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490 545
Need for surgery in upper gastrointestinal bleeding 0.67 (0.16-2.91) 13 fewer per 1,000 (33 fewer-74 more)
491 546
Acute transfusion reactions 0.35 (0.20-0.61) 37 fewer per 1,000 (45 fewer-22 fewer)
492 547
Adverse transfusion effectsa 0.73 (0.58-0.91) 54 fewer per 1,000 (83 fewer-18 fewer)
493 548
494 Infections in upper gastrointestinal bleeding 0.96 (0.79-1.17) 11 fewer per 1,000 (58 fewer-47 more) 549
495 a 550
Serious adverse events defined as an event that endangers the health or safety of the patient.
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708 Hospital length of stay MD 0.02 d lower (0.19 lower-0.15 higher) 763
709 Infections 1.07 (0.94-1.22) 6 more per 1,000 (5 fewer-19 more) 764
710 765
Cardiac adverse events 1.00 (0.75-1.32) 0 fewer per 1,000 (14 fewer-18 more)
711 766
Renal adverse events 1.03 (0.86-1.23) 2 more per 1,000 (7 fewer-12 more)
712 767
Thromboembolism 0.82 (0.36-1.88) 2 fewer per 1,000 (8 fewer-10 more)
713 768
714 Pulmonary adverse events 1.05 (0.89-1.24) 6 more per 1,000 (14 fewer-30 more) 769
715 770
MD ¼ mean difference.
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