Dmecc by Laws 2022 New
Dmecc by Laws 2022 New
Dmecc by Laws 2022 New
Article l
Purpose/s and Goals
Section 1. Purpose/s and Goals. The Purpose/s and goals of this Cooperative are those set forth
in its Articles of Cooperation.
Article ll
A regular member is one who has complied with all the membership requirements and
entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership.
Section 4. Application for Membership. An Applicant for membership shall file a duly
accomplished form to the Board of Directors who shall act upon the application within thirty
(30) days from the date of filing. The Board of Directors shall devise a form for the purpose
which shall, aside from the personal data of the applicants, include the duties of a member to
participate in all programs including but not limited to capital build-up and savings mobilization
of the Cooperative and, such other information as may be deemed necessary.
The application form for membership shall include and undertaking to uphold the By-laws,
policies, guidelines, rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Directors and the
general assembly. No application for membership shall be given due course if not accompanied
with a membership fee of two hundred pesos (Php 200), which shall be refunded to the
applicant in case of rejections.
Section 5. Appeal. An applicant whose application was denied by the Board of Directors may
appeal to the general assembly by giving notice to the Secretary of the Cooperative within
thirty (30) days before the next General Assembly meeting, whose decision on the matter shall
be final.
However, no member shall own or hold more than Ten percent (10%) of the total
subscribed share capital of the Cooperative.
Section 7. Duties and Responsibilities of a Member . Every member shall have the
following duties:
a. Pay the installment of his share capital subscription as it falls due and to participate
in the capital build-up and savings mobilization activities of the cooperative;
b. Patronize the Cooperative’s businesses and services;
c. Participate in the membership education programs;
d. Attend and participate in the deliberation of all matters taken during general
assembly meetings;
e. Observe and obey all lawful orders, decisions, rules and regulations adopted by the
Board of Directors and the general assembly; and
f. Promote the purposes and goals of the Cooperative, the success of its business, the
welfare of its members and the cooperative movement in general.
Section 8. Rights and Privileges of Members . A member shall have the following
rights and privileges:
Section 9. Member Entitled to Vote. Any regular member who meets the following
conditions is a member entitled to vote:
a. Paid the membership fee and the value of the minimum shares required for
b. Not delinquent in the payment if his share capital subscriptions and other accounts
or obligations;
c. Not violated any provision of this By-laws, the terms and conditions of the
subscription agreement; and the decisions, guidelines, rules and regulations
promulgated by the Board of Directors and the general assembly;
d. Completed the continuing education program prescribed by the Board of Directors;
e. Participated in the affairs of the Cooperative and patronized its businesses in
accordance with cooperative’s policies and guidelines.
Failure of the member to meet any of the above qualifications shall mean loss of right to vote
as declared by the board of directors
Section 10. Right of Member Entitled to Vote. A member entitled to vote shall have
the following rights.
a. Participate and vote on all matters deliberated upon during general assembly
b. Seek any elective or appointive position, subject to the provisions of this By-laws and
the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008.
c. Avail himself of the services of the Cooperative, subject to certain conditions as may
be prescribed by the Board of Directors;
d. Inspect and examine the books of accounts, the minutes books, the share register,
and other records of the Cooperative during reasonable office hours;
e. Participate in the continuing education and other training programs of the
cooperative; and
f. Such other rights and privileges as may be provided by the General Assembly.
Section 11. Liability of Members. A member shall be liable for the debts of the
Cooperative only to the extent of his subscribed share capital.
Section 13. Manner of Involuntary Termination. The Board of Directors shall notify in
writing the member who is being considered for termination and shall give him the opportunity
to be heard.
The decision of the board of directors is appealed to the general assembly and the
procedure of which shall be in accordance with the las paragraph of Article 30 of RA 9520.
been duly paid. Upon the acceptance of his withdrawal or approval of his termination,
however, he loses his rights to attend, participate and vote in any meeting of the board of
Directors or the general assembly.
Section 1. The General Assembly (GA). The general assembly is composed of all the
members entitled to vote, duly assembled and constituting a quorum and is the highest policy-
making body of the cooperative.
Section 3. Meetings. Meetings of the general assembly, board of directors and committees
may be regular or special. All proceedings and businesses undertaken at any meeting of the
general assembly or Board of Directors, if within the powers of authority of the Cooperative,
there being a quorum, shall be valid.
Section 4. Regular General Assembly Meeting . The General Assembly shall hold its
annual regular meeting at the principal office of the Cooperative or at any place within the
Philippines on the last Saturday of March of every year.
Section 6. Notice of Meeting. All notices of meetings shall be in writing and shall include
the date, time, place, and agenda thereof stated therein.
a. Regular General Assembly Meeting. Notice of the annual regular general assembly
meeting shall be served by the Secretary, personally or his duly authorized
representative, by the registered mail, or by electronic means to all members of all
record at his last known postal address, or by posting or publication, or through other
electronic means, at least one (1) week before the said meeting. It shall be accompanied
with an agenda, minutes of meeting of the last general assembly meeting, consolidated
reports of the Board of Directors and Committees, audited financial statements, and
other papers which may assist the members to intelligently participate in the
b. Special General Assembly Meeting. Notice of any special general assembly meeting shall
be served by the Secretary personally or his duly authorized representative, by
registered mail, or by electronic means upon each members who are entitled to vote at
his last known postal address, or by posting or publication, or through other electronic
means, at least one (1) week before the said meeting. It shall state the purpose and,
except for related issues, no other business shall be considered during the meeting.
Board of Directors
Section 2. Functions and Responsibilities . The Board of Directors shall have the
following functions and responsibilities:
a. Holding any elective position in the government, except that if a party list
representative or being and officer of a cooperative he or she represents;
b. Having served as director of the Cooperative for (3) consecutive terms;
c. The members of the board of directors shall not hold any other position directly
involved in the day-to-day operation and management of the cooperative;
d. Having direct or indirect personal interest with the business of the Cooperative;
e. Having been absent for in three (3) consecutive meetings or in more than fifty
percent (50%) of all meetings within the twelve (12) month period unless with valid
excuse as approved by the board of directors;
f. Being an official or employee of the Cooperative Development Authority;
g. Having been convicted in administrative proceedings or civil/criminal suits involving
financial and/or property accountability; and
h. Having been disqualified by law.
Section 5. Election of Directors. The members of the Board of Directors shall be elected
by secret ballot by members entitled to vote during the annual regular general assembly
meeting or special general assembly meeting called for the purpose. Unless earlier removed for
cause, or have resigned or become incapacitated, they shall hold office for a term of Six (6)
years or until their successor shall have been elected and qualified; Provide, that majority of the
elected directors obtaining the highest number of votes during the first election after
registration shall serve for two (2) years, and the remaining directors for one (1) year.
Thereafter, all directors shall serve for a term of two (2) years; provided, further, that no
director shall serve for more that (3) consecutive terms. The term of the cooperating directors
shall expire upon the election of their successors in the first regular general assembly after
Section 6. Election of Office within the Board. The board of Directors shall convene
within ten (10) days after the general assembly meeting to elect by secret ballot from among
themselves the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, and to elect or appoint the Secretary
and Treasurer from outside of the Board.
For committees elected by the General Assembly and/or appointed by the BOD,
procedural process of electing the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or other positions among
themselves should be in accordance with the process mentioned above.
Section 7. Meeting of the Directors. The regular meeting of the Board of Directors
shall be held at least once a month. However, the Chairperson or majority of the directors may
at any time call a special Board meeting to consider urgent matters. The call shall be addressed
and delivered to the Secretary stating the date, time and place of such meeting and the matters
to be considered. Notice of regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors, unless
dispensed with, shall be served by the Secretary in writing to each director at least two (2) days
before such meeting.
Majority of the total number of directors constitutes a quorum to transact business. Any
decision or action taken by the majority embers of the Board of Directors in a meeting duly
assembled shall be a valid cooperative act.
Section 8. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors by reason of death,
incapacity, removal or resignation may be filled up by a majority vote of the remaining
directors, it still constituting a quorum; otherwise such vacancy shall be filled by the general
assembly in a regular shall serve only for the unexpired term of his predecessor in the office.
In the event that the general assembly failed to muster a quorum to fill the positions
vacated by directors whose term have expired and said directors refuse to continue their
functions on a hold-over capacity, the remaining members of the Board together with the
members of the general assembly, their replacements who shall serve as such until their
successors shall have been elected and qualified in a regular or special general assembly
meeting called for the purpose.
If a vacancy occurs in any elective committee it shall be filled by the remaining members
of the said committee, if still constituting a quorum, otherwise, the Board, in its discretion, may
appoint or hold a special election to fill such vacancy.
Section 9. Removal of Directors and Committee Members. All complaints for the
removal of any elected officer shall be filed with the board of directors and such officer shall be
given the opportunity to be heard. Majority of the board of directors may place the officer
concerned under preventive suspension pending the resolution of the investigation. Upon
finding of a prima facie evidence of guilt, the board shall present its recommendation for
removal to the general assembly. An elective officer may be removed by three-fourths (3/4) of
the regular members present and constituting a quorum, in a regular or special general
assembly meeting called for the purpose. The officer concerned shall be given the opportunity
to be heard at said assembly.
In case where the officers sought to be removed consist of the majority of the BOD at
least 10% of the members with voting rights may file a petition with the CDA upon failure of the
BOD to call an assembly meeting to commence the proceeding for their removal. The decision
of the GA on the matter is final and executory.
Section 1. Audit Committee. An Audit Committee is hereby created and shall be
composed of three (3) members to be elected during a general assembly meeting and shall hold
office for a term of one (1) year until their successors shall have been elected and qualified.
Within ten (10) days after their election, they shall elect from among themselves a Chairperson,
Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary.
No member of the committee shall hold any other position within the Cooperative during his
term of office. The Committee shall provide internal audit service, maintain a complete record
of its examination and inventory, and submit an audited financial report quarterly or as may be
required by the Board and the general assembly.
The audit committee shall directly accountable and responsible to the General
Assembly. It shall have the power and duty to continuously monitor the adequacy and
effectiveness of the cooperative’s management control system and audit the performance of
the cooperative and its various responsibility centers.
a. Monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the cooperative’s management and control
b. Audit the performance of the cooperative and its various responsibility Centers;
c. Review continuously and periodically the books of account and other financial records
to ensure that these are in accordance with the cooperative principles & generally
accepted accounting procedures;
d. Submit reports on the results of the internal audit and recommend necessary changes
on policies and other related matters on operation to the Board of Directors and GA;
e. Recommend or petition to the board of director’s conduct of special general assembly
when necessary; and
f. Perform such other functions as may be prescribed in the By-laws of authorize by the
The committee shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of the
information, educational and human resource development programs of the Cooperative for its
members, officers and the communities within its area of operation.
Section 11. Other Committees. By a majority vote of all its members, the Board of
Directors may from such other committees as may be deemed necessary for the operation of
the Cooperative.
Officers and Management Staff
of the Cooperative
Section 1. Officers and their Duties. The officers of the cooperative shall include the
members of the Board of Directors, different committees created by the general assembly,
general manager or chief executive officer, secretary, treasurer and members holding other
positions as may be provided for in this by-laws, shall serve according to the functions and
responsibilities of their respective offices as follows:
i. Set the agenda for board meetings in coordination with the other members of the BOD.
ii. Preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the general assembly;
iii. Sign contracts, agreements, certificate and other documents on behalf of the
cooperative as authorized by the Board of Directors of by the GA;
iv. Issued Certificate of Non-Affiliation with the Federation or Union; and
v. Perform such other functions as may be authorized by the BOD or by the GA.
B. Vice-Chairman – the Vice-chairperson shall:
i. Perform all the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson in the absence of the
ii. Act as ex-officio chairperson of the Education and Training Committee; and
iii. Perform such other duties as may be delegated by the board of directors.
i. Ensure that all cash collections are deposited in accordance with the policies set by the
ii. Have custody of all funds, securities and documentations relating to all assets, liabilities,
income and expenditures;
iii. Monitor and review the financial management operations of the cooperative, subject to
such limitations and control as may be prescribed by BOD;
iv. Maintain full and complete records of cash transactions;
v. Maintain a Petty Cash Fund and Daily Cash Position Report; and
vi. Perform such other functions as may be prescribed in this By-laws
i. Keep on updated and complete registry of all members Record, prepare and maintain
records of all minutes of all meetings of the BOD & the GA;
ii. Ensure that necessary BOD’s actions and decisions are transmitted to the management
for compliance and implementation;
iii. Issue and certify the list of members who are in good standing and entitled to vote as
determined by the BOD;
iv. Prepare and issue Share Certificates;
v. Serve notice of all meetings called and certify the presence of quorum of all meetings of
the BOD and GA;
vi. Keep copy of the Treasurer’s report & other reports;
vii. Keep and maintain the Share & Transfer Book;
viii. Serve as custodian of the cooperative seal; and
ix. Perform such other functions as may be prescribed in the By-laws or authorized by the
i. Oversee the overall day to day business operations of the cooperative by providing
general direction, supervision, management and administrative control over all the
operating departments subject to such limitations as may be set forth by the BOD of the
ii. Formulate and recommend in coordination with the operating departments under
his/her supervision, the Coops Annual and Medium Term Development. Plan, programs
and projects, for approval of the BOD, and ratification of GA;
iii. Implement the duly approved plans and programs of the cooperative and any other
directive or instruction of the BODs;
iv. Provide and submit to the BODs monthly reports on the status of the coop’s operation
vis-à-vis its target and recommend appropriate policy or operational changes, if
v. Represent the cooperative in any agreement, contract, business dealings and in any
other official business transaction as may be authorized by the BODS;
vi. Ensure compliance with all administrative and other requirements of regulatory bodies;
vii. Perform such other functions as may be prescribed in the By-laws or authorized by the
Section 3. Management Staff. The Board of Directors shall appoint, fix their
compensation and prescribed for the functions and responsibilities of the Management Staff
not provided hereof.
a. Over all in-charge of all the phases of the business operations of the
Cooperative, subject to the policies and guidelines set by the board of directors
and the general assembly.
b. Responsible in maintaining records and accounts of the Cooperative in such
manner that the true condition of its business may be ascertained there from at
any time.
c. Render reports monthly, annually or as may be required by the Board of
Directors or the general assembly, and preserve the books, documents,
correspondence and records of whatever nature concerning the operations of
the Cooperative which may come into his possession.
d. Subject to the policies set by the Board of Directors, employ, supervise and/or
dismiss any agent or employee in the management staff; and
e. Perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may prescribe and turn over
to his successor all properties belonging to the Cooperative in his possession or
over which he has control upon the expiration/termination of his services.
Section 6. Duties of the Accountant. The Accountant of the Cooperative, who shall be
under supervision and control of the General Manager shall:
Section 7. Duties of the Bookkeeper. The Bookkeeper of the Cooperative who is under
supervision and control of the Accountant shall:
Section 9. Compensation. Subject to the approval of the general assembly, the members of the
Board and Committee may, in addition to per diems for actual attendance to board and
committee meetings, and reimbursement of actual and necessary expenses while performing
functions in behalf of the cooperative be given regular compensation; Provided, further, that
the directors and officers shall be entitled to any per diem when, if in the preceding calendar
year, the cooperative reported a net loss or had a dividend rate less than the official inflation
rate for the same year.
Capital Structure
Section 1. Source of funds. The cooperative may derive its fund from any or all of the
following sources:
Section 2. Continuous Capital Build-up. Every member shall have invested in any or
all of the following:
Section 3. Borrowing. The Board of Directors, upon approval of the General Assembly, may
borrow funds from any source, local or foreign, under such terms and conditions that best
serve the interest of the Cooperative.
Section 4. Revolving Capital. To strengthen the capital structure of the Cooperative, the
general assembly may authorize the Board of Directors to raise a revolving capital by deferring
the payment of patronage refunds and interest on share capital, or such other schemes as may
be legally adopted. To implement this provision, the Board of Directors shall issue a Revolving
Capital Certificate with serial number, name, rate of interest, date of retirement and such other
privileges or restrictions as may be deemed just and equitable.
Section 5. Retentions. The general assembly may authorize the Board of Directors to raise
additional capital by deducting a certain percent on a per unit basis from the proceeds of
services acquired and/or goods procured by members.
Section 6. Share Capital Contribution. Share Capital Contribution refers to the value
of capital subscribed and paid for by a member in accordance with its Articles of Cooperative.
Section 7. Share Capital Certificate. The Board of Directors shall issue a Share Capital
Certificate only to a member who has fully paid his subscription. The Certificate shall be serially
numbered and contain the share holder’s name, the number of shares owned, the par value,
and duly signed by the Chairman and the Secretary, and bearing the official seal of the
cooperative. All certificates issued and/or transferred shall be registered in cooperative’s Share
and Transfer Book.
The shares may be purchased, owned or held only by persons who are eligible for
membership. Subject to existing government rules or laws, interests shall be paid only to paid-
up shares which may be in cash; or credited as payment of unpaid subscriptions, outstanding
accounts, or additional shares or to the revolving fund of the cooperative.
Section 8. Transfer of Shares. The cooperative shall have the first option to buy any share
offered for sale. The amount to be paid for such shares shall be the par value of the book value,
whichever is lower.
a. He has held such shares or interest for not less than one (1) year;
b. The transfer is made to a member of the cooperative or to a person who falls within the
field of membership of the cooperative, and that said person is acceptable to the
cooperative; and
c. The Board has approved such transfer.
The transfer of shares shall not be binding to the cooperative until such transfer has been
registered in the share and transfer book. No transfer shall be completed until the old
certificate have been endorsed and surrendered to the Cooperative and a new certificate is
issued in the name of the member-transferee. The corresponding transfer fee shall be
collected from the transferee as prescribed in the cooperative policy.
In case of lost of destroyed share certificate, the Board of Directors may issue a
replacement after the owner hereof executes a sworn affidavit, setting forth the following:
a. Circumstances as to how, when and where said certificate was lost or destroyed
b. The serial number of the certificate, and the number of shares it represents;
c. The lost or destroyed certificate has never been transferred, sold or endorsed to any
third party, that should the same be found, the owner shall surrender it to the
cooperative; and
d. That any false representation or statement made in the aforesaid affidavit shall be a
ground for expulsion from the cooperative.
Section 1. Primary Consideration. Adhering to the principle of service over and above
profit, The cooperative shall endeavor to:
Allocation and Distribution of Net Surplus
Section 1. Allocation – At the end of its fiscal year, the Cooperative shall allocate and
distribute its net surplus as follows:
a. Reserve Fund. At least ten percent (10%) shall be set aside for Reserve Fund subject
to the following rules, provided, that in the first five (5) years of operation after
registration, this amount shall not be less that fifty per centum (50%) of the net plus:
i. The reserve fund shall be used for the stability of the Cooperative and to
meet net losses in its operations. The general assembly may decrease the
amount allocated to the reserve fund when it has already exceeded the
authorized share capital. Any sum recovered on items previously charged to
the reserve fund shall be credited to such fund.
ii. The reserve fund shall not be utilized for investment, other than those
allowed in the Cooperative Code. Such sum of the reserve fund in excess of
the authorized share capital may be used at any time for any project that
would expand the operations of the cooperative upon the resolution of the
general assembly.
iii. Upon the dissolution of the cooperative, the reserve fund shall not be
distributed among the members. However, the general assembly may
b. Education and Training Fund. Not more than ten percent (10%) shall be
set aside for Education and Training Fund.
i. Half of the amount allocated to the education and training fund annually under this
subsection may be spent by the cooperative for education and training purposes; while
the other half may be remitted to a union or federation chosen by the cooperative or of
which it is a member.
ii. Upon the dissolution of the cooperative, the unexpended balance of the education and
training fund pertaining to the cooperative shall be credited to the cooperative
education and training fund of the chosen union or federation.
d. Optional Fund. Not more than seven percent (7%) shall be set aside for
Optional Fund for land and building, and any other necessary fund.
Section 2. Interest on Share Capital and Patronage Refund. The remaining net
surplus shall be made available to the members in the form of interest on share capital not to
exceed the normal rate of return on investment and patronage refunds. Provided, that any
amount remaining after the allowable interest and the patronage refund have been deducted
shall be credited to the reserved fund. The sum allocated for patronage refund shall be made
available at the same rate to all patrons of the cooperative in proportion to their individual
patronage, provided that:
A. In the case of member patron with paid-up share capital contribution, his/her
proportionate amount of patronage refund shall be paid to him unless he/she agrees to
credit the amount to his/her account as additional share capital contribution;
B. In the case of member patron with unpaid share capital contribution, his/her
proportionate amount of patronage refund shall be credited to his/her account until the
share capital has been fully paid;
C. In the case of non-member patron, his/her proportionate amount of patronage refunds
shall be set aside in a general fund for such patron and shall be allocated to individual
non-member patron and only upon request and presentation of evidence of the amount
of his/her patronage. The amount to allocated shall be credited to such patron toward
payment of the minimum capital contribution for membership. When a sum equal to
this amount has accumulated at any time within two (2) cooperative if he so agrees or
request and complies with the provisions of the by laws for admission to membership;
D. If within the period specified hereof, any subscribed who has not fully paid his
subscribed share capital or any non-member patron who has accumulated, the sum
necessary for membership, but who does not request
nor agree to become a member of fails to comply with the provisions of this bylaws for
admission to membership, the amount so accumulated or credited to their account
together with any part of the general fund for non-member patron shall be credited to
the reserve fund or to the education and training fund of the cooperative, at the option
of the cooperative.
Settlement of Disputes
Section 1. Mediation and Conciliation. All inter and intra-cooperative disputes shall
be settled within the cooperative in accordance with the pertinent Guidelines issued by the
Cooperative Development Authority.
Section 2. Disputes
Involving Members of the Mediation and Conciliation
Committee and Board of Directors. If one of the parties to a controversy is a
member of the Mediation and Conciliation Committee, the Chairman shall endorse the case to
the Board of Directors who shall resolve the case following the procedures prescribed in the
proceeding section. If one or both parties are members of the Board of Directors and the
Mediation and Conciliation Committee, the Chairman of the Committee shall communicate in
writing such fact to the Chairman of the Board of Directors who shall forthwith call a special
board meeting to form a five (5)-man Special Conciliation Committee, consisting of the heads of
Audit and Election Committees, the Secretary and one representative of each party. The special
conciliation committee shall convene immediately and after electing from among themselves
the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Secretary, proceed to resolve the case in accordance with
the procedures prescribed in the preceding section. The committee shall automatically cease to
exist upon the final resolution of the controversy.
Article Xl
Section 1. Investment of Capital. The Cooperative may invest its capital in any or all of
the following.
a. Shares or debentures or securities of any other cooperative;
b. Any reputable bank in the locality or any cooperative and cooperative banks;
c. Securities issued or guaranteed by Government;
d. Real State primarily for the use of the Cooperative or its members; or
e. In any other manner approved by the general assembly.
Section 2. Accounting System. The Cooperative shall keep, maintain and preserve all its
books of accounts and other financial records in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles and practices, applied consistently from year to year, and subject to existing laws,
rules and regulations.
Section 3. External Audit. At least once a year, the Board of Directors shall in consultation
with the Audit Committee, cause the audit of the books of accounts of the Cooperative by CDA
accredited independent Certified Public Accountant.
Section 4. Annual Report. During the annual regular assembly meeting, the Cooperative
shall submit a report of its operation to the general assembly together with the audited
financial statements. The Annual report shall be certified by the Chairperson and Manager of
the Cooperative as true and correct in all aspects to the best of their knowledge. The audited
financial statement shall be certified by CDA accredited independent Certified Public
The Cooperative shall submit the following reports to the Authority within (120) days
from the end of every calendar year.
The amendment/s shall take effect upon approval by the Cooperative Development
Voted and adopted this 5th day of August 2022 in Dilasag, Aurora Philippines