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India and China

a sep
Recent development of India, China
31st border affair meeting on working mechanism for consultation and
coordination. WMCC
They are positive outcome, insane, some movement towards normalisation
of nation
M K Bhadra Kumar- winds of change
After 2020 Galvan in 2024, India China lessons have improved
Strong basis, economic survey of 2024 says that government of India is
serious about opening FBI from China in certain sectors
High-end technology sector- future industry of India like electric vehicle and
Why there is a shift stabilisation of border
There have been seven places, but out of these seven places, five places
Working mechanism for coordination and consultation
Economic region where China’s also facing trade barriers and India is also
facing destruction in supply chain
Till recently, US was our biggest trading partner, but now China has
surpassed US and
118.4B China
Trade deficit is dollar 85 billion
And Russia trade deficit is 67 billion
Geopolitics has changed around the world, the decline of west and rise of
Russia and China
Possibility of Calmness in Himalayas and there is a noticeable shift
Public perception, China’s attitude towards India’s hawkish
But our stand is very soft
PM Modi has skipped SCO, but he will be attending the BRICS session
RAJESHWARI PILLAI - relations are unlikely to see much progress

Q- Quadrilateral security dialogue, performs an important role in India’s

strategic balancing act, to withstand the dominance of China in Asia
Strategic balancing- the concept of strategic balancing is a part of the
realist perspective of international politics
Realism is a dominant approach of international politics
How realist look at international politics- realism is a state centric view for
international politics is an anarchical and if international politics is
anarchical, then state has to rely on self-help
Self help is linked to politics of power
Within is realism, first, one is defensive, which talks about balancing and
second one is offensive realism, which talk about hegemony
Waltz talk about balancing
Meirshiemer- about hegemony
But he doesn’t ignore the importance of balance of power
It is believed that if balance of power goes then nation will have to pay a
huge price in terms of its national interest and it can be territorial integrity.
Hence, the condition in international politics makes nation according to
Kenneth go automatically for balancing
Balancing ensures that other party doesn’t take aggressive actions
Balancing is of two types, internal and external
Though more reliable is internal, but balancing, may also be required,
depending upon the situation
QUAd is an example of external balancing
In the recent time, there is a phenomenal rise of China and China is
challenging US hegemony everywhere.
If we talk about India, rise of China is something all the more important
because China is our next door neighbour with which we have the territorial
dispute and we have gone for a border war in 1962, in which India suffered a
humiliating defeat
China’s policy towards India - China wants to contain India’s rise and
confine India within South Asia and in recent years, the gap between power
of India and power of China has increased so much that simply on its own
India will not be able to balance the rise of China so India has become a
member of QUAD
QUAD is not a typical alliance like NATO because of India’s abhorrence
words going for military alliances
Hence Quad is a strategic partnership, a quadrilateral strategic partnership,
which gives enough flexibility to India
It’s because of India, QUAD is not regarded as Asian NATO?
QUAD- is a good example of the type of strategic partnerships in 21st
century. In the age of complex in interdependence, we can’t have stand which
is very anti-China.
• in terms of QUAD initiative, the most important QUAD ASPECT IS
Malabar exercises- Malabar exercises, where now Japan and Australia
also participates is very important to develop a deterrence against China it
builds probability among this countries. It also ensures that the idea of
free and open Indo Pacific and India has separate logistics support
agreement with all countries of QUAD
• in 21st century security is a very interlined concept like Maritime domain
awareness, developing critical supply chains cooperation in critical and
emerging technologies, cooperation in health and now end economic
framework, the development of disaster, resilient and green sustainable
shipping infrastructure, soQUAD has emerged as a important form to
show the approach towards the security concern in 21st century and
initially India was reluctant towards it, but now India has become a more
confident player in this and has played role in sustaining the momentum in
QUAD cause, India realises the strategic partnership’s importance
Q- examine the Geo strategic points of contention in bilateral relationship
between India and China
Define what is geo strategic?
Points of contention -global geo political balancing
It is believed that till the issue is not resolved to China’s satisfactions, the
relationship between India and China will not improved
Along with Tibetan issue, We see that the new issues are also emerging like
water issue. Water has become securitised. Trade has become securitised
China is trying to challenge in India’s centrality in South Asia. India’s not so
peaceful relations with the neighbour, it’s also China’s
Maritime issues
Concept of strategy is linked to the concept of security
The geo strategic concern represent the security concern between India
and China
Geo strategic point of contention- geo strategy is a term which is used in
the discourse of international politics to define the security threats in the
bilateral relations
Security threats are the issues that can disrupt the peace that can lead to
war. Be it a direct conventional war or a proxy war or a non-conventional
wars where the weapons of mass destruction can be employed.
We can talk about things which can lead to the destruction or breach of
peace, and the first Georgic point of contention is a border issue, and it has
emerged because of China’s expansion in Tibet
India China border issue is basically India Tibet issue and this issue has remain
unsolved till date from 1993, peace and tranquillity agreement has been lot of
peace at LAC
There has been blood shade on border after 1987 means there is no more
peace prevailed. That’s why resolve the border issue is important
As the time has passed tibet issue has become more complex because now at
China is having the water increase requirement. Therefore, China’s demand
and China’s five-year plan to divert the water along with the construction of
dams which India thinks is not simply the divergence of water, but it is to be
used against India in the event of war for flooding, and creating devastation
in the reason
• the nature of balance of power in, info Pacific or nature of world order in
Indo Pacific, China dominated water order where India working with US
to ensure that the possibility of the emergence of middle kingdom
Two country doesn’t have similar position or the nature of world order, China
wants unipolar Asia, where is India and US specially India will prefer
multipolar Asia
• China’s all weather friendship with Pakistan, and which has allowed
Pakistan to maintain its enmity with India
• From perspective of China, India’s working with US in context of certain
things like maintaining free and open Indo pacific India’s close security
partnership, which is Japan, a traditional rival of China as well with US
• for China India’s balancing act in the form of act East policy and for
India, Chinese attempts to develop close relations with South Asian

Health, food technology, investment, water, border, balance of power


Q- explain the defence and foreign policy options of India to address the
challenges emerging out of the current stand at LAC
Multiple alignment, and we should not go for direct contention with China
Defence options have been primarily defensive, but we can go offensive, then
deterrence is defence option
-importance of India and China- in present times, the centre of gravity of
international politics has shifted towards Indo Pacific
-simultaneous rise of more than one power; situation is further because these
two powers are also the next door neighbour, which have a historical
boundary dispute which have also gone for the border war. Hence if any
development takes place in in China and India, it’s not just a concern for India
and China, but also it’s a global concern because international global peace
and disability to large extent depends on these two Asian giants
That’s why is Jaishankar said India china lessons are consequential to the
In 2020, there was for the first time after 1987 violence at the border, and
there has been the violation of 1993 agreement and subsequent agreements
related to the military confidence building measure
For India, it is admitted almost everyone in the South block that the biggest
security challenge for India is China that the gap between the powers of India
and China has increased so much along with the China’s aggressive attitude
towards India and its neighbours as well
In this context, India has to have a very nuanced approach towards the
defence and foreign policy, the nuanced approach is needed because China is
our next door neighbour and we can change our friend, but we can’t change
our neighbours and it’s essential that our relations with neighbours remain
peaceful. At least they should not get deteriorated.
Dealing with China is not easy, but it doesn’t mean that India do not have
defence and foreign policy option in its tool kit
Defence - we have to brief up our border security Till now our border policy
has been defensive. But now we are also developing border infrastructure.
China has established border villages. India also building vibrant villages.
India also has to address the internal security concern in the peripheral states
like Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram. The peace is stabilised in the
India has to develop its Conventional military hardware. since no country can
completely rely on external imports. The India has taken the right step to
match India China war power by taking initiative like make in India, which will
help India’s in developing its own defence as well as exporting the weapons to
the like-minded countries in the reason who are also going through the similar
Ultimately, India relies on deterrence and strengthening second strike
capability, the latest inclusion of the Arighat
Among foreign policy option, India has a scope to go for multiple alliance
India’s upgraded and converted its look East into act which is more
strategic content. India has upgraded its strategic partnerships with
Mongolia, Japan, South Korea, as well as with Australia.
India is also in its pronouncement India, ensuring that the inclusive
architecture India has also working at the level, of United Nations to get
the comprehensive convention against terrorism
Look East, look was Indo Pacific,central Asia
Does India is having multiple option in its tool kit
India can afford to put all in one basket so India is fully stand itself from
any alliance and has pursued more flexible approach and goes for all these

Q- describe China’s one belt one road initiative and analyse India is concern
It’s a signature initiative of Xi Jinping, which was launched in 2030
Also called as China’s Marshall plan
Something very similar to US plan, which USA has introduced after second
world war to establish US hegemony
US Mersal plan was to provide dollars to development of infrastructure and
create a hegemony of dollar and to develop USA as the major power and
financial centre
Similarly, OBOR project is massive investment in infrastructure, which
include given loans to the countries and thus attempt to establish the global
supply chains with China at the centre. It is also to utilise the over capacity of
the Chinese companies and as labour wages are increasing in China. It makes
sense that the capitalist in China also established their factory industry where
the resources are cheap and labour, it cheap.
Example in Balochistan
OBOR- land and Maritime component
India’s major concern with OBOR- OBOR has potential to establish sino
centric world order
And hence, India sees it as a plan which contains India’s right and establish a
China centric world order out of all this, the major concern is the CP
corridor which India has raised as a reason for not joining the OBOR
initiative because it directly challenges India’s territorial integrity Goes to the
Pakistan occupied Kashmir, but beyond that it is containing India because the
Maritime silk route provides score for Chinese greater presence in Indian
Ocean reason the land component of OBOR provides the rival and the
opposite roots.
BCIM corridor India is not part of it
Brahm Chellani- India and China war for water
Bigger concern is mega dam project which is concerned earthquake prone. It
can create a lot of hazards and there is a breakdown in them because of
earthquake. It will bring complete station in India’s north-east.
Expected that entire north-east will be flooded and in the event of war in the
China can use the stored water
Satellite imagery shows that there are storage dams, China is using the dam
for dispose, the industrial waste
China has securetrized water and using Brahmaputra as a weapon
Q- Critically assess the involving convergence of India and China in the
areas of trade and environment
Trade was once a reason for improvement of relationship, but trade issues. If
not handled, sensibly, 80 can lead to hostility and what we have seen after
Covid. There has been disruption in supply chain and China’s aggressive
behaviour has led to stand-off
Though India made an attempt to reduce the alliance of China, but
dependency is so big that it is very difficult to completely ignore China
Western countries are going for China plus, one strategy means they’re
trying to gradually getting away from China
We have to gradually develop some options and reduce dependency on China
Economic survey of 2024, suggest that certain status as they started their
own industry of electronics and certain vehicle
The trade which has improved India’s race with China in past is also become
the basis to bring the normalisation in the relations
It’s not only geo politics, but geoeconomics is also playing the role especially
1990 onwards and hopefully trade become the basis or to establish the
durable piece, but considering China’s strategy which is very merchant type
of policy, we have limited hope
But China is also looking to invest abroad
And it wants to invest with the labour is cheap
Q- How is BRI going to impact India China, relation?
State of India, China relation- Fractured bonhomie
It can be described to the conceptual framework of complex interdependence
It is a complex in independence because the old disputes have not got
resolved and the unresolved border. According to government of India is most
contentious issue which have implications for all other aspects of relationship.
But in 90s, because of globalisation, there has been growth of economic
interdependence and as we are living in a increasingly interconnected world,
there are many common challenges which both India and China are facing
India China relations are too complex and the best way is the state of
complex interdependence. However, since 2020, there has been a complete.
India China relation has not been so bad after 1962 and has been extremely
changed relationship. There has been absence of a normal diplomatic
relations. Only recently China is appointed its ambassador from part of India
since Galvan.
India has tightened the vision norms, vis a vis China
Lowest possible scenario in India, China relation according to this scholar
BRI can be interpreted from various point of view, but one dominant
narrative about BRI is that it’s a hegemonic project of China, which aims to
establish the sino centric world
So long, there is a trust deficit. BRI can further hit India and China relation
because under given scenario and especially because of CPRC it is natural
for India to look at BRI as India’s containment plan.
Therefore, India will seek internal and external balancing any attempt of
external balancing, maybe misinterpreted by China
Example to balance CPEC India has gone for any city like IPEF
Attempts to build a alternative alternative of Quality infrastructure projects
The security dilemma, also result into some sort of their relation going from
bad to worse and use probability of conventional war between India and

Anarchy is what state makes of it

India can make BRI as a security threat challenging India’s right and win. India
will try to gain the balance. This may make China insecure.
Illustrate the main causes of tension between India and China,

Unresolved border dispute

In a broad framework, the main cause of tension between India and China is
US China relations
India China relation has never been bilateral relation. There is always a role of
US when US trying to establish the hegemony in order to establish hegemony
US place a policy of preventing the rise of nation hegemony how ever by
supporting the weaker party in US strategic calculation, India emerges as
ideal swing state. Hence the global politics has its implication for India, China,
tensions, and many other reasons for tensions can be by product of this
wider concern
The tension beside border is China’s containment of India’s neighbourhood
and China using proxy actor because of insurgency in the form of non-estate
actor, providing all support Pakistan
Improving lesson possibility- if we see the state of affairs, it seems that
there is a very limited possibility because as the tensions between China and
US will turn a quitte
India and China tension will also also increase in the current scenario. We
see that India is also making a preparation of war
it doesn’t seem that China will stop its pressurising rising tactics, especially
in current geopolitical environment
However, we should keep on exploring the possibility
There are some silver lining in field of trade, so once we explore to restart the
trade, the investment with China, we may hope interdependence develop and
China develop greatest in Indian economy.
There is least probability of improvement so as far as
Containment, wherever necessary
We should not forget the golden principle of international port. The countries
are either in state of war or in the preparation of war and India cannot afford
to ignore the possibility of war with China.
Handling China is the biggest foreign policy and security concern for India

Q- some of the major changes that occurred in India’s policy in sino war in
1962, where the larger frame of continuity

Largest framework of continuity is non-alignment

Purpose of non alignment - strategic autonomy
After Sino Indian war, we have made some adjustment India’s knowledge
India entered into peace and friendship, treaty with USSR
Non-alignment, was not a complete alliance
So India adopted his strategic partnership to balance the emerging Sino
Pakistan axis
But India has not compromised with the strategy. Autonomy means India did
not allow Soviet to build their military basis in India.
Non-alignment was never a dogma, but a very flexible dynamic approach

Any linkage with the shift of China, Japan relation

India’s land neighbour and Japan has maritime neighbour
China is aggressive with both
Because China’s power is increase
China says that US and its allies have planned, which encirclement

Do you think India should sign a treaty with China 2011

We want to sign a treaty, but China is not interested in signing the treaty.
Recent time Chinese behaviour that China is not following the global norms.
If we see China’s behaviour in South China Sea, China is not following the
court of arbitration
Indian student showed that on sharing the Brahmaputra river, India also
involves South Indian neighbours that can give India a better deal

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