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Question Answer
1 Can a store only exercise a policy of exchange but not refund? No
2 The 3 options given to a consumer in case of a breach of an express warranty. Refund
Is an act providing protection to consumers by stabilizing the price and support of basic necessities
and prime commodities and prescribing measures against undue price increases especially during
3 emergency situations and like occasions. Price Act
4 What do you call that document issued by DTI to clients in pursuant to Act? No. 3883? Business Name Registration
DOH (Department of Health)
DTI (Department of Trade and Industry)
5 Enumerate the 3 implementing agencies mentioned to implement the Republic Act No. 7394 DA (Department of Agriculture)
6 How many rights does a consumer have? 8
7 As a general rule, can the issuer issue a gift certificate that bears an expiry date? No
Which government agency implements the provision of the Consumer Act on deceptive, unfair, and
8 unconscionable sales acts and practices? DTI (Department of Trade and Industry)
How much discount is being given to a senior citizen and Person With Disability when it comes to
9 Basic Necessities and Prime commodities? 5%
Right to Basic Needs
Right to Safety
Right to Information
Right to Choose
Right to Representation
Right to Redress
Right to Consumer Education
10 Enumerate all consumer rights Right to Healthy Environment
Is the consumer right to express consumer interests in the making and execution of government
11 policies. Right to Representation
(a). Be informed whether personal information
pertaining to him or her shall be, are being or have
been processed.
(b)Be furnished with the information before the
entry of his or her personal information into the
processing system of the personal information
(c)Be indemnified for any damages sustained due
to such inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false,
unlawfully obtained, or unauthorized use of
personal information.
12 Under the Data Privacy Act of 2013, the data subject is entitled to:
Is the consumer right to be compensated for misinterpretation, shoddy goods or unsatisfactory
13 services. Right to Redress
(1) Hoarding
(2) Profiteering
14 What are the 3 kinds of price manipulation that are prohibited under the Republic Act No. 7581? (3) Cartel
(1) Regular Diskwento Caravan
(2) Balik Eskwela Diskwento Caravan
(3) Disaster Diskwento Caravan
15 Enumerate the 4 types of Diskwento Caravan. (4) Noche Buena Diskwento Caravan

True or False. There shall be prima facie evidence of cartel when a person has stocks of any basic
necessity or prime commodity fifty percent (50%) more than his usual inventory and unreasonably
16 limits, refuses, or fails to sell the same to the general public at the time of discovery of the stocks. False (Hoarding)
Is the act that strengthens consumer protection, in relation to the purchase of brand-new motor
17 vehicle. RA No. 10642 or The Philippine Lemon Law
How many repair attempts is required by the Philippine Lemon Law before a consumer may avail of
18 the Lemon Law right? 4

19 What is the maximum down payment that should be required for repair services? 50% of the total cost of the services
True or False. As a general rule, the Negative Option Plan shall not be used in the sale or lease of
20 consumer products. Exception to the general rule on the Negative
Option Plan:
(a) If a prior written agreement for the purpose had
been entered by the seller or lessor and the buyer
or lessee;
(b) If such agreement is part of a prior subscription
agreement between the seller or lessor and the
buyer or lessee;
(c) In the case of clubs or organizations where such
plan is an accepted ordinary practice and a
member thereof has signified agreement to it in
It means a consumer credit transaction whereby the buyer of a consumer product is allowed to pay
his installment or at a future day whether or not a reservation fee is required, Provided that the
possession and ownership of the product remain with the seller until full payment at the time agreed
21 upon. Lay-away plan
It is the special program of DTI that recognizes retail establishments that promote and foster the
highest level of business ethics and uphold the rights of consumers by adopting responsible
business practices.

22 Note: Please see the difference between bronze, silver, and gold awardee. Bagwis Program
It means consumer sales or leases which are personally solicited by any person, organization
through person to person contact at the buyers residence, place of work, at the seller's transient
23 quarters, or any appointed place, except the seller or lessors usual place of business. Home Solicitation Sale

It is any visible sign capable of distinguishing the goods od one enterprise from that of another, or
24 identifying the source or provided of the goods. Trademark
True or False. The provisions of the Consumer Act of the Philippines on Warranty shall apply to the
professional services of certified public accountants, architects, engineers, lawyers, veterinaries,
optometrists, pharmacists, nurses, nutritionists, dieticians, physical therapists, salesmen, medical
25 and dental practitioners and other professional engaged in their respective professional endeavors. False
The person to whom credit is extended may _____ in full or in part, at any time without penalty, the
26 unpaid balance of any consumer credit transactions Pay
Republic Act No. 11900 (July 25, 2022)

This is an act regulating the importation, manufacture, sale, packaging, distribution, use, and "Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products
27 communication of vaporized nicotine and non-nicotine products, and novel tobacco products. Regulation Act."
True or False. The RA No. 11900 has a policy to protect the right to health and promote health
consciousness. It emphasizes the regulation of vaporized nicotine and non-nicotine products to
protect citizens from harmful effects, ensure compliance with international standards, prevent sales
28 to minors, and combat the illicit trade of these products. True

(For the purpose of this Act, advertising shall be

understood as Vaporized Nicotine and Non-
Nicotine Products and Novel Tobacco Products
Refer to the business of conceptualizing, presenting, making available and communicating to the advertising and shall not include non-promotional
public, through any form of mass media, any fact, data or information about the attributes, features, communication intended for informational purposes
29 quality or availability of consumer products, services or credit. only)
Defined as a person whose public attention is drawn due to their fame or accomplishments (e.g.,
actors, athletes, social media influencers). The Act restricts the use of such individuals in product
30 promotions. Celebrity
It refers to the type of containers that can be opened only by operating, puncturing or removing one
31 of its functional and necessary parts using a tool that is not supplied with the container. Child-resistant Packaging
A specific indoor or outdoor area where the use of vaporized nicotine and non-nicotine products is
32 allowed. These areas must meet regulatory requirements. Designated Vaping Area (DVA)
Any entity that distributes vaporized nicotine, non-nicotine products, or their devices for commercial
33 purposes. It excludes manufacturers, retailers, and common carriers. Distributor
Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs) or Heated
Tobacco products intended for consumption through heating (not combustion). These products Tobacco Product (HTP) Consumables or Heat-Not-
34 release an aerosol for inhalation and may include liquid solutions or gels. Burn Product Consumables
Shall refer to the component or combination of components of an HTP System intended to be used
35 in combination with HTP Consumables that generate an aerosol without combustion; Heated Tobacco Product Device or HTP Device
36 Refer to an HTP Consumable and HTP Device that are intended to be used together as a system; Heated Tobacco Product System or HTP System
Any establishment involved in producing vaporized nicotine and non-nicotine products or novel
tobacco products, including activities such as compounding, formulating, packaging, and labeling for
37 sale or distribution. Manufacturer
Refer to explicit statements made on any product presented as having properties for directly
38 treating, curing, alleviating, or preventing diseases or disorders in persons; Medicinal or Therapeutic Claims
Refers to both naturally derived and synthetic forms of nicotinic alkaloids, including any nicotine
39 salts or complexes. Nicotine
40 Refer to the nicotine containing liquid, solid or other non-tobacco substance in the product; Nicotine Mixture
Refer to nicotine in liquid or any other form or substance that is added to or mixed with Vapor
Product Refills or cartridges that has the effect of increasing the dosage or nicotine concentration in
41 a refill or cartridge; Nicotine Shots
Innovations in non-combusted products, typically including tobacco or nicotine as a substitute for
42 traditional tobacco products. Novel Tobacco Products
Refer to packs, boxes, cartons, or containers of any kind in which Vapor Products or
43 HTPs, or Novel Tobacco Products are contained when offered for sale to consumers; Package
44 Refer to the panel of the package that faces the consumer when displayed for sale; Principal Display Surface
It refer to any location, physical or online, where an individual can purchase Vaporized Nicotine and
Non-Nicotine Products and their devices, or Novel Tobacco Products, which may include a product
45 testing area; Point-of-sale
It refers to the testing of an HTP System or Vapor Product System, or Novel Tobacco Product
conducted by a trained product expert who shall explain the characteristics, operation and
maintenance of the product for the purpose of informing and familiarizing a prospective buyer, who
46 is of legal age for the purpose of this Act; Product Demonstration
It refers to an explicit communication to consumers in the product label or marketing which pertains
to product performance attributes or an objective description of the contents of the product, quantity
47 of chemicals produced, or how a product works or operates; Product Statement
Is defined as any event or activity organized by or on behalf of a manufacturer, importer, distributor,
or retailer of vaporized nicotine, non-nicotine products, or novel tobacco products with the goal of
promoting a specific brand. These activities would not occur without the support of these entities.

Includes various methods such as:

(1) The paid use of vaporized nicotine, non-nicotine products, or novel tobacco products bearing
brand names, trademarks, or logos by performers in movies, television, and other entertainment

(2) Live promotional events such as fairs, trade shows, and concerts where these products are
48 showcased or advertised. Promotion
It refers to the act of publicizing a product to an individual, group or the general public, or promoting
49 awareness of the product brands, for the sole purpose of increasing sales; Promotional
It refers to an explicit communication to consumers in the product label or marketing materials which
states that the product presents less risk of harm to the user's health or is less harmful to the user's
50 health than continued smoking of combustible cigarettes; Reduced Risk Statement
51 It refer to a container for holding electronic liquid or Nicotine Mixture; Refill
It refers to any establishment which sells or offers to sell any Vaporized Nicotine and Non Nicotine
Products or their devices, or Novel Tobacco Products directly to an individual, group or the general
52 public; Retailer
It refers to any public or private contribution, whether in cash or in kind, from a third party, in relation
to an event, team, or activity made with the aim of promoting a brand of Vaporized Nicotine and
Non-Nicotine Product or Novel Tobacco Product, which event, team or activity would still exist or
occur without such c1ontribution. For the purpose of this Act, sponsorship shall be understood as
53 Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Product or Novel Tobacco Product sponsorship. Sponsorship
It refers to the type of packages constructed such that it has one or more indicators or barriers to
entry which, if breached or missing, can reasonably be expected to provide visible evidence that the
product or its packaging has been opened, or otherwise comply with standards on tamper-resistant
54 packaging Tamper-resistant
True or False. A highly visible, full-color graphic health warning prescribed under Republic Act No.
10646, otherwise known as "The graphic Health Warnings Law," consistent with the textual health
warning required herein, which shall be printed on fifty percent (50%) of the principal display
surfaces of Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products or Novel Tobacco Products and shall
occupy fifty percent (50%) of the front and fifty percent (50%) of the back panel of the packaging.
The content, format, and specifications of the graphic health warning shall be designated by the
55 Department of Health (DOH); and True
True or False. A textual health warning which states: (1) For products that contain nicotine: "This
product is harmful and contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance. It is not
recommended for use by nonsmokers."; and (2) For products that do not contain nicotine: "This
56 product may contain a substance that is harmful. It is not recommended for use by nonsmokers." True
True or False. The textual warning shall use no more than twenty percent (20%) of the entire area
of the graphic health warning and shall appear in clearly legible type and in contrast by typograph,
layout and color, without the use of any border, frame or any other design that will effectively lessen
57 the size of the textual warning. True
58 True or False. In compliance with the packaging requirements of All Vapor Product Refills, HTP True
Consumables, and Novel Tobacco Products nothing shall be printed or applied on a location where
the health warning is likely to be obscured or covered, in part or in whole;
True or False. In compliance with the packaging requirements of All Vapor Product Refills, HTP
Consumables, and Novel Tobacco Products no part of the warning may be obliterated, obscured,
folded, severed or become unreadable when the package is opened or closed or when a wrapper
59 on the package is removed True
True or False. The receptacles of Vapor Product Refills shall be child-resistant, tamper-resistant,
and shall be protected against breakage and leakage. Non-refillable receptacles shall not be
60 tampered with and refilled. True (See Sec. 5 of RA. 11900)
The minimum allowable age for the purchase, sale and use of Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine
61 Products, their devices, or Novel Tobacco Products. 18 years old.
True or False. It shall be a defense for the person selling or distributing that he or she did not know
or was not aware of the real age of the purchaser. It is also a defense that he or she did not know
nor had any reason to believe that the product was for the consumption of a person below eighteen False (It is not a defense – See Sec. 6 of RA.
62 (18) years of age. 11900)
True or False. Retailers shall ensure that no individual below eighteen (18) years of age is allowed
to purchase Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products, their devices, or Novel Tobacco
Products. It shall be the responsibility of retailers to verify the age of buyers. For this purpose, the
presentation of any valid government-issued identification card exhibiting the buyer's photograph
and age or date of birth shall be required. Retailers shall ensure direct delivery only to individuals
63 who must be eighteen (18) years old and above. True (See Sec. 7 of RA. 11900)
The sale, promotion, advertising, and product demonstration of Vaporized Nicotine and Non-
Nicotine Products or Novel Tobacco Products is prohibited within how many meters of a school,
64 playground or other facility frequented particularly by minors? 100 meters
"The sale or distribution of Vaporized Nicotine and
Non-Nicotine Products to or by persons below
eighteen (18) years of age is illegal. These products
are harmful and contain nicotine which is a highly
Point-of-sale establishments offering, selling, or distributing Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine addictive substance. It is not recommended for use
65 Products shall post what statement in a clear and conspicuous manner? by nonsmokers."
True or False. Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products and Novel Tobacco Products shall be
66 displayed immediately next to products of particular interest to minors. False (It shall not be displayed next to them)
67 According to Section 15 of RA. 11900, the use of Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products The use of Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine
shall be absolutely prohibited where? Products shall be absolutely prohibited in the
following public places:
(a) Centers of youth activity such as play schools,
preparatory schools, elementary schools, high
schools, colleges and universities, youth hostels
and recreational facilities for persons under
eighteen (18) years old;
(b) Elevators and stairwells;
(c) Locations in which fire hazards are present,
including gas stations and storage areas for
flammable liquids, gas explosives or combustible
(d) Within the buildings and premises of public and
private hospitals, medical, dental and optical clinics,
health centers, nursing homes, dispensaries and
(e) Public conveyances and public facilities
including airport and ship terminals and train and
bus stations, restaurants and conference halls,
except for DVAs;
(f) Food preparation areas; (g) Churches and other
similar places where people congregate for
worship; and
(h) Within the building and premises of government
offices, except for DVAs.
68 According to Section 17 of RA. 11900, Designated Vaping Areas (DVAs) shall comply with what (a) Persons below eighteen (18) years of age shall
standards? not be allowed within the DVA;
(b) Every DVA shall have the following signage
highly visible and prominently displayed: (1)
"Vaping Area" signage; and (2) Prohibition on entry
of persons below eighteen (18) years of age and
pregnant women.
(c) Smoking shall not be allowed in DVAs;
(d) The number of persons allowed inside shall be
controlled by the establishment owner, taking into
consideration the size of the DVA and its location;
(e) The DVA shall be in an open space in an
outdoor area, or in a separate indoor area with
proper ventilation;
(f) If the DVA is located indoors, there shall be no
opening that will allow air to escape from the DVA
to the smoke- or vape-free area of the building or
conveyance, except for a single door equipped with
an automatic door closer;
(g) The DVA and its ventilation outlets shall not be
located in or within ten (10) meters from entrances,
exits or any place where people pass or
congregate, or in front of air intake ducts;
(h) The combined area of the DVA and the buffer
zone shall not be larger than twenty percent (20%)
of the total floor area of the building or conveyance:
Provided, that in no case shall such area be less
than ten (10) square meters;
(i) No building or conveyance shall have more than
one (1) DVA;
(j) The ventilation system for the DVA, other than in
open space and for the buffer zone, shall be
independent of all ventilation systems for the rest of
the building or conveyance;
(k) Minors shall not be allowed inside the DVA and
the buffer zone; and
(l) There shall be no selling, serving or offering of
food and beverages in the DVA and its buffer zone
unless the DVA is located in a point-of-sale.
69 What are the penalties for the noncompliants of the Section 15 and 17 of RA. No. 11900? (i) On the first offense, a fine of Five thousand
pesos (Php. 5,000.00);
(ii) On the second offense, a fine of Ten thousand
pesos (Php. 10,000.00); and
(iii) On the third offense, a fine of Twenty thousand
pesos (Php. 20,000.00): Provided, That the
business permits and licenses, in the case of a
business entity or establishment, shall be revoked
or cancelled.
(i) On a first offense a fine of Php. 10,000 or
imprisonment of up to 30 days, at the court's
discretion. For subsequent offenses, both penalties
apply, along with revocation of business licenses.
(ii) Business Liability: Owners or senior officers of
businesses will be held accountable for violations.
(iii) Minors' Involvement: If a minor is caught buying,
selling, or using these products, the DOH and
DSWD will implement intervention programs,
For any violation of Sections 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 20, if the offender is a retailer, what are the including counseling for the minor and their parent
70 penalties? or guardian.
(i) First Offense: A fine of Php. 100,000 will be
(ii) Second Offense: A fine of Php. 200,000 will be
(iii) Third Offense: A fine of Php. 400,000 or
imprisonment of up to 3 years, or both, at the
discretion of the court. Additionally, for business
For any violation of Sections 8, 12, 13, 14 and 18, if the offender is a manufacturer, distributor, or entities or establishments, their business permits
71 retailer, what are the penalties? and licenses will be revoked or canceled.
(i) On the first offense, a fine of two million pesos
(P2,000,000.00) and imprisonment of two (2) years;
(ii) On the second offense, a fine of four million
pesos (P4,000,000.00) and imprisonment of four (4)
years; and
(iii) On the third offense, a fine of five million pesos
(P5,000,000.00) and imprisonment of six (6) years:
Provided, That the business permits and licenses,
in the case of a business entity or establishment,
For any violation of Sections 4 and 5 of this Act, if the offender is a manufacturer, importer, shall
72 distributor, or retailer, what penalties shall be imposed? be revoked or cancelled.
73 This Act shall take effect how many days after its publication in the Official Gazette and in at least 15 days and 2 newspapers
how many newspaper of general circulation?
74 What act was ratified on April 23,1992? RA. No. 7432 (Senior Citizens Act of 1992)
It is an act to maximize the contribution of senior citizens to nation building, grant benefits and
75 special privileges and for other purposes. RA No. 7432 (Senior Citizens Act of 1992)
True or False. The Senior Citizens Act of 1992 aims to establish mechanisms whereby the
76 contribution of the senior citizens are maximized; True
True or False. The Senior Citizens Act of 1992 aims to adopt measures whereby our senior citizens
77 are assisted and appreciated by the community as a whole. True
True or False. The Senior Citizens Act of 1992 aims to establish a program beneficial to the senior
78 citizens, their families and the rest of the community that they serve. True
It means any resident citizen of the Philippines at least sixty (60) years old, including those who
have retired from both government offices and private enterprises, and has an income of not more
than Sixty thousand pesos (P60,000.00) per annum subject to review by the National Economic and
79 Development Authority (NEDA) every three (3) years. Senior Citizen
It means any person whether related to the senior citizens or not who takes care of him/her as a
80 dependent. Benefactor
81 It shall mean any person so defined in the National Internal Revenue Code. Head of the Family
(a) tutorial and/or consultancy services;
(b) actual teaching and demonstration of hobbies
and income generating skills;
(c) lectures on specialized fields like agriculture,
health, environmental protection and the like;
(d) the transfer of new skills acquired by virtue of
their training mentioned in Section 4, paragraph d;
(e) undertaking other appropriate services as
determined by the Office of Senior Citizens Affairs
What are the opportunities and roles available for qualified senior citizens, as recognized by the (OSCA) such as school traffic guide, tourist aid,
82 Office for Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA)? pre-school assistant, etc.
83 Who recognizes the qualified senior citizens under RA. 7432? OSCA (Office of Senior Citizen Affairs)
True or False. Under Sec. 4 of RA No. 7432 senior citizens are entitled to 20% Discount on
transportation services, hotels, restaurants, recreational centers, and medicine. Private
84 establishments can claim tax credits for these costs. True
True or False. Under Sec. 4 of RA No. 7432 senior citizens are entitled to 20% Discount on
85 admission fees for theaters, cinemas, concerts, circuses, and other cultural or leisure venues. True
True or False. Under Sec. 4 of RA No. 7432 senior citizens are entitled to Income Tax Exemption
for seniors whose annual taxable income does not exceed the poverty level, as determined by the
86 National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). True
True or False. Under Sec. 4 of RA No. 7432 senior citizens are entitled to Exemption from Training
Fees for socioeconomic programs provided by OSCA and free Medical and Dental Services at
87 government facilities, following guidelines from the Department of Health, GSIS, and SSS. True
True or False. Under Sec. 4 of RA No. 7432 senior citizens are entitled to Continuation of Benefits
88 from GSIS, SSS, and PAG-IBIG similar to those enjoyed by individuals still in service. True
(a) Senior citizens living with caregivers are treated
as dependents under tax laws, giving the caregiver
tax privileges.
(b) Institutions that establish homes or retirement
communities for seniors are granted; (i) realty Tax
Holidays for the first five years of operation and (ii)
priority in Infrastructure Development, like roads
89 What is stated under Section 5 of RA No. 7432? leading to these facilities.
4 (four)

(a) to plan, implement and monitor yearly work

programs in pursuance of the objectives of this Act;
(b) to draw up a list of available and required
services which can be provided by the senior
(c) to maintain and regularly update on a quarterly
basis the list of senior citizens and to issue
nationally uniform individual identification cards
which shall be valid anywhere in the country;
(d) to service as a general information and liaison
90 How many functions does OSCA (Office of Senior Citizen Affairs) have? center to serve the needs of the senior citizens.
Violation of any provision of this Act for which no
penalty is specifically provided under any other law,
shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding
one (1) month or a fine not exceeding One
91 What are the penalties for violating RA No. 7432? thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or both.
(a) Secretary of Social Welfare and Development
(b) Department of Finance
(c) Department of Tourism
(d) Department of Health
(e) Department of Transportation and
Which departments are responsible for issuing the necessary rules and regulation to carry out the Communications
92 objectives of RA No. 7432? (f) Department of Interior and Local Government
It is an act granting additional benefits and privileges to senior citizens amending for the purpose RA No. 9257 (February 26, 2004)
republic act no. 7432, otherwise known as "an act to maximize the contribution of senior citizens to
93 nation building, grant benefits and special privileges and for other purposes" Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003
Senate and House of Representatives of the
94 Who enacted RA No. 9257? Philippines in Congress
6 (six)

(a) To motivate and encourage the senior citizens

to contribute to nation building;
(b) To encourage their families and the
communities they live with to reaffirm the valued
Filipino tradition of caring for the senior citizens;
(c) To give full support to the improvement of the
total well-being of the elderly and their full
participation in society considering that senior
citizens are integral part of Philippine society;
(d) To recognize the rights of senior citizens to take
their proper place in society. This must be the
concern of the family, community, and government;
(e) To provide a comprehensive health care and
rehabilitation system for disabled senior citizens to
foster their capacity to attain a more meaningful
and productive ageing; and
(f) To recognize the important role of the private
sector in the improvement of the welfare of senior
95 How many policies does RA No. 9257 have? citizens and to actively seek their partnership.
96 This act aims to; RA No. 9257
(1) establish mechanism whereby the contribution of the senior citizens are maximized;
(2) adopt measures whereby our senior citizens are assisted and appreciated by the community as
a whole;
(3) establish a program beneficial to the senior citizens, their families and the rest of the community
that they serve; and
(4) establish community-based health and rehabilitation programs in every political unit of society."
97 It means any resident citizen of the Philippines at least sixty (60) years old. Senior Citizen or elderly
It refers to the branch of medical science devoted to the study of the biological and physical
98 changes and the diseases of old age. Geriatrics

Difference of basic necessities and prime commodities

- Basic Necessities are directly linked to survival and day-to-day life.

- Prime Commodities are essential for economic activity, production, and trade, but they aren’t necessarily vital for immediate survival.

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