• Rectilinear motion and motion of a projectile are non-repetitive.
• Uniform circular motion and Orbital motion of planets in the solar system are repeated after
a certain interval of time, that is, it is periodic.
• In your childhood, you must have enjoyed rocking in a cradle or swinging on a swing.
Both these motions are repetitive in nature but different from the periodic motion of a planet.
Here, the object moves to and from about a mean position. The pendulum of a wall clock
executes a similar motion
• Such a motion is termed as oscillatory motion. In this chapter we study this motion
• Study of oscillatory motion is basic to physics; its concepts are required for the
understanding of many physical phenomena.
• Musical instruments, like the sitar, the guitar or the violin, we come across vibrating strings
that produce pleasing sounds
• The membranes in drums and diaphragms in telephone and speaker systems vibrate to and
from about their mean positions
• The vibrations of air molecules make the propagation of sound possible
• In a solid, the atoms vibrate about their equilibrium positions, the average energy of
vibrations being proportional to temperature
• AC power supply give voltage that oscillates alternately going positive and negative about
the mean value (zero)
• A motion that repeats itself at regular intervals of time is
called Periodic Motion. Few examples are shown in figure.
• Very often, the body undergoing periodic motion has an
equilibrium position somewhere inside its path. When the
body is at this position no net external force acts on it.
Therefore, if it is left there at rest, it remains there forever.
• If the body is given a small displacement from the position,
a force comes into play which tries to bring the body back
to the equilibrium point, giving rise to Oscillations or Vibrations
• Every oscillatory motion is periodic, but every periodic motion need not be oscillatory.
Circular motion is a periodic motion, but it is not oscillatory.
• There is no significant difference between oscillations and vibrations.
• It seems that when the frequency is small, we call it oscillation (like, the oscillation of a
branch of a tree), while when the frequency is high, we call it vibration (like, the vibration of
a string of a musical instrument)
• Simple harmonic motion is the simplest form of oscillatory motion.
• This motion arises when the force on the oscillating body is directly proportional to its
displacement from the mean position, which is also the equilibrium position.
• Further, at any point in its oscillation, this force is directed towards the mean position.
Displacement of a body is measured from its equilibrium position.
• For an oscillating simple pendulum, the angle from the vertical as a
function of time may be regarded as a displacement variable
• The term displacement is not always to be referred in the context of position only.
E.g., Voltage across a capacitor changing with time in AC Circuit, Pressure variations in time
in the propagation of Sound Waves, Changing Electric and Magnetic Field in a Light wave
• The displacement variable may take both positive and negative values.
The displacement can be represented by a mathematical function of time. In case of periodic
motion, this function is periodic in time. One of the simplest periodic functions is given by
f (t) = A cos ωt the function f (t) is periodic with period T, f (t) = f (t + T)
a linear combination of sine and cosine functions like, f(t) = Asin ωt + Bcos ωt
is also a periodic function with the same period T. Taking, A = Dcos ϕ and B = Dsin ϕ
can be written as, f(t) = Dsin(ωt + ϕ) ,
Here D and ϕ are constant given by D = √A2 + B2 and ϕ = tan−1 ( )
• Any periodic function can be expressed as a superposition of sine and cosine functions of
different time periods with suitable coefficients.
Q. Which of the following functions of time represent (a) periodic and (b)
non-periodic motion? Give the period for each case of periodic motion [𝛚 is any
positive constant]. [NCERT Exercise]
(i) 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛚𝐭 + 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝛚𝐭 (ii) 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛚𝐭 + 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝟐𝛚𝐭 + 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝟒𝛚𝐭
(iii) 𝐞−𝐚𝐫 (iv) 𝐥𝐨𝐠(𝛚𝐭)
Sol. (i) sin ωt + cos ωt is a periodic function, it can also be written as
√2sin(ωt + π/4).
Now √2 sin (ωt + 4 )
• Consider a particle oscillating back and forth about the
origin of an x-axis between the limits +A and –A as
shown in Figure. This oscillatory motion is said to be
simple harmonic if the displacement x of the particle from the origin varies with time as:
x(t) = Acos(ωt + φ) where A, ω and φ are constants
• Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is not any periodic motion but one in which displacement is
a sinusoidal function of time
x(t) : displacement x as a function of time t
A : amplitude
ω : angular frequency
ωt + ϕ : phase (time-dependent)
ϕ : phase constant
• While the amplitude A is fixed for a given SHM, the state of motion (position and velocity) of
the particle at any time t is determined by the argument (ω t + φ) in the cosine function.
This time-dependent quantity, (ω t + φ) is called the phase of the motion
• Two simple harmonic motions may have the same A and
ω but different phase angle φ, as shown in following
figure ω is called the angular frequency of SHM ω = 2π/ T
• Its S.I. unit is radians per second.
• Since the frequency of oscillations is simply 1/T, ω is 2π
times the frequency of oscillation
• In this plot the curve (b) has half the period and twice the
frequency of the curve (a).
Q. Which of the following functions of time represent. (A) simple harmonic motion and
(B) periodic but not simple harmonic? Give the period for each case.
(A) 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛚𝐭 − 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝛚𝐭 (B) 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝟐 𝛚𝐭 [NCERT Exercise]
Sol. (A) sin ωt − cos ωt = sin ωt − sin(π/2 − ωt)
= 2cos(π/4)sin(ωt − π/4) = √2sin(ωt − π/4)
This function represents a simple harmonic motion having a period
T = 2π/ω and a phase angle (−π/4) or (7π/4)
(B) sin2 ωt = 1/2 − 1/2cos 2ωt The function is periodic having a period
T = π/ω. It also represents a harmonic motion with the point of equilibrium
occurring at 1/2 instead of zero.
• The projection of uniform circular motion on a diameter of the circle
follows simple harmonic motion
• Tie a ball to the end of a string and make it move in a horizontal plane
about a fixed point with a constant angular speed. The ball would
then perform a uniform circular motion in the horizontal plane
• The ball will appear to execute to and from motion along a horizontal
line with the point of rotation as the midpoint.
• The initial position vector of the particle, i.e., the vector OP at t = 0 makes an angle of φ with
the positive direction of x-axis.
• In time t, it will cover a further angle ω t and its position vector will make an angle of
(ω t + φ) with the +v e x-axis.
• Consider the projection of the position vector OP on the x-axis. This will be OP′.
• The position of P′ on the x-axis, as the particle P moves on the circle, is given by x(t) = A cos
(ω t + φ) which is the defining equation of SHM
• Hence P moves uniformly on a circle, its projection P′ on a diameter of the circle executes SHM
• The speed of a particle v in uniform circular motion is its angular
speed ω times the radius of the circle A. v = ω A
• The velocity of the projection particle P′ at time t is
v(t) = –ω A sin (ω t + φ)
• We can, of course, obtain this equation without using geometrical
argument, directly by differentiating Position equation with
respect to t: v(t) = dt x(t)
For simplicity, let us put φ = 0 and write the expression for x
(t), v (t) and a(t)
𝑥(𝑡) = 𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔𝑡
where k = mω2 or ω = √m
• Like acceleration, force is always directed towards the mean position—hence it is sometimes
called the Restoring Force in SHM
• Note that the force in above equation is linearly proportional to x(t).
• A particle oscillating under such a force is, therefore, calling a linear harmonic oscillator.
• In the real world, the force may contain small additional terms proportional to x2, x3, etc.
These then are called non-linear oscillators
• Both kinetic and potential energies of a particle in SHM vary between zero and their
maximum values
1 1 1
K = mv 2 = mω2 A2 sin2 (ωt + ϕ) = kA2 sin2 (ωt + ϕ)
2 2 2
• KE of a particle is a periodic function of time, being zero when the displacement is maximum
and maximum when the particle is at the mean position. Note, since the sign of v is immaterial
in K, the period of K is T/2.
1 1
U(x) = kx 2 = kA2 cos2 (ωt + ϕ)
2 2
• Potential energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is also periodic, with period
T/2, being zero at the mean position and maximum at the extreme displacements.
1 2 1
E=U+K= kA cos 2 (ωt + ϕ) + kA2 sin2 (ωt + ϕ)
2 2
1 2
= kA [cos2 (ωt + ϕ) + sin2 (ωt + ϕ)]
E = kA2
• Total mechanical energy of a harmonic oscillator is thus
independent of time as expected for motion under any
conservative force
• Both kinetic energy and potential energy peak twice
during each period of SHM.
• For x = 0, the energy is kinetic; at the extremes x = ±A, it is
all potential energy.
• In the course of motion between these limits, kinetic
energy increases at the expense of potential energy or
Oscillations due to a Spring:
• At any time, t, if the displacement of the block from
its mean position is x, the restoring force F acting on
the block is, F (x) = –k x
• The constant of proportionality, k, is called the spring
constant, its value is governed by the elastic
properties of the spring. A stiff spring has large k and
a soft spring has small k.
• Force Equation is same as the force law for SHM and therefore the system executes a simple
harmonic motion.
• We have, angular frequency ω = √m
• And period T, of the oscillator T = 2π√ k
• Stiff springs have high value of k (spring constant). A block of small mass m attached to a stiff
spring will have large oscillation frequency.
The Simple Pendulum:
A mass attached to a string free to oscillate about its mean position
whose other end is fixed. Second’s Pendulum:
Length of string is 100 cm and the stone when disturbed from its
mean position has a period of 2 seconds.
Above periodic motion is simple harmonic for small displacements
from the mean position.
Torque τ about the support is entirely provided by the tangential
component of force
τ = –L (mg sin θ)
Negative sign represents restoring torque.
I α = –m g sin θ L 𝛉 (degrees) 𝛉 (radians) 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛉
α = − [(m g L)/ I] sin θ 0 0 0
Considering θ to be very small, sin θ = θ 5 0.087 0.087
α = − [(m g L)/ I] θ 10 0.174 0.174
15 0.262 0.259
20 0.349 0.342
• The motion of a simple pendulum, swinging in air, dies out eventually
• This is because the air drag and the friction at the support oppose the motion of the
pendulum and dissipate its energy gradually
• Above is an example of damped oscillations. In damped oscillations, the energy of the system
is dissipated continuously; but, for small damping, the oscillations remain approximately
• Dissipating forces are generally the frictional forces
• Consider the system shown above
Here a block of mass m connected to an elastic spring of spring constant k oscillates vertically.
If the block is pushed down a little and released, its angular
frequency of oscillation is
• Solution for the above will be –
x(t) = Ae−bt/2m cos(ω′ t + ϕ)
where A is the amplitude and ω′ is the angular frequency of the damped oscillator given by
k b2
ω′ = √ −
m 4m2
• Most familiar example of forced oscillation is when a child in a garden swing periodically
presses his feet against the ground (or someone else periodically gives the child a push) to
maintain the oscillations
Let the external periodic force be: F(t) = Fa cos ωd t
The motion of a particle under the combined action of a linear restoring force, damping force
and a time dependent driving force represented by-
ma(t) = −kx(t) − bv(t) + Fo cos ωd t
d2 x dx
m 2 + b + kx = Fo cos ωd t
dt dt
Displacement, after the natural oscillations die out, is given by x(t) = Acos(ωd t + ϕ)
where t is the time measured from the moment when we apply the periodic force.
The amplitude A is a function of the forced frequency ωd and the natural frequency ω. Analysis
shows that it is given by –
A= 1/2
{m2 (ω2 − ω2d ) + ω2d b 2 }
and tan ϕ = ω
d xo
We consider 2 cases:
1. Small Damping, Driving Frequency far from Natural Frequency
ωdb will be much smaller than m (ω2 –ω2d), and we can
neglect that term. Hence the term reduces to –
m(ω2 − ω2d )
NCERT Practice Questions
Q.1. The displacement of a particle is represented by the equation y = 3cos ( 4 − 2ωt) .
⇒ As acceleration, a ∝ −y
Hence, due to negative sign motion is SHM.
Clearly, from the equation ω′ = 2ω [∵ Standard equation y = acos(ωt + ϕ)]
2π 2π π π
⇒ = 2ω ⇒ T ′ = 2ω = ω [and given equation y = 3cos (−2ωt + 4 ) ]
So, motion is SHM with period ω.
Q.2. The displacement of a particle is represented by the equation y = sin3 ωt. The motion is
(A) non-periodic. (B) periodic but not simple harmonic.
(C) simple harmonic with period 2π/ω. (D) simple harmonic with period π/ω.
Sol. (B)
Given equation of motion is
y = sin3 ωt = (3sin ωt − 4sin 3ωt)/4 [∵ sin 3θ = 3sin θ − 4sin3 θ]
dy d d dy
⇒ = [dt (3sin ωt) − dt (4sin 3ωt)] /4 ⇒ 4 dt = 3ωcos ωt − 4 × [3ωcos 3ωt]
d2 y d2 y 3ω2 sin ωt+12ω2 sin 3ωt
⇒ 4 × dt2 = −3ω2 sin ωt + 12ω sin 3ωt ⇒ =−
dt2 4
d2 y
⇒ is not proportional to y.
Q.3. The relation between acceleration and displacement of four particles are given below:
(A) ax = +2x. (B) ax = +2x 2 . (C) ax = −2x 2 . (D) ax = −2x
Sol. (C)
Consider the diagram in which a liquid column oscillates. In this case, restoring force acts
on the liquid due to gravity. Acceleration of the liquid column, can be calculated in terms
of restoring force. Restoring force f = Weight of liquid column of height 2 y
⇒ f = −(A × 2y × ρ) × g = −2Aρgy ⇒ f ∝ −y
⇒ Motion is SHM with force constant k = 2Aρg.
m A×2h×ρ h
⇒ Time period T = 2π√ k = 2π√ = 2π√g
T = 2π√g , where l = h
Sol. (A, C)
Consider the motion of the ball inside a smooth curved bowl. For small angular
displacement or slightly released motion, it can be considered as angular SHM. When the
ball is at an angle of the restoring force (g sin ) m acts as shown.
d2 x x
∵ ma = mgsin θ ⇒ a = gsin θ ⇒ = −gsin θ = −g × R [∴ sin θ ≃ θ = x/R]
Hence, motion is SHM ⇒ d2x/dt 2 ∝ (−x) (∴ a ∝ −x)
⇒ ω = √g/R
2π R
Time period T = = 2π√ g . As motion is SHM, hence it must be periodic.
Q.7. Displacement vs. time curve for a particle executing S.H.M. is shown in Figure. Choose
the correct statements.
(A) Phase of the oscillator is same at t = 0 s and t = 2 s.
(B) Phase of the oscillator is same at t = 2 s and t = 6 s.
(C) Phase of the oscillator is same at t = 1 s and t = 7 s.
(D) Phase of the oscillator is same at t = 1 s and t = 5 s.
Sol. (B, D)
It is clear from the curve that points corresponding to t =
2 s and t = 6 s are separated by a distance belongs to one
time period. Hence, these points must be in same phase.
Similarly, points belong to t = 1 s and t = 5 s are at
separation of one time period, hence must be in phase.
Q.8. Which of the following statements is/are true for a simple harmonic oscillator?
(A) Force acting is directly proportional to displacement from the mean position and
opposite to it.
(B) Motion is periodic.
(C) Acceleration of the oscillator is constant.
(D) The velocity is periodic.
Sol. (A, B, D)
Let the equation for the SHM is x = asin ωt.
Clearly, it is a periodic motion because it involves sine function.
dx d
Velocity v = = (asin ωt) = aωcos ωt
dt dt
Velocity is also periodic because of cosine function.
dv d2 x
Acceleration, A = = = −aω2 sin ωt[∵ Acceleration is a sine function, hence cannot
dt dt2
be constant] = −(ω a)sin ωt = −ω2 x
Q.9. Displacement versus time curve for a particle executing
S.H.M. is shown in Figure. Identify the points marked at
which (i) velocity of the oscillator is zero,
(ii) speed of the oscillator is maximum.
Sol. In SHM y-t graph, zero displacement values correspond
to mean position; where velocity of the oscillator is maximum.
Whereas the crest and troughs represent extreme positions, where displacement is
maximum and velocity of the oscillator is minimum and is zero. Hence,
(a) A, C, E, G are either crest or trough having zero velocity.
(b) speed is maximum at mean positions represented by B, D, F, H points.
Q.10. Two identical springs of spring constant K are attached to a block of mass m and to flexed
supports as shown in Figure. When the mass is
displaced from equilibrium position by a distance x
towards right, find the restoring force
Sol. Consider the diagram in which the block is displaced
right through x.
The right spring gets compressed by x developing a
restoring force kx towards left on the block. The left spring is stretched by an amount x
developing a restoring force kx towards left on the block as given in the free body diagram
of the block. Hence, total force (restoring) = (kx + kx)
[∵ Both forces are in same direction] =2 kx towards left
Q.11. What are the two basic characteristics of a simple harmonic motion?
Sol. The two basic characteristics of a simple harmonic motion
(i) Acceleration is directly proportional to displacement.
(ii) The direction of acceleration is always towards the mean position, that is opposite to
Q.12. When will the motion of a simple pendulum be simple harmonic?
Sol. Consider the diagram of a simple pendulum.
The bob is displaced through an angle θ shown.
The restoring torque about the fixed point O is τ = −mgsin θ
If θ is small angle in radians, then sin θ ≈ θ ⇒ τ ≈ −mgθ
⇒ τ ∝ (−θ)
Hence, motion of a simple pendulum is SHM for small angle of oscillations.
Q.13. Find the time period of mass M when displaced from its
equilibrium positon and then released for the system shown in
Sol. For the calculation purpose, in this situation we will neglect
gravity because it is constant throughout and will not effect the net
restoring force. Let in the equilibrium position, the spring has extended by an amount x0.
Now, if the mass is given a further displacement downwards by an amount x. The string
and spring both should increase in length by x.
But, string is inextensible, hence the spring alone will contribute the total extension x + x
= 2 x, to lower the mass down by x from initial equilibrium mean position x0. So, net
extension in the spring (= 2 x + x0).
Now force on the mass before bulling (in the x0 extension case)
F = 2T
But T = kx0 [where k is spring constant]
F = 2kx0 …(i)
When the mass is lowered down further by x, F ′ = 2T ′
But new spring length = (2x + x0 )
F ′ = 2k(2x + x0 ) …(ii)
Restoring force on the system.
Frestoring = −[F ′ − F]
Using Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
Frestoring = −[2k(2x + x0 ) − 2kx0 ] = −[2 × 2kx + 2kx0 − 2kx0 ] = −4kx or Ma = −4kx
where, a = acceleration (As, F = ma)⇒ a = − ( M ) x
k, M being constant.
∴ a ∝ −x
Hence, motion is SHM.
Comparing the above acceleration expression with standard SHM equation a = −ω2 x,
4k 4k
we get ω2 = ⇒ ω = √ M
2π 2π M
Time period T = = = 2π√
ω 4k
Q.14. Show that the motion of a particle represented by y = sin ωt − cos ωt is simple
harmonic with a period of 2π/ω.
Sol. We have to convert the given combination of two harmonic functions to a single
harmonic (sine or cosine) function.
Given, displacement function y = sin ωt − cos ωt
1 1 π π
= √2 ( ⋅ sin ωt − ⋅ cos ωt) = √2 [cos ( 4 ) ⋅ sin ωt − sin ( 4 ) ⋅ cos ωt]
√2 √2
π π
= √2 [sin (ωt − 4 )] = √2 [sin (ωt − 4 )]
Comparing with standard equation
2π 2π
y = asin(ωt + ϕ), we get = ω = ⇒T=
T ω
Clearly, the function represents SHM with a period T = .
Q.15. Find the displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator at which its P.E. is half of the
maximum energy of the oscillator.
Sol. Let us assume that the required displacement be x. ∴ Potential energy of the simple
harmonic oscillator = 2 kx 2 where, k = force constant = mω2
PE = 2 mω2 x 2 …(i)
Maximum energy of the oscillator
TE = 2 mω2 A2 [∵ xmax = A] …(ii)
Where, A = amplitude of motion
1 1 1 1 A2 A2 A
Given, PE = 2 TE ⇒ 2 mω2 x 2 = 2 [2 mω2 A2 ] ⇒ x 2 = or x = √ 2 = ±
2 √2