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First and foremost, I would like to thanks my professors for giving me this
wonderful opportunity to work on this project. I would also acknowledge
my principal for giving me adequate resources for completing the project.
I also thank my families and friends for their continuous support to
complete the project within time.
Thanking You

The study reflects on the use of cloud-based software applications in
improving the effectiveness of supply chain (SC) activities in the UK retail
industry. The main issue is associated with a significant increase in
expenditures related to the use of cloud applications, which is adversely
affecting business performance levels. The themes related to the current
challenges faced by the retail businesses with higher transportation costs
affected the operations. This research shows that cloud based software’s
helps in improving business agility of the UK retail businesses. It can allow
the mentioned businesses in improving transparency, scalability as well as
collaboration. Besides, the application of cloud platforms also helps foster
transparency along with collaboration. However, due to knowledge gap
businesses are facing challenges in adopting cloud platforms. Arranging
training and development initiatives for the employees can be effective
for better adoptions of the cloud computing platforms in the SC operations
of the UK retail sector.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction...............................................................................7

1.1 Introduction........................................................................................7

1.2 Background........................................................................................7

1.3 Aims and Objectives...........................................................................7

1.4 Research Question.............................................................................7

1.5 Research Problem..............................................................................8

1.6 Justification.........................................................................................8

1.7 Research Framework..........................................................................8

1.8 Methodology.......................................................................................8

1.9 Structure of the study........................................................................9

1.10 Summary..........................................................................................9

Chapter 2: Literature Review.....................................................................10

2.1 Introduction......................................................................................10

2.2 Relationship between cloud-based software applications and

business agility.......................................................................................10

2.3 Impact of cloud-based software on retail supply chains in the UK...10

2.4 Challenges in addressing business agility through cloud integration

on UK retail supply chains......................................................................11

2.5 Strategies to enhance the applicability of cloud software to foster

business agility across UK retail supply chains......................................13

2.6 Theoretical Discussion.....................................................................13

2.7 Conceptual framework.....................................................................15

2.8 Literature Gap..................................................................................16

2.9 Summary..........................................................................................17

Chapter 3: Methodology............................................................................18

3.1 Chapter Introduction........................................................................18

3.2 Research Philosophy........................................................................18

3.3 Research Approach..........................................................................19

3.4 Research design...............................................................................19

3.5 Research Strategy............................................................................19

3.6 Time Horizon....................................................................................19

3.7 Research Techniques.......................................................................20

3.7.1 Data collection method..............................................................20

3.7.2 Data Analysis Method................................................................20

3.8 Ethical considerations......................................................................21

3.9 Chapter Summary............................................................................21

Chapter 4: Discussion and Findings..........................................................22

4.1 Introduction......................................................................................22

4.2 Overview of the industry/company..................................................22

4.3 Secondary data analysis..................................................................23

4.4 Discussion........................................................................................27

4.4.1 Significance of Findings.............................................................27

4.4.2 Relation to Literature.................................................................29

4.4.3 Marginal Implications.................................................................30

4.5 Summary..........................................................................................30

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations..........................................31

5.1 Summary..........................................................................................31

5.2 Conclusion........................................................................................31

5.3 Recommendations...........................................................................32

5.4 Limitations........................................................................................33

5.5 Future Work.....................................................................................34

Reference List............................................................................................35

List of Figures
Figure 1.5.1: Major Cloud Computing Challenges........................................8
Figure 1.9.1: Research Structure.................................................................9
Figure 2.3: Impact of Cloud-based software..............................................11
Figure 2.4: Cloud-computing challenges...................................................12
Figure 2.6.1: Stages of innovation theory.................................................14
Figure 2.6.2: Components of RBV theory..................................................15
Figure 2.7.1: Conceptual Framework.........................................................16
Figure 3.2: Saunders Research onion........................................................18
Figure 4.2: Annual sales value of the retail sector....................................22
Figure 4.3.1: KPIs used for SC monitoring.................................................23
Figure 4.3.2: Advantages of Cloud platforms............................................24
Figure 4.2.3: Raw material shortages in the UK........................................25
Figure 4.2.4: Logistics and Transportation Challenges in the UK..............26
Figure 4.2.5: AI and ML adoptions in the UK retail businesses..................27

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
This section lays out the background, aim and objectives, research
question, problem, and justification as well as different research methods
followed by the structure of the study.
1.2 Background
Cloud-based applications are supported by cloud computing which
significantly increases the flexibility of businesses (Almurisi and Tadisetty,
2022). As such, the use of such applications helps create a competitive
advantage by allowing Supply Chain (SC) in United Kingdom (UK) retail
businesses to react to changes in supply and demand.
1.3 Aims and Objectives
The study aimed to “analyse the influence of cloud-based software
adoption regarding agility of UK retail supply chains.”
● To examine the effectiveness of cloud-based software applications
regarding UK retail SC agility
● To recognise barriers faced by UK retail businesses in the context of
managing SC operations
● To provide strategic recommendations for UK retailers to effectively
adopt cloud-based applications in their SC operations
1.4 Research Question
● How does the adoption of cloud-based software affect the supply
chain agility of UK retail businesses?

1.5 Research Problem

Figure 1.5.1: Major Cloud Computing Challenges

(Source: Statista, 2024)
It is evident that the applications of cloud software and computing have
grown heavily expensive with 84% of cloud computing managers referring
to such expenditures as a major challenge (Statista, 2024). Hence, the
study is centred on addressing such cloud computing challenges in the
context of the supply chains of the UK retail sector in the current scenario.
1.6 Justification
It can be denoted that expenditure is the current primary challenge faced
by UK retail businesses regarding the use of cloud-based applications in
SC processes. Alam (2022) argues that high dependence on resources
rather than technical knowledge can increase cloud implementation
expenses. Therefore, it can be said that the use of such aspects has
adversely affected the overall effectiveness of the SC process in the UK
retail sector. Thus, it also adversely affected SC efficiency aspects in the
current scenario.
1.7 Research Framework
The study referred to the use of a secondary qualitative framework, which
is derived from Saunders’ Research Onion.

1.8 Methodology
An interpretivism philosophy was used for gaining subjective
underpinnings in the study followed by an inductive approach for
supporting qualitative datasets. Subsequently, an exploratory design was
employed to provide rich information and a qualitative approach followed
by secondary data collection methods was applied.
1.9 Structure of the study

Figure 1.9.1: Research Structure

(Source: Self-Developed)
Chapter 1 examines the background, sets out aims and objectives and
provides a brief methodology.
Chapter 2 highlighted prior articles and identifies a knowledge gap.
Chapter 3 details the research methods used to satisfy objectives.
Chapter 4 demonstrates the results of the analysis and its findings.
Chapter 5 summarises key research areas and provides future directions
and strategic recommendations.
1.10 Summary
It can be derived that cloud-based applications can enhance SC data
security and contribute towards improving the business agility of UK retail
supply chains. Thus, the next section has focused on reviewing prior
literature sources for deriving more contextual information.

Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
In the context of the current topic, cloud-based software is identified as
the independent variable of the study and the supply chains of the UK
retail businesses are identified as the dependent variable of the research.
2.2 Relationship between cloud-based software applications
and business agility
Cloud-based software applications can allow UK retail businesses to
become more agile. Wang et al. (2023) stated that cloud computing
allows the mentioned businesses in scaling their resources up or down as
needed, without large upfront investment. As an example, if a website
shows a sudden increase in traffic, the cloud software can allocate more
resources in order to handle the load. On the other hand, cloud software
platforms also hold a significant influence in streamlining the software
development processes of the mentioned business. Besides, cloud-based
software also helps enhance business agility by integrating automation
into logistics along with supply chain (SC) processes (Al-Radaideh et al.
2023). Therefore, it can be evaluated that the application of cloud
software can allow UK retail businesses to enhance transparency,
scalability as well as collaboration.
2.3 Impact of cloud-based software on retail supply chains in
the UK
Cloud software helps in providing seamless integration across all facets of
the UK retail businesses. Puica (2020) stated that the application of the
mentioned software can help in enhancing SC visibility. Apart from
improving SC visibility, the adoption of cloud platforms also holds a
significant influence in preventing stock-outs or high inventories.
Therefore, it can be evaluated that cloud computing in the context of the
UK supply chain helps in taking communication to another level.

Inventory Improving
management logistics

Figure 2.3: Impact of Cloud-based software

(Source: MacCarthy and Ivanov, 2022)
The illustration helps in evaluating the contact of cloud platforms in
improving the SC agility of the UK retail sector. It has been identified that
cloud platforms hold a significant influence in improving inventory
management. Cloud storage helps the mentioned businesses in
integrating automation into SC. MacCarthy and Ivanov (2022) stated that
automation in SC management can help in improving logistics, inventory,
sales, predictions as well as maintenance. On the other hand, the
application of cloud platforms also helps foster transparency along with
collaboration. Dong and Salwana (2022) argued that cloud platforms help
in gathering data as well as sharing data on sales, replenishment along
product improvements. This eventually allowed the UK retail businesses to
achieve competitive edges. The diagram also shows that the mentioned
software helps in improving forecasting accuracy. Therefore, cloud-based
platforms hold a significant impact in improving the agility of SC.
2.4 Challenges in addressing business agility through cloud
integration on UK retail supply chains
Cost accounting is identified as the major challenge that the retail
businesses of the UK are encountering while improving business agility
through the help of cloud computing. Attaran (2020) stated that the
application of cloud computing can be expensive if not managed properly.
In this context, businesses are facing challenges in managing multi-cloud
environments. However, cost accounting can vary depending on the
usage, performance, location, availability as well as features. Data
security as well as privacy challenges is considered as another important
conflict that the mentioned businesses are facing while addressing
business agility. Tabrizchi and Kuchaki Rafsanjani (2020) argued that data
security is considered an important concern when switching to cloud
computing. Lack of awareness regarding data security can result in
creating a negative impact on the overall SC efficiency of the retail

Figure 2.4: Cloud-computing challenges

(Source: Tabrizchi and Kuchaki Rafsanjani, 2020)
The diagram helps in understanding the key challenges of cloud
computing. It has been identified that Security, lack of resources,
portability, and service quality are the major challenges of implementing
cloud computing. However, Alouffi et al. (2021) stated that due to the lack
of knowledge as well as expertise, the retail sector is facing challenges in
implementing cloud computing to foster SC agility. Therefore, hiring
proper talent is considered a common challenge in cloud computing. Lack
of expertise in cloud computing can result in affecting the inventory
management practices of the UK retail sector.

2.5 Strategies to enhance the applicability of cloud software
to foster business agility across UK retail supply chains
The previous discussion shows that there are numerous conflicts that the
retail sector of the UK is encountering using cloud software for fostering
business agility. Mallaboyev et al. (2022) stated that installing as well as
implementing the latest software can help a business in preventing data
security vulnerabilities. Hence, the retail sector can implement
cybersecurity software to prevent conflicts regarding data security. The
application of training and development (T&D) programs can allow the
mentioned businesses to minimise the issue regarding the knowledge
gap. Hence, the UK retail sector can focus on hiring cloud professionals
who have a specialisation in automation. This can also allow businesses to
improve SC management practices. Ouchaou et al. (2022) argued that the
implementation of a multi-cloud data management platform helps the
mentioned businesses in managing cloud environments. Moreover, the
implementation of resource utilisation monitoring tools along with auditing
systems can help the mentioned businesses in improving cost-
management practices regarding cloud computing. Therefore, it can be
demonstrated that the application of these strategies can allow UK retail
businesses to enhance the applicability of cloud computing for fostering
business agility across SC.
2.6 Theoretical Discussion
Diffusion of innovation theory
The theory refers to the length of adoption related to new technological
innovations (Min, So and Jeong, 2021). In terms of cloud applications, it is
essential for UK retail businesses to integrate cloud-computing systems to
enhance the response rate of their SC activities. This can also help them
to streamline the maintenance of demand and supply contexts enabling
better growth trends in the long-term.

Figure 2.6.1: Stages of innovation theory
(Source: Goh and Sigala, 2020)
In terms of the aforementioned figure, it can be understood that designing
and implementing innovations such as cloud-based software requires
specific planning endeavours. Goh and Sigala (2020), argue that
increasing costs related to heavy dependency on technologies must be
mitigated for improving business sustainability. However, the constant
shift in market demands, increasing business expenses and so on indicate
a major requirement for cloud-based applications adoption in SC activities
of UK retail businesses.
Such applications can assist in effectively forecasting demand and
adjusting inventory management aspects of such businesses in terms of
meeting market requirements and generating long-term growth
prospects. Thus, in this manner, by mitigating the different barriers to
innovation such as costs, lack of skills and other factors, UK retail
businesses can capitalise on improving the effectiveness of their SC
activities in the current scenario.
Resource-based view theory
This theory refers to the growth and diversification of a firm’s specific
resources with an emphasis on improving customer relationships and
internal business capabilities (Chatterjee et al., 2023). The application of
this theory can assist UK retail businesses to understand the requirements
of their customers more clearly and adjust their operations to meet such
demands. Subsequently, this theory can also allow the company to
efficiently organise its resources for better implementation of cloud-based

software applications. In such cases, this can also yield major growth
tendencies for associated businesses in the contemporary scenario.

Figure 2.6.2: Components of RBV theory

(Source: Lubis, 2022)
The aforementioned figure states that the proper organisation of
resources by organisations can provide them with a competitive
advantage in the market (Lubis, 2022). This can also create favourable
outcomes for UK retail businesses in terms of applying cloud-based
software to their SC activities for streamlining value generation. Thus, it
can be said that the use of such applications can also enhance SC
sustainability and resiliency while refining the business approach towards
meeting customer demands.
2.7 Conceptual framework


Lowering Cloud-based UK retail supply

monitoring applications chains
Increasing SC

promotion of
business agility High expenditure

Figure 2.7.1: Conceptual Framework

(Source: Self-Developed)
It can be discerned that the use of cloud-based applications have major
implications on UK retail supply chains such as helping businesses to
effectively meet customer demands, enhancing SC resiliency while
incurring high expenditure challenges. Thus, it can also lower monitoring
costs in the long-term and provide UK retail companies with favourable
growth opportunities.
2.8 Literature Gap
It sheds light on accessing the impact of cloud platforms in boosting the
SC performance. This section analysed the conflicts that the mentioned
businesses are currently encountering while adopting cloud platforms.
However, previous studies related to the topic failed to assess the factors

that affect the implication of cloud platforms. This resulted in creating a
gap in the study.
2.9 Summary
In conclusion, cloud platforms hold a significant influence in improving
business efficiency as well as SC agility of the UK retail sector. However,
due to the lack of expertise businesses are facing challenges in
implementing the mentioned technology. The next chapter will evaluate
the methods that this study followed for collecting information.

Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Chapter Introduction
It helps in understanding the data collection procedure that this study
followed for evaluating the impact of cloud platforms in improving SC
agility of the UK retail sector. The philosophy and approach followed by
this study have been also demonstrated in this section.
3.2 Research Philosophy
Saunders's research onion has been considered by this study for collecting
relevant contextual data. A visual representation related to the layers of
research onion has been stated below:

Figure 3.2: Saunders Research onion

(Source: Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2020)
According to the diagram, the research paradigm is considered as the
outermost layer of the research onion. The current study adopted
interpretivism research paradigm. It analysed the effectiveness of
cloud platforms in improving SC performance. It helped in facilitating
deeper contextual understanding related to the conflicts that the retail
sector of the UK is currently facing while adopting cloud platforms.

3.3 Research Approach
The inductive approach has been considered by the current study for
generating theoretical views regarding the application of cloud platforms
in improving the SC agility of the mentioned businesses. Proudfoot (2023)
stated that the adoption of an inductive approach allows the study to
create general conclusions based on theoretical observation. Therefore, it
helped in providing a starting point. This eventually allowed the study to
narrow down assumptions related to the impact of cloud platforms. On the
other hand, the application of this methodology also helped in improving
the creativity of the study. Thus, it can be demonstrated that an inductive
approach is highly relevant for this study.
3.4 Research design
It followed an exploratory research design. It helped in evaluating the
strategic approaches that the mentioned sector of the UK can follow to
improve SC performance through the application of cloud computing.
Thomas and Lawal (2020) argued that exploratory research design helps
in setting multiple strategies for finding the most effective one. On the
other hand, it also allowed this study to analyse a variety of sources of
information. Therefore, the mentioned design helped in gathering a
diverse range of information related to the strategic practices that the
retail sector can follow for implementing cloud software successfully.
Thus, this methodology is highly relevant for the research.
3.5 Research Strategy
For accessing the advantages that the UK retail sector is achieving
through the application of cloud platforms, this study has followed
Secondary qualitative strategy. It helped in assembling pre-published
information related to the impact of cloud platforms in the context of UK
3.6 Time Horizon
Cross-sectional time horizons have been adopted by this research for
collecting as well as analysing a large amount of data. Wang and Cheng
(2020) argued that cross-sectional research is less expensive than other
types of research. Besides, it also helps in breaking down the stages of

the study. In other words, the mentioned time horizon helps in providing a
snapshot of a population's behaviour as well as characteristics. Besides,
the application of this methodology also helps in identifying the relation
between different variables. It helped in providing a broad view related to
the effectiveness of cloud platforms in the context of SC agility of the UK
retail sector.
3.7 Research Techniques
3.7.1 Data collection method
For assessing the influence of cloud platforms in improving the overall
agility of the UK retail sector, this study has followed the secondary
data collection. Alam (2021) stated that secondary sources help in
accessing a diverse range of data. However, the secondary method is also
cheaper than the primary method. Hence, the current study focused on
using different secondary sources for collecting authentic data. Secondary
data sources such as Research Gate, Science Direct, ProQuest and Google
Scholar were followed by this research to understand the effectiveness of
cloud platforms in the context of the UK retail sector. On the other hand,
in order to collect statistical information this study focused on considering
different authentic websites. Websites such as Government websites,
news, and Industrial reports have been followed by this study for
collecting numerical data. Random probability sampling has been
adopted by this research to support the inclusion as well as exclusion
criteria of the study. It included the information that was published after
2019 along with excluding the information that was published before
2019. On the other hand, it also included the data that are peer-reviewed
as well as written in English.
3.7.2 Data Analysis Method
Thematic analysis with a narrative approach has been adopted by the
current research for analysing the gathering of secondary data. Braun and
Clarke (2020) argued that a thematic approach to data analysis helps in
creating personalised themes related to the core context of the research.
On the other hand, the mentioned method of data analysis also helps in
using a subjective approach for creating different themes. 5-6 themes

have been developed to understand the benefits that the retail sector of
the UK can achieve through the help of cloud platforms. Besides, this
approach also helped in generating deeper exploration related to the
challenges that the retail sector of the UK is currently facing while
improving its SC agility through the cloud platforms.
3.8 Ethical considerations
The current study has followed different ethical aspects for improving the
research. The Data Protection Act 2018 has been maintained throughout
this study. Moreover, it also focused on maintaining university guidelines
in order to minimise the possibilities of academic misconduct. Moreover, it
also focused on following the copyright act.
3.9 Chapter Summary
In summary, this section analysed the secondary data collection method
that has been considered by this study for understanding the impact of
cloud programs in improving SC agility. Besides, the thematic method has
been followed for analysing the gathered information. The upcoming
section will focus on performing the thematic analysis method.

Chapter 4: Discussion and Findings
4.1 Introduction
This section focuses on performing thematic analysis methods for
analysing the influence of cloud platforms in improving business agility. 5
themes have been developed to meet the research objectives.
4.2 Overview of the industry/company
The mentioned businesses of the UK are identified as the biggest
contributor to the economic growth of the country. It has been identified
that the economic output of the UK retail sector will be £112.8 billion in
2023. Therefore, the economic output of the mentioned sector has
increased by 2.4% from 2022 (research briefings, 2024). On the other
hand, the retail sector of the mentioned country is also considered one of
the biggest entrepreneurs. It has been discovered that there were more
than 2.7 million jobs available in the mentioned sector (Research
Briefings, 2024). On the other hand, the annual sales value of the retail
sector is increasing at a significant rate.

Figure 4.2: Annual sales value of the retail sector

(Source: Sabanoglu, 2024)

The diagram mentioned that in 2023 the sales volume of the UK retail
businesses increased from 494.3 to 509.77 (Sabanoglu, 2024). This high
annual sales growth indicated that the retail sector has strong competitive
advantages. However, Tesco, Sainsbury’s as well as Asda are considered
as the key players of the mentioned sector. It has been identified that the
mentioned businesses are facing several challenges while managing their
SC efficiency. SC disruption has resulted in creating a negative impact on
the overall competitive edges of the mentioned businesses.
4.3 Secondary data analysis
Theme 1: Cloud computing platforms allow the UK retail sector to
improve SC agility by analysing daily performance
The adoption of cloud platforms allows UK retail businesses to improve
overall SC efficiency. It helps the mentioned businesses in improving their
practices regarding inventory management. On the other hand, it also
helps the businesses understand the daily performance of the SC.

Figure 4.3.1: KPIs used for SC monitoring

(Source: Finances Online, 2024)
The diagram stated that 40% of the respondents stated that analysing
daily performance is considered one of the most important Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) that have been used for improving SC
performance (Finances Online, 2024). Therefore, it can be demonstrated
that the adoption of cloud platforms can allow retail businesses to
understand the daily performance of SC by increasing SC visibility. This
eventually helps in improving SC agility. Thus, this theme helped in
meeting the first objective.
Theme 2: The adoption of cloud computing allows the retail
organisations to improve SC efficiency by tracking inventory

Cloud software also allows the mentioned sector to enhance SC efficiency
by tracking inventory. Inventory management is considered one of the
most important factors that allow a business to improve SC efficiency.

Figure 4.3.2: Advantages of Cloud platforms

(Source: Vailshery, 2023)
The diagram helped in discussing the key advantages that a business can
achieve through the adoption of cloud computing. It has been identified
that 48% of the respondents stated that the application of cloud platforms
can help in improving efficiency (Vailshery, 2023). Therefore, through the
help of the mentioned software, the UK retail sector can improve the
inventory management of SC. Thus, this theme helped in meeting the first
Theme 3: Material shortages in the UK retail businesses impacted
on the supply chain operations
Material shortages in the UK retail businesses affected the supply chain
operations that have directly affected the attributes of the organisation.
The issues with material shortages impacted the productivity level of the
retailers. As per Helo and Hao (2022), this leads to the nonfulfillment of

consumer demands according to their preferences and behaviour. This
affected the overall sales and profit growth of the UK retailers and
affected overall business opportunities. Material shortages were
considered as significant challenges for UK retail businesses that directly
affected inventory management. Raw material shortages affected the
production of retail businesses and affected the inventory for fulfilling
consumer demands.

Figure 4.2.3: Raw material shortages in the UK

(Source: Bloomberg, 2021)
The above figure stated that UK retail manufacturers worried about
shortages of raw materials as the index hit 50 points in 2020 (Bloomberg,
2021). This indicated that shortages of materials in the UK retail
manufacturers affected the productivity levels. This has directly affected
the overall operational levels of the UK retail industry.
Theme 4: Logistics issues in the UK retail businesses affected the
inventory management
Logistics issues in the UK retail businesses are considered significant
challenges for fulfilling the evolving needs of the consumers. Growing e-
commerce activities in the UK retail businesses and logistics issues
affected the fulfilment of orders that directly affected the overall profit of
the businesses. As per Sharma et al. (2021), this has directly influenced
the level of uncertainty for fulfilling the current market demands that have

directly affected the operational levels of UK retail businesses. Logistics
issues in the UK retail businesses directly affected the inventory of the
businesses. The issues with the inefficient logistics operations directly
affected the inventory management and overall retail businesses profit
has decreased. Retail businesses are inefficient in fulfilling the demands
for rising e-commerce activities at the logistics challenges affecting
overall operations.

Figure 4.2.4: Logistics and Transportation Challenges in the UK

(Source: Institute, 2024)
According to the above image, the change in transportation costs for
exporting to the EU has risen by around 28% and imports from the EU
have risen by around 40% in 2020 (Institute, 2024). This indicated that
higher transportation costs affected the price levels of the products. This
has directly affected the overall operational levels of the UK retail
Theme 5: AI and ML technology adoptions can be effective for UK
retail SC operations
AI and ML technology applications can be beneficial for better supply
chain operations in the UK retail industry. As per Zhu, Chou and Tsai
(2020), this can be effective with better allocation of resources with
predictive analytics and fulfilling consumer demands. This can be
beneficial for the UK retail operations and enhances capabilities for
fulfilling the evolving needs of the consumers. AI and ML applications can

be effective for a better understanding of the e-commerce operations in
the UK retail operations. The better approach with the adoption of AI and
ML technologies can be efficient for the current approaches for fulfilling
the abilities of the SC operations. This can have the capabilities to fulfil
the current marketing capabilities of the UK retail services.

Figure 4.2.5: AI and ML adoptions in the UK retail businesses

(Source: Statista, 2024)
From the above figure, it can be stated that retail businesses currently
using AI and Ml have a profit growth of 8.2% in 2022-203 and those who
are not using AI and Ml technology have a profit growth of 4.1% (Statista,
2024). This indicated that AI and ML technology adoptions can be efficient
for fulfilling the consumer demands. This can be enhanced through cloud
technologies adoptions and effective for better fulfilling of consumer
4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 Significance of Findings
Findings 1: Cloud computing platforms help to analyse UK retail
sector SC operations

From theme 1, it can be derived that the adoption of cloud platforms in
the UK retail businesses helps to improve SC efficiency. The improvement
of the SC operations enhances the capabilities of inventory management
and improves the daily performances. Cloud computing services have
provisioning storage and servers that have the capabilities of monitoring
and reporting. Cloud computing includes faster innovation and has the
capabilities to serve better SC opportunities. From theme 2, it can be
reviewed that inventory management with the help of cloud platforms
enhances the capabilities of the UK retail sector. Cloud computing
platforms are effective in increasing efficiency for inventory management
of retail sector operations. From the analysis of themes 1 and 2, it can be
derived that cloud-computing platforms allow better SC inventory
management capabilities and fulfil objective 1.
Findings 2: Cloud computing adoption contributes to increased
tracking effectiveness of SC operations in the UK retail industry
From theme 2, it can be stated that the adoption of cloud platforms helps
to improve the efficiency of the inventory management of the UK retail
sector. The better adoptions of the cloud computing platforms with better
tracking of the inventory and the capabilities are to fulfil the current
marketing capabilities of the SC operations. From theme 5, it can be
derived that AI and ML technology adoptions can be effective for better
management of retail operational activities and have the capabilities to
improve inventory. AI and ML technological adoptions allow better
management of the inventory and increase opportunities for business
operations. In the derivation of themes 2 and 5, it can be stated that the
adoption of cloud computing platforms enhances the capabilities of the UK
retail sector inventory management system and fulfils objective 1.
Findings 3: Material shortages impacted the inventory
management of the UK retail sector
From theme 1, it can be stated that cloud-computing services are
effective for better SC agility in the UK retail sector. The adoption of cloud
platforms helps in improving SC agility and has the capabilities for better
performance. From the analysis of theme 3, it can be derived that

material shortages affected the SC operations in the UK retail sector. Raw
material shortages in the UK retail business impacted the agility of the UK
retail sector. The material shortages in the UK retail sector affected the
production capacities of the UK retail sector. From the analysis of themes
1 and 3, it can be derived that material shortages impact the agility of SC
operations in the UK retail sector and fulfil objective 2.
Findings 4: Logistics issues and material shortages affected the
UK retail sector SC operations
From the derivation of theme 3, material shortages affected productivity
and hampered the services in the UK retail sector. Raw material shortages
pose significant challenges that have affected inventory management.
From the derivation of theme 4, logistics issues impacted the e-commerce
operations of the UK retail sector for fulfilling consumer demands. The rise
of e-commerce activities with the increasing logistics issues impacted the
SC operations of the UK retail sector. From the derivation of themes 3 and
4, raw material shortages along with logistics and transportation issues
impacted the SC operations of the UK retail sector and fulfilled objective 2.
Findings 5: AI and ML technology adoptions can be efficient for
tracking inventory of the UK retail sector
From theme 1, it can be stated that effective adoption of cloud computing
platforms has the capabilities for fulfilling SC operations in the UK retail
sector. The better adoption of cloud computing platforms has the
opportunity to increase inventory management. From theme 5, it can be
derived that AI and ML technological adoptions can have the effectiveness
of tracking inventory management activities in the UK retail sector. The
adoption of AI and ML technologies can be beneficial for fulfilling
consumer demands and have the capabilities to fulfil the efficiency of the
UK retail sector. From the analysis of themes 1 and 5, it can be derived
that AI and ML technological adoptions have the capabilities to fulfil
inventory tracking and objective 3.
4.4.2 Relation to Literature
The cloud-based software application allows UK retail businesses to have
the capabilities for scaling up their resources and focuses on investment

capabilities. Cloud computing software helps to allocate resources for
streamlining the automation of logistics operations. The applications of
software applications help enhance transparency in retail business
operations. Cloud software integration can increase the agility of
inventory management and have the capabilities to fulfil better marketing
opportunities. From findings 1 and 2, it can be derived that effective
adoptions of cloud computing platforms have the capabilities to fulfil the
marketing capabilities of the UK retail sector.
4.4.3 Marginal Implications
Cost accounting is identified as a challenge for retail businesses and has
the capabilities to fulfil the current marketing capabilities for better SC
operations. Cloud computing helps to create better awareness among
brands and has the capabilities to fulfil evolving consumer demands. This
can be effective for enhancing the current marketing capabilities that help
to fulfil the inventory management operations of the UK retail sector.
4.5 Summary
In summary, lack of awareness and logistics challenges create challenges
for the UK inventory management to increase the management
capabilities. The operational efficiency of SC activities in UK retail
organisations is thought to be higher when data security is in place. Better
inventory management capabilities may be possible with the use of AI and
ML technology.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary
Cloud computing solutions facilitate data collection, sharing, and
replenishment related to sales and product enhancements. Eventually,
this gave UK retail enterprises a competitive advantage. The study
additionally demonstrates how the aforementioned program enhances
forecasting accuracy. Consequently, cloud-based platforms have a big
influence on increasing SC's agility. The study has followed a secondary
data collection method that is effective for understanding the integration
of cloud computing in SC operations. In addition to increasing supply chain
visibility, cloud platform adoption plays a major role in reducing stock-outs
and excess inventory. Thus, it can be concluded that cloud computing
contributes to a higher level of communication throughout the UK supply
5.2 Conclusion
Linking with Objective 1
Goal no 1 of the study is related to the analysis of the effectiveness of
cloud-based software applications in the SC agility of the UK retail sector.
From the analysis of findings 1, it can be derived that cloud platform
adoptions have the significance of the inventory management of the UK
retail sector. Puica (2020) stated that improved cloud computing platform
adoption rates, improved inventory management, and the ability to meet
the SC operations' present marketing needs. Findings 2 suggest that
implementing AI and ML technologies can enhance inventory
management and be a useful tool for better managing retail operational
activities. The analysis of findings 1 and 2, can be derived that effective
inventory management with cloud computing applications is effective for
influencing the agility of SC operations and fulfilling goal no 1.
Linking with Objective 2
Goal no 2 is related to the recognition of barriers faced by UK retail
businesses to manage the SC operations efficiency. Finding 3 suggests
that shortages of raw materials provide serious problems that have
impacted inventory control. According to findings 4, logistics problems

affected the UK retail sector's e-commerce operations to satisfy customer
demands. Attaran (2020) stated that the SC operations of the UK retail
industry were impacted by the growth of e-commerce activity and the
escalating logistics challenges. The agility of the UK retail sector was
hampered by a shortage of raw materials. The UK retail sector's
production capacities were impacted by the material shortages.
Therefore, from the derivation of findings 3 and 4, challenges faced by the
UK retail sector in their SC operations are identified, which helps to fulfil
objective 2.
Linking with Objective 3
Goal no 3 is related to recommended strategies for effective adoption of
cloud-based software for better management of the SC operations of the
UK retail sector. In the UK retail industry, successful cloud computing
platform deployment can meet SC operations. Mallaboyev et al. (2022)
stated that improved cloud computing platform usage offers the potential
to improve inventory management. The deployment of AI and ML
technologies can effectively track inventory management activities in the
UK retail industry, as may be inferred from findings 5. The adoption of AI
and ML technologies has the potential to improve the efficiency of the UK
retail industry as well as meet consumer needs. However, the strategies
are not implemented by all the retailers so these objectives draw
limitations for the findings.
5.3 Recommendations
Training and development initiatives can improve SC agility
The UK retail industry faces several challenges when utilising cloud
computing to promote business agility. A company can reduce the risk of
data security breaches by installing and using the most recent software.
Thus, cybersecurity software can be used by the retail industry to avoid
disputes over data security. Khan (2024) indicated that the
implementation of training and development initiatives can help the
aforementioned companies reduce the problem of the knowledge gap.
Thus, the UK retail industry can concentrate on employing cloud experts
with automation specialisations. Additionally, this can help companies

enhance their SC management procedures. The aforementioned
companies find that managing cloud environments is made easier with
the adoption of a multi-cloud data management platform. Furthermore,
the aforementioned firms can enhance their cloud computing cost-
management strategies by incorporating auditing systems and resource
utilisation monitoring technologies. Thus, it can be shown that
implementing these tactics can help UK retail companies make cloud
computing more applicable for promoting business agility throughout SC.
Training and development initiatives for the employees with the current
operational insights have significance to fulfil the evolving consumer
demands and maintain SC operational efficiency.
Cost efficiency and rapid innovation processes for better SC
Cost efficiency and rapid innovation processes can have the resilience in
better innovative performances in the UK retail sector. Rapid innovation
processes in the SC operations can foster the changes and effectively
prioritise the operational processes. This can be effective for the pursuit of
innovation and response to quick changes. Panigrahi et al. (2023) stated
that this can be beneficial for the innovation processes that can fulfil the
marketing capabilities of the innovation processes. Cost-efficiency in the
reduction of distributions and production costs is effective for better
improvement in the SC agility operations. This can have the capabilities to
fulfil overall marketing capabilities that have better success in the
processes of the current operation for better approaches in the SC
operations of the UK retail sector. This can be beneficial for better
management capabilities to fulfil the marketing opportunities and have
significance for better marketing approaches in the innovation processes.
This can have significance with the current managerial attributes that hold
significance for the services with the SC agility operations. Operational
agility of the supply chain processes with the UK retail sector that has the
capabilities to optimise the resources with innovation and productivity.
Rapid innovation processes can have the capabilities to fulfil the current

marketing opportunities with SC agility improvement in the UK retail
5.4 Limitations
The identification of recommended strategies is not yet implemented by
all the UK retailers and understands the efficiency of the services to
improve inventory management. Therefore, identifying strategic solutions
for the effective implementation of cloud computing technologies on a
large scale holds limitations for the study findings.
5.5 Future Work
The identification of the right technologies for better inventory
management can influence the purchasing attributes and have the
capabilities for better significance in the current environment. The
identification of effective strategies that can be implemented in the SC
operations can be effective for better fulfilment of findings related to the

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