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A2, A6 PEK Control Panel

Instruction manual

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1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Control panel ........................................................................................................ 5
1.1.1 Keys and knobs.................................................................................................. 6
1.2 First step ............................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Choice of language ............................................................................................ 7
1.2.2 Unit of measurements ........................................................................................ 9
1.3 Display ................................................................................................................ 10
1.3.1 Symbols in the display ..................................................................................... 11
1.4 General information about settings ................................................................. 11
1.4.1 Setting of numerical values .............................................................................. 11
1.4.2 Setting with given alternatives.......................................................................... 11
1.5 QUIT and ENTER ................................................................................................ 12

2 MENUS ............................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Main Menu........................................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Configuration menu.......................................................................................... 14
2.1.2 Tools menu....................................................................................................... 14
2.1.3 Weld data setting menu ................................................................................... 15
2.1.4 Measurements menu ....................................................................................... 16
2.1.5 Weld data memory menu ................................................................................. 17
2.1.6 Fast mode menu .............................................................................................. 18

3 SUBMERGED ARC WELDING .......................................................................... 19

3.1 Settings for submerged arc welding ................................................................19

4 GAS METAL ARC WELDING............................................................................. 21

4.1 Settings for Gas Metal Arc Welding .................................................................21

5 GOUGING ........................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Settings for gouging .......................................................................................... 23

6 FUNCTION EXPLANATIONS ............................................................................. 25

6.1 CA, constant amperage ..................................................................................... 25
6.2 CW, constant wire feed...................................................................................... 25
6.3 CC, constant current.......................................................................................... 25
6.4 Wire / electrode dimension ............................................................................... 25
6.5 Arc voltage.......................................................................................................... 25
6.6 Wire feed speed.................................................................................................. 25
6.7 Cold wire feed speed (ICE)................................................................................ 25
6.8 Cold wire start delay (ICE)................................................................................. 25
6.9 Travel speed ....................................................................................................... 26
6.10 Welding direction ............................................................................................... 26
6.11 AC frequency...................................................................................................... 26
6.12 AC balance.......................................................................................................... 26

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6.13 AC offset ............................................................................................................. 26

6.14 Flux pre-flow (SAW) ........................................................................................... 26
6.15 Gas pre-flow (GMAW) ........................................................................................ 26
6.16 Air pre-flow (Gouging) ....................................................................................... 26
6.17 Start type............................................................................................................. 26
6.18 Wire creep start .................................................................................................. 27
6.19 Start phases........................................................................................................ 27
6.20 Max Open Circuit Voltage (OCV).......................................................................27
6.21 Flux post-flow (SAW) ......................................................................................... 27
6.22 Gas post-flow (GMAW) ...................................................................................... 27
6.23 Air post-flow (Gouging) ..................................................................................... 27
6.24 Crater filling ........................................................................................................ 28
6.25 Burnback time .................................................................................................... 28
6.26 Stop phases........................................................................................................ 28
6.27 Dynamic regulation............................................................................................ 28
6.28 Control parameters ............................................................................................ 28
6.29 Setting limits....................................................................................................... 29
6.30 Measure limits .................................................................................................... 29

7 MEMORY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................. 30

7.1 Control panel working method .........................................................................30
7.2 Store .................................................................................................................... 31
7.3 Recall................................................................................................................... 32
7.4 Delete .................................................................................................................. 33
7.5 Copy .................................................................................................................... 34
7.6 Name ................................................................................................................... 36
7.7 Edit ...................................................................................................................... 37

8 CONFIGURATION MENU................................................................................... 39
8.1 Code lock ............................................................................................................ 39
8.1.1 Lock code status .............................................................................................. 39
8.1.2 Specify/edit lock code ...................................................................................... 40
8.2 General configuration........................................................................................ 40
8.2.1 Fast mode soft keys ......................................................................................... 41
8.2.2 Quality data log to file....................................................................................... 42
8.2.3 Soft key configuration....................................................................................... 42
8.2.4 Auto save mode ............................................................................................... 44
8.3 Machine configuration....................................................................................... 44
8.3.1 Product code .................................................................................................... 44
8.3.2 Wire feed axis .................................................................................................. 45
8.3.3 Cold wire axis (ICE) ......................................................................................... 45

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8.3.4 Travel axis ........................................................................................................ 46

8.3.5 Outer axis......................................................................................................... 46
8.3.6 Tandem for LAF and TAF power sources......................................................... 47
8.3.7 Tandem for Aristo 1000 power source ............................................................. 50
8.3.8 Parallel power sources (applies only to Aristo 1000 power sources)............... 51
8.3.9 Ice wire feed..................................................................................................... 52
8.3.10 Polarity (applies only to Aristo 1000 power source) ......................................... 53
8.3.11 Node id settings (applies only to Aristo 1000 power source) ........................... 54
8.3.12 System information (applies only to Aristo 1000 power source) ...................... 54
8.4 Cable lengths (applies only to LAF and TAF power sources) .......................54
8.5 Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 55
8.6 Measure–values filter factor.............................................................................. 55

9 TOOLS ................................................................................................................ 56
9.1 Event handling ................................................................................................... 56
9.1.1 Event log .......................................................................................................... 56
9.1.2 Active errors ..................................................................................................... 57
9.1.3 Unit IDs ............................................................................................................ 57
9.1.4 Description of fault management codes........................................................... 58
9.2 Export/Import...................................................................................................... 59
9.3 File manager ....................................................................................................... 60
9.3.1 Delete a file/folder ............................................................................................ 61
9.3.2 Rename a file/folder ......................................................................................... 61
9.3.3 Create new folder............................................................................................. 62
9.3.4 Copy and paste files......................................................................................... 62
9.4 Setting limit editor.............................................................................................. 63
9.5 Measure limits editor ......................................................................................... 63
9.6 Production statistics.......................................................................................... 65
9.7 Quality functions................................................................................................ 65
9.7.1 Store quality data ............................................................................................. 66
9.8 Calendar.............................................................................................................. 67
9.9 User accounts .................................................................................................... 67
9.10 Unit information ................................................................................................. 69

MENU STRUCTURE..................................................................................................70

WIRE DIMENSION.....................................................................................................75

ORDERING NUMBERS .............................................................................................76

Rights reserved to alter specifications without notice.

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To benefit as much as possible from your welding equipment, we recommend that you read
this instruction manual.
For general information about operation, see the instruction manual for the control unit,
automatic welding machine, column and boom or power source.
The text presented in the display is available in the following languages: English, Swedish,
Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese,
Hungarian, Polish, American, Czech, Chinese and Russian.

1.1 Control panel

1. Menu
2. Knob for moving cursor (positioning

4. Green indicating lamp, illuminates
when the function is active

5. Welding start

6. Welding stop
7. Knob for setting the travel speed in
the measurements menu, in other
menus to increase or decrease the
set values (setting knob)

8. Manual travel motion

9. Manual wire feed downwards

10. Knob for setting the arc voltage in the measurement menu, in other menus to increase
or decrease the set values (setting knob)

11. Fast motion

12. Manual travel motion

13. Knob for setting the welding current / wire feed speed in the measurements menu, in
other menus to increase or decrease the set values (settings knob)
14. Emergency stop

15. Manual wire feed upwards

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16. Soft keys

17. Display

1.1.1 Keys and knobs

The Menu key always takes you back to the main menu in the relevant process:

Use the ENTER key to confirm a selection.

Soft keys
The five keys (S1 - S5) under the display have different functions. They are called ”soft” keys,
i.e. they can have different functions depending on which menu you are in. The current
function for these keys can be seen from the text in the bottom row of the display. When the
function is active, this is indicated by the field with the text box turning white.

Wire feed upwards

Key for reversing the wire without arc voltage, when replacing wire bobbin for example. The
wire is fed as long as the button is depressed.

Wire feed downwards

Key for feeding wire without arc voltage. The wire is fed as long as the button is depressed.

Travel motion
Key for travel motion in the direction of welding where the symbol is indicated on the weld

equipment. To stop travel motion press , or .

The LED illuminates during travel motion.

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Travel motion
Key for travel motion in the direction of welding where the symbol is indicated on the weld

equipment. To stop travel motion press , or .

The LED illuminates during travel motion.

Welding start
Key for welding start.

Welding stop
Key for welding stop for all travel motions and all motors.
Positioning knob
The uppermost right-hand knob is called the positioning knob in the instruction manual and is
used to position the cursor.
Settings knob
The three knobs under the panel are called settings knobs in the instruction manual and are
used to change the set values in the panel.

1.2 First step

1.2.1 Choice of language
This menu appears when the machine is first started:

The control panel is set to English on delivery. To select your language, proceed as follows:

Press Menu to access the main menu.

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Position the cursor on the CONFIGURATION row, using the positioning knob.

Press ENTER to confirm the selection.

Position the cursor on the LANGUAGE row. Press ENTER to bring up a list of the languages
that are available in the control panel.

Position the cursor on the row for your language and press ENTER.

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1.2.2 Unit of measurements

The control panel is set to metric measurement on delivery. To select another mesurement,
proceed as follows:

Press Menu to access the main menu.

Position the cursor on the CONFIGURATION row, using the positioning knob.

Press ENTER to confirm the selection.

Position the cursor on the GENERAL CONFIGURATION row.

Press ENTER to confirm the selection.

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Position the cursor on the UNIT OF LENGTH row. Press ENTER to bring up a list of the
mesurements that are available in the control panel.

Position the cursor on the row for correct

mesurement and press ENTER.

1.3 Display

The control panel's cursor is presented as a black field around the text, with the selected text
turning white. The cursor is displayed in the instruction manual with bold text
Text boxes
At the bottom of the display are five boxes containing text that describes the current function
of the five soft keys below the display.

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1.3.1 Symbols in the display

A The selected weld data set
B Welding direction
C A fault has occurred, see
“Event handling”, page 56.
D Recalled memory position
E Scroll bar. Further information
can be found in this menu


Where there is more information behind a row, this is indicated with a black arrow behind
the text.

1.4 General information about settings

There are three types of setting:
• Setting of numerical values
• Setting of given alternatives
• Setting of ON/OFF mode

1.4.1 Setting of numerical values

The settings knobs are used to increase or decrease the set values when setting numerical
values. In the measurements menu, the knobs for welding current / wire feed speed, arc
voltage or travel motion are used.

1.4.2 Setting with given alternatives

Some settings are made by selecting an option from a list. This is an example of the list:

The cursor is positioned on the row for SAW. By pressing ENTER in this position, the SAW
option is selected. If you want to choose another option instead, position the cursor on the
correct row by scrolling up or down using the positioning knob. Then press ENTER. If you
want to exit the list without making a selection, press QUIT.

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1.5 QUIT and ENTER

The “soft” key farthest to the right is used primarily for QUIT, although it is occasionally used
for other functions.
• QUIT returns you to the previous menu or image.
• Pressing ENTER entails the execution of a selected choice in a menu or a list.

The key is called ENTER in this manual.

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The control panel uses several different menus:
• Main menu
• Configuration menu
• Tools menu
• Weld data setting menu

• Measurements menu

• Weld data memory menu

• Fast mode menu

The menu trees are displayed in the "MENU STRUCTURE" appendix to this manual. During
start-up, a start-up screen containing information about the current program version is
displayed briefly.

Start-up screen

2.1 Main Menu

In the MAIN MENU, you can change welding process, method, wire type, control method,
wire dimension etc.
You can access other sub menus from this menu.

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2.1.1 Configuration menu

Main menu → Configuration
In the CONFIGURATION menu it is possible to change language, change password, make
General configuration, make machine adjustments etc.The menu has different appearances
depending on which power source type is selected under Machine configuration.

2.1.2 Tools menu

Main menu → Tools
In the TOOLS menu you can transfer files, view quality and production statistics, event logs,

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2.1.3 Weld data setting menu

Main menu →
In the weld data setting menu, SET, it is possible to change different welding parameters.
The menu has different appearances depending on which welding process is selected.

Another example of the menu:

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2.1.4 Measurements menu

Main menu →
In MEASURE, you can view measured values for various welding parameters while welding
is in progress.

• A 450 AMP - Measured welding current

• 30.0 Volt - Measured arc voltage
• 50 cm/min - Measured travel speed

• 300 cm/min - Measured wire speed

• 30 kJ/cm - Indicates energy per unit length, which is obtained using the values selected
for welding current, arc voltage and travel speed
• 300 cm/min - Measured cold wire feed speed

The measured values remain in the display even after welding has been completed.

You can move to different menus without losing the measurement values.

The settings knobs can be used to change the welding parameters in the measurement

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If the set value is changed when welding is not in progress, the measurement value
changes to zero.

For activating cold wire feed, a soft key, ICE WF, is activated, see “Soft key configuration”,
page 42. When the key is depressed, the cold wire speed is changed using the left
settings knob A. If the soft key is not depressed, the settings knob affects the A current.

In the measurement display one can also see the set values if the soft key SET VALUES is
activated. If both soft keys, ICE WF and SET VALUES are activated, the set feed speed for
cold wire can be changed. For activating see “Soft key configuration”, page 42.

• 300 cm/min - Set wire feed speed

• 20.0 Volt - Set arc voltage
• 30 cm/min - Set travel speed

2.1.5 Weld data memory menu

Main menu →
In the WELD DATA MEMORY menu you can store, recall, delete and copy various set weld
data. The weld data sets can be stored in 255 different memory positions.

For further information, see “MEMORY MANAGEMENT”, page 30.

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2.1.6 Fast mode menu

Main menu →
In the FAST MODE menu, you can “link” soft keys to weld data memory positions. These
settings are carried out in the Configuration menu. The number of the selected memory
position is displayed in the top right corner.

For further information, see “Fast mode soft keys”, page 41.

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Main menu -> Process
During Submerged Arc Welding (SAW), an arc melts a continuously supplied wire. The weld
pool is protected by flux.
When the SAW process is selected, you can choose between two methods by marking
METHOD using the positioning knob and pressing ENTER. Choose between AC or DC.

When the SAW process is selected, you can choose between three control methods by
marking REGULATION TYPE using the positioning knob and pressing ENTER. Choose
between constant welding current CA or constant wire feed CW or constant current CC
(CC applies only to Aristo 1000), see explanations in “CA, constant amperage”, page 25,
“CW, constant wire feed”, page 25 and “CC, constant current”, page 25.
If Ice wire feed is selected, see “Ice wire feed”, page 52, only regulation type CW can be

3.1 Settings for submerged arc welding

Settings Setting range In steps of Value after
Arc voltage1) 14 - 50 V 0.1 V (1V) 30 V
Welding current1) (CA) 0 - 3200 A 1A 400 A
Wire feed speed1) (CW) 0 - 2500 cm/min 1 cm/min 300 cm/min
Constant current1) 3) (CC) 0 - 3200 A 1A 400 A
Cold wire feed speed1) (CW) 0 - 2500 cm/min 1 cm/min 300 cm/min
Cold wire start delay1) (CW) 0 - 99,0 s 0,1 s 2,5 s
Travel speed* 0 - 200 cm/min 1 cm/min 50 cm/min
Welding direction ▲-■ - ■
AC frequency 10 - 100 Hz 1 50 Hz
AC balance 25 - 75% 1 50%
AC offset -300 - +300 A/-10 - +10V 1 A / 0.1 V 0
Start data2)
Flux pre-flow 0 - 99.0 s 0.1 s 0s
Start type Direct or Scrape - Direct
Wire creep start Auto or Set speed - Auto
Wire creep start speed 0 - 1000 cm/min 1 cm/min 20 cm/min

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Settings Setting range In steps of Value after

Start phases OFF or ON - OFF
Open-circuit voltage OFF or ON - OFF
Maximum open-circuit voltage 5 - 60 V 0.1 V 50 V
Stop data 2)

Flux post-flow 0 - 99.0 s 0.1 s 0s

Crater filling OFF or ON - OFF
Crater filling time 0 - 10 s 0.01 s 1s
Burnback time 0 - 10 s 0.01 s 1s
Stop phases OFF or ON - OFF
Control parameters
Dynamics Auto or Set values - Auto
Inductance Auto or Set values - Auto
Setting limits - - -
Measure limits - - -
1) The setting range is dependent on the product used.
2) The menu shows the settings that belong to the selected regulation type.
3) Applies only to Aristo 1000 power sources

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The process is available for certain machine types.
Main menu → Process
During Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), an arc melts a continuously supplied wire. The weld
pool is protected by shielding gas.
When the Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) process is selected, you can choose between two
control methods by marking REGULATION TYPE using the positioning knob and pressing
ENTER. Choose between constant amperage CA or constant wire feed CW, see explanation
in “CA, constant amperage”, page 25 and “CW, constant wire feed”, page 25.

4.1 Settings for Gas Metal Arc Welding

Settings Setting range In steps of Value after
Arc voltage* 14 - 50 V 0.1 V (1V) 30 V
Welding current* (CA) 0 - 3200 A 1A 400 A
Wire feed speed* (CW) 0 - 2500 cm/min 1 cm/min 300 cm/min
Travel speed* 0 - 200 cm/min 1 cm/min 50 cm/min
Welding direction ▲-■ - ■
Start data
Gas pre-flow 0 - 99.0 s 0.1 s 2.0 s
Start type Direct or Scrape - Direct
Wire creep start Auto or Set speed - Auto
Wire creep start speed 0 - 1000 cm/min 1 cm/min 20 cm/min
Start phases OFF or ON - OFF
Open-circuit voltage OFF or ON - OFF
Maximum open-circuit voltage 5 - 60 V 0.1 V 50 V
Stop data
Gas post-flow 0 - 99.0 s 0.1 s 2.0 s
Crater filling OFF or ON - OFF
Crater filling time 0 - 10 s 0.01 s 1s
Burnback time 0 - 10 s 0.01 s 1s
Stop phases OFF or ON - OFF
Dynamic regulation Auto or Set value - Auto

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Settings Setting range In steps of Value after

Setting limits - - -
Measure limits - - -
*) The setting range is dependent on the product used.

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The process is available for certain machine types.
Main menu → Process
With arc air gouging, a special electrode comprising a carbon rod with a copper casing is
An arc is formed between the carbon rod and the work piece, which melts the material. Air is
supplied so that the melted material is blown away.
When the GOUGING process is selected, you can choose between two control methods by
marking REGULATION TYPE using the positioning knob and pressing ENTER. Choose
between constant amperage CA or constant wire feed CW, see explanation in “CA, constant
amperage”, page 25 and “CW, constant wire feed”, page 25.

5.1 Settings for gouging

Settings Setting range In steps of Value after
Arc voltage* 14 - 50 V 0.1 V (1V) 30 V
Welding current* (CA) 0 - 3200 A 1A 400 A
Wire feed speed* (CW) 0 - 2500 cm/min 1 cm/min 300 cm/min
Travel speed* 0 - 200 cm/min 1 cm/min 40 cm/min
Welding direction ▲-■ - ■
Start data
Air pre-flow 0 - 99.0 s 0.1 s 0s
Start type Direct or Scrape - Direct
Wire creep start Auto or Set speed - Auto
Wire creep start speed 0 - 1000 cm/min 1 cm/min 20 cm/min
Start phases OFF or ON - OFF
Open-circuit voltage OFF or ON - OFF
Maximum open-circuit voltage 5 - 60 V 0.1 V 50 V
Stop data
Air post-flow 0 - 99.0 s 0.1 s 0s
Crater filling OFF or ON - OFF
Crater filling time 0 - 10 s 0.01 s 1s
Burnback time 0 - 10 s 0.01 s 1s

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Settings Setting range In steps of Value after

Stop phases OFF or ON - OFF
Dynamic regulation Auto or Set value - Auto
Setting limits - - -
Measure limits - - -
*) The setting range is dependent on the product used.

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6.1 CA, constant amperage
The wire feed is controlled by the power source so that a constant amperage can be
• Constant current value can be selected in the main menu.

6.2 CW, constant wire feed

The welding current is a result of the selected wire feed speed.
• Constant wire feed can be selected in the main menu.

6.3 CC, constant current

(applies only to Aristo 1000 power source)
The voltage is varied so that a constant welding current can be achieved.
• Constant current value can be selected in the main menu.
A higher wire speed gives a higher welding current.

6.4 Wire / electrode dimension

The table on page 68 shows the wire / electrode dimensions that can be selected.
Selected dimensions have a great impact on the start procedure and crater filling. When
welding with other wire dimensions other than those found in the table, select one that has a
dimension close to one in the list.
• Wire / electrode dimension can be selected in the main menu.

6.5 Arc voltage

Higher arc voltage increases the arc length and produces a hotter, wider weld pool.
• The arc voltage is set in the measurement display, weld data setting menu, or fast mode

6.6 Wire feed speed

This sets the required feed speed of the filler wire in cm/minute. A higher wire speed gives a
higher welding current.
• The wire feed speed is set in the measurement display, weld data setting menu, or fast
mode menu.

6.7 Cold wire feed speed (ICE)

Cold wire feed speed is used to set a feed speed (cm/min) for the cold wire.
• The cold wire feed speed is set in the measurement display, weld data setting menu, or
fast mode menu.

6.8 Cold wire start delay (ICE)

Cold wire start delay is used to indicate how long (s) after welding start cold wire feed can
• Cold wire start delay is set in the weld data setting menu.

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6.9 Travel speed

Travel speed indicates the required speed (cm/min) at which a column and boom or trolley is
to move.
• The travel speed is set in the measurement display, weld data setting menu, or fast mode

6.10 Welding direction

Travel motion in the direction that the symbol indicates.
• Welding direction is selected in the weld data setting menu.

6.11 AC frequency
(applies only to Aristo 1000 power source)
AC frequency refers to the number of oscillations per second through the zero level.
• AC frequency is selected in the weld data setting menu.

6.12 AC balance
(applies only to Aristo 1000 power source)
AC balance is the relationship between positive (+) and negative (-) pulses. The value that is
set indicates the percentage size of the period that is the positive section.
• AC balance is selected in the weld data setting menu.

6.13 AC offset
(applies only to Aristo 1000 power source)
With AC offset the AC level is offset positively or negatively in relation to the zero level.
• AC offset is selected in the weld data setting menu.

6.14 Flux pre-flow (SAW)

This controls the time during which flux flows before the arc is struck.
• Flux pre-flow is set in the weld data setting menu under start data.

6.15 Gas pre-flow (GMAW)

This controls the time during which shielding gas flows before the arc is struck.
• Gas pre-flow is set in the weld data setting menu under start data.

6.16 Air pre-flow (Gouging)

This controls the time during which air flows before the arc is struck.
• Air pre-flow is set in the weld data setting menu under start data.

6.17 Start type

There are two options for start type:
• Direct start, means that the travel speed starts when the arc is struck.
• Scrape start, means that the travel speed starts at the same time as wire feed.
• Start type is selected in the weld data setting menu under start data.

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6.18 Wire creep start

Wire creep start is used to set the desired creep speed on the electrode motor upon start-up.
If, for example, 50 is set in the menu a creep speed of 50 cm/min is obtained.
Preset value ”AUTO” gives a creep speed calculated from the set values.
• Wire creep speed is set in the weld data setting menu under start data.

6.19 Start phases

When welding special wire or material, it may be necessary to create your own start
sequence. The start sequence can affect the appearance of the weld pool.
The following can be set for Start phase1 The following can be set for Start phase2
• Time s • Time s
Time for welding in phase 1. Time for welding in phase 2.
• Arc voltage % • Arc voltage %
In percent of set voltage In percent of set voltage
• Wire feed % • Wire feed %
In percent of set wire feed In percent of set wire feed
• Welding current % • Welding current %
In percent of set welding current In percent of set welding current
• Travel speed % • Travel speed %
In percent of set travel speed In percent of set travel speed
• Start phases are set in the weld data setting menu under start data.

6.20 Max Open Circuit Voltage (OCV)

ON means that OCV can be set.
OFF means that OCV is set to the set value for welding voltage.
• OCV is set in the weld data setting menu under start data.

6.21 Flux post-flow (SAW)

This controls the time during which flux flows after the arc is extinguished.
• Flux post-flow is set in the weld data setting menu under stop data.

6.22 Gas post-flow (GMAW)

This controls the time during which shielding gas flows after the arc is extinguished.
• Gas post-flow is set in the weld data setting menu under stop data.

6.23 Air post-flow (Gouging)

This controls the time during which air flows after the arc is extinguished.
• Air post-flow is set in the weld data setting menu under stop data.

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6.24 Crater filling

Crater filling makes a controlled reduction in the heat and size of the weld pool possible
when completing the weld. This makes it easier to avoid pores, thermal cracking and crater
formation in the weld joint.
• Crate filling is set in the weld data setting menu under stop data.

6.25 Burnback time

Burnback time is a delay between the time when the wire starts to brake until the time when
the power source switches off the arc voltage. Too short burnback time results in a long wire
stickout after completion of welding, with a risk of the wire being caught in the solidifying weld
pool. Too long a burnback time results in a shorter stickout, with increased risk of the arc
striking back to the contact tip.
• Burnback time is set in the weld data setting menu under stop data.

6.26 Stop phases

Stop phases are mainly used for setting crater filling.
The following can be set for Stop phase1 The following can be set for Stop phase2
• Time s • Time s
Time for welding in phase 1. Time for welding in phase 2.
• Arc voltage % • Arc voltage %
In percent of set voltage In percent of set voltage
• Wire feed % • Wire feed %
In percent of set wire feed In percent of set wire feed
• Welding current % • Welding current %
In percent of set welding current In percent of set welding current
• Travel speed % • Travel speed %
In percent of set travel speed In percent of set travel speed
• Stop phases are set in the weld data setting menu under stop data.

6.27 Dynamic regulation

The dynamic regulation function is developed for multiple electrode welding and alters the
characteristics of the power source. The characteristics of the power source are calculated
from the set wire data.
• Dynamic regulation is selected in the weld data setting menu.

6.28 Control parameters

In some applications the function Control parameters is displayed instead of Dynamic
control. There are two settings to make under Control parameters:
• Dynamics - Affects the dynamic characteristics
• Inductance - Higher values give a wider weld pool and less spatter. Lower values produce
a stable, concentrated arc and a harsher sound.
• Control parameters are selected in the weld data setting menu.

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6.29 Setting limits

For information about setting limits see “Setting limit editor”, page 63.

6.30 Measure limits

For information about measurement parameters see “Measure limits editor”, page 63.

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7.1 Control panel working method
The control panel can be said to comprise two units: working memory and weld data
Store Welding data memory
Working Memory Recall

In the working memory, a complete set of weld data settings is created that can be stored in
the weld data memory.
During welding, it is always the content of the working memory that controls the process. It is
therefore also possible to recall a weld data set from the weld data memory to the working
Note that the working memory always contains the most recently set weld data settings.
They can be recalled from the weld data memory or individually altered settings. In other
words, the working memory is never empty or “zeroed”.
Main menu → MEMORY → Weld data memory

It is possible to store up to 255 sets of weld data in the control panel. Each set is given a
number from 1 to 255.
You can also delete, copy, change and name data sets and recall a set of weld data to the
working memory.

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7.2 Store
If the weld data memory is empty, the following screen appears in the display.
Storing a set of weld data. This will be given memory position 5. Press STORE.
Position 1 is displayed. Turn one of the settings knobs until you reach position 5. Press

The following screen appears in the display.

The weld data set is now stored as number 5.

Parts of the content of weld data set number 5 are presented at the bottom of the display.

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If a data set is already stored in the selected location, you will be asked if you want to
overwrite that set or not, YES or NO.

Return to the memory menu using NO.

7.3 Recall
We are going to recall a stored data set:
Mark the row using the positioning knob. Press RECALL.

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Press YES to confirm that you want to recall data set number 5.

The icon in upper right corner of the measurement display shows which memory position
number has been recalled.

7.4 Delete
It is possible to delete one or more data sets in the memory menu.
Deleting a data set. Select the data set. Press DELETE.

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Press YES to confirm that you want to delete.

7.5 Copy
To copy the content of a weld data set to a new memory position, proceed as follows:
Press 2ND FUNCT.

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Select the memory position you want to copy and press COPY.

We are now going to copy the content of memory position 5 to position 50.
Select memory position 1 and scroll through using one of the settings knobs to the selected
memory position; in this case, position 50.Press YES.

Weld data number 5 has now been copied to memory position 50.

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7.6 Name
To give a stored weld data set its own name, proceed as follows:
Press 2ND FUNCT. Select the memory position you want to rename and press RENAME.

Here you have access to a keyboard that is used as follows:

• Position the cursor on the desired keyboard character using the arrows and the
positioning knob. Press DONE. Enter a complete text string with a maximum of 40
characters in this way.
• Press DONE to store. The alternative you have named can now be seen in the list.

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7.7 Edit
To edit the content of a weld data set, proceed as follows:
Press 2ND FUNCT. Select the memory position you want to edit and then press EDIT.

Part of the main menu is displayed and the menu shows the symbol which means that
you are in an editing mode.
Press SET and make the relevant changes. 7

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The following menu appears:

In this example we change the welding current from 400 A to 500 A.
Select the welding current and scroll through to 500 using one of the settings knobs.
Press QUIT twice.

The setting for weld data number 5 has now been edited and stored.

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Main menu → Configuration menu
This menu contains the following sub-menus:
• Language, see “Choice of language”, page 7.
• Code lock, see “Code lock”, page 39.
• General configuration, see “General configuration”, page 40.
• Machine configuration, see “Machine configuration”, page 44.
• Cable lengths, see “Cable lengths (applies only to LAF and TAF power sources)”, page
• Maintenance, see “Maintenance”, page 55.
• Measure–values filter factor, see “Measure–values filter factor”, page 55.

8.1 Code lock

Main menu → Configuration menu → Code lock
When the lock function is activated and you are in the measure screen or fast mode menu, a
password (lock code) is required to exit from these menus.

Code lock is activated in the configuration menu.

8.1.1 Lock code status

In lock code status, you can activate/deactivate the lock function without deleting the existing
lock code in the event you deactivate the function. If no lock code is stored and you try to
activate the code lock, the keyboard is displayed for entering a new lock code.

To exit lock status.

When you are in the measure screen or the fast mode menu and the code lock is
deactivated, you can exit these menus without restrictions by press QUIT or MENU in order
to go to the main menu.

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If it is activated and you try to exit, the following screen appears in order to warn the user
about the lock protection.

Here you can select QUIT to undo and return to the previous menu, or proceed by pressing
ENTER to enter the lock code.
You will then move to the menu with the keyboard, where you can enter the code. Press
ENTER after each character, and confirm the code by pressing ENTER again.
The following text box appears:

If the code is not correct, an error message is displayed that offers the option of trying again
or returning to the original menu, i.e. the measure screen or the fast mode menu.
If the code is correct, all blocks to other menus will be removed, although the code lock
remains activated. This means that you can leave the measure screen and the fast mode
menu temporarily, yet still retain the lock status when you return to these menus.

8.1.2 Specify/edit lock code

In specify/edit lock code, you can edit an existing lock code or enter a new one. A lock code
can comprise a maximum of 16 optional letters or figures.

8.2 General configuration

Main menu → Configuration menu → General configuration
In this menu you can set:
• Fast mode soft keys, see “Fast mode soft keys”, page 41
• Quality data log to file, see “Quality data log to file”, page 42
• Setting soft keys, see “Soft key configuration”, page 42
• Automatic weld data storage, see “Auto save mode”, page 44
• Unit of length, see “Unit of measurements”, page 9

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8.2.1 Fast mode soft keys

The soft keys WELD DATA 1 up to and including WELD DATA 4 are displayed in the fast
mode menu.

These are configured as follows:

Position the cursor on the row for SOFT KEY NUMBER.

The keys are numbered 1-4 from left to right. Select the desired key by giving its number
using the setting knobs.
Then scroll to the next row, ASSOCIATED WELD DATA. Here you can browse through the
weld data sets that are stored in the weld data memory. Selected the desired weld data
number using the setting knobs. Press STORE to save. To delete the stored set, press

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8.2.2 Quality data log to file

In the QUALITY DATA LOG TO FILE menu it is possible to activate it with ON.

Read more about settings for the quality function in “Quality functions”, page 65.

8.2.3 Soft key configuration

We have previously described the control panel's “soft” keys. For Submerged Arc Welding
(SAW) and for Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) welding, the user has the possibility of
setting the function of these keys by selecting from a list of set options. There are eight soft
keys that can be allocated a function.
It is possible to choose between the following options:
• None
• Gas / Flux
• Set values
Set reference values are displayed instead of the measured values in the measurements
• Relay 2
Sets relay output no.2 on the motor circuit board, which can be used for any function by
the customer.
• Direction
• Remote I/O
Used when you want to control PEK and a welding power source via an external I/O unit.
• External axis
To be activated when there is an external I/O unit for controlling a roller bed, for example.
• Tandem
Used when welding with two welding heads.
• Cold wire (ICE)
Used when a non-live wire is fed into the weld pool and the cold wire speed is to be
shown in the display.

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In the display screen there are two columns; one for SOFT KEYS and one for FUNCTION.

When you allocate functions to these keys, they are numbered from the left as follows:

To allocate a new function to a soft key, proceed as follows:

Position the cursor on the row with the soft key number you wish to use and press ENTER.
A pop-up menu shows the function selections. Select using the positioning knob and press

You can allocate new functions to the other keys in the same way, by pairing a key number in
the left-hand column with a function in the right-hand column.

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8.2.4 Auto save mode

When a weld data set has been recalled from a memory position in the weld data memory
and you change the settings, the changes will be saved in the working memory at welding
stop in the last recalled memory position.
Saving weld data manually in a memory position disables the next automatic save.
The memory position in which the weld data set is stored is displayed in the top right corner
of the measure screen.

8.3 Machine configuration

Main menu → Configuration menu → Machine configuration
In this menu you can set:
• Product code, see “Product code”, page 44
• Wire feed axis, see “Wire feed axis”, page 45
• Cold wire feed axis, see “Cold wire axis (ICE)”, page 45
• Travel axis, see “Travel axis”, page 46
• Outer axis, see “Outer axis”, page 46
• Tandem, see “Tandem for LAF and TAF power sources”, page 47 and “Tandem for
Aristo 1000 power source”, page 50
• Parallel power sources, see “Parallel power sources (applies only to Aristo 1000 power
sources)”, page 51
• Ice wire feed, see “Ice wire feed”, page 52
• Polarity, see “Polarity (applies only to Aristo 1000 power source)”, page 53
• Node ID settings, see “Node id settings (applies only to Aristo 1000 power source)”,
page 54
• System information, see “System information (applies only to Aristo 1000 power source)”,
page 54

8.3.1 Product code

In the PRODUCT CODE menu it is possible to select the automatic welding machine,
column and boom, roller bed or positioner to be used.

When selecting product code, the correct motor type and gear ratio for the used gearbox in
the relevant product are selected automatically.

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The following options can be selected:

• A2TFJ1
A2 tractor automatic welding machine for Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)
• A2TGJ1
A2 tractor automatic welding machine for Gas-Shielded Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)
• A6TFF1
A6 tractor automatic welding machine for Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)
• MTW600
A6 tractor automatic welding machine for Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)
Optional configuration for connecting 2 motors to the actuator board. One for wire feed
and one for travel motion.
Optional configuration for connecting external roller beds, positioners or linear axis as
well as for 2 motors to the actuator board. One for wire feed and one for travel motion.

8.3.2 Wire feed axis

The wire feed motor is set automatically according to the tables below.
Motor 5035 38 RPM 5035 68 RPM VEC4000 FHP258
Gear 1 49:1 49:1 156:1 24:1
Gear 2 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1
Diameter feed rollers 49 mm 49 mm 49 mm 30 mm
Pulse sensor 28 ppr 28 ppr 32 ppr 28 ppr
Low manual speed 150 cm/min 150 cm/min 150 cm/min 150 cm/min
High manual speed 300 cm/min 300 cm/min 300 cm/min 300 cm/min


Motor VEC 4000 VEC 4000
Gear 1 156:1 156:1
Gear 2 1:1 1:1
Diameter feed rollers 49 mm 49 mm
Pulse sensor 32 ppr 32 ppr
Low manual speed 150 cm/min 150 cm/min
High manual speed 300 cm/min 300 cm/min

8.3.3 Cold wire axis (ICE)

Motor VEC 4000 VEC 4000
Gear 1 156:1 156:1
Gear 2 1:1 1:1
Diameter feed rollers 49 mm 49 mm
Pulse sensor 32 ppr 32 ppr

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Low manual speed 150 cm/min 150 cm/min
High manual speed 300 cm/min 300 cm/min

8.3.4 Travel axis

The travel motor is set automatically according to the tables below.
Motor 4030-350 4030-350 FHP258 FHP258
Gear 1 375:10 375:10 24:1 75:2
Gear 2 51:1 51:1 51:1 51:1
Wheel diameter 158 mm 158 mm 180 mm 158 mm
Pulse sensor 60 ppr 60 ppr 28 ppr 60 ppr
High manual speed 200 cm/min 200 cm/min 200 cm/min 200 cm/min


Motor VEC 4000 VEC 4000
Gear 1 312:1 312:1
Gear 2 1:1 1:1
Wheel diameter 65 mm 65 mm
Pulse sensor 32 ppr 32 ppr
High manual speed 200 cm/min 200 cm/min

8.3.5 Outer axis

When connecting an external roller bed, positioner or linear axis, FREE 3 AXIS must be
When FREE 3 AXIS is selected, the motor is automatically set according to the tables below.
Roller bed Linear Positioner
Gear 1 560:1 560:1 560:1
Gear 2 111:22 111:22 111:22
Gear 3 1:1 1:1 1:1
Wheel diameter 160 mm 160 mm 160 mm
Pulse sensor 30 ppr 30 ppr 30 ppr
High manual speed 200 cm/min 200 cm/min 200 cm/min
Frequency ratio 85:50 85:50 85:50
Motor 2000 rpm 2000 rpm 2000 rpm
Weld diameter 1000 mm - 1000 mm
Roller diameter 1000 mm - -

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8.3.6 Tandem for LAF and TAF power sources

Used when welding with two welding heads.
Position the cursor on the TANDEM row and press ENTER. Select ON, using the positioning
knob and press ENTER.

In order to weld with two welding heads, the WELD HEAD OFFSET function must be set.
WELD HEAD OFFSET is the distance in millimetres between the welding heads.
When you specify the distance between welding head 1 HEAD and welding head 2 TAIL, the
value is recalculated by the control unit to a time between when welding head 1 starts and
welding head 2 is to start.
The time that the control unit can calculate for the distance between the starting and stopping
of the welding power sources is a maximum of 65 seconds. This means that if, for example,
50 cm/min is specified, 2000 mm can be entered as the maximum WELD HEAD OFFSET.
This is so that time does not expire before welding head 2 reaches the start point.


NOTE!Ensure that both control units have the same settings for WELD HEAD OFFSET and
specify the same travel speed. The ”Master” control unit must be allocated HEAD and the
”Slave” control unit TAIL. Travel motion is always controlled from ”Master”.

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Specify the values to weld with two welding heads as follows:

Position the cursor on the WELDING HEAD row. Select whether the setting is to apply to
”master” control unit HEAD or ”slave” control unit TAIL.

• Position the cursor on the WELD HEAD OFFSET row and specify the distance between
the two welding heads.
Example, I/O ON
Welding head 2 (slave) Welding head 1 (master)


Press Start, for welding head 1.
• Welding head 1 starts to weld.
• Welding head 2 only starts welding when the start position for welding head 1 has been
reached (the distance given in WELD HEAD OFFSET.

Press Stop, for welding head 1.
• Welding head 1 stops welding but continues travelling.
• Welding head 2 stops welding once it reaches the point where equipment1 stopped
welding (the distance given in WELD HEAD OFFSET.
• Welding is complete.

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Example, I/O OFF

Welding head 2 (slave) Welding head 1 (master)


Press Start, for welding head 1 and welding head 2 at the same time.
• Welding head 1 starts to weld.
• Welding head 2 starts to weld first when the start position for welding head 1 has been
reached (the distance given WELD HEAD OFFSET).

Press stop, for welding head 1 and welding head 2 at the same time.
• Welding head 1 stops welding but travel motion continues.
• Welding head 2 stops welding when it has reached the point where equipment1 stopped
welding (the distance that is given in WELD HEAD OFFSET).
• Welding is complete.

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8.3.7 Tandem for Aristo 1000 power source

Used when welding with two or more welding heads. The welding heads are each controlled
by their own control unit (PEK).
Position the cursor on the TANDEM row and press ENTER. Select ON using the positioning
knob and press ENTER.
The front welding head is selected.

The rear welding head is selected.

Select whether the welding head is to be the front (HEAD) or rear (TAIL).

One power source in a tandem system has to be set as AC synchronization master if
synchronized AC welding is used. Preferably the first AC welding power source is set as
AC synchronization master.

Select whether the welding head is control the travel. Both the front and rear welding heads
can control the travel, but only one at a time.


If ON is selected it means that one only need start the control unit for the front welding head.
The rear one is started automatically. If OFF is selected all the welding heads must be
started using the relevant control unit.

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Synchronized AC welding means that the frequency and balance, the AC pulses, are
synchronized to the same values for all welding heads in the tandem system.
WELD HEAD OFFSET is the distance in millimetres between the welding heads. The weld
head offset should always be set, whether a synchronised welding start is selected or not. If
a non-synchronised welding start is selected, the offset is used to calculate a time delay for
the welding start on the TAIL welding head.


PHASE SHIFT (applies only to AC welding)

Phase shift means a phase offset in relation to the front welding head. The unit is degrees.

8.3.8 Parallel power sources (applies only to Aristo 1000 power sources)
To be able to setup two power sources in parallel, only the two power sources that are to be
connected should have power on and be active on the CAN2 bus.

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Perform settings for parallel power sources as follows:

1. Set the PARALLEL POWERSOURCES function to ON.
2. Set Parallel couple ID. The first parallel couple is set to 1, the next parallel couple is set
to 2 etc.
3. Select menu line Connect with slave and press Enter.
A message "Connect" appears.
4. Press Enter again.

When the Master and Slave power sources are connected, the text "Connected" is

8.3.9 Ice wire feed

The option ICE WIRE FEED (ON) can be selected in the machine configuration menu. If ice
wire feed is selected, the option ICE WIRE FEED AXIS appears.

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The ice wire feed axis settings must be identical to the wire feed axis.

• Motor is selected from a dropdown list with the following options:

• GEAR 1 must be set to ON. The value cannot be OFF.

• GEAR 2 must normally be set to ON, but OFF can be selected.
• The values N1 and N2 under Gear 1 and 2 are set with one of the three settings knobs at
the bottom of the panel. The interval for N1 and N2 depend on selected motor.
• The diameter of the feed rollers (FEED ROLLER DIAM) is selected with any settings
knob. The interval depends on selected motor.
• The encoder for pulses (ENCODER-PULSES) is selected with any settings knob. The
interval is between 1 - 9998 ppr (ppr = pulses per revolution).
• LOW MANUAL SPEED is selected with any of the settings knobs. The interval is 1 - 1000
• HIGH MANUAL SPEED is selected with any of the settings knobs. The interval is 1 -
5000 cm/min.

8.3.10 Polarity (applies only to Aristo 1000 power source)

In the POLARITY menu you can set the welding polarity.
• To weld with positive polarity on the welding wire and negative polarity on the work
piece, select "positive" polarity.
• To weld with negative polarity on the welding wire and positive polarity on the work
piece, select "negative" polarity.

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8.3.11 Node id settings (applies only to Aristo 1000 power source)

If there are I/O nodes in the system the ID numbers are given here.

8.3.12 System information (applies only to Aristo 1000 power source)

The SYSTEM INFORMATION menu shows active power sources connected via the
CAN2 bus, if the power sources are in tandem or parallel mode and if they are configured as
Master or Slave.

8.4 Cable lengths (applies only to LAF and TAF power sources)
The arc voltage is affected by the impedance in the welding cables. The impedance is
affected by the length and area of the cables as well as by how they are routed. This is
especially prominent during AC welding.
Compensation for the voltage drop with long cables is maintained if the actual cable length is
The total cable length (weld cable and connector together) must be fed in.
Note! When using two cables, the areas must be combined for both cables.
This function is active during the start process before the power source has received a
measurement value that it can regulate at.
If ”Max OCV” has been selected this function is inactive.

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8.5 Maintenance
Main menu → Configuration menu → Maintenance
In this menu you set how often the contact tip is to be changed. Specify the number of weld
starts after which the tip is to be changed by selecting the CONTACT TIP CHANGE
INTERVAL row and pressing ENTER. Change the value using the setting knobs. When the
interval has been passed, fault code 54 is displayed in the error log.
When TOTAL RUNNING TIME LIMIT is selected instead of the number of starts, an
authorised ESAB service technician is contacted.

8.6 Measure–values filter factor

Main menu → Configuration menu → Measure–values filter factor
This menu provides a filter factor for the measurement values of the welding current. The
higher filter factor value you choose, the more stable welding current measurement value
you will get. You can choose between filter factors 1, 2 and 4.
Position the cursor on the MEASURE–VALUES FILTER FACTOR row and press ENTER. A
pop-up menu shows filter factors ONE, TWO and FOUR. Select the preferred filter factor
using the positioning knob and press ENTER.

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Main menu → Tools
This menu contains the following sub-menus:
• Event handling, see “Event handling”, page 56.
• Export/Import, see “Export/Import”, page 59.
• File manager, see “File manager”, page 60.
• Edit setting limits, see “Setting limit editor”, page 63.
• Edit measure limits, see “Measure limits editor”, page 63.
• Production statistics, see “Production statistics”, page 65.
• Quality functions, see “Quality functions”, page 65.
• Calendar, see “Calendar”, page 67.
• User accounts, see “User accounts”, page 67.
• Unit information, see “Unit information”, page 69.

9.1 Event handling

Main menu → Tools → Event handling
Fault management codes are used to indicate that a fault has occurred in the welding
process. Indicated in the display via a pop-up menu and an exclamation mark appears in
the upper right-hand corner of the display.

Note! disappears from the display as soon as you enter the event log menu.
The Event handling menu has got two sub-menus, Event log (see “Event log”, page 56)
and Active errors (see “Active errors”, page 57).

9.1.1 Event log

Main menu → Tools → Event handling → Event log
All errors that arise during the use of the welding equipment are documented as error
messages in the error log. Up to 99 error messages can be saved. If the error log becomes
full, i.e. if 99 error messages have been saved, the oldest message is automatically deleted
when the next fault occurs.

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The following information can be read in the error log:

• The error number of the error
• The day on which the error occurred
• The time at which the error occurred
• The unit in which the error has occurred (see “Unit IDs”, page 57)
• The error's error management code (see “Description of fault management codes”,
page 58)

9.1.2 Active errors

Main menu → Tools → Event handling → Active errors
The Active errors menu shows only the errors active for the moment.

9.1.3 Unit IDs

Explanation of unit IDs for LAF and TAF power source:
2 = Power source
6 = Wire feed and travel motion (motor board)
8 = Control panel
Note! The unit IDs specified above apply to LAF and TAF power sources, and constitutes an
example of unit IDs for Aristo 1000, as the nodes in an Aristo 1000 application may have
different ID numbers depending on the configuration of the equipment.

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9.1.4 Description of fault management codes

The fault management codes that users can correct themselves are given below. If another
code appears, restart the machine and if the error persists, contact a service technician.
Error code Description
LAF, TAF Aristo 1000
6 4201, 4202, High temperature
The power source has overheated and cancels welding. Welding
is permitted again when the temperature falls below the
maximum temperature parameter.
Action: Check that the cooling air inlets or outlets are not
blocked or clogged with dirt. Check the duty cycle being used, to
make sure that the equipment is not being overloaded. If the
error persists, send for a service technician.
7 Low welding current
The weld arc has been shut down due to too low welding current
during the welding process.
Action: Is reset at next weld start. If the error persists, send for a
service technician.
8 Low battery voltage
Battery voltage too low. If the battery is not replaced, all stored
data will be lost. This error does not disable any functions.
Action: Send for a service technician to replace the battery.
11 8411 Speed error on a motor, (wire feed, travel motor)
sub-code 0
A motor cannot maintain its speed. Welding stops.
Action: Check that the wire feed has not jammed or runs too
fast. If the error persists, send for a service technician.
12 Internal communication error (warning)
The load on the system's CAN-bus is temporarily too high. The
power source may have lost contact with the control unit.
Action: Check that all the equipment is correctly connected. If
the error persists, send for a service technician.
14 Communication error
The system's CAN-bus has temporarily stopped working due to
the load being too high. The current welding process stops.
Action: Check that all the equipment is correctly connected. Turn
off the mains power supply to reset the unit. If the error persists,
send for a service technician.
17 8117 Lost contact with the unit
Lost contact with a unit.
Action: Check wiring and the connector between the control unit
and power source. If the error persists, send for a service

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Error code Description

LAF, TAF Aristo 1000
32 No gas flow
Start prevented.
Action: Check the gas valve, hoses and connectors.
43 High welding current
Power source have switched off the welding process because the
current has exceeded the maximum current parameter for the
power source.
Action: Is reset at next weld start. If the error persists, send for a
service technician.
44 Start pause welding current
The welding process has stopped because it has not advanced
within 10 seconds.
Action: Is reset at next weld start. If the error persists, send for a
service technician.
168, 169 8411 A motor has stopped.
sub-code 1 There are no pulses from the motor pulse transducer.
For LAF and TAF: 168 = Motor M1 (Wire feeder motor),
169 = Motor M2 (Travel motor)
Action: Check the motor cables. Replace the pulse transducer.
2310 Current servo saturation
The power source has temporarily delivered maximum current.
Action: If the error persists, try lowering the weld data.
3205 High DC voltage
Action: Check if the main voltage is too low or too high.
5010 High inductance
Inductance is too high, depending on long welding cables and/or
high weld data.
Action: Try adjusting the weld data.

9.2 Export/Import
Main menu → Tools → Export / Import
In the Export/Import menu, it is possible to transfer information to and from the control panel
via a USB memory.
The following information can be transferred:
• Weld data sets Export / Import
• System setting Export / Import
• Setting limits Export / Import
• Measure limits Export / Import
• Error log Export

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• Quality function log Export

• Production statistics Export
Carry out the following to save on a USB memory:
Insert the USB memory into the control unit.
Select the row with the information that is to be transferred. Press EXPORT or IMPORT,
depending on whether the information is to be exported or imported.

9.3 File manager

Main menu → Tools → File manager
In the file manager it is possible to manage information on a USB memory (C:\). File
manager makes it possible to delete and copy weld data and quality data manually.
When the USB memory is connected, the display shows the memory's default folder if one is
not previously selected.
The control panel remembers where you were the last time you used file manager, so that
you return to the same place in the file structure when you come back.

• In order to ascertain how much storage space remains for the memory, use the INFO
• Update the information by pressing UPDATE.
• When you want to delete, change name, create new folder, copy or paste, press ALT. A
list then appears from which you can choose. If (..) or a folder is selected, you can only
create a new folder or paste in a file that you have previously copied. If you have selected
a file, the options RENAME, COPY or PASTE will be added if you have previously copied
a file.

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Select a folder or file and press ALT.

This list is displayed when you have pressed ALT.

9.3.1 Delete a file/folder

Select the file or folder that is to be deleted and press ALT.
Select DELETE and press ENTER.

The file/folder is now removed. In order to delete a folder it must be empty, i.e. first delete the
files contained in the folder.

9.3.2 Rename a file/folder

Select the file or folder that is to be renamed and press ALT.
Select RENAME and press ENTER.

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A keyboard appears in the display. Use the positioning knob to change row and the arrows to
move left and right. Select the character/function that is to be used and press ENTER.

9.3.3 Create new folder

Select where the new folder is to be located and press ALT.
Select NEW FOLDER and press ENTER.

A keyboard then appears in the display. Use the positioning knob to change row and the
arrows to move left and right. Select the character/function that is to be used and press

9.3.4 Copy and paste files

Select the file that is to be copied and press ALT.
Select COPY and press ENTER.

Position the cursor in the folder in which the copied file is to be located and press ALT.
Select PASTE and press ENTER.

The copy is saved as Copy of plus the original name, e.g. Copy of WeldData.awd.

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9.4 Setting limit editor

Main menu → Tools → Setting limit editor
In this menu you set your own max. and min. values for various welding methods. The limits
cannot be above or below the values for which the power source is dimensioned. There are
50 storage points. Select the row for an empty storage point and press ENTER. Select
process by pressing ENTER and select the welding process using the positioning knob and
press ENTER.
The maximum and minimum values for arc voltage, wire feed speed, travel speed and
welding current can be selected for all processes.

When the values have been adjusted, press STORE. When asked if the limit value is to be
saved at the selected storage point, press NO or YES. The storage point's values can be
seen under the line at the bottom.
With the AUTO soft key, the parameters are set automatically according to the most recently
used parameters.
When asked if the limit settings are to be set automatically, press NO or YES and then
STORE if the setting is to be retained.

9.5 Measure limits editor

Main menu → Tools → Measure limits editor
In this menu you set your own measurement values for the various welding methods. There
are 50 storage points. Select the row for an empty storage point and press ENTER. Select
process by pressing ENTER and select the welding process using the positioning knob and
press ENTER.

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The following values can be selected:

• arc voltage: min, max
• wire feed speed: min, max
• welding current: min, max
• travel speed: min, max
• energy per unit length: min, max
Set the desired value using the setting knobs and press STORE.
In the dialogue box, you are asked if you want to store the selected storage point. Press
YES to save the value. The storage point's values can be seen under the line at the bottom.

With the AUTO soft key, the parameters are set automatically according to the most recently
used measurement values.
When asked if the measurement values are to be set automatically, press NO or YES and
then STORE if the setting is to be retained.

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9.6 Production statistics

Main menu → Tools → Production statistics
The production statistics will keep track of the total arc time, the total amount of material and
the number of welds since the most recent reset. They will also keep track of the arc time
and the amount of material used in the most recent weld. For information purposes, the
melted wire material per length unit that has been calculated and when the most recent
reset occurred are also displayed.

When you press RESET, all counters are reset. Date and time show the most recent reset.
If you do not reset the counters, these are all automatically reset when one of them has
reached its maximum value.
Maximum counter values
Time 999 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds
Weight 13350000 grams
Quantity 65535

9.7 Quality functions

Main menu → Tools → Quality functions
Quality functions keep track of various interesting weld data for individual welds.
These functions are:
• Time of welding start.
• Duration of welding.
• Maximum, minimum and average current during welding.
• Maximum, minimum and average voltage during welding.
• Maximum, minimum and average energy per unit length during welding.
The number of welds since the most recent reset is displayed in the row at the bottom.
Information can be stored about a maximum of 100 welds. In the event of more than 100
welds, the first one is overwritten.

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The most recently noted weld is presented in the display, although it is also possible to
browse between other noted welds. All logs are deleted when you press RESET.

9.7.1 Store quality data

Main menu → Tools → Export / Import
The files that are produced in the control panel are stored as xml files. The USB memory
must be formatted as FAT32 in order to work.
Insert a USB memory in the control panel, see “File manager”, page 60.

The entire set of quality data (information about the 100 most recent welds) that is stored in
the control panel is now saved on the USB memory.
The file is in a folder called QData. QData is created automatically when you insert a USB

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9.8 Calendar
Main menu → Tools → Calendar
Date and time are set here.
Select the row that is to be set: year, month, day, hour, minutes and seconds. Set the correct
value using one of the setting knobs. Press SET.

9.9 User accounts

Main menu → Tools → User accounts
Occasionally it is particularly important from a quality perspective that the product cannot be
used by unauthorised parties.
User name, account level and password are registered in this menu.
Select USER NAME and press ENTER. Step down to an empty row and press ENTER. Key
in a new user name on the keyboard using the positioning knob and the arrows and ENTER.

There is space for 16 user accounts. In the quality data files it will be evident which users
have executed a particular weld.

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Under ACCOUNT LEVEL choose from:

• Administrator
full access (can add new users)
• Senior user
can access everything except:
○ machine configuration
○ user accounts
○ network settings
• Normal user
can access:
○ In the Configuration menu:
– Maintenance
○ In the Tools menu:
– Unit information
○ In the Settings menu:
– Voltage
– Current / wire feed
– Travel speed
– Welding direction
In the PASSWORD row, key in a password using the keyboard. When the power source is
switched on and the control panel activated, you are asked in the display to enter your
If you choose not to have this function, but instead want the power source and control panel
to be unlocked for all users, select USER ACCOUNTS OFF.

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9.10 Unit information

Main menu → Tools → Unit information
In this menu you can see the following information:
• Machine ID
• Node ID (regarding node IDs specified below, see “Unit IDs”, page 57)
2 = power source
6 = wire feed and travel motion (motor board)
8 = control panel
• Software version

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1) The setting range is dependent on the product used.

2) The menu shows the settings that belong to the selected regulation type.

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* The setting range is dependent on the product used.

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* The setting range is dependent on the product used.

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Code lock
General configuration
• fast mode soft buttons
• quality data log to file
• soft keys setup
• auto save mode
• unit of length
Machine configuration
• product code
• wire feed axis
• ice wire feed axis
• travel axis
• outer axis
• tandem
• parallel power sources
• ice wire feed
• polarity
• node ID settings
• system information
Cable lengths
• contact tip change interval
• total running time limit
Measure–values filter factor

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Event handling
• Event log
• Active errors
• weld data sets
• system settings
• setting limits
• measure limits
• error log
• quality function log
• production statistics
File manager
Setting limit editor
Measure limit editor
Production statistics
Quality functions
User accounts
Unit information

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Submerged arc welding with constant ampere (SAW CA)
Wire type Wire diameter (mm)
Fe Solid 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0
Fe Solid Twin 2x0.8 2x1.0 2x1.2 2x1.6 2x2.0 2x2.4 2x3.0 2x4.0 2x5.0
Fe Flux Cored 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.2 4.0
Fe Flux Cored Twin 2x0.8 2x1.0 2x1.2 2x1.6 2x2.0 2x2.4 2x3.0 2x4.0
SS Solid 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0
SS Solid Twin 2x0.8 2x1.0 2x1.2 2x1.6 2x2.0 2x2.4 2x3.0 2x3.2 2x4.0
SS Strip 30 x 0.5 60 x 0.5 90 x 0.5
SS Flux Cored 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0
SS Flux Cored Twin 2x0.8 2x1.0 2x1.2 2x1.6 2x2.0 2x2.4 2x3.0 2x3.2 2x4.0
MIG/MAG welding with constant ampere (GMAW CA)
Wire type Wire diameter (mm)
Fe Solid 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
Fe Flux Cored 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
SS Solid 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
SS Flux Cored 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
Al Solid 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
Al Flux Cored 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
Gouging with constant ampere (CA)
Electrode dimension (mm)
8.0 9.5 13.0

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Ordering no. Denomination

0460 504 880 Control unit PEK
0460 949 270 Instruction manual SE
0460 949 271 Instruction manual DK
0460 949 272 Instruction manual NO
0460 949 273 Instruction manual FI
0460 949 274 Instruction manual GB
0460 949 275 Instruction manual DE
0460 949 276 Instruction manual FR
0460 949 277 Instruction manual NL
0460 949 278 Instruction manual ES
0460 949 279 Instruction manual IT
0460 949 280 Instruction manual PT
0460 949 281 Instruction manual GR
0460 949 282 Instruction manual PL
0460 949 283 Instruction manual HU
0460 949 284 Instruction manual CZ
0460 949 285 Instruction manual SK
0460 949 286 Instruction manual RU
0460 949 289 Instruction manual EE
0460 949 290 Instruction manual LV
0460 949 291 Instruction manual SI
0460 949 292 Instruction manual LT
0460 949 293 Instruction manual CN
Instruction manuals are available on the Internet at www.esab.com

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