Direct Shear Test Apparatus
Direct Shear Test Apparatus
Direct Shear Test Apparatus
In a direct shear test, the failure of the soil sample in shear is caused along a predetermined plane. Test is performed as per
IS 2720 part XIII the normal load, strain and shearing force are measured directly during the test. It is also used to estimate
residual stress of soil. The direct shear testing apparatus utilizes a square box divided horizontally into two halves. The box
containing the sample is placed in a water jacket and subjected to constant normal load while a horizontal force is applied
till the specimen fails along the plane of juncture of the two halves. A number of specimens are tested under different loads
and from the data obtained, the angle of internal friction and shearing strength of the soil can be evaluated. Following pages,
give details of both hand operated and motorised versions of direct shear test apparatus conforming to different Indian
Standard Specifications.