Forbes Marshall_Solutions for the Pharmaceutical industry

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Steam and Process Control Solutions

Pharmaceutical Industry

Process and Energy Efficiency | Environment

Gaps and Energy Saving Opportunities in Steam Systems Potential to Improve Condensate Recovery Factor
Providing services that contribute towards a sustainable
energy systems by continuously creating new benchmarks as
leaders in building reliable and energy efficient utility systems
Steam for process industry by empowering people as change-agents.
Trapping Steam
Pharma 6% Generation
Industry Steam
3% 80
Steam Improving
Distribution CRF
3% 5% 60



Condesate Recovery Factor for Pharmaceutical
Plants (CRF%)
For over 70 years, we have
partnered the Industry in providing Energy Savings Potential Best Average
solutions in control
instrumentation, energy 25%
conservation and environmental There is potential to improve the CRF across the
monitoring. Our teams of the pharmaceutical industry segment by 45%. This gap can be
finest engineers are dedicated to Improving Reducing Process
serve the process industry across Steam to Fuel Steam Consumption bridged by
diverse sectors. World class Ratio
Utility automation module integral to steam trapping to
manufacturing facilities and 13% 12% recover maximum condensate from multi-utility reactors
technology enable us deliver
quality solutions globally. Our Block wise condensate recovery system
unique complimentary expertise Optimising Condensate Steam Arresting
Boiler Recovery Trapping Leakages Steam operated pumping traps to prevent stalling condition
enables us to engineer
Efficiency on heat exchangers and solvent recovery / distillation unit
customised systems that improve
manufacturing processes, 5% 8% 6% 2% Condensate contamination detection system for
conserve energy and are condensate recovery from solvent recovery plant
environmentally sustainable. We
partner customers with our Right Temperature
knowledge, comprehensive range Pressure Control
of services, products and
solutions for utilities and process 2% 2%
Improving Steam Systems in the Pharmaceutical Industry Energy Services for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Forbes Marshall provides services to help build reliable, energy efficient utility
systems for the process industry thereby achieving new benchmarks.

Next 1 7
Basic and Detail Steam System
10 % Engineering Training
Feasibility of
Waste Boiler 2 8
in bulk drug plants
Project Energy
Optimising Efficiency Management Audits

8% 3 9
Boiler Efficiency Monitoring
Steam System Safety
for O2 and excess air levels
Design Hazop Audits
Instantaneous Hot Water Systems
Steam Metering for individual
departments 4 10
Feedwater Tank Management
Cogen Feasibility De-bottleneck
and Engineering Audits
Stopping Wastages

15% 5 11
Right steam pressure and proper steam quality
Stress Energy Management
Efficient steam trapping and
Analysis System Audits
maximisation of condensate recovery
Temperature controls
Arresting leakages 6 12
Process Energy
Optimisation with Steam System
Automation Management
Forbes Marshall Helps Reduce Energy Consumption

We have achieved savings of over 22% in fuel with Forbes Marshall rectified the existing steam system We are recovering 100% of the recoverable
improvement in condensate recovery factor by 20% without interrupting production. We were able to condensate with Forbes Marshall’s condensate
We have installed utility automation and achieve 100% condensate recovery factor and save recovery systems. This has resulted in an improved
instantaneous hot water systems designed and 26 million litres of water annually with a reduction of Steam:Fuel ratio of the boiler and an achievement of
supplied by Forbes Marshall. Process heat from the 15% in fuel consumption. 15% in fuel savings.
Forbes Marshall solar cogeneration system has
helped to reduce carbon foot print by delivering
cleaner and greener energy.

A US Based Global A Leading Indian Multinational

Pharmaceutical Company Pharmaceutical Company A Leading Multinational Pharmaceutical Plant

Single fluid system supplied by Forbes Marshall has Forbes Marshall helped us solve our problem of coil Forbes Marshall designed and revamped our
help us to gain precise control of complete heating – leakages. Their steam solutions have helped us complete steam distribution network. We have
cooling cycle in reactors. We were also able to sustain a condensate recovery factor of 80% achieved 26% reduction in a 46km distribution
recover 100% of the recoverable condensate. network - 14% fuel reduction, 200 million litres of
water and about 3600 tons of CO2 reduction.

One of the Largest Producers of

A Global Healthcare Company A Fully Integrated Global Healthcare Provider Benzene Based Products

Forbes Marshall Pvt. Ltd.

Opp. 106th Milestone, CTS No. 2220, Mumbai-Pune Road,
Kasarwadi, Pune – 411034 INDIA
Tel : +91(0)20-68138555 Fax : +91(0)20-68138402
Forbes Marshall
Krohne Marshall
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Information, designs or specifications in this document are subject to change without notice. Responsibility for suitability, selection, installation, use, operation or maintenance of the product(s) rests solely with the purchaser and/or user.
Forbes Marshall Steam Systems The contents of this document are presented for informational purposes only. FM Group disclaims liabilities or losses that may be incurred as a consequence of the use of this information.

DOC# FMSEG/0516/BR-0807/V4.R0.0523
Solutions for Steam and Process Control in the Pharmaceutical Industry

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