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Gas Treatment Sulfur Recovery

35. Verify and Monitor LOTO-Electrical

Date of Inspection : 1/9/2025 | Parent ID#: 6726
Contractor and Contract # : /
1 . ID# 18094 Contractor/Sub Sinopec 2 . ID# 18096 Contractor/Sub Sinopec
Area/Loc T-75 train 1 PMT In Charge ALAKHDHZ; ALARMA0B; GARN Area/Loc T-75 common area in D-00 PMT In Charge ALAKHDHZ; ALARMA0B; GARN

Cat: Electrical Isolation (Pre-Com Risk Level: MED UA/UC UC Cat: Electrical Isolation (Pre-Com Risk Level: MED UA/UC UC
Date Closed: Verified : With SNCR Date Closed: Verified : With SNCR
Findings: Findings:
conducted inspection at T-75 train 1, it was observe the local motor control panel has no conducted inspection at T-75 common area in D-001, it was observe positive isolation was
LOTO applied were the source in SS-11 already energized and standby power in the MCC. applied but there is no provision of signage's for the preservation of nitrogen of the pipe

Reference: Reference:
G.I.6.012 Section Supplement 6.012-1, MANDATORY POSITIVE ISOLATION ACTIVITIES G.I.6.012 Section9.6 Each lock on a piece of electrical equipment, or on a multiple lockout
Positive isolation must be achieved prior to performing the activities below; clip, must be identified. A tag (Saudi Aramco Form 525) shall be installed on each lock
> Confined space entry, Hot work on process piping or equipment (with the exception of indicating plant number or location, date and time of isolation, equipment name, and
steam/air/water systems at less than 150 psig), Work on systems containing flammable or reason for the lockout, individual’s name, badge number, organization, contact phone
toxic materials, Work on systems at greater than 150 psig., Work on systems containing number and signature.

Recommendation Recommendation
To adhere with SA HSE Standards, Procedures and including Contractor own procedure... To adhere with SA HSE Standards, Procedures and including Contractor own procedure...

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