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Ashrafi Fariyad

Ashraf Har Do Jahan Makhdum-E-Aazam Almadad

Pyare Pyare Shahe Simnan Gausul-Aalam Almadad,

Aualiya Jukhte He Dar Par Dil fida karte he shah

Sham-E-Naz Asfiya sardar aalam Almadad,

Hashra tak duniya tumhe hargiz bhula sakti nahi

Vakif Ahmad shahenshah Muazzam Almadad,

Meri nazron me raho mere khyalome raho

Yun Namaze ho ada pir mukarram Almadad,

Ger mumkin he mere dil ka shafinah gark ho

Tum ho mere nakhuda-e-shaikh Aazam Almadad,

Aap ke dar par khada he Ashrafi gul aapka

Ek nazar bas ashrafa sultane Akram Almadad.

Annual Report
Sada-e-khadijatul kubra Radiyallahu anha

‘ Al-Jamatul Ashrafiya Khadijatul kubra Lil-banat’

At one Sight…..



‚ Badnami-e-Ishq me Izzat hey, Rushvaee Nishane Shayadat hey

Me Rinde Kharabati na banu Tuo Saiyed mera naam nahi‛

- Huzur Mohaddise Aazam Hind



- Leader & Chairman of Ashraf-e-simna Academy)

- Owner of ‘Al-Jamatul Ashrafiya khadijatul kubra Lil-banat’
Hazrat Khadijatul Kubra Radiyallahu-t-ala-anha

‚Kufra Se Kufra Bagalgir Nazar Aata hey,

Kyun nahi hote Musalma bhi Musalma ke kareeb‛

- Huzur Mohaddis-e-Aazam Hind

Ummul-momenin Hazrat khadijutul kubra has made the great place in all
wives of Nabi-e-karim sallallahualayhi wasallam. Nabi-e-karim
sallallahualayhi wasallam has accepted her first as his wife. And till she
alived, Nabi-e-karim sallallahualayhi wasallam has not married with any
other. She was very precious & beloved wife of Nabi-e-karim
sallallahualayhi wasallam.

She has given birth to Khatun-E-Jannat saiyadul fatema Fatmatujjohra

radiyallahu anha. She was the richest woman in Arab. After marrying with
Nabi-e-karim sallallahualayhi wasallam, she has given all her property for
protection of Islam & for Ummatt-e-musalman’s benefit.

She has put all in the feet of Nabi-e-karim sallallahualayhi wasallam &
said, ‚ Ya Rasulallah sallallahualayhi wasallam, you are the only owner of
all these.‛ Really, All that given by Ummul-momenin Hazrat khadijatul
kubra radiyallahu anha have been proven extremely beneficial to the
leader of Islam Nabi-e-karim sallallahualayhi wasallam for Ummat-e-
This is only her worth, that today, Islam is getting fame all over the world.
For pushing ahead only that mission of Ummul-momenin Hazrat
khadijatul kubra radiyallahuanha, in the honour of her name only, one
institution has been started under the honour of auspicious Ashraful
Ulema Abul hasan Saiyed Mohammad Ashraf Ashrafi Jilani, named ‚ Al-
Jamiyatul Ashrafiya khadijatul kubra Lil-banat‛ at Hubli, Karnataka.

Today, this is only Allah’s blessings that more than 40 girls are getting
trained & taking knowledge of Ulum-e-din Mustufa sallallahualayhi
wasallam. And Inshaallahtala, this flow of knowledge will be continued

At last, you all are requested that if you also want your daughters to get
knowledge of Ulum-e-din Mustufa sallallahualayhi wasallam then come to
follow the great Ummul-momenin Hazrat khadijatul kubra
radiyallahuanha’s way & be the part of it to earn good in the world as well
as in the final destiny.

Only Yours faithfully

Alhaj Mohammad Hasmi Ashrafi(Munna)

- Member of Aljamatul Ashrafiya khadijatul kubra lil-banat & Ashrafe

Simna Academy Branch Hubli (Karnataka)
Gausul Aalam Tarik-al-saltanat hazrat Makhdum Sultan Saiyad
Ashraf Jahangir Simnani radiyallahu anha.

With the blessings of great Gausul Aalam Tarik-Al-saltanat Hazrat

makhdum Sultan saiyad Ashraf Jahangir simnani radiyallahu-tala-anha,
the girls of khadijatul kubra are going to their destiny. The greatness of
Gausul Aalam Mehboobe Yazdani Hazrat Makhdum Sultan saiyad Ashraf
Jahangir Simnani radiyallahu anha is not lacking of praise.

In his time, the great Hazrat Makhdum Ashraf Jahangir Simnani

radiyallahu-tala-anha has not started one or two institution but total 10
thousand institutions he has opened for giving Islamic knowledge to the
people & he has paid the whole amount from his money. Those all
institutions were having the facility of learning & teaching for men, women
& children of great religion of Islam.

From very far distances, people came to simnan to learn Ulum-e-din

Mustafa sallallahualayhi wasallam. For this reason only, by seeing this
much service of Hazrat Makhdum Ashraf Jahangir Simnani radiyallahu-
tala-anha people used to say, ‘simnan has become the centre for getting
Islamic knowledge’
Hazrat Makhdum Ashraf Jahangir Simnani radiyallahu-tala-anha’s
blessings for Islamic girls, one big institution named ‘Al-jamatul
Ashrafiyah khadijatul kubra lil-banat’ has been started at Hubli, Karnataka.
This is Allah’s blessing with Nabi-e-karim sallallahualayhi wasallam’s
blessings that he has given the great success to this institution in one year
only. Today, the girls of Karnataka are getting benefit by learning the great
Ulum-e-din Mustafa sallallahu-alayhi wasallam.

Let’s come together, we all try to make this institution the great source of
knowledge & enrich over selves with the blessings of the great Hazrat
khadijatul Kubra radiyallahu anha.

Only yours faithfully,

- Mohammad Yusuf Doi Zam Zam

(President, Ashraf-e-simna Academy Himmatnagar, Gujarat)
Naat Shareef

(By Huzur Shaikhul Islam Saiyed Mohammad Madni Ashrafi-Jilani)

Khuda-E-Bartaro bala hame pata kya hey

Tere habibe Mukarram ka Martaba kya hey,

Zabine Hazrate Jibraeel par kafe pa hey

Hey Ibteda ka ye alam to imtiha kya hey,

Koi bilal se puche khobeb se samje

Saza –e-Ulfa sar ka maza kya hey,

Gam-e-Firake nabi me jo Aankh se nikle

Khuda hi jane un ashqo ka martaba kya hey,

Bukhari parh ke bhi shane Mohammade arbi

Samaj na p aye agar tum to fir parha kya hey,

Fakat tumhari shafaat ka aasra hey huzur

Hamare paas gunaho ke masevah kya hey,

Khada hey Akhtare aasee dare mukadaas par

Huzur Aapki rahmat ka faishla kya hey,


The Great Allah has made us Ashrafi & Put the crown of ‚Laqak Karmna
bani Aadam‛ on our head & he has given us the beautiful gift of ‚ Laqak
Khalak na Inshan Fi Ahsane Taqvim‛ made our heart pure.

‘Har lahze he momin ki nayi aan nayi shan

Guftar me kirdar me Allah ki burhan’

Though we are muslims but today we are not Islamic, we are muslims but
our quality is not seen. If we want to purify ourselves, to make our
character better, if we want to make a distance between us & our sins &
there by make our final destiny beautiful, then the men & women both
have to understand Quran-E-Pak & Hadis Sharif & they have to follow it.

According to the Islamic rules only, we have to live. The great Nabi-e-
Karim sallallahu alayhi wasallam has told, ‚ Talbil Ilm Faridat Ala Kulle
Muslim wa Musalma‛ To learn Islamic concepts is the duty of all men &
women. With the men, by including women, Huzur sallallahu alayhi
wasallam has promised that if a woman is knowledgeable then the
children will be knowledgeable if women is wise then the children will be
wise, if a woman obeys Namaz & Roza properly then the children will also
obey Namaz & Roza. If a woman knows Islamic concepts then the children
will also learn it. Huzur sallallahu alayhi wasallam has told that the
mother’s bosom is the first university of a child.
Today for children of Islam, different different institutions have been
started but for the Islamic fame, the Islamic institutions are very less. For
fulfilling that need only, when the followers of Huzur Ashraful-Ulema
Abul Hasan Saiyad Mohammad Ashraf Ashrafi Jilani have requested again
& again that, Huzur you have given the source of Islamic knowledge for
the people of Islam which is successfully running by blessings of Allah.
We, from the Hubli, are requesting you to give us that type of Institution
that flows the Islamic knowledge for especially girls & thereby they also
can be the source of Islamic knowledge for the other followers of Islam.
Huzur Ashrafu-ulema has undertaken the request of his followers & by
saying these two lines which he says usually,

‚ My life is only for benefit for everyone, I am the lamp, illuminate me


And he has started the ‚Al-Jamatul Ashrafiya khadijatul kubra lil-banat’ at

Hubli. More than 40 girls are getting knowledge of Islam there. Owner of
the institution has made the facility of food, shelter & medicinal for
treatment beautifully. The girls neither have to face any problem nor to
experience anything lacking. The institute is getting more & more fame
under the great Ashraful Ulema’s keeping.
The Institution is now situate at the building of Mohammad Rafiq Ashrafi
Tilwai’s building. For the new building, Huzur Ashraful-Ulema has bought
the plot at old Hubli. The construction work will be started very soon. You
all, the followers of Islam, are requested to come together help together for
this institution named ‘Al-Jamatul Ashrafiya khadijatul kubra-lil-banat’
which is indeed a real gift of Huzur Ashraful Ulema. So that you can please
Allah & Nabi-e-karim sallallahualayhi wasallam & get blessings of Gausul
Aalam Mehbub-e-Yazdani Huzur makhdum Sultan saiyad Ashraf Jahangir
Simnani radiyallahu anha.

Only yours faithfully,

- Saiyad Javidali Ashrafi

( Khalifah of Huzur Sufi-e-Millat)

(Principal, ‘Al-Jamatul Ashrafiya khadijatul kubra lil-banat’)

( Member of Ashraf-e-simna Academy Bahar barh, old hubli,

Azkalam Aalima Fazila Mohtarmah Heena Kaushar Ashrafi Sahiba

Muallima, Jamiyah, Haza.

‚Nahmadahu wa Nussali wasslim ala Rasulehil Karim walaa alehit



This is only Allah’s blessings, that he has given us the great gift of
Quran shareef & Allah has sent Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa
Sallallahu alayhi wasallam to make us follow it & who has made true
way to easy for us to walk on. Without knowledge, a person can’t
follow Allah, means to eat, to drink, to stand, to sit even to talk with
parents is impossible without getting knowledge which is given by
the great Allah only. That is why Mehboobe khuda sallallahu alayhi
wasallam has told,‚Talbil Ilm Faridat Ala Kulle Muslim wa
Musalma‛ to get Islamic knowledge is the duty of all muslims.
A person must have as much knowledge as possible which is
required truly & that is beneficial for others also. That is proven in
Quran Shareef & in the great words of Nabi-e-karim sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. Allah has told, ‚Waman Paytul Hikmat faqad uti Khaair
Kashira‛ means ‘ to whom Allah is kind, only those can get
knowledge of islam. Today, for the protection & immortality of the
true way, the belonging of Ashrafiya family’s member, son of Hazrat
Gausul Aalam Makhdum Ashraf, Huzur Ashraful Ulema means
Abul Hasan Saiyad Mohammad ashraf Ashrafi Jilani has started one
big institution named ‘Al-Jamatul Ashrafiya khadijatul kubra lil-
banat’ at Hubli, Karnataka.

Today, with the prayers of only Huzur Ashraful Ulema & the best
beginning part given his followers, this institutions has completed
journey of one year successfully.

This is only blessings of Huzur sarkar Makdum Ashraf Jahangir

Simnani radiyallahu anha on me that I have given chance to serve at
this great place. And Alhamdulillah, this is only Makhdumi
blessings, I have never felt satisfied before as today I am. I prayed in
the great court of Allah with the blessings of Habib Pak sallallahu
alayhi wasallam & sarkar Makhdum Ashraf Jahangir simnani
radiyallahu anha, the blessings of Huzur Ashraful Ulema remain
forever & give the reward to serve of Institution & like this only, for
the growth of Jamiyah, they always try for pushing up this
Makhdum mission. Aamin

Ajkalam Aalima fazila Muhtarmah Tehsin fatema sahiba Razvi

Muallima, Jamiya Haza,


Ulum-e-din is great gift of Allah, through which Allah gives the

person higher greatness. This is prize less gift through which the
person becomes successful in both, in this world & at his/her final
destiny. This is saying that Allah gives the greatness to those only
who is having the knowledge of the Islam. The Institution named ‘Al-
Jamatul Ashrafiya khadijatul kubra lil-banat’ is started for only that
reason that Islamic girls can get knowledge of islam, at Hubli,
Karnataka & thereby it can be the reason of their success.

This institution has completed one year, we have not to face any
problem, all facilities are provided well. By seeing this great working
of the server of the institution, I trust that this institution will be
proven as the great source of Islamic knowledge for girls very soon.

This is the great thing that this institutions has ownership of Huzur
Ashraful Uulma named Abul Hasan saiyad Mohammad Ashraf
Ashrafiul Jilani. If any obstacle is there for the success of the
institution, that will be gone away very soon. I pray to Allah that this
institution gets too much fame & the server of institution get
blessings of the great Allah always. Amin.
You can help this ‘Al-Jamatul Ashrafiya khadijatul kubra lil-
banat by the following

1. Book one room at the jamiya for the virtue of your marhooms.
2. Take responsibility of paying of any one teachers
3. Help the institute by giving lillah or Zakat
4. Manage food & other goods for kitchen of the institution
5. Take responsibility of any poor girl’s teaching
6. Give some books for the Institute’s library
7. Give the information to your friends & relatives about the
8. Take the admission of your daughters at the institute for getting
Islamic knowledge.

Contact Numbers

9449370914, 9449044669, 9448462786, 9448112369

Naat Shareef
( Huzur Saiyed Mohammad Ashraf Ashrafiul Jilani)

Jiski Jaban pe zikre nabi hey khushi khushi

Allah Aiase Shaksh ko Bakshe khushi khushi,

Har waqt bas zuban par darudo salam ho

Ghar par huzur aaenge mere khushi khushi,

Jisne bhi ki bagavate saiyed yakin hey

Usko saza e denge farishte khushi khushi,

Har aafaton bala se bachana e Ghuas-e-pak

Lab par hamare Aaisee duwa hey khushi khushi,

Khawaja piya wa ashrafe simna ke ye gulam

Rahte hey unke sath rahenge khushi khushi,

Ay Ashrafe zamana tere naam ka asar

Dekha hey mene ranz bhi bhage khushi khushi,

Ahmad Raza ki ye duwa zannat use mile

Saiyed ko kandhe par liya zisne khushi khushi,

Maula Ali ki Aal hu Aur Fatema ka Noor

Ashraf Malak ye kahte hey tuj se khushi khushi.

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