unit II ICT
unit II ICT
unit II ICT
(a) Audio materials , visual and audio
visual materials .
(b) Project and non project materials
(c) Computer , E-mail , Internet
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Teaching learning material (TLM) full form for instructional
material. It is any material used by the teacher to enhance their
teaching to be more comprehensive and effective in the
classroom. Leaving behind the conventional teaching method of
teachers reading out the lessons and students simply sitting as
mere listeners need to be modified . It is important to have more
clarity regarding the TLM full form in education.
The teaching learning material can be human or non-human
resources. They can also , be animate and inanimate. With the
growing technology and advancements in science , all
professional sectors have evolved a lot. The same needs to be
done in our educational field. To make the classrooms more
effective and modern , teachers must attracted for audio-visual
tools. With the help of visualization, students tend to understand
the concepts better and quickly. Better communication ,
academic performance, and class engagement are guaranteed
this way. Better communication means a better spread of
Teachers can make their classes really intriguing and more
significant for the students by utilizing a few articles or
materials to help their verbal depictions. Utilizing an enormous
assortment of materials is found to improve comprehension of
ideas and to make learning seriously fascinating. Teaching –
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learning material is also called Instructional material or
Teaching Aids.
Today , with the emphasis on learning in a student-focused
methodology, students need an ever –increasing number of
materials to improve their ability to learn together or
independently. ‘TLM’ becomes fundamental to having a
superior comprehension of the nature of the subject matter.
Here are the types of teaching-learning material and aids to
facilitate learning for kids.
Teaching materials Learning materials Teaching learning
Pictures Worksheets Textbooks
Posters Self study unit Workbooks
Charts Classroom display Labs and library
Models Games CDs
PPT Self-study units Community
ICTs resources
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TLMs are required for compelling self learning. With the
utilization of proper materials ,one can learn on their own
with absolute power over their speed of learning .
By utilizing Teaching –Learning materials , teachers turn
amicable ; a cordial environment is constructed which
significantly helps in learning.
1. Audio material
Audio materials are those which depend on a single sense that is
they can only be heard .They comprise of spoken words which is
the most common and most rampantly used . Audio material
also comprises of music, sounds and sound effects which add to
the beauty of the verbal expression. They may emanate directly
or use a device such as radio , tape recorder , headphones
hooked to an IPOD or mobile . Teachers and facilitators
greatest tool is lecturing . some are very accomplished in the
use of words . Use of words coupled with appropriate dramatic
gestures further enhance their effectiveness as a teacher .
Besides lecture other Audio Materials comprise of audio clips ,
recordings , radio broadcasts , telephone /mobiles etc. Audio
materials are very useful in learning of language and recorded
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historical events . The audio clips or recordings can be played ,
replayed along with discussions as desired.
There are two types of audio material
Radio uses radio waves to carry information from the source to
the receiver / audience . Radio has the maximum reach in India
amongst all the available means of communication .Ninety
seven per cent of India’s population can access radio stations .
It is the most sought after medium of entertainment and
education . Educational radio for schools , universities and
farmers has led to the development of INTERACTIVE RADIO
INSTRUCTION (IRI). Radio rural forums and community
Although Radio is a one time and one way medium but it has
high degree of immediacy , realism and emotional impact .
Radio is a cheap medium of information , education and
Recordings overcome the draw backs of radio. They facilitate
two-way communication. The scheduling problems faced in a
radio broadcast are eliminated . They can be played and
replayed as many times required . Recordings can be made
according to the teaching goals and learning needs of the
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learners. Recordings can be heard on tape recorders , discs ,
audio compatible discs (CDs) and digital video discs (DVDs) ,
audio clips available on the internet and also on mobile phones.
2. Visual Materials
“Seeing is believing “ and visual Materials conform to this
maxim. Visual Materials are these which we see and an be
understood by observing the visual aspect of any object. These
materials provide experiences near to reality . Out of the
5senses it’s the visual sense that is most helpful and effective in
the learning process. Visual arouse interest of learners , provide
a clear mental picture, speedup understanding , facilitate
memorizing and provide a shared experience . There are
numerous visual materials available to a teacher .
They include :
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,Display boards
Charts, Posters Maps
Cartoons Models Pictures
a)Picture :
Pictures are visual materials that help learners connect new
words to known meaning. Thus facilitating understanding and
memorization (Jurich , 2001). Pictures and images have long
played an important role as well as a useful resource in
teaching and learning language ( Goldstein , 2008 ) . Words
and images combined and presented appeal to audience’s
imagination and also add power to spoken words .
b)Posters :
Posters are bold and symbolic representation of a single idea.
Posters are mostly hung at a height and are made attractive sa
as to catch the attention of the passers by and hammer in
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messages . they are used in all walks of life to inform ,educate
and communicate messages . To convey , forcibly the desired
information to a layman. Big posters of huge proportions are
called as Hoardings. The primary use of posters can be seen in
political campaigns , besides propaganda and even protests .
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about areas, distances , directions, time, location , symbols ,
colours , boundaries, Rivers , change in weather , season , day
and night etc .
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constitutes an organized visual arrangement on a given topic
presented on a vertical or horizontal surface.
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part of many teaching learning situations . when the
PowerPoint presentation includes audio-commentary it is
possible for the teacher /facilitator to deliver the entire lecture
electronically .Besides this PowerPoint /slide presentations
have an immense use when information has to be shared and
skills developed . PowerPoint presentations help in focusing
students attention & the visual impact of the slides enrich
curriculum and also increase interactivity. The PowerPoint
presentations can be projected using the LCD projector.
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Types of projected audio visual aids:
Opaque projectors: The opaque projector is a device
which displays opaque materials by shining a bright
lamp onto the object from above . A system of
mirrors , prisms and / or imaging lenses is used to
focus an image of material onto a viewing screen .
because they must project the reflected light . These
are typically used to project images of book pages,
drawings , specimens etc
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Non projected audio visual aids are those aids which are
used without any projection . So they translate abstract ideas
a more realistic format. It allows the users to interact with the
content , such that they will be able to modify , write and even
share the information . Thus the usres are getting equal
opportunity , such that the monopoly of the project developers
could be democratized . More freedom for the users , initiated
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the philosophy for copy free or free or open source software
movement .
The key features of non-project materials include
Folksonomy- free classification of information,
Rich user experience – dynamic content
User participation – information flows two ways
between owner and user by means of evaluation
Mass participation
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A computer is a device that can receive process and store
data .They are used as tools in every part of society together
with the Internet , computers nowadays are complex; there are a
lot of different components inside them, and they all serve
different purposes. They all need to work together for the
computer works makes it easier to use a computer by being able
to understand how a computer will respond .
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A computer is an electronic device with the ability to accept
user supplied data & instructions , store data , perform
operations and output the results according to user’s
specification. Computer is an electronic data processing device
Accepts and store data input ,
Processes the data input , and
Generates the output in a required format
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There are two types of memories :
A)RAM ( Random Access Memory) : RAM is the main
working memory used by the computer . RAM can be read
and written to anytime the CPU commands it . the contents
Of RAM are erased when the power to the computer is
turned off i.e, programs stored in RAM are volatile.
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c) Storage devices : Storage devices are used to store
information. Hard disks , floppy disks , CD-ROM disks and
DVD drives are some of the storage devices.
Computers are generally be classified according to size and
power. Though there is considerable overlap among
them .computers are also classified on the basis of physical
structures and the purpose of their use . Based on capacity ,
speed and understanding ICT reliability , they can be classified
into five categories.
PERSONAL COMPUTER : IT is a small , single-user
computer , based on a microprocessor . in addition to the
microprocessor , a personal computer has a keyboard for
entering data , a monitor for displaying information , and a
storage device for saving data.
WORK STATION : It is a powerful , single-user computer . A
workstation is like a personal computer, but it has a more
powerful microprocessor and monitor with a higher quality . It
is a type of computer used foe engineering applications
( computer aided design/ computer aided management ),
desktop publishing and software development , etc.
MINICOMPUTER: It is a powerful multi user computer
capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of users
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simultaneously. Mainframe is a very large and expensive
SUPERCOMPUTER: An extremely fast computer that can
perform hundreds of millions of instructions per second.
Supercomputer is a broad term for one of the fastest computers
currently available. Supercomputers are very expensive and are
employed for specialized applications that require immense
amount of mathematical calculations.
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Banks provide online accounting facility , which includes
current balance deposits , overdrafts , interest charges ,
shares , and trustee records.
ATM machines are making it even easier for customers to
deal with banks .
Insurance companies are keeping all records up-to –date
with the help of computers .The insurance companies ,
finance houses and stock broking firms are widely using
computers for their concerns .
Insurance companies are maintaining a database of all
clients with showing information:
Procedure to continue with policies
Starting date of policies
Maturity date
Interests rate
Survival benefits
The computer has provided a lot of difference in the education
The computer provides a tool in the education system
known as CBE (Computer Based Education) .
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CBE involves control delivery , and evaluation of the
learning . The computer education is rapidly increasing the
graph of number of computer students.
There are number of methods in which educational
institutions can be use computer to educate .
It is used to prepare a database about performance of a
student and analysis is carried out on this basis.
E-mail is short foe ‘electronic mail’. Similar to a letter , it is
sent via the internet to a receiptent .An email address is
required to receive email , and that address is unique to the user
. some people use internet based applications and some use
programs on their computer to access and store emails.
Web-Bases email
Many email providers have a web based email client . This
allows users to log into the email account by using any
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compatible web browser to send and receive their email. Mail
is typically not downloaded to the web client , so it cannot be
read without a current internet connection.
POP3 email servers
The post office protocol 3 is a mail access protocol used by a
client application to read messages from the mail server .
Received messages are often deleted from the server. POP
supports simple download and delete requirements for access to
remote mailboxes (termed maildrop in the POP RFC’s) . POP3
allows downloading messages on a local computer and reading
them even when offline.
IMAP email servers
The internet message access protocol (IMAP) provides features
to manage a mailbox from multiple devices . Small portable
devices like smartphones are increasingly used to check email
while travelling and to make brief replies , larger devices with
better keyboard access being use to reply at greater length .
IMAP shows the headers of messages , the sender and the
subject and the device needs to request to download specific
messages . Usually , the mail is left in folders in the mail server.
MAPI email servers
Messaging application programming interface (MAPT) is used
by Microsoft outlook to communicate to Microsoft exchange
server –and to a range of other email server products such as
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Axigen Mail server , kerio connect , scalix , zimbra, HP
openmail , IBM lotus notes , zarafa and bynari where vendors
have added MAPI support to allow their products to be
accessed directly via outlook.
a)Business and organizational use
Email has been widely accepted by business , governments and
non-governmental organizations in the developed world , and it
is one of the key parts of an ‘e’revolution’ in workplace
communication ( with the other key plank being widespread
adoption of highspeed internet) . A sponsored 2010 study on
workplace communication found 83% of U.S. Knowledge
workers felt email was critical to their success and productivity
at work.
It has some key benefits to business and other organizations
b)Facilitating logistics
Much of the business world relies on communication between
people who are not physically in the same building , area , or
every country ; setting up and attending an in person meeting ,
telephone all or conference call can be inconvenient , time
consuming , and costly . Email provides a method of exchanging
information between two or more people with no set up costs
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and that is generally it become less expensive than a physical
meeting or phone call.
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Possibility of auto –processing and improved distribution As
well processing of customer’s orders or addressing the person
in charge can be realized by automated procedures.
Personal use
Personal computer: Many users access their personal emails
from friends and family members using a personal computer in
their house or apartment.
Advantages of e-mail
1. It’s free – Once you’re online , there is no further expense .
2. Easy to reference – Sent and received messages and
attachments can be stored safely , logically , reliably. It’s a lot
easier to organize emails than paper .
3.easy to use – Once you’re set up , sending and receiving
messages is simple . That goes for a host of other email
functions . Data storage and contacts can be accessed quickly
and easily.
4. Easy to prioritize: incoming messages have subject lines that
mean you can delete without opening . How much time does that
save compared to “ snail mail”.
5. Speed – Message to send? Done, under a second! Email is as
fast a form of written communication as any,
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6. Global: Web based email means you can access your
messages anywhere online. Going overseas? Before you go ,
mail yourself a copy of your passport number , travel insurance
details or your accommodation details.
7. Good for planet : Actually the advantages and disadvantages
of email are clear here . Computers themselves aren’t “green” ,
but email offsets some of the damage by reducing the
environmental cost of contact.
8. Information at your fingertips: Storing data online means les
large space taking file cabinets , folders and shelves . You can
access information far quicker if you learn how to use email this
9. Leverage : Send the same message to any number of people
Adaptations are simple , too. If you have a product or service to
sell, email is an effective medium to get your message out .
10. send reminders to yourself: Do you use more than one
account ? Email yourself messages from work to home and vice
versa .
Disadvantage of email
1. Email lacks a personal touch
2. Email can be disruptive
3. Email messages can contain viruses .
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4.Email can cause misunderstandings .
5. E mail cannot be ignored for a long time .
6.E mail could potentially cause information overload.
7. No emotions .
8). Lack of privacy.
9. possible delay.
10). Junk email.
Internet is a global network of networks .It is a massive
collection of computer networks that connects millions of
computers , users , software programs , databases and files. Any
two or more connected computers can be considered as a
Internet is the result of technology advancements that have
enabled virtually all computers to be networked together. The
Internet was created in 1973 by the US Defence Advanced
research project agency (DARPA) , primarily for research and
academic development. Today people all over the world can use
the internet’s resources through services such as Microsoft
Network to received information and communicate with others.
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Internet is defined as an information super highway , to access
information over the web. However , it can be defined in many
ways as follows:
Internet is a world-wide global system of interconnected
computer networks,
Internet uses the standard internet protocol (TCP/IP).
Every computer in internet is identified by unique IP address.
Internet is accessible to every user all over the world.
The concept of Internet was originated in 1969 and has
undergone several technological and infrastructural changes as
discussed below:
The origin of internet devised from the concept of advanced
research project agency network (ARPANET). ARPANET was
developed by united states department of defense . Basic
purpose of ARPANET was to provide communication among the
various bodies of government . Initially, there was only four
nodes, formally called hosts. In 1972 , the ARPANET spread
over the globe with 23 nodes located at different countries and
thus became known as internet . By the time , with invention of
new technologies such as TCP/IP protocols , DNS,WWW,
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browsers , scripting languages etc. internet provided a medium
to publish and access information over the web.
The internet being a packet switching network , data is
transmitted by converting it into small packets .The software
that is responsible for making the internet function efficiently is
TCP/IP , which stands for Transmission Control
protocol/Internet protocol, backbone of the internet.
Internet terminology :
HTTP: http stands for hyper text transfer language. Hypertext is
any piece of information that can be used to jump to another set
of information . The most common form of hypertext is link.
WWW: A key network service on the internet is the world wide
web (WWW) . It provides users with a graphical , easy to
navigate interface that enables them to locate pages of
information on the internet.
Web pages: Web pages contain news , graphics, movies,
sounds , and many other features. Pages are located on
computers around the world and can be accesses through
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browser services such as internet explorer and netscape
navigator etc.
URL: Every Web page , including a web sites home page , has a
unique address called a uniform resource locator (URL) . The
following shows as a URL:
Browser : browser is a client software that allows the user to
display and interact with a hypertext document .
HTML: Stands for hyper text markup language used for creating
web pages.
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Emerging communication , communication satellite ,
teleconferencing , interactive broadcasting ,
language lab , mobile service.
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Communication is a process concerning exchange of facts or
ideas between persons holding different positions in an
organization to achieve mutual harmony. The communication
process is dynamic in nature rather then a static phenomenon .
Communication process as such must be considered a
continuous and dynamic interaction , both affecting and being
affected by many variables .
Communication originates from the latin word
‘communicare’ which means to impart, share or make
common .communication is a process or act pf
transmitting message from a asender to receiver , through
a channel with the interference of noise.
Communication is a process of exchanging of
information , ideas , thoughts , feelings and emotions
through speech , signals , writing , or behavior.
Steps of communication
The basic steps of communication are:
1) The forming of communication intent
2) Message composition
3) Message encoding and decoding .
4) transmission of the encoded message as a
sequence of signals using a specific channel or
5) Reception of signals
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6) reconstruction of the original message
7)Interpretation and making sense of the
reconstructed message
The main elements of communication are discussed below :
1.Sender : sender is the person responsible to create or initiate
the message to be sent . For example ; a teacher lecturing in
2.Encoding : In order to replicate the thought of the sender into
some kind of external message , codes and symbols are used .
This process is called encoding. The correct delivery of
message depends on proper encoding. For example ,
transmission of thoughts into words and gestures .
3.Message : Message is a piece of information that a sender
wants to deliver to the receiver . it can be both verbal and non –
4.Channel: Channel is the transmission medium through which
a sender sends his message and the receiver receives the
message and vice-versa . for example, speech writing and
speaking are channels.
5.Decoding :Decoding is the exact opposite process of
encoding . here the receiver attempts to find the meaning of the
sender’s message . For example ., listening to the speaker and
disintegrating his speech into thoughts .
6. Receiver : Receiver is a person who receives the message
from the sender . for example, students listening to the lecture
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from a teacher.
7.Noise: The obstacles and hindrance that interferes during the
communication process is broadly called noise.
8.Feedback: It is any response made by the receiver in return to
the message that was received.
In satellite communication , signal transferring between the
sender and receiver is doe with the help of satellite . In this
process , the signal which is basically a beam of modulated
microwaves is sent towards the satellite . Then the satellite
amplifies the signal and sent it back to the receiver’s antenna
present on the earth’s surface . So, all the signal transferring is
happening in space . Thus this type of communication is known
as space communication.
Active and passive , two types of satellites are commonly used in
satellite communication.
Active satellites: It is basically does the work of amplifying the
microwave signals coming . In active satellites an antenna
system , transmitter , power supply and a receiver is used. These
satellites are also called transponders. The transmitters fitted
on the earth generate the microwaves . These rays are received
by the transponders attached to the satellite . Then after
amplifying , these signals are transmitted back to earth . This
sending can be done at the same time or after some delay . these
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amplified signals are stored in the memory of the satellites ,
when earth properly faces the satellite . Then the satellite starts
sending signals to earth. Some active satellites also have
programming and recording features. Then these recording can
be easily played and watched . The first active satellite was
launched by Russia in 1957. The signals coming from the
satellite when reach the earth , are of very low intensity. Their
amplification is done by the receivers themselves . After
amplification these become available for further use. In
telecommunications, the use of artificial satellites to provide
communication links between various points on Earth. Satellite
communication links between various points and play a vital
role in the global telecommunications system. Approximately
2,000artificial satellites orbiting earth relay analog and digital
signals carrying voice , video , and data to and from one or
many locations worldwide. Passive satellites : It is just a plastic
balloon having a metal coated over it. This sphere reflects the
coming microwave signals coming from one part of the earth to
other part. This is also known as passive sphere. Our earth also
has a passive satellite i.e. Moon.
(a) The ground segment: This consists of fixed or mobile
transmission , reception , and ancillary equipment and
(b)The space segment: This primarily is the satellite itself.
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Typical satellite link involves the transmission or up linking of
a signal from an earth to a satellite . The satellite then receives
and amplifies the signal and retransmits it back to earth. Where
it is received and re-amplified by earth stations and terminals.
Satellite receivers on the ground include direct-to-home(DTH)
satellite equipment, mobile reception equipment in aircraft ,
satellite telephones , and handheld devices. Microwave
communication is possible only if the position of satellite
becomes stationery with respect to the position of earth . So,
these types of satellites are known as geostationary satellites.
Teleconferencing means meeting through a telecommunications
medium. It is a generic term for linking people between two or
more locations by electronics . There are at least six types of
teleconferencing : audio , audio graphic , computer , video,
business television (BTV) , ad distance education. Through
teleconferencing , institutions are able to serve all students
equitably. The methods used differ in the technology , but
common factors contribute to the sharaed definition of
teleconferencing :
Use a telecommunication channel
Link people at multiple locations
Interactive to provide two –way communications
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Dynamic to require users active participation
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which create a social presence that resembles face-to-face
meetings and classes and enables participants to see the facial
expressions and physical demeanor of participants at remote
sites . Graphics are used to enhance understanding . There are
three basic systems : Freeze frame , compressed , and full-
motion video. Video –conferencing is an effective way to use
one teacher who teacher who teaches to a number of sites . It is
very cost effective for classes which may have a small number of
students enrolled at each site.
Web based audio conferencing as the name implies , refers to
conferencing using the audio path alone with the help of web
based technologies. Audio conferencing is a communication
medium that has made the conversation easy between the
groups of people residing in different places. Audio
conferencing is appropriate to discuss business issues and also
to communicate with the targeted audience . It also helps to
minimize unnecessary expenditure on travel for a small
discussion . An audio or teleconference is a telephone meeting
among two or more participants involving technology more
sophisticated than a simple two -way phone connection . While
a telephone call connects to just a person to a single person ,
web based audio conference connects too many people in a
single conference call. Conducting an audio conference is as
simple as managing an ordinary telephone call.
A web based audio conference has two components :
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1. Access number: This number allows connecting to the audio
conference bridge. There are local and international access
number based on the location of the calling place.
2. PIN/pass code : This is a 6or 7 or 8 digit number which is
unique to a particular conference .The PIN number enhances
the security of the conference call.
Video conferencing (VC) is the ability to hold meetings using
special equipment such as webcams , high –speed internet
connectivity and a personal computer . with VC , those who
participate in the meeting can see , hear and speak , to one
another , regardless of their geographical location in real time .
Video conferencing is a technology by means of which two or
more parties situated in different geographical locations can
watch and converse with each other by means of two-way
transmission of video and audio data in near real-time . Video
conferencing from once being a high profile , owned by a
famous few, this technology has made inroads to every middle-
class homestead that owns a healthy broadband connection. It
can be a simple point to point conversation between two persons
,or a multipoint conference between many at different locations.
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The language laboratory is an audio or audio –visual
installation used as an aid in modern language teaching. They
can be found , amongst other places , in schools , universities ,
and academies. Perhaps the first lab was at the University of
Grenoble in 1908. In the 1950s up until the 1990s , they were
tape-based systems using reel to reel or (latterly) cassette.
Current installations are generally multimedia PCs. The
original language labs are now very out-dated. They allowed a
teacher to listen to and manage student audio via a hard-wired
analogue tape deck based systems with sound booths in fixed
The language Laboratory are becoming items better and better
valued within educational institutions since the functions and
possibilities they offer are much higher than the ones in the
traditional teaching –learning system . Moreover it is necessary
to distinguish between language laboratory , language method
and control software. A method in a procedural that guides
teachers in turn , control software is a computer program that is
used to control students computers and to know what they are
doing at all times . Instead , a language lab goes beyond , a
language lab can integrate the method we want to use allowing
further development of a large number of different activities in
the classroom, The communication between teachers and
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students ,using multimedia material , etc. taking into account at
the same time the functions of control software.
A language laboratory is a classroom that helps students
practice speaking foreign languages by using audio equipment
and other technologies:
Equipment: Language laboratories can have tape recorders ,
computers , sound –recording and reproducing equipment ,
headsets ,and more
Activities: Students can use the laboratory to listen to model
pronunciations , record and hear their own voices, and
participate in pattern drills.
Teaching methods : Language laboratories use audio-visual
teaching aids and a dedicated teaching system.
Benefits: Language laboratories can help students develop their
oral proficiency and speaking fluency and save time.
Other names : Language laboratories are also known as digital
language labs , multimedia language labs , language media
centers and multimedia learning centers .
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Advantages of language laboratories
1.Interactive learning : Language labs provide an interactive
experience that helps students develop their listening and
speaking skills.
2.Self-paced learning : Students can learn at their own pace ,
using different software to progress at their own proficiency
3. Improved pronunciation: Students can listen to model
pronunciation, repeat and record themselves , and compare
their performance to the model.
4.Enhanced communication skills : Language labs can helps
students develop their communication skills.
5.Increased confidence : Language labs can help students build
confidence and remove fear and hesitation.
Disadvantages of language laboratory
1.Development of reading and writing skills has no scope in the
language laboratory.
2. More than 20 students cannot be accommodated in the
language lab.
3. Competent native speaker’s speeches are rarely available.
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Mobile service
There are a variety of services that can be accessed through
mobile devices , such as cell phones and smartphones:
1.communication services: these include email , SMS, and
2. Information services : These include weather , headlines ,
maps, and traffic information.
3.Entertainment services: these include mobile games , music
4. some other services: transactional services , mobile access,
mobile credentials, mobile learning.
Mobile learning
M-learning or mobile learning is defined as “learning across
multiple contexts , through social and content interactions ,
using personal electronic devices .” A form of distance
education , m-learners use mobile device educational
technology at their time convenience. M-learning technologies
include handheld computers, MP3 players, notebooks , mobile
phones and tablets. It focuses on the mobility of the learner,
interacting with portable technologies . Using mobile tools for
creating learning aids and materials becomes an important part
of informal learning.
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The internet is an ocean of information accessible to people
across the world, but the way it can be put to use on various
platforms is different. The internet is simultaneously a:
medium of
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Some other advantages
1.It allows us to communicate with the people sitting at remote
locations. One can find various social networking sites such as:
Facebook , twitter, yahoo , etc,
2.Internet also serves many entertainment platforms :
Online television, songs , games etc.
3. Internet allows us to use many services like:
Internet banking , matrimonial services, online shopping , E-
mail , data sharing ,ticket booking etc.
Advantages of www
1.A link in a web document can be used to open other
2.web pages can contain pictures , sound files etc in addition to
3.web documents allow the user to interact with the application
through dialog box and forms.
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chber spammi
crimes internet ng
threat to virus
information attacks
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Accessing internet
There are two methods which helps in accessing internet :
Dedicated access
Dial up access
dedicated Dial up
It allows the user’s computer It is a form of internet access
to remain connected to the that uses the facilities of the
internet 24 hours a day . public switched telephone
Dedicated access is a direct network (PSTN) to establish a
link to the internet. connection to an internet
service provider (ISP) by
dialing a telephone number on
a conventional telephone line .
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to gather
to communicate
to transact to entertain
business themselves
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