Manual With Installation Oil Pan

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Manual with instalation customized Oil Pan kit in BMW E36 E46 and Z3.
Recommended parts for easier installation engine in body

- exhaust manifold from the BMW X5 4.4i before

lift a sepcial left from driver side No.
11627500484 does not require any treatment,
the original of the M60 / M62 must be cut to
make room for the steering column rod

- engine propeller fan from TDS is lower and assy

without problems fit between the engine and
the radiator, you can use also cooling fan
radiator from climatization BMW E38 insaled in

- motor cushion from E34 M50 engine with

acentric best polyurethane, we are have it in
offer, height 60mm for engine standard for

- front stabilizer from R4 version of engines is

simple, turn the drilling of seals stabilizer 180
degrees to the other side and combine with
Some version of front whell need to me modified by removing from back material.

Materiał to remove 11mm max

Remarks, BMW use few whell
STEP 1 - we turn to the other side stabilizer, including seals drill mounts to turn back and welded to the stringers in the
new position, we recommend stabilizer from R4 engine is a simple

Stabilizer holder, welded to

stringers in new position
STEP 2 - We recommend that the notch in the chassis to gain additional space for oil hoses. This is nescesarry only for
alternator with wather coolling system.
When you have climatization in you car, it will be sescasarry modify body chassis to get free space for clima pump, Also
oryginala holder modification is nescasarry.
STEP 3 - after installing the motor feet and a bowl mount the engine to the paw pads and sheets provided we
determine its position in the engine compartment and weld to the beam supplied sheet metal between the engine and
the chassis beam mount the included sleeves lowering the beam, so that the engine with the cover falls under the
hood, we recommend that you give between nuts bolts washers so that the nut will protrude above and will not be a
problem with their unassembly in the future.

Plates from kit welded to subframe

Plates from kit welded to subframe
From both site
STEP 4 - Cutting original engine support leaving only the oil holes.
Remarks. We also offer oil filter relocator plate with plugs for standard oil hoses to easy fit.
Tap M8 thread and
STEP 5 blint hole. If you dont
do this engine
Please replacing places those bolts. crankshaft dont have
corect oil preasure

Please cut those

thread like showed
STEP 6 – Assy oil sump on engine and after that oil pump with T-pipe. Remember use Victor Reinz Seal. All O-rings
please brush by engine oil to easy fitting.
STEP 7 –Mount the chain with gears on the axis of the pump, if you can’t set up a rack mounts gently sanded foot pump,
please see manual with oil pump modification.
Rest steps

2.5 TDS
Oil dipstick
cooling fan
Power sterring oil pump mountings
Oryginal sterring shaft from E36 modification

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