Analog & Digital Multimeter
Analog & Digital Multimeter
Analog & Digital Multimeter
As the name implies, a multimeter is device that can be used to measure multiple
quantities, i.e., when a single device is used to measure multiple quantities, the device
is called multimeter. On the basis of output representation, there are two types of
multimeters −
Analog multimeter
Digital multimeter
Analog Multimeter
An analog multimeter is a permanent magnet moving coil (PMMC) meter type
measuring instrument. It works on the principle of d’Arsonval galvanometer. The analog
multimeter has an analog display that uses the deflection of a pointer on the scale to
indicate the level of measurement being made. The pointer deflects from its initial
position increasingly as the measuring quantity increases.
DC Voltage
AC Voltage
DC Current
The analog multimeter acts as an ammeter with a low series resistance to measure
direct current. For high currents measurement, a shunt resistor is connected in parallel
with the galvanometer. With the shunt resistor, an analog multimeter can measure
currents in the ranges of milli-amperes or amperes.
By adding a multiplier resistor an analog multimeter becomes a voltmeter and can be
used for the measurement of DC voltage in the ranges of milli-volts or kilo volts.
By adding a battery and a network of resistors, the analog multimeter can work as
an ohmmeter. By changing the value of shunt resistance in resistor network, different
values of resistances can be measured.
By adding a rectifier unit in the analog multimeter circuit, the AC voltages and currents
can also be measured.
Digital Multimeter
A digital multimeter (DMM) is a measuring instrument used to measure various
electrical quantities. The standard measurements that are performed by a DMM are
current, voltage and resistance. Apart from these, a digital multimeter can also measure
temperature, frequency, capacitance, continuity, transistor gains etc.
Display − The DMM has an illuminated display screen for better visualisation.
Most DMM have four digit display, the first of which can only be either a 0 or 1
and a + / - indication as well. There may also be some more indicators like AC /
DC etc.
Connection Ports − There are three or four ports available on the front of the
DMM. However, only two are needed at a time. Typical ports of the DMM are −
o Common − It is used with all measurements. The negative (black) probe is
connected to this.
o VΩmA Port − This port is used for the most measurements and positive
(red)probe is connected to it.
o 10A Port − It is used to measure the large currents in the circuits.
Dial (Selection Knob) − There is a rotary switch to select the types of
measurement to be made and range that is needed.
Additional Connections − There are some additional connections in DMM for
other measurements like temperature, transistor gains etc.
Additional Buttons and switches − There are a few additional buttons are
present in a DMM. The main one is ON/OFF button.