Aquatic ecosystems are vital to the survival of numerous species and play an essential role in
maintaining ecological balance. However, pollution from human activities such as industrial
waste, agricultural runoff, plastic waste, and untreated sewage has posed significant threats to
aquatic life (Briggs, 2019). The degradation of water quality directly impacts aquatic organisms,
leading to reduced biodiversity, habitat destruction, and food web disruptions. Pollution of
aquatic ecosystems arises from various sources, including domestic sewage, agricultural runoff,
industrial effluents, and improper waste disposal. These pollutants introduce harmful substances
such as heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, and organic waste into water bodies, disrupting
ecological balance (Khan and Ghour, 2021). Aquatic organisms, ranging from microorganisms to
fish and amphibians, are directly affected by these pollutants through toxicity, habitat
degradation, and reduced reproductive success. Over time, these impacts cascade through the
food chain, affecting biodiversity and human populations relying on these resources. Aquatic
ecosystems are vital components of the environment, serving as habitats for diverse species,
sources of water for human and animal consumption, and sites for recreational and economic
activities. However, these ecosystems are increasingly under threat from pollution, particularly in
developing countries like Nigeria, where industrialization, urbanization, and population growth
have escalated environmental challenges (Halder and Islam, 2020). Lokoja, the confluence city
where the Niger and Benue Rivers meet, is renowned for its aquatic biodiversity. Despite its
significance, this area is facing severe pollution challenges, jeopardizing aquatic life and
surface water on the earth. Both types of activities i.e. natural and anthropogenic activities
mainly from domestic, municipal, and industrial impair the quality of surface water which in turn
adversely impacts the aquatic organisms. The response of aquatic organisms to different types of
pollutants varied and can be observed during different activities of aquatic organism e.g.,
and size, etc. (Desai et al., 2019). Different advanced technology like nanofiltration,
electrodeposition, sequestration, activated carbon treatment, ion exchange, etc., can be used to
improve the water quality of polluted water bodies. Polluted water discharged from the domestic
and industrial should be treated properly in order to reduce the excess of toxicity. Proper
environmental education should be given, limiting the release of specific pollutants, etc. can help
to conserve the water bodies from aquatic pollution. Nevertheless, the strict implementations of
environmental laws and regulations at different level i.e. local, national, and international levels
Pollution has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental challenges, with far-reaching
lakes, and wetlands, are particularly vulnerable to various forms of pollution due to their capacity
to absorb and accumulate contaminants. These ecosystems are vital for maintaining ecological
balance, supporting biodiversity, and providing resources for human sustenance and economic
activities (Briggs, 2019). However, the increasing human activities and industrialization have
significantly degraded water quality, threatening aquatic life and ecosystem services. The impact
point for assessing the impact of pollution on aquatic ecosystems. The influx of waste from
upstream regions, coupled with local anthropogenic activities such as sand mining, fishing, and
domestic waste dumping, exacerbates the problem. Investigating this issue is critical to
understanding the extent of damage to aquatic life and developing sustainable solutions to
protect these ecosystems (Khan and Ghouri, 2021). Pollutants such as heavy metals, plastics, oil,
pesticides, and untreated sewage enter aquatic environments through industrial discharge,
agricultural runoff, urbanization, and improper waste disposal. These contaminants disrupt the
To assess the effects of pollution on the health and population of aquatic organisms.
To analyze the relationship between water quality parameters and the diversity of aquatic
Research Questions
How does pollution impact the health and population of aquatic organisms?
economic well-being of residents who depend on them for fishing, agriculture, and
transportation. However, these water bodies are increasingly polluted due to indiscriminate waste
disposal, agricultural runoff, and industrial discharges. This pollution threatens aquatic life,
causing fish kills, biodiversity loss, and degradation of water quality. Pollution in aquatic
ecosystems has become a growing concern globally. In many regions, aquatic habitats are being
degraded due to increased human activities. Contaminants like heavy metals, micro-plastics and
harmful chemicals have been found in aquatic environments, adversely affecting fish
populations, invertebrates, and other marine organisms. The lack of sufficient data on the specific
impacts of pollution hinders the formulation of effective policies to mitigate these effects. This
research aims to investigate the extent of pollution's impact on aquatic ecosystems to provide
actionable insights.
The investigation into the impact of pollution on aquatic life is crucial for several reasons.
Aquatic organisms play essential roles in the food chain, nutrient cycling, and carbon
sequestration. Their health and survival are indicative of the overall health of aquatic ecosystems.
Moreover, many communities around the world depend on aquatic life for food, recreation, and
economic activities such as fishing and aquaculture. This research will contribute to
understanding how pollution affects aquatic ecosystems, providing a basis for policy
agencies, policymakers, and conservationists aiming to preserve aquatic biodiversity and ensure
and nature of pollution in Lokoja's aquatic ecosystems, contributing to the body of knowledge on
The study focuses on the aquatic ecosystems in Lokoja, Kogi State, specifically the Niger and
Benue Rivers. It examines the types and sources of pollutants, assesses their impact on aquatic
organisms, and evaluates water quality parameters. The study period covers 12 months to
account for seasonal variations in pollution levels and their effects on aquatic life.
Aquatic Life: Organisms living in or dependent on water bodies, including fish, amphibians,
Water Quality: The physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water, determining its
2.1 Introduction
Aquatic ecosystems, encompassing rivers, lakes, oceans, and wetlands, play a crucial role in
supporting life on Earth. These environments provide essential habitats for a diverse range of
organisms, from microscopic plankton to large marine mammals. However, human activities
have significantly impacted the health of these ecosystems through various forms of pollution.
Aquatic ecosystems are critical to maintaining biodiversity and ensuring the sustainability of the
environment. However, increasing pollution poses significant threats to aquatic life. Aquatic
biomes are the water ecosystems of the world and they include marine ecosystems, brackish
water ecosystem, estuarine ecosystem and the freshwater ecosystem. Water bodies with less than
0.05 parts per thousand of dissolved salts are taken as fresh water, and include surface water
bodies such as ponds, lakes, streams, springs, wetlands, rivers, and artificial or man-made bodies
of water including canals, ditches and reservoirs as well as underground water. About 75% of the
earth’s surface is covered by water, but out of this only about 3% is fresh, and 99% of this (3%)
is either locked up in glaciers, polar ice caps or is buried in underground aquifers. According to
Bob-(Manuel, 2019) fresh water ecosystems cover 0.8% of the earth’s surface, contain 0.009%
of its total water, generate nearly 3% of its net primary productivity and contains 41% of the
world’s known fishes. Aquatic resources consist of extremely wide range of flora and fauna
which offer a broad array of valuable goods and beneficial services with potential utilitarian
environment provides food and shelter for fishes, crustaceans, mollusks, whales, crocodiles etc.
and nutrient supplies for economically important fish species (Zabadal, 2020).
Similarly, the aquatic environment performs other important environmental functions such as
nutrient recycling, water purification and provision of habitats for wildlife. They are also used
for human recreation and are very important to the tourism and transport industries especially in
coastal regions of the world. (Castro and Huber, 2021) broadly defined pollution as the
introduction of harmful substances or heat energy into the environment by humans. (Manuel,
2019) pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics
of our air, land and water that may or will harmfully affect our industrial processes, living
condition and cultural assets or that will waste or deteriorate our material resources. (Wokoma et
al., 2019) sees pollution as the discharge or release of waste matter from industrial or domestic
sources which may be raw or partially treated; gaseous, liquid or solids, biodegradable or non-
biodegradable, toxic or non-toxic etc. into the air, land or water. As regards aquatic pollution, the
classical definition is that given by the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of
Marine Pollution (GESAMP, 2020). They defined marine and aquatic pollution as the
introduction by man, directly or indirectly of substances or energy into the marine and aquatic
environment including estuaries which results or is likely to result in such deleterious effects as
harm to living or non-living resources, hazards to human health, hindrance to marine and aquatic
activities including fishing and other legitimate uses of the sea (River), impairment of quality for
use of sea and river water and reduction of amenities. Any substance, which has the capability of
causing or is likely to cause any of the adverse effects in water, as listed above is regarded as a
water pollutant. Fresh water bodies are of two types: Lotic and Lentic water. Lotic aquatic
systems are those with flowing water bodies. The water bodies perpetually oscillate or are in
unidirectional flow. They include streams, rivers, creeks, as well as seas and ocean which exhibit
a tidal movement. Lentic water bodies such as ponds and lakes are relatively still.
2.2 Overview of Aquatic Pollution
Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment,
disrupting the natural balance. Aquatic pollution specifically involves the contamination of water
bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans by physical, chemical, or biological substances. Pollution
can be defined as the introduction of harmful substances or energy into the environment at a rate
faster than it can be rendered harmless by natural processes. Aquatic pollution poses a serious
threat to the delicate balance of aquatic life, leading to a cascade of negative consequences for
Point Source Pollution: This type of pollution originates from a single, identifiable source, such
Non-Point Source Pollution: This type of pollution arises from diffuse sources, making it
difficult to pinpoint the exact origin. Common examples include agricultural runoff (fertilizers,
pesticides), urban runoff (oil, grease, litter), and atmospheric deposition (acid rain).
Physical Pollution: Includes solid waste like plastics and sediments from erosion.
Industrial Effluents: The effluents released from industrial activities vary so greatly in both
flow and pollution strength (Beal and Raman, 2021). In general, industrial effluents may contain
suspended, colloidal and dissolved (mineral and organic) solids. In addition, they may be either
excessively acidic or alkaline and may contain high or low concentrations of coloured matter.
These effluents may contain inert, organic or toxic materials and possibly pathogenic bacteria.
Industrial waste is the most common source of water pollution in the present day (Ogedengbe
and Akinbile, 2020) and it increases yearly due to the fact that industries are increasing as most
countries are getting industrialized. The extent of industrial waste discharges in most developing
countries is such that rivers receiving untreated effluents cannot give natural dilution necessary
for their survival as good quality water sources. There is thus a challenge of providing water in
adequate quantity and of required quality to minimize hazards to human health while conserving
the water bodies and the environment. Effluent discharges into the environment have been on the
increase in Nigeria since 1960 due to active industrialization, urbanization and the accompanying
increase in commercial activities. The discharge of industrial effluents into water bodies is one of
the main causes of environmental pollution and degradation in many cities, especially in
developing countries. Many of these industries lack liquid, solid waste regulations and proper
disposal facilities for harmful wastes. Such wastes might be infectious, toxic or radioactive
(Jimena et al., 2018; WHO, 2020). On the other hand, waste or effluent management has
potential pollutants have found their way into natural waters, especially in the urban areas
upsetting the ecological balance. Surface waters are usually exposed to negative impacts as well
as microbial contamination from run-off inputs, soils and any waste deliberately or inadvertently
dumped into such waters (Eremektar et al., 2019). These result in pollution increase in microbial
load, eutrophication, visible aesthetic nuisance and loss of recreational amenities. Government
awareness and interest in solving these problems have led to the establishment of Environmental
Protection Agencies (EPA) which is in the infant stage of operation in most African countries.
There are many types of industrial effluents based on the type of industry releasing the effluent.
Basically, industrial effluents can be divided into two type’s namely inorganic and organic
Inorganic industrial effluent is produced mainly in the coal and steel industry, non-metallic
minerals industry, commercial enterprises and manufacturing industries (Gbadebo et al., 2020).
These effluents contain a large proportion of suspended matter and chemical compounds, which
can be eliminated by sedimentation often together with chemical flocculation through the
addition of iron or aluminum salt, flocculation agents and different kinds of polymers. The
purification of warm and dust laden waste gases from blast furnace, converters, cupola furnace,
refuse and sludge incineration plants and aluminum works results in wastewater containing
mineral and inorganic substance in dissolved and un dissolved forms (Aydin et al., 2020).
These are industrial effluent flow from those industries and large scale chemical works, which
mainly use organic substances for chemical reaction. The effluents contain organic substances
having various origins and properties (Sevimli et al., 2019). These organic substances can only
organic industrial wastewater are produced by the following industries and plants such as the
factories manufacturing pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, organic dye-stuffs, glue and adhesive, soap,
synthetic detergent, pesticide and herbicides releases large amount of organic industrial effluents;
tanneries and leather factories, textile factories, cellulose and paper manufacturing plant,
factories of oil refining industries, brewery and fermentation factories and metal processing
Water pollutants and their effects differ significantly according to the pollutants which include:
Heavy Metals: Heavy metals are those chemical elements with a specific gravity that is at least
five times the specific gravity of water (Odemealam, 2020). Examples include cadmium, lead,
arsenic, iron and mercury. Heavy metals occur naturally in the environment as constituents of
earth‘s crust and fulfill the criteria of persistence but are however dispersed over large area and
in the process are often diluted or broken down to harmless level by natural process. However,
due to anthropogenic activities, metal distribution patterns can be rearranged, resulting in site
specific elevated concentrations (Merian, 2018). Heavy metals are common in industrial
applications such as in the manufacture of pesticides, batteries, alloys, electroplated metal parts,
and textiles dyes, steel amongst others. Heavy metals that enter water bodies affect fish and other
seafood and irrigated food crops. Chronic toxicity of heavy metals results from repeated or
continuous exposures leading to an accumulation in the body. Symptoms of chronic toxicity may
be similar to many common conditions and may not be readily recognized. Another adverse
health effect of heavy metal is associated with copper, mercury and cadmium. Copper poisoning
is known to have a damaging effect on the brain of higher animals at 0.5ppm level (Brown et al.,
Sediments: These suspended solid particles in water body make water turbid or cloudy and
unpleasant for various uses thus necessitating water treatment (Marquita, 2021). It is worthy to
note that sediment reduces light available to algae and aquatic plants, kill or injure fish by
damaging their gills, cover spawning gravel and smother fish eggs. It also reduces the quality of
Oil and Grease: Crude oil consists of hydrocarbon, with carbon and hydrogen in the ratio 1:6 by
weight and other related inorganic metals. Oil spill is a major source of oil and grease pollution
in a water body. Oil spill is an accidental discharge of crude oil, refined oil products as well as
the disposal of used or exhausted lubricants and waste oil. It is noteworthy that depending upon
the amount and type oil spilled, weather condition, ecosystem recovery can be quick or painfully
slow. Floating oil reduce or prevent oxygenation of the water and without an adequate supply of
oxygen, the self-purification property of water is entirely prevented from operating (Egborge,
2019). Marine life from the simple algae to fish is endangered and the delicate ecological balance
is destroyed.
Acids and Alkalis: Acids and alkalis directly affect the pH of the receiving water body. The
wide changes in pH affect enzymes and other proteins, altering the course of natural
Excess Nitrate: It has been shown that excess nitrate in the body causes blood problems such as
anemia and hepatitis. Increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure and circulatory collapse
have also been reported it was also shown that high concentration of nitrate in water result in
eutrophication. Sources of nitrogen and nitrates may include runoff or seepage from fertilized
agricultural lands, municipal and industrial waste water, refuse dumps, animal feedlots, septic
tanks and private sewage disposal systems, urban drainage and decaying plant debris.
Industrial effluents may impact negatively on the environment. These impacts might be seen on
Industrial effluents when released in the open or on agricultural land contaminate the soil with
heavy metals and organic pollutants. (Mahata and Antil, 2020) observed that the morphometric
analysis showed that the height of seedling and length of root were also reduced with the
application of effluent. Thus, effluents must be diluted either with canal water or tube well water
Sometimes, effluents especially sludge from the water or wastewater treatment facility are
disposed of by using them as soil amendment, or just indiscriminately to dump sites. When these
effluent or sludge (as the case may be) contain toxic materials and heavy metals, they
immediately become part of the soil; when these toxic materials and heavy metals become
ionized (i.e. in soluble form), they could be picked by the root of the plant and bioaccumulation
in the tissues of the plant (Mura et al., 2019). These toxic materials and heavy metals may also
disrupt the natural activities of both the flora and fauna components of the soil.
Effluent especially when it contains high BOD and other organic pollutant tends to give off foul
smell. This worsens when the waste is not properly dosed with the required oxygen to effectively
digest the complex organic matter to simpler form. Pungent gases like hydrogen sulphide (H 2S),
cyanide (CN) among others are` very notorious in this regards (Ghosh, 2021). With uncontrolled
release of effluent and wastewater, the undesirable foul smell could become a threat to the
In non-ferrous metal industries and industries that produce batteries, pigments, stabilizers and
plastics, the primary heavy metals discharged are lead, zinc, and cadmium. Cement manufacture
results in high emission of mercury as well as these heavy metals except zinc (Scoullos et al.,
2021). Arsenic and Zinc gain access to the water environment through mining operations. Nickel
and Cobalt are used in the electroplating industry. Effluents contain these heavy metals which are
harmful to human health either through direct ingestion or from fish and other animals or plants.
Heavy metals particularly arsenic, mercury and lead are environmental pollutants threatening the
health of human population and natural ecosystem. The untreated effluents when released to the
environment would interact with all components of the environment. The effect would not only
be felt in the water bodies alone, but across all the components of the biosphere. The toxic
component would definitely move round polluting the food web and trophic level (Förstner and
Wittmann, 2021).
Pollution is caused when a change in the physical, chemical or biological condition in the
environment harmfully affect quality of human life including other animals ‘life and
plant. .Industrial, sewage and municipal wastes are being continuously added to water bodies
hence affect the physiochemical quality of water making them unfit for use of livestock and other
organisms, (WHO, 2020). Uncontrolled industrial effluent discharges into aquatic body has
oxygen depletion in the subsurface water, (Ubawuike, 2020). This leads to large fish kill and
other oxygen requiring organism. Effluent discharged into aquatic environment with enhanced
concentration of nutrient, sediment and toxic substances may have a serious negative impact on
the quality and life forms of the receiving water body when discharge untreated or partially
treated. Water pollution by effluent has become of considerable public and scientific concern in
the light of evidence of their extreme toxicity to the health of animals and biological ecosystems
(WHO, 2020). The occurrence of heavy metals in industrial and municipal sewage effluents
constitute a major source of the heavy metals entering aquatic media which adversely affects
lives of aquatic animals. Hence, there should be regular assessment of these sewage effluents to
ensure that adequate measures are taken to reduce pollution level to the minimum. Worldwide
water bodies are primary means for disposal of waste, especially the effluents from industrial,
municipal sewage and agricultural practices that are near them. This effluent can alter the
physical, chemical, and biological nature of receiving water body. The initial effect of waste is to
Over the last three decades, there has been increasing global concern over the public health
impacts attributed to water pollution, in particular, the global burden of disease. The World
Health Organization (WHO, 2020) estimated that about a quarter of the diseases facing mankind
today occur due to prolonged exposure to water pollution. Most of these water pollution-related
diseases are however not easily detected and may be acquired during childhood and manifest
later in adulthood. The discharge of industrial effluents into water bodies is one of the main
countries. Many of these industries do not adhere to liquid and solid waste regulations and proper
disposal facilities, including for harmful waste. Such waste may be infectious, toxic or
radioactive (WHO, 2020). In most countries, the principal risks to human health associated with
the consumption of polluted water are microbiological in nature. The risk of acquiring a
waterborne infection increases with the level of contamination by chemicals and pathogenic
the world. The (WHO, 2020) stated that one sixth of the world‘s population, approximately 1.1
billion people do not have access to safe water and 2.4 billion lack basic sanitation. Polluted
water which consists of industrial discharged effluents, sewage water, and pollution from
rainwater, agriculture or households causes damage to human health or the environment. This
water pollution affects the health and quality of soils and vegetation. Some water pollution
effects are recognized immediately, whereas others do not show up for months or years.
Estimation indicates that more than fifty countries of the world with an area of twenty million
hectares area are treated with polluted or partially treated polluted water including parts of all
continents and this poor quality water causes health hazard and death of human being, aquatic
life and also disturbs the production of different crops, (Kanu and Achi, 2021). In fact, the effects
of water pollution are said to be the leading cause of death for humans across the globe,
moreover, water pollution affects our oceans, lakes, rivers, and drinking water, making it a
The health of a river depends on the quality of its water, which is influenced by the presence of
pollutants. The quality of water is generally assessed by a range of parameters, which express
physical, chemical and biological composition of water (WHO, 2020). This research deals with
some specific water quality parameters of the Buriganga River, which include: temperature, pH,
dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD),
electrical conductivity and the concentration of lead, chromium, ammonia nitrogen and
phosphate phosphorus. The guidelines as provided in the literature (WHO, 2020) have facilitated
the appropriate selection of these water quality parameters, which have been considered in
Temperature: Water temperature plays a significant role in affecting physical, chemical and
biological processes in water bodies (including the flowing waters like rivers), and thus the
concentration of many variables (WHO, 2020). High water temperature activates the rate of
chemical reactions with effect to evaporation and volatilization of substances from water. As
water temperature increases, the solubility rate of gases in water such as Oxygen decreases.
Moreover, the respiration rates of aquatic organisms increase in warm water which lead to
greater consumption of oxygen and increase the rate of decomposition (WHO, 2020). An abrupt
change in water temperature can lead to greater destruction of aquatic life. On the other hand,
excessively high water temperature may lead to the problem of unwanted growth of water plants
and wastewater fungus (WHO, 2020). Surface water temperature can be influenced by factors
such as geographical position, seasonality, diurnal period, circulation of air, quantity of cloud
cover, depth of water and its flow rate. In general, the temperature of surface water varies within
the range of 0oC to 30oC; however, abnormally high temperatures can arise from discharges of
pH: The pH is used to read the acid balance of a solution and it is defined as ‘the negative of the
logarithm to the base 10 of the hydrogen ion concentration’ (WHO, 2020). The pH scale ranges
from 0 to 14 (i.e., very acidic to very alkaline), and pH 7 indicates a neutral condition. The pH of
natural water stays in between 6.0 and 8.5 but could be affected by chemicals entering the
waterways (WHO, 2020). This is a significant parameter to assess water quality as it has
influence over ‘many biological and chemical processes within a water body and all processes
associated with water supply and treatment’ (WHO, 2020). This parameter can be used to
evaluate the amount of effluent plume in the water body, while measuring the effects of an
effluent discharge (WHO, 2020). Extremely high or low pH values of fresh water make it
unsuitable for most aquatic organisms. Moreover, water with low pH values become corrosive to
both metallic and concrete structures in the water course and also reduce the availability of
nutrients such as calcium and magnesium. On the other hand, water with high pH values reduces
the availability of phosphate, sulphate, iron and manganese (WHO, 2020). For example, if the
pH approaches to 5.0, the acidic stage of digestion is becoming predominant and digestion will
be unsatisfactory. A pH value varying between 6.5 to 8.0 is required for a proper biological
Dissolved oxygen: The analysis of dissolved oxygen (DO) is used to measure the amount of
gaseous oxygen dissolved in the water, which is crucial for all forms of aquatic life. DO in water
mainly appear by diffusion from the atmosphere and also from the photosynthesis of aquatic
oxygen plays an influential role in ‘nearly all chemical and biological processes within water
bodies’ (WHO, 2020). The DO measurements can help to determine the level of pollution caused
by oxygen demanding substances, such as biodegradable organic matter and nutrients. The
eventual recovery in oxygen concentrations is enhanced by high water turbulence in the flowing
water body (WHO, 2020). The determination of DO is also used in the measurement of
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in water (discussed in
following sections). The concentration of DO in an aqueous system can change, subject to the
season or even within a 24 hour time period, in terms of temperature and biological activity
(photosynthesis and respiration). In general, as the temperature and salinity level in the water
increase, consequently, the level of DO decrease (Goldman and Horne 1983). In fresh water, DO
at sea level ranges from 15 mg/L at 0 oC to 8 mg/L at 25oC. DO can also be measured in terms of
Biochemical Oxygen Demand: The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is used to read the
level of biochemically degradable organic matter or carbon loading in the water. It is usually
defined by the amount of oxygen consumed by the aerobic micro-organisms present in the water
sample for the purpose of oxidizing the organic matter and to convert it to a stable inorganic
form (WHO, 2020). Hence, in water quality analysis this parameter is used to determine the
biodegradable organic content of the waste in terms of oxygen which is required when the wastes
are discharged into natural water where aerobic condition prevails. The BOD is usually
determined through standardized laboratory procedures where the sample is incubated in the dark
at a steady temperature of 20°C for the duration of 5 days, thereby measuring the amount of
Chemical Oxygen Demand: The chemical oxygen demand (COD) is commonly used to
measure the susceptible levels of oxidation of the organic and inorganic materials existent in
water bodies as well as in the sewage and industrial effluents. It measures the oxygen equivalent
of the organic matter present in a water sample that can be oxidized by a strong chemical
oxidant, such as dichromate or permanganate (WHO, 2020). The 2 to 4 hour laboratory tests for
COD measures the level of oxygen, which is necessary for chemical oxidation of organic and
inorganic matter in the water sample to convert into Co 2 and water. The COD test does not aim
to identify the oxidisable material or find differences between the organic and inorganic material
in the water. However, it has been a widely used measure for water quality analysis over the past
several decades. The concentration of COD observed in unpolluted surface water remain around
20 mg/L or less, while values are normally greater than 200 mg/L in effluents (Chapman and
Kimstach 1992). It is noted that COD measurements are usually higher than the BOD
Electrical Conductivity: Electrical conductivity in water is a measure of salinity and the extent
to which water is able to conduct an electric current. It is expressed as micro Siemens per
centimetre (μS/cm) and, relates to the concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS) or salts in a
specific water body (WHO, 2020). These salts typically include such cations as sodium, calcium,
magnesium and potassium, and anions such as chloride, sulphate and bicarbonate (WHO, 2020).
The salinity or the TDS in mg/L of water may be calculated by multiplying the conductance (in
An important pollution index of industrial wastewaters is the oxygen function measured in terms
of chemical oxygen demand (COD), and biological oxygen demand (BOD), while the nutrient
important quality parameters include pH, temperature and total suspended solids (Kanu and
Achi, 2021). Industrial effluents are characterized by their abnormal turbidity, conductivity,
chemical oxygen demand (COD); total suspended solids (TSS) and total hardness.
Total Solids: The total solids in a wastewater consist of the suspended solids and the soluble
compounds dissolved in water. Volatile solids are presumed to be organic matter, although some
organic matter will not burn and some inorganic salts break down at high temperatures. The
organic matter consists mainly of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Soluble solids, expressed as
Water Hardness: Water hardness is the traditional measure of the capacity of water to react
with soap since hard water requires considerably more soap to produce lather. Hard water often
produces a noticeable deposit of precipitate (e.g. insoluble metals, soaps or salts) in containers,
including bathtub ring. The principal natural sources are varieties of dissolved polyvalent
metallic ions from sedimentary rocks, seepage and runoff from soils, predominantly calcium and
magnesium cations, although other cations (e.g. aluminum, barium, iron, manganese, strontium
and zinc) also contribute. Hardness is most commonly expressed as milligrams of calcium
carbonate equivalent per litre. Although hardness is caused by cations, it may also be discussed
magnesium, the two principal ions, are present in many sedimentary rocks, the most common
being limestone and chalk. They are also common essential mineral constituents of food.
Turbidity: Turbidity is a measure of water clarity which boils down on how much the material
suspended in water decreases the passage of light through the water. Suspended materials include
soil particles (clay, silt, and sand), algae, plankton, microbes, and other substances. Turbidity can
be caused by:
Chemical precipitates.
It is very important to measure the turbidity of domestic water supplies, as these supplies often
undergo some type of water treatment which can be affected by turbidity. For example, during
the rainy season when mud and silt are washed into rivers and streams, high turbidity can quickly
block filters and stop them from working effectively. High turbidity will also fill tanks and pipes
with mud and silt, and can damage valves and taps. Where chlorination of water is practiced,
even quite low turbidity will prevent the chlorine killing the germs in the water efficiently. Some
treatment systems, such as sedimentors, coagulators and gravel pre-filters are designed to remove
turbidity. It is important for operators of both large and small treatment systems to know how
well these systems are working. Measuring the turbidity of the water before and after each part
Nutrients: The principal limiting nutrients in water include free ammonia, organic nitrogen,
nitrites, nitrates, organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus. Nitrogen and phosphorus are
important because these two nutrients are responsible for the growth of aquatic plants. All living
organisms require varying amounts of some trace elements, such as iron, copper, zinc and cobalt,
Dissolved Oxygen: The solubility and the dynamics of dissolved oxygen distribution in water
bodies are basic to the understanding of the abundance and distribution of aquatic organisms.
Dissolved oxygen is essential for the metabolism of all aquatic organisms that undergo aerobic
biochemistry. Seasonal changes of dissolved oxygen were positively correlated with the density
of phytoplankton but inversely with the zooplankton. Dissolved oxygen is not only an important
water quality criterion in supporting well balanced aquatic fauna but insufficient amount in water
pH and Alkalinity: The acidity or basicity of irrigation water is expressed as pH (acidic < 7.0 >
basic). The normal pH range for irrigation water is from 6.5 to 8.4. Low pH may cause
accelerated irrigation system corrosion where they occur. High pH above 8.5 are often caused by
high bicarbonate and carbonate concentrations, known as alkalinity. High carbonates cause
calcium and magnesium ions to form insoluble minerals leaving sodium as the dominant ion in
solution. Excessive bicarbonate concentrates can also be problematic for drip or micro-spray
irrigation systems when calcite or scales build up causes reduced flow rates through orifices or
emitters. When these occur, injection of sulfuric or other acidic materials into the system may be
Nitrogen: Nitrogen in irrigation water (N) is largely a fertility issue. The nitrate ion often occurs
at higher concentrations than ammonium in irrigation water. Waters high in N can cause quality
problems in crops such as barley and sugar beets and excessive vegetative growth in some
vegetables. However, these problems can usually be overcome by good fertilizer and irrigation
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): Water has the ability to dissolve a wide range of inorganic and
some organic minerals or salts such as potassium, calcium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides,
magnesium, sulfates etc. These minerals produce unwanted taste and dilute color in appearance
of water. This is an important parameter for the use of water. Water with high TDS value
indicates that water is highly mineralized. High values of TDS in ground water are generally not
harmful to human beings, but high concentration of these may affect persons who are suffering
from kidney and heart diseases. Water containing total dissolved solids may cause laxative or
constipation effects and when used for irrigation and will likely increase salinity in the soil
thereby reducing nutrient and moisture absorption, Onuigbo and Madu, (2013).
Electrical conductivity (EC): Clean water is not a good conductor of electric current rather it is
a good insulator. Increase in ions concentration enhances the electrical conductivity of water.
Generally, the amount of dissolved solids in water determines the electrical conductivity.
Electrical conductivity (EC) actually measures the ionic process of a solution that enables it to
transmit current. According to WHO standards, EC value should not have exceeded 400 μS/cm
for drinking water and for FAO maximum permissible standard for Irrigation water quality the 3
Nitrate (NO3): Nitrate one of the most important disease causing parameters of water quality
particularly blue baby syndrome in infants. The sources of nitrate are nitrogen cycle, industrial
waste, nitrogenous fertilizers etc. The FAO allows maximum permissible limit of Nitrate-
Sodium (Na): Sodium is a silver white metallic element and found in less quantity in water.
Proper quantity of sodium in human body prevents many fatal diseases like kidney damages,
hypertension, headache etc. In most of the countries, majority of domestic water supply bear less
than 20 mg/l while FAO maximum permissible standard for irrigation water quality is 40 me/l.
Heavy Metals Concentrations: Bioaccumulation of metals occurs in fauna and flora if the rate
of uptake of heavy metals by the organisms is more than the excretion. Unlike food that when
assimilated into the body digest or biodegrade, heavy metals are not biodegradable so they
accumulate in primary organs in the body and over time begin to fester, leading to various
symptoms of diseases. Heavy metal distributions in seawater and sediment samples were found
sources (Rein, 2020). Many of the pollutants entering aquatic ecosystems (e.g., mercury lead,
pesticides, and herbicides) are very toxic to living organisms. They can lower reproductive
success, prevent proper growth and development, and even cause death. Heavy metals may also
precipitate phosphate bio-compounds or catalyze their decomposition. For example, among the
blindness, insanity, chromosome breakage and birth defects (Rein, 2020). Heavy metals can also
produce toxic effects; therefore, determination of the amounts of heavy metals is especially
important where the further use of treated effluent or sludge is to be evaluated. Many of metals
are also classified as priority pollutants such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, mercury, etc.
Measurements of gases, such as hydrogen sulphide, oxygen, methane and carbon dioxide, are
made to help the system to operate. The presence of hydrogen sulphide needs to be determined
not only because it is an odorous and very toxic gas but also because it can affect the
Direct Toxicity: Pollutants can directly poison aquatic organisms, leading to mortality, impaired
Habitat Degradation: Pollution can degrade aquatic habitats, such as by altering water
Biodiversity Loss: Pollution can lead to the decline and extinction of species, reducing the
Human Health Impacts: Contaminated water can pose significant risks to human health,
Disruption of Food Chains: Pollutants accumulate in primary producers and biomagnify up the
food chain.
Heavy metals like mercury and cadmium accumulate in aquatic organisms, leading to bio-
This study adopts the Pollution Cascade Framework, which emphasizes the progression of
pollutants from sources to their ultimate impact on aquatic life and ecosystems. The framework
highlights how pollutants are introduced, transported, and transformed within aquatic systems,
The study will be conducted in Lokoja metropolis. Lokoja is located in Kogi State. It lies at the
confluence of Niger and Benue rivers and it is the capital of Kogi State. It lies at the confluence
of Niger and Benue rivers and it is the capital of Kogi State. The city’s population has grown to
an estimated count of over 90,000 inhabitants. It is close to the Federal Capital of Nigeria, Abuja.
Lokoja lies between latitude 7°45’N and 7°51’N and longitude 6°41’E and 6°45’E. It lies in the
western bank of the River Niger at an altitude of 45-125 metres above sea level towards the
Northwest which reaches an altitude of 400m above sea level. The highest temperature is
obtained between March and April, while the lowest temperature is obtained between December
and January. The first season of rainfall begins from March to July, with a break in the month of
August, a period known as August break. Another season of rainfall commences from September
and ends in October. The dry season begins from November and ends in March casting for about
five (5) to six (6) months. The relative humidity is high during this raining season, this is about
80% during this period, whereas relative humidity is low during the dry season, as low as 5%
during this season. The characteristics of the air within this period is dry and dusty. The
harmattan comes at the period of the dry season. The atmosphere is usually cloudy during rainy
A descriptive and cross-sectional analytical research design will be employed to investigate the
impact of pollution on aquatic life. Both qualitative and quantitative data collections will be
utilized to evaluate water quality, biodiversity and pollution sources. The study involved field
sampling, laboratory analysis, and data interpretation to evaluate the relationship between
3.3.1 Sampling Sites: Five sampling points will be selected along the River Niger, River Benue,
and their tributaries. These points will be chosen based on proximity to pollution sources, such as
Sampling period: samples will be collected during the dry and wet seasons to capture seasonal
seasonal variations.
3.3.3 Types of Samples: Water, sediment, and biological samples (fish, crustaceans, and aquatic
Water Samples: will be collected using sterilized glass bottles and stored at 4°C for laboratory
Sediment Samples: will be taken using a grab sampler, placed in labeled polythene bags, and
Biological Samples: Captured using fishing nets and traps; species will be identified and
Parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical
oxygen demand (COD), turbidity, and heavy metal concentrations will be analyzed using
standard procedures.
Temperature, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen (DO): Using a portable multi-parameter water quality
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): Using standard
titrimetric methods.
Microbiological Analysis
Sediments will be tested for heavy metals (e.g., lead, mercury, and cadmium) using atomic
Fish species will be identified, and their health status was assessed.
Bio-indicators of pollution, such as deformities and changes in gill morphology, will be noted.
Biodiversity Assessment
Fish Diversity: Fish will be identified to the species level using field guides and taxonomic keys.
Macro-invertebrates: will be collected using a kick net and identified based on morphological
Bioaccumulation Studies: Heavy metal concentrations in fish tissues will be analyzed using
Geospatial analysis will be used to map pollution sources and assess their proximity to sampling
sites. Water pollution indices such as the Water Quality Index (WQI) will be calculated to
Data collected will be subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS software. Descriptive statistics
(means, standard deviations) and inferential statistics (ANOVA, correlation analysis) will be used
The study adhered to ethical guidelines for environmental research. Necessary permissions will
be obtained from relevant authorities. Measures will be taken to minimize harm to aquatic
Accessibility to certain sampling sites due to seasonal variations and water levels
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