Contents 3
Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Chapter 2: Mythic History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Early Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
The Ascendance of the Scots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
The House of Canmore: Scotland in the 12th Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Scotland after 1200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Timelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Kings of Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Kings of Man and the Isles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Earl of Orkney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Timeline of Major Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Timeline of Mundane Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Chapter 3: Hermetic History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
The War Against Damhan-allaidh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Two Orders, the 13th House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
The Order and the Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
The Tribunal Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Chapter 4: Scottish Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
The Borders and the Lowlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
The Highlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
The Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Stone Monuments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Things Scottish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Chapter 5: Covenants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
The Covenant of Horsingas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
The Covenant of Crun Clach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
The Covenant of Mac Gruagach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Chapter 6: Character Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Lowland Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Highland Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Geasa, Gifts, and Curses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
Gruagach—The Highland Magician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
Chapter 7: Scenario Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Other Saga Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Meeting Brude Deathless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
Cattle Raiding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Blood Feud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
Highland Giants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124
Lord Goulis and the Demons of Monksend Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
The Return of Damhan-allaidh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
Appendix 1: Character Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
Grog Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
Magi Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142
Appendix 2: Gaelic Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
Pronunciation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
Mythic Scotland at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152
When he had eaten and drunk his fill,
She said, “Lay your head upon my knee,
And before we climb yon high, high hill
I will show you wonders three.
Lion of the North: The Loch Leglean southern part of the land for a time, and
Tribunal details Mythic Scotland for Ars the Norse occupied most of the Islands
Mágica storyguides and players. It presents and the northern provinces. The latest
the lands and cultures of Scotland from the influx is of Anglo-Norman barons from
Borders in the South to the Highlands and England, whom the king invited north.
Islands in the North. Characters can join
the political struggle against the conquerors The Loch Leglean Tribunal reflects the
from the South, defend the land against cultural diversity of Scotland. Three
Scandinavian raiders, engage in games covenants dominate the tribunal, each
and battles with the ever-present faeries, with its supporters and cultural prefer-
and discover the strange and ancient mag- ences. In addition to the Order of Hermes,
ics that some still practice. two magic traditions exist in the tribunal.
The northern Highlands and Islands are
Norse in culture, and rumors say that the
A Tapestry of Culture shadowy Order of Odin has at least one
“covenant” among them. In the
Highlands live the last remnants of
Mythic Scotland has had many cultures ancient Pictish magicians.
overlaid one on the other. This supplement
starts its history with the mysterious Broch-
builders, who built hundreds of large stone
towers. The towers, or “brochs, “are the
Avoiding Misconceptions
only trace left of these people; not even
their name remains to us. When the The Scotland of most people’s imagina-
Romans first arrived on the Island of tion is a pastiche of Highland games,
Britain, they called all the northern tribes Robert Burns, and old movies. The Scotland
Caledonians. The Romans so feared the presented herein is the remote ancestor of
Caledonians that they built two walls to these. The clans with which everyone is
prevent them from raiding into Britain. familiar have only begun to coalesce in the
After A.D. 300, the Romans took to calling 12th and 13th centuries. The kilt, that most
the people beyond their walls Picts, Scottish of garments, is 500 years in the
instead of Caledonians. An Irish tribe, the future, while clan tartans are even farther
Scotti, settled in the Southwest and even- off. Bagpipes are reserved for the pleasure of
tually conquered the Picts, giving their the chiefs and great lords, and are rarely
name to the entire land. Saxons held the played for the common folk. The land is not
8 united. The people of the Lowlands hate follow the English pattern (much as
and fear their Highland neighbors, while detailed in the Ars Mágica rulebook).
the Highlanders look down on the
Lowlanders as soft and treacherous. The
land is not just the moorland and moun-
tain that we think of today. The
The Order of Hermes in Scotland
Caledonian forest covers vast areas, with
a canopy so thick and dark that no plants The Loch Leglean Tribunal is a very
can grow on the forest floor. Wolves and unorthodox Hermetic tribunal. Fully a
wild boar roam the forest. The people of fourth of the magi in the tribunal owe no
the land have a knowledge of the famil- allegiance to covenants; yet they have
iar wild animals, but also know the full voting privilege at the tribunals held
faeries and monsters that inhabit the every seven years. The Houses of the
mountain, loch, and forest. This knowl- Order have very divergent membership in
edge makes the Highlander superstitious Loch Leglean; Houses Mercere and
and wary, for who knows what that figure Quaesitor have only one member each in
in the mist might be? the tribunal, while House Ex Miscellanea
comprises one-half the total magi. Magi
accepted in Loch Leglean may have trou-
Overview ble with the rest of the Order. One distinct
group in House Ex Miscellanea, the grua-
gachan (GROO-uh-guk-an), is blatantly
This book examines the fascinating non-Hermetic, unable to learn even the
mix of cultures and beliefs found north of parma magica. However, its members are
Hadrian’s Wall. Waves of invaders have accepted by House Ex Miscellanea and
left behind a complex interweaving of the Order in Loch Leglean.
peoples, which natives take for granted
but visitors rarely appreciate. Magi of the This book details the three dominant
Order have to deal with much more than covenants of the tribunal, but the nature
inter-covenant politics: the very land can of Hermetic politics in the tribunal should
aid or hinder them. in no way limit the players. Covenants
come and go with little notice. Some
described here may fade, to be replaced by
Inhabitants a covenant of your troupe’s design.
through all levels of Mythic Scotland.
The Lowlands are home to bands of Independence is a major part of
seelie faeries, but the Highlands are the Scottish life, whether mundane life or
haunt of many solitary faeries, of Hermetic. There are many secluded
which few, if any, are benevolent. places where a covenant or clan may
(Faeries dominate the Scottish land- escape the notice of the outside world.
scape, more than any other supernat- The culture of much of the country
ural phenomenon.) Norman-Scottish emphasizes dependence and regulation
nobles, who have only held the land at the family or clan level, with little
since the 11th century, rule the respect for the functions of government.
Lowlands. In the wild hills of the Players will find that new covenants are
Highlands, the clans control their own easy to start, but can fail just as easily.
destiny, yielding their freedom to no Magi will find that the rest of the Order
king. The Lowlanders speak a version of Hermes will pay little attention to the
of English; the Highlanders speak events in the tribunal. Like the rest of
Gaelic and Norse. Throughout this Mythic Europe, most members of the
book, Scotland is presented from the Order probably have no idea of where a
viewpoint of the Highlanders. The cul- covenant in Loch Leglean is, let alone
ture and government of the Lowlands what it is doing.
A Note on pronunciation of Gaelic
A Note on Pronunciation of Gaelic
York: Hippocrene Books, 1985. 9
Scullard, H.H. Roman Britain: Outpost of
throughout the the text the Empire. London: Thames & Hudson,
words andand names
names in in Gaelic.
Gaelic. 1979.
Pronunciationguides guides areare provided Thompson, Francis. A Scottish Bestiary.
but the
the should
reader Glasgow: The Molendinar Press, 1978.
in mind
in mind
there isthat
no one
thereway is Tacitus. The Complete Works of Tacitus.
one way them. to pronounce
Dialects them.
vary New York: Random House, 1942.
to from
and toshift
over Wainwright, F.T., ed. The Problem of the
the MacLennon
I have used dic- the Picts. London: Thomas Nelson and
MacLennon for a dictionary
pronunciation for aguide.
pro- Sons, 1955.
I have used
guide. Scots
I have inused
in are
book, anddiffer-
are numerous
between Irish differences
and Scotsbetween
Gaelic, not only but in Folklore
One obvious
but inexample
obvious “sith,”
which is the
in word
other Ars
“sith,” Arrowsmith, Nancy and George Moorse.
which in other Ars
material hasMágica
been materi-
written A Field Guide to the Little People.
al has after
Irish fashion.
“sidhe,” after Pocket Books, 1977.
the Irish fashion. Bord, Janet and Colin. Sacred Waters.
Paladin Books, 1986.
Briggs, Katherine. An Encyclopedia of
Bibliography Fairies. New York: Pantheon Books, 1976.
Briggs, Katherine. The Fairies in Tradition
and Literature. London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul, 1967.
History Coxe, Antony D. Hippisley. Haunted
Britain. London: Pan Books Limited, 1973.
Chadwick, H.M. Early Scotland. Douglas, R.M. Scottish Lore and Folklore.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, New York: Beekman House, 1982.
1949. Grant, I.F. Highland Folkways. London:
Fry, Plantagenet and Fiona Somerset. The Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1961.
History of Scotland. London: Robertson, R. MacDonald. Selected
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982. Highland Folktales. London: David &
Geoffrey of Monmouth. History of the Charles, 1977.
Kings of Britain. London: Penguin Stewart, Bob and John Matthews.
Books, 1966. Legendary Britain. London: Blandford
Grimble, Ian. Clans and Chiefs. London: Press, 1989.
Blond & Briggs, 1980.
Jenner, Michael. Scotland Through the
Ages. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1987.
Kinvig, R.H. The Isle of Man. Liverpool: Language
Liverpool University Press, 1975.
Linklater, Eric. Orkney & Shetland. Robert MacLennon, Malcolm. A Pronouncing and
Hale Limited. Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic
MacKie, J.D. A History of Scotland. Language. Aberdeen, Scott: Aberdeen
London: Pelican Books, 1984. University Press, 1979.
MacLean, Fitzroy. A Concise History of Renton, R.W & J.A. MacDonald, Ed.
Scotland. London: Thames & Hudson, 1970. Abair! Glasgow: Gairm Publications, 1990.
Prebble, John. The Lion in the North. Mackinnon, Roderick. Gaelic: A complete
London: Penguin Books, 1973. course for beginners in Scottish
Ritchie, J. N. Graham and Anna. Scotland, Gaelic. New York: David McKay Co., 1971.
Archaeology and Early History. Moore, Knott & Hulbert. The Elements of
London: Thames and Hudson, 1981. Old English. Ann Arbor: George Wahr
Ross, Stewart. Monarchs of Scotland. Facts Publishing Co., 1977.
on File, 1990. Lewis, C.T. Elementary Latin Dictionary.
Schei, Liv Kjorsvik. The Orkney Story. New Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.
Malcolm’s brother Donald Ban had During this period several kings and
been raised in Scotland rather than great lords ruled over a divided Scotland.
England, and he rallied the Scottish peo- In the West, the Hebrides were part of a
ple. Striving to enforce the slogan “No kingdom formed of Dublin and the Isle of
more English influence,” he briefly resist- Man. The kingdom owed allegiance to the
ed the foreign attempts to dominate king of Norway, and the Church, as estab-
Scotland. King William Rufus of England, lished there, was subject to the Norse dio-
son of the Conqueror, had no intention of cese of Trondheim. Many wizards of the
allowing the Scots to rule themselves. Order of Odin supported the Norsemen. In
William sent Duncan, son of Malcolm, to 1098 Magnus Barelegs, king of Norway,
Scotland with a large retinue of knights. invaded western Scotland and was granted
The Scots grudgingly accepted him as all the lands that he could sail a ship
around “with the rudder in place.” He had Bishoprics were restored or, in the case of 19
a ship placed on a cart and dragged across the Highlands and Islands, established for
the peninsula of Kintyre at Tarbert, adding the first time. Like secular titles, most of
it to his kingdom. In the far north, the earl the Church positions went to Norman or
of the Orkneys ruled, with substantial English churchmen. Under David and his
holdings on the mainland in Caithness. descendants, the English monks and
The descendants of Lulach ruled Moray. churchmen usurped lands and responsibil-
ities of the Scottish clergy, greatly reducing
King David came to the throne in 1124 the number of churches and abbeys that
and wanted to extend the borders of had the Scottish Dominion aura.
Scotland southward. The civil war in
England between Queen Maud and Stephen Demons, hitherto unknown in Scotland,
of Blois provided an opportunity. Declaring also came north with the Normans.
his alliance with Stephen, David marched
south. Archbishop Thurstan of York met
him at the Battle of the Standard in 1138,
and the archbishop’s mailed knights
The Maiden King
crushed the poorly armed Scots. The Battle
of the Standard did not dull the Scottish David passed away quietly in 1153
hopes, however, and in 1139 Stephen grant- and was succeeded by his eleven-year-old
ed Northumbria to the Scottish king. grandson, Malcolm IV. Malcolm took a
vow of celibacy early on in his career, and
for this he became known as “the
Maiden.” He never married, but rumor has
David’s Advances it that he fathered a bastard son. The able
and energetic Henry Plantagenet rose to
David molded Scotland on the Anglo- the throne of England in 1154. Malcolm
Norman model. Major landholders under knew that any expansion to the south was
the old traditions became knights or doomed to failure, so in 1157 he traded the
barons, and the seven mormaers became southern gains of David for the earldom of
earls. Many Norman and English lords Huntington. While the Scots contend that
gained titles and land in Scotland, most of Malcolm swore fealty to Henry for only his
them by the simple expedient of marrying English earldom, the English contend that
an heiress to a great estate. Motte and bai- he did so for all his lands, including his
ley castles sprang up in the South and East: kingdom. Yet another claim of the English
symbols and strongholds of the new feudal for Scotland was thus created.
aristocracy. David regularized the adminis-
tration of the kingdom, creating or redefin-
ing major offices, such as those of the stew-
ard, chancellor, constable, justiciar, and
The Lion of the North
chamberlain. Local administration
became the province of the barons and the William the Lion, brother of Malcolm,
royal sheriffs. The Royal Council, com- ascended the throne of Scotland in 1165,
posed of the major lords of the land, rati- and proceeded to rule the country for the
fied decisions affecting the entire kingdom. next forty-nine years. William was a
physically powerful man and was very
To encourage trade, David insisted on attracted to women. He had many illegit-
a uniform system of weights and mea- imate children, but did not marry until
sures, and established royal mints at 1186. William strengthened the feudal
Roxburgh and Berwick. Royal burghs, structure laid down by his ancestors,
which had exclusive rights to foreign founding royal burghs, appointing loyal
trade, were established at many towns, (if hated) Anglo-Norman lords as sheriffs
which paid cash to the king for the privi- and justices, and establishing assizes on
lege (see “Royal Burghs” in Scottish the English model.
Landscape, Chapter 4). David also invited
many holy orders to come to Scotland, When, in 1173, King Henry of
granting them land and privileges. England’s sons declared war against their
20 father, William joined the princes, mak- Monastery of St. Maelrubha in Applecross
ing the price of his aid the county of captured and killed both men, then cut off
Northumberland. King Henry’s troops their heads and sent them to King Alexander
captured him in 1174 and took him to the as proof of the deed. In gratitude for the sup-
French town of Falais. There he was made pression of the rebellion, the king granted
to swear fealty to Henry for Scotland and the earldom of Ross to the monastery.
surrender a number of key castles, includ-
ing Edinburgh and Stirling. In 1189, King As of A.D. 1220, King Alexander is
Richard the Lionheart, needing money for only twenty-two years old and betrothed
his Crusade, allowed William to buy back to Princess Joanna, daughter of the late
his land for 10,000 merckes, demanding King John of England. His three sisters
fealty only for William’s English posses- were given to John for marriage to suit-
sions. The English soon conveniently for- able princes and will be married to
got this document, known as the Quit- English earls. His coronation was in the
Claim of Canterbury. traditional Scottish manner (John
blocked his attempts to have a Papal
A new threat arose in 1197 from the Legate perform the coronation). King
earldom of the Orkneys, led by Earl Henry III of England is ambivalent at
Harald, who was married to the great- best toward his northern neighbor,
granddaughter of King Lulach. His family though he does approve of the match
was cursed to be bellicose and ruthless. between Alexander and his sister.
Harald drove south through Moray and
Ross, and it took eight years to extinguish A Brief Note to Storyguides
his threat. William captured Harald’s son A Brief Note to Storyguides
Thorfinn and blinded and castrated him This ends the established history
to ensure that the threat of his line would This ends
of Mythic the established
Scotland. What follows history
is a
die with him. Thorfinn’s brothers dropped of Mythic Scotland. What
summary of events from 1220 to 1300,follows is a
all pretensions to the throne, wishing to summary
included of asevents
an aid fromto1220 to 1300,
enjoy life with their bodies intact. included as an aid to
These events will take place unlessstoryguides.
take place them. unless
In 1211, rebellious Mac Williams character action prevents
storyguide may also use this as them. Thea
(descendants of King Duncan) invited storyguide
springboardmay also use Many
for prophecy. this as peo-a
Guthred, the eldest great-grandson of springboard for prophecy. Many
ple in Scottish history have had the gift play-
Duncan, to Scotland. Guthred left his ers
of in Scottish history
prophecy or, as have
it is had the gift
home in Ireland and spent over a year of prophecy or, as it is
called in the Highlands, the “second sometimes
harrying King William’s forces, but was called
sight.” in the Highlands,
Prophecies are oftenthe second
cloaked in
caught, hung by the heels, and beheaded. sight.
allegoryProphecies are oftenwith
and symbolism, cloaked in
describedand symbolism,
as animals, withwith people
the kind of
described as animals
animals based basedofonarms
on coats coats(for
arms (for example,
example, the lion oftenthe lion often rep-
represents the
Alexander Succeeds William resents
king ofthe king ofor
Scotland) Scotland)
on the or their
role in
in the
the prophecy.
King William died in 1214 and was
succeeded by his son, Alexander II. King
John of England had knighted Alexander
in 1212 and accepted his oath of fealty for
his English lands. Alexander joined the
Scotland After 1200
revolt of the English Barons in 1215. In
retaliation, John crossed the border and The marriage in 1221 of Alexander to
burned four Scottish towns. Alexander Joan, daughter of King John, strengthens
was present at Runnymede on June 15th ties between England and Scotland. The
and signed the Magna Carta. marriage produces no heirs, however, so
Alexander names Robert Bruce, senior
Guthred’s brother allied with a great- descendant of David I, as his successor.
grandson of Lulach; but in 1215 the abbat Alexander marries again after Joan’s
(see “Ownership of the Monastery” in death in 1238, and fathers a son in 1241.
Scottish Landscape, Chapter 4) of the Alexander attempts to gain papal recog-
nition of his enthronement, but is blocked ing threat of internal rebellion and 21
by a jealous Henry III of England, who English aggression.
does not wish to see Church sanction of
the Scottish crown.
The Order of Hermes in Scotland has a Order would do all in its power to kill him,
checkered past. Originally, magi of the he fled to Scotland. There the Order had no
Order ignored or shunned Scotland, partial- followers, and he hoped to induce the local
ly because of the climate, partially because magicians to join him.
of the native wizards. However, the flight of
Damhan-allaidh (davan-alli, the Spider) to The Order of Hermes spent several
Scotland forced the Order to act. Since the years preparing for the fight against
end of the war against Damhan-allaidh Damhan-allaidh, though a few magi
and the formation of the Loch Leglean tri- attempted to challenge him on their own.
bunal, the magi of Scotland have played These magi met their end at the hands of
fast and loose with the rules of the Order. the wizard, whose spy network usually
Yet there is a formal procedure, albeit dif- had knowledge of where and when the
ferent, to the affairs of the Order in magi reached the Islands.
Scotland, which outsiders must learn.
In May of 814, the maga Pralix of
House Tytalus landed in Northumbria,
The War Against accompanied by half a hundred grogs
and several magi of Houses Tremere,
Damhan-allaidh Flambeau, and Tytalus. The first battle
between the two sides came a few weeks
later in June, as Pralix was traveling
In the late 8th century, a threat to the along the shores of Loch Oadh. Even
Order lived in Brittany. A Scottish wizard though all her forces were with her,
named Damhan-allaidh discovered princi- Damhan-allaidh attacked. He had allied
ples of magic based on blood and sacri- with giants, creatures standing more than
fices, and his rites gave him access to magic thirty feet tall, who threw mighty boulders
unknown to the Order of Hermes. His and crushed men and horses alike with
refusal to join the Order and obey its tree trunks. All the grogs were killed or
restrictive rules regarding mundane society scattered, and only one magus other than
forced it to act. Several followers of Pralix, Ignes Festi of House Flambeau,
Flambeau and Tremere gathered to oppose managed to survive the carnage. The bat-
the wizard, whom they called by the Latin tle ended only when two giants started
version of his name, Dav’nalleous. hitting each other, soon involving all the
Damhan-allaidh defeated the Hermetic others in a grand fistfight. Pralix and
magi in battle at Carnac. Knowing that the Ignes Festi escaped under the feet of the
giants, and fled away to patch their Gruagachan
Gruagachan 29
wounds and plan a new strategy.
The gruagachanareare
The gruagachan a loose
a loose asso-
association of wizards who
ciation of wizards who trace their trace
Pralix Recruits Local Aid their
eage to
use the
to theofwizards
the wizards
use theof language
language the Picts in
of They
the Picts. the
of their
Picts in their teaching and
teaching and magic, much as the magi magic,
Having only one other Hermetic magus, much as theofmagi
of the Order Hermes of use
the Latin.
Order Theof
Pralix resorted to recruiting magi from Hermes use Latin. The magic
magic of the gruagachan is focused on of the
among the Scots and Picts. Pralix found the gruagachan
affecting theiswizardfocusedand on individual
native magicians to be generally weaker the
others. Magi of the Order of others.
wizard and individual Hermes
than any Hermetic magus, though there Magi of the Order
are typically powerfulof Hermes arerange
in a broad typ-
were a few stand-outs: notably, a magician ically powerful in a broad range
of Talents but few could challenge the of
named Brude Deathless, who was a member talents but few could challenge
gruagachan in their area of specialty. the
of a loose tradition of Pictish magicians gruagachan in their area
Similarly, gruagachan magicof has
called gruagachan. Brude had already start- ty. Similarly, gruagachan magic
limitations that are easily surpassed has
ed a movement among the gruagachan to some limitations
Hermetic magic. that are easily sur-
rid the land of Damhan-allaidh. Pralix per- passed by Hermetic magic.
suaded Brude to join her army, and he
brought many gruagachan with him, A major setback occurred on the
including his own children and grandchil- march: Ignes Festi and Brude Deathless
dren. Other magicians trickled in, and she quarreled, and Brude abandoned Pralix to
recruited warriors from among the clans. her own devices, taking most of the grua-
Finally, in the spring of 815, Pralix felt con- gachan with him. With her forces depleted,
fident enough to try to bring Damhan- Pralix had to decide whether to continue
allaidh to battle. She sent many shapeshift- with her campaign or disengage. She decid-
ing witches to search out the wizard’s loca- ed to push on, putting her faith in the spe-
tion, and set the other magicians to making cial measures developed for the giants. At
weapons, armor, or other magical items. In Loch Ochy the two forces clashed, the battle
May she received word that he was hiding in opening with the giants hurling boulders
the Highlands near Loch Ochy. Her forces among the magicians. This time, however,
moved north, with many magicians on the Pralix was waiting for them, and her
flanks and in the air to prevent a repeat of magic, combined with that of several native
the ambush at Loch Oadh. magicians, destroyed or deflected the boul-
Gruagach (groo´-uh-
guk): A Pictish wizard.
Plural is gruagachan
More about grua-
gachan is presented in
Character Generation.
30 ders harmlessly. Ignes Festi, with help from with reckless abandon. While less than a
other fire-based magicians, built a wall of dozen magicians were killed, the confu-
fire in front of the giants as they charged. sion allowed Damhan-allaidh to escape
The flames burned a few giants and drove to the South. He went to earth in the for-
many away. However, the battle was not all est of Cad Gadu, on the Welsh border.
one-sided; Damhan-allaidh had spent the Months of investigation by Pralix’s magi-
winter preparing for this fight as well. His cians finally pinpointed his location. In
spells cut bloody swaths through the ranks March, Pralix’s army moved southward,
of the magicians, some of whom had picking up magicians and warriors as it
learned the parma magica, but had not went. On March 21, the forces of Pralix
had much time to practice it. Damhan- and Damhan-allaidh met for the last
allaidh also had human allies, who time, and Pralix was finally victorious.
accounted for the cause of many casualties The battle is known as the Battle of the
among the magicians and their followers. Great Light, for as the sun set, a mighty
magic created a false sun that lit up the
sky for miles around. Under the light of
Pralix Retires to Loch Leglean the false sun, the supernatural allies of
Damhan-allaidh shrank away, cursing
him for his impotence.
Pralix was forced to retreat once
again, but this time her retreat was order- Pralix laid out Damhan-allaidh’s body
ly. Only a third of her magicians were for cremation; but during the night it disap-
dead or too badly wounded to continue, peared, and the guards around the pyre were
though her mundane allies had suffered found killed in a gruesome manner. Though
greatly from Damhan-allaidh’s magic. Pralix’s magicians successfully hunted the
She retired to Loch Leglean, where her fol- followers of Damhan-allaidh, his body was
lowers built a small town to shelter the never recovered. Brude then revealed a secret
weary magicians and warriors. In June of Highland magicians: their ability to
she sent a message to Brude Deathless to remove their soul and place it in an object.
apologize for Ignes Festi’s behavior. Brude While the soul remains undisturbed, the wiz-
replied that he would only consider ard may not die. Even the most gruesome
returning if all of Pralix’s magicians were wounds heal, though the wizard’s ability to
granted the protection of the Order of feel finer human emotions deteriorates in
Hermes. After deliberation and heated proportion to the special healing.
arguments with Ignes Festi, she agreed,
declaring all who followed her banner to
be members of the Order. Ignes Festi
stormed out of camp vowing to have
Two Orders, the 13th House
nothing further to do with Pralix and her
Trianoma is the maga band of hedge wizards and witches. In his With the war against Damhan-allaidh
of House Bonisagus angry journey, he came upon Damhan- over, Pralix found herself the leader of a
whose political savvy allaidh quite by accident. The two magi- large army of witches, Druids, gruagachan,
helped form the Order cians did not wait to talk, but joined beast mages, and other non-Hermetic
of Hermes. immediately in battle. The hills rocked magicians. With their approval, she
and echoed with the power of their magic. formed the Ordo Miscellanea, directly
The battle ended with Damhan-allaidh opposed to the Order of Hermes. Startled by
wounded and Ignes Festi dead. His burnt, the defection, the Order of Hermes scram-
mutilated body was cast over the walls of bled to repair the breach. Numerous mes-
the settlement at Loch Leglean, much to sengers passed between the leaders of the
the dismay of the resident magicians. two Orders, and finally in 817 Trianoma
traveled to Pralix’s base in Cad Gadu.
Late in 815, during one of the longest Trianoma’s efforts healed the breach
nights of the year, Damhan-allaidh used between the Orders. The Order of Hermes
a long-prepared weapon on the Hermetic admitted the Ordo Miscellanea as “House
forces: the sluagh (sloo), the undead of Ex Miscellanea” and divided the British
the Highlands. The spirits swarmed over Isles into three tribunals: Hibernia in
the ramparts at Loch Leglean, attacking Ireland, Stonehenge in Britain up to
Hadrian’s Wall, and Loch Leglean—named destroyed: Holy Oak, The Well of the Head, 31
for Pralix’s winter camp—north of the wall. and Druids’ Dale. All three succumbed to the
forces of Flambeau and Tremere. Several
Scottish covenants joined in the fighting and
Damhan-allaidh’s Return plundered the libraries and laboratories of
the destroyed covenants. Bands of grua-
gachan joined in the war, fighting against
While still the head of the Ordo their traditional enemies of House Díedne.
Miscellanea, Pralix had created the Praeses
Septentrionalis, or Northern Guard, to watch
over Scotland. Several covenants formed
the Praeses and they watched primarily for
The Order of Odin
signs of Damhan-allaidh. It gradually lost
its sense of urgency, and in the late 880s Members of the Order of Hermes in the
the Praeses paid for its laxness. Damhan- more settled areas of Europe fear the mysteri-
allaidh and an army of supernatural allies ous wizards of the Scandinavians. They have
destroyed the covenant of Heart’s Delight concluded that the Order of Odin must exist
in one night. They overran the covenant, as a counterpart to the Order of Hermes. They
slaying all the magi as they went. In the point to covenants destroyed along the Baltic
following year several other covenants in or in Scotland and Ireland. Obviously, no
the Praeses were destroyed, and Pralix sent mere mortal forces could destroy a covenant
a message to the European magi for aid. of trained Hermetic magi, they reason; and
Several Flambeau and Tytalus magi came without the coherence imposed by an order
to Scotland, seeing an opportunity for test- and code, magicians would slaughter each
ing spells of combat and destruction. In a other. Thus, their conclusion is that the
great battle in Caithness, the Hermetic Scandinavian magicians must have a struc-
magi managed to defeat Damhan-allaidh ture similar to the Order of Hermes. Yet they
and his allies, but he was again able to are mistaken. The magicians of the
escape. Frustrated, Flambeau magi Norsemen have no formal order, though
declared that they would hunt down the some may gather in informal groupings sim-
sorcerer, but Pralix, fearing bellicose ilar to covenants. More often, an individual
Flambeau ravaging the island and her wizard attaches him or herself to the court or
House, ordered them from Scotland. Since war band of a noble. Whether godi of the
that time bad blood between House Ex Norse pantheon, Finnish wind wizard, or
Miscellanea and House Flambeau has shaman, the magician binds him or herself
been a part of life in the tribunal. to a patron, not to an order.
Numerous rumors of the return of Magi in most areas where the Norse
Damhan-allaidh have circulated since have settled (Ireland, Scotland, the Baltic
890, but none were ever confirmed. In 977 Coast, Kiev, and the Russian principalities)
giants destroyed the covenant of Uamh na may know the truth of this. However, the
Croig, but investigations proved that the magi of these areas are rarely trusted by
magi had incited the giants by hunting the rest of the Order of Hermes. Quaesitoris
them for sport. The final verdict was that often use letters that declare the Order of
the giants had not been under any influ- Odin to be false against those who bring
ence from Damhan-allaidh. One outcome them forward, as evidence of complicity
of the investigation was a strong warning and collusion with the Order of Odin. The
from the tribunal to covenants and magi quaesitoris are more likely to bring the
to leave the giants strictly alone. author or revealer of such a letter up on
charges than first attempt to substantiate
the claims made in it! Storyguides should
The Schism in Scotland be careful to note who spreads information
about the Order of Odin and who might be
listening. Players should be careful to dis-
In 1008 the Schism War came to tinguish between the knowledge that they
Scotland, and in the fighting, three covenants themselves have and the knowledge their
strongly associated with House Díedne were characters have.
32 The Order and the Kings of House Díedne. The Druids had long lusted
after the northern lands, but had been frus-
trated by the magic of the gruagachan.
Despite the clause in the Code of Hermes Together, the military might of the Scots and
about interfering with mundane society, the the magical might of House Díedne were able
magi in Scotland have had a long history of to conquer the inhospitable Highlands. The
aiding or interfering with the mundane rulers Druids destroyed one Pictish covenant,
of the country. Kenneth MacAlpin, King of Peanhafel, in a year-long siege in 849. Spells
Scots, invaded the southern Pictish lands in crafted by the Díedne eradicated the Pictish
the mid-9th century. Along with his Scottish tongue, so that since the year 900, Pictish has
warriors, he had magi, particularly members been a forgotten language.
Besides House Díedne’s helping Kenneth magi are of House Ex Miscellanea, and 33
MacAlpin and his successors, there were the many do not live in covenants; so the tri-
instances of magi intervention where bunal as a whole has little power in the
Hermetic magi and gruagachan helped Order. A quarter of the magi owe allegiance
MacBeth fight Duncan and where others to no covenant, yet still vote in tribunal. An
helped Malcolm Canmore fight MacBeth. independent magus is called an aonaran (un-
Also, Scottish magi fought in King David’s aran, hermit, pl. aonaranan, un-aranan).
host at the Battle of the Standard. Only since Much of the political maneuvering in the tri-
the Pact of Crun Clach in 1189 has there bunal is in lining up the aonaranan to sup-
been a peace between the magicians in port plans made by the three main
Scotland. In the pact, the magi swore to covenants. No single group of covenants is
refrain from aiding the king or invaders, powerful enough to control the tribunal, so
and reaffirmed the injunction in the Code of alliances are a necessary part of tribunal pol-
Hermes. Additional clauses in the pact pro- itics. The three groups are close to each other
hibit some acts of theft or assault, while in military and magical power, so raids and
specifically allowing others. skirmishes are the order of the day. Magi
raid each other’s vis sources, herds, and war-
riors in accordance with the Pact of Crun
Trouble with House Flambeau Clach. Some of the aonaranan try to stay out
of the fighting; others hire themselves to one
side or another. Some stage counter-raids
A major problem with the pact is that it when they know that a covenant’s magi and
is only binding on magi in the Loch Leglean warriors are busy elsewhere.
Tribunal. A number of German and Spanish
magi of House Flambeau rampaged
through the Highlands in 1099, hunting
non-Hermetic wizards. The Flambeau man-
Hermetic Political Divisions
aged to reach the area of Strathnavar,
killing a number of gruagachan and lesser- Crun Clach is the voice of the Lowland
talented wizards and witches. Then they covenants. Clan Mac Gruagach holds the
encountered Brude Deathless—at least 400 Highlands, while Horsingas holds an anti-
years old and a mighty gruagach. His soul Norman and anti-foreigner campaign in the
well hidden, he stalked the magi and crip- South. While any combination of two
pled them, one by one, with Curses and groups could govern the tribunal, getting
Geasa (gessa). The Flambeau retreated to agreement on an alliance is a difficult mat-
their native lands and covenants, swearing ter for the best negotiators in each bloc. Each
to raise an army of Hermetic magi to blast of the three groups represents a different cul-
the “barbarian wizard.” The movement ture within Scotland. Aonaran (un-aran):
soon cooled, however, as several magi lost Hermit. The term given
their powers due to Geasa, often in spectac- Horsingas has by far the most military to magi in the Loch
ular displays of pyrotechnics. The covenants power in the South; their magi are warlike Leglean Tribunal who
of the Loch Leglean Tribunal passed one of and experienced and their grogs well- are not attached to an
existing covenant but
their few near-unanimous decisions, where- trained in warfare. The main thrust of
still maintain their
by they swore to defend their homeland Horsingas is to rid Scotland of foreigners, rights to vote in tri-
against the threatened invasion. The especially Normans. These magi have the bunal meetings. Plural
Flambeau backed down in the face of a unit- support of Whitburh Frithowebba, the only is “aonaranan” (un-
ed tribunal, but their wounded pride still quaesitor in the entire tribunal. Whitburh is aranan).
rankles. To this day, there are less than five adept at turning a blind eye to “minor”
Flambeau in all of Scotland. infractions of the Hermetic Code. She is
savvy enough to realize that any major
infraction will bring an investigation into
The Tribunal Today the tribunal by her superiors in House
Quaesitor, so she tries to keep the more hot-
headed magi under some restraint.
In number of magi, the Loch Leglean
Tribunal is the largest tribunal in the Order Caitlin Suil Uaine of Crun Clach leads the
of Hermes. However, the majority of the remainder of the Lowland covenants, simply
34 because they do not want to support the fla- camp during the war against Damhan-
grant excesses of Horsingas. Caitlin is a canny allaidh. Powerful magic hides the physi-
diplomat and has been able to lead coalitions cal buildings of the town from the mun-
of Lowland and Highland covenants to cen- dane world, and only during the tribunal
sure or threaten Horsingas. However, she has gatherings are the buildings visible.
sometimes had to concede points to the Because of this, the Loch has a reputation
Highlanders for their help. Her job of leading among the neighboring clans of being
the Lowlanders is easy because of the arro- haunted by a village that appears once
gance of the magi of Horsingas, who only aid every seven years as punishment for
those magi who they feel can further the anti- crimes committed against God.
Norman movement. Most magi in the
Lowlands have accepted or requested aid at The aonaranan who show up for the
one time or another from Crun Clach, and tribunal are quite popular, and members
during times of trouble many of the of all three political groups woo them for
aonaranan have sheltered at Crun Clach. their support. Each group tends to use dif-
ferent inducements based on its current
Clan Mac Gruagach leads the Highland needs and abilities. Horsingas’ faction
covenants, mostly by example, but some- tends to offer military aid or threaten
times by threat of armed raids or Wizards’ attacks; the Lowland covenants, led by
War. Many of the Highland covenants are Crun Clach, offer material aid or support;
poor, old, remote, or all three and are usual- and the Highland covenants can offer any
ly willing to give their sigils to the Mac of the above.
Gruagach magi. In addition, many of the
aonaranan are of Highland stock and tend to Venerable Gwynsaere,
vote with or give their sigils to the Mac Venerable Gwynsaere,
Gruagach. Moreover, the clan has the largest We write to inform you of a
military force in the Highlands, though of problem Weinwrite to inform
the North. The you
mixed quality. They are able to raid and the covenant of Horsingas in ofthe
problem in the North. The magi the
guard their own valuables at the same time covenant of Horsingas
Loch Leglean Tribunal have abused in the Loch
and can even lend clansmen to other Leglean
and broken Tribunal
the Code have abused on
of Hermes and
covenants for a short while. However, even too many occasions to enumerate too
broken the Code of Hermes on or
with all these advantages, the Mac Gruagach many occasions
describe. to enumerate
They blatantly attack or
are not able to dominate the tribunal. describe. They blatantly
English castles and travelers, justify- attack
ing theircastles and travelers,
attacks as the acts justify-
ing their attacks as the
oppressed and desperate Saxons. In acts of
Magi by House oppressed and desperate Saxons.
truth, these “Saxons” are not interest- In
ed in these
driving “Saxons”
the Normansare notoutinter-
ested in driving the Normans
Britain; rather, they are indulging out of
Altogether, there are about 100 magi in Britain;
their rather,
bloodlust andthey are indulging
rapacity, using as
Loch Leglean. House Ex Miscellanea claims their bloodlust and rapacity,
a rallying point a cause long using
For more specific
information about
half the magi of the tribunal, with House ascorned
rallying point a cause
here in the South. long-since
the covenants that
Merinita a distant second with ten magi. scorned here in the South.
head up the political House Flambeau is traditionally underrepre- As you refuse to pass judgment
factions of the Loch sented, and currently House Quaesitor has on theAscovenant
you refuseof toBlackthorn,
pass judgmentwe
Leglean Tribunal see only one member, Whitburh of Horsingas on the covenant of Blackthorn,
implore you to call a tribunal of House we
Covenants. covenant. The other Houses have less than implore you to call a tribunal of
Quaesitor, to declare a March on these House
ten magi each, mostly found in the Lowland Quaesitor,
magi of to declare a March
Horsingas, who ondaily
covenants. Still, some Highland magi have magi of Horsingas, who daily
besmirch the good name of the Order besmirch
trained in England or on the continent and the good
and name
inflict muchof the
pain Order
and and inflict
have returned to their own land. on the poor people of the North. poor
much pain and suffering on the
people of the North.
With all due respect,
Tribunal Meetings With all Fireheart
William due respect,and Dan
William Fireheart
O’Thunder, House Flambeauand Dan
O’Thunder, House Flambeau
Meetings of the tribunal occur every
seven years at Loch Leglean, Pralix’s base
Links to Other Tribunals 815 (Jun.)
Battle of Loch Ochy; defec-
tion of Brude Deathless
The tribunal has its neighbors in the 815 (Aug.) Battle of the Bloody Glen;
Hibernian Tribunal and Stonehenge Damhan-allaidh wounded
Tribunal, and the Norman Tribunal is 815 (Dec.) Night of the Sluagh;
becoming increasingly important with the Damhan-allaidh slaughters
mundane political ties between Scotland many wizards
and France. Several covenants have per- 816 (Mar) Battle of the Great Light;
sonal ties to covenants in other tribunals, Damhan-allaidh defeated
but there are no major links to other tri- 816 (Mar) Damhan-allaidh’s body
bunals. There are occasional meetings disappears
with representatives from the Stonehenge 816 (Jun.) Ordo Miscellanea formed
by Pralix
and Hibernia Tribunals regarding the Isle
816 Sporadic fighting as
of Man, which is vis-rich and claimed by Damhan-allaidh’s followers
all three tribunals. are hunted down
816 Clan Mac Gruagach joins
the Ordo
Other Magicians in Scotland 816 Praeses Septentrionalis
(Northern Guard) formed to
watch for Damhan-allaidh’s
There are Scandinavian magicians in return
the Orkney and Shetland Islands, as well 817 Trianoma helps turn the
as in the Hebrides and on Man. There is an Ordo Miscellanea into
House Ex Miscellanea
unknown number of gruagachan in the
817 Holy Oak founded (Díedne)
Highlands (thought to be less than 100), 817 Admission of House Ex
and most clans can claim an old wise Miscellanea into
woman or two. Rumor claims that Lord Order of Hermes
Goulis, seneschal of the realm, is the king 834 Well of the Head founded
of the Scottish diabolists, but no one has (Díedne)
found concrete evidence to implicate him. 860’s Activities of giants closely
watched, but no danger
to Order
889 Praeses Septentrionalis
SCOTTISH TIMELINE— destroyed by followers of
HERMETIC HISTORY 889 Flambeau and Tytalus
magi sent to fight
139 B.C. Age of Aries begins 890 Damhan-allaidh defeated
(Hermetic reckoning) again, but escapes to
A.D. 767 Order of Hermes founded Shetland Islands
at Durenmar 930 Rumors of Damhan-allaidh’s
808 Battle of Carnac; return prove baseless
Damhan-allaidh defeats 954 Crun Clach founded
Order of Hermes 956 Well of the Head sponsors
810 Damhan-allaidh flees to Druids’ Dale For more on Lord
Scotland 1003–1012 Schism War: Houses Goulis, see Scenario
811–814 Damhan-allaidh defeats Tremere and Flambeau Ideas, Chapter 7.
several Hermetic magi destroy House Díedne; Holy
814–816 Pralix fights Damhan- Oak, Well of the Head, and
allaidh in Britain Druids’ Dale destroyed
and Caledonia 1048 Rumors of Damhan-allaidh’s
814 (May) Pralix travels to Scotland return plague northern
814 (June) Pralix ambushed at Loch Scotland
Oadh 1070 Horsingas founded
814–815 Pralix gathers strength,
1099 Flambeau ravage Scotland
recruits Clan Mac
Gruagach, Brud Deathless 1189 Pact of Crun Clach forbids
815 (Jul.) Pralix guarantees Hermetic magi from dabbling
status for gruagachan, in politics
Salve Sodale,
The southern border of the tribunal is the great wall built by the Roman
Emperor Hadrian in an attempt to keep the noble Picts from the vulnerable
and decadent lands of Britannia. The political boundary between Scotland
and England varies as the Scots press south and the English north.
The southern and eastern parts of Scotland, or the Lowlands, as they are
called, are ruled in the Norman style. Many of the knights are not even
native Scots, but rather French and English implants, invited by the kings of
Scotland, who try to control an unruly populace. The covenants in this part
of the country tend to be based on the traditional model respected on the
Continent and in England.
It is in the Highlands and on the Islands that the true spirit of the country
can be seen. The men living here owe allegiance to their clan lords, who act
as fathers more than great lords. While the lands are held by great nobles,
few if any ever visit these hills, and the king’s law is flouted at will. The
clans of the Highlands are friendly on the whole, but you must take care not
to insult, as feuds are a way of life to them. The clans take the name of their
founder or, sometimes, an occupation. Pride in the family is a prevailing trait
in a clansman, and each man can recite the deeds of the clan and the names of
the ancestors of the chief. Deep in the Highlands can be found families sport-
ing pedigrees that date back to the coming of Christianity to the land. . . .
The landscape of Scotland has shaped of both thrones. These families raid their
the lives of its inhabitants. Vast tracts of neighbors on both sides of the border
forest cover the Highlands, and long sea- indiscriminately, and both English and
lochs (fjords) deeply cut the west coast. The Scots recognize the right of “hot-trod,”
landscape itself keeps the people of the that is, following a cattle thief over the
land from joining together, but allows border into the other country.
raiders to strike and retreat with near-
impunity. The Islands, off the north and There are few large towns or cities, as
west coasts, invited the people to take to the passage of armies has had a destabiliz-
boats, though oars more often propel them ing effect on the area. The city of Carlisle,
than the wind. The Lowlands are fertile, often traded between the two countries, lies
while the Highlanders must eke out a pre- near Hadrian’s wall and is a major seaport.
carious living with footplow and sickle. Bamburgh and Berwick, on the opposite
coast, likewise trade masters. Between these
three towns are miles of nothing but hills
The Borders and and fierce Border families. The covenant of
Horsingas has found the lawless Cheviots
Lowlands to be a blessing. They can raid without wor-
rying about serious military threats from
their neighbors, many of whom allow the
Anglo-Norman nobles rule the magi to cross their lands in return for a
Lowlands of Scotland, and as a result the part of the booty.
social atmosphere of the Lowlands is
much like England. The Pennine Hills, The wife and sons of Malcolm
the Cheviot Hills, and the Tyne Valley Canmore founded many religious estab-
mark the ill-defined border between lishments in the watershed of the Tweed,
England and Scotland. The actual border including the abbeys of Melrose, Kelso,
has shifted with time: sometimes far to Dryburgh, and Jedburgh. To the south-
the south, sometimes to the north. The west lies the castle of Monksend, origi-
border areas between England and nally a small monastery. It was claimed
Scotland have been a battleground since by the Goulis family, hereditary
before the time of the Romans. While the seneschals of Scotland. Here the family
two kingdoms fight over who owns the rules the surrounding lands with cruelty,
land, powerful families, who hold their and many people claim that its members
land by force of arms, ignore the dictates worship the Devil.
The capital city of Edinburgh is located long, but since that night there have 39
on the south coast of the Firth of Forth. It is been three hills at Eildon.
built on and around the slopes of Castle
Rock and along the “Royal Mile” to the
abbey of Holyrood. Edinburgh is one of the
largest cities in Scotland, yet has less than
Royal Burghs
2,000 inhabitants—quite a shock to visitors
used to the larger cities of the continent. The family of Canmore, especially
David I, struggled to bring Scotland into
the 12th century. One of the ways of civ-
The Eildon Hills ilizing the country was to establish
“royal burghs,” towns and cities that had
special privileges granted by the crown.
Rising from the plains of the Borders, These privileges include the right to hold
the Eildon Hills near Melrose house a siz- their own markets, and exemption from
able fairy community, led by a being certain fees and taxes. In addition, the
known to mortals only as “the Queen of garrison of the castle (which is property
Elfland.” “Elf” is a Border term for faeries of the king or of a lord appointed to the
of all descriptions and is related to the post) protects the town against raiders
Norse and Saxon words aelf, alf, etc. The and brigands. The burgh has to raise its
hills are hollow, and inside are levels of own militia to police its streets, though,
regio that eventually lead to Arcadia (see as the garrison of the castle is only to
sidenote), specifically Somniare. Here the protect the burgh from outside violence.
fey dance and play, whiling away time. To maintain their status, royal burghs
Each day spent here is as seven in the out- pay tolls (fees) on goods sold in the mar-
side world, and mortals who enter the hill ket and on stalls erected there. A burgh
here will age at a corresponding rate. may elect its own magistrate, the
“bailie,” and is largely self-governing.
The town of Melrose and Melrose
Abbey reside at the base of the hill. The kings established royal burghs in
However, not even the power of the many pre-existing towns, and most royal
Church can forbid passage to the fey, burghs have similar plans. The High
who use the opposite side of the hill in Street (sometimes two streets in parallel)
their rades in the mortal realm. King runs between the church and the castle.
David I founded Melrose Abbey for the Along the High Street can be found the
Cistercian Order in 1136. It has been main buildings of the town. Narrow alleys
often beset by thieves and brigands, not called “closes” cross the High Street, leav-
the least of whom were the magi of ing little room between the houses. High
Horsingas, who plundered it of candles, walls surround the burgh, and it is rare to
vellum, and plate more than once. find buildings outside the walls, because Arcadia, the realm of
of the fear of marauders. Instead, the the faeries, is divided
Until 1188 the Eildon Hills were a sin- houses and shops, made all of wood, rise into six known lands:
gle hill, with the remnants of a Pictish or vertically up to seven or eight stories. The Somniare, the land of
dreams; Atlantium, the
British hill fort on the north side. In that focal points of the burgh, besides the
land under the sea;
year the wizard Michael Scot, having church and the castle, are the tollbooth Antrum, the land under
subdued a demon of great strength and and the market cross. The tollbooth is a the ground; Caelum,
power, inquired of it how it could be ban- combination of administrative offices and the land of the air;
ished. “Set me a task that I cannot per- jail. Besides the castle, the tollbooth is the Barathrum, the land of
form, and I shall leave you forever,” most heavily fortified building in the city. the dead; and Tartarus,
replied the demon. One of the tasks that Criminals are kept in the tollbooth, as are the land beyond.
Michael then set the demon was to sun- any tolls collected. Thus, the tollbooth is
der Eildon hill, which the demon easily made the center of the town—and the
accomplished in one night. The inhabi- center of attention of would-be thieves,
tants of the surrounding lands reported a and of rebels wishing to free compatriots.
colossal ripping sound, as if the world The market cross is the symbol of the
were being torn asunder. The monks of burgh’s royal status, and acts as the main
Melrose Abbey prayed the whole night marketplace for the city.
40 Royal burghs have small populations:
most have only 500–700 inhabitants, The Sees of Scotland
while Berwick and Edinburgh have about Aberdeen
1,500 each. Many of the inhabitants of the Brechin
burghs are foreigners; some were invited Caithness
by the king, others came in the retinue of Dunblane
the lord who owns the town, and some Dunkeld
simply immigrated from other countries. Galloway
French, Flemish, and English burghers pre- Glasgow
dominate, but the occasional Spaniard, Lismore (part of Dunkeld
German, or even Italian can be found. until 1190)
Jews are practically unknown in Scotland. Moray
Burghs are centers of trade and are gen- St. Andrews
erally the only places in Scotland to find
coin of any kind. The burghs produce wool,
leather, cattle, fine cloth, and woodwork,
which the merchants sell to other burghs
The Highlands
and to England and the rest of Europe. In
return, the burghs import wine, spices, jew- The highland plateau of Scotland
elry, grain, and raw materials for the neces- rises to an average height of between
sities of life. The burghs buy the cattle from 1,200 and 1,800 feet, with many peaks
the Highlands, so in the late summer and over 3,500 feet (Ben Nevis, the tallest
early fall the population swells with rowdy mountain in the country, rises to 4,400
Highlanders. The clansmen are often more feet). The Caledonian Forest, a primeval
than a match for the poor members of the forest of hardwoods, covers much of the
militia who must patrol the streets. land. In places it so dense that a person
cannot push between the trunks of the
Royal Burghs of Scotland trees, and so dark that only mushrooms
Aberdeen and other fungus grow on the ground.
Bamburgh The clans have pushed back the forest,
Berwick but it still separates and divides the coun-
Brechin try, making travel and communication
Carlisle between clans infrequent. Fog, mist, and
Dunkeld rain are common, and in the winter,
Edinburgh snow blankets the ground for months at a
time. Steep ravines and dark lochs cut
through the hills.
The Church in the Lowlands The atmosphere of the Highlands
influences the outlook of the inhabitants,
The Roman Church in Scotland was both mortal and faerie. In times of trouble
poorly organized before King David the clans look inward to the family for
revived some lapsed sees and created oth- support. The faeries are generally solitary
ers. Between 1140 to 1190 there were ten and terrifying, killing and eating livestock
sees in Scotland. William the Lion divided and humans. The clansmen are fierce,
the See of Dunkeld in 1190 to create the befitting a race that inhabits one of the
See of Lismore, in Argyle. As a rule, cathe- least desirable regions in Mythic Europe.
drals are located in royal burghs, though Feuds between clans can flare up at the
a few, like Glasgow, are not. Guillame de slightest provocation, sometimes caused
Bruyse, the Bishop of St. Andrews, is the or enflamed by sith.
primate of the Church in Scotland. He
answers only to the pope—a decision The north and west coasts are rugged,
handed down by Celestine III in 1196, with cliffs falling sheer into the waves.
after the archbishops of York and Descendants of the Vikings rule the
Canterbury quarreled over whose admin- region, with the king of Norway as their
istration the Scottish Church came under. overlord. The inhabitants speak Norse as
frequently as they speak Gaelic. The rem- force of arms. The “great families” of 41
nants of many peoples inhabit these far Scotland (at least in Lowland and royal
hills and glens: descendants of the Picts, eyes) are those whom the king has graced
Broch-builders, and Britons. The isolation with his formal “Grant of Land and Title.”
of the communities has helped preserve In most cases these are southern knights
aspects of their cultures. and lords who have inherited the land by
marrying heiresses. The Lowlanders see
Despite two and a half centuries of the Highlanders as barbarians, followers
Anglo-Norman influence, the Highlands of a corrupt Church and speakers of an
and Islands have preserved their tradi- unintelligible language.
tional clan-based society, fiercely guard-
ing their rights and culture. The Highland
clans are tribal in nature. The leaders of
the community live with their followers,
Highland Pastimes
rather than build castles in which to live.
The clan consists of a large extended fam- The Highlanders are a race of poets
ily, and all members claim descent from and musicians, and singing is one of the
one ancestor, from whom the clan takes characteristics of the people. Highlanders
its name. The leader of the clan is the sing to make work pass easily. Singers and
ceann cath (kyann ka, chief), normally musicians shape their rhythms and tunes
called by the family name (for example, around the nature of the work, whether
the ceann cath of Clan Mac Donald is rowing, reaping, or fulling cloth. In addi-
called “the” Mac Donald). Below the chief tion, the people dance to peurt-a-bail (pert
are various clan officers: the seanachaidh a bial, mouth music). In all their songs,
(shenuchy), the tanaiste (tanishtu), and, if the people tend to make up the words on
the chief cannot lead the clan into battle the spur of the moment, often poking fun
himself, the war leader. The seanachaidh at the well-known shenanigans of people
is the main storyteller and historian of the present. The tune and beat are the impor-
clan, memorizing the genealogy of the tant parts of the music, as opposed to the
chief and maintaining the oral history of words. The songs are sung a cappella. In
the clan. The tanaiste, or tanist, is the the chief’s hall can be found the pipers
man appointed by the ceann cath to suc- who play only for the chief, never for
ceed him to the chieftainship. While the dancing or war. Harpers and bards (poets)
ceann cath appoints the tanist, he must inspire the men before battle, telling of
be approved by the officers and leading the brave deeds of the clan.
men of the clan. If they do not approve
the chief’s choice, the officers may Storytelling is a popular pastime and
appoint another man in his stead. consists of retelling stories of the great
Gaelic heroes like Finn Mac Coul, Ossian,
The chief and his lieutenants provide or CuChulainn. Stories of the good folk
for their clansmen in times of trouble, buy- (faeries) are popular, as are stories of
ing and distributing grain in years of ghosts and monsters. The chiefs and lairds
famine, forgiving rents to those struck by have trained-storytellers: the seanachaid-
raids, etc. In return, the clansmen support hean (shenuchan) and ollamhan (oll-
their chief both with produce and in war. uvan), who keep the history of the clans
Highlanders measure the power of a chief alive in their stories. A popular pastime is
by the number of men in his following, or the ceilidh (keeli), where the folk gather to
“tail.” Some of the greater chiefs are able to tell stories and sing.
muster 2,000–3,000 men. Chiefs welcome
landless men, or caterans (kat-erans), who The seelie faeries of the Highlands are
will increase their following. These cater- appreciative of talented musicians. There
ans are adopted into the clan and given are many tales of harpers, pipers, or singers
land. They take pride in their new family. taken by the good folk to their knowes
(nows, hollow hills). Here the mortals learn
The Highland chiefs are not granted fairy tunes, often escaping years later to
their lands by the king; rather, they hold bring the music with them back to mortal
them by approval of their clan and by lands. Many areas are known to be abodes
42 of faeries, in part because of the music that golf club). The ball is wood or of leather
can be heard coming out of the ground. stuffed with grass, feathers, or other light
material. The object of the game is to drive
The Norman lords in the Highlands the ball to the opposing goal, which may
have established private game parks, but be a particular stone, a stump, or a corner
the Highlander considers it his right to hunt of a house. The first team to score a goal
and fish without any man’s say. Salmon wins. Beyond this, there are no rules. The
and trout abound in the Scottish rivers and game is popular not only among humans;
lochs, and catching them is popular among the good folk enjoy it as well. In the south-
those who live along their banks. Wolf ern Highlands, the faeries have been
hunting is not popular, but considered nec- known to steal a champion human shinty
essary, as wolves frequent the forests and player for a game between troops.
uplands, often taking cattle or goats.
Combat Totals
Weapon 1st Atk Parry Dam
Bite Totals: +16 +14 +25 Poison*
Entwine Totals: +10 +11 Special **
Breath Totals: +20 +10 Special ***
Body Levels
OK, 0/0/0/0, -1/-1/-1, -3/-3, -6, Incapacitated
Fatigue Levels
OK, 0/0/0/0, -1/-1/-1, -3/-3, -6, Incapacitated
+6 Ferocity (disturbed) 3 Smell (blood)
6 Swim (storms)
12 Animál in scales, 6 Perdo in poison glands
Faerie Might Size
Powers: Trow caught above ground 21 +2
at sunrise are unable to retreat to their
home below the earth, though sunlight
-1 Int (slow) 0 Pre
does not otherwise affect them.
-2 Per (bad eyesight) -2 Com (slow-witted)
Trow may cast spontaneous
Terram magic spells. Roll +15 for the +3 Str (burly) 0 Dex
spell’s level if the trow expends a +4 Sta (tireless) 0 Qik
fatigue level; divide the roll by 2 if the Personality Traits
trow does not exert itself. +3 Solitary
Combat Totals
Weapon 1st Atk Parry Dam
Club Totals: +4 +5 +3 +8
Body Levels
OK, 0/0/0, -1, -3, -6, Incapacitated
Fatigue Levels
OK, 0/0/0, -1, -3, -6, Unconscious
2 Club Attack (smash) 4 Play Musical
3 Club Parry (clubs) Instrument (wild tunes)
Kunal Trow
Faerie Might Size
Kunal Trow 29 +2
Highlanders keep other holidays; the Scotland does not produce good hay, so
ones listed above are just the major ones. the Highlanders cut any available grass to
Christmas and Easter are celebrated, feed their animals over the winter, carefully
though without the same intensity; and clearing hay out from rocks, bushes, marsh-
each neighborhood or island keeps the es, and forests. The hay is full of weeds and
feast day of its patron saint. Other festi- does not provide much nourishment. As a
vals, holdovers from the days of the result, the animals of the Highlands are
pagan gods, are celebrated. The monks short, stunted things, producing offspring
and priests of the Church try to stop these only every other year on average. The
practices. Some manage to overlay a Highlanders avoid pasturing herds on
Christian meaning on the holiday (as faerie knowes, as animals fed on hay from
with the feast of St. Mary being held on them can mutate, produce monstrous off-
the pagan day of Imbolc). spring, or have other strange side effects.
1 Ferocity (chased)
Cu - Greyhound Cu
Magic Might Size
0 0
The grey or deerhound is a feature
Characteristics of most Highlands households. It is a
0 Cun n/a Pre hunter and a fierce protector of the
+3 Per (keen eyes) n/a Com herds. The dog, which stands about
+2 Str (mighty jaws) +1 Dex (agile) three feet high at the shoulder, is slen-
+5 Sta (runner) +5 Qik (swift) der and covered with wiry gray hair.
These hounds hunt by sight rather
Personality Traits than smell, so they must see their prey
+3 Eager to Hunt +2 Loyal before they will chase it. Full-grown
+2 Lazy hounds are capable of pulling down a
Combat Totals deer, wolf, or boar, yet are swift
Weapon 1st Atk Parry Dam enough to catch the elusive hare and
Bite Totals: +11 +8 - +9 fox. The hound chases the prey until it
Tackle Total: +14 +10 - Knockdown can leap and knock the animal down;
then it savages the creature to death
Dodge Defense: +9 Soak: +5 with its teeth.
Fatigue: +5 Encumbrance: 0
Powers: None
Body Levels
OK, 0, -1, -3, -6, Incapacitated
Vis: None
Fatigue Levels
OK, 0, -1, -3, -6, Unconscious
2 Alertness (animals) 5 Athletics (run)
4 Ferocity (hunting) 5 Scan (movement)
The Good Folk 57
“The faeries
faeries of
the Borders
Borders and andininthe
Highlands,are are
Scotland is a land inhabited by many kinds proud,
proud, but but intensely
of faeries, from the helpful brownies and bocans faerie
or elf, the
a common
name “elf,”
name a common
for the
(bo-kans) to the dreaded brollachan (bro-la- fey
name inforthe
fey in the The
The peo-
chun, formless) and each uisge (ech oosh-koo, Scotland,
ple of Scotland,
in anin attempt
an attempt to to
water horse). Three general types of faeries exist: their
their powerful,
powerful,unseenunseen neighbors,
household, or workplace, faeries; the seelie resort
to many to many
euphemisms for for
court; and the dark faeries of the unseelie court. The
goodgoodfolk, the
the people
of peace,of the
try, gentry,
the wee thefolk—all
wee folk—all
these these
and many
Workplace faeries tend to be solitary crea- many
more are more
are names
for the for
the fey.”
tures, helping with chores around a farm or
shop. They work for no master and are insulted —Thomas
—Thomas Verus Verus ofof Mercere,
if given more than what they consider their due. Guide
Guide for
travelers in
Some may work for a saucer of milk, others for a Age
Age of
of Aries
set of clothes once a year. All will leave their
place of work if spied on or given gifts beyond
their traditional bounty. Character stats are not
provided for workplace faeries, as these faeries
The Sluagh
will disappear if approached.
Faerie Might: 45
The seelie court is the nobility of the faerie
race. Seelie faeries live in knowes, appreciate The sluagh are collective entities of
mortal music and poetry, and enjoy riding in undead spirits that haunt the Highlands.
rades (rayds, processions). They range over land Individually, each member of the sluagh is
and water both, riding faerie horses hung with just a mindless spirit, with little power of
silver bells and bright ribbons. Members of the any kind. However, the sluagh is com-
seelie court are not friendly with humans, but posed of hundreds, if not thousands, of
are tolerant as long as their faerie pride is not spirits. Together, they can drive humans
insulted. They can be as fierce as their oppo- insane or frighten them to death. The spir-
sites, the unseelie faeries. The Lowlands and its that make up the sluagh must surround
Borders are home to many courts of seelie their target to be able to use their powers
faeries. Seelie courts may kidnap a mortal (not hard given their number). The sluagh
musician who catches their fancy. Some of moves at the pace of a galloping horse.
these musicians never return; others escape,
bringing back new tunes and often acquiring As a collective entity, the sluagh has
the gift of Enchanting Music (as the +2 Virtue). the following powers:
There are fewer courts of faeries in the
Highlands, though there are settlements near Mind Suggestion (ReMe 30): The slu-
many stone circles and alignments. agh may implant suggestions in the mind
of the target. These suggestions are nor-
There are few courts of unseelie fey in mally to kill or destroy what the target
Scotland. The dark faeries tend to be solitary, holds most dear.
lurking in streams and pools or inhabiting
ruined towers and houses. An unseelie faerie is Frighten (PeMe 30): The sluagh drives
very likely to kill a mortal who crosses its path, the target insane with sheer terror. The
and some hunt humans as their prey. Water target must make an Intelligence roll of
faeries usually hunt during the day, attacking 14+ or be driven insane. Usually the slu-
lone travelers who stop to get a drink of water agh will force the target to run without
or wash up after a long journey. Some faeries stopping for terrain features or fatigue. If
are shapeshifters, but have some distinguish- the spirits of the sluagh are feeling merci-
ing mark in human form that identifies them, ful, they abandon the target before he or
such as the sand and seaweed in the hair of the she dies of exhaustion. If they do, the poor
each uisge. Some faeries are masters of glam- person’s mind will be gone (reduce
our, casting illusions over treacherous terrain Intelligence to -3). He or she will flinch at
or over themselves, to conceal the danger. loud noises, be afraid of the dark, etc.
58 Each Uisge Powers:
The each uisge is a dark faerie creature Shapechange to Man, MuCo 45, 5
of the beach and sea-loch. Each uisge can points: The each uisge may take the form
change form—usually between a black of a dark-haired, handsome man. In this
horse and man shape, but some people form he attempts to seduce young women
claim to have seen them change into birds. before taking them to the sea’s edge to
In its horse form, the each uisge is found devour them. A dead giveaway of the
standing at the water’s edge. Each uisge’s each uisge’s true form is that his hair has
skin clings fast to whatever contacts it: the seaweed and sand matted in it.
only known remedy for this effect is to cut Attract the Doomed Victim, MuMe 30,
off the part touching the creature (only a 1 Point: Each uisge uses this power to
hand if one is lucky). If a person cannot lessen the natural caution of the victim.
free him or herself, the creature plunges The victim approaches and climbs on the
into the waves and feasts on his or her each uisge’s back willingly. Once a char-
flesh—all except the liver, which it detests. acter is on the each uisge, a Per roll of 10+
negates the power’s effects, allowing the
When in man form, the each uisge is victim to attempt to dismount.
handsome, with dark hair. In the roots of Sticky Skin, ReCo 25, 0 points: The
the hair can be found sand and seaweed, skin of each uisge is highly adhesive, and
a sure giveaway of his true nature. Each any person who touches the beast finds
uisge cannot enter or cross fresh water, so that he or she cannot pull away from it.
fleeing across a creek is enough to escape The skin of the victim bonds to the skin of
from the monster. The each uisge is well- the each uisge, and only a spontaneous
known in the Highlands; yet its Guile abil- PeAn spell of Level 15 or greater, or a
ity and Glamour power ensure that it gets sharp knife, can separate the two.
enough to eat.
Vis: 2 Perdo in teeth, 5 Aquam in hide
Each Uisge
+2 Int (crafty) +1 Pre (pretty)
+1 Per (good ears) +2 Com (expressive face)
+3 Str (brawny) 0 Dex
+6 Sta (deep breather) 0 Qik
Personality Traits
+3 Bloodthirsty
Combat Totals
Weapon 1st Atk Parry Dam
Bite Totals: +4 +4 - +7
Kick Total: +6 +6 - +10
Body Levels
OK, 0/0, -1/-1, -3, -6, Incapacitated
Fatigue Levels
OK, 0/0, -1/-1, -3, -6, Unconscious
5 Athletics (swim) 2 Ferocity (eating)
3 Guile (harmless)
Cu Sith Cu Sith - Faerie Dogs 59
Faerie Might Size
Faerie Dogs 10 0
Many types of cu sith (koo Characteristics
shee) exist. This example is rela- +2 Cun -2 Pre (spectral)
tively benign, merely warning of +1 Per (keen sight) n/a Com
impending death. These dogs will +1 Str (wiry) +5 Dex (silent)
attempt to disappear if attacked, +10 Sta (tireless) +4 Qik (fleet-footed)
but if the fey command it, they can
grow to enormous size and devour Personality Traits
a horse and rider. +2 Patient
There are many covenants in the tribunal: the current number stands at thir-
teen, though there have been as many as twenty or as few as seven at any
time. These covenants tend to be small, and rarely does one mature from its
Spring to Summer, and even more rarely to Autumn. At this time there are
two covenants in the prime of their lives: Crun Clach and Clan Mac
Gruagach. A third covenant, Horsingas, bids fair to join these two.
Besides those magi living in the formal covenants, there are over a score of
magi living scattered throughout the country in solitude. I try to keep an
accurate count of the independent magi, or aonaranan, by trading information
with those who saw them last, but sometimes many years go by before I hear
of the more reclusive magi.
Even though Scotland is relatively rich in vis, the number of magi living so
near each other means that more than the normal amount of inter-covenant
rivalry is felt. While outright wars and wizard’s marches are rare, the
covenants often clash over sources of vis or over cattle or (in a few cases)
simply because of mean-spirited jealousy.
One last thing that I must mention: please inform any followers of our
House that the term “Redcap” and our distinctive headgear should not be
used north of Hadrian’s Wall. A solitary type of dark faerie lives here that
goes by the name of redcap. Members of this species live in cliffs and aban-
doned towers and drop stones on the heads of those who pass beneath. After
nimbly running down, the redcap dips his hat in the blood of the unfortunate
traveler. Due to the reputation of these fey, the local populace is likely to
attack anyone referring to him or herself as a Redcap! As an additional note,
the color red is jealously held by the fey as their particular color, and they
have been known to pester and bother those wearing it.
Affinity with Córporem (Perdo Córporem) 4, Alertness (with helmet) 1, Concentration (under pres-
sure) 2, Hermes History (and mundanes) 3, Hermes Lore (late-maturing magi) 2, Intimidation
(threats) 1, Lance Attack (against mounted opponents) 3, Leadership (raids) 4, Mace Attack (against
mounted opponents) 2, Magic Theory (Parma Magica) 5, Parma Magica 4, Ride (attack) 3, Scribe
Latin (no frills) 5, Shield Parry (mounted) 3, Speak French (Norman) 3, Speak Latin (Horsingas code)
5, Speak Saxon (rallying) 5
Spells Known
Rally the Defeated Troops (ReMe 20) +14, Sharp Shriek of Pain (PeCo 20) +23, Sure Strike of the Sword
(ReCo 20) +21, Trap the Treacherous Tongue (PeCo 20) +23, Endurance of the Berserkers (ReCo 15) +21,
Panic of the Elephant’s Mouse (ReAn 15) +10, Rusted Decay of Ten-score Years (PeTe 15) +9, Unseen Porter
(ReTe 15) +8, The Wound that Weeps (PeCo 15) +23, Bind the Wound (CrCo 10) +16, Eyes of the Cat
(MuCo 10) +13, Grip of the Choking Hand (PeCo 10) +23, Sight of the True Form (InCo 10) +13, Curse of
Rotting Wood (PeHe 5) +9, Destroy Fur and Hide (PeAn 5) +11, Invocation of Weariness (PeCo 5) +23
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge Defense: +1/-2
Lance Totals: +8 +5 +13 -5 Soak: 0/+7
Mace Totals: +2 +6 +9 -5 Fatigue: 0/-3
Shield Totals: -3 -2 -1 +7 Encumbrance: 0/-3 in Armor
Alertness (movement) 3, Area Knowledge—Borders (people) 3, Area Knowledge—Scotland
(covenants) 2, Church Lore (local clergy) 3, Concentration (shared senses) 1, Dodge (spears) 4,
Evaluate Horses (stamina) 2, Finesse (Intéllego) 2, Folk Ken (Borders) 3, Hermes Lore (British Isles) 4,
Hermetic History (British Isles) 3, Hermetic Law (loopholes) 6, Magical Sensitivity 3, Magic Theory
(Intéllego) 6, Norman (English) Law (jurisdiction) 2, Parma Magica (Ignem) 4, Ride (chase) 3,
Scottish Law (foreigners) 3, Scribe Latin (analysis) 6, Search (writing) 2, Shield Parry (swords) 1,
Speak Norman French (questions) 3, Speak Saxon (questions) 4, Sword Attack (retreating) 1
Spells Known
Awaken the Leafy Warders (InHe 35) +36, Scrying Pond (InAq 35) +32, Summoning the Distant Images
(InIm 35) +41, Voice of the Lake (InAq 25) +32, The Ear for the Distant Voice (InIm 20) +41, Image from
the Wizard Torn (ReIm 20) +21, Impair the Hound’s Nose (PeAn 20) +35, The Unhearing Ear (PeCo 20)
+20, The Call to Slumber (ReMe 15) +18, Dry Rot of a Hundred Years (PeHe 15) +31, Enchantment of the
Figures Through Fire and Fumes (InIg 15) +31, Invisibility of the Standing Wizard (PeIm 15) +36, Unseen
Porter (ReTe 15) +16, Whispering Winds (InAu 15) +33
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: +6
Sword Totals: +5 +4 +6 0 (6) Soak: +9
Shield Totals: 0 0 -7 +3 (9) Fatigue: +1
Encumbrance: 0
Spells Known
Most spells to level 60–70, all faerie spells known to House Merinita
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: +8
Caman Totals: +9 +7 +5 +8 (14) Soak: +15
Fatigue: 0
Encumbrance: 0
Faerie Powers
Faerie Eyes +0, Faerie Sight 0, Fascination +1, Healing +1, Speak with Animals +1, Very Tough +1
Faerie Sight: As the +1 Supernatural Virtue
Fascination: Those who look at or listen to Caitlin see her as someone whose praise they desire. They are willing to follow rea-
sonable requests. The effect may not be dispelled by magic, except on a personal basis. It is equivalent to a ReMe 25 spell.
Caitlin may call on this power at will and need not use it all the time.
Healing: For the cost of 1 fatigue level, Caitlin may heal one body level, either her own or another’s. The recipient must make
a Stamina roll of 3+ to benefit. Caitlin may heal disease the same way.
Speak with Animals: Caitlin may speak with all forms of animals, except for reptiles and dark faerie creatures. The conversa-
tions cannot be understood by onlookers.
Very Tough: +7 to Soak
Gliocas - Caitlin’s Cu Sith Companion
78 Faerie Might Size New Visage and Aura of the Ennobled
10 0 Presence in an effort to retard aging. His
age is seventy-six, but by his body and face
Characteristics he looks to be no more than a vigorous
0 Cun n/a Pre thirty. He researches constantly in hopes of
+1 Per (sight hound) n/a Com finding magics related to retarding or even
+3 Str (wiry) +5 Dex (agile) reversing aging. Alexander was unable to
+10 Sta (untiring) +4 Qik(sprinter) learn the basics of faerie magic, much to
Reputation his chagrin. As a result, he strives to create
None Hermetic spells that mimic the abilities of
faerie magic, especially healing and
Personality Traits fatigue-removing spells.
+5 Loyal (Caitlin) +2 Patient
He would like to travel to covenants
Combat Totals
Weapon 1st Atk Parry Dam on the continent to compare notes with
Bite Totals: +10 +11 - +8 other magi who also work on the problem
of aging, but Caitlin will not fund such a
Dodge Defense: +8 Soak: +14 voyage from the covenant coffers.
Fatigue: +10 Encumbrance: 0 Alexander is currently training Aine, the
precocious daughter of Caitlin and
Body Levels
Oenghus. She is a lively child, who tor-
OK, 0, -1, -3, -6, Incapacitated
ments him mercilessly with her games and
Fatigue Levels play. Alexander is frequently torn between
OK, 0, -1, -3, -6, Unconscious his fear of and respect for Caitlin and his
natural tendency to swat the child. As yet
Abilities he has only trained her in one art:
Ferocity (protecting Caitlin) 4, Stealth (following) 5 Herbam. She is thus unable to cast any
spells, which is just fine by Alexander. He
Invisibility plans to teach her the Forms first, before
teaching her any Techniques. He hopes
Bond Qualities that the years it will take will help calm
Independence (Raedbora acts in her own best interests in the child, but she has other plans.
most circumstances), Shared Senses (Raedbora and
Whitburh may use each other’s senses with a Perception +
Concentration roll of 9+), Unlimited Bond (all powers and
cords work at any range) Iain Mac Gabhan, House Merinita
Three pawns of Imágonem vis in hide Iain was one of Caitlin’s apprentices,
and even though she gave him the posi-
tion of second place in Crun Clach, he
under Alexander. Gliocas has been with longs to head up his own covenant. With
Caitlin for two hundred years, but he is Caitlin’s longevity, it is unlikely that Iain will
getting a little slower lately. Caitlin fears ever inherit the leadership of Crun Clach.
that he does not have too much more time
in this world and is preparing for the shock Iain has been left scarred for life by one
of losing him when he finally passes away. unfortunate encounter. He threatened and
attempted to bespell a powerful faerie of the
unseelie court and only then discovered that
his spells would not affect unseelie faeries.
Alexander the Lame, House Merinita The faerie, not at all amused by the attempt-
ed spellcasting, cursed the magus. Anytime
Alexander was known as “the lame” from he uses his faerie-based powers, he will trans-
his earliest childhood, as he was born with a form into a pig, to a degree in direct propor-
twisted leg. Even though it has long since been tion to the power of the spell.
healed, he is still known by this reference to his
old ailment. Alexander has an obsession with Iain manages day-to-day concerns, as
his body, casting spells such as Disguise of the Caitlin does not trust a “mere mundane” to
adequately control the basics of life for the Criamon, who determined that Radislav’s 79
covenant. Iain has studied some Latin treatis- best chance of understanding the Enigma
es on agriculture and is trying to improve the lay far to the west, among the faeries of
yield of both crops and animals. Iain feels Scotland and England. Crun Clach seemed
proprietary about the flocks and herds of the the best choice for studying the enigmatic
covenant and takes it as a personal insult sith, and he has made himself welcome at
when one of the Prince’s monsters is born (see the covenant in many small ways. One of
below). Triath nan Leathad (treeu nan lyaiud, his most useful talents is his ability to defuse
Lord of the Hillside) is Iain’s billy goat famil- tense situations with purposely silly ques-
iar. He takes as much pride in the goat herd tions, done in a heavy accent. His quest for
as Iain does, especially as many of the goats the Enigma has made him reckless, and he
in it are descended from him. Triath is a lusty has had a number of bouts of Twilight, usu-
member of his species, and the mystical bond ally resulting from eating or drinking faerie
between him and Iain has made Iain able to foods without asking what they were.
perform the same amorous functions, even at
his advanced age. He may be unable to father Radislav’s familiar is Volya, a ferret he
any children due to his longevity potion, but discovered trying to steal his food while he
that does not diminish his appetite! was on his way to Scotland. Volya is a plea-
sure-loving animal, and with his natural
CurseCurse intelligence increased by the mystical bond
The faerie prince cursed Iain such with Radislav, he has become something of a
that for The every
faerie prince cursed
spell Iain Iain that
casts such practical joker. He has even made friends with
that for every spell Iain
includes faerie magic, he will partially casts that Am Balla and has virtually unrestricted access
includes faerie magic, he
transform into a pig. Every time Iainwill partially to all the private quarters (but not the labs or
casts into a pig.
a faerie-based spell,Every
roll ontime
the Iain
fol- sanctums, as Am Balla likes the little clown
casts a faerie-based spell,
lowing chart once for each 5 levels roll on the fol-
in and won’t let him go where he may get hurt).
the spell.chart once
Re-roll anyforduplicates.
each 5 levels If Iain in
the spell. Re-roll any duplicates.
ever cast a level 50 faerie spell, he If Iain Radislav was able to forge an Enigmatic
ever cast
would a level 50become
automatically faerie aspell,
pig. he cord with Volya, besides the regular three
would automatically become a pig. cords. This cord grants the Visions Exceptional
Roll Result Magical Effect Talent, and the cord’s score adds to any
Roll Result Magical Effect Visions roll. If Radislav can solve a mystery of
1 Head Mu Co 20 nature with Enigmatic Wisdom, he gains 1
21 Head Arm
Right Mu Co 20 20
MuCo experience point in Enigmatic Wisdom.
32 Right
Left ArmArm MuCo 20
43 Left
Torso Arm MuCo
MuCo 20 20
54 Torso
Right Leg MuCo
MuCo 20 20
65 Right
Left LegLeg MuCo 20
MuCo 20
Seumas an Cat, Magus Ex Miscellanea
76 Left
Voice Leg MuCo
MuIm 10 20
87 Voice
Smell MuIm
MuIm 10 10 Seumas enjoys hunting; or, rather, he
98 Gluttonous +3 MuMe 10
Smell MuIm 20 enjoys the chase and the ability to sneak up
10 Gluttonous
Mind +3 MuMe
of the Beast MuMe 30 20 on and watch animals. His life is the numer-
10 Mind of the Beast MuMe 30 ous animals he has trained or rescued,
The effects of the spell wear off which all live in his rooms in the covenant.
The effects
over time; of the
roll once per spell
to seeoffwhat
over Wherever he goes, he is attended by at least
time; roll once per night to
transformation is reversed. It would take see what two dogs and his wildcat familiar, Sron Dubh
Muto Córporem is reversed.
spell of ItLevel
would 50taketo (sron doo, Black Nose). With the recent
restore Iain to human once again, 50
a Muto Córporem spell of Level or ato acquisition of Sron Dubh, Seumas has devel-
dark faerie can reverse the curse if suit-a
restore Iain to human once again, or oped a severe dislike of loud noises (espe-
dark recompense
able faerie can reverse
can be the curse if suit-
found. cially when he is engrossed in what he is
able recompense can be found. doing). He will whirl on the source of the
noise, hissing and spitting like a cat.
Radislav am Polanach, House Criamon Seumas is a possible liability to the
covenant: his master back in Ireland was
Radislav is originally from Poland. He accused of being a diabolist and had a wiz-
studied in Hungary under a magus of House ard war declared against him. The Flambeau
Scottish Wildcat
80 Magical Might Size humans who share his abode.
0 -2 Gliocas, Caitlin’s sith dog, particular-
ly enjoys sneaking up on Sron Dubh,
Characteristics who tries to act nonchalant whenever
+1 Cun (sly) n/a Pre he is startled.
+1 Per (nervous) n/a Com
-2 Str (small) +3 Dex (agile)
+2 Sta (feral vitality) +3 Qik (reflexive)
Scottish Wildcat
Virtues and Flaws
Exceptional Talent (Perfect Balance) +1
The wildcat cannot be tamed. It
Personality Traits attacks any human that approaches
+3 Cunning +7 Feral it, not stopping until the death or the
retreat of the human. The cat is com-
Confidence pactly built and is up to three feet
3 long from its nose to the tip of its
Combat Totals clubbed tail. Wildcats can weigh four-
teen pounds or more and are general-
Weapon 1st Atk Parry Dam
ly heavier than domestic cats (which
Bite and Claw Totals: +10 +8 - +4
also abound in Scotland). A tomcat
Dodge Defense: +11 Soak: 0
will kill its own kittens to maintain its
Fatigue: +2 Encumbrance: 0 solitude. The wildcat hunts mainly
hare and vole, but is able to climb and
Body Levels stalk well, even surprising birds on
OK, -1, -6, Incapacitated tree branches.
Fatigue Levels Wildcats are watched for signs of
OK, -1, -6, Unconscious the upcoming weather. If one is seen
Abilities frolicking, then a storm is soon to
Climb (trees) 3, Ferocity (disturbed) 3, Jump (distance) 2, come. It can call up the wind by flick-
ing water with its paw, and washing
Perfect Balance (branches) 5, Stealth (hunting) 7, Swim
behind the ears will bring rain.
(fast streams) 1
Several shapeshifters (Bjornaer, grua-
Vis gach, or otherwise) in Scotland favor
none the wildcat for its natural abilities and
for its solitary nature.
Alertness (movement) 3, Athletics (run) 6, Brawl (dirty moves) 3, Climb (cliffs) 1, Craft Wood
(caman) 3, Dodge (caman) 5, Faerie Lore (Prince of the Grey Jerkin) 3, Intimidation (running) 3,
Leadership (shinty) 3, Play Shinty (shooting) 8, Ride (distance) 1, Scan (hills) 3, Search (running) 3,
Sing (victory songs) 2, Stealth (hide) 1, Subterfuge (actions) 2, Survival (hills) 4, Track (people) 3
Faerie Powers
Change Size, Faerie Flight
Change Size: The count may change his Size up or down 2 points (to +2 or -2).
Faerie Flight: The count may fly for 3 miles before having to touch the ground again.
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: +8
Caman Totals: +15 +11 +9 +11 Soak: +2
Fatigue: +1
Encumbrance: 0
Alertness (shinty ball) 3, Area Lore—Crun Clach (shinty field) 4, Athletics (run) 2, Folk Ken (shinty
players) 2, Leadership (shinty) 3, Play Shinty (scoring) 9
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: +5
Caman Totals: +18 +15 +9 +12 Soak: +0
Fatigue: -1
Encumbrance: 0
Fatigue Levels
Resources OK, 0/0, -1, -3, Unconscious
The covenant’s main resources are the Climb (cliffs) 2, Ferocity (hunting) 4, Stealth (stalking) 5
dozen faerie horses and the faerie servants
that were won along with the hill. The Fleece is Protection 4, Invisibility
covenant raises sheep and goats nourished
by the grass growing on the outside of the Vis
hill, which results in some extra-ordinary Four pawns of Perdo vis in horns; five pawns of Animál vis
animals. The Prince of the Grey Jerkin in fleece
sometimes causes a monster to be born to
the covenant’s flocks, which then does the
greatest damage it can to the inhabitants of for mortal goods. Magical animals are trad-
the covenant. When the occurrences of mon- ed to other covenants or to the faeries.
sters increase, Caitlin knows that the Prince is
planning to challenge her once more.
Per (nervous)
Pre (perfect lines)
Com Storytelling
+3 Str (powerful legs) +2 Dex (graceful)
+7 Sta (long-winded) +3 Qik (fleet) Life in a faerie mound is not like any-
thing in the mortal world, especially in the
Virtues & Flaws higher levels of the regio. Be sure to por-
Faerie Eyes
tray the strange and whimsical nature of a
Personality Traits faerie court. Entertainment lasts for sever-
+1 Loyal +2 Proud al days. There are feasts of wondrous food
and drink, and enchantments are taken
Combat Totals for granted. The inhabitants can change
Weapon 1st Atk Parry Dam their form or size from one day to the next.
Hoof Totals: +9 +8 - +9 These things all make for a chaotic and
baffling, but fun-filled, environment. The
Dodge Defense: +3 Soak: +11 demeanor of the inhabitants should fit
Fatigue: +7 Encumbrance: 0
those involved in a centuries-long party
Body Levels interrupted by periods of minor crisis.
OK, 0/0, -1/-1, -3, -6, Incapacitated
Shinty Activities
Activity Resolution
Alertness (shinty) 3, Area Knowledge—England (faerie courts) 1, Area Knowledge—Ireland (faerie
courts) 1, Area Knowledge—Scotland (faerie courts) 2, Athletics (jump) 3, Bargain (vis) 3, Charm
(sly) 2, Climb (Crun Clach) 3, Craft Songs (inspirational) 4, Dagger Attack (First Strike) 2, Dagger
Parry (daggers) 3, Dodge (caman) 5, Evaluate Players (shinty) 4, Faerie Lore (courts) 5, Fantastic
Beast Lore (British Isles) 3, Intimidation (royal bearing) 3, Intrigue (faerie courts) 1, Leadership (shin-
ty) 2, Perfect Balance (running) 3, Play Harp (own songs) 4, Play Shinty (shoot) 6, Ride Horse (each
sith) 3, Scan (shinty) 4, Search (long grass) 3, Shield Parry (claws) 3, Short Sword Attack (First Strike)
1, Sing (own songs) 4, Speak Gaelic (cultured) 6, Spear Attack (horseback) 2, Stealth (running quiet-
ly) 3, Scottish Law (foreigners) 3, Scribe Latin (analysis) 6, Search (writing) 2, Shield Parry (swords) 1,
Speak Norman French (questions) 3, Speak Saxon (questions) 4, Sword Attack (retreating) 1
All Auram spells to level 35
Invisibility (PeIm 35)
Shapechange to Hawk (MuCo 35) or Bull (MuCo 25)
Glamour (CrIm 25, can create images up to Size +2)
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: +12
Caman Totals: +17 +14 +8 +9 Soak: +19
Spear Totals: +14 +10 +6 -2 Fatigue: +4
Short Sword Totals: +11 +11 +6 -1 Encumbrance: 0
Dagger Totals: +11 +12 +5 +4
Shield Totals: +6 +5 -3 +6
Area Knowledge—Clan lands (neighbors) 6, Area Knowledge—Highlands (covenants) 3, Bargain (tri-
bunal) 5, Church Lore (Scottish Church) 2, Direction Sense (woods) 4, Disguise (hide deformities) 1,
Divination (clan matters) 4, Dousing (arable land) 3, Drinking (staying alert) 3, Enchanting Music
(harp) 5, Entrancement (men) 2, Faerie Lore (unseelie) 5, Fantastic Beast Lore (giants) 4, Farming (sea-
sons) 4, Gift (mental) 7, Gruagach Lore (clan history) 5, Gruagach Wisdom (new Talents) 9, Herbalism
(medicinal) 4, Hermes Lore (Ex Miscellanea) 2, Hex (humans) 4, Intimidate (size) 3, Leadership
(covenant) 6, Magic Sensitivity (gruagach) 4, Mimicry (birds) 2, Perfect Balance (cliffs) 2, Ride (long dis-
tance) 3, Second Sight (faeries) 3, Sense Holy/Unholy (Scottish Church) 4, Shield Parry (one on many)
5, Sling Attack (accuracy) 4, Speak Gaelic (leadership) 5, Speak Pictish (Shapeshift) 4, Spear Attack (one
on many) 4, Stealth (woods) 6, Track (men) 4, Transform (to cow) 3, Weather Sense (rain) 3
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge Defense: -2
Spear Totals: +8 +5 +8 0 Soak: +7
Sling Totals: Rate 1/round +5 +4 - Fatigue: -2
Shield Totals: +8 +5 +8 +7 Encumbrance: 0
Concentration (reading) 1; Ferocity (hunting) 2; Legend
Domnhull Beg, House Bonisagus Lore (King Arthur) 2; Read French (romances) 4; Read Latin
(from a distance) 5
Son of the chief of the clan,
Domnhull was sent to Durenmar,
domus magna of House Bonisagus.
There he trained in that House’s tradi- Bond Cords
tions. He is working on integrating the Bronze (body) 1; Silver (mind) 3; Gold (magic) 1
gruagach magical tradition with that
Bond Qualities
of the Order. He hopes that the native
Domnhull and Cagair always know where the other is up
Highland magician will not be seen as
to 100 paces away. Domnhull and Cagair share magical
merely a member of House Ex
protection, always using the better of their two Magic
Miscellanea, but as a worker in a mag-
Resistances. They may use each other’s senses on a simple
ical tradition of equal honor and status
Perception + Concentration roll of 9+.
to the Hermetic. He dreams that success
in this endeavor will allow him to start Vis
a new House in the order, dedicated to Three pawns of Aurum vis in feathers
the gruagach. He is a brilliant theoreti-
cian and will pursue his goal for the
rest of his life, but it has so far eluded him. tiable appetite for the deeds of lovelorn
knights. Cagair has recently discovered
Domnhull’s familiar is Cagair an t-Aile the romances of Chrétien de Troyes and
(cager an-tailu, Whisper of the Wind), a has become fascinated with the legends of
male osprey. Cagair often perches above King Arthur and his knights.
Domnhull’s head, reading over his shoul-
der and making sharp comments when Spells of Domnhull’s Invention
Domnhull dozes or makes a mistake in
reading. Cagair also pesters Domnhull to Enchantment to Block the Assault of Iron
have books and scrolls of courtly (Rego Terram 20)
romances from Provence brought to the Spell Focus: Iron ring (+2)
covenant, as he has developed an insa- R: Self/Touch, D: Conc./Sun
90 Domnhull Beg, House Bonisagus
Age: 109 Size: 0
Area Knowledge—clan lands (magicians) 1, Bargain (services) 3, Church Lore (Germany) 2,
Diplomacy (clan) 1, Enigmatic Wisdom (non-Hermetic traditions) 1, Etiquette (cities) 1, Evaluate Vis
(type) 2, Faerie Lore (magic) 3, Fantastic Beast Lore (Highland giants) 2, Finesse (Intéllego) 3, Folk
Ken (gruagachan) 2, Gruagach Lore (integration) 5, Hermes History (Dav’nalleous) 4, Hermes Law
(other magical traditions) 2, Hermes Lore (researchers) 4, Humanities (science) 4, Intrigue
(Bonisagus) 2, Legend Lore (giants) 4, Magic Theory (integration) 8, Meditation (collect thoughts) 4,
Occult Lore (curses) 3, Parma Magica (Intéllego) 3, Penetration (Intéllego) 4, Play Harp (meditation)
3, Scribe Latin (classical texts) 6, Speak English (conversational) 1, Speak French (conversational) 1,
Speak Gaelic (enunciation) 4, Speak German (magical theory) 3, Speak Italian (conversational) 1,
Speak Latin (exposition) 5, Speak Norse (conversational) 2, Speak Polish (conversational) 2, Speak
Russian (conversational) 1, Vim Affinity 3
Spells Known
Domnhull has had the time to work on any spell he desires and can be considered to have any spell
available to his lab totals.
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: 0
None - - - - Soak: -1
Fatigue: -1
Encumbrance: 0
Confidence Decrepitude
3 4
The scores that are split
Abilities (for example, First Strike
Animal Handling (cattle) 2, Area Knowledge—clan lands & neighbors (people) 4, Bargain (animals) +5/-1) show first the
3, Charisma (fatherly) 3, Charm (women) 3, Church Lore (local) 2, Craft Leather (armor) 2, Craft total when Donncadh
Wood (farm implements) 1, Diplomacy (clans) 4, Dirk Attack (left hand) 2, Dirk Parry (retreat) 2, Mac Calum is unar-
Dodge (in armor) 3, Evaluate Animals (worth) 4, Faerie Lore (local) 3, Folk Ken (Highlanders) 3, mored and then when
Gruagach Lore (Brude Deathless) 3, Guile (diplomacy) 3, Intrigue (clan politics) 4, Leadership (clan) he is armored.
4, Legend Lore (local) 1, Pretend (get sympathy) 2, Shield Attack (punch) 1, Shield Parry (axes) 2,
Sing (port a bail) 1, Speak Gaelic (commands) 3, Subterfuge (sympathy) 2, Survival (hills) 2, Sword
Attack (first strike) 3, Sword Parry (disarm) 1
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry
Dodge: +1/+4
Broad Sword Totals: +5/-1 +4 +9 +4
Soak: -1/+11
Dirk Totals: +2/-4 +3 +5 +3
Fatigue: -1/-7
Shield Totals: +1/-5 0 0 +5 Encumbrance: 0/-6
When arriving at the clan, visitors are greet- Unable to appease the high-strung magi,
ed far out in the fields by a few lads who are Calum appoints the characters to investigate
tending a mixed herd of sheep, cows, and goats. the murder, pointing out that they have no rea-
None of these lads speaks Latin or English, only son to favor anyone in their investigation. The
Gaelic. They escort anyone speaking a language Highlanders grudgingly accept his decree, but
they cannot understand to the house of do little to help the characters. Everyone knows
Domnhull Beg. During the spring and summer someone who had been insulted or attacked by
the clan houses stand deserted; only the houses the deceased. Trying to use scrying spells such as
of the magi are inhabited. In the autumn the Eyes of the Past runs into some sort of anti-scry-
women and children are back slaughtering ani- ing defense. Some magi will gleefully point out
mals in preparation for winter. A traveler hap- that vis collected from Loch Ness has the power
pening to come by in the winter is shown to a to block such spells. Magi from covenants in
seat by the fire and given a cup of hot broth to that area will protest their innocence, pointing
drink before being asked any questions. out that such vis is sold to many magi. Magi
refuse to have spells such as Frosty Breath of the
The storyguide should play up the general Spoken Lie cast on themselves. The characters
good nature of these people. Hospitality to a have to use more-mundane methods to get to
stranger is ingrained in them early in their life. the bottom of the problem.
However, if a clan member is attacked, the
attackers had better have a large contingent of The way the characters go about their
troops at their back or be quick on their feet, else investigations may have long-running effects
they will be slain outright. Friends of the clan are on their acceptance in the Highlands. If they do
friends for life, or until proving themselves ene- well, finding the murderer without hurting too
mies. Enemies of the clan are openly acknowl- many feelings, they are made welcome in most
edged as such. The clan is not duplicitous, and it covenants. On the other hand, if they manage
will not invite an enemy to dine and then attack to insult everyone in sight and not find the mur-
him or her. This is just not the clan’s way. derer (or accuse the wrong magus), they would
do best to leave the Highlands and never come
back. Prepare multiple motives and suspects, as
Story Ideas well as old grudges that can be paid off by
pointing the investigators at the wrong suspect.
The time for the tribunal to meet is coming This story could work just as well with compe-
up in a few months. Calum sends out invita- tent companions, but they would have to have
tions to the covenants and magicians of the Magic Resistance of one form or another.
I have found that the beliefs and magic of the natives of
Scotland before the Scots have been lost to the world, but
many tantalizing hints can be found among the inhabitants
of the Highlands and Islands. Many families have members
with exceptional talents, which are passed down from father
to son or mother to daughter. The numbers three and seven
seem to have mystical connotations, especially as in “the
third child of a third child” or “seventh child of a seventh.” A
number of mystical abilities seem to be far more prevalent
among these rude peasants than among similar folk in other
countries that I have visited, and a number of these people
have even joined House Ex Miscellanea solely on the strength
of their ability to douse for water or on the basis of their fre-
quent visions. However, no one whom I interviewed knew of
anyone with more than one strange ability, with one excep-
tion. The local people told me of beings known as “grua-
gachan,” which means either a monster or wizard or both.
The number of gruagachan in Scotland is small, surely not
more than two dozen in the entire country. I found one
young gruagach in the covenant of Eilean Beg (he has since
left that covenant) and had a chance to talk to him of his
abilities. Much like any Hermetic magus, he had a difficult
childhood, mostly because of being able to see through illu-
sions and find lost objects with the method known as dous-
ing. One day, while gathering seaweed for the evening meal,
he was abducted by a huge, smelly man, who turned out to
be Brude Deathless. Like some of our own less-principled
magi in the Order of Hermes, Brude stole the child away to
his tower in the fastness of Strathnavar, where he raised him
in the tradition of the gruagachan. After years of laborious
study in the arts of the gruagachan, the boy was told to
make his way in the world, and had several geasa (a form of
delayed curse or retribution common to the gruagachan) laid
on him, especially that he must train at least one gruagach
before his forty-ninth year. Brude, it seems, worries that the
traditional magic of the Highlands (or “Alban,” as he named
it) was being diluted and lost, never to be recovered. Each
generation of gruagach teaches less and loses more of the
magic. My informant, Chearlach Mac Caolin, was desperate-
ly looking for a student, as his fortieth year was approaching
and he had not yet found a suitable candidate.
Before a player generates a character from the Border families typically are horse-
from Scotland, he or she must make an men (see the template for the Border rider
important decision: whether the character is in Character Templates). Armor in the
to be from the Highlands or the Lowlands. Lowlands, except that of knights and men-
The Lowlands include the Borders and a thin at-arms, consists of leather or quilted coats
strip of land up the east coast of Scotland as (equivalent to leather-hauberk armor).
far as Aberdeen, and among their inhabi-
tants are all the townsmen and city-dwellers. Attitudes of the Lowlanders include pride
The Highlands are the interior of the country in their land, fear of Englishmen or Normans,
and the Islands. Foreigners in Scotland and love of the Church. The Lowlanders gen-
include French and Flemish wool merchants, erally resemble the “everyman” of the Ars
and English and French nobles and their ret- Mágica rules. Lowland nobles are generally
inues. The descendants of Danish Vikings live Anglo-Norman and tend to be poorer than
on the Islands and the northern Highlands, their English and French cousins.
and Irish live along the west coast.
Characters from the Borders should have
Virtues and Flaws related to families and
Lowland Characters love of raiding. Many are outlaws on one
side or the other of the border, and enemies
abound, both personal and those of the fam-
Create Lowland characters like any ily. Feuds are common among the Borderers.
other character in an Ars Mágica saga.
Characters from the Lowlands have either Lowland magi can be of any House,
English or Scottish as their native tongue. and foreigners are welcome among most
covenants. There are no gruagachan in
The long spear is the traditional the Lowlands. Houses Ex Miscellanea and
weapon of the Lowlands commoner. Few Merinita have the largest number of magi
inhabitants of the Lowlands use bows, in the Lowlands.
except the inhabitants of the Ettrick Forest.
Lowland knights are not as well equipped
as the knights of England, with chain
hauberk rather than full chain armor as
Highland Characters
the norm. While players are not restricted
by this, storyguides should keep it in mind Characters from the Highlands have a
when designing adventures. Characters free score of 1 in Faerie Lore, due to the
extremely faerie-rich environment in the English. However, Norse and Irish are readi- 99
Highlands. Highland characters will have ly accepted in the North and West. Feuds are
Gaelic as their native tongue or Norse if common among the Highland clans,
they live in Caithness or the Islands. though few have supernatural origins or
influences. While Anglo-Norman earls are
Highlanders are raiders by nature and nominally in charge of the Highlands, they
typically do not wait around for counterat- prefer to live in the Lowlands, close to the
tacks. Typical Highland weapons are dirks, court. Clan chiefs hold the true power in the
axes, clubs, and short spears. Armor, if Highlands. They have near-absolute power
worn, is generally leather or cloth jerkins, over the fate of their followers, but must still
represented by cloth cuirass armor in the answer to the clan council.
rules. Well-armored Highlanders wear
heavy cloth cottes, represented by full cloth Most Highland magi are of House Ex
armor in the rules. The Danish islanders of Miscellanea, and the Flaws “Hedge Wizard”
the West and North have developed heavy and “Isolated from the Order” are quite
infantry, the gallowglaich, who wear cotte common. For training in other Houses, the
or chain hauberk and carry two-handed character can apply at a covenant, or trav-
battle axes. Highlanders use bows, darts, el abroad. Note that a magus of House
and slings for their missile weapons. There Flambeau is unlikely to accept a Scot as an
is no military equivalent of the Lowland or apprentice (a prejudice that dates back to
English knight, as the horses of the Pralix and the war against Damhan-
Highlands are small ponies and better suit- allaidh). House Ex Miscellanea readily
ed to hauling baggage. accepts gruagachan, but their Hermetic sta-
tus can (and probably will) be in doubt if
Virtues and Flaws related to the charac- they leave the Highlands. The Highlands
ter’s family should be fairly common, as the are famous for their hermit magi, who have
family or clan is an important part of full voting rights in the tribunal. Most of the
Highland life. Highlanders see most of those hermits tend to side with one of the main
from the rest of the world as “foreigners,” covenants, but trading for votes is one way
even (or especially) Lowlanders and the these hermits make a living.
Caman: The caman is both a walking stick and the club for playing shinty. It looks
like a modern golf club, with a head about six to eight inches long.
Dart: A light javelin, about three feet long. Some darts have leather vanes attached to
the end to aid in flight. A warrior carries a number of javelins, to harry opposing troops.
Dirk: The dirk is the main weapon of most Highlanders. It is a large knife, gener-
ally sixteen to twenty inches long. It is sometimes used in the left hand in conjunction
with the targe, held so that the point projects beyond the rim of the shield
Long Ax: The Highlanders, especially those along the coast, carry this light ax with
them wherever they go, often using it as a walking stick. The haft is about three feet
long, and the head is small, only six inches long and three wide.
Targe: The typical shield of the Highlands is constructed of layered planks—offset,
so that they will not split easily. The shield is about two feet in diameter and covered
in leather decorated with curving patterns of studs and nailheads. The central boss
often includes a long, thin spike. This spike adds to the weapon damage of the shield
when used offensively.
Caman Inex +4 +2 +1 +3 n 0 1
Dart Inex -1 +1 +3 +1 n 0 n/a
Dirk Inex +2 +4 +3 +1 n 0 0
Long Ax Inex +3 +3 +5 +2 n 0 1
Targe Inex +2 +2 +1 +3 -2 0.5 1
100 Gruagachan are generally the only
characters from the Highlands with more
than one Exceptional Talent. If the player
wishes to create a non-gruagach character
with more than one Exceptional Talent, then
the Virtue “Latent Magical Ability” should
be taken to represent the fact that the char-
acter is a potential gruagach. However, until
the character is taken as a student by a gru-
agach and begins to learn of his or her abil-
ities, that character’s starting Exceptional
Talents cost the normal amount.
New Virtues
New Flaws
Transform, +3 Gruagach
Brudeonly onlyneeds
needsto tonot
Geas Ease Factor Modifiers he
he rolls
rolls aa 9,9, for
for aa total
total ofof 44.
44. Now
Prohibitions: aastranger
dinner,thethedie dieroll
combatwill willbebezero.
Specific prohibition +0 The
continueto tobebezero
General prohibition +3 Duncan loses at least one body
Duncan loses at least one body level, level,
Sweeping prohibition +7 then
One-time zero +0
Ability reduced +1 per point
reduced A character with the “Gift” Talent
Characteristic reduced +1 per point can grant abilities, traits, or Virtues to
reduced him or herself or to others. However, he
One-time botch +1 or she must specify conditions (as with a
Geas), along with the Gift, under which
Suitable Geas -1–7
the Gift will be lost. The Ease Factor
depends on what effect the caster wishes Suitable penalty -1–7
to give the target, modified by the Inappropriate Geas +1–7
enhancement granted and the Geas Inappropriate penalty +1–7
attached. Note that the penalty on many
Virtues must be the loss of the Gift, as
other penalties make no sense. Exempli
Exempli Gratia
The Gift is continuing if it has one- Gift
time or reduced trait penalties, meaning
that the character still has the Gift, but After
After his his brush
brush with with BrudeBrude
suffers the penalty each time he or she Deathless,
Deathless, Duncan
Duncan the theBold
breaks the Geas. If the character breaks es
es the
the Old
Old Woman
Woman of of the
the Heather,
Heather, aa
the Geas connected to the Gift a number local
local witch known
known to tohave
havethe theability
of times equal to the casting total of the to
explains to him him that
original Gift roll, then both the Gift and Geasa
Geasa are areextremely
to removeto
Geas are both broken permanently. remove
and thatand he that
will just
he will
have justto have
a stranger
to dinner
to dinnereveryevery night.
A Gift must overcome Natural and However,
However, knowing
knowing that that Duncan
Duncan has has
Magic Resistance, even though the recipi- made
made an an enemy
enemy of of Brude,
Brude, sheshedecides
ent wants the Gift in the first place. to
to Gift
Gift him
him with
with protection
againsthis his
Botches on the Gift roll can affect the user malevolent
malevolent spells
(WithstandMagic: Magic: +2
or the recipient and can take many forms, +2
Supernatural Virtue
Virtuethatthat confers +6 +6
from stricter prohibitions or penalties, to Magic
Magic Resistance).
Resistance). However,
However, he he must
reversed effects (in effect turning the Gift never
never eat
eat beef
beef nor
nor kill
exceptin in
into a Curse). face-to-face
face-to-face combat,
combat, or or the
the ability
disappear. He He agrees,
agrees, and
and pays
two goats,
goats, and
and aa sheep;
sheep; andand sheshe pre-
pares her
her Gift:
Gift Ease Factor Modifiers
Total Ease
Ease Factor
Factor == 77 ++ 14
14 (+2
Gift: Virtue)
Virtue) -- 33 (sweeping
(sweeping prohibition)
prohibition) --77
(Gift lost)
lost) == 11
Add to a characteristic +7 per point
added Her
Her casting
casting score
score == 44 (Gift)
(Gift) ++ 11
Add to an ability +3 x Experience (Int)
(Int) == 55
cost of new score
Add a Virtue +7 x Virtue Score This
This isis aa bit
Remove a Flaw +7 x Flaw Score Woman,
Woman, but but sheshe rolls
rolls aa 77and
fully Gifts
Gifts Duncan.
Duncan. Now, Now,until
Geas: breaks
breaks one
one of ofhis
twonewnew Geasa,
Geasa,he will
have have
+6 Magic +6 Resistance.
Magic Resistance.
Specific prohibition +3 However,
once he breaks
once he either
he will
General prohibition 0 he
the will
lose the andResistance
will never beandable
Sweeping prohibition -3 never
be Gifted
be able
withtoitbe again.
Gifted with it again.
Geas penalties:
Fail once +3
Botch once 0
Ability reduced -1 per point Curses reduce abilities, characteristics,
reduced and Virtues; or grant Flaws. Curses do not
Ability capped -7 have attendant Geasa, but a Curse must
Gift lost forever -7 have a condition that breaks it, much like
a Geas. Most conditions describe some-
Poetic Justice: thing that the victim must do or have done
108 to him or her such as obtain a kiss or per- Ease
Ease Factor
Factor == 77 (base)
form a specific act. The victim or his or her Flaws)
Flaws) ++ 77 (general
condition)-2 -2(suit-
friends may end the Curse, if they can find able
able Curse)
Curse) == 3333
the releasing condition. An Intéllego Vim
spell of level 35 can reveal the lifting con- Brude’s
Brude’s casting
casting scorescore == 13 13
ditions on the Curse. (Curse)
(Curse) + 6 (Int)
(Int) ++ 88 (Speak
Brude’s normal
Brude’s normal casting
casting scorescore
Curse Ease Factor Modifiers would be
would be 35,
35, meaning
meaning thatthatanything
but aa zero
but zero would
Curse.He He
Curse: Curses Duncan
Curses Duncan and and rolls
rolls aa 33 forfor aa
total of
total of 38.
38. However,
Duncanhas hasnot not
Cap an ability +3 yet broken
yet brokeneither
associated with
Reduce a characteristic +7 per point his Gift
with of Withstand
his Gift of Withstand Magic,
Magic,so sohis
reduced Resistance
his of 6ofreduces
Resistance 6 reducesthethe
to 32,
Reduce an ability +7 per point defeating
32, the the
defeating Curse. With
Curse. a laugh
With a laughand
reduced a wave
and (and
a wave a silent
(and promise
a silent promise not to
Add a Flaw +7 x Flaw value break
to break his
Geasa), Duncan
Duncan leadsleads hishis
Remove a Virtue +7 x Virtue value men away.
men away. Because
Because thethe roll
roll failed
failedby by
A broch (“brok”) is a less
less than 7, Brude takes no effect
7, Brude takes no ill effect from
large, thick-walled Lifting: the failed
from Curse.Curse.
the failed
tower built by a for-
gotten race.
Specific condition +14
General condition +7
Sweeping condition +0
Lifting Geasa and Curses
Poetic justice: Geasa, Gifts, and Curses may be lifted
only in extraordinary circumstances or by
Suitable Curse -1–7 high-level spells. The one who cast the
Suitable lifting -1–7 Curse, Gift, or Geas may revoke it by
The “magnitude” of a
Inappropriate Curse +1–7 rolling over his or her original roll with
magical effect is one- Inappropriate lifting +1–7 the same Talent and while the target is in
fifth of its level. earshot. Persuading the caster to do this
Magnitude is a should be worth several adventures.
Hermetic way of ExempliGratia
Exempli Gratia
describing the power of Hermetic magi may use Perdo Vim spells
magical effects. While Curse
Curse to remove a Gift, Curse, or Geas, but there
players might talk of
are risks inherent in doing so. First, the
“levels,” “magnitude”
is used when speaking
magus must cast an Intéllego Vim spell of at
in character. Brude
Deathlessisis disturbed by by least Level 20 to determine the likely magni-
party crossing below
below tude of effect of the Curse. On a successful
his Broch.
Broch. Seeing
Seeing his
his old enemy
enemy cast, the magus gets an idea of the level spell
Duncanthe theBold,
Bold,hehe curses
curses him andand he or she would need to cast to dispel the
a Curse. On an unsuccessful cast, the sto-
a Curseupon
he will
he will
the ryguide should modify the suggested level up
the sight
of theofmoon
the moon
and thatandhethat
will he
be or down by as much as 25% of the real score.
will be
to hard
to awaken
(thus restricting
(thus restrict-
his On a botch, the storyguide should modify
ing hisforays).
nightly The
Curse will
Curse the suggested level by up to 50%. The level of
Duncan until
Duncan (not
likely the Geas or Curse is the Ease Factor of
for the danger-seeking
Duncan). The Original Curse plus 1/10 the caster’s Magic
The storyguide
that the “Common
decides Resistance. Note that the Intéllego Vim spell
that the
(-2 Mental)
“Common andFear”
(-2 Sleeper”
Mental) will reveal the Ease Factor, not the Magic
“Deep Flaws
are (-1
Physical) Resistance of the person who placed the Geas
are for
the total Ease
checks or Curse. A Curse cast by a hedge witch has
for the total Ease Factor: the same “feel” as one cast by Brude
Deathless, whose Magic Resistance is 60!
Exempli Gratia: Luckily, Domnhull asked Duncan, 109
who had cast the Geas and so had a good
Determining a Geas’ Magnitude idea that the likely level of the spell could
be up to ten levels more than that indicat-
Duncan the the Bold,
Bold, tired
tired of
of his
his ed by the Intéllego spell. Domnhull gath-
Geas (and
(and getting
getting poor
poor because
because ofof it),
it), ers two pawns of vis, which he will use in
goes to to thethe magimagi of of Clan
Clan Mac Mac the lifting of the Geas. His casting total is:
Gruagach in in hopes
hopes ofof having
having the the
Geas lifted.
lifted. Domnhull
Domnhull Beg Beg agrees
agrees toto 12 (Perdo) + 24 (Vim) + 3 (Intelligence)
try toto lift
lift the
the Geas.
Geas. Domnhull’s
Domnhull’s + 3 (Vim affinity) + 10 (vis) = 52
Intéllego ++ Vim Vim ++ Affinity
Affinity ++ Int
Int score
is 62,
62, and
and he he isis easily
easily able
able to
to produce
produce He rolls a 3, for a total of 55, giving
a level
level 20
20 spontaneous
spontaneous spell.
spell. The
The sto-
sto- him a successful spell of level 27. The Geas
ryguide indicates
indicates that the Geas on is lifted and Duncan is now able to eat
Duncan is is about
about magnitude
magnitude 4. 4. (The
(The alone once more. Now he must pay off the
Ease Factor
Factor was was 18.)
18.) debt to the covenant, especially for those
two pawns of vis!
Once the magus determines the magni-
tude of the Geas, he or she must cast a
spontaneous Perdo Vim spell of at least the
true level of the Geas or Curse. This spell is
always cast under stress. Note that the
Intéllego Vim spell is necessary to under-
Highland Magician
stand the nature of the Curse. A Perdo Vim
spell cast without the knowledge gained by The gruagach is the descendant of the
the Intéllego spell has no beneficial effect. giants and gruagachan of old and is
This is also why the Perdo Vim spell must be trained at an early age to an older grua-
spontaneous: since Geasa are such special- gach. Gruagach magic is represented by
ized magical effects, a formulaic spell could Exceptional Talents, which are easily
not take all the variables into account. acquired by the gruagach character.
Highland magic is incompatible with
If the magus successfully casts a spell Hermetic, faerie, or other magical traditions.
whose level matches or exceeds the Geas
level, then the Geas is successfully lifted.
There are no further penalties to the one
who bore it or to the magus who lifted it. If
Creating a Gruagach Character
the magus did not cast the required spell
successfully or the level of the spell was not A gruagach character fills your
sufficiently high, then the Geas remains. If “magus slot.” In standard troupe-style
the spell was less than 15 levels from the play, in which each player has only one
required level, or the magus botched the magus character, the gruagach counts as
casting roll, then the storyguide may have that character.
the Geas be triggered on the bearer or
transferred to the magus who tried to lift it.
Lifting a Geas Magically Develop a gruagach’s characteristics
as you would those of a magus.
Having determined that he needs a
spell of about level 20 to lift the Geas,
Domnhull agrees to try to lift the Geas.
The total level that the spell must match
Virtues and Flaws
or surpass is:
Virtues and Flaws describe a grua-
18 (Geas total) + 6 (1/10 of Brude’s gach’s magic powers; thus, many special
Magic Resistance) = 24 rules apply to selecting Virtues and Flaws.
110 Gruagachan may take up to 10 points Virtues and Flaws Unavailable to
of Virtues and Flaws. A gruagach must
choose the new +3 Virtue “Shapeshifter” Gruagachan
(see “New Virtues”) and at least two other
Exceptional Talents. Exceptional Talents Any Virtue or Flaw specifying Hermetic
are less expensive for gruagachan than arts, parmae magicae, Hermetic spells, etc.
they are for other characters, as noted in the Any Hermetic Virtue or Flaw regarding spell-
table “Gruagach Talent Cost.” Other casting (voice, gestures, foci, side effects, etc.).
Virtues and Flaws are not available to gru-
agachan, as detailed in the unavailable Any Hermetic Virtue or Flaw about
Virtues and Flaws table. Finally, a few more time limits, life-linked magic, etc., of spells.
Virtues are available only to gruagachan.
(These Virtues cannot be given to other Most Virtues and Flaws about the
characters, even with the “Gift” Talent.) Order of Hermes. (Reputations are all right.)
Speak Gaelic 4
Speak Pictish 3
Gruagach Knowledge 3
Gruagach Wisdom 3
Shapeshift 3
Gruagach Magic
Gruagach magic is very different from
Hermetic magic, as it revolves around the
use of Exceptional Talents.
112 Casting Gruagach Magic Exceptional Talent is 10 times the grua-
gach cost of the Exceptional Talent.
All gruagach magic is rolled with Learning a new Exceptional Talent
stress dice, as gruagachan do not have the requires at least one full season. The gru-
precise control that Hermetic magi do. agach may spend several seasons learn-
ing the Talent, adding a simple die roll to
Gruagachan have the same aura modi- the lab total each season. Study must be
fiers as Hermetic magi, but they may not continuous, as per Hermetic laboratory
gain the benefits of the Scottish temper of the rules. Once the gruagach learns a Talent,
Dominion as described in Scottish Landscape, his or her score in the Talent is 0. Further
Chapter 4. experience in the Talent proceeds as
detailed in the Ars Mágica rules.
A gruagach does not begin life with the
“magical air” of the Hermetic magus.
However, the first botched use of a magical Exempli Gratia
Talent (marked MR on the “Gruagach Talent
Cost”) will grant both the “Magical Air” and Learning a New Exceptional Talent
the “Offensive to Animals” Flaws. The second
botch grants the “Blatant Gift” Flaw. These Young Donald Dubh wishes to
Flaws are in addition to any Flaw that might learnYoung
the Exceptional
Donald Dubh Talentwishes
of Magic to
be granted by the botch. The beginning gru- learn
the Exceptional
a +1 Exceptional
Talent of Talent
agach may start with either the “Magical Sensitivity,
for gruagachan. a +1The Exceptional
target numberTalent is
Air” and “Offensive to Animals” Flaws or all for
His Intelligence
The target is number
+2, his is
three Flaws at normal cost. 10.
His Intelligence
Wisdom is 6; is he rolls
+2, ahis9
on the simple Wisdom
die, foris a6;learning
he rollstotal
a 9
of 17.
the He
has successfully
die, for a learning
17. He in has
one successfully
season and learned
has a scorethe
Magic Resistance Talent
of 0 in inMagic
one season
and has a score
of 0 in Magic Sensitivity.
Gruagachan cannot learn the parma A few years later, Donald has
magica. Instead, the first three magical raisedA hisfew Gruagach
years later, Wisdom
Donaldtohas 9,
Talents (marked MR on the “Gruagach raised
allowing hishimGruagach
to learnWisdomTransform, to 9, a
Talent Cost”) that the character learns con- allowing
special gruagach
him to learn
Talent. Transform,
Transform a
tribute to a gruagach’s Magic Resistance. special
is a +3 gruagach
Exceptional Talent.
for grua-
Magic Resistance is equal to the sum of the gachan,
is and therefore
a +3 Exceptional Talentthe for target
gruagach’s scores in these three Talents. gachan,
number isand 30. Donald’s
thereforenew thelearning
When the gruagach has successfully number
total is 11 is and
30. Donald’s
his first season’s
new learning
roll is
learned the Virtue “External Soul,” add +20 total
6, foris a11total
and his
of 17,
enough roll to
to Magic Resistance. 6,
for the
a total
Talentof in
17,one notseason.
enough Over
the next
learn the three
in onehis rolls are
season. Over2,
10, next
and three
4, forseasons
a totalhis of rolls
33, giving
are 2,
himanda score4, for
of 0aintotal
of 33, giving
Learning New Exceptional Talents him a score of 0 in Transform.
wha: who
nae: no
hae: have
spills: breaks
gaes: goes
dule: sorrow
pine: pain
dee: die
This chapter includes a number of and the native magicians can be a factor
story ideas, both for grogs and compan- in the campaign. After the war is over, the
ions and for magi. Some are ideal for Ordo Miscellanea is created, and there is
natives, while others can draw foreigners the politics involved in joining the two
to the Highlands. These stories have no set orders. Besides the scenario of the war rag-
date, so may be used in sagas set outside ing against Damhan-allaidh, there is that
of the official saga date of A.D. 1220. of the north and west coasts of Scotland
being under attack by the Vikings, com-
plicating the political and military pic-
Other Saga Dates ture.
Alertness (attacks) 3, Animal Handling (dogs) 2, Animal Ken (dogs) 8, Area Lore—Britain
(history) 4, Area Lore—Highlands (gruagachan) 10, Area Lore—Scotland (history) 6, Bargain
(favors) 2, Boating (small craft) 3, Brawl (damage) 6, Charisma (Highland politics) 3, Charm
(sly) 2, Chirurgery (cuts) 7, Church Knowledge (sacraments) 1, Church Lore (saints) 4, Climb
(cliffs) 3, Concentration (study) 5, Contortions (climbing) 3, Direction Sense (in hills) 5, Dirk
Attack (slash) 4, Dirk Parry (dirks) 3, Divination (dreams) 4, Dodge (spears) 6, Dousing (long
distance) 6, Empathy (politics) 8, Enchanting Music (inspiration) 8, Entrancement (domineer-
ing) 5, Faerie Lore (politics) 3, Fantastic Beast Lore (Highlands) 5, Folk Ken (baser nature) 5,
Gift (characteristics) 10, Gruagach Lore (own pupils) 8, Gruagach Wisdom (training) 25,
Healer (disease) 7, Herbalism (body-enhancing potions) 4, Hex (revenge) 3, Intimidation (rep-
utation) 6, Leadership (gruagachan) 6, Legend Lore (Picts) 5, Magic Sensitivity (students) 5,
Medicine (anatomy) 4, Mimicry (animals) 5, Occult Lore (ghosts) 4, Perfect Balance (cliffs) 4,
Play Harp (solo) 5, Potency (Curse) 8, Premonitions (magic) 5, Read Lips (Gaelic) 4, Scan
(hills) 5, Search (plants) 4, Second Sight (faerie glamour) 6, Sense Holy/Unholy (people) 3,
Speak Gaelic (conversational) 6, Speak Pictish (Curses) 8, Stealth (walking) 5, Survival
(Highlands) 4, Swim (sea) 4, Track (animals) 5, Transform (to inanimate objects) 10, Visions
(death) 6, Weather Sense (storms) 3
Gruagach Abilities
Curse (physical abilities) 13, Geasa (revenge) 12, Shapeshift (to inanimate objects) 15, External Soul
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: +7
Dirk Totals: +9 +11 +12 +2 Soak: +6
Fatigue: +1
Encumbrance: 0
This story idea works best with grogs or Soon after the incident, a shepherd
companions or a weak magus (one who up in one of the high pastures is found
cannot just magic-away the problem). beaten nearly to death. When asked who
did it, he names the other clan. That
The character in question is acting as night, several hotheaded young men go
guard for the chief of the clan as he visits out “hunting” and come back several
a number of neighboring clans. The chief days later, smug and full of themselves.
is trying to raise support for his feud with Incidents of violence escalate, men are
the Mac Peadars, with whom his clan has knifed in the back and ambushed, and
had a long and deadly history. The char- finally it comes down to full-scale raids
acters are sitting with the hosting clan’s against the lands and houses of the two
men at dinner one night when one of the clans. Each clan starts to call on its own
hosts makes disparaging remarks about allies. Unless peace is made or one clan
his clan, chief, or some other controversial is eliminated, the feud will take on a life
subject. Be sure to hit at least one of the of its own, and even the best plans to
character’s personality traits in the end it will fail.
124 Highland Giants The rocks that a giant throws are large
boulders, and any hit will kill most
human-sized targets. Depending on the
surface the boulder lands on, the boulder
The giants that inhabit the Highlands may roll, skip, sink, or shatter. The sto-
are a powerful but nearly extinct race. ryguide should determine what happens
There are two races of giants, closely relat- to the boulder after it lands. Hits missing
ed: the famhair a’falach, giants with magi- by 3 or less should be considered grazing
cal powers (a’falach means “hidden” and blows, which do “only” +15 damage.
refers to the hidden heart of the magical
giants); and the famhair laisdir, the non- Parries by opponents of Size +3 or
magical giants. smaller cannot hope to stop any attack of
a giant. It is far better to dodge; better yet,
The famhair a’falach are the origina- to run away.
tors of gruagach magic, and some may
have powers about which the grua- Due to the mass of the giants, no
gachan know nothing. They stand up to human-sized attack can do more than one
forty feet tall and are immensely strong. body level in damage, unless a way is
There are only a few left in all of found to attack the vitals. Opponents of
Scotland, and each has a soul that can be Size +2 to +4 do half the normal levels of
separated from its body and also has cen- damage, and opponents of Size +5 or more
turies of life experience. The last rem- do normal amounts of damage. Note that
nants of this race live in remote lance attacks use the Size of the horse
Sutherland and Strathnavar, having when determining damage (usually in the
retreated from the encroachments of +2 to +4 Size range). Arrows, quarrels, and
humans. A concerted expansion into slingstones do -10 damage, with a maxi-
their last domain by humans could easily mum of 1 body level. Siege engines do
lead to a bloody war as the giants strike half-normal body levels.
back against the puny humans who have
hounded them. The return of Damhan- As giants are six times the height of
allaidh could also precipitate the giants’ a man or more, most attacks will be
anger against mankind. Meeting a magi- against the legs and feet. It may help if
cal Highland giant should be on the same the players visualize being attacked by a
scale as meeting the Dragon of the one-foot-high doll.
Pyrenees or Brude Deathless.
+4 Int (wise) +5 Pre (awe-inspiring)
+4 Per (excellent hearing) 0 Com
+15 Str (huge) 0 Dex
+10 Sta (unstoppable) -4 Qik (ungainly)
Personality Traits
+3 Jumpy
Magical Abilities
Shapeshift (control) 15, Magic Sensitivity (distance) 13,
Faerie Sensitivity (Unseelie) 10, Weather Sense (storms)
12, Second Sight (magic) 12
Combat Totals
Weapon 1st Atk Parry Dam
Boulder Totals: Rate 1/round +3 - +60
Club Totals: +5 +9 - +35
Body Levels
OK, 0/0/0/0 -1/-1, -3, -6, Incapacitated
Fatigue Levels
OK, 0/0/0/0 -1/-1, -3, -6, Unconscious
Area Knowledge—Highlands (natural features) 5, Club
Attack (sweep) 3, Speak Gaelic (conversational) 2,
Speak Giant (Shapeshift) 5, Speak Pictish (conversation-
al) 2, Throw Rock (distance) 4
Eight pawns of Córporem vis in body, six Vim in brain,
two Animál in hides
External Soul: Most famhairan a’falach have separated
their heart from their body, hiding it to save themselves
from being killed.
Gruagach Magic
The famhairan a’falach use gruagach magic, adding
their ability in Speak Giant instead of Speak Pictish
when using their Talents.
Famhair Laidir - Non-magical Highland Giant
126 Magic Resistance Size
unable to leave her bed. She bade me
find powerful magicians to recover her
30 +7
heart and return it to her in her island
Characteristics castle. For this service, she is prepared
-3 Int (dense) -6 Pre (impressively huge) to pay in gold, gems, and items of
+6 Per (keen nose) 0 Com great power. I have flown long and
hard to find such puissant magicians
+35 Str (huge) -1 Dex (ungainly)
+40 Sta (supernatural) -1 Qik (slow reactions) as yourselves, and I beg that you
accept this charge.”
Virtues and Flaws
External Soul +4 If the characters agree to retrieve
the queen’s heart, they will be told that
Personality Traits it lies under a rock in the center of an
+4 Easily Confused island. The island lies in a lake three
leagues long by one league wide, and
Magical Abilities
there are seven islands in it. The island
Shapeshift (control) 15, Magic Sensitivity (distance) 13,
Faerie Sensitivity (Unseelie) 10, Weather Sense (storms) with the heart can be recognized
12, Second Sight (magic) 12 because every night seven black geese
fly onto the island and every morning
Confidence seven red salmon leap out of the water
1 around it. The heart is buried under a
stone surrounded by seven oak trees,
Combat Totals each with an eagle’s nest in it. Once
Weapon 1st Atk Parry Dam the characters have retrieved the heart,
Boulder Totals: Rate 1/round +4 - +70
they must take it to the queen’s island
Club Totals: +5 +12 - +50
(in the Shetlands) and there deliver it
Dodge Defense: -6 Soak: +64 to the queen so that she may destroy it
Fatigue: +40 Encumbrance: 0 and die in peace.
Magical giants have the powers of the Alexander’s dependence on Henry that
gruagach and more. The gruagachan he made the title hereditary in 1121.
claim that they first learned their powers The seneschals served the kings of
from the giants and even claim descent Scotland with dedication and intelli-
from them. gence, soon making themselves indis-
pensable. David Goulis, Henry’s great-
grandson, began construction of a castle
named “Monksend” in 1187, having
Famhair Laidir taken the lands of a Benedictine
monastery for his own. Rumors immedi-
Non-magical Highland Giant ately started to spread of David’s atroci-
ties: the Benedictines claimed that
The non-magical cousins of the David had slaughtered the abbot of the
famhairan a’falach, the famhairan laidir monastery and laid him under the cor-
generally are taller, but have much less nerstone of the castle. In 1189 David
intelligence and no magical abilities. Fast- brought forward a monk to dispute
talking humans can easily confuse a these allegations, but still they persisted.
famhair laidir, but if one finds that it has
been tricked, its vengeance can be terrible. The castle of Monksend became
Generally, humans have little to fear from a known locally as a haunted place, and it
giant (except for being stepped on), as they is avoided even by armed cattle raiders.
only attack opponents of a similar size The land around the castle supports the
unless firmly directed to do otherwise. Many rumors, appearing dark and gloomy
famhairan laidir aided Damhan-allaidh in even on the brightest day. The people of
his war against Pralix and against the the Borders claim that on nights of the
Praeses Septentrionalis, and many could dark of the moon David rides forth,
join him if he rose to lead them again. attended by his familiar, Robyn Redcap,
and a host of demon dogs. He seeks
innocent souls to sacrifice to his demon-
Lord Goulis and the ic master. The strongest man is unable
to pierce Lord Goulis’s armor, and the
Demons of Monksend fastest horse cannot outrun the hounds.
Many people can tell of children stolen
Castle from their beds or of a brother slain in
the hills. Folk-belief claims that a silver
crucifix buried under the doorsill will
King Alexander I appointed Henry protect the inhabitants of the house, but
de Goulis as his seneschal, and such was few can afford such a thing. Yet the true
128 David, Lord Goulis
Age: 50 Size: 0
+5 Int (legalistic) 0 Pre
+1 Per (observant) +1 Com (sly tongue)
0/+4 Str (normal/unearthly) -3/+2 Dex (palsied/poised)
+4 Sta (boundless energy) -2/+3 Qik (halting steps/vigorous)
Area Lore—England (northern) 2, Area Lore—lands around Hermitage (neighbors) 2, Area
Lore—Scotland (noble families) 3, Bargain (demons) 3, Charm (nobles) 1, Church Lore
(Lowland monasteries) 2, Concentration (summoning) 3, Dagger Attack (damage) 1, Dagger
Parry (slashes) 3, Diplomacy (Kingdoms) 2, English Law (fealty) 2, Folk Ken (fears) 1, Forgery
(king’s signature) 1, Guile (activities) 2, Hand Ax Attack (damage) 4, Hand Ax Parry (horse-
back) 1, Hierarchy (demon names) 5, Intimidation (demons) 2, Intrigue (royal court) 3, Lance
Attack (horsemen) 3, Leadership (counsel) 3, Occult Lore (demons) 6, Read Black Tongue
(names) 3, Ride (hills) 1, Scottish Law (property) 3, Scribe Latin (legal documents) 4, Search
(documents) 3, Shield Attack (first strike) 1, Shield Parry (swords) 4, Speak English (diplomacy)
5, Speak Latin (legal) 5, Speak Norman French (courtly) 3, Speak Scottish (counsel) 5,
Subterfuge (legalities) 3
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Unarmored Armored
Dagger Totals: +0 +2 +3 +4 Dodge:-2 Dodge: +3
Ax Totals: +9 +8 +16 +2 Soak: +4 Soak: +20
Lance Totals: +13 +7 +22 -2 Fatigue: +4 Fatigue: +4
Shield Totals: +7 +4 +5 +8 Encumbrance: 0
Magical items
Lord Goulis’s armor has many enchantments on it. It has no encumbrance and increases his
Strength to +4, his Dexterity to +2, and his Quickness to +3. It has a protection value of 16. This
armor was a gift from his patron demon and will disappear if Lord Goulis is killed. The demon
may alter any physical attributes of Lord Goulis while he is wearing the armor. The armor
allows Lord Goulis to use his skills in ax, lance, and shield. Out of the armor he can only use
his dagger skill.
Lord Goulis’s horse is a demon bound in horse form. Treat as a Size +3 horse with Steed of
Vengeance cast upon it, able to use fiery breath (CrIg 25, +20 damage to one target within 10
feet). The horse-demon knows enough not to breathe fire when “friendly” witnesses are around.
Robyn Redcap - Lord Goulis’s Demonic
danger of Lord Goulis lies not in Familiar 129
his nocturnal forays but in the
fact that he has the ear of the Demonic Might Size
king and is able to influence him. 35 0
5) Damhan-allaidh is undead:
Alertness (sense magic) 6, Animal Ken (predators) 4, Area Knowledge—British Isles (magical sites) 4, Area Knowledge—Brittany
(magical sites) 3, Area Knowledge—Highlands (magical sites) 6, Animal Handling (wolves) 3, Athletics (jump) 2, Bargain (faeries)
5, Boating (small craft) 4, Brawl (claws) 7, Church Lore (Scottish Church) 3, Climb (speed) 3, Concentration (screams) 5,
Contortions (escape bonds) 7, Dart Attack (accuracy) 4, Diplomacy (from strength) 4, Direction Sense (hills) 4, Divination (entrails)
4, Dodge (swords) 4, Dousing (magic) 6, Drinking (get drunk) 2, Empathy (victims) 2, Enchanting Music (fear) 6, Entrancement
(willing sacrifice) 5, Faerie Lore (history) 3, Fantastic Beast Lore (giants) 8, Folk Ken (victims) 4, Geasa (physical) 7, Gift (characteris-
tics) 6, Gruagach Lore (outdated) 2, Gruagach Wisdom (new Talents) 30, Herbalism (poison) 6, Hermes History (Pralix) 3, Hex
(fear) 3, Leadership (supernatural allies) 6, Legend Lore (early Britain) 6, Magic Sensitivity (Hermetic) 5, Magic Theory (grua-
gachan) 1, Mimicry (victim’s voice) 5, Occult Lore (Scottish Highlands) 5, Perfect Balance (standing still) 3, Play Flute (haunting
melodies) 4, Potency (curse) 6, Premonitions (Order of Hermes) 5, Read Lips (distance) 3, Ride Horse (speed) 5, Scan (forest) 6,
Search (forest) 4, Second Sight (faeries) 4, Sense Holiness & Unholiness (relics) 7, Speak Frankish (courtly) 3, Speak Latin (archaic) 3,
Speak Pictish (Geasa) 6, Speak Saxon (threats) 4, Two-handed Spear Attack (cruelty) 5, Two-handed Spear Parry (spears) 6, Stealth
(walk silently) 5, Survival (forest) 4, Swim (ocean) 2, Track (humans) 4, Visions (hunters) 3, Weather Sense (storms) 4
Gruagach Abilities
External Soul, Curse (physical) 17, Shapeshift (monsters) 20, Transform (fish) 20
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: +13 Soak: +31
2-h Spear Totals: +21 +18 +21 +14 Fatigue: +10 Encumbrance: 0
Dart Totals: Rate 2/round +5 +8 -
Special Abilities
Damhan-allaidh has developed even beyond the normal Talents of the gruagach and has learned the equivalent of Hermetic
form + technique abilities. Each ability is a separate skill and allows casting spontaneous Hermetic-style spells. The level of the
result is equal to:
If he spent a point of a characteristic and botches the spell, he loses the point permanently. Otherwise, he regenerates charac-
teristics like long-term fatigue levels.
These spells may be resisted as Hermetic spells.
Incinerate: Like Creo and Rego Ignem, but only for true fire, not light or heat effects. Characteristic is Presence.
Personality Traits
Proud +2, Loyal to Family +3, Brave +2
Killer of Aonghus Mac Dughal +3
Abilities: Animal Handling (droving) 3, Area
Lore—clan lands (paths) 2, Ax Attack (running) 3,
Ax Parry (retreating) 1, Bargain (animals) 3, Brawl
(punch) 2, Climb (quickly) 2, Dirk Attack (running)
2, Dodge (unarmed) 2, Evaluate Cows (fitness) 2,
Faerie Lore (stories) 1, Farming (cas chrom) 2, Scan
(herds) 2, Shield Parry (axes) 3, Sing (work songs)
1, Speak English (market) 2, Speak Gaelic (ani-
mals) 4, Speak Scottish (haggling) 2, Survival
(Highlands) 2, Track (cows) 2
You are the strength of the clan; without you the
crops would not be grown, the animals would not
be taken to market, and the clan would have no
defense. Last year you killed Aonghus Mac
Dughal, a notorious cattle thief. As your clan and
his are at feud anyway, you felt justified, but you
still had to flee. You have traveled several times to
the cattle market at Dunkeld and consider yourself
quite the man of the world.
“Well, I’m not saying that the clan is poor, but you
should see Dunkeld. Hundreds of people live there,
and they all carry swords! It’s the biggest city you’ll
ever see, and the cathedral is huge. I’ll bet it’s the
biggest city in the world.”
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry
Ax Totals: +7 +7 +11 +5
Dirk Totals: +6 +7 +8 -2
Shield Totals: -1 +2 -2 +5
Dodge: +3 Soak: +3
Fatigue: +5 Encumbrance: 0
0 Int +1 Pre (powerful-looking)
-1 Per (hard of hearing) -1 Com (terse)
+1 Str (well built) 0 Dex
+1 Sta (powerful chest) -1 Qik (slow to react)
Personality Traits
Honor-bound +2, Self-reliant +2, Brave +3
Bloodthirsty (civilians) +3, Steady (warriors) +2
Battle Ax Attack (increase damage) 4, Battle Ax
Parry (Two-handed Ax) 4, Boating (rowing) 2,
Brawl (dirty tricks) 2, Broad Sword Attack (first
strike) 1, Climb (rigging) 2, Drinking (get drunk) 2,
Faerie Lore (tales) 2, Intimidation (physical) 1, Kite
Shield Parry (hold ground) 2, Leadership (small
unit) 1, Ride (long distance) 1, Scan (military for-
mation) 2, Speak Gaelic (curses) 4, Speak Norse
(intimidation) 3, Survival (Hills) 2, Swim (ocean) 1,
Track (men) 1
You are a mercenary from the Hebrides, trained to
attack at a run even when wearing heavy chain
armor. You have served the Irish in their wars,
helping cut down Norman knights; now you have
returned to Scotland, as Ireland has grown a bit too
hot for you.
“Horses? You call those horses? When I was in
Leinster, I fought the cream of English knighthood
mounted on real horses. These are merely ponies
with young boys on ‘em.”
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry
Battle Ax Totals: +2 +6 +18 +6
Broad Sword Totals: -3 +5 +8 0
Kite Shield Totals: -3 -2 -1 +7
Alertness (horses) 2, Animal Handling (cows) 2, Area Knowledge—Borders (trails) 3, Brawl
(throws) 3, Evaluate Cows (fitness) 2, Lance Attack (footmen) 3, Ride (chase) 4, Shield Parry
(spears) 3, Speak English (Northumbrian) 4, Stealth (horseback) 2, Swim (rivers) 1, Sword Attack
(horseback) 2, Track (cows) 3
You have been riding a horse since the time you could walk, and raiding cattle since you could
hold a lance. However, the English are not a forgiving people, and your name has been
attached to several raids and murders. While your family would be happy to defend you, it is
better that they not come under attack by mailed knights. While you are glad of having a
haven such as the covenant, your heart is not really with these people.
“The English have no sense of proportion. All I did was drive off a few cows; it’s not like I killed
anyone . . . that time.”
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: -3 (3)
Lance Totals: +7 +5 +11 0 Soak: +3 (9)
Sword Totals: +3 +6 +8 0 Fatigue: -2
Shield Totals: -1 -1 -4 +6 Encumbrance: 3
Alertness (cities) 3, Bargain (wood) 3, Craft—wood working (furniture) 4, Drinking (comradely)
2, Evaluate wood (furniture) 2, Folk Ken (customers) 3, Forgery (carving) 2, Guile (customers) 3,
Long Spear Attack (formation) 3, Ride (difficult ground) 1, Speak Scottish (trade) 5
You lived in a city, a woodworker and carpenter by trade. Trained to wield the spear, you were
called out once to deal with some English baron, but warfare is not truly in your blood. Driven
from your home by false rumors of thievery and bad goods, you and your wife and child have
been taken in by the covenant.
“Yes, I could build it like that, but if you get me some oak or maple, I could build it much better.”
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Parry Damage Dodge: -4
Spear Totals: +9 +5 +3 +9 Soak: +2
Dagger Totals: -3 +4 -2 +2 Fatigue: -1
Encumbrance: 0
+2 Int (scholarly) 0 Pre
+2 Per (careful worker) -3 Com (reclusive)
-2 Str (out of shape) +2 Dex (nimble fingers)
+1 Sta (healthy) -2 Qik (painstaking)
Personality Traits
Canon Law (monastic codes) 2, Church Lore (Scottish
services) 3, Church Lore (Scottish saints) 3, Craft—
gardening (root crops) 1, Evaluate Books (creator) 2,
Faerie Lore (church beliefs) 1, Humanities (philoso-
phy) 3, Scribe Latin (calligraphy) 4, Sing (hymns) 2,
Speak Gaelic (conversational) 5, Speak Latin (liturgy)
Combat Information
Dodge: -2 Soak: +1
Fatigue: +1 Encumbrance: 0
You were born into the monastery community and
would most likely have died there. However, a chap-
ter house of the Cistercians was established in the
area only five years ago, and they appealed to the
bishop to have your monastery added to theirs. The
bishop agreed, but instead of handing over the Bell
and Staff of St. Mungo, the abbot fled with them to
the North. You felt you could not join him in so fla-
grantly opposing the bishop and tried to join the
Cistercians, but you were denied entry into their
order. Wandering over the hills and valleys of
Galloway, you came upon the covenant, whose
members, though they are not churchmen, are at
least scholars. Since your arrival, the members of the
covenant have seemed to become less easily agitated,
which you ascribe to the beneficence of the Lord.
“I hear the pain in your voice. Would you care to let
me share your hurt with you? A sorrow shared is a
sorrow halved.”
Highland Chieftan Cailleach Glioc (Wise Woman)
Age: 30 Size: 0 Age: 50 Size: 0 141
Characteristics Characteristics
+2 Int (shrewd) +1 Pre (stately) +3 Int (keen wit) -1 Pre (stooped posture)
+-3 Per (see nuances) +1 Com (clear speaker) +-4 Per (insightful) +2 Com (speak in
0 Str -2 Dex (old wounds) metaphors)
-3 Sta(nagging cough) -2 Qik (limp) -1 Str (infirm) -1 Dex (tremors)
-2 Sta (elderly) -1 Qik (hobbling gait)
Personality Traits
Brave +3, Hate Enemy Clans +2, Loyal to Clan +3 Personality Traits
Brave 0, Romantic +4, Short with Inhospitality +3
Virtues & Flaws
Aptitude (+1 with social attributes) +2, Clear Virtues & Flaws
Thinker +1, Inspirational +1, Leadership +3; Blood Exceptional Talent (Gift) +4, Gossip +2, Knack (+2
Feud (enemy clan) -3, Enemies (a different clan) - telling stories) +1; Decrepit -2, Lame -2, Palsied
1, Obligation to Clan -3 Hands -1, Poor Eyesight -1, Poor Hearing -1
Reputation Reputation
Fond of sweets +2, Tough but Fair +3 Wise Woman +3
Confidence Confidence
3 3
Abilities Abilities
Animal Handling (droving) 2, Area Lore—clan lands Area Lore—10-mile radius (people) 4, Bargain
(families) 4, Bargain (clan politics) 3, Bow Attack (forests) (services) 2, Church Lore (stories of saints) 2,
3, Charisma (clan members) 2, Dirk Attack (close quarters) Craft—weaver (hard tartan) 3, Etiquette (hospitali-
1, Dodge (close quarters) 3, Folk Ken (feuds) 3, Guile ty) 3, Evaluate Animals (milk) 2, Faerie Lore
(anger) 1, Intimidation (clan) 2, Intrigue (neighboring (monsters) 3, Fantastic Beast Lore (Highlands) 3,
clans) 2, Leadership (clan matters) 4, Shield Parry (hold Folk Ken (lovers) 4, Gift (physical) 5, Intrigue
ground) 3, Speak Gaelic (leadership) 5, Survival (local clans) 3, Legend Lore (heroes) 4, Occult Lore
(Highlands) 2, Sword Attack (drive forward) 2 (spirits) 3, Speak Gaelic (storytelling) 5,
Storytelling (lessons) 4
You are the chief of a sept of the larger clan, respon- Combat Information
sible for forty families. Unfortunately, you are not in Dodge: -1 Soak: -2
Fatigue: -2 Encumbrance: 0
the same area as the rest of the clan, so you must
Decrepitute: +1
deal with your neighbors on your own. One of the
neighboring clans is at blood feud with yours, over Description
a murder and a kidnapping of twenty years ago. For long years you have lived here, at the top of
Another is allied with the first, and the pressure this hill. When you were younger, you used to
from the two of them has forced you to appeal to visit the surrounding clans; but the years have
the magicians for aid. Now you and yours serve the taken their toll, and you now receive visitors at
magicians, in return for their protection. your house. They come for many things: young
Quote girls come wishing to win the hearts of their
“I know that the cattle must be driven to market, young men; young men come for help gaining
but the problem still remains that Donald can’t wealth or power. You look kindly on young lovers,
go: they’ll kill him on sight. He will just have to but tell them stories to make them heed more
stay home this year.” than just their hearts. You can make small
potions or amulets that give the requesters what
Combat Information they asked for, but they must heed your condi-
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry tions or the gift is ruined.
Broad Sword Totals:+1 +5 +9 +0 (6)
Dirk Totals: -2 +3 +4 -2 (4) Quote
Shield Totals: -6 -2 -5 +5 (11) “Ah, love. I remember when. . . . Oh, don’t mind
Bow Totals: 1/round +6 +8 – an old woman, deary; yes, of course I can help.
You know, your plight reminds me of the story of
Dodge: -1 Soak: +0 Dougie and the Swan Maiden. You see, there was
Fatigue: -3 Encumbrance: 2 this young man. . . .”
Bargain (services) 1, Concentration (storms) 3, Faerie Lore (air) 1, Finesse (Auram) 3, Folk Ken
(needy) 2, Scribe Runes (records) 3, Speak Gaelic (bargaining) 4, Weather Affinity (storms) 4,
Whistling (spell casting) 3
Spells Known
Gathering of the Stormy Might (ReAu 30) +23, Quiet the Raging Winds (PeAu 25) +20, Chaos of the
Angry Wave (ReAq 20) +13, Circling Winds of Protection (ReAu 20) +23, Maintain the Demanding
Spell (ReVi 20) +13, Sailor’s Foretaste of the Morrow (InAu 15) +12, Jupiter’s Resounding Blow (ReAu
10) +23, Push of the Gentle Wave (ReAq 10) +13
Wizard’s Sigil
Smells of a storm approaching
Combat Information
Dodge: -1 Soak: +1
Fatigue: -1 Encumbrance: 0
You were brought up in the traditions of the Highland weather witches, able to call or dispel
storms just by whistling. The winds are your plaything, but you will harness them for a price.
Sailors often come to you to guarantee their safety. To the magi of the Order of Hermes, you
are beneath contempt: you cannot even speak Latin, let alone read it! You think of them as
overblown windbags who need a few holes to let all that hot air out.
“Of course I can get you a good breeze, but it will cost you.”
Acting (authority) 2, Certámen (Ignem) 2, Church Lore (demons) 1, Concentration (at night) 2,
Debate (Code of Hermes) 2, Diplomacy (Tribunal) 1, Etiquette (slights) 1, Hermes History
(Tytalus diabolism) 2, Hermes Lore (Schism War) 2, Hermetic Law (Peripheral Code) 3, Intéllego
Affinity (Vim) 3, Magic Theory (Intéllego) 5, Parma Magica (Mentem) 3, Penetration (Intéllego)
3, Scribe Latin (legal documents) 5, Search (records) 1, Speak German (vocabulary) 4, Speak
Latin (denunciations) 5, Subterfuge (bluff) 3
Spells Known
Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20) +13, Ear for the Distant Voice (InIm 20) +13, Image from the
Wizard Torn (ReIm 20) +10, Opening the Intangible Tunnel (ReVi 20) +14, Perceive the Magical Scent
(InVi 20) +17, Tongue of the Folk (InMe 20) +16, Wind of Mundane Silence (PeVi 20) +10, The
Unseen Arm (ReTe 5) +7
Wizard’s Sigil
Hair stands on end.
Combat Information
Dodge: -2 Soak: 0
Fatigue: 0 Encumbrance: 0
Newly initiated as a member of House Quaesitor, you have taken it on yourself to investigate
and cleanse the Loch Leglean Tribunal. While technically you have no authority to do this,
those ignorant Ex Miscellanea witches and charlatans are no match for your keenly honed
intellect. Once you have shown the rest of the Order what crimes are being committed here,
your rise in both the Order and your House is sure to be meteoric.
“I am quite aware of the implications of your refusal to cooperate with a member of House
Quaesitor, are you?”
Alertness (prey) 2, Dodge (arrows) 2, Faerie Lore (shape shifters) 1, Fantastic Beast Lore (giants)
2, Hermes History (gruagachan) 2, Hermes Lore (Ex Miscellanea) 2, Magic Theory (Muto) 5,
Parma Magica (Córporem) 2, Pretend (interest) 1, Scan (forest) 1, Scribe Latin (bestiaries) 5,
Search (bushes) 1, Speak Gaelic (animals) 4, Speak Latin (animals) 5, Survival (forests) 2, Swim
(streams) 1, Track (small animals) 2, Will over Form (change to animal form) 4
Spells Known
Cloak of Black Feathers (MuCo 35) +21, Cloak of Gilded Feathers (golden eagle) (MuCo 35) +21,
Shape of the Agile Climber (Goat) (MuCo 25) +21, Shape of the Moorland Runner (Hare) (MuCo 25)
+21, Shape of the Woodland Prowler (MuCo 25) +21, Air’s Ghostly Form (CrAu 5) +3,
Wizard’s Sigil
All within 10 feet feel animal urges.
Combat Information
Dodge: +3 Soak: +1
Fatigue: +1 Encumbrance: 0
You always felt more comfortable around animals, and one day you met an old man who
taught you how to be one. Since then you have traveled the land and the air in the forms of
wolf, goat, hare, raven, and golden eagle. You want to learn more: how to become a wind or a
“Grrrrrowf. Skreeaak. Shut up and let me be.”
The hare is a favorite form for Scottish shapechangers, as it is fast, perceptive, and wise to the
lay of the land. There are two types of hares in Scotland: the blue, or “mountain” hare, and the
brown hare. The blue hare changes its coat to white in the winter and is impossible to make
out against the snow. A full-grown hare is capable of putting up a nasty fight when cornered,
but most hares are taken by predators (stoats, weasels, cats, dogs, eagles, or hawks) while still
young. In the springtime, hares congregate and go mad with mating passion, hence the expres-
sion “mad as a march hare.” Hares are said to sleep with their eyes open, so alert are they.
Hares swim well and are built for running up hills. A hare, when pursued downhill, will run at
a diagonal to the slope, to prevent the steepness of the hill from sending it tumbling.
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: +4
Kick Totals: +2 0 +1 – Soak: +3
Fatigue: +2
Encumbrance: 0
Body Levels
OK, -3, Incapacitated
Fatigue Levels
OK, -3, Unconscious
146 Age: 29 Size: 0
Characteristics Virtues & Flaws
+3 Int (shrewd) -3 Pre (deformed)
Enduring Constitution +1, Exceptional Talent
0 Per -2 Com (shy (Enchanting Music) +2, Knack (+4 Shapeshift to mam-
+2 Str (muscular) -2 Dex (uncoordinated) mal) +2, Tough +1, Ways of the Woods +4; Deleterious
+2 Sta (barrel-chested) 0 Qik Circumstance (when wet) -2, Geas (never eat animal
flesh or botch next Shapeshift roll) -2, Geas (train a stu-
Personality Traits dent by age forty-nine or lose gruagach abilities) -1,
Brave -1, Kind +2, Shy +3
Hedge Wizard -1, Lack of Penetration -2, Poor Hearing
Magic Resistance -1, Speech Impediment (lisp) -1
Confidence None
Alertness (bad terrain) 2, Area Lore—Strathnavar (Navar River) 3, Climb (cliffs) 1, Cudgel Attack (stun) 1,
Dodge (Shapeshift) 2, Faerie Lore (each uisge) 1, Gruagach Lore (master’s clan) 3, Gruagach Wisdom (new
Talents) 4, Sing (dirges) 2, Speak Gaelic (the seasons) 4, Speak Pictish (Shapeshifter) 4, Survival (forest) 2
You are a member of a magical tradition far older than the Hermetic Order. While House Ex Miscellanea is
willing to sponsor you in the Order, many other Houses will never view you as a true member of the Order.
You have the capability of achieving immortality by removing your soul and hiding it. However, your
magic is very personal and can only affect one person at a time. You must be careful: botched magic will
warp your body, making you horrid to see.
“Please, I do not wish to insult you, but if you do not leave now, I shall be forced to cause warts to grow
upon your face so that others will shudder when gazing upon your hideous visage.”
Combat Information
Weapon First Strike Attack Damage Parry Dodge: +2
Cudgel Totals: +8 +6 +4 -2 (4) Soak: +6
Fatigue: +1
Encumbrance: 0