Marriage Evaluation Form
Marriage Evaluation Form
Marriage Evaluation Form
Marriage Evaluation
This evaluation will be helpful for me to gain a picture of what your marriage is like. Please check all those that
apply to how you feel in your marriage. Please print two copies, as it is most helpful to have both spouses
complete this evaluation. When necessary, circle to indicate if a statement applies to you or your partner.
__I am afraid to express thoughts, feelings, opinions freely
__I don’t feel heard by my partner
__my partner/I respond inappropriately at times
__my partner/I act(s) disrespectfully
__we do not communicate well about difficult subjects
__sometimes, when we communicate, it escalates to physical violence or intimidation
__I avoid communication because I am afraid it will lead to conflict
__Our communication sometimes leads to verbal abuse, profanity, put-downs, etc.
Problem Solving:
__ we are often unable to identify the problem
__we struggle to identify options to solve problems
__we rarely discuss problems without it leading to violence or verbal abuse
__we are usually not able to compromise or agree to disagree
__we do not share equal say in decisions/problem solving
__when conflict arises we often speak of leaving or divorce
Emotional Intimacy:
__we do not talk enough __I do not think we are honest and open with each other
__I do not feel close to my partner __It seems we rarely express love to each other
__we do not have enough quality time __I do not feel valued/appreciated by my partner
Physical Intimacy:
__I am not satisfied with the quality of our sexual relationship
__I am not satisfied with the frequency of our sexual relationship
__I do not have orgasms
__I would like to improve our foreplay
__I feel there are barriers in the way of our sexual relationship
__I wish we included more non-sexual touch in our lives
__My partner/I have committed adultery
__My partner/I have a problem with pornography
11222 Tesson Ferry Road, Suite 200 • St. Louis, MO 63123 • 314.221.3773 •
Relationship with God:
__I would like to attend a Bible study as a couple __I wish we prayed as a couple
__I fear our decisions are not God-pleasing __I would like to serve God as a couple
__I wish my husband were a better/different type of spiritual leader
__I do not feel my partner is a good spiritual example for our children
__I would like to find a church __I do not feel comfortable serving or getting involved at our church
__I wish we attended church __I do not feel comfortable with the leadership of our church
__I do not feel comfortable with our relationships at church
Extended Family:
__I have problems with our visits to see extended family (length of stay, activities, where we stay, etc.)
__I do not like the way we communicate with our extended family
__I have concerns about fairness with our extended family
__I disagree with my partner about the level of involvement of our extended family
__I think we need more boundaries with our extended family
Household Tasks:
__we have unfair distribution of household tasks
__I feel used and/or taken advantage of for the work I do at home
__I resent my partner due to household tasks
__I would like my partner to help more
__our income is a problem __we have debt that bothers me
__our spending is a problem __I worry about the fact that we are not saving for our future
__we do not save to my satisfaction __My partner/I have a problem with gambling
__we do not tithe even though I would like to
__We do not have a satisfactory budget
__I worry about the fact that we are not saving for our kid’s future
__I do not like the way we discipline our children
__I have concerns about our children’s child care
__I have concerns about how we spend quality time with our children
__I have concerns about our children’s schooling
__I have a problem with the way my in-laws/extended family interact with our children
11222 Tesson Ferry Road, Suite 200 • St. Louis, MO 63123 • 314.221.3773 •
__I am not satisfied with my job
__My work schedule interferes with my marriage
__I feel like I work too much
Physical Health:
__I have not had a regular check up recently __I do not exercise
__I have not been to the dentist in a year or more __I do not have proper nutrition/weight
__I am aware of things I should do for my health, but I don’t do them
Mental Health:
I believe my partner or I (circle which) suffer from:
__Depression P/I __Anger Problem P/I
__Anxiety P/I __Low self-esteem P/I
__Addiction Specify_____________ P/I __Perfectionism P/I
__Eating Disorder P/I
__I wish we went out as a couple more __I do not enjoy the things we do for fun
__I wish we shared more hobbies or common interests __We rarely laugh together
__I wish we were able to participate in individual activities more
__I do not feel comfortable with the people we socialize with
11222 Tesson Ferry Road, Suite 200 • St. Louis, MO 63123 • 314.221.3773 •