Chapter 05

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Chapter 05

1. 1.
To give safe and effective care, you should:
A. sleep 2 to 3 hours daily.
B. use proper body mechanics.
C. infrequently wash your hands.
D. use your co-worker’s drugs.

2. 2.
Attention to your hygiene would include:
A. bathing every other day.
B. long, sharp fingernails.
C. washing your feet daily.
D. rarely washing your hands.

3. 3.
A professional appearance includes:
A. tight uniform.
B. body piercings.
C. visible tattoos.
D. wearing your name badge.

4. 4.
As a student, you are preparing yourself for work. How do you show you are dependable?
A. Leave class/clinical early
B. Be on time for class/clinical
C. Turn in assignments late and half completed
D. Miss class frequently

5. 5.
Teamwork includes:
A. working when scheduled.
B. taking extended breaks.
C. leaving early.
D. calling in sick to go to the park.

6. 6.
Conscientious is:
A. being polite to patients.
B. willingly helping others.
C. being careful, alert, and exact in following instructions.
D. knowing your feelings, strengths, and weaknesses.

7. 7.
Signs of stress include:
A. excitement.
B. decreased heart rate.
C. increased blood pressure.
D. excessive saliva.

8. 8.
To reduce stress, you should:
A. give yourself praise.
B. overcommit to family and friends.
C. expect to be perfect all the time.
D. multitask to get everything completed.

9. 9.
Sleep problems, forgetfulness, lack of energy, and anger are all signs of:
A. harassment.
B. burnout.
C. abuse.
D. conflict.

10. 10.
When resigning from a job, you should:
A. quuit without notice.
B. tell your nurse.
C. give a written resignation letter.
D. give a 1-week notice.

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