noimot jamb
noimot jamb
noimot jamb
Personal Details:
Surname: Obalanlege
First Name: Noimot
Other Name: Adeola
Date of Birth: November 12, 2007
Gender: Female
LGA/State: Ado-Odo/Ota/Ogun
Telephone No.: 08132986840
Examination Details:
Registration Number: 202440465385IF
Examination Number: C47001051
Centre Number: C47001
Seat Number: 051
Examination Town: Ojo in Lagos
Sublime College Computer Centre 6,Bakery Strt, New Mebamu, Cele Nica B/Stop, Along
Examination Centre:
Badagry Exp. Way, Ojo, Lagos State
Examination Date: Thursday, March 7, 2024 By 06:30AM
Use of English
UTME Subjects: Government
1. DO NOT bring Wrist Watch, Mobile Phone, Electronic Device, Pen/Biro, Key Holder, ATM Card, Eraser, Bangles, Ring,
Necklace to the Examination Centre.
2. You are advised to keep a copy of this Slip for reference purposes.
3. Your Biometric (Thumbprints) Verification is COMPULSORY at the Examination Centre
4. You will be marked absent if you DO NOT sit for the exam as indicated above and will forfeit the RIGHT to sit for the
5. There will be No change of UTME Subject in the Examination Centre. 1/2
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