from memory and if it's zero we're done (hence the use of EXIT). Remember that SX/B variables are bytes only but we're using a 12-bit address for the string characters. What this means is that when we increment the offset value we need to update the base value on a roll-over. This is actually quite easy to do as the Z flag will be set (to 1) when we increment the offset from 255 to 0 all we have to do is add the Z bit to the base after incrementing the offset. In most cases the Z bit will be zero but when we have a roll-over it will be set to 1 and the base will be updated properly. Note that TX_OUT calls the TX_BYTE subroutine. This one is really easy; it simply makes a copy of the byte passed to it and then transmits it with SEROUT on the specified port at the program baud rate:
TX_BYTE: temp1 = __PARAM1 SEROUT Sio, Baud, temp1 RETURN
In actual fact, TX_OUT started as TX_STR (transmit string) and always required two bytes. It was a simple matter to update the subroutine to handle one byte or two so the main code only ever needs to call TX_OUT. Yes, we could use TX_BYTE, but if we made a change from sending a byte to sending a string we'd also have to change which subroutine gets used. By only using TX_OUT in the main body of our program we never have to worry about that.
So far the program has been pretty generic and that's the point. What I'm suggesting is that we can use this framework for a whole host of serial accessories that are useful for BASIC Stamp (and other microcontroller) projects. As I indicated earlier, this framework runs in the RC-4, DC-16, and AP-8 products that are part of the Parallax EFX line; you can do it too. Let's get into the PlayStation-specific code. Remember that the PlayStation controller acts like a big, smart shift register, and it can receive and transmit data at the same time. Since SHIFTOUT and SHIFTIN do only one thing each, let's create a subroutine that handles the full-duplex nature of the controller.
PSX_SHIFTIO: IF __PARAMCNT = 1 THEN temp3 = __PARAM1 ELSE temp3 = 0 ENDIF temp4 = 0 FOR temp5 = 1 TO 8 PsxCmd = temp3.0 temp3 = temp3 >> 1 PsxClock = 0 WAIT_US 5 temp4 = temp4 >> 1 temp4.7 = PsxData PsxClock = 1 WAIT_US 5 NEXT RETURN temp4
This is definitely the trickiest subroutine in the program in that it can send a byte to the controller, it can get a byte from the controller, and it can do both at the same time. We'll see all three uses of the subroutine's capabilities in just a bit. When the subroutine is called with an output parameter that value is copied into temp3 if not provided, temp3 is set to zero as this is the output byte to the controller. Before entering the transmission loop, temp4 gets cleared; this is the input byte from the controller and will be passed back to the caller. A FOR-NEXT loop is used to send and receive eight bits, and the transmission in PBASIC terms is LSBFIRST. The first step is to put the LSB (temp3.0) onto the PsxCmd pin and then pull the clock line low to output that bit. Note that we shift the next bit right before the clock to add a bit of timing delay before the clock change and to have the next bit in place for the next iteration of the loop. After the clock line goes low the controller will output a data bit (LSBFIRST) onto the PsxData pin. Here's where things can look a little confusing at first. We start by shifting
temp4 to the right by one bit and then placing the data line bit into temp4.7. We have to do this because we ultimately want the first bit read to end up in temp4.0 this will in fact happen after eight iterations of the loop. One thing of note is the clock timing. I don't actually have a PlayStation console but I met a guy named Jim in the Parallax user forums who happened to borrow one from his nephew. He connected a 'scope and told me that the high and low timing of the clock line was about five microseconds. That's what I've been using and have never had a problem I suspect it's probably a bit on the generous side but I see no need to push it. At this speed it takes just about 5 milliseconds to get the entire packet from the controller. And here's the code that does just that:
READ_PSX: PsxAttn = 0 WAIT_US 20 PSX_SHIFTIO $01 psxId = PSX_SHIFTIO $42 psxStatus = PSX_SHIFTIO psxThumb1 = PSX_SHIFTIO psxThumb2 = PSX_SHIFTIO IF psxId = $73 THEN psxJoyRX = PSX_SHIFTIO psxJoyRY = PSX_SHIFTIO psxJoyLX = PSX_SHIFTIO psxJoyLY = PSX_SHIFTIO ELSE psxJoyRX = $80 psxJoyRY = $80 psxJoyLX = $80 psxJoyLY = $80 ENDIF PsxAttn = 1 psxThumb1 = ~psxThumb1 psxThumb2 = ~psxThumb2 RETURN
This routine starts by pulling the PsxAttn line low to activate the controller. According to Jim, the PlayStation console waits 20 microseconds before transmitting the start byte ($01) so I've put that into my code. For those of you that have used the BASIC Stamp to connect to the PlayStation controller we need to keep in mind that it takes at least 100 microseconds to load each instruction so there's a lot of built-in delays. Since we're dealing with compiled code we have to manually put those delays in. The WAIT_US subroutine is identical to the
WAIT_MS routine that we looked at earlier, the difference being that it uses PAUSEUS instead of PAUSE. The READ_PSX subroutine shows the flexibility that we built into the PSX_SHIFTIO routine. We start by sending $01 notice that we don't care about anything that gets returned so there is no assignment. The next line, however, sends $42 (get data) with PSX_SHIFTIO and assigns the return value to psxId. This tells us what kind of controller is connected; it will usually be $41 for digital controllers or $73 for analog controllers. After the ID byte the controller transmits a packet header of $5A. After this header controller sends two bytes of button data and, if in analog mode, four bytes of joystick data. I happen to have Sony analog controller that can be set to digital or analog mode. I made a decision for this subroutine to stuff the joystick bytes with $80 if the controller is digital or set to digital mode. The value $80 represents the center position of each joystick axis and allows me to simplify my BASIC Stamp programs. If we don't include this conditional code then each joystick value will be set to $FF (extreme right or down position) when in digital mode, and in my mind this is not the best value to return to the host. Finally, the subroutine inverts the button bits so that a pressed button bit has a value of 1 when sent back to the BASIC Stamp. Okay, now that we can read the controller, the command sections that handle the various requests for data are a breeze.
Get_Status: WAIT_MS 1 READ_PSX TX_OUT psxThumb1 TX_OUT psxThumb2 TX_OUT psxJoyRX TX_OUT psxJoyRY TX_OUT psxJoyLX TX_OUT psxJoyLY GOTO Main Get_Buttons: WAIT_MS 1 READ_PSX TX_OUT psxThumb1 TX_OUT psxThumb2 GOTO Main Get_Joysticks: WAIT_MS 1 READ_PSX
As you can see, all of this code is very straightforward and gives us the ability to request from the PlayStation Helper module just what we need. Figure 129.5 shows the output from a simple BASIC Stamp controller that retrieves and displays the controller values (it's included in the download files).
Since this is designed to be a robot controller let's take advantage of those spare pins on the SX28. By using the "C," "W," and "R" commands we can configure, write, and read the RC port. Just one caveat: the SX uses 0 to indicate an output bit, and 1 to indicate an input bit this is exactly opposite of what we do in the BASIC Stamp (DIRS register). Knowing this we will send BASIC Stamp style data to the PlayStation Helper module and invert the bits before assigning the configuration value to the TRIS register. Here's the code for handling the extra I/O port:
Config_IoPort: char = RX_BYTE
PlpIO = char char = ~char TrisIO = char GOTO Main Write_IoPort: IoPort = RX_BYTE GOTO Main Read_IoPort: WAIT_MS 1 TX_OUT ~IoPort GOTO Main
One of the things that you'll notice about the Config_IoPort section is that the SX pull-ups are activated on any pin that is made an input. Now this means that inputs will be active-low, so we'll invert the bits sent back to the BASIC Stamp to make them look active-high just as we did with the controller button bits. What about Force Feedback? To be honest, I was really hoping to conquer the force feedback motor control before using the SX with the PlayStation controller; sadly, every one of my attempts has failed. I have scoured the Internet for information and while there is some information out there, it is usually incomplete and not documented. What I'm going to be forced to do, I think, is rent or borrow a console and connect a logic analyzer to the PsxAttn, PsxClock, PsxCmd, and PsxData lines to see exactly what happens when the motors are activated. Unfortunately, my friend Jim doesn't have a multi-channel logic analyzer and couldnt do that for me and it's not something that can be done with a two-channel scope; one needs to know what the console and controller are doing and in relation to each other. I tell you what if you have a console and are able to do that analysis for me I will send you a shiny new Parallax Professional Development Board. Here's the offer: the first person that sends me working code, or enough information that I can add working code (that is, independent motor control through the seria link) to this project wins the PDB. Until next time Happy Stamping! Project Code
' ========================================================================= ' ' File....... PSX_Test.BS2 ' Purpose.... Test program for SX-based PSX Helper module ' Author..... Jon Williams -- Parallax, Inc. ' E-mail....
' Started.... ' Updated.... 19 NOV 2005 ' ' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ========================================================================= ' -----[ Program Description ]--------------------------------------------' ' Simple test program for PlayStion Helper chip. ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]------------------------------------------------Sio PIN 15
' -----[ Constants ]------------------------------------------------------#SELECT $STAMP #CASE BS2, BS2E, BS2PE T1200 CON 813 T2400 CON 396 T4800 CON 188 T9600 CON 84 T19K2 CON 32 TMidi CON 12 T38K4 CON 6 #CASE BS2SX, BS2P T1200 CON 2063 T2400 CON 1021 T4800 CON 500 T9600 CON 240 T19K2 CON 110 TMidi CON 60 T38K4 CON 45 #CASE BS2PX T1200 CON 3313 T2400 CON 1646 T4800 CON 813 T9600 CON 396 T19K2 CON 188 TMidi CON 108 T38K4 CON 84 #ENDSELECT SevenBit Inverted Open Baud CON CON CON CON $2000 $4000 $8000 Open + T38K4
' -----[ Variables ]------------------------------------------------------id type psx psxThumb1 psxThumb2 psxJoyRX psxJoyRY psxJoyLX psxJoyLY idx xport VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR Byte(3) Byte Byte psx Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte ' ' ' ' ' ' ' psx data thumb buttons thumb buttons r joystick - X r joystick - Y l joystick - X l joystick - Y
' -----[ Initialization ]-------------------------------------------------Reset: DEBUG CLS PAUSE 100 ' -----[ Program Code ]---------------------------------------------------Main: DEBUG HOME SEROUT Sio, Baud, ["!PSX", "V"] SERIN Sio, Baud, [STR id\3] DEBUG "PSX Helper Version = ", STR id\3, CR ' get helper version
SEROUT Sio, Baud, ["!PSX", "T"] ' get helper type (mode) SERIN Sio, Baud, [type] DEBUG "PSX Helper Type = ", IHEX2 type, CR, CR SEROUT Sio, Baud, ["!PSX", "S"] SERIN Sio, Baud, [STR psx\6] DEBUG "Btns", TAB, BIN8 "JoyRX", TAB, DEC "JoyRY", TAB, DEC "JoyLX", TAB, DEC "JoyLY", TAB, DEC GOTO Main ' -----[ Subroutines ]----------------------------------------------------' get PSX status
psxThumb2, BIN8 psxThumb1, CR, psxJoyRX, CLREOL, CR, psxJoyRY, CLREOL, CR, psxJoyLX, CLREOL, CR, psxJoyLY, CLREOL, CR
' ========================================================================= ' ' File...... PSX_EZ.SXB ' Purpose... Playstation Controller Interface for the BASIC Stamp ' Author.... Jon Williams -- Parallax, Inc. ' E-mail.... ' Started... ' Updated... 19 NOV 2005 ' ' ========================================================================= ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------Program Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------Connects a Sony Playstation game controller to the BASIC Stamp using a single serial wire and the Parallax AppMod protocol. Even though the program runs at 4 MHz an external resonator must be used as the internal 4 MHz source is not accurate enough for serial communications.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Device Settings ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------DEVICE FREQ ID SX28, OSCXT2, TURBO, STACKX, OPTIONX, BOR42 4_000_000 "PSX v0.1"
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' IO Pins ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------Sio PsxAttn PsxClock PsxCmd PsxData IoPort TrisIO PlpIO VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR RA.0 RB.0 RB.1 RB.2 RB.3 RC TRIS_C PLP_C ' bi-directional serial ' ' ' ' attention clock to PSX command bits to PSX data bits from PSX
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Constants ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------Baud CON "OT38400" ' bi-directional serial
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Variables ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------char idx psxID psxStatus psx psxThumb1 psxThumb2 psxJoyRX psxJoyRY psxJoyLX psxJoyLY temp1 temp2 temp3 temp4 temp5 VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte(6) psx(0) psx(1) psx(2) psx(3) psx(4) psx(5) Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte ' serial I/O byte ' loop control ' controller ID ' status ($5A) ' psx data ' thumb buttons ' thumb buttons ' r joystick ' r joystick ' l joystick ' l joystick
' ========================================================================= PROGRAM Start ' ========================================================================= ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Subroutine Declarations ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------WAIT_US WAIT_MS RX_BYTE TX_BYTE TX_OUT READ_PSX PSX_SHIFTIO SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB 1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 0, 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' delay in microseconds delay in milliseconds receive a serial byte transmit a serial byte transmit byte or string read PSX joystick send/get PSX byte
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Program Code ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------Start: PLP_A = %0001 PLP_B = %00001111 PLP_C = %00000000 RB = %00000111 TRIS_B = %11111000
Main: char = RX_BYTE IF char <> "!" char = RX_BYTE IF char <> "P" char = RX_BYTE IF char <> "S" char = RX_BYTE IF char <> "X"
' wait for header THEN Main THEN Main THEN Main THEN Main
Get_Command: char = RX_BYTE IF char = "V" THEN IF char = "T" THEN IF char = "S" THEN IF char = "B" THEN IF char = "J" THEN IF char = "C" THEN IF char = "W" THEN IF char = "R" THEN GOTO Main Show_Version: WAIT_MS 1 TX_OUT Version GOTO Main Get_Type: WAIT_MS 1 READ_PSX TX_OUT psxID GOTO Main Get_Status: WAIT_MS 1 READ_PSX TX_OUT psxThumb1 TX_OUT psxThumb2 TX_OUT psxJoyRX TX_OUT psxJoyRY TX_OUT psxJoyLX TX_OUT psxJoyLY GOTO Main Get_Buttons: WAIT_MS 1 READ_PSX TX_OUT psxThumb1 TX_OUT psxThumb2 GOTO Main
' get command byte Show_Version Get_Type Get_Status Get_Buttons Get_Joysticks Config_IoPort Write_IoPort Read_IoPort
' give host time to setup ' read PSX inputs ' send id byte to host
returns buttons and joysticks give host time to setup read PSX inputs send buttons data
' give host time to setup ' read PSX inputs ' send buttons data
Get_Joysticks: WAIT_MS 1 READ_PSX TX_OUT psxJoyRX TX_OUT psxJoyRY TX_OUT psxJoyLX TX_OUT psxJoyLY GOTO Main Config_IoPort: char = RX_BYTE PlpIO = char char = ~char TrisIO = char GOTO Main Write_IoPort: IoPort = RX_BYTE GOTO Main Read_IoPort: WAIT_MS 1 TX_OUT ~IoPort GOTO Main
' give host time to setup ' read PSX inputs ' send joystick data
' get config bits ' pull-up inputs only ' invert bits
' give host time to setup ' send current port bits
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Subroutine Code ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Use: WAIT_US microseconds {, multiplier} ' -- multiplier is optional WAIT_US: temp1 = __PARAM1 IF __PARAMCNT = 1 THEN temp2 = 1 ELSE temp2 = __PARAM2 ENDIF IF temp1 > 0 THEN IF temp2 > 0 THEN PAUSEUS temp1 * temp2 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN
' get microseconds ' if no multiplier ' set to 1 ' else ' get multiplier ' no delay if either 0 ' do the delay
WAIT_MS: temp1 = __PARAM1 IF __PARAMCNT = 1 THEN temp2 = 1 ELSE temp2 = __PARAM2 ENDIF IF temp1 > 0 THEN IF temp2 > 0 THEN PAUSE temp1 * temp2 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN
' get milliseconds ' if no multiplier ' set to 1 ' else ' get multiplier ' no delay if either 0 ' do the delay
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Use: aByte = RX_BYTE ' -- receives one byte from serial I/O pin ' -- converts lowercase letters to uppercase RX_BYTE: SERIN Sio, Baud, temp1 IF temp1 >= "a" THEN IF temp1 <= "z" THEN temp1 = temp1 - $20 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN temp1
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Use: TX_BYTE aByte ' -- transmits one byte to serial I/O pin TX_BYTE: temp1 = __PARAM1 SEROUT Sio, Baud, temp1 RETURN
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' ' ' Use: TX_OUT [ byte | string | label ] -- "aByte" is variable or constant byte value -- "string" is an embedded literal string -- "label" is DATA statement label for stored z-String
READ temp4 + temp3, temp5 IF temp5 = 0 THEN EXIT TX_BYTE temp5 INC temp3 temp4 = temp4 + Z LOOP ELSE TX_BYTE temp3 ENDIF RETURN
character if 0, string complete send the byte point to next character base on overflow
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Use: READ_PSX ' -- returns PSX buttons and joystick info READ_PSX: PsxAttn = 0 WAIT_US 20 PSX_SHIFTIO $01 psxId = PSX_SHIFTIO $42 psxStatus = PSX_SHIFTIO psxThumb1 = PSX_SHIFTIO psxThumb2 = PSX_SHIFTIO IF psxId = $73 THEN psxJoyRX = PSX_SHIFTIO psxJoyRY = PSX_SHIFTIO psxJoyLX = PSX_SHIFTIO psxJoyLY = PSX_SHIFTIO ELSE psxJoyRX = $80 psxJoyRY = $80 psxJoyLX = $80 psxJoyLY = $80 ENDIF PsxAttn = 1
' get controller attention ' ' ' ' send "start" send "get data", get ID get status ($5A) read buttons
' update buttons to make Stamp-like (active-high) psxThumb1 = ~psxThumb1 psxThumb2 = ~psxThumb2 RETURN ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Use: {inByte} = PSX_SHIFTIO {outByte} ' -- sends [optional] "outByte" to PSX ' -- receives [optional] "inByte" from PSX PSX_SHIFTIO:
IF __PARAMCNT = 1 THEN temp3 = __PARAM1 ELSE temp3 = 0 ENDIF temp4 = 0 FOR temp5 = 1 TO 8 PsxCmd = temp3.0 temp3 = temp3 >> 1 PsxClock = 0 WAIT_US 5 temp4 = temp4 >> 1 temp4.7 = PsxData PsxClock = 1 WAIT_US 5 NEXT RETURN temp4
clear input byte shift eight bits move lsb to Cmd pin shift for next bit clock the bit
' prep for next bit ' get lsb from Data pin ' release clock
' ========================================================================= ' User Data ' ========================================================================= Version: DATA "0.1", 0