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Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad

Sessional Test – 2 (Odd Semester 2021-22)

B.TECH. [Branch: IOT, DS, AI & ML ] SEM: III
Subject Name: Data Structure Roll No.: Max. Marks : 50 Time
Subject Code : KCS-301 : 1.5 Hour

1. All questions are compulsory

Instructions : 2. Assume missing data suitably, if any

CO1 Statement of CO1: Describe how arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are represented in memory, used by the
algorithms and their common applications.
CO2 Statement of CO2: Discuss the computational efficiency of the sorting and searching algorithms.
CO3 Statement of CO3: Implementation of Trees and Graphs and perform various operations on these data structure.
CO4 Statement of CO4: Understanding the concept of recursion, application of recursion and its implementation and removal of
CO5 Statement of CO5: Identify the alternative implementations of data structures with respect to its performance to solve a real world

Section – A ( 5X2 =10 Marks)

1(a). Define complete binary tree. Give example. CO 1 K 1K 2 2
1(b). Write short note on Min Heap. CO 1 K 1K 2 2
1(c). What is collision resolution? CO 1 K1K2 2
1(d). How does bubble sort works? Explain CO 2 K2 2
1(e). Define index sequential search. CO 2 K2 2
Section – B ( 4X5 = 20 Marks)
2(a). Given In order of binary tree: B I D A C G E H F CO 3 K3 5
And Post order of binary tree: I D B G C H F E A
Draw a corresponding binary tree with neat and clear steps with above
2(b). Write C program for binary search. CO 2 K2 5
2(c). Explain Huffman algorithm. Construct Huffman tree for CO 3 K3 5
M A H A R A S H T R A with its optimal code
2(d). What is a Threaded Binary Tree? Explain the advantages of using a CO 1 K 1K 2 5
threaded binary tree.
Section – C ( 2X10 = 20 Marks)
3(a). What is quick sort? Sort the given values using quick sort, present all steps CO 5 K5K6 10
with iterations:
38, 81, 22, 48, 13, 69, 93, 14, 45, 58, 79, 72
3(b). ----OR-----
Write and algorithm for Merge Sort. Show step by step sorting procedure CO 5 K 5K 6 10
for the following list of elements:
30, 12, 38, 8, 5, 15, 1, 40
4(a). Insert the following sequence of elements into AVL Tree starting with CO 3 K3 10
empty tree:
71, 41, 91, 56, 60, 30, 40, 80, 50, 55
Also find the minimum array size to represent the tree.
4(b). ----OR----
What is B-Tree? Generate B-Tree of order 4 with left biased using the CO 3 K3 10
alphabets in the sequence as follows:
A, G, F, B, K, D, H, M, J , E, S, I, R, X, C, L, N, T, U, P

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