Haloalkane 2024
Haloalkane 2024
Haloalkane 2024
Syllabus 6 Marks
Haloalkanes: Nomenclature, nature of C–X bond, physical and chemical properties, optical rotation mechanism of substitution reactions.
Haloarenes: Nature of C–X bond, substitution reactions (Directive influence of halogen in monosubstituted compounds only). Uses and
environmental effects of - dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT.
(i) (A) > (B) > (C) (ii) (C) > (B) > (A) (iii) (B) > (A) > (C) (iv) (A) > (C) > (B)
2. Which of the following alcohols will yield the corresponding alkyl chloride on reaction with concentrated HCl at room temperature?
4. Toluene reacts with a halogen in the presence of iron (III) chloride giving ortho and para halo compounds. The reaction is
(i) Electrophilic elimination reaction (ii) Electrophilic substitution reaction
(iii) Free radical addition reaction (iv) Nucleophilic substitution reaction
5. Which of the following is halogen exchange reaction?
(i) (a) < (b) < (c) < (d) (ii) (a) < (c) < (d) < (b) (iii) (d) < (c) < (b) < (a) (iv) (b) < (d) < (c) < (a)
Assignment(Including Extra Questions) Haloalkane and Haloarenes
(i) (b) < (a) < (c) (ii) (a) < (b) < (c) (iii) (c) < (a) < (b) (iv) (c) < (b) < (a)
9. In which of the following molecules carbon atom marked with asterisk (*) is asymmetric?
(i) (a), (b), (c), (d) (ii) (a), (b), (c) (iii) (b), (c), (d) (iv) (a), (c), (d)
10. Which of the following is an example of vic-dihalide?
(i) Dichloromethane (ii) 1,2-dichloroethane (iii) Ethylidene chloride (iv) Allyl chloride
11. The position of –Br in the compound in CH3CH==CHC(Br)(CH3 ) 2 can be classified as ____________.
(i) Allyl (ii) Aryl (iii) Vinyl (iv) Secondary
12. Chlorobenzene is formed by reaction of chlorine with benzene in the presence of AlCl 3 . Which of the following species attacks the benzene ring
in this reaction?
(i) Cl – (ii) Cl + (iii) AlCl3 (iv) [AlCl4 ] –
13. Ethylidene chloride is a/an ______________.
(i) vic-dihalide (ii) gem-dihalide (iii) allylic halide (iv) vinylic halide
14. What is ‘A’ in the following reaction?
24. Which of the following compounds will give racemic mixture on nucleophilic substitution by OH – ion?
(i) (a) (ii) (a), (b), (c) (iii) (b), (c) (iv) (a), (c)
25. Note: In the questions 25 to 28 arrange the compounds in increasing order of rate of reaction towards nucleophilic substitution.
(i) (a) < (b) < (c) (ii) (c) < (b) < (a) (iii) (a) < (c) < (b) (iv) (c) < (a) < (b)
(i) (a) < (b) < (c) (ii) (a) < (c) < (b) (iii) (c) < (b) < (a) (iv) (b) < (c) < (a)
(i) (c) < (b) < (a) (ii) (b) < (c) < (a) (iii) (a) < (c) < (b) (iv) (a) < (b) < (c)
(i) (a) < (b) < (c) (ii) (b) < (a) < (c) (iii) (c) < (b) < (a) (iv) (a) < (c) < (b)
29. Which is the correct increasing order of boiling points of the following compounds? 1-Iodobutane, 1-Bromobutane, 1-Chlorobutane, Butane
(i) Butane < 1-Chlorobutane < 1-Bromobutane < 1-Iodobutane (ii) 1-Iodobutane < 1-Bromobutane < 1-Chlorobutane < Butane
(iii) Butane < 1-Iodobutane < 1-Bromobutane < 1-Chlorobutane (iv) Butane < 1-Chlorobutane < 1-Iodobutane < 1-Bromobutane
30. Which is the correct increasing order of boiling points of the following compounds?
1-Bromoethane, 1-Bromopropane, 1-Bromobutane, Bromobenzene
(i) Bromobenzene < 1-Bromobutane < 1-Bromopropane < 1-Bromoethane
(ii) Bromobenzene < 1-Bromoethane < 1-Bromopropane < 1-Bromobutane
(iii) 1-Bromopropane < 1-Bromobutane < 1-Bromoethane < Bromobenzene
(iv) 1-Bromoethane < 1-Bromopropane < 1-Bromobutane < Bromobenzene
Assertion and Reason Type:
1. Assertion : Phosphorus chlorides (tri and penta) are preferred over thionyl chloride for the preparation of alkyl chlorides from alcohols.
Reason : Phosphorus chlorides give pure alkyl halides.
2. Assertion : The boiling points of alkyl halides decrease in the order : RI > RBr > RCl > RF
Reason : The boiling points of alkyl chlorides, bromides and iodides are considerably higher than that of the hydrocarbon of comparable
molecular mass.
3. Assertion : KCN reacts with methyl chloride to give methyl isocyanide Reason : CN– is an ambident nucleophile.
4. Assertion : tert-Butyl bromide undergoes Wurtz reaction to give 2, 2, 3, 3-tetramethylbutane.
Reason : In Wurtz reaction, alkyl halides react with sodium in dry ether to give hydrocarbon containing double the number of carbon atoms
present in the halide.
5. Assertion : Presence of a nitro group at ortho or para position increases the reactivity of haloarenes towards nucleophilic substitution.
Reason : Nitro group, being an electron withdrawing group decreases the electron density over the benzene ring.
6. Assertion : In monohaloarenes, further electrophilic substitution occurs at ortho and para positions.
Assignment(Including Extra Questions) Haloalkane and Haloarenes
7. Draw the structures of major monohalo products in each of the following reactions:
6. How and why the product differ when ethyl bromide react separately with aqueous and alcoholic KOH.(OR) The treatment of alkyl chloride
with aqueous KOH leads to the formation of alcohols but in the presence of alcoholic KOH alkene is the major product. Explain (CB2024)
7. Why Grignard’s reagent must be prepared in anhydrous conditions. (CBSE 2012,2024)
8. Diphenyls are potential threat to the environment. How are these produced from aryl halides?
9. Allyl chloride is hydrolysed more readily than n-propyl chloride. Why? (Or) Allyl chloride is more reactive than n-propyl chloride towards
nucleophilic substitution reactions. Explain
10. Why vinyl chloride is less reactive than ethyl chloride?
11. The presence of nitro group at o and p position increases the reactivity of haloarenes towards nucleophillic substitution. (Or) Nucleophillic
substitution of p-nitrochlorobenzene is easier than that of chlorobenzene.
12. Predict the product formed by dehydrohalogentaion of (a) 1-Bromo-1-methylcyclohexane
13. 2,2,3- Trimethyl-3-bromopentane. Identify the major product formed.
14. Write a chemical reaction to replace diazonium group with iodine ion. (CBSE 2008)
SN1 and SN2 Mechanism and Stereochemical aspects:
1. Diffrentiate between SN1 and SN2 mechanism by giving examples. (CBSE 2010)
2. Racemisation occurs in SN1 mechanism. Why?
3. Which of the following will undergo SN2 faster and Why?: (a) CH3Br or CH3I (b) (CH3)3CCl or CH3Cl
1. How do polar solvents help in the first step in SN1 mechanism?
2. Arrange the following according to their reactivity in SN2 (CBSE 2011)
(a) 2-Bromo-2-methylbutane, 1-Bromopentane, 2- Bromopentane.
(b) 1-Bromo-3-methylbutane, 2-Bromo-2-methylbutane, 3-Bromo-2-methylbutane
(c) 1- Bromobutane, 1-Bromo-2, 2-dimethylpropane, 1-Bromo-2-methylbutane,1-Bromo-3-Methylbutane.
3. Which can undergo SN2 faster:
(a) (c)
(b) (d)
4. Which one is optically active and why?: (a) (b) (CBSE 2018)
5. Tert-butyl bromide reacts with aq. NaOH by SN1 mechanism while n-butyl bromide react SN2 mechanism. Why?
6. Out of C6H5CH2Cl and C6H5CHClC6H5 which is more easily hydrolyzed by aqueous solution of KOH. (CB 2010,12)
7. Explain with examples: (1) Chirality (CBSE 2012) (2) Racemic mixture (CBSE 2011)
8. What are enantiomers? Draw the structure of the possible enantiomers of 3-methylpent-1-ene.
9. Give reason- (±) Butanol is optically inactive. (CBSE 2013)
10. Give the difference between (a) enantiomers and diasterioisomers. (b) Retention and inversion.
11. Write the structure of an isomer of compound C4H9Br which is most reactive towards SN1. (CBSE 2016)
12. SN1 is accompanied by racemization in optically active halides. Give reason (CBSE 2016)
13. (a)Can optical isomer be optically inactive.
14. (b)Optically active 2-iodobutane on treatment with NaI in acetone gives product which does not Show optical activity.
Some Important Compounds and Test to Distinguish:
1. Why chloroform is stored in dark coloured bottles? (CBSE 2019)
2. Write the formula and IUPAC name of DDT/ BHC and give structure also.
3. Why the use of DDT banned in India and other counteries.
4. Explain why a small amount of alcohol is added to chloroform bottle?
5. Write the product of chlorination of benzene in the presence of U.V light.
6. Give the uses of: Freon, DDT , CCl4 , Iodoform.
7. Give a chemical test to distinguish between (a) Chlorobenzene and cyclohexyl chloride
(b) C2H5Br and C6H5 Br (c) C2H5Br and C2H5Cl
(d) Chlorobenzen and Benzyl chloride (e) Chlorofrom and Carbon tetrachloride
Additional Question (HOTS):
1. Give reason (a) Boiling point of alkyl bromide is higher than alkyl chloride.
2. Alkyl halide is better solvent than aryl halide.
3. Iodoform has appreciable antiseptic property
4. How can you convert chloroform into tear gas?
5. Iodoform gives white ppt with silver nitrate on heating while chloroform does not. Explain
6. (Or) How we can check the purity of chloroform.(Or)Chloroform contains chlorine but do not react with AgNO 3 ?
Assignment(Including Extra Questions) Haloalkane and Haloarenes
CBSE 2024C