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WEAPONS i -10% to Combat Disadvantage to Combat STATS 3.2 PANIC CHECK (2d10) 26.

Ammo 50* *Cost per magazine or box of ammunition (equal to weapon’s full shots) Strength Able-bodiedness. Lifting, pushing, hitting things hard. Over Current Stress Succeed: Relieve 1 Stress.
Combat 1,400 2dx10 Knockdown 10m 20m 30m Knockback on hit. 4 Audio rangefinder: Beeps when non-friendlies Speed Quick reactions, acting under pressure. Under Current Stress Fail: Roll 2d10 + Stress on Panic Effects table.
Shotgun ½ damage at M range. approach within 10m. Intellect How knowledgeable and experienced you are.
¼ damage at L range.
Crowbar 50 1d10 CQC Only N/A N/A +5 (Mechanical Repair)
Combat How good you are at fighting. PANIC EFFECTS (2d10 + Stress) 26.1
Flame 2,000 2dx10 2m 10m 20m 8 Body save or get set on fire and take 1dx10
Thrower dmg. per turn. SAVES 7.1 2-3 Laser Focus. Advantage on all rolls for the next 1d10 hours.
Flare Gun 85 1d10 5m 10m 20m High intensity flare: 2 SAVE USE 4-5 Major Adrenaline Rush. Advantage on all rolls for the next
visible from 25km away. Sanity Rationalize chaos, see through illusions, think under pressure. 3d10 min.
Foam Gun 275 N/A No save <1m 5m 10m Quick-hardening foam: 10 Fire retardant. Fear Surprise, cope with trauma, fear, lonliness, depression, etc. 6-7 Minor Adrenaline Rush. Advantage on all rolls for the next
Body/Instinct save to 1d10 min.
Body Reflexes, resist hunger, disease, invasive organisms.
avoid or become stuck.
Foam covers 5 sq. m. Armor Resist damage in combat. 8-9 Anxious. Gain 1 Stress.
Frag 70 1dx10 20m 30m 40m Deals damage to all 1 Can deal 1MDMG to ships (or more if 10-11 Nervous Twitch. Gain 2 Stress. Nearest crew member gains
Grenade within a 15m radius. internal). 1 Stress.
CLASS STRESS & PANIC Character Sheet
Hand 250 1d10 CQC Only inf. Ultra heat emitter: Cuts through airlocks / 12-13 Cowardice. Gain 1 Stress. For the next 1d10 hours, you must
Welder heavy doors. -10 vs. Armor Save. CLASS STRESS / PANIC EFFECT
make a Fear save to engage in combat or else flee.
Laser 1,200 1d% or 25m 250m 700m Takes 1 round to re- 6 Takes 1 hour to re-charge from a power Teamster Once per session, re-roll a roll on the Panic Effect table.
14-15 Hallucinations. For the next 2d10 hours (determined secretly),
Cutter 1MDMG charge between shots. source, or 6 hours in sunlight. Scientist On Sanity save fail, friendly players nearby gain 1 Stress.
you have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy.
Nail Gun 150 2d10 Double <1m 5m 10m Heavy Duty Nails: -10 32 Android Fear saves near Androids have Disadvantage.
Damage vs. Armor Save. 16-17 Crippling Fear. Gain a new permanent phobia. Whenever you
Marine On Panic, every friendly player nearby must make a Fear save. encounter this phobia make a Fear save at Disadvantage or gain
Pulse Rifle 1,600 5d10 Double 15m 125m 300m Phosphorous rounds. 1(3) Smart-link system: +5 Combat if wearing 1d10 stress.
Damage Fully automatic. HUD. Pump-Action Grenade Launcher: holds 6
Frag Grenades. OPPOSED ROLLS 4.2 18-19 Overwhelmed. Gain 1d10 stress.
Revolver 750 3d10 Knockdown 2m 30m 125m Kineti-slugs: -5 vs. 8 ROLL OPPOSING ROLL RESULT 20-21 Rattled. Let out a blood-curdling scream. Disadvantage on all
Armor save. rolls for 2d10 mins.
Success (higher) Success (lower) Succeed
Rigging 350 2d10 Impale. 10m 30m 100m Micro-filament: 500m. 1 Retractable Harpoon: Body / Instinct save 22 Paranoid. For the next 1d10 days, whenever a character joins
Success Fail
Gun Triple Hard to cut. or become entagled. Does an extra 1dx10 your group (even if they only left for a short period of time),
Damage. damage when grapnel is pulled out of target. Success (lower) Success (higher) Fail make a Fear save or gain 1 stress.
Scalpel 50 1d10 +1d10 CQC Only N/A N/A +10 (Surgery) Fail Success 23 Death Drive. For the next Xd10 days (where X=Stress) whenev-
DMG and er you encounter a stranger or known enemy, you must make a
bleeding Success (tie) Success (tie) Re-roll
Sanity save or else immediately attack them.
Smart Rifle 12,000 1dx10 x3 DMG 25m 200m 500m Armor Piercing: -10 vs. 12 Smart-link system: +10 Combat if wearing Fail Fail Situation worsens for all 24 Catatonic. Become unresponsive and unmoving for Xd10 minutes
Armor Save HUD. Spectroscope: Night / Thermal vision. (where X=Stress).
SMG 1,200 4d10 10m 75m 150m Fully automatic. 1(5) LIFE SUPPORT DOWN 8.3 25 Broken. For the next Xd10 days (where X=Stress) make a Panic
Stun Baton 115 1d10 No save CQC Only N/A N/A Body save or be stunned for 1 round. Ship’s Hull – 1d10 roll whenever a nearby crew member fails a save.
= days of Oxygen remaining
Tranq 850 N/A No save 2m 10m 20m Tranq Darts 6 Body[+] save or fall unconscious for 1d10 # of living humans aboard 26 Psychotic. Immediately attack the closest crew member until you
Pistol rounds. 1x/day, check remaining Oxygen: do at least 2d10 damage. If there is no crew member nearby,
Vibechete 75 2d10 Hack off CQC Only Can hack through limbs, or dense forestry, you attack the environment.
limb but not metal doors, airlocks, etc. 27 Compounding Problems. Roll twice on this table.
½ Original Disadvantage on all rolls, headaches, nausea, anxiety, etc.
28 Descent into Madness. Gain 2 new phobias. Your Stress cannot
USING WEAPONS 12 HIT LOCATION (1d10) 10.1 ¼ Original Body check 1x/day & after strenuous activity or fall be relieved below 5.
• Characters with Military Training or Firearms fire automatic unconscious. Panting, dizziness, headaches, impared
weapons the number of times listed in parentheses under ROLL LOCATION 29 Psychological Collapse. You become permanently, irreparably
vision, tinnitus.
Shots before reloading. Other characters only fire once. 1 Right Leg 3 Right Arm 5-9 Torso
insane. Your character is now played by the Warden.
• Spend a full turn Aiming to get Advantage on your next shot. None Body save or die. On success, fall unconscious.
• Reloading takes an action unless the character has Military 2 Left Leg 4 Left Arm 10 Head
30 Heart Attack. Instant death.
Training or Firearms. Warden Screen v1.1 by quadra (TRAAA.SH).
For the MOTHERSHIP RPG, Alpha Zine Edition, Third Printing
Advanced Battle 1,500 Heavy combat outfit worn by marines in battletorn offworld engagements. It confers a +15% bonus to the wearer’s Armor Standard Crew 20 Coveralls, leather jackets, sneakers, tank top or ragged tee. The standard outfit worn by crew members aboard spacecraft.
Dress save. It has a small exo-skeleton that allows the wearer to carry twice what they normally could. Attire Standard assumed attire for all classes.
Automed (x6) 300 Nanotech pills that assist your body in repairing damage. They give +10% to Body saves meant to repel disease, poison, and Stimpak (x6) 600 Grants an immediate 2d10 to Health and temporarily increases Strength and Combat by 2d10 each for 1d10 hours. There is
attempts to heal, and +10% to Fear saves made to reduce Stress. a danger of addiction and/or overdose if used frequently.
Binoculars 35 20x magnification. Often come with thermal and night vision options. Survey Kit 200 When used on the surface of a planet, allows for quick mapping of a nearby few kilometers, as well as data on air
Bioscanner 150 Allows the user to scan the immediate area for signs of life. Generally can scan for 100m in all directions, without being breathability, gravity, and other important notable features of the surrounding landscape.
blocked by most known metals. Can tell the location of signs of life, but not what that life is. Vaccsuit 1,000 Allows for movement in space without suffering penalties from radiation or lack of oxygen. Requires an oxygen tank to
Body Cam 50 A camera worn on clothing that can stream video back to a control center so other crew members can see what you’re seeing. breathe. Often used with Mag-boots and a rigging gun. Confers +7% to Armor saves.
Vibechete 75 Machete that vibrates at ultra-high speeds in order to cut cleanly through dense foliage. Can be used as a weapon.
Camping Gear 250 Tent, Canteen, Stove, Backpack, Sleeping Bag
Water Filter 15 Can pump 50 liters of filtered water an hour from even the most brackish swamps.
Crowbar 25 Confers Advantage on Strength checks to open jammed airlocks, or lift heavy objects. Can also be used as a weapon.
Cybernetic Diagnos- 500 Allows the user to scan androids and other cybernetic organisms in order to diagnose any physical or mental issues they may
tic Scanner be having. Often distrusted by androids. Can be used as a locating device for synthetic organisms. ADDICTION 18.2 FOOD & WATER 8.2
Excessive use of Pain Pills & Stimpaks requires a Body Save
Electronic Tool Set 650 A full set of tools for doing detailed repair or construction work on electronics. +10% to rolls seeking to repair electronics. SITUATION RESULT
to prevent Addiction. If addicted, make a daily Body save or
Emergency Beacon 30 A small device that sends up a flare and then emits a loud beep every few seconds. Additionally, sends out a call on all radio gain 1d10 Stress every day you go without. No food for 24 hours Disadvantage on all rolls.
channels to ships, or vehicles in the area. Can be configured to be silent, or to only make calls on known channels. No food for 3 weeks Die
If used once per day for a week, twice the amount must be used
Field Recorder 50 Used to research alien flora and fauna in the field. Can take vital signs, DNA samples, and perform basic genetic and material to have the same effect. Down to 1 liter of Disadvantage on all rolls. Strenuous activity
analysis on foreign objects. water/day requires a Body save or pass out.
First Aid Kit 75 When used adds +10% to rolls made to bandage wounds and stop bleeding. If taking more than 1 pill at a time, roll 1d10. If you roll <= the
number taken, make a Body save. On failure, fall unconscious.
Flashlight 10 Handheld or shoulder mounted, illuminates 20m ahead of the user. HEALING 10.3
Frag Grenade (x6) 400 Often come loaded in pulse rifles, frag grenades deal 1d10 damage to everyone within a 20m radius when they explode. Can (DIS)ADVANTAGE 3.3 When resting at least 6 hours, make a Body Save.
often do 1MDMG to a ship if placed in their engine room or bridge. SITUATION RESULT BODY SAVE RESULT
Hazard Suit 750 A standard suit for scientists to wear on alien planets. Not built for outerspace travel like the vaccsuit, but does provide air Assistance from another player Advantage Success Heal Health equal to the amount you succeeded by.
filtration and a small supply of air as well as +5% Armor save.
Attacking from surprise Critical Success Double the amount of Health healed.
Heads-Up Display 75 Often worn by marines, the HUD allows the wearer to see through the body cams of others in their unit, and tap into their
guns’ smart-link capabilities. Being in cover Failure Don’t heal anything
Infrared Goggles 100 Allows the wearer to see heat signatures, sometimes several hours old. Taking certain drugs Critical Failure Wounds worsen. Lose 1d10 Health.
Locator 45 When worn, allows crew members at a control center (or on the bridge of a ship) to track the location of the wearer. Using a particularly good tool for the job at hand
Lockpick Set 40 A highly advanced set of tools meant for hacking basic airlock and electronic door systems. Confers +10% on rolls made to In poor terrain, bad weather, the vacuum of space Disadvantage UNCONSCIOUSNESS, DEATH 10.4
open these doors. Being injured At 0 Health, make a Body Save or die. On success, roll below:
Long-range Comms 65 For use in ship-to-surface comunication. Not having a required skill ROLL REGAIN CONSCIOUSNESS...
Mag-Boots 55 Grants a magnetic grip to the wearer, allowing them to easily to walk on the surface of a ship (in space, while docked or Suffering from withdrawl 1 You are comatose and brain-dead. Only extraordinary measures
free-floating), or metal based asteroids.
Trying to perform extremely difficult tasks will return you to the waking world.
Medscanner 150 Allows the user to scan a living or dead body and to analyze it for disease or abnormalities, without having to do a biopsy
You’re drunk, concussed, or mentally impaired 2-3 In 1d10 days, with 1 Health, –5 Strength, –5 Speed, –5 Intellect
(or autopsy).
(permanent loss). Disadvantage on all rolls for 1d10 days. +1d10
MRE (x7) 70 “Meals, Ready-to-Eat.” Self-contained, individual field rations in lightweight packaging. Each one has sufficient sustenance for Stress.
a single person for one day (does not include water). MERCENARIES’ STATS 21.1 4-6 In 1d10 hours. 1 Health. –5 Strength, and –5 Speed (permanent
Oxygen Tank 50 When attached to a vaccsuit, up to 12 hours of oxygen under normal circumstances. 4 hours under stress. Explosive. STAT USE loss). Disavantage on all rolls for 1d10 hours. +3 Stress.
Pain Pills (x6) 450 When ingested immediately heals 1d10 points of damage and lowers Stress by 1. There is a danger of addiction and/or Combat Works like Players’ Combat Stat and Armor Save. 7-9 In 1d10 minutes. 1 Health. –5 Strength (permanent loss).
overdose if used frequently. Disadvantage on all rolls for 3d10 minutes. +2 Stress.
Instinct Catchall for Fear, Sanity, Body, Speed, Intellect, etc.
Radio Jammer 175 When activated, renders incomprehensible the radio signals of all within 100km. 10 Immediately. 1 Health. Disadvantage on all rolls for 1d10 minutes.
Hits Instead of HP, Mercs have one or two Hits. +1 Stress.
Rebreather 45 When worn, filters air and allows for underwater breathing for up to twenty minutes at a time without resurfacing.
Loyalty Save whenever the Merc needs to choose between what’s best
Scalpel 50 Grants +10% to anyone making Surgery skill rolls. Can be used as a weapon. for them or for the Players. On fail, they do what’s best for
Short-range Comms 30 Allows communication from ship-to-ship within a reasonable distance, as well as surface-to-surface within a dozen kilometers. them. XP TO LEVEL UP 35.3
Standard Battle 750 This light plated armor is the standard dress for marines going into combat and confers a +10% bonus to the wearer’s Armor LEVEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dress save. XP 0 10 25 50 75 125 175 225 300 375 500
• 1MDMG = Approx. 100 DMG. Each weapon holds its Shots within its own mechanism, but additional ammo is held in cargo. SHIP SPEED INTERPLANETARY INTERSTELLAR INTERGALACTIC
• Hull is used as ship health.
• Speed determines relative movement speed and is checked WEAPON DMG SHOTS SPECIAL 10-30 Weeks Years Millennia
for complex maneuvers. Laser Cutter 1d10 MDMG 12 Takes 1 round to recharge between firing. After firing 12 shots it must recharge for 1 day.
• Ship’s Computer takes actions equal to the number of com-
31-50 Days Months Decades
puter modules each turn. Autocannon 2d10 MDMG 24 Often automated by the computer. 51-80 Hours Weeks Years
Railgun 1dx10 MDMG 12 Uses 2 weapon slots and can’t be computer automated.
Roll below whenever the following happens: Mounted Machine Gun Turrets 5dx10 DMG 36 Anti-personnel turrets. Often computer automated and used in atmosphere.
• Ship takes a critical hit • Refined Fuel costs 10,000 credits per unit.
Torpedoes 1dx10 MDMG 2 Always roll on Critical Hit chart on hit. Enemy gets Advantage when making Armor saves. • Unrefined Fuel can be found in asteroids.
• Ship critically fails an Armor save
• Ship takes damage for the first time Rigging Gun 1 MDMG 3 On successful hit, ships become attached and a Speed check is required to break free, but at the ACTION FUEL USE UNREF. FUEL USE
• Ship loses 25%, 50%, and 75% Hull cost of rolling on the Critical Hit table.
• Ship takes damage when under 20% Hull Normal Travel 1 per day 2 per day
Hyperspace Jump 1 per Jump level 2 per jump level
00-09 Cargo destroyed. d10 units of cargo are destroyed. • Players with Mechanical Repair, Engineering, or similar can attempt an Intellect check to repair damage. For every 5 points they In Orbit 1 per week 2 per week
succeed by, repair 1 Hull. Launch from Average 3 6
10-14 Life support system. Reduce life support modules by 1. • Ships that have taken 25%, 50%, or 75% damage can’t be repaired past that point without returning to a starport.
Gravity Planet
15-19 Massive hull damage. Ship takes x2 hull damage. Crew takes • At a starport, upgrades take 1 week per 10 Hull added or changed. Badly equipped starports take longer.
body saves or takes 1d10 damage. • Repairs cost 100,000 credits per Hull.
• Buying and Upgrades cost 10M credits per Hull.
20-24 Armor Breach. Ship receives Disadvantage on armor saves until • Most ports will let players take out a loan if they can pay 30-50% upfront.
25-29 Data storage wiped. All navigation and research data COMBAT CRITICAL HITS Blog • Concussed: Disadvantage on next Action.
• Sprained: Can’t be used for remainder of encounter or
• Bleeding Out: If you get this twice, Body save or die.
Bleeding can be stopped with First Aid.
contained on the ship has been destroyed. The crew no longer
Roll 1d10 for limbs and 1d10 for severity of wound. Certain 10m rest. • Fatal Wound: Die in 10m unless you get medical attention
knows where they are in space. rows have special effects: • Fractured: Can’t be used until you get medical attention. (or First Aid with disadvantage).
30-34 Thrusters. Reduce thrusters by 1.
35-39 Random stateroom or other nonessential room destroyed.
0: FLESH WOUND Flesh wound. Minor scar. +1 dmg. Blood in eyes. Blinded (1 round).
Body saves for those in the room to escape or be destroyed.
40-44 Random weapon disabled. Weapon can’t function until 1: CONCUSSED Tripped. Fall down. Weapon knocked out Body save or get knocked down. +1d5 dmg. Skull cracked. Disadvantage on com-
repaired. +1 dmg. of hand. +1 dmg. bat for 1d10 rounds. +1d5 dmg.
45-49 Jump engine. Reduce jump engine by 1. 2: SPRAINED Sprained ankle. Jammed up hand. Staggered. Disadvantage to your next attack. Face permanently disfigured.
+1d5 dmg. +1d5 dmg. Minimum Stress: 5.
50-54 Engines. Reduce engine by 1.
3: MINOR Kneecap blown. –1d10 Deep Bruise. –1d10 Liver damaged. 1d10 Hit in the crotch. Body Solar plexus hit. Stunned Winded. Speed halved until you take Seeing double. Combat halved until
55-59 System overload. Computer and jump drives cease to work for WOUND Speed. +1d10 dmg. Strength. +1d10 dmg. dmg/day. +1d10 dmg. save or fall. +1d5 dmg. 1 round. +1d5 dmg. 1 round to catch your breath. end of encounter.
d10 rounds unless repaired. -10% to Combat.
4: FRACTURED 1d5 broken toes. 1d5 broken fingers. Kidney punched. Shoulder dislocated. Gut punched. Body save Nausea induced. Hips punctured. -3d10 3d10 teeth knocked out.
60-64 Artificial gravity. The artificial gravity in the ship ceases to +1 dmg per toe. +1 dmg per finger. +1d10 + 5 dmg. +2d10 dmg. +1d5 dmg or void bowels. Body save or vomit. Speed. +2d10 dmg. +1 dmg per tooth.
work and everyone/everything starts floating. Body saves or when popped back in. +1d10 + 2 dmg. +1d10 dmg.
take 1d10 damage from the jolt.
5: TEMPORARY Foot broken. Arm broken. Internal bleeding. 1d5 ribs broken. Abdomen cut deeply. Collarbone broken. 1d5 ribs broken. Knocked unconscious.
65-69 EMP. All systems shut down for 1 round. Androids shut off and INJURY +1d10 dmg. +1d10 +5 dmg. +1d10 dmg/round for +2 dmg per rib. -1d10 +1d10 damage per hr. –3d10 Strength. +2 dmg per rib. –1d10 Roll on Unconsciousness Table.
must be rebooted. 1d10 rounds. Speed and Strength. +1d5 dmg. +1d10 dmg. Speed and Strength.
70-74 Cryosleep chambers. 1d10 Cryosleep chambers destroyed. 6: MAJOR 1d5 toes severed/man- 1d5 fingers severed/ System shock. Pain overload. Belly pummelled. Sternum cracked. Slipped disc. -2d10 Throat destroyed.
75-79 Hull breach. Ship begins to depressurize (starting in random WOUND gled. –2d10 Speed. mangled. Body save reduced by Body save to stay +4d10 dmg and +2d10 dmg. Combat, Strength, and Can’t speak. +3d10 dmg.
room) unless airlocks can be secured. Vacuum suits required for +1 dmg per toe. +1 dmg per finger. half. + 2d10 dmg. conscious. +5d10 dmg. knocked down. Speed. +2d10 dmg.
all affected areas, and Body save at Disadvantage to avoid being 7: PERMANENT Foot severed or man- Hand severed or man- Kidneys impaled. Torso impaled. Chunk of flesh ripped Breast/pectoral Spine cracked. Para- Eyes gouged out. +2d10 dmg.
sucked out of the ship if you are in the vicinity of the breach. INJURY gled. Speed halved. gled. Combat halved. 1dx10 dmg/round for +2dx10 dmg. out. Horrifying scar. muscle torn off. lyzed from the waist
80-84 Navigation controls. Ship can’t change direction without +2d10 + 5 dmg. +2d10 + 5 dmg. 1d10 + 1 rounds. +1dx10 dmg. 1dx10 – 5 dmg. down. Speed 0.
repair checks. 8: BLEEDING OUT Femoral artery cut. Brachial artery cut. Massive internal Lung punctured. Gut punctured. Sucking chest wound. Spinal column Brain hemmorage in 1d10 days.
85-89 Internal fire. Starts in random room,spreads one room per +4d10 dmg. +4d10 dmg. bleeding. +6d10 dmg +1d10 dmg/round +2dx10 dmg. 2dx10 dmg/round shattered. Permanently Body save or die.
turn. Destroys room in 1d10 turns. in 1d10 hours. until healed. for 1d10 rounds. paralyzed. Shows up on scan.
90-94 System reboot. Entire ship ceases to function for 1d10 turns. 9 FATAL WOUND Leg severed. Arm severed. Guts spooled out in Stomach explodes. Acid Body split in two. Heart pierced. Back broken in half. Entire head pulped and splattered
95-98 Cockpit or bridge destroyed. Body saves to escape the room (death in Speed 0. +2dx10 dmg. large ropes. spills through organs. Instant death. Instant death. Instant death. over wide area.
before it’s destroyed. 1d10 min.) +2dx10 dmg. +1dx10 dmg. +1dx10 dmg. Instant/Irrevocable death.

99 Fuel line. Ship destroyed in 1d10 turns.

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